The purpose of this initiative is to expand upon existing... designed to increase the number of women and underrepresented medical... Target area: Composition

Target area: Composition
Constituent group: Medical students
Initiative description
The purpose of this initiative is to expand upon existing pipeline programs at WCMC that are
designed to increase the number of women and underrepresented medical students and to use
this information to broaden the reach of existing program to other target groups of students
such as veterans and students with disabilities.
There are several existing pipeline programs at WCMC that are designed to attract URM
students to the medical school and to careers in biomedical research. An example is the
Gateway Program, a program designed to encourage applicants from underrepresented
minority backgrounds to pursue a dual degree in the MD-PhD programs at WCMC. Students
are introduced to the biomedical sciences and have the opportunity to work in the lab of one of
our faculty. Students also have an opportunity to go on clinical rotations with one of the
physicians on faculty at the Medical School. The Traveler's Summer Research Fellowship
Program is an intensive 7-week program research program for underrepresented minority
students who are interested in research. Each year, 25 premedical students gain deeper
insights into the field of medicine, including issues that greatly affect the health of traditionally
underserved groups. Several of the participants in this program have gone on to gain national
recognition for their work and have continued to provide service to the underserved. However,
there has not been a formal evaluation of the most effective elements of each program. A
comprehensive evaluation of the existing programs will enable us to harness the most effective
elements of each program and establish new programs that target constituent groups whose
needs are currently not being addressed. Therefore, our objective is to:
 Work with the directors of the Traveler’s and the Gateway program to identify the most
effective elements of the program and those areas that need to be expanded.
To build partnerships with student organizations at local and national undergraduate
schools to facilitate the recruitment of other constituent groups such as veterans and
students with disabilities.
Use this information to expand upon existing programs to reach students groups that are
not currently represented.
Dr. Boutin-Foster will work with the Office of Student Affairs at WCMC and the pipeline program
 Number of new students from underrepresented constituent groups who participate in
these program
 The number of students from these programs who subsequently matriculate at WCMC
 By 9/2012 Convene first meeting with the program coordinators
 By 10/2012 Develop key metrics for evaluating existing programs
 By 12/2012 Complete gap analysis and evaluation of each program
 By 3/2013 Develop and implement new or expanded programs
There will be quarterly meetings of the working group during each meeting responsible parties
will provide an update on their progress
There will be annual progress reports that track initiatives
Target area: Composition
Constituent group: Faculty
Initiative description
The purpose of this initiative is to increase the diversity among the faculty and to establish
relationships with strategic partners, institutions, organizations, and communities to enhance
current recruitment efforts.
Few programs at WCMC are specifically tailored to address the recruitment and retention of
faculty from underrepresented groups. For example the Center of Excellence in Disparities
Program supports the training of racial and ethnic minority faculty in a two year Masters
program. However, more programs are needed that support an environment that will attract
faculty from diverse backgrounds. Therefore, our objective is to:
 Work with department chairs and division chiefs to advertise positions on the Office
Website for all faculty positions and establish a work group specifically to address
women and URM faculty diversity and recruitment efforts
Compile a list of Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Historically Women’s
Colleges and Universities that have a strong focus on research and send new positions
and postings to appropriate departments at those institutions
Compile a list of professional organizations for URM and women, such as the Group on
Diversity and Inclusion of the AAMC, Group on Women in Medicine and Science,
National Medical Association, National Hispanic Medical Association and Network of
Minority Research Investigators, and Harold Amos and Minority Faculty Development
Fellowship/RWJ. Use this to send postings
Create opportunities for applicants to meet and network with other URM faculty during
their interview. This is best accomplished by including among interviewers faculty with
similar interests(rather than just meeting other URM but those with similar interest in
education, research, or clinical work)
Establish a clinical research scholars program to attract URM and women to raise their
prospect for careers in biomedical research by focusing on research areas that are
likely attract diverse faculty
Dr. Boutin-Foster will work with the Office of Student Affairs, Dr. Barbara Hempstead, and Tri-I
SPARC committee (MSK, RU, and WCMC) and will establish linkages with Hunter College.
