HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board 11/27/2012 Meeting Minutes

HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board
11/27/2012 Meeting
Call to Order – Celiena Bady
Attendees: Heide Port, Ed Sidwell, Chuck Vescio, Careen Yarnal, Keiwana Jones, Celiena
Bady, Dave Rench, Rich Daly, Kristin Wong, Sucharitha Yarraguntla, Ashley Calle, Rich Byers,
Jesus Hinojosh, Armani Beck, Cortlyn Hagman, Dawn Amsberry, Ai-Mei Zhu
Welcome –
Celiena Bady welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Comments from the Public –
Approval of the Minutes –
A motion was made by Rich Byers to approve the minutes from the meeting of October 26, 2012
and a second was made by SuccharitaYarraguntla. The board voted in favor of accepting the
Old BusinessPlaque Committee –
Ed gave an update from the Plaque Committee. The committee is investigating all the current
plaques in the building; who they belong to, how often are they given or are they still being
given, and do they really belong in the building. The group has split this up amongst themselves
to lessen the load on one person. This group has also reviewed the policy and application for
review and has made some housekeeping changes to them. Heide requested that copies be sent
to her.
The committee reviewed a request to post a new plaque in the building. It is for the Student
Organization of the Month. The committee feels this fits the policy and recommends that it be
approved by the board. A motion was made by Dave Rench to accept the application for the
“Student Organization of the Month” plaques to be placed outside of 209 HUB until the HUB
expansion project is complete and another spot can then be discussed. A second was made by
Cortlyn Hagman. All accepted.
Liz has created a google docs for the Plaque Committee to review materials for their meetings.
She will share directions with the committee.
Space Allocation Committee –
The committee has not met at this point but a meeting will be scheduled for next week. Heide
will create a doodle schedule and send to the committee.
PRCC Update –
The PRCC is working on the World Cultural Festival which will take place March 23 – March
29th and will include various daytime and nighttime programs which will be open to the
community. The PRCC is collaborating with the International Student Council for the second
year in a row.
The PRCC is currently working on their programming calendar for next semester as well.
Open Discussion –
There were no new topics to discuss.
New Business –
HUB Expansion Mural – Michael Pilato is a local artist who came to the meeting to discuss an
idea to paint a mural in the HUB Expansion. He has spoken with Dr. Erickson and Vice
President Sims about his vision to create a mural in the HUB. They recommended he come to
this board to share his ideas.
Michael started his presentation off by sharing some history and connection to Penn State. He
shared some of his current projects and discussed the Public Art Academy that he started in
Williamsport, Pennsylvania. His projects are to create murals all over the world that will
connect through the internet. These projects can be viewed on
If this project became a reality, Michael would work with many people at the University to bring
this to fruition. He would work with various departments, students and faculty on campus as
well as alumni to create this mural. It will take many people to create the idea, draw the sketches
and paint the mural. His idea is to have this ready for the opening of the HUB Expansion in
2015. Discussion and questions from the board ensued.
Michael talked about the current mural on Heister Street in State College and about the many
changes that have happened with the mural in the past year. A majority of the group took a walk
to the mural to learn more from Michael.
The meeting adjourned prior to the tour.
Heide will set up the next meeting which will be in December to meet with the HUB Architects.