AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Doctor of Philosophy Frederick A. Kamke for the degree of Forest Products presented on in September 23, 1983 . Title: Engineering Analysis of a Rotary Dryer: Drying of Wood Particles Redacted for Privacy Abstract approved: Dr. James B. Wilson Rotary dryers are the most commonly used wood drying system in the particleboard industry. These dryers also play an increasingly important role in drying wood residues for fuel. Many potential benefits may be realized through an improved understanding of the rotary drying process. A rotary dryer simulation model was developed, in the form of a computer program, for the purpose of analyzing the drying behavior of wood particles. The model is applicable to single pass rotary drums, with or without a centerf ill flighting section. Modifica- tions to the base program could be made to allow for alternative rotary drum designs, such as multiple pass drums. The approach used in the model development analyzed the rotary drying process in a sequential manner. Beginning with a study of particle residence time in a rotary drum, the process of heat transfer, and then mass transfer, were incorporated to yield a complete rotary dryer simulation model. The resultant computer program does not require empirical constants or equations developed for a particular rotary dryer system. Experiments on a commercially manufactured rotary dryer were performed to check the performance of the simulation model as a predictor of overall residence time and drying behavior. The variables tested were drum rotation rate, gas flow rate, and inlet gas temperature. Measurements of gas temperature, particle temperature, and particle moisture content were obtained along the drum length. Comparison between the predictions and the measured results were good, indicating a percent root mean square error of 22.2 in the prediction of the outlet particle moisture content. A series of computer simulation trials were performed to check the affect of inlet particle moisture content, blend-box gas temperature, drum diameter, air leakage, drum length, gas volumetric flow rate, particle size, particle sphericity, drum speed, and angle of repose on dryer behavior. It was discovered that an optimal gas flow rate exists at which the greatest extent of drying may be achieved. In addition, the presence of centerf ill flights enhances the extent of drying in a rotary dryer. The rotary dryer simulation model developed in this study should prove useful for optimizing process parameters in the drying of wood particles. C Copyright by Frederick A. Kamke September 23, 1983 All Rights Reserved Engineering Analysis of a Rotary Dryer: Drying of Wood Particles by Frederick A. Kamke A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Completed September 23, 1983 Commencement June 1984 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Prof d6r of Forest Products in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Head of Department of Forest Products Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduat chool Date thesis is presented Typed by Linda S. Crooks for September 23, 1983 Frederick A. Kamke COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Redacted for Privacy Dr. ames B. Wilson, Associate Professor, Forest Products Redacted for Privacy Dr. Charles E. Wicks, Pro essor and Head, Chemical Engineering Redacted for Privacy Dr. Helmuth Resch, Professor and Head, Forest Products Redacted for Privacy , Dr. Philipl E. Humphsista t Professor, Forest Products Redacted for Privacy Dr. oeI Davis, Associate Professor, Mathematics ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is dedicated in memory of my father Donald Arthur Kamke, whose understanding and support allowed me to pursue a college education. I owe devoted gratitude to my wife Carol. Through her love, hard work and care we shared all of the frustrations and joys of my graduate career. A special thanks must go to Jim Wilson. friendship made the task much more bearable. His guidance and As my advisor, Jim gave me enough latitude to explore many avenues, but always kept a watchful eye so I would not stray too far. I'm also indebted to Helmuth Resch for his support, and for allowing me to directly pursue the PhD degree with the Forest Products program at Oregon State University. "Doc" Wicks was very influential in my graduate studies. He always found the time to provide his much needed advice and instruction. Acknowledgement must be given to the Weyerhaeuser Company for providing the use of their rotary dryer at the Weyerhaeuser Technology Center in Federal Way, Washington. In particular, Stan Terada's expertise and great patience were invaluable. Stan, along with Jay Miller, contributed many hours of enduring labor, without which this work could not have been completed. Weyerhaeuser's Grant Karsner, Frank Beall and Ferhan Kayihan also played notable roles toward the successful completion of this research. I'm grateful to have been a recipient of the Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation Fellowship and to Jack Winjum of Weyerhaeuser for his sincere interest in the success of the fellowship program. Recognition was also earned by the Radiation Center at Oregon State University for making available an excellent facility. Of special note, Casey Bennett and Roman Schmitt provided instruction and a helping-hand when needed most. Finally, appreciation is due Mike Milota for unselfishly giving of his time during the experimental stages of this work. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 Literature Review Residence Time and Particle-Gas Stream Interactions Residence Time Particle-Gas Stream Interactions 4 4 4 9 Heat Transfer 11 Mass Transfer 15 Wood Drying Models 22 Residence Time Model Development Longitudinal Advance Per Cascade Time Per Cascade Total Residence Time Allowance for Underloaded Flights Equivalent Particle Diameter 29 30 30 31 34 35 36 Solution Procedure 37 Angle of Repose Experimentation and Results 39 40 Residence Time Experiment Equipment and Procedure Results and Discussion 46 46 48 Comparison Between Experimental Results and Predicted Behavior 51 Residence Time Simulation Trials 57 Heat Transfer Model Development Energy Balance Heat Loss Heat Transfer During Particle Fall Soaking Volumetric Heat Transfer Coefficient 61 62 62 62 66 67 70 Solution Procedure 72 Results and Discussion 76 Notation Program and Listing Program (RDS) Simulation Dryer Rotary 155 1.03 K= 6, Through 1 Runs Test for Output Simulation Generated Computer 179 . . . . H. G. Appendix Appendix A. Appendix Wall. Drum the of Resistance Thermal Appendix Coefficient Transfer Heat Volumetric the Calculating of Method Indirect 146 C. Properties Gas of Evaluation 148 D. Properties Wood of Evaluation 151 E. Calculation Temperature Wet-bulb 153 F. Wood in Water of Energy Sorption 154 . . . . B. Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Conclusions and Summary 130 Notation of List 133 Bibliography 139 Appendices 145 145 Behavior dicted Pre- and Results Experimental Between Comparison 103 Trials Simulation Dryer Rotary 120 Model the of Applications 125 Procedure Solution 86 Discussion and Results Procedure and Equipment Experiment Dryer Rotary 89 89 98 Drying Balances Energy and Material Development Model Transfer Mass 83 80 80 80 VI. V. LIST OF FIGURES flE! Figure Schematic Diagrams of Rotary Drum Cross Sections Showing Typical Particle Lifting Flight Systems. 7 2 Section View of Particles in Flight. 7 3 Measured Drying Rates of Wood Particles In a FlashTube Versus Wood Moisture Content (Malte et al., 1 1977). 26 Vertical and Longitudinal Motion of Particle During a Cascade With Cocurrent Flow. 33 5 Section View of Rotary Drum Cross Section. 33 6 Experimental Rotary Drum For Measuring The Angle of Repose. 41 Experimentally Measured Angle of Repose For Wood Particles as a Function of Froude Number and Moisture Content. 44 Experimentally Measured Angle of Repose For Wood Particles as a Function of Periphery Flight Angle and Moisture Content. 44 Rotary Drum Experimental Set-up With Irradiated Particle Detection System. 47 Wood Particle Size Distribution Used in Residence Time Experiment. 49 Sample Strip-Chart Recorder Output Showing Detector Response to Tagged Particles. 50 12 Experimentally Measured Residence Time Distributions. 52 13 Predicted Versus Actual Residence Time for Wood Particles in the Experimental Rotary Drum. 55 14 Predicted Effect of Gas Velocity on Residence Time. 58 15 Predicted Effect of Drum Speed on Residence Time. 58 16 Predicted Effect of Drum Diameter on Residence Time. 59 17 Predicted Effect of Particle Size on Residence Time. 59 4 7 8 9 10 11 Longitudinal Cross Section View of Rotary Drum Showing Particle Flow Path With Centerf ill Flights. 63 Schematic Diagram of Wood Particle Bed on Lifting Flight, Assuming a Rectangular Cross Section. 69 Temperature Profile of Wood Particle Bed at End of Time on Flight, Assuming a Rectangular Cross Section. 69 Longitudinal Thermal Profile of Heat Transfer in a Rotary Drum With Cocurrent Flow. 77 Schematic Diagram of Bound and Free Water in the Wood Structure. 90 23 Rotary Dryer Experimental Set-up. 91 24 Rotary Dryer Experiment Particle Size Distribution. 92 25 Inlet and Outlet Particle Temperature Measurement 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Set-ups. 95 Sampling Device for Extracting Particle Samples From the Drum Interior. 96 Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 1, K = 1.0. 105 Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 2, K = 1.0. 106 Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 3, K = 1.0. 107 Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 4, K = 1.0. 108 Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 5, K = 1.0. 109 Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 6, K = 1.0. 110 Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 1, K = 1.03. 113 Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 2, K = 1.03. 114 Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 3, K = 1.03. 115 36 37 38 39 40 Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 4, K = 1.03. 116 Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 5, K = 1.03. 117 Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 6, K = 1.03. 118 Predicted Versus Actual Outlet Particle Moisture Content For The Rotary Dryer Test Runs, K = 1.0. 121 Effect of Variations of Selected Rotary Dryer Parameters, By Plus and Minus 50 Percent, on the Outlet Particle Moisture Content. Base Case is Equivalent to Conditions in Test Run No. 2. 122 41 Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation Results for Test 126 Run No. 2 With and Without Centerfill Flights. 42 Schematic Diagram of Triple Pass Rotary Dryer. 128 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Page Experimental Data for the Kinetic Angle of Repose for Wood Particles in a Rotary Drum. Moisture Content = 10% (dry basis). 43 Experimental Data for the Kinetic Angle of Repose for Wood Particles in a Rotary Drum. Moisture Content = 146% (dry basis). 43 3 Rotary Dryer Experimental Design. 90 4 Summary of Rotary Dryer Test Results. 99 5 Summary of Rotary Dryer Parameter Values Used in Figure 40. 124 Coefficients Used in Gas Property Equations. 150 2 6 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS OF A ROTARY DRYER: DRYING OF WOOD PARTICLES I. INTRODUCTION Rotary dryers have been the most commonly used wood drying system in the particleboard industry since their adaptation from the agricultural industry in the 1940's. In addition to the extensive use of rotary dryers for drying alfalfa and other agricultural crops, food stuff, and aggregates, these dryers also play an increasingly important role in drying wood residues for fuel (Mohr, 1982; Vala, 1982; Oswald and Junge, 1980; Kirk and Wilson, 1983). Until recently their effectiveness as a wood particle drying system, as well as for other materials, has been judged primarily by convenience rather than performance. This kind of attitude was tolerable during the days of cheap energy and inexhaustible "woodwaste" raw material. However, with today's strive for greater efficiency in allmodes of production, a closer examination of this drying process is in order. Many potential benefits may be realized through an improved understanding of the rotary drying process. One such benefit could be energy savings, whose magnitude can be determined by estimating the energy cost of drying in the particleboard industry. For example, the annual wood consumption for particleboard manufacture in the United States is approximately five billion kilograms on a dry basis. About 60 percent moisture content (dry basis) must be removed with a drying process which is about 50 percent efficient. This amounts to an equivalent annual power requirement of over 2 450 million cubic meters of natural gas. Whereas predrying wood fuel for the approximately 1,700 industrial boilers fired with wood and bark residues in the United States could yield about a 10 to 15 percent increase in steam production or fuel savings (this assumes only a 10 percent moisture content reduction). In addition, potential benefits could be realized in improvements of dryer control strategies and better control of dryer exhaust gas emissions. The rotary drying process can be broken down into three parts: momentum transfer, heat transfer, and mass transfer. All three of these transfer processes are interdependent and occur simultaneously. This study examines momentum, heat and mass transfer for the rotary dryer in a sequential fashion. Beginning with momentum transfer, in the form of a residence time analysis, a complete rotary dryer simulation model is developed by incorporating heat. and mass transfer into the analysis in a step by step manner. In this way, a very thorough understanding of the wood particle rotary drying process is attained. Rotary dryers used for wood particles are usually direct fired, are not sloped to the horizontal, and operate under cocurrent flow. The wet wood particles are continuously lifted by the rotation of the drum with the aid of particle lifting flights. The wet material cascades off the flights and passes through the hot moving gas stream. Each time a particle cascades, it is moved along the length of the drum as a result of the gas-particle interaction. Convective heat and mass transfer are the primary modes of drying. The approach used for this analysis, contrary to other studies reported in the literature, does not require empirical constants or 3 equations developed for a particular rotary dryer system. It relies entirely on first principles and empirical relationships developed independently from rotary dryers. This requires the operation of a rotary dryer be examined in terms of its component parts and processes. While limited in its accuracy for specific rotary dryers, this type of an approach provides a great deal of insight toward the affect of design and operating variations on rotary dryer performance. The primary objective of this study was to develop a rotary dryer simulation model which could predict the drying behavior of wood particles. Secondly, it was desired to study the rotary dryer in terms of its component parts to identify the mechanisms involved. Third, the affect of a centerfill flighting section was to be considered in the model. And finally, experiments were to be performed on a rotary dryer system to check the simulation results. The same system was used for all of the rotary dryer experiments. The drum was 1.2-meters in diameter by 5.5-meters in length. A centerf ill flighting section was included and the flow was cocurrent. The rotary drying system was commercially designed and manufactured, but was instrumented for experimental applications. Use of the dryer was provided by the Weyerhaeuser Company and access to it was limited. Therefore, all of the experiments con- ducted were treated as mill trials. 4 LITERATURE REVIEW II. Upon review of the literature pertaining to rotary dryers, one finds three particular topics of study: residence time in rotary drums, heat transfer in rotary drums, and examination of the complete rotary drying process. Each of these subjects are treated separately in the following literature survey. In addition, a review of the pertinent wood drying literature is also included. Residence Time and Particle-Gas Stream Interactions Residence Time Momentum transfer in rotary drums is generally studied in terms of residence time and holdup of solids inside the drum. These quantities are related as shown by Equation 1. t = where: (1) PB t = residence time, s. S = solids feed rate, kg/s. H = holdup, m3. PB = bulk solids density, kg/m3. Residence time is dependent on the particle flow path, which consists of flow in a particle-gas stream and travel on particle lifting flights. The arrangement and shape of particle lifting flights will influence the particle flow path. typical flighting systems for rotary drums. Figure 1 shows two The dotted lines indicate possible paths for a particle cascade. Each cascade results in longitudinal motion of a particle along the length of the drum. 5 Other factors that will influence the residence time are number of flights, gas flow rate, particle feed rate, particle characteristics, drum diameter, drum length, drum slope, and rate of drum rotation. Research into residence time in rotary drums has progressed over the last 40 years from purely empirical functions describing the process to theoretical relationships requiring computer solutions to complex systems of differential equations. The works presented here summarize the progress that has been made in this area of study. Friedman and Marshall (1949) summarized the work of Prutton, Miller and Schuette (1942), and Smith (1942) on residence time and holdup in rotary drums. From this earlier work the following empirical equations were derived. t = 13.8 L 0 ± 118.1 BLG (tan a)NC"dd B = 0.005(d )-0.5 where: a = drum slope, degrees. L = drum length, m. N = rate of rotation, rev./min. d = drum diameter, m. d = particle diameter, m. G = gas flow rate, kg/s. In Equation 2 the plus sign refers to countercurrent flow and the minus sign to cocurrent flow. An empirical relationship for residence time in rotary drums was also developed by Saeman and Mitchell (1954). The method 6 employed resulted in a range of predicted residence times using Equation 4. 60L - f(H) ddN(sin a - KvG) where: f = average residence time, s. f(H) = function of drum holdup. VG = gas velocity, m/s. K = constant, s/m. The limiting values for the holdup function were Tr and 2 depending on the degree of loading. Miskell and Marshall (1956) studied residence time in a 0.14-meter diameter by 1.0-meter long rotary drum using a radioactive tracer technique. Results indicated that an optimal holdup condition existed, at which the deviation from the average residence time was minimized. A rigorous analysis of flight geometry and drum loading was performed by Kelly and O'Donnell (1968). For the equal angular distribution flight shown in Figure 2, the average residence time is calculated by Equation 5. - where: KcL y[sin a ± f(G)] t, mo 7- kg ) Kc = cascade factor = average distance of particle fall, m. f(G) = function of gas-particle interaction mo = ratio of actual to design flight holdup at 0 = O. g = acceleration due to gravity, m/s2. 7 Periphery Flights Figure 1. Periphery and Centerfill Flights Schematic Diagrams of Rotary Drum Cross Sections Showing Typical Particle Lifting Flight Systems. Equal Angular Distribution Flight Particles Ns%%%soe Square Flight, 1. 0 = Flight angle to horizontal. (/) = Kinetic angle of repose. Figure 2. Section View of Particles in Flight. Rectangular Cross Section 8 The cascade factor, Kc, defines the effective length of the drum and must be found experimentally. The gas-particle interaction function for was approximated using the Schiller and Naumann (1933) relation drag forces assuming spherical particles. FD = where: Tird p (6) v rp (1 + 0.15 Re0.687) FD = drag force due to gas-particle interaction, N. = relative particle velocity, m/s. vr 1.1 = gas viscosity, Pas. Re = Reynolds number. Glikin (1978) used a similar theoretical approach to derive Equation 7. 0.5] sT5 T Le = Y(sin a ± Jvr2) where: 7 + (--Z) (7) 30N = average flight angle from which a particle cascades, degrees. J = drag factor. Le = effective drum length, m. The drag factor, J, was estimated similarly to the gas-particle interaction function, f(G), of Equation 5 using the Schiller and Naumann equation. The average flight angle from which a particle cascades, U, is a function of the flight geometry and the kinetic angle of repose, see Figure 2. Equation 7 is completely general to any flight geometry pro- vided the relationship between the kinetic angle of repose and the flight angle is known. 