Week 1: Early development, ANS, skin 8:00 8:30 9:00 Monday 1/6/14 Course Introduction WEILL Palmer Devel/Embryol lecture Intro to Dev/Embryo Conception to implantation WEILL Herzlinger 9:30 free 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 Tuesday 1/7/14 Radiology Introduction A-250 Arleo Devel/embryol lecture A-250 Establishing a primitive body plan Histo/Physiio lecture WEILL Herzlinger Skin and glands Anatomy Introduction A-250 Mtui Anatomy Clinical anatomy lecture A-250 Back Falcone Histology lab orientation WEILL Falcone free Histology lab J-Q, R & S Skin and glands Falcone and staff Mtui Anatomy Tour of anatomy lab anatomy lab Mtui Wednesday 1/8/14 Devel/Embryol lecture WEILL Thursday 1/9/14 Friday 1/10/14 Devel/Embryol lecture A-250 MPS1 Neurulation and nervous syst dev Patterning the axial skeleton Sun Anatomy Spinal Cord WEILL Mtui Selleri Radiology A-250 Spine Tsiouris lab 1 Anatomy lab orientation A-250 Axilla Mtui Back and spinal cord I free free Anatomy Mtui and staff Anatomy lab 2 Back and spinal cord II Pectoral region start Axilla Mtui and staff 12:30 lab runs to 1:30 pm 1:00 Week 2: Spinal cord, breast, early development 8:00 Monday 1/13/14 PBL 1 8:30 Rms J-Q, R & S 10:00 Devel/Embryol lecture Weill Connections to Mom (The placenta) Herzlinger free 11:30 12:30 1:00 Friday 1/17/14 BOD in Weill PBL 1 MPS1 Rms J-Q, R & S PBL 1 Rms J-Q, R & S Autonomic nervous system lab orientation Weill Falcone Development of limbs and digits lab 3 Selleri Radiology upper limb 1 WEILL Anatomy Axilla Belfi lab 4 free Shoulder region arm start forearm Grafstein free Histology lab J-Q, R & S Falcone and staff Devel/Embryol lecture Weill Histo/physio/embryo test A-250 skin,nervous tissue, early development Anatomy Spinal cord, ganglia and nerves 12:00 Thursday 1/16/14 Hajjar Physiology Lecture A-250 10:30 11:00 Wednesday 1/15/14 Vasculogenesis 9:00 9:30 Tuesday 1/14/14 Devel/Embryol lecture A-250 Mtui and staff Anatomy lab orientation WEILL shoulder Sangari Devel/Embryol conference Weill Review of early embryology Herzlinger free Mtui and staff lab runs to 1:30 pm Week 3: Skeletal muscle, development 8:00 Monday 1/20/14 8:30 Tuesday 1/21/14 Wednesday 1/22/14 Clinical anatomy lecture A-250 Anatomy of the breast PBL 2 Rms J-Q, R & S Thursday 1/23/14 Friday 1/24/14 PBL 2 MPS1 Rms J-Q, R & S Simmons 9:00 Holiday 9:30 10:00 10:30 Anatomy lab orientation A-250 Sangari Martin Luther King Jr. Day Anatomy lab orientation A-250 Sangari Radiology upper limb 2 WEILL free Belfi Anatomy/radiology/ free Hands and Joints free Anatomy Anatomy lab 6 EXAM 11:00 Hand and joints Back, spinal cord and upper extremity Lab 5 11:30 Forearm Weill and anatomy lab Mtui and staff 12:00 10:00-1:0 Mtui and staff 12:30 1:00 lab runs to 1:30 pm 8:00 Monday 1/27/14 PBL 3 8:30 Rms J-Q, R & S 9:30 free 10:30 Physiology lecture Weill free 11:30 Devel/Embryol lecture Embryology of the heart anatomical perspectives Mtui Weill 1:00 Palmer Radiology A-250 Cardiac Weill Mennitt free free Histology lab orientation Weill Fuortes Friday 1/31/14 PBL 3 MPS1 Rms J-Q, R & S free move to Tuesday! Anatomy lab orientation Weill Sangari Weill free Anatomy lab orientation A-250 Mtui A-250 free Anatomy Anatomy lab 7 lab 8 Thoracic wall lungs start heart heart Mtui and staff Mtui and staff Histology lab J-Q, R & S Heart & cardiac muscle 12:00 12:30 Thursday 1/30/14 PBL 3 Rms J-Q, R & S Physiology/Anatomy demo echocardiography Cardiac action potentials Weill (Palmer) Palmer 11:00 Wednesday 1/29/14 The heart as a pump 9:00 