 Number of women and URM faculty who are interviewed for leadership and academic
 Number of women faculty and faculty from URM join the faculty
 Retention of new women faculty and faculty from URM backgrounds
 By 1/2013 Convene a meeting with workgroup on faculty diversity and recruitment
 By 4/2013 Expand existing website with current job postings
 By 12/2013 Develop and submit a proposal to secure funding to establish a clinical
scholars program
 By 1/2014 Establish a newly funded Diversity Scholars Program
There will be quarterly meetings of the working group during each meeting responsible parties
will provide an update on their progress
There will be annual progress reports that track initiatives
Target area: Inclusion
Constituent group: Faculty, Students, and Staff
Initiative description
Enhance work-life systems through creation of a Weill Cornell childcare facility
Currently, the Medical College offers backup child and elder care services to the Weill Cornell
community and that benefit is oversubscribed. However, there is no full service childcare facility
available to meet the ever-growing demand for this service.
Establish a childcare facility that is available for faculty, students, and staff of Weill Cornell
Human Resources and Dr. Rache Simmons (Office of Faculty Diversity)
 Physical site has been identified and planned partnership with Bright Horizons has been
 Quarterly meetings with Oversight Committee that includes Dr. Rache Simmons, Human
Resources, and other faculty, student and staff representatives to discuss and plan the
logistics of center operation such as hours of operation, priority of access, cost of
childcare, etc.
 Over next 12 to 18 months plan to have facility completed and open for use.
 Announcement of facility availability and begin registration of children 3 months prior to
planned opening of facility
Progression of build out and implementation of facility will be guided by Human Resources and
Dr. Rache Simmons (Office of Faculty Diversity) with a progress report at the end of this
academic year
Target area: Inclusion
Constituent group: Faculty
Initiative description
Create a uniform parental leave policy for all Weill Cornell Faculty.
Currently there is a not a consistent parental leave policy regarding salary continuance for
faculty at Weill Cornell
 Establish a uniform parental leave policy regarding minimal length of time away from
clinical and academic responsibilities.
 Establish a uniform policy for salary continuance for parental leave.
Dr. Rache Simmons (Office of Faculty Diversity) and Human Resources
 Focus group meetings to discuss options for salary continuance for parental leave
 Focus group meetings with department chairs to discuss salary continuance for faculty
on parental leave
 Presentation, discussion and approval at meetings of General Faculty Council, and
Executive Faculty Council
 Presentation, discussion and approval at Medical College Board of Overseers meeting
 Faculty Handbook revision including new parental leave policy
 Creation and implementation of new faculty parental leave policy
 9/2010 Focus group meetings to discuss options for salary continuance for parental
 11/2012 Focus group meetings with department chairs to discuss salary continuance for
faculty on parental leave
 2/2013 Presentation, discussion and approval at meetings of General Faculty Council,
and Executive Faculty Council
 3/2013 Presentation, discussion and approval at Medical College Board of Overseers
 3/2013 Faculty Handbook revision including new parental leave policy
 3/2013 Creation and implementation of new faculty parental leave policy
There will be a progress report from Dr. Rache Simmons (Office of Faculty Diversity) and
Human Resources by 6/2013
Target area: Inclusion
Constituent group: Faculty
Initiative description
Establish a Faculty CME course to educate faculty on appropriate work place behavior
Faculty survey data from 2010 shows 7% of female faculty report that they have experienced
sexual harassment and 27% report they have experienced discrimination due to gender while at
Weill Cornell. Of the faculty, 37% report that they have experienced discrimination due to race
or ethnicity while at Weill Cornell.
Address inappropriate workplace behavior concerns such as sexual harassment and
Dr Simmons (Office of Faculty Diversity), Dr. Susan Pannullo, and Human Resources
 Establish a Faculty CME course to educate faculty on appropriate work place. This
course will be part of grand rounds or faculty meetings for all departments at Weill
 Participation in the course by attendance will be mandatory from the Department Chair.
Sign in sheets will be available at courses and participation will be documented. Goal is
to have >95% of faculty attend course.