9 As a follow-up to their earlier study, Kelly and O'Donnell (1977) modified their residence time model to allow for kiln action and bouncing as possible modes of advance along the length of the drum. Particle-Gas Stream Interactions It appears from the work reported thus far, that the particlegas stream interaction is an important and complex component of the residence time analysis. The complexity is due to the possibility of irregular particle shapes and particle-particle interactions. The literature contains a vast collection of works dealing with fixed orientation drag on ideally defined shapes, such as spheres and cubes. However, the more difficult problem as expressed above, has not yet been solved. A rather extensive literature review on the subject of drag on This review bodies in a gas stream was presented by Mason (1980). included considerations of acceleration in a fluid, turbulence, surface roughness, particle shape, and multiparticle systems. The author concluded that none of the correlations found in the literature proved to be reliable over an entire range of flow conditions or particle shapes. Mason's own work on freely-falling wood chips yielded the following empirical relationships for estimating drag coefficients for three different particle shapes: For flat plates in the maximum drag orientation: CD = 0.60 [0.0176 (21w) + 1.13]; 1 < (2./w) < 50 (8) 10 For cylinders in the maximum drag orientation: CD = 0.65 [0.0087 (2,/d) + 0.691; 1 < (Z/d) < 50 (9) For freely-falling wood particles, which cannot be modeled as a flat plate or cylinder: (10) CD = 0.77 CD = drag coefficient. where: = length. w = width. d = diameter. Malte et al. (1977) measured particle velocities using a radio- active tracer technique in a vertically oriented flash-tube dryer. Particle drag coefficients were calculated using the force balance given by Equation 11. p V pp (1 + X) g = 1 pg vt2 CD Ap p = density, kg/m3. where: V = volume, m3. X = particle moisture content, dry basis. A = frontal area, m2. vt = terminal velocity, m/s. Results for sawdust particles were essentially independent of Reynolds number in the range 100 < Re < 4000 and had a value of CD = 0.65. CD = 0.9. For wood flakes the value was somewhat higher, at 11 Heat Transfer Heat transfer in rotary drums has been approached from two perspectives; either an analysis based on an empirically derived overall heat transfer coefficient, or an approximate analysis using individual particle heat transfer coefficients. The former is characterized by Equation 12: where: q = U Vd AT q = rate of heat transfer to particles, J/s. U = volumetric heat transfer coefficient, W/m3-°C. Vd = volume of drum, m3. ATkm = log-mean temperature difference, °C. The latter requires assumptions concerning the geometry of the system, particularly concerning the dynamics of the gas-particle interaction. McCormick (1962) surveyed the work of Miller et al. (1942), Friedman and Marshall (1949), and Saeman and Mitchell (1954) to derive the relationship: G0.67 qs = K L dd where: Ad ATtm K = constant. The value of K varies with characteristics of the solids, flight arrangement, flight capacity, drum speed, and drum holdup. Saeman (1962) discussed the differences in the correlations proposed by earlier investigators and questioned the accuracy of the gas temperature measurements made by Miller et al. (1942) and Porter 12 and Masson (1960). Discounting this data and citing the work of Friedman and Marshall (1949), Saeman concluded that the overall heat transfer coefficient shows only a second order dependence on the gas flow rate and is primarily governed by the cascade rate. Porter (1963) recognized the shortcomings of the empirical approach to establishing an overall heat transfer coefficient for design purposes and suggested the use of an individual particle surface-film heat transfer coefficient, which could be determined independent of the rotary drum system. A procedure for such a calculation was not presented. Sharples (1964) developed a model for a rotary dryer in which the value of U was assumed to be proportional to the cascade rate, drum speed, and the gas flow rate raised to the 0.5 power as shown by Equation 14: (14) U = K N 005. where: K = constant. In this expression, the value of K must be found experimentally. Turner (1966) formulated a procedure for calculating average particle temperatures as a function of their Progress along the length of a rotary cooler. Internal temperature profiles of the particles were also calculated as a function of time, while allowing for alternate periods of cooling and soaking. A procedure for determining the individual particle surface-film heat transfer coefficient was not given. Kuramae and Tanaka (1977) developed a procedure for calculating an overall heat transfer coefficient based on theoretical 13 considerations. Their analysis included analytical solutions to heat transfer equations for individual particles falling in a gas stream, particles cascading in curtains, and particles riding on These solutions were combined to yield peripheral lifting flights. changes in gas and mean particle temperatures across a segment of a rotary drum. An overall heat transfer coefficient was then determined by Equation 12. The authors calculated the individual falling particle surface-film heat transfer coefficient using a relationship by Ranz and Marshall (1952): hd --R = 2 + 0.6Re05Pr033 (15) kf where: h = convective heat transfer coefficient, Wm2.C. Pr = Prandtl number. kf = conductive heat transfer coefficient of the surface film, W/m.°C. For the particles in a falling curtain, the following equation, adapted from S.Hayashi, was used: h = 0.013 (pf vr) where: (16) pf = density of surface film, kg/m3. = mean relative particle velocity, m/s. Kuramae and Tanaka assumed a uniform temperature profile within a particle as an initial condition for the analytical solution. If heat transfer is assumed to occur only during the period of particle fall, the following relation for the overall heat transfer coefficient was obtained: 14 U = Kdde(H/Vd)13Ne(G/A )ed g(n -I)k d where: p (17) e K = constant Ad = cross sectional area of drum, m2. ne = number of peripheral flights. The values of the exponents in Equation 17 were assigned the following ranges: -0.25 < a < 0.21, 0.5 < b < 0.6, 0.5 < c < 0.6, 0.0 < e < 0.55, -1.2 < g < -0.75, and 0.4 < k < 0.5. From the above result, the authors concluded that the overall heat transfer coefficient is not dependent on the drum diameter. The gas velocity was shown to have only a secondary effect, concurring with the conclusions of Saeman (1962). Hirosue and Shinohara (1978), in their work with rotary drums, assumed heat transfer between the gas and the particles occurred only during the period of fall and that the particles could be approximated as individual spheres. A surface-film heat transfer coefficient was calculated using Equation 15. This coefficient was then combined with a specific surface area factor, which relates the individual particle surface area, effective number of particles in contact with the gas stream, and the drum volume. The result was given as a summation function of the flight angle, which could be approximated as follows: d U= K h -11 2 [549.5 (H/Vd)1.37 Fr0.41 dd2 dp-3]e dd where: K = constant. Fr = Froude number. e = constant. (18) 15 The values of K and e must be found experimentally. Mass Transfer Studies of mass transfer in rotary dryers are handled in the literature within the context of the overall drying process. For drying to occur, the moist material must obtain heat from its surroundings. Much of the experimental work mentioned previously concentrated on the heat transfer aspects of the rotary drying process. As such, they were really studies of simultaneous heat and mass transfer. Miller et al. (1942) developed an empirical equation for estimating the rate of heat transfer in a rotary dryer based on experiments with 10 to 35 mesh, wet Fullers earth in a 0.20-meter diameter drum. The rate of heat transfer was calculated as the sum of the sensible heat acquired by the solids and liquid water plus the latent heat of evaporation of the water driven off. An overall heat transfer coefficient was determined using Equation 12, by assuming the mean driving force to be the log-mean temperature difference between the air and solids evaluated at the inlet and outlet of the drum. The affect of heat loss through the drum wall was neglected. Friedman and Marshall (1949) conducted separate experimental studies of heat transfer and drying in a rotary drum. Overall heat transfer coefficients were calculated using a method similar to Miller et al. (1942), however, a heat loss allowance was made based on exterior drum wall temperatures. Overall heat transfer coeffi- cients calculated from drying tests agreed closely with the results 16 from heat transfer tests. The authors concluded that heat transfer results could be used directly to predict drying behavior. The information presented thus far has concentrated on the development of residence time and heat transfer correlations. To go a step further, numerous attempts have been made to combine these efforts into a complete rotary dryer model. Myklestad (1963) assumed a linear relationship existed between the gas temperature and the solids moisture content to develop Equation 19, which predicts the solids moisture content as a function of the distance from the solids inlet to the drum. (b X = X0.!j + J - where: TS) (19) (eJ -1) -mUAd AS TG = mX + b = gas temperature, °C. T = solids temperature, °C. Xo = inlet solids moisture content, dry basis. U = volumetric heat transfer coefficient, J/s.m3°C. = distance from the solids inlet, m. A = latent heat, J/kg. This relationship assumes a constant solids temperature, and is therefore restricted to the constant rate drying period. Predictions of the solids moisture content from Equation 19 were in good agree- ment with experimental results using pumice particles in a 0.2-meter diameter rotary dryer with countercurrent flow. The minimum outlet solids moisture content was approximately 17 percent on a dry basis, and appeared to be within the constant rate drying zone. The 17 calculated volumetric heat transfer coefficients varied approximately to the 0.8 power of the gas mass velocity per unit cross-sectional area of the drum. A set of four ordinary differential equations were derived by Sharples et al. (1964) to describe the drying over a differential drum length: dX dt R dY -SR d2. dT S UAd(TG-TS) _ S(cs d2, SXR +v 7d d qL S + cwX) cvSR (TG-TS) - UAd(TG-TS) dTG G(cG + cvy) d!?, where: R = drying rate, S1. = bulk solids velocity through the drum, m/s. Y = gas moisture content, dry basis. cIL = heat loss through dryer wall, J/s-m2. c = specific heat, J/kg.°C. The volumetric heat transfer coefficient was assumed to be proportional to the square root of the dry gas mass velocity. Heat losses were estimated as being proportional to the temperature difference between the ambient air and the average gas and solids temperature inside the dryer. The drying rate was defined as follows: 18 R = -KXTs3 Equations 20 through 24 were solved by a computer. The required proportionality constants must be derived through experiments. Nonhebel and Moss (1971) presented a general design procedure for rotary dryers using mass and energy balances and estimates of overall heat and mass transfer coefficients based on previous work [Saeman and Mitchell (1954); Friedman and Marshall The dryer is divided into three zones: a preheat zone, a (1949)]. constant rate zone, and a falling rate zone. was presented. No experimental data Given that information was available on a similarly designed dryer and that it was operating under similar conditions, this would appear to be an adequate procedure for sizing rotary dryers. The concept of alternating periods of falling and soaking was analyzed by Davidson et al. (1969) by considering that a surface film exists on a particle, whose pseudo permeability could be estimated as: kp - (4tf/7Dwv)1/2 tc where: kp = pseudo permeability of the solid structure, m-1. D wv = diffusion coefficient for combined liquid and vapor within the solid structure, m2/s. tf = time of fall, s. tc = time per cascade, s. In this manner, continuous drying was assumed throughout the dryer length. The drying time is then the total residence time in thedryer. 19 Thorne (1979) extended the previous work by Kelly and O'Donnell (1968; 1977), on residence time in rotary drums, to develop a computer program which predicts drying behavior in a rotary dryer. The following vapor diffusion model, proposed by Garside et al. (1970), was adopted to describe the drying mechanism. X -v m = 6 Bim2 E j=1 2 exp (-D tT. /r V J + (BiM-1)2 Ti 2 p - ) T 2 + Bim(Bim-1) J. sin2(T.) (26) 4 T. where: T cot (T) = - (Bim -1). Bim = mass transfer Biot number. Dv r = vapor diffusion coefficient, m2/s. = particle radius, m. Drying was assumed to occur during the falling period and during the time of travel on the lifting flights. While on the lifting flights, the particles experienced a "soaking" period, in which moisture was not allowed to cross the particle surface. The residence time parameters used in Thorne's program were treated as input and evaluated separately using a computer program developed by Kelly and O'Donnell (1977). These parameters were corrected before they were used in the drying program based on experimental results by Kelly and O'Donnell. Drying experiments were conducted using pumice particles of approximately two millimeters in diameter and three percent moisture content in a 0.30-meter diameter by 1.8-meter long rotary drum. 20 The flow scheme was countercurrent. Comparisons with Thorne's data were good near the particle inlet to the drum. However, as the particles neared a dry condition, the model predicted a discon- tinuity in the particle temperature. This resulted from an inability of the vapor diffusion model to account for drying to completion. Thorne concluded that the gas velocity, as it affects particle mechanics, is the most complex component of the rotary drying process. Kisakiirek (1982) made several major assumptions in order to simplify his model for a rotary dryer. The drying rate relationship, given by Equation 27, assumed the solids temperature was constant and equal to the wet-bulb temperature throughout the drum, and that all sensible heat affects were negligible. -dX dt where: hAH A ""G (27) Twb) AH = particle surface area available for heat transfer, m2. Twb = wet-bulb temperature, °C. Kisakiirek's residence time analysis was similar to Glikin's (1978), however, uniform cascading was assumed over the drum cross section. Drying experiments, using 30 to 67-millimeter gypsum particles, were carried out in a 0.8-meter diameter by 1.4-meter long rotary dryer with both cocurrent and countercurrent flow. Good agreement was found at moisture contents above 50 percent (from Kisakiirek's report it is unclear if this is on a wet or dry basis), however, severe deviations between the measured and predicted results occurred after further drying. Kisakiirek attributed the error to an 21 increasing contribution of internal moisture diffusion, which is not accounted for in the model. A computer program was developed by Platin et al. (1982) to This model assumes predict drying behavior in a rotary dryer. A preheat zone near the external control of the drying rate. particle inlet is accounted for using Equation 28, in which all evaporation is governed by the rate of mass transfer at the particle surface. dX dt 6 Mw Dw 2 p d pp (PvG RT Sh pvs) PG ZnPG - vs PvG PG - pvs] f Mw = molecular weight of water, kg/kgmole. where: Dw = water diffusity in solid, m2/s. pvG = partial pressure of vapor in the gas, Pa. p vs = partial pressure of vapor at the particle surface, Pa. °C/Pa.m2. R = gas constant, kgmole Tf = gas film temperature, K. Sh = Sherwood number, kd/D gp w. PG = total gas pressure, Pa. The rate of heat transfer to a particle was given as: P q p V p diLqt exp dX Pp Vp dt cf] [k d Nu 71. f where: (TG - TS ) cf 1 p cf = gas film specific heat, J/s°C. qs = rate of heat transfer to a particle, J/s. Nu = heat transfer Nusselt number. 22 All drying was assumed to occur during the period of particle fall. During the soaking period, heat and mass were redistributed to a No experimental data was uniform condition within the particle. presented along with Platin's report. Wood Drying Models Wood is a capillary porous hygroscopic material. It exhibits different properties in the longitudinal, tangential and radial directions. Wood shrinks and swells with changes in moisture In addition, wood content below the fiber saturation point. properties may vary depending upon its position in a tree, the site on which it was grown, and between species. All of these character- istics combined into one material makes mathematical modeling of the drying process a difficult task. A comprehensive description of how water moves in wood during a drying process may be found in the works of Siau (1971), Skaar (1972), Kollmannand Cote (1968), and Stamm (1964). In general, the drying of wood occurs in three stages: a constant rate period, a falling rate period, and a second falling rate period. During the first stage, evaporation of moisture takes place at the surface. Surface moisture is replenished with free water from the wood interior by action of capillary forces. conditions control the drying rate. In this stage external The falling rate stage begins when the surface drops below the moisture content at fiber saturation. The evaporation front recedes into the wood. Moisture must now move to the surface under forces resulting from vapor, bound water, and pressure gradients. At this point, the internal 23 resistances of the wood are becoming more critical. The last stage of drying begins when the evaporation front has reached the wood core, and no more free water is present. The drying continues under internal control until an equilibrium moisture content is reached. The drying of hygroscopic porous materials has been given considerable attention in the literature, a thorough review of which Some of the most notable works is beyond the scope of this paper. are those of Luikov (1975), Gupta (1974), Mikhailov (1975), Kisakiirek (1975), Harmathy (1969), and Berger and Pei (1973). Of the work relating specifically to wood, Rosen (1983) surveyed the most recent developments in wood drying models and organized them under diffusion models, empirical models, and models based on heat and mass transport equations. Rosen's paper discusses the advances in basic theory and modeling of lumber drying, with special emphasis on the last ten years. Rosen states that unknown or arbitrary constants required in many of the drying model solutions merely reduces those efforts to an empirical correlation of a mathematical function. Consequently, the reliability of the model, under conditions where no data exists, becomes questionable. The reader is referred to Rosen's paper for a more complete description of these wood drying models. Special considerations encountered when drying wood particles in rotary dryers include the use of high gas temperatures (i.e. above 100°C) and the fact the wood is in particulate form. Hart (1966) described the fundamental difference between high and low temperature drying. At temperatures above the normal boiling point of water and atmospheric pressure, a slight steam 24 pressure may develop at the evaporation front within the wood. This results in hydrodynamic flow of water vapor due to a pressure At low gradient from the evaporation front to the wood surface. temperatures, only water vapor and liquid water diffusion may occur as a result of concentration gradients. This explains why high temperature drying is much more rapid than low temperature drying when external conditions are no longer controlling the drying rate. Very little experimental data is available concerning the drying behavior of wood at high temperatures. Some work with lumber (Kollmann, 1961; Rosen and Bodkin, 1978) and veneer (Fleischer, 1953; Atherton and Welty, 1972) has been reported. Part of the problem associated with studying high temperature wood drying is a lack of knowledge concerning psychrometric relationships and equilibrium conditions of wood-water systems above 100°C. Rosen (1980) discusses some of the practical problems of psychrometric and equilibrium moisture content interactions Rosen notes that there is a lack of experimental relating to wood. verification of psychrometric charts above 100°C. Simpson and Rosen (1981) devised a method of extrapolating low temperature equilibrium moisture content data to high temperatures using a model originally proposed by Hailwood and Horrobin: X = K1 K 2 (Pv/Psv 1 + where: K1 K2 ) (30) (p /ps ) v K2 (Pv/P: ) v 1 - K2 (p /ps ) v v K1 = 3.73 + 0.03642T - 0.0001547T2 K2 = 0.674 + 0.001053T - 0.000001714T2 W = 216.9 + 0.01961T + 0.00572T2 25 pv = partial pressure of water vapor, Pa. pv = saturated vapor pressure, Pa. T = temperature, K. Some research has been reported regarding the drying of wood particles. The first extensive effort was by Corder (1958), which dealt with flash-tube drying of sawdust. Wood particles were entrained and dried in a vertically oriented tube under various drying conditions. The highest drying efficiency was found at the lowest gas flow rates. Increasing the inlet gas temperature had little effect on efficiency, however, the dryer capacity was increased proportionally with gas temperature. Decreasing the particle size increased dryer efficiency. The related works of Malte et al. (1977) and Plumb et al. (1977) studied the drying rate of wood particles in a flash-tube dryer. Sawdust of three sizes, flakes and shavings were examined. The drying rate was determined as a function of wood moisture content. A typical drying rate curve from their results is shown in Figure 3. It is interesting to note that, as the gas temperature was increased, the constant rate zone diminished, and in many cases could not be detected. The result of these works was a computer simulation of wood particles drying in a flash-tube. Kayihan (1982) developed a simultaneous heat and mass transfer model to describe two-dimensional wood particle drying. Three internal diffusion processes were included, as represented by the following set of partial differential equations: 26 IMI Gas Temperature = 575°C 525°C 0.16 4750C 0.12 425°C a) cci 0 375°C 0.08 325°C 0.04 1 I 0 20 I I 40 I i 60 80 100 120 Particle Moisture Content (%) Figure 3. Measured Drying Rates of Wood Particles In a Flash-Tube Versus Wood Particle Moisture Content (Malte et al, 1977). 