MINUTES Student Activity Fee Board Meeting Friday, March 26, 2010 404 Old Main Attendance: Board Members: Jack Rayman, Senior Director, Career Services; Chair, Student Activity Fee Board Jay Arcuri, Assistant Director, Central Office for Commonwealth Student Activities Nick Borsuk, CCSG President Mark Calore, CCSG Representative Mark Donovan, UPAC Chair Mary Edgington, Senior Director, Union & Student Activities Roger Egolf, Faculty Senate Committee on Student Life, Penn State Lehigh Valley Kathie Flanagan-Hertsek, Director of Student & Enrollment, Penn State Wilkes-Barre Michael Kenney, CCSG Representative, Altoona Alfonso Mendoza. GSA Representative Heide Port, Administrative Support Assistant, Union & Student Activities Substitutes: Matt Smith for Gavin Keirans, UPUA President Mohamed Raouda, CCSG Representative, Abington Absent: Ken Miller, Sr. Director of Student & Enrollment Services Rep, Behrend Campus Matt Sheroff, UPUA Representative Welcome and Roll Call Roll call was taken. Adoption of the Agenda A motion to accept the agenda was made by Nick Borsuk and a 2nd by Mary Edgington. All were in favor. Adoption of the Minutes A motion to accept the minutes was made by Mark Donovan and a 2nd by Mary Edgington. All were in favor. Announcements by the Chair 1 Jack did not have any announcements for this meeting. Public Comments (10 – 15 minutes) No comments from the Gallery. Discussion Items Item 1 – Proposed Amendments to the Handbook regarding composition of the Board. (Ken & Kathie) Green Handout Kathie Flanagan-Herstek began the discussion as she was involved with the creation of the document. She stated that this update was proposed due to the recent changes made by VP Sims who has divided the Commonwealth Campuses into three regions for easier administration and AVP communications. This document is asking that 1 DSA be added to the Student Activity Fee Board to represent these newly created regions. Thus, there would be a total of three (3) DSAs on the Student Activity Fee Board. This would still leave the board consisting of a majority of students. Nick Borsuk stated that he needed time to “marinate” on this idea! He then asked if there were any other reasons why this is being requested. Kathie Flanagan-Herstek read the list of campuses in each of the regions to the board. Alfonso Mendoza asked what the reason was for the regions to be set up in this manner. Nick stated that they were doing this to keep balance on the board. Mark Donovan agreed that balance needs to be kept. The question arose of how often the DSA’s and DSES’s meet. The answer was a couple of times a year. Mark Calore asked if the representative from the East could join the Southeast meeting or the Northeast meeting. A discussion ensued about adding members to the board. Matt Smith stated that UPUA would not support a dilution of student vote. Roger supported adding one additional student from UP and one additional student from a Commonwealth campus to offset the addition of one additional DSA. Mark Donovan suggested having a nonvoting member. Nick Borsuk asked about adding an ex-officio member with a rotating vote. He stated that this would enhance communication for the campuses which is the underlying issue. Kathie Flanagan-Herstek stated that she thought this would be acceptable and that the DSA’s would be supportive of this. Mark Donovan made a friendly amendment. The amendment on the green sheet is to consolidate the three positions for the Northeastern Group, Western Group and Southeastern Group to read: “two voting DSA’s/DSES’s and one non-voting ex-officio member that would rotate annually”. 2 The voting members would be decided between the DSA’s. If one did not attend the meeting, the other two could have voting privileges. Nick stated that this was an excellent compromise. A motion to accept the friendly amendment was made by Mohamed Raouda and a 2nd by Mark Donovan. _____ Jack Rayman (__________) __Y__Nick Borsuk (____________) __Y__ Mark Calore (______________) _Y__ Mark Donovan (____________) ___Y_ Mary Edgington __Y__ Roger Egolf (__________) (___________) ___Y_ Kathie Flanagan-Herstek ___Y_ Mohamed Raouda (____________) ( ____________) __N__ Matt Smith (___________) __Y__ Alfonso Mendoza (_____________) 9 ___Y_ Michael Kenney (____________) Yes 1 No 0 Abstentions A motion to accept the amendment was made by Nick Borsuk and a 2nd by Mohamed Raouda. _____ Jack Rayman (__________) __Y__Nick Borsuk (____________) __Y__ Mark Calore (______________) _Y__ Mark Donovan (____________) ___Y_ Mary Edgington __Y__ Roger Egolf (__________) (___________) ___Y_ Kathie Flanagan-Herstek ___Y_ Mohamed Raouda (____________) ( ____________) __A__ Matt Smith (___________) __Y__ Alfonso Mendoza (_____________) 9 ___Y_ Michael Kenney (____________) Yes 0 No 1 Abstention