10:00 Tuesday 1/28/14 Physiology lecture Weill Falcone and staff Week 5: Cardiovascular system 8:00 Monday 2/3/14 PBL 4 8:30 Tuesday 2/4/14 Physiology lecture A250 Rms J-Q, R & S Wednesday 2/5/14 Thursday 2/6/14 PBL 4 Rms J-Q, R & S Friday 2/7/14 PBL 4 MPS1 Rms J-Q, R & S Hemodynamics and control of cardiac output Palmer 9:00 free 9:30 10:00 10:30 Physiology lecture Weill Cardiac E-C coupling Palmer free 11:00 Devel/Embryol lecture Weill Radiology A-250 Pulmonary Mennitt Anatomy lab orientation Weill Sangari free Histology lab orientation A-250 Fuortes free Anatomy/radiology/ free Anatomy EXAM lab 9 Histology lab J-Q, R & S Thorax Superior mediastinum Posterior mediastinum Pharyngeal Arches arteries, veins, lymphatics 11:30 A-250 and anatomy lab Herzlinger free 12:00 12:30 Anatomy-radiology lecture Weill Innervation of the heart Mtui 1:00 Falcone and staff Mtui and staff Week 6: Cardiovascular system 8:00 Monday 2/10/14 PBL 5 8:30 10:00 10:30 11:30 12:30 1:00 Thursday 2/13/14 PBL 5 Rms J-Q, R & S Friday 2/14/14 PBL 5 MPS1 Rms J-Q, R & S Microcirculation diffusion Physiology lecture Weill Control of blood pressure Palmer Physiology Lab orientation A250 ECG Christini Palmer Devel/embryology clinical conference Weill Abnormal cardiovascular development K.Hajjar free 12:00 Wednesday 2/12/14 Physiology lecture A-250 free 11:00 free Rms J-Q, R & S 9:00 9:30 Tuesday 2/11/14 Physiology lecture Weill Special circulations and exercise Palmer free free Anatomy/physiology demonstration Weill Histology/physiology embryology Angiography ventriculogram EXAM Isom Physiology lab Rms J-Q, R & S ECG and Blood pressure Palmer, Christini & staff free Cardiovascular system Weill free Physiology conference Weill Problems of the cardiovascular system Palmer free Week 7: Respiratory system 8:00 Monday 2/17/14 Tuesday 2/18/14 Wednesday 2/19/14 free* PBL 6 Rms J-Q, R & S 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 Holiday Physiology lecture A-250 President's Day Overview of the respiratory system 11:00 11:30 Friday 2/21/14 PBL 6 MPS1 Rms J-Q, R & S Devel/Embryol lecture Weill Devel/Embryol lecture A-250 Development of the lung Worgall Genetic control of branching morphogenesis Myat Silver free 10:30 Thursday 2/20/14 Histology lab orientation A-250 Falcone Histology lab J-Q, R & S free free Physiology lecture Weill Physiology lecture A-250 Respiratory mechanics Control of Breathing Respiratory system Grafstein Falcone and staff Silver 12:00 12:30 1:00 Physiology demo Physiology demo A-250 breath hold pulmonary function tests *Students should study O2 and CO2 transport in their free time during this module. These topics will be reviewedon Week 8: Respiratory system, gastro-intestinal system 8:00 8:30 Monday 2/24/14 Tuesday 2/25/14 PBL Histology/physiology embryology Wednesday 2/26/14 Devel/Embryol lecture Weill A-250 EXAM Formation of the body cavities Respiratory system Mtui Physiology lecture Weill 9:30 10:00 King free 10:30 11:00 11:30 Physiology lecture/review A-250 review of gas transport Andersen free 12:00 12:30 Physiology conference Problems in respiratory physiology Rms J-Q, R & S Meeting with tutors Physiology clinical lecture A-250 Ventilation-perfusion mismatch Friday 2/28/14 PBL MPS1 Rms J-Q, R & S Meeting with tutors 9:00 Thursday 2/27/14 free Histology/physiology lecture A-250 GI secretion Palmer Anatomy lab orientation Weill Mtui Overview of the GI system Falcone Histology lab orientation A-250 Falcone Histology lab J-Q, R & S free Devel/Embryol lecture Weill Gut development