27 D2T a2T DT at = ax Dx 2 ' DXv where: - DBF,x Dx -1E v,x P A Cs ay 2 a2XBF BF 3t aY + 2 a2Xv + ax2 a2XBF DBF,y By ppw(1Es) 2 a2Xv) v DV ay 2 p DW (1-ES) a = thermal diffusivity, m2/s. Cs = specific heat of wet wood, J/kg-°C. R = local drying rate, s-1. x,y = directional coordinates, m. BF = bound and free water. E = local porosity. These equations were coupled by assuming local thermal and phase equilibrium and utilizing Equation 30 to relate XBF, Xv, and T. A computer solution was required. Comparisons with the experimental results on the drying of wood particles in a convection oven were very good when the moisture diffusion coefficients in Equations 32 and 33 were allowed to vary to achieve the best fit. It is unclear whether these results are reproducible under varying drying conditions. A computer simulation of the drying rate of wood particles was also developed by Emery et al. (1983). Two approaches were used. The first assumed that free water and bound water occupied two distinct regions within the wood structure. allowed within the bound water region. Free water was not The other approach assumed free and bound water coexisted throughout the wood structure under 28 local equilibrium. The equations required for these models included a mass balance, energy balance, sorption isotherm, Darcy's Law, Fickian diffusion, and capillary flow. The two region model was solved with one dimensional flow in the longitudinal direction. The single region model was solved in cylindrical coordinates. In both cases, the particle length in the longitudinal direction was assumed to be less than the length of a wood tracheid. This assumption implied that the free water had an unobstructed passageway to the surface. Even though the two region model was considerably more complex than the single region model, both yielded nearly identical predictions for the drying rate. With the exception of the initial warm-up period, good agreement between the model predictions and experimentally measured drying rates were reported. The methods used for deriving the necessary transport coefficients were not presented. 29 III. RESIDENCE TIME To date, residence time models that allow for centerfill flights cannot be found in the literature. For reasons described earlier, see Figure 1, this type of flighting system would behave In much differently than a system with only peripheral flights. this report the method of Glikin (1978) has been modified to allow for centerf ill flights. A method has also been developed to account for loading below the design condition. With a rotary drum containing centerf ill flights, each particle cascade consists of two parts, the time spent traveling on lifting flights and the time spent falling through the gas stream. tudinal Longi- motion along the length of the drum results from the gas- particle interaction and the slope of the drum, see Figure 4. With cocurrent flow the gas-particle interaction assists the particles in their movement along the length of the drum. retards that motion. Countercurrent flow Heat sensitive materials, such as wood, require the use of cocurrent flow to prevent fires and scorching in rotary dryers. The remainder of this analysis will deal only with cocurrent flow since this is the mode of operation used with wood particle dryers. The following assumptions are incorporated into the development of the residence time model: During the period of fall the particles behave independently of one another. The irregularly shaped wood particles may be approximated as spheres for purposes of analyzIng the gas-particle interaction. 30 3. Particle lifting flights are rectangular in cross section, or at least can be approximated as such. Model Development Longitudinal Advance Per Cascade A force balance equation for a particle falling in a rotary drum was presented by Schofield and Glikin (1962). From left to right the terms in Equation34 represent the inertial force, force due to gravity, and the drag force on a particle, all in the longitudinal direction. Tr where: d vx 3 p dv p 2 X 3 Tr - -7.7d p p ir p p g sina + C rd 4 P 2 (VG-Irld 7 pD G 2 = longitudinal particle velocity, m/s. Equation 34 may be integrated twice to yield Equation 35 for determining the longitudinal advance of a particle per cascade. x = v t + K G f 9.11 cos[tan-1(vG/a)] [ cos[-aKtf + tan-1(vG/a)] where: a = [g sin a K =0.75 10.5 PG CD d p pp tf = time of particle fall, s x = longitudinal advance per fall, m. The drag coefficient, CD, is estimated by combining Equation 6 with Equation 36 (Welty et al., 1976). (vG - vx)2 FD = CD Atl pG 2 (34) 31 to yield: C 24 D= (1 Re + 0.15 Re0.687 ) Since the drag coefficient is a function of the relative particle velocity, Equations 35 and 37 must be solved iteratively. Time Per Cascade For a rotating drum with a flighting system consisting of both periphery and centerf ill flights, the time spent traveling on lifting flights consists of travel on periphery flights and travel on centerfill flights. This would be between points D and A and points Likewise, the time of fall through the gas B and C in Figure 1. stream consists of falling from the peripheral flights and falling This would be between points A and B and from centerfill flights. points C and D in Figure 1. Positions A, B, C and D represent the These radial positions in the travel of an "average" particle. positions are evaluated using an averaging technique presented by Glikin (1978) for peripheral flights and modified for this study to account for centerf ill flights. Equation 38 may be used to evaluate position A in Figure 1. 7 *1 h (0) * h (0) 0 dh* r J 0 _ 0 = peripheral flight angle at which an average particle is where: released, degrees. * h (0) = design flight holdup at 0 = 0. To integrate this equation a relationship between 0 and h * must be found from the knowledge of the flight geometry and the kinetic angle 32 of repose. For the square flight shown in Figure 2 this relationship was derived by Glikin (1978). Position C in Figure 1 is similarly obtained as shown by Equation 39. 1 ' h(Ti) C where: h (T.) 1 10c (39). Tdhc = centerf ill flight angle at which an average particle is released. h(Pi) = centerf ill flight holdup when cascading begins. The relationship between T and hc for square flights is given by Equations 40 - 42. The angles and other dimensions referenced are illustrated in Figures 2 and 5. For T < (90-180/nc + w) or y < hc = 1 2c + 2 : (f) 2) + bc tan(360/nc-w) tan( m)/ [tan(360/nc-w) + tan( max)])(40) For T > (90-180/nc + w) and y > (I) and T < (4) + 180-360/nc + w) 1 hc =cbc +c2 + bc2) tan(360/nc-w) tan(4) + 180-360/nc + w - T)/ [tan(360/nc-w) + tan(4) + 180-360/nc + w-T)]) For T > (90-180/nc + w) and y > 1 hc = 2c /tan(T - (I) and T > (41) (4) + 180-360/nc + w) - 180+360/nc) (42) 33 Figure 4. Vertical and Longitudinal Motion of Particle During a Cascade With Cocurrent Flow. Figure 5. Section View of Rotary Drum Cross Section. 34 The average angle of entry onto the centerf ill flights, Te, and the average angle of entry onto the peripheral flights, %, are represented by points B and D respectively in Figure 1. If a completely vertical fall is assumed these angles may be determined by plane geometry. For a more rigorous technique the radial dis- placement due to the angular momentum transferred from the moving flight to the particle should be taken into account. In practice, with rotation rates below ten revolutions per minute and drum diameters of three meters or less, this allowance is negligible. and 711-e are used to calculate the vertical The angles distances of fall, y and yc, for both stages of the falling period. The time of fall per cascade, tf, is then given by: tf = (2gy) 0.5 + (2gyc) 0.5 (43) The time of travel on the flights is given by Equation 44. t = [(360 + 77) - 1%) + a - e)1/36N (44) Total Residence Time The total residence time is calculated as shown by Equation 45, where the number of cascades, C, is determined by dividing the length of the drum by the longitudinal advance per cascade, x, from Equation 35. tT = C(t + tf) (45) In practice, rotary drum dryers with centerf ill flights will have short segments ahead and behind the centerf ill section to allow for 35 a smooth particle infeed and outfeed. These segments are treated in a similar manner as outlined above but without the centerf ill flights. The total residence time in the drum must then include the time spent in these unobstructed segments. Allowance for Underloaded Flights Up to this point the analysis has been based on the assumption that the drum is fully loaded. This means at 0 = 0 the flight has just become filled to capacity and cascading begins. This condition generally would not be achieved in a wood particle drying operation. Material feed rates are often limited by burner capacity and drying rates. Overloading is undesirable since this would cause an accumulation of particles on the bottom of the drum that do not participate in continual cascading. The result is a decrease in the gas-particle interaction, requiring additional residence time to achieve the desired degree of drying. For these reasons rotary drum dryers used for drying wood particles are operated below the design holdup of the flights. If the drum holdup is less than the design drum holdup, the cascading is not initiated at 0 = 0, but occurs at some greater peripheral flight angle. Underloading will therefore result in a larger value for 0, which is the basis for the residence time calculation. To account for underloading an iterative procedure is proposed. First, the residence time and drum holdup are calculated as outlined previously. The calculated drum holdup, H, is then compared to the 36 design drum holdup, H*, and a fractional drum holdup, m, is determined as follows: m = H/H* (46) If m is less than one an iteration is required. Assuming m is linearly related to the peripheral flight holdup, a new value for the flight holdup when cascading begins, h(0), is calculated as: h(0) = m h (0) (47) This value is then compared to successive values of h (0) as 0 is increased until h(01) just exceeds h (0), at which point the peripheral flight angle when cascading begins will be identified. Equation 38 then becomes: h(0i) 0 dh 0 The procedure for calculating the total residence time and the drum holdup is then repeated and successive iterations performed until convergence of the total residence time and the fractional drum holdup is achieved. Equivalent Particle Diameter When dealing with fluid dynamic properties of irregularly shaped particles it is common practice to approximate them as spheres and calculate an equivalent particle diameter. Levenspiel (1980) is given by: (a + 1) - 2 d A method proposed by 37 ds = mean aperature size of two screens defining a particle where: size. a = sphericity, the ratio of the surface area of a sphere to the surface area of the particle of an equivalent volume. Other methods of dealing with irregularly shaped particles are available in the literature (Torobin and Gauvin, 1960; Heywood, 1962; Coulson and Richardson, 1978; Mason, 1980). The above method was chosen because of its ease of application in a closed form equation. Solution Procedure A computer simulation program called RESTIME has been developed to predict the average residence time in single-pass rotary drums with or without centerfill flights. The output contains a complete description of the particle flow path, including: distances of particle fall, time of fall, time of travel on lifting flights, longitudinal advance per fall, drum holdup, and the average residence time. The following is a step by step solution procedure used by the program RESTIME: Drum dimensions, gas flow rate, particle feed rate, and particle characteristics are input to the program. Preliminary calculations are performed in order to determine the flighting geometry within the drum. As a first estimate, design drum loading is assumed. An equivalent particle diameter is estimatedwith Equation 49. 38 Equation 38 is used to calculate the peripheral flight angle at which an average particle is released. A check is made to determine if centerf ill flights are present. If centerfill flights are involved, Equation 39 is solved for the centerf ill flight angle at which an average particle is released. This calculation is dependent on the cascading pattern of the peripheral flights as defined by h(0). Through considerations of the flighting geometry calculated in step 2, the average angles of entry on to the peripheral flights and the centerfill flights are calculated. These are points D and B respectfully in Figure 1. The time of particle fall is calculated by Equation 43. If centerfill flights are absent, yc = 0. Knowing the distance and time of particle fall, the longiThis tudinal advance is estimated from Equations 35 and 37. involves an iterative solution, since the drag coefficient may not be solved for explicitly. The time of travel on the lifting flights is calculated by Equation 44. The total time per cascade is then the sum of the falling time and the time on the lifting flights. The total number of cascades is determined by dividing the drum length by the longitudinal advance per cascade. If a centerf ill flight section was involved, the number of cascades in the drum sections without centerf ill must be evaluated separately. 39 The overall residence time is then the product of the number of cascades in the centerf ill section and the associated time per cascade, plus the product of the number of cascades in the unobstructed sections and the associated time per cascade. The drum holdup is now calculated by Equation 1 and compared to the value estimated in step 3. If they are in sufficient agreement (one percent deviation is allowed in the program) the program terminates with an output listing. If the calculated drum holdup is greater than the design drum holdup, the program terminates with a warning message that the drum is loaded beyond its capacity. If none of these criteria are met, a new estimate of the drum holdup is made using an average value of all the iterations Equation 48 is then used to estimate the made thus far. new peripheral flight angle at which an average particle is released. Steps 6 through 13 are repeated until the termination criteria is met. Usually less than five iterations are required. Angle of Repose The angle of repose, cO, for particles carried in lifting flights was illustrated in Figure 2 as simply the angle the particle bed surface makes relative to the horizontal. When the particle bed is in motion, this is known as the kinetic angle of repose. 40 A force balance was presented by Schofield and Glikin (1962) which specifies the kinetic angle of repose for free flowing particles based on frictional resistance, gravitational and centripetal forces. The resultant relationship for (1) is shown in Equation 50. tan where: (I) = n - nFr sin 0 + Fr cos 0 1 - nFr cos 0 - Fr sin 8 (50) Fr = Froude number, rdve2/g. n = friction factor. V0 = angular velocity, s-1. rd = drum radius, m. Kelly and O'Donnell (1968) experimentally verified this behavior using pumice particles in a rotary drum with fully enclosed cylinders for flights. Experimentation and Results The angle of repose for wood particles was photographically examined using the experimental rotary drum pictured in Figure 6. A total of 713 measurements were taken. The parameters examined included: wood particle moisture content, drum speed and drum diameter. Because the flights were square as shown in Figure 2, and not fully enclosed cylinders as used by Kelly and O'Donnell, measurements of (1) and 8 were made only in the upper half of the drum where normal cascading occurs. Direct measurement of the angle of repose was not possible since the particle bed surface was irregular and seldom contained in a single plane. It was decided to graphically calculate the flight Repose. of Angle The Measuring For Drum Rotary Experimental 6. Figure - 5,2 41 - 42 holdup from the photographs and then back-calculate an effective angle of repose using the tip of the flight lip as a reference point. Tables 1 and 2 tabulate the effective angle of repose data for wood particles with moisture contents of 10 and 146 percent on a dry basis. Values of (PI from Tables 1 and 2 are plotted as a function of Froude number in Figure 7. As shown, there is no apparent correla- tion of ci) with the Froude number in the range studied. The variation about the mean was high, with an average standard deviation of approximately 12 degrees. Figure 7 does show an effect of moisture content on the angle of repose. The 146 percent moisture content particles exhibited a mean angle of repose of approximately eight degrees higher than the 10 percent moisture content particles. This difference was sig- nificant at a 99 percent confidence level. Figure 8 is a plot of the angle of repose versus the flight angle for a Froude number of 0.019. There is an apparent relation- ship, however, the trend does not conform to the curve predicted by Equation 50, which, with a negligible Froude number, would predict a horizontal line. The above arguments suggest that Equation 50 does not apply to wood particles. Wood particles cannot be considered a free-flowing material as assumed for Equation 50. Observations of wood particles cascading in a rotary drum revealed that there is not an even flow of material from the lifting flights but rather an intermittent release of particles. This was most apparent at flight angles 43 Table 1. Experimental Data for the Kinetic Angle of Repose for Wood Particles in a Rotary Drum. Moisture Content = 10 % (Dry Basis). Drum Diameter Drum Speed Froude Number Mean Angle of Repose Standard Deviation (m) (rpm) (103) (degree) (degree) 0.46 2.7 6.1 14.0 0.61 2.7 6.1 14.0 0.91 2.7 6.1 14.0 Table 2. 1.88 9.58 50.04 77.6 77.9 76.9 10.6 12.0 10.1 2.49 12.70 66.89 75.2 78.1 80.3 18.7 15.2 14.2 3.71 18.95 99.79 84.1 86.8 85.1 10.0 9.3 10.6 Experimental Data for the Kinetic Angle of Repose for Wood Moisture Content = 146 % Particles in a Rotary Drum. (Dry Basis). Drum Diameter Drum Speed Froude Number Mean Angle of Repose Standard Deviation (m) (rpm) (103) (degree) (degree) 84.9 89.3 85.8 8.9 7.9 14.0 1.88 9.58 50.04 0.61 2.7 6.1 14.0 2.49 12.70 66.89 85.4 87.6 90.9 9.6 12.9 14.2 0.91 2.7 6.1 14.0 3.71 18.95 99.79 89.6 95.9 85.3 11.5 10.6 12.7 0.46 2.7 6.1 9.3 44 0 = 146 % Moisture (Dry Basis) 0= 10 % Moisture (Dry Basis) 0 95 k op 90 0 0 8 85 0 0 t-I AO 0 80 0 0 0 75 0 25 50 75 100 Froude Number (103) Figure 7. Experimentally Measured Angle of Repose For Wood Particles as a Function of Froude Number and Moisture Content. 140 0= 146 % Moisture (Dry Basis) 0= 10 % Moisture (Dry Basis) 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 60 90 100 0 c8 60 1 30 Flight Angle (degree) Figure 8. Experimentally Measured Angle of Repose For Wood Particles as a Function of Periphery Flight Angle and Moisture Content. 