Item 2 – Borsuk Amendments to the Handbook regarding Exception for Student Activity funds to replace the general funds at Commonwealth Campuses (Blue Handout) Nick Borsuk recently attended a CCSO Group meeting and the group wanted to clarify the wording. Nick found the minutes from the original meeting and the correct interpretation was that the 4% was to go to the SGA’s. The subcommittee decided to make some changes. The change will be that if the enrollment at the campus decreases then they would not get the 4% increase. Roger Egolf stated that enrollment needs to be defined. Enrollment can be defined differently as either FTE or headcount. Kathie Flanagan-Herstek stated that FTE’s drive the budgets. (FTE stands for Full Time Equivalent) Mark Calore asked who determines this increase. It states that it is not automatically granted. Roger asked if a new sentence should be added. 3 Mark Donovan asked for some history. Kathie Flanagan-Herstek shared that there has been a lot of “work” done on SA funds when previously only general funds were to pay salaries. It was previously suggested to swap funds so that a staff person could help with the SAF. This was why this increase was suggested so that they could receive an increase as those budgets currently on general funds would. Kathie Flanagan-Herstek had not heard back from all her colleagues but stated that some did have some other funds to work with. She stated that the responses that she had received were a “mixed bag”. Some changes were made to the blue document. Nick Borsuk will make these corrections and share with the presidents. The changes to the last paragraph are as follows in blue. *Exception: Beginning with the fall semester 2008, each campus SGA may elect to allow student activity fee funds to replace the General Funds allocation from the 189-50 CO budget. SGAs may approve the use of General Funds to provide or expand salaries for fixed term multiyear positions which support Student Affairs or any co-curricular student service. In return, the SGA will automatically receive at least the equivalent of their General Funds plus the equivalent percentage increase to the Student Activity Fee for that year. The SGA however, will not be automatically granted the percentage increase should student enrollment as defined by the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) at that campus decreases from the previous year. In that case, any increase to the SGA Allocation will be determined by the campuses SAF Allocation Committee. The traditional Student Activity Fee Board restrictions as to how those funds can be spent will be waived so long as expenditures fall within general University budget and accounting guidelines. A motion to accept the amendment changes was made by Nick Borsuk and a 2nd by Mary Edgington. The vote was unanimous. A motion to table the amendment was made by Nick Borsuk and a 2nd by Mary Edgington. The vote was unanimous. Nick Borsuk asked if the policy was that the SGA’s were to receive the 4% if they were in their 2nd year. How are we going to make sure this is going to happen? Mark Calore stated that this should not be retroactive. Jack Rayman stated that the Board made the recommendation and the Financial Officers need to ensure that the money is transferred to them. Nick Borsuk stated that the SGA’s are not getting the money. Jack Rayman will address this with Rachel Diamond, the FO for Student Affairs at University Park. He will share with her our interpretation of this policy and have her share it with the FOs on the campuses. 4 Open Discussion Item 1 – Continued discussion of SAF Handbook definition of UPAC composition (Gavin) Matt Smith stated that he was not prepared to discuss this. Matt Sheroff was to discuss this but was absent from the meeting. Matt asked to table this discussion to a later date. Item 2 – The Role of UPUA/GSA in policy formulation (Gavin) Matt Smith stated that this has to do with the new Legal Services program. UPUA wants to make sure the SA Funds appropriated for Legal Services are being used appropriately. Mark Donovan asked where the $2 collected for this year was and how will that money be used. Matt Smith stated that at this point they do not have a clear understanding of where that money is. This is a question for the financial officer. Jack Rayman asked if there were any other questions or topics for discussion. Alfonso Mendoza wanted to submit the GSA’s show cause budget. They are not asking for any more money but are reallocating it within the present budget. These reallocations are based on results from last year. Recommendations No recommendations at this time. Adjournment A motion to adjourn was made by Mark Calore and a 2nd by Mary Edgington. The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by Heide Port. 5