STAFF COUNCIL REPORT: October 2014 Celina Ryan, Chair

Celina Ryan, Chair
Key Issues: Engaging Staff and Serving the Community
1. Staff Council Representatives, 2014-2015
Staff Council Executives
Celina Ryan (Facilities / HR), Chair
Andrea Carpenter (Kogod), Co-Chair
Adrian Sanchez (Career Center), Secretary
Staff Council Membership
Jennifer Baron-Knowles, Manager, Disability Services, Academic Support and Access
Akisha Carter, Financial Specialist, Budget and Finance Resource Center
Anna Castro, Administrative Assistant, Department of Justice, Law and Criminology,
School of Public Affairs
Keesha Ceran, Housing & Dining
Sean Cullinane, Financial Administrator, Housing & Dining
David Fletcher, Career Advisor, School of International Service
James Helms, Administrative Assistant, Department of Government, School of Public
Jocelyn Hill, Director of Recreational Sports & Fitness, Recreational Sports and Fitness
Steve Kelly, Director, Customer Support Services, Office of Information Technology
Helen Lee, Zero Waste Coordinator, Facilities Management
Jeremy Lowe, Associate Director of Admissions, University Enrollment
Rena Munster, Designer, University Communications & Marketing
Marianne Norman, Academic Advisor, School of International Service
Valerie Rauenzahn, Graduate Programs Coordinator, School of Education, Teaching and
Heather A. Smith, Employee Relations Coordinator, Human Resources
Jordan Tobin, Director of Facilities and Operations, Athletics and Recreation
Michael Wargo, Campus Life Technology Coordinator, Office of Campus Life
2. Project Team and Committee Work
Representatives to External Committees:
Benefits Advisory Project Team: Celina Ryan
Dining Services: Marianne Norman
Disability Compliance Project Team:
Sexual Harassment and Prevention Project Team: Heather A. Smith
Smoke- Tobacco Free Committee: Adrian Sanchez
Staff Appreciation Week: Adrian Sanchez
Campus Beautification Committee: Helen Lee
University Council: Celina Ryan (ex officio as chair)
University Budget Committee: Celina Ryan
Faculty Senate Representative: Jeremy Lowe
Transportation Task Force: Jeremy Lowe
Representatives to Board of Trustees Committees:
Representative to Academic Affairs Committee: Sean Cullinane
Representative to Alumni Affairs and Development Committee: Keesha Ceran
Representative to Athletics Committee: Adrian Sanchez
Representative to Campus Life Committee: Jocelyn Hill
3. Activities
Staff Council (SC) connects with departments across campus during our semi-monthly
meetings, in the interest of knowledge-sharing and establishing connections with SC and a
cross section of AU departments and divisions. To kick off the school year, on August 7th,
Staff Council hosted a Meet & Greet to personally engage with AU staff. The event was a
success, with attendance of over 70 staff members. So far, we have visited with WAMU at
4401 Connecticut Ave, and have scheduled a library tour for November 18th to learn all of
the available resources for staff. We have also had liaisons speak at various departmental
meetings, including Facilities Management, University Communications & Marketing, and
the Library.
As a result of our concerted outreach efforts, Staff Council is engaging with staff on a deeper
level. What we are hearing and therefore working on include more information and
transparency around telecommuting, incorporating new shower facilities for walker and
biker commuters, and getting constructive feedback on how we can best serve the offcampus locations. Staff Council is currently working with HR to see some of these initiatives
to completion.
Service Initiatives
Staff Council will celebrate Veterans at AU on November 11, Veterans Day. We will be
providing a light breakfast at the Veteran lounge on Nov. 12 in support of the approximately
300 veterans on campus, and we will introduce ourselves and begin a conversation of how
we can best support each other.
Staff Council hosted their first Book and Media and Swap of the year on Wednesday,
October 15th in Mary Graydon Center and for the first time expanded locations to 4200
Wisconsin Ave, 4401 Connecticut Ave, and 4620 Wisconsin Ave. There were eight boxes of
books and two boxes of media donated to Better World Books. We also partnered with
Zero Waste to run a simultaneous eWaste Drive, where we recycled more than six boxes of
personal eWaste items.
The Staff Council Annual Dollar Drive will commence on October 29 at the Fall Reception
and will end at the Holiday Party. Last year, $480 was collected and to support Martha’s
Table charitable programs. We will also host the Winter-Wear Drive this winter. Last year’s
drive resulted in nearly a dozen bags of clothing donated to A Wider Circle.
Fall Reception
Hosted October 29th, the Fall Reception has moved to Bender Arena because we have
outgrown the space in MGC. This year takes on a new format as well. Staff Council will host
information tables from departments across campus that has resources to share pertinent
staff. This includes AU Benefits, The Library, AHealthyU, Mentorship Programs,
Recreational Sports, Office of Campus Life (including Center for Diversity & Inclusion, Kay
Spiritual Life Center, and VP’s office) and Housing & Dining. Taking a more informal
approach, staff will be able to mingle with colleagues that they may not see often, walk
around to various tables, eat various desserts and ice cream, hear from President Kerwin and
updates from Staff Council, and enter to win raffle prizes.
Web and Communications
The Web and Communications Committee has undertaken a rebranding of Staff Council.
With the new logo and images, Staff Council has been able to insert letters into New Hire
Orientation binders, visit new hires at their in-person orientation sessions, send new AU
staff postcards within one month of hire in order to engage them early on, and be more
proactive on email communications and social media.
Human Resources
Topics which continue to be discussed with Human Resources include:
1. Diversity Initiatives
2. Service Initiatives
3. Internal and External Committee focus
Internal to Staff Council
Staff Council has executed an onboarding committee and a satellite campus committee. The
onboarding committee developed a well- structured first meeting of the new term, and a
mentorship program for new members joining the council mid-term. As a result of our 2013
survey, the satellite campus committee was formed and was tasked with developing ways to
include satellite offices in various programming and service initiatives to build the sense of
AU spirit and community, regardless of office location. The satellite committee so far has
been able to partner with others to bring Yoga classes, the Book & Media Swaps, seated
massages and flu shots to various off-site AU departments.