anatomical perpectives Mtui free Anatomy lab orientation Weill Mtui Anatomy lab 10 Anterior abdominal wall start inguinal canal free Anatomy lab 11 Esophagus & stomach Mtui and staff Inguinal canal scrotum perioneal cavity Falcone and staff Mtui and staff A-250 lab runs to 1:30 pm 1:00 Week 9: Gastro-intestinal system 8:00 Monday 3/3/14 PBL 7 8:30 Rms J-Q, R & S 10:00 10:30 Physiology lecture Weill GI motility Control of GI functions Nirenberg Herzlinger Physiology lecture A-250 GI absorption of water, salts and organic solutes Palmer Anatomy lab orientation A-250 Mtui Histology lab orientation Weill Falcone Anatomy Friday 3/7/14 Histology/physiology MPS1 Weill EXAM GI system HistologyPhysiology lecture Weill Anatomy lab orientation Weill Khan Structure and function of liver free Fuortes free free Thursday 3/6/14 PBL 7 Rms J-Q, R & S free 11:00 Wednesday 3/5/14 GI development and disease 9:00 9:30 Tuesday 3/4/14 Devel/Embryol lecture A-250 Histology lab orientation Weill Fuortes Anatomy lab 13 Infracolic viscera lab 12 11:30 Histology lab J-Q, R & S Supracolic viscera Histology lab J-Q, R & S Mtui and staff 12:00 Small and large intestine Falcone and staff Liver and pancreas Falcone and staff Mtui and staff 12:30 1:00 Week 10: Gastro-intestinal system 8:00 Monday 3/10/14 PBL 8 8:30 Tuesday 3/11/14 Clinical Anatomy lecture A-250 Rms J-Q, R & S Wednesday 3/12/14 Thursday 3/13/14 PBL 8 Rms J-Q, R & S Friday 3/14/14 PBL 8 MPS1 Rms J-Q, R & S Innervation of the abdominal viscera 9:00 Mtui free 9:30 10:00 10:30 Anatomy lab orientation Weill Guce free Anatomy lab 14 11:00 Posterior abdominal wall Radiology A-250 abdomen 1 Khilnani Radiology Weill abdomen 3 Radiology A-250 abdomen 2 Khilnani Khilnani Anatomy lecture Weill free Anatomy free Anatomy/radiology free EXAM GI lymphatics/GI tract lab 15 11:30 Posterior abdominal wall diaphragm Mtui Anatomy-Radiology lab review Mtui staff 12:00 labs 10-15 Mtui and staff 12:30 1:00 Mtui A-250 and anatomy lab Week 11: Kidney, perineum 8:00 Monday 3/17/14 PBL 9 8:30 Tuesday 3/18/14 Physiology lecture A-250 Rms J-Q, R & S Wednesday 3/19/14 Thursday 3/20/14 Friday 3/21/14 PBL 9 free MPS1 Rms J-Q, R & S GFR Organic transport 9:00 Herzlinger Anatomy lab orientation A-250 Sangari 9:30 Physiology lecture Weill 10:00 Overview of the kidney free Anatomy Anatomy lab orientation Weill Sangari Physiology lecture Weill Anatomy NaCl transport lab 17 lab 16 10:30 Herzlinger free 11:00 12:00 Perineum II Palmer Perineum I Histology lab orientation Weill Falcone free Physiology lecture Weill Mtui, Khilnani and staff 11:30 Histology lab J-Q, R & S Acid-base balance Frindt free Kidney, ureter bladder, urethra Falcone and staff Physiology lecture Weill 12:30 free 1:00 free Renal water metabolism Weinstein Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday afternoon Clinical Skills Center sessions schedule TBA Mtui, Khilnani and staff Week 12: Kidney, pelvis 8:00 Monday 3/24/14 PBL 10 8:30 Tuesday 3/25/14 Radiology A-250 pelvis 1 Rms J-Q, R & S Wednesday 3/26/14 Thursday 3/27/14 PBL 10 Rms J-Q, R & S Friday 3/28/14 PBL 10 MPS1 Rms J-Q, R & S Arleo Anatomy lab orientation A-250 Mtui 9:00 9:30 Physiology lecture Weill free Devel/Embryol lecture Weill 10:00 Potassium homeostasis Anatomy Development of the reproductive system free Histology/physiology embryology lab 18 10:30 Palmer free 11:00 11:30 Herzlinger Pelvis I Devel/Embryol lecture Weill Development of the kidney and urinary tract Mtui and staff free Physiology lecture/Weill Bladder and ureter Palmer