 9/2012 – 6/2012 CME course will be scheduled and given to all departments at Weill
 9/2012-6/2012 Participation of faculty will be documented at each course
 Long term measure would include comparison of data on inappropriate workplace
behavior from 2010 faculty survey with future faculty survey.
There will be a progress report from Dr. Rache Simmons (Office of Faculty Diversity), Dr. Susan
Pannullo, and Human Resources that will track this initiative by 6/2013
Target area: Inclusion
Constituent group: Faculty, residents, students and staff
Initiative description
Enhance climate of inclusion for LGBT individuals at Weill Cornell and the New York
Presbyterian Hospital
To increase the feelings of inclusion among faculty, residents, students and staff who identify
within the LBBT community
 Establish an LGBT Committee across all constituency groups including faculty, students,
residents, and Weill Cornell/NYPH staff
 Establish annual networking events for faculty, students, residents, and Weill
Cornell/NYPH staff
 Expand the LGBT component of the website for the Office of Faculty Development and
Medical Student website
 Include LGBT sensitivity training in faculty, student, resident and Weill Cornell/NYPH
staff orientation
 Work with NYPH to revise patient information material and forms to be more LGBT
Dr. Rache Simmons (Office of Faculty Diversity)
Long term metric would be to measure climate of LGBT inclusion with Weill Cornell and NYPH
survey for faculty, students, residents and staff.
 7/2012 -Establish an LGBT Committee across all constituency groups including faculty,
students, residents, and Weill Cornell/NYPH staff
 9/2012- Establish annual networking events for faculty, students, residents, and Weill
Cornell/NYPH staff
 9/2012- Expand the LGBT component of the website for the Office of Faculty
Development and Medical Student website
 12/2012 - Include LGBT sensitivity training in faculty, student, resident and Weill
Cornell/NYPH staff orientation
 3/2012 - Work with NYPH to revise patient information material and forms to be more
LGBT sensitive
There will be annual progress report from Dr Rache Simmons that tracks this initiative
Target area: Achievement
Constituent group: Faculty
Initiative description
The purpose of this initiative is to create an environment that will foster the academic
achievement of women and URM and enable them to achieve higher academic ranks and
leadership positions.
Developing programs that attract and support the academic growth of racial and ethnic minority
faculty will help with WCMC’s recruitment and retention efforts. Attracting diverse faculty will
support the tripartite mission of providing excellent education, quality patient care, and conduct
innovate cutting edge biomedical research that addresses the needs of a diverse population.
 Identify the most effective elements of existing programs that promote academic
achievement among women and URM such as FACES in the MD. PhD program
Use these core elements to continue and expand the annual Achieving Successful and
Productive Research Careers (SPARC) conference in collaboration with Rockefeller and
MSK. The purpose of SPARC is to create opportunities for research networks and skill
development in social networking, working with mentors, and grantsmanship.
Establish a “Diversity Scholars” award to recognize scholarship by a faculty member that
focuses on diversity, disparities, or underrepresented groups. Examples of papers
include focus on women’s health, health disparities faced by LGBT population, health
care needs of returning veterans.
To identify Principal investigators at WCMC who currently hold active an R01 upon
which diversity supplements can be attached and to identify talented faculty who are
women or from URM backgrounds with similar interest who can compete for a diversity
supplement. Eligible criteria for supplements include (individuals from underrepresented
racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, and individuals from disadvantaged
Dr. Boutin-Foster will work with the Associate Dean for Faculty Development (Dr. Barbara
 Evaluation from SPARC from the participants on the utility of the conference
 Number of scholarly activities produced by women and URM faculty
 Number of faculty who receive diversity supplement
 Number of women and URM are promoted to a higher ranks
 By 10/2013 work with Research and Sponsored programs to systematically identify PIs
who hold a current R01 that may be eligible for a supplement.
 7/2013 Sponsor an annual SPARC conference
 By 7/2015 Track the promotion among URM
There will be quarterly meetings of the working group during each meeting responsible parties
will provide an update on their progress.
There will be annual progress reports that track initiatives