45 greater than 90 degrees when typically almost the entire flight holdup would fall in one lump. Particle geometry and moisture content appear to be controlling factors in determining the angle of repose. bridging matrix as they rest on a flight. Wood particles form a Partial collapse of the matrix occurs when its weakest component fails, thus initiating a cascade of particles. The ability of the matrix to stay intact depends on the particle geometry. Long and curly particles, such as planer shavings, tend to interlock and strengthen the matrix, leading to a high angle of repose. Whereas, granular particles, like saw- dust, approach a more free flowing state with a lower angle of repose. Moisture content apparently affects the angle of repose as the result of two factors: the presence of surface moisture and a change in the bulk density. Conceivably, a cohesive force is developed between the particles when sufficient surface moisture is present. This is a combined result of hydrogen bonding between the water and the wood and surface tension effects. An increase in the amount of surface moisture results in a greater influence of these surface effects. Higher particle moisture contents also result in higher bulk densities. This could cause more intimate contact between the particles on the flights due to greater compaction, possibly resulting in more interlocking between the particles. The effect of moisture content on the angle of repose is shown in Figures 7 and 8. A statistical analysis indicated the higher moisture content particles had a significantly greater angle of repose. 46 Residence Time Experiment Equipment and Procedure Residence time was measured experimentally using a radioactive tracer technique. The rotary drum used was a commercial model, 1.2-meters in diameter by 5.5-meters in length. A centerf ill flighting section was included, and the gas-particle flow was cocurrent. Drum speed and particle size were the independent variables examined. The principle behind the radioactive tracer technique is simply to tag a particle with a radioactive isotope of sufficient energy, such that the tagged particle may be "seen" using detection equipment, which is sensitive to the presence of radioactivity. Two A diagram of the experimental setup is shown in Figure 9. gamma ray detectors were positioned inside the dropout hopper at the exit end of the drum. The signal from each detector was individually processed through a separate preamplifier and amplifier circuit. The resulting two signals were then joined and routed through a single rate meter, and the output transmitted to a scaler and a strip-chart recorder. A remote switch at the particle inlet controlled the strip-chart recorder and initiated the starting time for each run. An aqueous NaNO3 solution was exposed to a neutron bombardment in the nuclear reactor on the Oregon State University campus. resultant solution contained Na24. The This nuclide was selected because of its relatively energetic gamma rays at 1.37 and 2.75 MeV Exhaust gas and fines to cyclones Particles Test particles NaI(T1) detector / Remote Baffles 7 f Switch Drop-out hopper --1 Inlet air NaI(T1) detector 7 Particles Preamp. Amp. --OP Rate Meter Scaler Preamp. Amp. 1 Chart Recorder olStrip- Figure 9. Rotary Drum Experimental Set-up With Irradiated Particle Detection System. Power Source 48 per disintegration and the fact that the test site location and travel time were in keeping with the 15 hour half-life. The wood particles used were commercially prepared and exhibited the size distribution shown in Figure 10. Representative test particles were selected from three size classes defined by a sieve analysis. A total dry weight of 1.2 grams per size class was used. Enough particles for six test runs were prepared, with the number of test particles used per run varying from 46 to about 300 depending on the particle size class. Test particles were tagged with a predetermined amount of the Na24 solution. They were then dried to approximate equilibrium with ambient conditions using a heat lamp and a weight scale. Approxi- mately 20 hours elapsed from the time the test particles were tagged and the first experimental run was begun. At the start of each run, test particles were simultaneously injected through an access port at the particle inlet immediately ahead of the rotating drum. bulk particle feed. These particles became mixed with the The temperature of the gas stream approximated the ambient temperature and all the particles used were previously dried. Results and Discussion Individual tagged particles were detected at the drum exit. A portion of the readout from the strip-chart recorder is shown in Figure 11. The peaks shown were interpreted as individual particles as they passed very near a detector. 0.5 "I. 0.4 Median = 1.63 mm 0 w 0 0- 0.3 Mean = 2.06 mm - Relative Frequency = Weight Fraction Incremental Screen Opening w 44 w 0.2 m w - p4 0.1 1 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Actual Screen Opening (mm) Figure 10. Wood Particle Size Distribution Used in Residence Time Experiment. 7.0 8.0 Particles. Tagged to Response Detector Showing Output Recorder Strip-Chart Sample [III _L, . I, , 2,1or,.,'1,-1,1 *". , 1, , - !,- i- - , do, 1 J, - - , it -_-_[ I 1 1111'I 1 , 1 , ,- ItI , _,_,A , _1 1_ tiff , 11 ,,, Ii! ikr Iii ni s [ , i _1 , Ii, , , , - ' I 11 1 iiii m_ , 14 LL , ,,-, I 11. Figure mi iiiii., LA ,a.1 ALT ,, ,11,11411 , Ilaili i':ti - ,ir , 1,-.' .-, , , ,rir , , _1 1 , 4 , 1 r, , 1 , - 1 1 I 'r L iliiiP1w iv-111,1' qm. iirr_.111'i ji ,Hr NI '4; ,I , 1 iii - I ill .. , , , , ' , , f ,__ , L 1 ,.., , [ IL 1, 1 , --!--.--r-T11-111- -1-, 50 51 From the strip-chart recorder output, frequency histograms were prepared, see Figure 12. With the exception of the smallest particles at a drum speed of 7.2 revolutions per minute, all of the distributions tailed off to the right. The one exception resulted because that test run was terminated early due to a clogged outlet screwfeed conveyor. Comparison Between Experimental Results and Predicted Behavior Means and standard deviations from Figure 12 are plotted in Figure 13 along with the mean residence time predictions from the computer program RESTIME. The 45 degree line indicates what would be an ideal fit between actual and predicted results. The affect of drum speed is readily apparent from Figure 13. Increasing the drum speed decreased the average residence time. The change in the residence time was not proportional to the change in the drum speed. Of particular interest in Figure 13 is the effect of particle size. RESTIME predicted a much more significant effect of particle size than was shown by the actual data. particles act independently. not the case. RESTIME assumes that the Experimentation showed that this was The lesser affect of particle size becomes apparent when one recalls the test procedure. Test particles of discrete size were injected into the rotary drum and mixed immediately with the bulk particle flow. The size distribution of the bulk particles was shown in Figure 10. During a cascade the particles fall in curtains, separated by relatively particle free areas-, as 25 Mean = 8.3 Std = 1.6 20 Mean = 14.4 Std = 3.2 5 0 5 10 15 Residence Time (min) a. Drum Speed = 7.2 rpm Particle Size = -1.88 +1.53 mm Figure 12. 0 5 10 15 20 Residence Time (min) b. Drum Speed = 3.0 rpm Particle Size = -1.88 +1.53 mm Experimentally Measured Residence Time Distributions. Gas Velocity = 1.58 m/s Feed Rate = 0.334 dry kg/s. 25 30 25 Mean = 7.9 Std = 2.0 20 = 15.3 Std = 3.4 _r- ri-1 5 10 15 Residence Time (min) c. Drum Speed = 7.2 rpm Particle Size = -3.35 +1.88 mm Figure 12. Continued. 5 10 15 20 Residence Time (min) d. Drum Speed = 3.0 rpm Particle Size = -3.35 +1.88 mm 25 11 30 25 Mean = 17.2 Std = 3.6 = 8.6 Std = 2.5 20 15 0 cu IL 1-1 44 10 4-1 4-1 5 0 I 0 5 10 15 Residence Time (min) e. Drum Speed = 7.2 rpm Particle Size = - 5.14 +3.35 mm Figure 12. Continued. n I 5 1 171 10 15 20 Residence Time (min) f. Drum Speed = 3.0 rpm Particle Size = -5.14 +3.35 mm 25 30 55 Drum Speed (rpm) Particle Size (mm) -1.88 +1.53 3.0 7.2 -3.35 +1.88 3.0 7.2 -5.14 +3.35 3.0 7.2 3.0 mean = 2.06 7.2 I Symbol A 0 0 0 0 0 2500 2000 Ideal Fit cu H 1500 cu <1.) -o co r=4 -cl 1000 cu Gas Velocity = 1.58 m/s Feed Rate = 0.33 dry kg/s one std. dev. = -o cu $.4 500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Actual Residence Time (s) Figure 13. Predicted Versus Actual Residence Time for Wood Particles in the Experimental Rotary Drum. 56 shown in Figure 6. Within a curtain, particle contact and shielding with the bulk particles can affect the flow. the more interaction that occurs. The denser the curtain, As a result, individual particle flow characteristics are influenced by the bulk particle flow. Assuming the particles do behave as a group, in regards to the gas-particle interaction, a representative particle dimension would be the mean particle size as given in Figure 10. The residence time predictions using a mean particle size are shown in Figure 13, in which the measured residence time is averaged over each drum rotation rate. Based on the test particle size, the combined percent root mean square error for all of the test runs was 109.6. Based on the mean particle size, the combined percent root mean square error for all of the test runs was 14.2. This may be compared to the accuracy of the model developed by Kelly and O'Donnell (1977) who recorded a value of 23.2 applied to their own data. The experimental rotary drum used by Kelly and O'Donnell did not contain centerf ill flights and was only 0.31 meters in diameter. Residence time data was taken in a short test section of the drum that was less than one half meter in length. Both the test particles and the bulk particles used were of a discrete size. All of these conditions would tend to decrease the variability of the process. Kelly and O'Donnells' study, however, did incorporate the affects of kiln motion and particle bouncing, both of which result from a sloped drum. not sloped. The rotary drum used in the current study was 57 The accuracy of Kelly and O'Donnells' model declined as the air At 1.61 meters per second the percent root velocity was increased. mean square error was 34.1. The air velocity used in the current study was approximately the same velocity at 1.58 meters per second, for a percent root mean square error of 14.2, based on the mean particle size. Residence Time Simulation Trials A series of computer simulated trials were conducted to examine the effects of various process parameters on residence time as predicted by the program RESTIME. The results of these trials are shown in Figures 14 through 17. Residence time is plotted as a function of gas velocity in Figure 14. The three lines represent different drum holdups, H, as a fraction of the design drum holdup, H . As would be expected with cocurrent flow, residence time decreases as the gas velocity is increased. This relationship is a direct result of Equation 6, which established the drag force due to gas-particle interaction. Figure 15 plots residence time versus drum speed. As shown, increasing the rate of rotation decreases the residence time. This effect is very pronounced at drum speeds of less than four revolutions per minute for a 1.2 meter diameter drum. Residence time as function of drum diameter is shown in Figure 16. At constant drum speed, an increase in the drum diameter decreases the residence time. This is a result of a longer distance of particle fall per cascade, which allows more time for the gasparticle interaction. The greater this interaction the more 58 0 400 .0 200 1.5 2.0 2.5 Gas Velocity (m/s) Figure 14. Predicted Effect of Gas Velocity on Residence Time. 3000 0.1 co 2000 a) H =0.4 1.4 1000 H/H =1.0 H/H =0.6 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 Drum Speed (rpm) Figure 15. Predicted Effect of Drum Speed on Residence Time. 59 600 H/H =0.4 IM1 H/H =0.6 H/H =1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Drum Diameter (m) Figure 16. Predicted Effect of Drum Diameter on Residence Time. 3000 c° 2000 a) v.) Equivalent Particle Diameter (mm) Figure 17. Predicted Effect of Particle Size on Residence Time. 60 longitudinal motion that will occur per cascade, resulting in a shorter residence time. Figure 17 indicates the effect of particle size on residence time. Theoretically, increasing the particle size should signifi- cantly increase the residence time. As illustrated in Figure 13 this was not shown to any great extent experimentally for reasons mentioned previously. If the average size of all particles (not just test particles) in a system is varied, it is expected that the relationship in Figure 17 would be a better fit. In all the cases examined in Figures 14 through 17 the fractional drum holdup was inversely related to the residence time. Increasing the fractional holdup resulted in a decrease of the residence time. This is not readily apparent from Equation 1 which would indicate a direct relationship between the residence time and drum holdup. However, in order to increase the drum holdup the feed rate must be increased, given that other parameters remain constant. The increase in the feed rate is proportionally greater than the increase in the drum holdup, resulting in a decrease in the residence time. 61 IV. HEAT TRANSFER As an intermediate step between the residence time analysis and the development of a complete rotary dryer simulation model, an analysis of the heat transfer process is appropriate. In this chapter the particle flow path characteristics defined in the residence time analysis are used as a basis to develop the heat transfer relationships. Mass transfer is neglected in this development. In addition to the assumptions given in Chapter III, the following assumptions are pertinent to the heat transfer analysis: Heat transfer to the particles occurs only during the falling period. While the particles are riding on lifting flights no heat is transferred across the particle surface. However, internal heat transfer is allowed. For purposes of the internal heat transfer analysis, the particles are approximated as cylinders, with the longitudinal direction corresponding to the grain direction. Thermal conductivity is dependent on direction. The gas temperature is uniform relative to the drum cross section. 62 Model Development Energy Balance The drum length is divided into segments and defined as one cascade length, as shown in Figure 18. An energy balance over one drum segment can be presented as: Gco(Toi+1 - Toi) + Scs(Tsi+1 - Tsi) = (51) The thermal properties of the particles and the gas are assumed to be constant over each segment. Heat Loss Heat loss from the rotary drum is defined as the net energy lost from the combined gas-particle stream between the inlet and outlet of the drum. Air leakage into the system is assumed to occur prior to the drum inlet. This loss is accounted for within the calculation of the inlet bulk gas temperature and flow rate. Consequently, all heat loss from the drum occurs as a result of combined conduction, forced-convection, free-convection, and radiation heat transfer through the drum wall. The thermal resistance of the drum wall is evaluated as follows: RT = Rw + Ro + RI where: (52) RT = total thermal resistance, °C/W. Rw = thermal resistance of wall components, °C/W. R R 0 = thermal resistance of outside wall surface-film, °C/W. = thermal resistance of inside wall surface-film, °C/W. Figure 18. Gas Flow Cascade Length Longitudinal Cross Section View of Rotary Drum Showing Particle Flow Path With Centerfill Flights. 64 The heat loss for each drum segment then becomes: qL = (TG - TA)/RT (53) A complete derivation of the thermal resistance of the wall components is given in Appendix A. External and internal flow conditions of the drum will control the surface resistances, in addition to any radiation effects. At the outside drum wall surface heat is transferred from the wall to the ambient surroundings by combined forced convection, natural convection, and radiation. The thermal resistance at the outside wall surface is evaluated as: Ro = 1/(hu + h r) where: (54) hu = combined natural and forced surface-film convective heat transfer coefficient, J/s.m2.C. hr = effective radiation heat transfer coefficient, J/s.m2-°C. For a rotating cylinder with crossflow, Kays and Bjorklund (1958) developed Equation 55 for determining the combined natural and forced convection Nusselt number. Nu = 0.135 [(0.5 Re where: Nu = hdd/k u 2 + Re + Gr) Pr] 0.33 f' Rew = rotational Reynolds number, ddpfvw/ilf. Re = ddpfvA/pf. Gr = Grashof number. vw = rotational velocity of the drum, m/s. (55) 65 VA = ambient air velocity, m/s. An effective radiation heat transfer coefficient may be estimated as (Welty, 1974): hr = 5.729 x 10-8 (T6 WO4 - TA4 (TWO - TA ) ) 6 = emissivity of the surface. where: The interior wall surface heat transfer coefficients are much more difficult to analyze, due to the complex geometry of this system. The affect of natural convection for internal flow within a rotating cylinder is probably not significant, and was therefore neglected. Forced convection inside a rotating cylinder with extended surfaces (particle lifting flights) presents a more An empirical relationship could not be found complicated problem. in the literature. Extended surfaces would tend to enhance the rate of heat transfer. On the other hand, Tscheng and Watkinson (1979) suggest that rotation of the drum tends to stabilize laminar flow, such that transition to turbulent flow occurs at higher Reynolds numbers. Neither of these claims have been satisfactorily evaluated in a quantitative manner. A compromise was struck by adopting the empirical relationship of Dittus and Boelter, as outlined by Welty et al. (1976). Equation 57 was developed for internal forced convection in a stationary cylinder with Reynolds numbers above 10,000 and a length to diameter ratio exceeding 60. Nu = 0.023 where: .8 Re() Nu = h dd/kG. Pr ° .3 66 For the drum used in this study, the length to diameter ratio was approximately 4.6. Therefore, a correction factor, as recommended by Deissler (Welty et al., 1976), was incorporated into the analysis. h. where: 07 = 1 + (dd (58) h co = surface-film convective heat transfer coefficient predicted by Equation 57, J/s.m2-°C. The effect of radiation from the gas to the drum wall was examined using the procedure outlined by Perry and Chilton (1975). This method considered the contribution to radiation of the water vapor and carbon dioxide components of the gas. A conservative calculation revealed that only about five percent of the total heat transferred to the drum wall could be attributed to radiation from the gas. Furthermore, after comparing the contribution of the inside surface to the total thermal resistance of the wall, the allowance for an internal radiation affect is negligible. Heat Transfer During Particle Fall During the time of particle fall through the gas stream the heat transfer into the particle is represented by: 9T 9t where: 1T 32T ar ' Dr2 ar Dr D2T ' az (59) 9z2 m2/s. ar = thermal diffusivity in radial direction, m2/s. az = thermal diffusivity in longitudinal direction, 67 At the centerline of the cylinder, r = 0, the term (l/r) 3Tar tends to the value of2T/Dr2 at r = 0 (Smith, 1978). Equation 59 then becomes: 2 ,2 3T = 2 Dt ° T ar 2 az a T2 Dz At the particle surface the boundary condition is: ar 3r9T= hcp(T G - T ) s where: Ts = temperature of particle at surface, °C. The surface-film heat transfer coefficient is estimated using Equation 15, in which an equivalent particle diameter must be defined in terms of a sphere. This procedure was shown in Chapter Soaking During the time the particles are riding on the lifting flights they are effectively insulated from the drum wall and the gas stream, with the exception of the surface layer of particles in the particle bed. As such, the mean particle temperature remains nearly constant during this period. However, the interior particle temperature profile tends toward a uniform distribution, which at infinite time would be the mean particle temperature. This period is called "soaking". To check the soaking hypothesis an analysis was done assuming a rectangular bed of particles as shown in Figure 19. Two sides of the bed are exposed to the gas stream, across which heat is 68 transferred by convection. The drum wall and a lifting flight border the other two sides. The equation governing the heat transfer to the particle bed is: [D2T 3T Dt = a 9x 2 (62) 4. D2T] Dy2 Assuming there is no resistance to heat transfer at the drum wall and lifting flight border, the boundary conditions are: T(x = 0,y) = Tw T(x,y = 0) = TF T(x,y,t = 0) = To k k DT DT (x = L,y) = h (TG - (x,y = B) = h (TG - Tly.B) Equation 62 was solved using an explicit finite difference method. The values of TW' TF' and To were assumed constant. particles were initially uniform in temperature. The The resulting temperature profile is shown in Figure 20 and represents a section taken along line EF in Figure 19. Even by this conservative analysis, the temperature gradient obtained is extremely steep, indicating that the total amount of heat transferred to the particle bed is negligible. Based on the above result and the conclusions reached by other investigators (Porter, 1963; Turner, 1966; Kuramae and Tanaka, 1977), the soaking period of heat transfer was incorporated into the model. The redistribution of the interior particle temperature profile may 69 TF = f(x) Ts = f(x,y,t) TG (x=L,y=B) x=0,y=B) Flight (x=L,y=0) (x=0,y=0) TG Figure 19. Schematic Diagram of Wood Particle Bed on Lifting Flight, Assuming a Rectangular Cross Section. 