Physiology conference Weill EXAM Kidney and urogenital Weill Herzlinger 12:00 free Physiology lecture Weill 12:30 1:00 Problems in renal physiology Palmer Homeostasis of extracellular fluid volume Maack free Clinical anatomy lecture Weill Applied pelvic anatomy (female) Schattman Week 13: Endocrinology, reproduction 8:00 Monday 3/31/14 PBL 11 8:30 Tuesday 4/1/14 Radiology A-250 pelvis 2 Rms J-Q, R & S Wednesday 4/2/14 Thursday 4/3/14 PBL 11 Rms J-Q, R & S Friday 4/4/14 PBL 11 MPS1 Rms J-Q, R & S Arleo Anatomy lab orientation A-250 Mtui 9:00 9:30 Histology/Physiology lecture Weill free Physiology lecture Weill free 10:00 Pituitary Anatomy lab 19 10:30 Falcone free 11:00 Pelvis II Histology lab orientation Weill Falcone Female reproductive system. oogenesis follicular development Spandorfer free Histology lab orientation Weill Falcone Anatomy/radiology EXAM Pelvis-perineum Mtui and staff 11:30 12:00 Histology lab J-Q, R & S Histology lab J-Q,R,S Pituitary Ovary follicular development Falcone and staff Falcone and staff 12:30 1:00 Weill and anatomy lab Week 14: Endocrinology, reproduction 8:00 Monday 4/7/14 PBL 12 8:30 Rms J-Q, R & S Tuesday 4/8/14 Anatomy lab orientation A-250 Sangari Wednesday 4/9/14 Thursday 4/10/14 Friday 4/11/14 MPS1 Histology/physiology EXAM Weill PBL 12 Rms J-Q, R & S Reproduction Radiology A-250 lower extremity 1 9:00 Asrani 9:30 Physiology lecture Weill free Physiology lecture Weill 10:00 Male reproductive system Anatomy Conception IVF lab 20 10:30 David free 11:00 Palermo Anterior and medial thigh Histology lab orientation Weill Falcone Anatomy lab orientation Weill Sangari free Histology lab orientation Weill Falcone Mtui and staff 11:30 Histology lab J-Q, R & S Histology lab J-Q, R & S 12:00 Testes, glands, ducts Falcone and staff Uterus, vagina exfoliative cytology Falcone and staff free Anatomy lab 21 Gluteal region posterior thigh popliteal fossa start leg Mtui and staff 12:30 1:00 Week 15: Endocrinology 8:00 8:30 Monday 4/14/14 Tuesday 4/15/14 Wednesday 4/16/14 PBL 13 Anatomy lecture A-250 Joints of the lower extremity Mtui PBL 13 Rms J-Q, R & S Rms J-Q, R & S Thursday 4/17/14 Friday 4/18/14 PBL 13 MPS1 Rms J-Q, R & S 9:00 Radiology A-250 lower extremity 2 9:30 10:00 Anatomy lab orientation Weill Guce free 10:30 free Physiology lecture Weill Anatomy Adrenal gland Anatomy/radiology/ embryology Palmer EXAM Sole of foot hip and knee joints (prosections) Leg and dorsum of foot free Mtui and staff 12:00 Weill and anatomy lab Histology lab J-Q, R & S Adrenal gland placenta Falcone and staff 12:30 1:00 Lower extremity Histology lab orientation Weill Falcone Mtui and staff 11:30 free lab 23 Anatomy lab 22 11:00 Asrani Week 16: Endocrinology, triple jump 8:00 8:30 Monday 4/21/14 Tuesday 4/22/14 Wednesday 4/23/13 PBL free PBL Rms J-Q, R & S Meeting with tutors Thursday 4/24/13 Friday 4/25/13 free Triple jump exam oral Rms J-Q, R & S Physiology lecture A-250 Meeting with tutors 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 8:00 - 4:00 Physiology lecture Weill Thyroid Hurley Physiology lecture Weill Parathyroid Ca metabolism Palmer free 11:00 11:30 12:00 Histology lab orientation Weill Falcone Histology lab J-Q, R & S Thyroid parathyroid Growth and growth hormone Palmer free Physiology lecture A-250 Insulin and glucagon Histology/physiology EXAM Weill Endocrinology Concluding remarks Weill Palmer Weill Triple jump exam Weill written McGraw free Physiology lecture A-250 Temperature regulation free Grafstein free Falcone and staff 12:30 1:00 free