Publication of Result of Board Decision In terms of Part II of Legal Notice 296 – Public Contracts Regulations 2010, the Public is hereby notified that during the session held on Wednesday 9th December 2015, the University of Malta made the recommendations indicated below. Decision Tender UM 1958 Subject Tender for environmentally friendly general building works and finishes on various sites at the University of Malta. Award Fresh Call /Cancellation Yes == Recommended Tenderer Price on DDP Terms exclusive of VAT in € Deposit in € Arthur Xuereb 100,536.00 550.00 Tenderers are informed that any objection to the decision listed above must reach the Director of Procurement – University of Malta by not later than Monday 21st December 2015 till 1100hrs. Reasoned objections must be accompanied by a deposit to the amount indicated made through a cheque payable to “MaltaPost Plc”, otherwise objections will not be considered. Tenderers are to note that this information does not imply any obligation on the part of the University of Malta or the Government of Malta to actually implement any of the decisions indicated. Signed Mr. Tonio Mallia Chairperson – Recommendation Board Filename: 15-12-14 – UM 1950 Z: /procurement/tendpublic Signed Mr Carmel Falzon Secretary – Recommendation Board Date: 14th December 2015