SMALL STATES NETWORK FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (SSNED) NEWSLETTER No. 3 November 2009 – May 2010 This Newsletter is being sent to all Points of Contact of the SSNED Member States and other interested persons Annex, Central Bank of Malta, Pope Pius V Street, Valletta, VLT 1060, Malta Tel: +356 2122-3525; +356 9926-2141; Fax: +356 2122-8504; Email:; Website: 1 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 3 2. MEMBERSHIP………………………………………………………………………………3 3. COMPLETED, ONGOING AND PROPOSED PROJECTS……………………………..3 4. REQUESTING FUNDS FOR THE NETWORK…………………………………….. Error! Bookmark not defined. 2 1. INTRODUCTION This newsletter covers the period 1st November 2009 to 15 May 2010. During this period, the Secretariat concluded two twinning projects. The Secretariat also received other requests for funding twinning projects and training workshops. 2. MEMBERSHIP Five other countries namely Botswana Federal States of Micronesia, Jamaica, San Marino and Swaziland joined the Network and the Indian Ocean Commission has also become member of SSNED. As to date the number of countries that joined SSNED is 36 (the list is available at: All members of the Network can apply for funds to conduct capacity building projects. Eligibility to join the Network is explained in Article 7 of the Network’s statute (available at: ). 3. COMPLETED, ONGOING AND PROPOSED PROJECTS 3.1 Completed Projects 3.1 Completed Twinning Projects The Network has completed another Twinning Project since November 2009 as shown in the table below. Summary of the project is available at the Network’s website. Beneficiary State Gambia Beneficiary Institution Gambia Competition Commission Theme Service provider Development of Strategic Directions for Competition Commission The Terms of Reference and budget are available at: (password protected). Cyprus Institute for Mediterranean, European and International Studies (KIMEDE) and the Cyprus Commission for the Protection of Competition The contract for this project was drawn up in collaboration with the Government of the Gambia and the Cyprus Institute for Mediterranean, European and International Studies (KIMEDE) and the Cyprus Commission for the Protection of Competition who acted as service providers. The contracts contained a main document with special provisions relating to the project, plus 7 Annexes, three of which are (i) general conditions for twinning projects (ii) the Terms of Reference for a particular project and (iii) the budget for a particular project. The budget was agreed upon by both the beneficiary state and the service provider, and closely vetted by the Secretariat to ensure that they yield value for money. The other four annexes to the contract are administrative templates. 3 3.2 Ongoing Projects The following projects are currently being undertaken by the Network. 3.2.1 Ongoing Twinning Projects The Network is currently engaged in the following twinning project. Other projects will be proposed at the 6th Board of Trustees Meeting. Beneficiary Beneficiary Institution St Vincent & the St Vincent & The Grenadines Grenadines Postal Corporation Theme Counter Automation at the St Vincent and the Grenadines Postal Corporation Service Provider Barbados Postal Services in collaboration with Ascent Software Limited Main objective: The objective of the AUTOPOST-SVG project is to implement a modern Postal Counter Automation solution in the SVG post offices. This will allow SVG Postal Corporation to keep in line with the obligations of the Universal Postal Union and also allow us to introduce new services and revenue streams. Other Objectives: To help SVG in ensuring the continuation of the provision of postal services for the country. To assess the feasibility for SVG to offer financial products/services through their postal network To re-examine SVG’s internal business processes and aim to streamline such, to achieve better efficiency in their processes. 3.2.2 Twinning Projects being proposed for implementation The following projects are currently being proposed for implementation by the Network. 4 Theme Service provider Beneficiary Beneficiary Institution Belize Ministry for the Public Developing a National ICT COMNET – IT, Service, Governance Policy for Belize Malta Improvements and Boundaries Mauritius Ministry of Public Support in the Setting-Up Singapore Land Infrastructure, Land Transport of a Land Transport Transport and Shipping Authority Authority Swaziland TBA Swaziland Investment Developing a Promotion Authority Competitiveness Strategy for Swaziland Tonga Post Limited Postal Counter Barbados Postal Automation Services Tonga Training Workshop Training Workshops in the Pipeline Namibia Mauritius Theme Target Participants Competition Law and Policy in the Government officials, operating in Ministries African Small States dealing with trade and commerce or related portfolios, in African small states Competitiveness Strategies and Capacity Government officials, operating in Ministries Building for African and Indian Ocean dealing with trade and commerce or related Small States portfolios, in African and Indian Ocean small states 4. REQUESTING FUNDS FOR THE NETWORK The World Bank funding will be exhausted at the end of 2010. The Network has been in contact with various organizations including AusAid, Canada, the E.U and the Governments of Germany, Jersey, Qatar and Spain. The aim is to secure funding support to enable the Network to continue operations post 2010. As this date no funds have been forthcoming. 5. CONCLUSION The Network continued to pick up pace during the period covered in this report with completed projects and planned workshops for the rest of the year. Many requests for funding were also received from small states which requests are being considered for implementation should the Network be successful in securing additional funds for the Network post 2010 operations. 5