1.0 h = 178 W/m2 C k = 0.158 W/ m C c = 982 .1/kg C p = 200 kg/m3 t = 4.6 s B = 0.12 m L = 0.208 m 0 0.5 I C.7 0 0 0.5 1.0 y/B Figure 20. Temperature Profile of Wood Particle Bed at End of Time on Flight, Assuming a Rectangular Cross Section. 70 then be calculated using Equations 59, 60, and 61, with h = 0. The appropriateness of Equations 59, 60, and 61 within the overall framework of the rotary dryer model will be addressed in the At this point, it suffices to say the inclusion next chapter. of a transient heat affect within an individual particle may be an Considerable computational effort could be unnecessary refinement. saved by neglecting thermal gradients within the particles. Volumetric Heat Transfer Coefficient The development of the heat transfer model presented here did not require the determination of an overall heat transfer coefficient. However, for purposes of comparison, this calculation was performed. Two methods are used for estimating a volumetric heat transfer coefficient, an indirect and a direct method. The first is based on the known temperature changes of the bulk gas and solids. The total amount of heat transferred from the gas over a differential length of the drum is given as: 2 [ dqG = where: U 7dd (TG - Ts) + 7dd dx qG = heat transferred from gas, J/s. qL = heat loss through drum wall, J/sm2. dx = differential drum length, m. The total heat transferred from the gas may also be equ.ated as follows: (63) 71 dqG = G.cG dTG (64) and 7dd dx dqG = S.cs dTs + q (65) Solving Equation 63, 64, and 65 over a drum segment defined as one cascade length, Ax, yields Equation 66 (see Appendix B for complete solution): 1 UE AT2 + F I 0 U = AxE -n (66) + F UE AT2 - AT1 - qL/GcG where: E = Vd dqG - [ AT2 - AT1 - F - AT = dqG Ax/q L /GC G - Ax Ax Sc °C. TG - TS' Vd = volume of drum segment, m3. Ax = length of segment, m. If there was no heat loss, qL = 0, Equation 66 could be simplified to the familiar expression: qG U- (67) Vd (ATZm where: ATtm - ) AT2 - AT1 ATI in logarithmic mean temperature difference, [ AT1 °C. The direct method for estimating a volumetric heat transfer coefficient, without requiring knowledge of the temperature change, is based on a similar approach used by Hirosue and Shinohara (1978). 72 If the individual surface-film convective heat transfer coefficient and the effective surface area of the particles falling through the gas stream can be estimated, then Equation 68 may be used to establish a volumetric heat transfer coefficient. h A (68) U - ---2t Vd where: A = surface area of particles falling through the gas Pf stream at any instant within a drum segment, m2. The effective surface area of the particles is calculated using relationships developed during the residence time analysis. A where: pf = 6 H pB tf d t d P (69) Pc tf = time of particle fall, s. tc = time per cascade, s. Hd = holdup in drum segment, m3. Solution Procedure A computer program called HEAT was developed for calculating the particle and gas temperature profiles along the length of a rotary drum. This program works interactively with the program RESTIME developed in Chapter III. RESTIME calculates the mean particle residence time in any section of a rotary drum, in addition to estimates of time of particle fall, time of travel on lifting flights, length of a cascade section, and the drum holdup. The variables determined in RESTIME are dependent on the gas flow rate, which is in turn dependent on temperature. dependence is slight. This temperature As a result, calculations using RESTIME need 73 not be made for each drum segment, but only when a sufficient temperature change is encountered. of computational time is saved. In this way, a significant amount The maximum temperature change allowed, before a new set of residence time calculations are made, was selected as five percent. A separate program listing of HEAT is not included with this report, because the complete rotary dryer simulation program, developed in the next chapter, will perform the same results if the inlet particle moisture content is given as zero. The steps followed for the rotary drum heat transfer calculation are as follows: The interior particle temperature profile entering the first drum segment is initialized. Inlet gas composition and temperature are determined by component mass and energy balances knowing the combustion gas and blend-air conditions. A similar calculation to the above is performed to account for air leakage through the particle infeed and front-end rotary gas seal. Air leakage is expressed as a fraction of blend-box gas flow and must be determined outside the program. An initial value is assumed for the gas temperature exiting the segment, from which an average gas temperature for the segment is calculated. The average gas temperature of the segment is used to evaluate the bulk gas properties, see Appendix C. 74 The thermal properties of the particles are calculated based on the inlet particle temperature to the segment, see Appendix D. As the particles progress along the drum, a check is made of the defined drum geometry to establish whether centerfill flights are present in the drum segment. This will have a bearing on the calculations performed by RESTIME. If the first drum segment is being considered, or the gas temperature change is sufficiently large (greater than five percent), or a new flight configuration is encountered, the subroutine RESTIME is called to determine time of travel on lifting flights, time of fall, cascade length, and fractional holdup of the drum segment. Particles enter the soaking period, in which the interior particle temperature profile moves toward a uniform state. Equations 59, 60, and 61 are used for this calculation, where h = 0. Particles enter the falling period, in which all heat transfer to the particle is assumed to occur. Equations 59, 60, and 61 are used for this calculation, with h defined by Equation 15. Steps 9 and 10 use an explicit finite difference method for solving the partial differential equations. The thermal properties of the particles are assumed constant for each drum segment. If centerfill flights are present in the drum segment being considered, a repeat of steps 9 and 10 is performed. 75 The average particle temperature exiting the drum segment is calculated by numerically integrating over the interior particle temperature profile. Heat loss through the drum wall is determined using Equation 53. The average gas temperature for the segment, determined in step 4, is assumed. The exiting gas temperature from the segment is then calculated using the energy balance in Equation 51. This calculated exit gas temperature is compared to the temperature guessed in step 4. If these temperatures are not in sufficient agreement (within five percent), an iteration of steps 4 through 14 is performed until convergence is achieved. Depending on the quality of the initial guess, usually less than three iterations are required. A volumetric heat transfer coefficient is calculated as outlined in Equation 68. The outlet particle and gas temperatures from the segment are redefined as the inlet temperatures for the next segment. A test is made to determine if the end of the drum has been reached. If not, steps 4 through 17 are performed for the next segment. Output from the program HEAT includes cascade length, fractional holdup, residence time, average particle temperature, gas temperature, heat loss, and the volumetric heat transfer coefficient. for each drum segment. All of these are tabulated 76 Results and Discussion Calculations were performed using the computer program HEAT on the rotary drum system described in Chapter III. The results are shown in Figure 21 giving gas temperature, bulk particle temperature, heat loss through the drum wall, and the volumetric heat transfer coefficient. The temperature curves follow a classical cocurrent heat exchanger flow pattern. In this example, nearly 90 percent of the heat transfer to the particles occurs within the first 35 percent of the drum length. Heat loss is greatest at the hot gas inlet due to the large temperature driving force between the conveying gas and the surrounding air. The heat loss drops proportionately with the gas temperature until both level off and remain essentially constant throughout the rest of the drum length. In this example the heat loss is negligible. Since there is no centerf ill flighting over the first 0.2-meters and the last 1.6-meters of the drum, the volumetric heat transfer coefficient calculation resulted in a discontinuous function at the points where the centerf ill flighting begins and where it ends. The volumetric heat transfer coefficient is larger in the centerfill section because the holdup is greater in this region. This means there. is a larger particle surface area available for heat transfer per cubic meter of drum volume when centerf ill flights are present. GAS FLOW RATE = 3.0 M3/S 1.0 KG/S PARTICLE FEED RATE = INLET PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT = 0.0 % 41) CENTERFILL FLIGHT SECTION HEAT LOSS SAS TEMPERATURE VOLUMETRIC HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT PARTICLE TEMPERATURE 0.000E-01 1.100E+00 2.200E+00 3.300E+00 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CM) Figure 21. Longitudinal Thermal Profile of Heat Transfer in a Rotary Drum With Cocurrent Flow. 78 Experiments to confirm the performance of the above procedure were not possible due to the difficulty of heating wood in a large scale rotary drum without incurring a significant sorption heat effect. Even at moisture content changes of only two to three percent on a dry basis, calculations revealed the latent heat of vaporization would substantially alter the heat balance measurements. Thus, no experimental data was obtained for this process. Without experimental data, comparisons with the correlations of other authors is difficult due to the presence of empirical constants in those relationships. In addition, most correlations available were developed for a countercurrent flow situation and their applicability to a cocurrent flow system is questionable. However, comparisons can be made for heat transfer coefficients based on the experiments of some of these authors. Typical volumetric heat transfer coefficients reported for cocurrent systems are: 506 to 612 W/m3°C (Saeman and Mitchell, 1954) and 186 to 727 W/m3°C (Friedman and Marshall, 1949). As shown in Figure 21, the calculated volumetric heat transfer coefficient varied as a function of the flighting configuration, with a maximum value of about 1250 W/m3°C, and an average value, based on the overall log-mean temperature difference, of about 790 W/m3°C. An average volumetric heat transfer coefficient calculated in this manner is misleading, since any temperature profile having the same end points as shown in Figure 21 will yield identical average volumetric heat transfer coefficients. The results from Saeman and Mitchell were based on an overall log-mean temperature difference, 79 indicating that their values reported for the volumetric heat transfer coefficient are questionable. Friedman and Marshalls' results were based on particle temperature measurements and heat loss calculations along the length of their test drum. Their findings indicated a relatively uniform volumetric heat transfer coefficient with drum length when centerf ill flights were not present. 80 V. MASS TRANSFER By adding the process of mass transfer to the residence time and heat transfer models already developed, a complete rotary dryer simulation will be obtained. The assumptions outlined at the beginning of Chapters III and IV will still apply, along with the following: Drying occurs only during the period of particle fall. During the soaking period no heat or mass crosses the particle surface. This period is sufficiently long, such that a uniform temperature and moisture content profile is reached within a particle. Particles do not change dimensions due to changes in moisture content. External conditions control the drying process. Model Development Material and Energy Balances Mass transfer was incorporated into the overall model in a manner analogous to the development presented for heat transfer. A control volume is defined as one drum segment. Each drum segment is defined by one cascade length, as shown in Figure 18. state conditions are assumed within each drum segment. Steady Exit conditions from one drum segment are equivalent to the inlet conditions for the next segment. A material balance for one drum segment is as follows: 81 G(1 + Y1) + S(1 + X1) = G(1 + Y2) + S(1 + X2) where: G (70) = dry gas mass flow rate, kg/s. S = dry wood mass flow rate, kg/s. Y = absolute gas humidity, kg/kg. X = dry basis wood moisture content, kg/kg. Similarly, an energy balance across the segment yields: (71) GHG1 + SH51 = GHG2 + SH52 + qL where: HG = specific H enthalpy of the gas stream, J/kg. = specific enthalpy of the wet wood, J/kg. qL = heat loss through dryer wall, J/s. If a reference condition is specified as liquid water at 0°C, then the enthalpy terms may be evaluated as: HG = (ce-Ycv)(TG Hs = (cs + Equations Xcw)(Ts 71, 72, TRef) (72) YARef (73) TRef) and 73 may be combined to give the final expression for the energy balance. G(cGi + Ylcvl) TG1 + YiGARef + SCsi (1 + X1) Tsi = G(cG2 + Y2cv2) TG2 + Y2GARef + SCs2 (1 + X2) T52+ The rate of heat transfer to the particles in each segment is evaluated as: (74) 82 q = S(cS2 TS2 + -Si TS1) + S(X2 cw2 TS2 - X2 cwl TS1) (X1 - X2) SXS1 + (X1 - X2) S(cv2 TG2 - cvl TS1) where: q (75) = rate of heat transfer to particles in drum segment, S. Xs = latent heat plus heat of wetting, J/kg. The terms on the right-hand-side of Equation 75 are the sensible heat gain of the dry wood, sensible heat gain of the moisture remaining in the wood, latent heat of moisture removed (evaluated at the inlet particle temperature), and the sensible heat gain of the water vapor removed, respectively. The rate of heat transfer to the particles may also be evaluated using a volumetric heat transfer coefficient: q (76) = UVd(TG - TS) In a segment containing centerf ill flights, the two heat transfer quantities, resulting from a two part period of particle fall, are combined for the total rate of heat transferred for the segment as follows: q where: = (t fEI q SEI + t fIE q SIE )/(t fEI + t fIE ) El = exterior to interior flight particle fall. IE = interior to exterior flight particle fall. (77) 83 Drying Evaluating the extent of drying within each drum segment requires that some type of drying model be incorporated into the overall rotary dryer simulation. As selection criteria for the drying model, the conditions inside the rotary drum were considered, along with the feasibility of a solution to any particular drying model within the framework of the overall task. Under the control volume approach adopted, each drum segment has a unique set of boundary conditions imposed on the particles. Furthermore, assumption 8 stipulates that drying occurs only during the period of particle fall. If centerf ill flights are present, two falling periods will occur within each drum segment. Recalling from Chapter III that a particle may undergo as many as 100 or more cascades during its travel through a drum, well over 200 solutions to the drying model selected may be required. This constraint would preclude the use of drying models requiring time consuming solutions. The geometry of wood particles is extremely variable, even within a given screen size classification. Their irregular shape is not suitable for direct solution of spatial equations. Therefore, the particle shape must be approximated with some standard shape. Combined with the fact wood is a nonisotropic material, this type of approximation would heavily influence the results of a drying model in which internal diffusion of heat or mass plays a major role. Therefore, any accuracy gained by considering internal diffusion could be lost as a result of particle shape approximations. 84 Fortunately, the drying time (i.e. time of particle fall) is very short. For a distance of particle fall of four meters or less, which is approximately the diameter of the largest commercial rotary dryers available, the time of drying is less than one second. For the drum used in this study, the time of fall was usually less than one-half second. Under assumption 9, and considering the short drying time, external conditions to the particle will control the drying rate. Particle geometry then becomes less significant, since only an estimate of the particle surface area is required. With these considerations in mind, the empirical wood drying model proposed by Rosen (1982) was selected. The two parameter model shown by Equation 78 was solved in the form of an infinite series in Equation 79 for 0 < t < m. . E = 1 - Eo t f , exp k-atl/b ) dt (78) 0 where: E = (X - Xe)/(X0 - Xe) t = time, s. Eo = initial drying rate at t = 0, s-1. a = rate factor. b = bend factor. e = equilibrium. o = initial. w E = 1 -EtE o n=0 (-1)n an tn/b (n/b + 1) n! (79) Rosen related the initial drying rate, Eo, to the rate and bend factors as: 85 ab E o br (b) (80) The initial drying rate may be determined from the knowledge of external drying conditions at the start of each period of fall. Since a, b and Eo are related through Equation 80, only one of the two parameters need be evaluated independently of the rotary dryer simulation. It is postulated that the bend factor, b, is a function of the particle geometry and species. Furthermore, by assuming a and b are independent of one another, Equation 78 essentially becomes a one parameter model. By specifying the bend factor, the rate factor may be readily calculated by Equation 80. Rosen (1982) presented an alternative solution to Equation 78 for short drying times. If the dimensionless time, as defined below, is less than 0.5, then the infinite series solution is closely approximated as: E = 1 where: t (1 L7T__ 1+b (81) s = dimensionless time = atl/b With external heat transfer as the controlling mechanism of moisture removal, Equation 82 may be used to estimate the initial drying rate. o where: fUVd (TG - Twb) X (82) Hpf pB (Xo - Xe) f = factor relating mass transfer surface area to the total surface area of a particle. holdup involved with particle falling period at any Hf P = instant in a drum segment, m3. 86 Twb = wet-bulb temperature, °C. The evaluation of the volumetric heat transfer coefficient is identical to the method proposed in Chapter IV. The surface area factor, f, is a function of bound water moisture content as follows: XB (83) f - Xfsp where: XB = bound water moisture content of wood. Xfsp = moisture content at fiber saturation. At moisture contents above the fiber saturation point, the bound water moisture content is equivalent to the moisture content at fiber saturation, with the remaining moisture present as free water. Referring to Figure 22, the presence of free water does not affect the superficial particle surface area, since it is restricted to void spaces within the wood structure. At the surface, evapora- tion may take place from the walls of the void spaces at a rate proportional to the cross sectional area of the void exposed at the particle surface. Solution Procedure A computer program called RDS_(Rotary Dryer Simulation) was developed for predicting the drying behavior of wood particles in rotary dryers. This is an extension of the program HEAT and works interactively with the program RESTIME referenced as a subroutine. With mass transfer added to the model, the variables in RESTIME are now dependent on gas temperature and particle moisture content, since these parameters affect the gas flow rate and the particle 87 mass. As stated in Chapter IV, calculations using RESTIME need not be made for each drum segment, but only when a sufficient change in the gas temperature, particle moisture content or a change in the flighting configuration is encountered. Experience with the program execution has shown that the affects of changing gas temperature and particle moisture content are nearly off-setting. Therefore, drastic changes (i.e. ATG> 50°C or AX > 0.5) must occur before the variables estimated by RESTIME are significantly affected. The steps followed by the program RDS for the rotary dryer simulation are as follows: Set inlet conditions to the drum: Blend-box gases: flow rate, temperature, and composition. Air leakage: flow rate, temperature, and composition. Particles: flow rate, temperature, moisture content, and size. Initialize the cascade number count. Evaluate all bulk gas properties at the inlet bulk gas temperature to the segment. Perform a residence time analysis for the first drum segment. This will define the segment length, holdup, and particle flow path. Subsequent segments may require a reevaluation of the residence time variables if one or more of the following conditions are met: gas temperature changes by more than 50°C, particle moisture content changes by more than 0.5, or a different flighting configuration is encountered. 88 Estimate Guess the exit gas temperature for the segment. TG2 = 0.95 TG1 for the first segment. Thereafter, use the past history of previous segments for the estimate. Evaluate the relative particle velocity for heat transfer by resolving the velocity components in the longitudinal and vertical directions. Calculate a volumetric heat transfer coefficient using Equation 68. Calculate the amount of drying for a particle fall using Equations 81 and 82. Calculate the rate of heat transfer to the particles using Equation 76, and, if necessary, Equation 77. Use the material balance in Equation 70 to get the exit gas humidity for the segment. Estimate the heat loss through the dryer wall using Equation 53. Solve Equations 74 and 75 simultaneously to get the exit bulk gas and particle temperatures for the segment. Compare the calculated exit bulk gas temperature with the value guessed in step 5. If they are not in sufficient agreement, use the calculated value as a new guess and repeat steps 6 through 13 until agreement is met. Check if the end of the drum has been reached. If not, use the exit conditions for the last segment as the inlet conditions to the next segment. Repeat steps 5 through 14 until the end of the drum has been reached. Record the outlet drum conditions. 89 A source code listing of program RDS is contained in Appendix G. A list of program notation is also included. as a subroutine in RDS. RESTIME is listed An example of the computer generated output is contained in Appendix H. Rotary Dryer Experiment Equipment and Procedure The drying behavior of wood particles in a rotary dryer was examined using the same rotary drum described in Chapter III. Inlet gas temperature, drum speed, and gas flow rate were the independent variables investigated. shown in Figure 23. A diagram of the experimental setup is A total of six test runs were performed using the experimental design shown in Table 3. The purpose of the experiment was to obtain temperature and moisture content profiles, for both the gas and particle streams, along the length of the rotary dryer. These results are then compared to predictions made by the computer program RDS. The wood particles tested were commercially prepared Douglas-fir sawdust obtained from the same source as the particles used for the residence time and the angle of repose experiments. The particle size distribution, as determined by a screen analysis, is shown in Figure 24. Inlet particle moisture contents were approximately 140 percent (dry basis) for all six test runs. The hot inlet gases were a mixture of combustion products, from a natural gas burner, and dilution air. These gases were mixed in the blend-box and then routed to the drum inlet. A temperature 90 Superficial Surface Area Bound Water Figure 22. Table 3. Free Water Schematic Diagram of Bound and Free Water in the Wood Structure. Rotary Dryer Experimental Design. Test Run Number Independent Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 Blend-Box Gas Temperature, °C. 550 550 750 750 750 750 Volumetric Gas Flow Rate, m3/s. 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 Drum Speed, rpm. 5.5 5.5 5.5 2.8 2.8 5.5 Exhaust Gas to Fan Drop-out Hopper Combustion Air Dilution - Air Dry Particles Figure 23. Rotary Dryer Experimental Set-up. 0.5 0.4 Median = 1.47 mm Mean = 1.81 mm Relative Frequency = Weight Fraction Incremental Screen Opening 0.1 0 1.0 2.0 3 . 0 4 . 0 5.0 Actual Screen Opening (mm) Figure 24. Rotary Dryer Experiment Particle Size Distribution. 6.0 7.0 93 measurement of the blend-box gases was taken at point J using a The major source of air shielded thermocouple, refer to Figure 23. leakage occurred through the inlet particle screw-feed conveyor, since it was not equipped with a rotary air lock. Gas temperatures at positions C, D, E and F inside the drum were measured using 3-wire resistance temperature detectors (RTD's). These were mounted approximately 340 millimeters from the centershaft of the drum. The output from these RTD's was routed through a rotary coupling at the exit end of the drum. Outlet gas temperature was measured using a series of five RTD's mounted in the drop-out hopper and arranged diagonally to the drum cross section. Wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures were taken at the fan, point N, for purposes of an outlet humidity reading. The total gas flow exiting the drum was measured by a venturi at point L. Air leaks after the drum outlet were assumed to be negligible since the outlet rotary seal was in good working order and the outlet particle screw-feed conveyor and multiclone-separator were both equipped with rotary air locks. Combustion air flow and dilution air flow were measured using a standard pitot tube traverse at points 0 and P, respectively. From these measurements, along with the metered fuel flow rate and the measured amount of evaporated moisture from the wood, the amount of air leakage was calculated. Gas samples were extracted at points J and K for a determination of the oxygen and carbon dioxide content. This was done using an Orsat method of volumetric analysis involving chemical absorption of a gas sample in a portable Fyrite tube device (Bacharach Instrument Company). These measurements were used as a backup for 94 calculating the amount of air leakage by performing a component material balance for oxygen and carbon dioxide over the entire drum. Outside drum wall temperatures were measured with an infrared pyrometer (Thermodot) at points B, C, D, E, and F. These were used for estimating heat loss through the drum wall. Inlet and outlet wood particle samples were taken for each test run for purposes of a later moisture content determination by an oven drying method. On a continuous basis, in-line infrared moisture meters monitored the inlet and outlet particle moisture content. Particle temperatures were also obtained at the inlet and outlet. Thermocouples were placed within the moving particle bed at the inlet particle conveyor-belt and in a specially constructed damper apparatus inside the drop-out hopper. are shown in Figure 25. These setups The damper in the drop-out hopper was manually controlled such that the thermocouple could be completely covered by the wood particle stream. Wood particle samples and temperature measurements were also taken at points B, C, D, E, and F along the length of the drum. Five access ports mounted in the drum wall were fitted with a sampling device as shown in Figure 26. place and rotated with the moving drum. The devices were bolted in When not in use, the sample port opening was sealed with a spring-loaded trap door on the interior side and with a removable plug on the outside. When a sample was being taken, the sampling can acted as its own plug, see Figure 26. The sampling can was fitted with a 30 gauge chromel-alumel thermocouple mounted through a centershaft inside the sampling 95 Tube To Millivolt Recorder Thermocouple Particle Flow \\\\\\ Inlet Particle Conveyor Belt Particle Inlet Thermocouple To Millivolt Recorder Access Port Particle Outlet Figure 25. Inlet and Outlet Particle Temperature Measurement Set-ups. 96 Plug Baffle SpringClip Spring-Loaded Trapdoor Inside View Outside View Baffle Asbestos Plywood Side View SAMPLE PORT DEVICE (116 Scale) Ale SAMPLE CAN (1/2 Scale) Sample Can Opening Thermocouple Plunger Figure 26. Sampling Device For Extracting Particle Samples From the Drum Interior. 97 cavity. A heavy lead plunger slid freely along the centershaft, such that a collected sample was compressed around the thermocouple junction. The thermocouple leads were fastened to a quick-release thermocouple connector. Three particle samples were extracted from each of the five sampling devices for each test run. Samples were obtained by removing the sample port plug, inserting the sampling can, and securing with the spring-clips. As the sampling can rotated through the lower half of the drum, the plunger remained in the open position, allowing particles to enter the sampling can opening. As the sampling device rotated through the upper half of the drum, the plunger moved into the closed position and compressed the particle sample around the thermocouple junction. Usually one revolution of the drum was sufficient to collect a large enough sample (about a third of the sample can volume when compressed). The sampling can was then removed, the sample port plug replaced, and a millivolt recorder was immediately linked to the thermocouple circuit to obtain a temperature reading. Manual pressure was also applied to the plunger to ensure a good particle to thermocouple contact. The particle samples were then placed in polyethylene bags for a later moisture content determination by an oven drying method. All six test runs were conducted in one day. An initial warmup period of about two hours was required before the start of the first test run. Steady-state operation was assumed when the exit particle moisture content did not change by more than one percent over a fifteen minute time span. Each test run required about thirty minutes of steady-state operation. 98 Results and Discussion A summary of the test results is shown in Table 4. Additional plots of the gas temperature, particle temperature and particle moisture content data points along the length of the drum are given in Figures 27 through 38. The blend-box gas temperature is not the condition at which the wet particles first come in contact with the gas stream. The actual inlet bulk gas condition is a product of mixing blend-box gas with air leakage at the inlet. The inlet bulk gas temperature was not a measurable quantity because the mixing was not instantaneous. Therefore, a calculation was required to establish this value. One of the objectives behind the experimental design was to control the outlet particle moisture content by adjusting the inlet gas temperature, while keeping all other dryer conditions constant. It was mistakenly assumed that the blend-box gas temperature was a good indicator of the inlet gas temperature. Blend-box gas temperature was controlled by adjusting the fuel flow rate, with relatively good results. Total gas flow could be closely controlled with damper adjustments. However, dilution air flow, which enters ahead of the blend-box gas temperature measurement point, and air leakage, which enters behind this point, were not controllable. Consequently, an unstable dilution air to air leakage ratio resulted in poor control of the inlet bulk gas temperature. Fortunately, the main objective of the experiments was still achieved. This was simply to obtain a range of gas and particle Table 4. Summary of Rotary Dryer Test Results. TEST RUN NUMBER: 3 4 5 720 116.2 193.7 154.8 106.4 91.1 751 752 79.7 64.2 764 200.7 135.2 115.9 87.3 75.7 65.5 730 120.8 191.4 160.5 109.5 94.7 743 212.0 146.4 123.7 99.9 88.3 74.5 107.0 145.7 141.9 97.6 82.3 746 267.3 173.3 143.5 118.5 107.8 96.5 103.8 151.9 134.5 94.5 83.0 768 247.3 135.9 112.7 83.3 75.6 65.0 33.0 40.4 27.2 23.2 21.1 37.7 43.8 32.6 28.7 25.2 56.2 58.6 44.3 40.5 37.7 57.9 60.0 47.3 44.1 40.0 58.3 61.3 47.9 44.1 40.4 61.8 64.5 49.7 45.2 42.5 5.5 280 0.00596 61.0 5.5 283 5.5 283 0.00900 14.0 2.8 286 2.8 287 5.5 294 0.00900 0.00810 13.0 0.00830 9.0 1 2 6 GAS TEMPERATURES: Blend-Box, Point J, °C. Point C, °C. Point D, °C. Point E, °C. Point F, °C. Drum Outlet, Point K, °C. Blend-Box, Point J, Calculated, °C. Drum Inlet, Point I, Calculated, °C. Point C, Calculated, °C. Point D, Calculated, °C. Point E, Calculated, °C. Point F, Calculated, °C. Drum Outlet, Point K, Calculated, °C. 541 74.8 106.6 98.6 69.5 60.4 542 161.8 100.9 87.5 74.8 75.2 62.4 548 86.9 147.0 117.0 79.1 66.4 512 156.7 114.1 102.0 85.8 OUTSIDE DRUM WALL TEMPERATURES: Point Point Point Point Point B. C. D. E. F. DRUM AND BURNER OPERATION: Drum Speed, rpm. Dry Particle Feed Rate, kg/hr. Fuel Flow Rate, kg/s.1 Excess Air, percent. 0.00670 35.0 1 Natural gas, lower heating value = 38540 kJ/m3, specific gravity = 0.58. 12.0 Table 4. Continued. TEST RUN NUMBER: 1 2 3 4 5 6 PARTICLE TEMPERATURES: ' Inlet Screw-Feed Conveyer, Point A, °C. Point B, °C. Point C, °C. Point D, °C. Point E, °C. Point F, °C. Drum Outlet, Point G, °C. 18.6 41.5 47.6 45.0 42.3 36.8 33.7 43.3 49.5 45.5 43.9 38.6 38.6 18.9 50.1 54.5 53.0 52.5 47.2 52.3 21.3 41.4 49.4 49.6 48.3 41.4 49.3 23.4 42.0 49.2 50.0 48.8 46.1 44.5 42.4 48.0 48.4 48.6 44.5 51.9 1.401 1.192 0.987 0.857 0.731 0.727 0.603 1.405 1.247 1.057 0.925 0.743 0.668 0.497 1.425 1.136 0.887 0.695 0.403 0.276 0.173 1.399 1.110 0.875 0.658 0.418 0.295 0.160 1.390 1.053 0.779 0.552 0.357 0.266 0.170 1.352 0.947 0.671 0.498 0.267 0.201 0.122 0.165 0.230 1.660 1.194 0.167 0.300 2.040 1.492 0.169 0.249 1.940 1.411 0.173 0.258 1.930 1.388 0.153 0.230 1.540 1.048 0.165 0.219 1.540 1.044 17.5 20.1 2.0 0.6 17.4 20.3 2.4 0.6 15.9 19.5 3.5 0.8 16.1 20.3 3.9 1.2 16.3 19.3 3.8 1.4 15.8 19.0 3.8 0.8 17.7 24.1 PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT (DRY BASIS): Inlet Screw-Feed Conveyer, Point A. Point B. Point C. Point D. Point E. Point F. Drop-Out Hopper, Point H. GAS FLOWS: Combustion Air, kg/s. Dilution Air, kg/s. Total Gas, Point L, kg/s. Leakage Air at Inlet, kg/s. GAS COMPOSITION: 02, 02, Point J, mole percent. Point K, mole percent. CO2, Point J, mole percent. CO2, Point K, mole percent. 101 conditions along the length of a rotary dryer to be used as a basis of comparison with the rotary dryer simulation results. An additional problem occurred with the gas temperature The gas temperature indicated at measurements inside the drum. point C in Table 4 was obviously in error. The past history of this rotary dryer system revealed that the gas temperature reading at point C has always been abnormally low. nonhomogeneous gas mixture. This is attributed to a The gas temperatures recorded at points D, E and F in Figure 23 appeared to be in line with expectations. However, an energy balance analysis revealed that these temperatures were too high, but tended to agree more closely with calculated values as the measurement points got closer to the drum outlet. Apparently the gas stream was nonhomogeneous throughout the length of the drum. Similar findings are reported in the literature. Friedman and Marshall (1949) reported considerable temperature striation occurs through a rotary drum cross section. As a result they abandoned any attempt of obtaining meaningful gas temperature measurements inside their experimental drum. Measurements by Tscheng and Watkinson (1979) of a radial gas temperature profile in a 0.19 meter diameter rotary kiln (no lifting flights) showed a variation of 20°C from the centerline to the drum wall, at approximately nine diameters from the gas inlet. of only 136°C. This was with an estimated bulk gas temperature Saeman and Mitchell (1954) made a similar measure- ment in a 1.8-meter diameter drum, and recorded a gas temperature differential of 17°C from top to bottom of the drum at two diameters from the gas inlet. This was with an estimated bulk gas temperature 102 of 74°C. Based on these observations, it is likely the gas tempera- ture measurements taken inside the drum were unrepresentative of the bulk gas condition. Gas temperatures inside the drum were estimated using the energy balance given by Equation 74. The amount of heat loss through the drum wall was estimated from the outside drum wall temperature measurements, along with Equations 55, 56 and 84. qL = (hu where: - T ) + hr) A (T A WO (84) A = outside drum wall surface area for a given distance along its length, m2. The calculated gas temperature values are given in Table 4. Gas flow measurements were checked using a component material balance from the data on the oxygen and carbon dioxide measurements. Whereas the agreement was not perfect, the comparison did support the results of the gas flow measurements within the accuracy of the gas sampling procedure. Measurements of the dilution air flow corresponded well with past experience on this rotary dryer system. In addition, dilution air flow measurements were used to calculate the blend-box gas temperature. As seen in Table 4, the agreement was good between the calculated and measured blend-box gas temperatures. These results indicate the gas flow measurements are probably a good indicator of the actual flow conditions. Particle temperature measurements within the drum were reproducible, judging from the three repetitions performed at each sample port. However, these measurements may not be representative of the true bulk particle temperature, but rather the particle 103 surface temperature. Whether or not this measurement is a good indicator of the bulk particle temperature would depend on the particle size and moisture content. Small particles with a complete- ly wetted surface would be more uniform in temperature than larger In either event, this particles with partially dried surfaces. measurement technique can only be regarded as an approximation of the bulk particle temperature. It is interesting to note that the measured particle temperature reached a peak near the drum inlet in all six test runs. A possible explanation for this phenomenon was given by Sharples at al. (1964) and presented here with some modification. The particle temperature reaches a peak somewhere above the wet-bulb temperature when the rate of heat transfer from the gas to the particles is high and the diffusion of moisture to the particle surface is relatively slow. Then, when the particle surface temperature is high and the rate of heat transfer is low, evaporation from the particle surface uses all of the available energy, and the particle temperature falls as it approaches the wet-bulb temperature. Once sufficient moisture is removed, the evaporation rate will drop, and the particle will again be free to increase in temperature toward the gas condition. Comparison Between Experimental Results and Predicted Behavior Results from the rotary dryer experiment were compared to a set of rotary dryer simulations generated by the computer program RDS. Drying profiles were prepared, which contrasted the predicted gas temperature, particle temperature, and particle moisture content 104 values with the measured values taken along the drum length, for all six test runs. These profiles are plotted in Figures 27 through 32, with the solid lines representing the simulation result. The predicted gas temperature, particle temperature, and particle moisture content profiles all follow the same trends as their measured counterparts. However, while the agreement is good, the gas temperature and particle moisture content predictions are, for the most part, higher than the experimental results, extent of drying is underestimated. indicating the This suggests either the predicted rate of heat transfer is too low, or the predicted residence time is too short, or a combination of both. Conjecture about the accuracy of the predicted rate of heat transfer is difficult without the aid of experimental evidence. Comparing the volumetric heat transfer coefficient predicted in Chapter IV with the values reported in the literature would indicate this value is close, but inconclusive. Different rates of heat transfer could yield identical gas temperature and particle moisture content profiles if the residence times were also different, in a compensating manner. In other words, a high rate of heat transfer for a short period of time, could yield an identical result as a low rate of heat transfer for a long period of time. Solid conclusions in this regard must be supported with both residence time and heat transfer data. The implications of assumptions 8 and 9 should also be considered, since these imposed conditions restrict the time allowed for drying to only the period of particle fall. At the end of the period of particle travel on the lifting flights, the particles are A GAS TEMPERATURE 111 PARTICLE TEMPERATURE () PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT _ o A - I' n 0.000E-01 I 1.100E+00 I 2.200E+00 I 3.300E+00 I 4.400E+00 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CM) Figure 27. Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 1, K = 1.0. GAS TEMPERATURE p PARTICLE TEMPERATURE 0 f PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT 0 0 a p ta '.1 I 4-10- csi 0.000E-01 1.100 +00 2.200E+00 3.30 + +00 . S 0 -1-1-Eira DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CM) Figure 28. Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 2, K = 1.0. AGAS TEMPERATURE 0 PARTICLE TEMPERATURE 0 PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT n 0 H 0 Q 03 rx e z rz o 1.- 4.1 LI w m D I- 0 H ox tjH t-- X ..:t X a) 1 la 1 at 0.000E-01 1.100E+00 I 2:200E+00 I 3.300E+00 I 4.400E+00 5.500E+00 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CM) Figure 29. Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 3, K = 1.0. A D GAS TEMPERATURE PARTICLE TEMPERATURE C) PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT r-, U) H 4) < M >.- X e ,z ...... . C) w n I'I) H 2 lj H IX < IL 0.000E-01 I .100E+00 2.200E+00 3.300E+00 4.400E+00 5.500E+00 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET (M) Figure 30. Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 4, K = 1.0. zeis\ GAS TEMPERATURE 0.000E-01 1.100E+00 2.200E+00 El PARTICLE TEMPERATURE 0 PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT 3.300E+00 4.400E+00 5.500E+00 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CM) Figure 31. Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run Mo. 5, K = 1.0. A GAS TEMPERATURE PARTICLE TEMPERATURE 0 0.000E-01 1.100E+00 2,200E+00 PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT 3.300E+00 4.400E+00 5.500E+00 DISTANCE-FROM DRUM INLET CM) Figure 32. Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 6, K = 1.0. 111 assumed to be uniform in moisture content and temperature as a result of a relatively long period of time for internal movement of moisture and heat. Certainly a potential for drying does occur as the particles ride on the lifting flights, particularly for the particles exposed on the surface of the particle bed. Calculations were performed in Chapter IV and elsewhere (Kuramae and Tanaka, 1977), which suggest the amount of heat transfer across a particle surface during the time on the lifting flights is insignificant compared to the amount of heat transfer during the falling period. However, there is no experimental evidence to lend support to these findings. The affect of an erroneous residence time prediction can be evaluated based on the results of the residence time measurements presented in Chapter III. Recalling from Figure 13, different degrees of error were encountered in the residence time prediction depending on the particle size and drum speed. For the weight mean particle size used in the rotary dryer experiment (see Figure 24), a linear interpolation was performed to estimate the expected error in the residence time prediction at the two test drum speeds. These values were then averaged to yield an expected overestimate in the residence time prediction of 3.2 percent. Based on the residence time data collected, it is unclear whether the error occurs entirely in the estimate of the gas particle interaction or in the estimated time of travel on the particle lifting flights. Since the greatest area of uncertainty in the residence time analysis was associated with the affect of the gas-particle interaction, all of the expected error was assumed to occur in the prediction of the drag coefficient from Equation-37. 112 In program RDS this error was accounted for through the following relationship: D where: = (85) K.CD CD = unadjusted drag coefficient from Equation 37. CD = adjusted drag coefficient. K = correction factor. Since the residence time error results in an overestimate of the time spent in the dryer, the correction factor, K, is simply equal to 1.0 plus the expected error in fractional form. K In this case, = 1.03. Figures 33 through 38 represent gas temperature, particle temperature, and particle moisture content profiles generated by the computer program RDS. These simulations contain the drag coefficient adjustment from Equation 85. No significant difference was found between the predictions made with K = 1.0 and K = 1.03. generated output for the simulations with K The computer = 1.03 is contained in Appendix H. The greatest deviation from the measured results occurred in the simulation of test run 3, shown in Figure 35. In this case the extent of drying is underestimated throughout the drum. However, with the exception of the first meter of the drum, the drying rate prediction is very close to the measured result. This is seen by comparing the shape of the predicted drying curve to the data, from 1.1 meters to the drum exit. In test run 3, the calculated inlet gas temperature was lower than expected, due to a high amount of air leakage. It is possible the actual inlet gas temperature for this A GAS TEMPERATURE El 0 PARTICLE TEMPERATURE PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT 0 A 0.000E-01 1.100E+00 27-0567-b0 3.300E+00 4.400E+00 .500E+00 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CM) Figure 33. Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 1, K = 1.03. A GAS TEMPERATURE 0 _ PARTICLE TEMPERATURE 0 a PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT _ ii a - o - 5 Di i 1 1 0.000E-01 I 1.100E+00 2.20 +00 3.300E+00 I 4.400E+00 ai 5.500E+00 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CM) Figure 34. Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 2, K = 1.03. 22s, GAS TEMPERATURE D PARTICLE TEMPERATURE () PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT el 1 1 ci Zs; 1 la I I ai 0.000E-01 1.100E+00 2.200E+00 3.300E+00 4.400E+00 5.500E+00 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CM) Figure 35. Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 3, K = 1.03. GAS TEMPERATURE El PARTICLE TEMPERATURE () PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT t; 1.1 0E+00 2.200E+00 3.300E+00 4.400E+00 5.500E+00 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CM) Figure 36. Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 4, K = 1.03. A SAS TEMPERATURE 0 PARTICLE TEMPERATURE C) PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT 0.000E-01 1.106E+00 2.206E+00 3.306E+00 4744E+00 5.500E+00 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CM) Figure 37. Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 5, K = 1.03. A GAS TEMPERATURE 0.000E-01 1.100E+00 2.200E+00 111 PARTICLE TEMPERATURE 0 PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT 3.300E+00 4.400E+00 5.500E+00 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CC) Figure 38. Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation With Measured Results From Test Run No. 6, K = 1.03. 119 test run was higher. If the outside drum wall temperature varies in proportion to the gas temperature in the drum, then a comparison of the outside drum wall temperatures near the drum inlet between test runs 3, 5 and 6 indicate the calculated inlet gas temperatures for test run 3 was too low. This discrepancy could be the result of an erroneous gas flow measurement, however, this explanation could not be verified. Predictions for the particle temperatures were good for test runs 1, 2, 3 and 4. The simulation accurately predicted a particle temperature peak near the drum inlet as discussed previously. Pre- dicted particle temperatures increased at a decreasing rate near the drum inlet up to a value slightly above the wet-bulb temperature, then remained fairly constant. If the particles were still well above fiber saturation, the predicted particle temperature dropped in the last half of the drum. If the particles were dried below fiber saturation, as predicted in test runs 5 and 6, the particle temperature increased near the drum exit. The predicted particle temperatures in test runs 5 and 6 were too high throughout the length of the drum. This is a result of an overestimated rate of heat transfer to the particles. Since the heat capacity of the particles is small in relation to the evaporative load, a small error in the rate of heat transfer predicted would result in a large error in the predicted particle temperature. This affect would be most prevalent near the drum inlet, as shown in Figures 37 and 38, since this is where the greatest rate of heat transfer occurs. 120 Predictions of the gas temperature profiles are closely associated with the particle moisture content predictions, since material and energy balances must be satisfied throughout the drum. In all six test runs, the heat loss through the dryer wall and the sensible heat load of the particles were small in comparison to the evaporative load. Therefore, underestimating the drying rate resulted in a corresponding overestimate of the gas temperature. The important difference between the simulation results with K = 1.03 and K = 1.0 is not the overall residence time in the drum, but rather the total number of cascades that a particle makes through the gas stream. Additional time spent on the lifting flights does not significantly increase the extent of drying. This is seen by comparing test runs 3 and 4 in which a 94 percent decrease in the drum speed resulted in only a 7.5 percent decrease in the measured amount of outlet particle moisture. Figure 39 is a plot of the predicted outlet particle moisture content versus the measured values for all six test runs. Any points lying on the 45 degree line would indicate perfect agreement between the predicted and measured results. The overall percent root mean square error for all six test runs is 22.2. The worst prediction was for test run 3, in which the calculated inlet gas temperature was lower than anticipated. Rotary Dryer Simulation Trials Throughout the discussion of the last three chapters it should be apparent there are a great number of factors which influence the drying behavior in a rotary dryer. Figure 40 summarizes the 121 cI m 0.80 Ideal Fit P 0 0.60 0 4.) 0 0.40 .1" 3 114 4 0.20 .0 Six Test Runs 05 .0 0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 Actual Outlet Particle Moisture Content (Dry Basis) Figure 39. Predicted Versus Actual Outlet Particle Moisture Content in the Experimental Rotary Drum, K = 1.0. Outlet Particle Moisture Content (dry basis) ° N.) 00 0 HI N.) co 0 H M CD rPPI 0 Inlet Particle Moisture Content 0 rt. 0 Blend-Box Gas Temperature H.0 0 CD rt. CD W (1) 1./) Drum Diameter 0W CD M M 1--. M 0 0 M Air Leakage CD (DID ID- o pci 0 o c-Pc-P 0 CD 0M tm. `-4 II k.4 CD CI) 11 CD 11:1 CD M 11 0 0 CD II II II Drum Length CD t7:1 43 CC M Gas Volumetric Flow Rate (DID M 11 CP U) cp 0 0(D 0 0rt 0 CD 0. CD Particle Size 1-6 0 P) n n 5 1-1 Partic18.grericity CD CrP o m 0 es a) a) CO CO M 0. CO Drum S eed l-h Angle of Repose Bend Factor ZZT CD CD 123 predicted effects of some selected independent rotary dryer The base case parameters on the outlet particle moisture content. conditions for all the comparisons were taken from test run 2. A simulation using program RDS was performed for each variation of a base case condition of plus and minus 50 percent, while all other conditions were held constant. The actual values used for the simulation trials are shown in Table 5. Within the range of conditions examined, the inlet particle moisture content had the greatest affect on the predicted outlet particle moisture content. Next, in decreasing order of importance, came the blend-box gas temperature, drum diameter, air leakage, drum length, gas volumetric flow rate, particle size, particle sphericity, drum speed, angle of repose, and the bend factor. Changes in the drum diameter were combined with a proportional change in the lifting flight dimensions. Similarly, changes in the drum length were combined with proportional changes in the length of the centerfill section. Of special interest is the affect of the gas volumetric flow rate. Both positive and negative variations from the base case caused a reduction in the extent of drying. This indicates there is an optimal value for the gas volumetric flow rate. The peak occurs as a result of the combined affect the gas flow rate has on the particle drag force and the convective heat transfer coefficient. Increasing the gas flow causes a particle to pass through the drum quicker (i.e. fewer cascades). However, an increased gas flow enhances the convective rate of heat transfer. These are 124 Table 5. Summary of Rotary Dryer Parameter Values Used in Figure 40. Base Case Parameter Inlet Particle Moisture Content (Dry Basis). 1 Lower Value Upper Value 1.4 0.7 2.1 548 274 822 1.2 0.6 1.8 1.49 0.75 2.24 Drum Length, m. 2 5.5 2.75 8.25 Gas Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s. 1.1 0.55 1.65 -0.002 +0.0014 -0.001 +0.0007 -0.003 +0.0021 0.75 0.375 1.125 5.5 2.7 8.2 82.6 41.3 90.0 0.75 0.375 1.125 Blend-Box Gas Temperature, oc. Drum Diameter, m. 2 Air Leakage, kg/s. Particle Size (- Screen Passed, + Screen Caught), m. Particle Sphericity. Drum Speed, rpm. Angle of Repose, degrees. Bend Factor. 3 1 Base case conditions taken from test run no. 2. 2 Other related drum dimensions were varied proportionally (ie. flight length and length of centerf ill section). 3 Maximum angle of repose is 90 degrees. 125 counteracting affects on the extent of drying, and thus an optimal gas flow rate must exist. Also of note is the bend factor affect from Rosen's (1982) wood drying model. As alluded to in Chapter IV, influences of internal diffusion have a small affect on the extent of drying incurred in a rotary dryer. This is due to the relatively long soaking periods compared to the drying periods within the range of conditions studied. This would seem to be justification for overlooking the affects of internal temperature and moisture gradients within the rotary dryer simulation. And that accounting for internal diffusion through the use of an empirical drying model is quite adequate. One final simulation trial was performed, in which the centerfill flighting section was removed and all other conditions held constant. Under this situation, the predicted gas temperature, particle temperature, and particle moisture content profiles are shown in Figure 41, along with the simulation results in which centerf ill flighting was included. The number of cascades predicted without the centerf ill section was only 37, compared to 56 cascades when centerfill was included. As shown, the outlet particle moisture content was predicted to be 13 percent less, on a dry basis, when centerf ill flights were present. Applications of the Model The computer program RDS is applicable to single pass rotary drums with cocurrent flow. be present. A centerf ill flighting section need not The particle lifting flights must be rectangular in . CENTERFILL FLIGHTS NO CENTERFILL FLIGHTS PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT GAS TEMPERATURE PARTICLE TEMPERATURE ø0Eø1 I 1.100E+00 I 2.200E+00 I 3.300E+00 I 4.400E+00 5.500E+00 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CM) Figure 41. Comparison of Rotary Dryer Simulation Results for Test Run No. Centerf ill Flights. 2 With and Without 127 cross section, as shown in Figure 2, or at least be able to be approximated as such. Other dryer configurations can also be analyzed by proper manipulation of the computer program RDS. Triple pass rotary dryers, for example, are sometimes used for drying wood particles, see Figure 42. Inlet gas and particles enter at point A of the diagram. The first pass of the particle-gas stream is through the center shell. At point B the stream changes direction and enters the intermediate shell, point C, for its second pass. The stream changes direction once more at point D and makes a final pass along the drum length in the outer shell until it finally exits at point E. The gas velocity in the center shell is greatest due to its small cross section. The velocity drops off in the other shells, with the lowest gas velocity occurring in the outer shell. Because centerf ill flights are accounted for in the residence time model, a modification could be made to allow for a multiple pass drum. As shown in the drum cross section of Figure 42, the inter- mediate and center shells have particle lifting flights on both sides of their walls. The outer lifting flights on these interior shells contribute to the cascading action in the same manner as the centerf ill flights shown in Figure 1. With a modification to account for the different centerfill flight geometry, a triple pass drum could be analyzed in three parts. The first pass through the center shell has no centerf ill and is modeled simply as an open center drum. The second and third passes, through the intermediate and outer shells respectively, are modeled as centerf ill drums. An Center Shell Intermediate Shell Outer Shell Cross Section Center Shell Side View Intermediate Shell Figure 42. Outer Shell Schematic Diagram of Triple Pass Rotary Dryer. 129 allowance probably would be required to account for end effects when the particle-gas stream changes direction between passes. A modification to RDS to allow for multiple pass drums was not made in this study. However, the modifications required would be applied to Equations 40, 41 and 42, which define the centerf ill flight holdup function. Also, a change would be needed in the heat loss calculation, since the interior shells are not directly exposed to the surrounding. Pressure drop through a multiple pass drum may also be a problem when estimating the gas flow rate. A separate analysis of the pressure drop affect may be required. 130 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS VI. A sequential analysis was performed of the rotary drying process in terms of residence time, heat transfer, and mass transfer. Special consideration was given to the drying of wood particles. The first step was the development of a computer simulation This program which predicts the residence time in rotary dryers. program was applicable to single pass drums, with and without centerfill flights. The simulation results were compared with experimental measurements of the residence time. The overall percent root mean square error was 14.2. The next step added a heat transfer analysis to the overall model. The result was a computer simulation program which predicts the thermal profiles along the length of a rotary drum. No experimental verification was performed for this step. A complete rotary dryer simulation program called RDS was then developed with the addition of the mass transfer process. Rotary dryer experiments were conducted and the results compared to the simulation predictions. With reference to the outlet particle moisture content, the overall percent root mean square error was 22.2. Additional rotary dryer simulation trials were performed in order to examine the affect of varying some selected rotary dryer parameters. Comparisons were made based on the outlet particle moisture content, with rotary dryer test run number 2 as the base case. In decreasing order of importance the parameters examined were the inlet particle moisture content, blend-box gas temperature, 131 drum diameter, air leakage, drum length, gas volumetric flow rate, particle size, particle sphericity, drum speed, angle of repose, and bend factor. A final rotary dryer simulation trial was performed to check the affect of the centerf ill flighting section. The following conclusions can be derived from this study: A rotary dryer simulation model has been developed which is capable of predicting the drying behavior of wood particles in a rotary dryer with a measured error of approximately 22 percent. The gas-particle interaction controls both the number of cascades a particle makes through the gas stream and the local rate of heat transfer to a particle. There is an optimal volumetric gas flow rate which will yield the greatest amount of drying. For the rotary dryer examined in this study, the optimal bulk gas velocity was predicted to be approximately 1.0 m/s. The affect of internal diffusion of heat or mass appears to be of minor importance when predicting drying behavior of wood particles within the range of rotary dryer conditions examined. The presence of centerf ill flights enhance the drying process if all other conditions are held constant. The simulation results shown in Figure 41 indicated that the addition of centerf ill flights improved the extent of drying by 19 percent over the case when no centerf ill flights were present. 132 Wood particles do not behave independently when the cascade through the moving gas stream, but rather are influenced by the bulk particle flow. Drag coefficients predicted by the Schiller and Naumann relationship (Equation 6) are probably not representative of the actual condition, since that equation assumes the particles behave independently in the gas stream. However, when this relationship uses the weighted mean particle size as the characteristic dimension, the measured and predicted results of the residence time are in close agreement. The rotary dryer simulation model developed in this study may be used as a tool toward better understanding of the rotary drying process. 133 VII. LIST OF NOTATION a = rate factor, sb. A = area, m2. AH = particle surface area available for heat transfer, m2. A = projected frontal area, m2. = bend factor, eqs. 78-81. b = length of flight lip, m. Bim = mass transfer Blot number. c = specific heat, J/kg-°C. C = wet specific heat, J/kg-°C. C = number of cascades, eq. 45. = drag coefficient. CD = adjusted drag coefficient. d = diameter, m. = diffusion coefficient, m2/s. = dimensionless moisture content, eq. 78. = initial drying rate, s-1, eq. 80. = factor relating mass transfer surface area to total particle CD Eo surface area, m2. f(G) = gas velocity function. f(H) = drum holdup function. = drag force on particle, N/m2. Fg = gravitational force on particle, N/m2. Fr = Froude Number. FD acceleration due to gravity, m/s2. = dry gas mass flow rate, kg/s. 134 Gr = Grashof number. h = flight holdup, m3, Chapter III. surface-film convective heat transfer coefficient, W/m2.C. hu = combined natural and forced surface-film convective heat transfer coefficient, W/m2.°C. effective radiation heat transfer coefficient, W/m2..C. hr = drum holdup, m3. specific enthalpy, J/kg, eqs. 71-73. kp = drag factor. = thermal conductivity, W/m°C. = pseudo permeability, m-1, eq. 25. = surface-film convective mass transfer coefficient, kg/m2.s.(kg/kg). Kc Le Nu Pr = various constants in Equations 4, 13, 14, 17, 18, and 24. = cascade factor. = flight length, m. = distance from drum inlet, m, eqs. 19-23, 58. = drum length, m. = effective drum length, m. = ratio of actual to design holdup. = molecular weight, kg/kgmole. = number of flights. = drum rotation rate, rev/min. = Nusselt number. = partial pressure, Pa. = total pressure, Pa. = Prandtl number. 135 qL qL Re Rew Sh vt V X = rate of heat transfer to particles, J/s. = rate of heat loss through drum wall, J/s. = heat flux through drum wall, W/m2. = radius, m. = gas constant, kgmole. °C/Pa.m3, eq. 28. = thermal resistance, °C/W.* = drying rate, s-1, eqs. 20-24 and 31-33. = Reynolds number. = rotational Reynolds number, eq. 55. = dimensionless time, eq. 81. = dry solids feed rate, kg/s. = Sherwood number. = time, s. = temperature, °C, K in eqs. 28, 30, 95, 96 and 102. = volumetric heat transfer coefficient, W/m3.°C. = velocity, m/s. = terminal velocity, m/s. = volume, m3. = particle width, m. = directional coordinate, m. = longitudinal advance of a particle per cascade, m, eq. 35. = particle moisture content, dry basis, kg/kg. = directional coordinate, m. = vertical distance of particle fall, m, eq. 43. = mole fraction in gas phase. = gas moisture content, dry basis, kg/kg. = directional coordinate, m. 136 = drum slope to horizontal, degrees, Chapter III. cc = thermal diffusivity, m2/s. (3, = coefficient of thermal expansion, K-1. = angle defined in Figure 5, degrees. = gamma function. AT = logarithmic mean temperature difference, °C. Ax = cascade length, m. = emissivity. 1-1 = friction factor for particles moving on a flight. 8 = peripheral flight angle, degrees. = peripheral flight angle of entry, degrees. = residence time correction factor, eq. 85. = latent heat of vaporization, J/kg. = heat of wetting, J/kg. = sorption energy, J/kg. = viscosity, Pa.s. = kinematic viscosity, m2/s. = porosity. = 3.1426 = density, kg/m3. = sphericity. = kinetic angle of repose, degrees. 0e w Xs 1-1 7 a centerfill flight angle, degrees. centerf ill flight angle of entry, degrees. Te = angle defined in Figure 5, degrees. 137 Subscripts A = air. b = normal boiling point. B = bulk B = bound water. c = centerfill flight. c = cascade. d = drum. e = equilibrium. e = peripheral flight. 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THERMAL RESISTANCE OF THE DRUM WALL The thermal resistance of the drum wall is considered as a summation of the individual resistances of its components. Knowl- edge of the type of materials which make up the wall, their thickness and thermal conductivity, is required to estimate the total thermal resistance as shown by Equations 86 and 87. (T Rw = WI - Two) L 1 27rAx 1 i=1 kWi f r. 1+1 dr (86) r. Integrating Equation 86 yields: Rw - 1 1 27Ax .E 1=1 where: /r ) 1+ Ni kn(r.1i (87) Twi = inside wall temperature, °C. TWO = outside wall temperature, °C. kw = thermal conductivity of wall component, J/s.m.°C. r = radius, m. i = index referring to a multilayer wall. If the drum wall is insulated, in most cases only the thickness and the thermal conductivity of the insulation need be considered in the calculation. (91) I ciL(TS2-T51) TG2-TG1-qL/GcG AT2-AT1-qL/GcG (.4cG - d(AT) dqG becomes: rearrangement upon which 89, Equation into substituted is expression This T51) (90) Ax L q" Trdd - (T52 TG1) - csSc GcG(TG2 Ax: cascade finite dx) 88 length, a over solved and combined are 65 and 64 Equations Sc (89) yield: to Trdd GcG - (dqG - d(AT) dqG Equation into substituted are 65 and 64 Equations dTs (88) - dTG = d(AT) force: driving temperature differential a define and TS' dx Trdd qL + dTs Scs (65) dTG cG (64) dx (63) a differential - Trdd qL + TS) (TG 4d 2 segment: drum may U, G - TG = AT Let and = dqG = dqG = dqG Trd [U across balances energy three dx. drum, rotary a of length with Starting determined be differential coefficient, transfer heat volumetric a for A COEFFICIENT TRANSFER HEAT VOLUMETRIC THE B. APPENDIX CALCULATING OF METHOD INDIRECT 146 147 Since qG = GcG(TG2 -TG1) and Scs(T S2-TS1) = c1G- then Equation 91 becomes: [ AT2-AT1-q L/GcG 1 d(AT) = dqG qi, _ qG (92) + S qL Substituting Equation 63 for dqG, Equation 92 is rearranged to yield the following separable differential equation: (93) d(AT) = (UEAT + F) dx [AT2-ATi-qL/GcG where: E = V (1G AT2-AT1-qL/GcG F =Ax/ qG Ax/q L - Ax q L Ax Sc S AT = TG - TS Integrating Equation 93 across the drum segment, and solving for U yields: U - 1 AxE UEAT2 + F tn (94) UEAT1 + F Since Equation 94 may not be solved explicitly for U, an iterative solution technique is required. 148 EVALUATION OF GAS PROPERTIES APPENDIX C. The gas properties of density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, and viscosity must be evaluated as a function of temperature and composition for the conveying gas along the length With wood particle drying systems this gas of the rotary drum. could consist of combustion products from fossil fuels or wood, or exhaust stack gases. In addition, a considerable portion of the total gas flow could consist of air. As such, gas composition must be accounted for when determining temperature dependent properties. The viscosity of pure gases may be estimated as: o /12 where: 111 [ T2 3/2 [T1 + 1.47 Tbl T1 T2 + 1.47 Tb Tb = normal boiling point, K. Tl = reference temperature, K. po 1 = viscosity of pure gas at reference temperature, Pas. At a given reference temperature Equation 95 becomes: p =a T3121 T + b The major combustion products of fossil fuels and wood, along with their corresponding values for a and b are listed in Table 6. The resultant viscosity of a gas mixture is given by: 1.1mix where: = E Y. Poi (4.)1/2 E yi (Mi)1/2 y = mole fraction. M = molecular weight. 149 Specific heats of pure gases at constant pressure are evaluated as: co (98) = c + dT + eT2 where T is evaluated in degrees Kelvin. Values of c, d and e are found in Table 6 (Smith and Van Ness, 1959). For a gas mixture: = E y. c0. 1 pi cp,mi x i y. M. 1 1 (99) Thermal conductivity of pure gases can be estimated as: k° = p o (c o + 10381, m ) For a gas mixture: k mix E y. k. 1 1 E (M,)1/3 yi (Mi)1/3 The uncertainties of Equations 95 and 100 have been evaluated by Perry and Chilton (1975) as ±6 percent and ±5 to 25 percent (depending on the molecular polarity and linearity), respectfully. The heat capacity equation has an uncertainty of about one to three percent. Gas density was evaluated using a standard ideal gas relationship assuming air at one standard atmosphere of pressure. For the ambient air surrounding the exterior drum wall a Grashof number is required to estimate the effect of natural convection on the heat loss through the drum wall. This was evaluated using the following power curve fit to the data tabulated by Kays 150 and Crawford (1980) for the temperature dependent portion of the Grashof number: -8L3-2 = 8.85 x 1018 T-4372 (102) v T = temperature, K. where: Gr = P. g dd3 AT/v2. Equation 102 produced an r2 value of 0.999. Table 6. Coefficients Used in Gas Property Equations. Coefficient Oxygen Nitrogen Carbon Dioxide Water Vapor a 1.71 1.42 1.68 1.62 b 132.4 113.6 286.0 548.5 c 803.9 971.4 590.0 1686.7 d 0.4056 0.1861 0.9886 0.5342 e -1.21x10-4 -1.50x10-7 -3.37x10-4 6.58x10-5 151 APPENDIX D. EVALUATION OF WOOD PROPERTIES Wood properties are affected by temperature and moisture content. The specific heat of dry wood may be estimated as (Stamm, 1964): = 1113.0 + 4.85 T c S T = temperature, °C. where: c = specific heat of dry wood, J/kg°C. S For wet wood, Siau (1971) suggests: X + CS - C S where: 1 + X X = dry basis moisture content fraction. Cs = specific heat of wet wood, J/kg°C. The thermal conductivity of wood is dependent on the direction relative to the grain, as well as temperature and moisture content. For dry wood (Brown et al., 1952): where: kr = 2.00 x 10-4 ps + 2.38 x 10-2 (105) kz = 2.5 kr (106) p S = dry wood density, kg/m3. kr = thermal conductivity perpendicular to grain direction, W/m°C. k thermal conductivity parallel to grain direction, W/m°C. (107) 10-2 x 2.38 + X) 10-4 x 5.48 + 10-4 x (2.00 pS = kr 0.40: 10-2 x 2.38 + X) 10-4 > X x 4.04 + x (2.00 pS = kr 10-4 0.40: < X wood: wet For 152 153 APPENDIX E. WET-BULB TEMPERATURE CALCULATION The wet-bulb temperature is a steady-state temperature reached by a small amount of liquid evaporating into a large amount of an unsaturated water vapor-gas mixture (Treybal, 1980). Equation 108 represents the wet-bulb relationship. (Ywb Twb = TG - where: YG) Awb h/ky (108) h/ky = psychrometric ratio, J/kg.°C. The absolute humidity of the gas at the wet-bulb temperature is calculated as: Y wb where: Pv,wb = pv,wb P s G Pv,wb I w (109) MA = saturated vapor pressure at the wet-bulb temperature, Pa. Equations 108 and 109 are solved simultaneously to obtain the wetbulb temperature. 154 APPENDIX F. SORPTION ENERGY OF WATER IN WOOD Water is held in wood with varying energies depending on the wood moisture content. Free water contained in the cell lumens requires approximately the same evaporation energy as does ordinary liquid water. Bramhall (1979) suggested the use of Equation 110 for estimating the latent heat of vaporization of liquid water. A = 2.50 x 106 - 2.48 x 103 T where: (110) T = temperature, °C. A = latent heat, J/kg. For bound water within the wood structure,additional heat, above what is required for free water, must be added to break the woodThis is called the heat of wetting. water bond. Experimental measurements by Weichert (1963) were used by Bramhall (1979) to derive the following relationship for the heat of wetting, Aw: w = 1.17 x 106 exp (-15X) The total sorption energy, As, is estimated by combining Equations 110 and 111 to yield: As = 1.17 x 106[2.14 - 2.12 x 10-3T + exp (-15X)] (112) 155 APPENDIX G. ROTARY DRYER SIMULATION (RDS) PROGRAM LISTING PROGRAM RDS (INPUTOUTPUT,TAPE54NPUTJAPE6=OUTPUT) 0134*******000**MOIVOIMI*******MOMO************************0 j * * * , t 7 * t * 10 t 11 * THIS PROGRAM SIMULATES THE DRYING BEEAVIOR OF 20D PARTICLES IN A ROTARY IT WAS DEVELOPED BY FREDERICK A. KAMKE IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF DRYER. THE REOUIREMENTS FOR THE PH.D. WITH THE DEPAF.THNT OF FOREST PRODUCTS AT OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY, CORVALLIS! OREGON! SEPTEMBER 23, 1983. * t * t t. AN ALPHABETICAL THE PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT IS OUTLINED IN KAMKE'S THESIS. LISTING OF THE PROGRAM NOTATION IS CONTAINED IN 1RDSDOCI. t * t EXECUTION OF 1RDS' REHIRES ACCESS TO THE SUBROUTINE IZSPOW' CONTAINED IN * t THE INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS STATISTICAL LIBRARY. 1- t 13 Unt***001114****/300***130010011314tUttn**********MMUOMM 4-, 14 ir.; ***M*0*********0 INITIALIZATION ******************** 16 17 lE 9 fo :.:' ,., 23 24 727 20 5 3;) 31 12 33 34 35 DIMENSION CI6(4/2),CG(4),GLOSS(400),TIME(400),TR(400),X(400) 1tC1JPF(400),CMP(4,4),FRH(400)7T6(400)tCP(404),CV6(4001RH(400) DIMENSION WK(21),PAR(13),GX(3),M5),WIG(4),COEF(5,4) EXTERNAL FCN CHARACTER*10 DAYtHOUROATE,CLOCK REAL MW,HS INTEGER CF,CFC COMMON/EINS/ DIAIDIAOIRWELtFLENtFLINFLENItFLIPItULltUL2 ItALPHArBETWEINDEM COMMON/ZWEI/ RPM,RPS,REIRREIREOAREO,FRHUNED,APCHOLDrII COMMON/DREI/ TWAVEL COMMON/VIER/ CIGtATMVEL,CGIVG,SHG,CKGICHPF COMMON/TUNE/ PDENtBDENtREPOSEIPHIISPHERICISCREEN1tSCREEN2IFEED ItAIBIRTCF,GAMMABODIA COMMON/SECHS/ COEFOW COMMON/SIEBEN/ ERZJWBIFAICPEtHS,TWBINJGINITGG COMMON/ACHT/ TWOtTWI 36 37 36 -0 40 DATA MW/32.0,28.1,44.0,18.0129.0/ DATA COEF/1.71,132.41803.910.4056,-1,207E-4,1,42,113.61971.40,1861 11-1.489E-7,1.63,286.0,590.90#98867-3.371E-4,1.62,54B.5116860 2,0.5342, 6.578E-51 41 42 43 44 45 OPEN(2yFILE=TCAL') OPEN(7FFILE='FDRY') 0444010044$1040t* READ INPUT ****04301300t*t* 46, 49 READ(5,504°) DIAIWitatULIFUL2tALPHAtRWIRPM READ;575001) EM,FLENIFLIP,FLENIIFLIPI,NEtNi READ(5,5CH) TAIAAVEL,ALEAK 50 READ(5f500(2) (CISITI)yi.ltC 51 READ(5p50K) (CIG(Ip2),I:.174) uu. READ(51.5°00) TGINtGVF READC5,H) PDENtBDENITPIMPINtFEEDISPHERICISCREEN1ISCREEN2 READ(5,5000) REPOSE,PHIATCFtlitGAMMAB 47 4E '.' 77 -.0 54 rC J*2 56 57 r& .2: :,. 62 - :A 64 READ(5t5002) LIST t******t************ WRITE INPUT WRITE(6/5033) WRITE(66020) DIAIEL'ULltUL2 ZITE615021) FLEN,FLINFLENItFLIPI WRITE(b5022) NEtNItALPHARPM JRITE(65023) WItRWtEM ,... WRITE(615031) WRITE(615024) TWAVELPALEAK 66 WRITE6,5025) TGINIGVF 67 WRITE(615032) *****01313000314 156 WRITE 6! 5026 ) PDEN, BDEN, TPIN CPIN, FEED, SPHERIC, SCREEN'? SCREEN2, B WRITE(65027) REPOSE,PHI WRITE(6,5028) RTCF 69 70 t SET INLET CONDITIONS. t 73 II=1 X(1)=010 74 75 TIME(1)=0.0 CP(1)=CPIN TF(1)=TPIN CFC=(-1) CALL CONDIN(TGIN,TA,CIG,CG,ALEAK,GYFIMW,TGCIN,GMVIN,GNVIN 17 70 79 80 1,WIMVOINITWBIN,CPIN) 21 DO 1 1=1,4 07 CMNI,1)=CI6(I11) CMP(It2)=CIG(1,2) 1 CMF(I,3)=CG(I) CVG(1)=CVGIN TG(1)=TOCIN 84 Or P9 RH(1)=RELH(CGOW,T0(1)) DIA0=2*WT+DIA 90 DAY=DATE() 8S HOUR=CLOCK0 91 DGMV=6MYIN/(1+CVGIN) ATGOLD=T6(1) ACPOLD=CP(1) WRITE(75O13) II-1,X(II),TIME(II),TP(II),TG(II),CP(I1),CVG(II) 1,RH(II),GLOSS(II),CUPF(II) 72 93 96 97 * INITIALIZE ITERATION FOR CALCULATION OF THE EXIT CONDITIONS FOR EACH DRUM * 99 100 101 * 102 t THE LENGTH OF A DRUM SEGMENT IS SPECIFIED BY THE CASCADE LENGTH,* SEGMENT. WHICH IS DETERMINED IN SUBROUTINE 'RESTIME'. THE COUNTER, II, INDICATES t t THE CASCADE NUMBER. ALL BULK GAS PROPERTIES ARE EVALUATED AT THE INLET SAS TEMPERATURE TO THE DRUM SEGMENT IN QUESTION. t t 103 104 TGO=0.99TG(1) 105 ICOUNT=0 106 4105 II=II+1 IF(II GT: 2) TGG=TG(II-1)-(TG(II-2)-TG(II-1)) 107 109 110 ACP=CP(II-1) 111 ATP4P(II-1) 112 ARH=RH(II-1) 114 ACYG=CVOI:-1) CALL COMP(ACPIGMVIN,GNVIN,CPINIWIGNICG) 4110 ATG=T6(II-1) 115 CALL PROPS (ATGOO,SHGICK6,00) 6MV=DGMV*(1+CVG(II-1)) 6VEL=GMV/(GDEN(ATG)*3.14*DIA**2/4) 116 117 r,i9 IF((X(II-1) .LT. UL1) .0R. (X(II-1) GT: (EL-OL2))) THEN 120 011 i4.1 CF=0 ELSE '1't li-i. 4i7 Li.... rF:L 124 END IF 125 126 t t ilo * CHECK FOR THE PRESENCE OF CENTERFILL FLIGHTS AND THE CHANGE IN GAS TEMPTHIS CHECK DETERMINES IF RESIDENCE ERATURE AND SOLIDS MOISTURE CONTENT. TIME PARAMETERS NEED TO BE REEVALUATED FOR THE REMAINING DRUM SEGMENTS. 129 .:30 131 IF(((ATG :LE. (ATGOLD-50)) 0R. (CF. NE. CFC)) 1.0R. (ACP .LE. (ACPOLD-0.50))) THEN 132 CALL RESTIKE(ACP,CF,YEMIE,YUITFEI,TFIE,TFUJC,TEITI,CL) 133 IIOLD=II ATGOLD=ATG ACPOLD=ACP END IF 134 135 136 t $ * 157 CFC=CF 137 13G 139 t 140 t 141 * 142 t 143 * 144 * 145 * CALCULATE THE AMOUNT OF DRYING OCCURING IN THE CURRENT DRUM SEGMENT USING IF CENTERFILL FLIGHTS ARE PRESENT (IE. CF=1)t THEN SUBROUTINE 'PDRY'. TWD CALLS TO 'PDRY' ARE REQUIRED. ALL HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER ACROSS A PARTICLE SURFACE IS ASSUMED TO OCCUR ONLY DURING THE PERIOD OF FALL. DURING THE SOAKING ER 'ID, UHEN THE RARTICLES ARE RIDIN6 ON THE LIFTING FLIGHTS: INTERNAL HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER REDISTRIBUTES THE PARTICLE TEMPRATURE AND MOISTURE CONTENT TO A UNIFORM STATE. * t 4 * * t t 146 4120 IF(CF .CT. 0) THEN CALL PDRY(ATP,TFEI,YEI,ARHIACVG,ACPIX(II-1),APCHOLDIOTSEIIDEEI) CALL PDRY(ATPITFIE,YIEIARHFACVG,ACPIX(II-1)1APCHOLD,OTSIE,OEIE) 147 148 149 150 151 TF=TFEI+TFIE QTG=(TFEIMTSEI+TFIEUTSIE)/TF irn sJi.. QE=.(TFEItGEEI+TFIE*OEIE)/TF ELSE icl ,,L, 154 CALL PDRY(ATP,TFU,YUORWCV6,ACPIX(II-1),APCHOLD/OTS10E) 155 156 TF=TFU END IF 157 15? ,,, .J7 4' 160 t 161 t PARTICLE AND GAS TEMPERATURES EXITING THE CURRENT DRUM SEGMENT ARE CALCULATED BY SOLVING MATERIAL AND ENERGY BALANCES ACROSS THE DRUM THIS PROCEDURE USES THE IMSL'S SUBROUTINE 'ZSPOW'r ALONG SEGMENT. WITH SUBROUTINE IFCN', TO SOLVE A SYSTEM OF NONLINEAR EQUATIONS. 162 167 I,P, i.----. 166 167 168 .'07 ''' ,np ,,7, ..,.i. I:, 4 '7'; 173 174 ., . 175 176 177 7.,! 179 180 4130 LOSS(II)=QLOST(CL7X(II-1))/(3.14*DIA*CL) VOLD=3.14*DIA**214*CL CUPF(II)=GTS/(VOLDCATG-ATP)) CP(II)=ACP CYG(II)=CVG(II-1)-FEED/DGMV*(CP(II)-CP(II-1)) PAR(1)=QTS PAR(2)=OLOSS(II) PAR(3)=CP(II-1)-CNII) PAR(4)=FEED PAR(5)=SHWV(ATP)*ATP PAR(6)=CP(II) PAR(7)=CP(II-1) PAR(8)=-SHNATP,CP(II))*ATP PAR(7)=HS PAR(10)=DGMV PAR(11)=(SHICTEII-1))+CVG(II-1)*SHWV(TEII-1)))*TG(II-1) PAR(12)=CVG(II) PAR(13)=2.5E+6*(CV6(II-1)-CVS(II))*DGMV 181 182 123 3X(1)=TP(II-1) GX(2)=TG(II-1) 181 IK 185 136 NSIG=3 ITMAX'200 187 CALL ISPOW(FCNINSIGIIN,ITMAXIPARtOX,FNORMIWKrIER) 1GG 1S9 19e; TP(II)=GX(1) TGOUT=GX(2) 191 in: ie_77 194 195 196 197 195 IFNTGOUT LT. TGG*0.98) .0R. (TGOUT .GT. TH*1.02)) THEN ICOUNT=ICOUNT+1 IF(ICOUNT .GT. 10) THEN GO TO 4150 END IF TGG=TGOUT GO TO 4120 1c,F END IF 2.00 ,w, 'Iv ,..:. TG(II)=TG9UT X(II)=X(II-1)+CL TIME(II)=TIME(II-1)+TC 20] FRHcII-1)=FRHT: 2011 RH(II)=RELH(CGPMWITG(II)) 205 * * * t 158 206) * H.S THE END OF THE DRUM BEEN REACHED ? 3 207 ,(LI) .GE, EL) GO TO 4150 IF:TO(II) ,GTf (1EI1-131405)) THEN WRITE;675005) 4150 GO r-N PTO IF 210 117 2:4 *0030*Ilttiltint WRITE OUTPUT *********WOM**** 215 WRITE(2?5003) II-1,6MVYNELYCHPF,HS,0TS,OE,FAYCPErTWOFTWIrTWB WRITE(7!5013 iaV 14 7 11C. 1,RWIDI0L0SS(II),CUPF(II) AL': 11C, 60 10 4105 17A 221 4150 REWIND(2) REWINDU 223 IF(LIST ,EO. 1) THEN WRITE(6,5035). ZITE(6!5010) DAYIHOUR WRITE(65011) WRITE(6,5012) 71, 4RITE(6/5013) (K-11PK),TIME(K),TPN,TGA)tCP(K),CVG(K) 11RHOO,OLOS5(K),CUPF(K),K=1,II) 230 ELSE WRITE(6,5014) II+1,II 177 END IF 234 235 WRITE(6E035) WRITE(6,5034) II,: 235 WRITE(6:5030) TP(II),T6(I1),CP(II),CV6(II),TIME(II),II WRITE(65029) ((CMP(I,J),I=1,4),J=1,3),(C6(1),I=1,4) 239 WRITE(6,5035) 237 240 241 5000 FORMAT(BF10f5) 242 243 TV 5001 FORMAT(5F10.5f2I10) 5002 FORMA1(i3) 5003 FOR4AT(13fT1OFF5.21T20/F542,T301F5,1,T40PE8.2,T50,E8,21T60,E8.2 245 246 1J70,F512,T30rE8.2,T90,F6.1,T100,F6.11T110fF6f1) 5005 FORMAT('ERRORM*0*. TEII) ) TG(II-1)') 2C 5010 FORMAT(T5WROTARY DRYER SIMULATION RESULTS'afT50,31(T) 245 249 22 1-,71 '252 '-r i.J..,"7. 254 7,..c ,,,,_ 256 , i- , 257 1r/hT57I'DATE : 11AY/fT57tITIME : ',A,///) 5011 FORMAT(T630BULMIT750BULKY,T37r1BULMIT50,'BULIOFT630AVERAGE' 1rT7511AVERAGE1,T101,1HEAT LO6S',/,T13,1DISTANCE',T370AVERAGE'rT50 2J'AVERAGE'IT630PARTICLE'rT750ABSOLUTE',T890RELATIVE',T101, 31THROUGH',T113?'VOLUMETRIC't/IT4OCASCADE',T130FROM DRUM'IT25/ 41CUMULATIVE1fT37t'PARTICLE'IT50:'GAS',T630MOISTURE'rT75, 5GAS HUMIDITY'JB9OHUMIDITY',T10111DRU1 WALL1j113, 61HEAT TRANSFER',/,T4ONUMBER'013,'INLET',T250TIME'd370TEMPERAT 7URE'7750,1TEMPERATURE',T63,'CONTENTI,T750FRACTION'IT890FRACTION' SYT101,1SEGMENT'IT113,1COEFFICIENT',/,T130(M)',T2571(S)1,T37,1(C)' 9,T50,1(C)17T6311(DB)1FT750(DB)1YT101,1(J/S)1IT113,1(J/S*M*11)1) 17, -6.. 5012 FORMAT(T417('-T13110('-'),T25t100-1),T37110('-'),T50,10('-') 260 261 1Ln .6.., 5013 FORMAT(T6rI3,1157F6,3,T27,F6f1IT39,F6.1,T521F6.11T65rF6,3 IlT77!F6.4,T91,F6,4,T1037F6,1,T115,F641) 263 5014 FORMATI,/,'DRUM PARAMETER PROFILE OUTPUT IS CONTAINED IN FILES 264 265 .,:ocy 267 268 269 272 271 272 i77 ..,,, 17A .,-t`w lyT63t10('-'),T75,10(1-1),T89,10,T101110('-')yT113,1W-')) 1 FDRY OF SIZE ',I3/' BY 10 AND FCAL OF SIZE ',I3,* BY 12.') 5020 FORMATWYT7,1ROTARY DRUM DIMENSIONS :',/,T7, 'INTERIOR DRUM DIAMET lER1I61(',1),F8.11T104,'METERS' 27/fT7,10VERALL DRUM LENGTH',67(Y),F8f1YT104,'METERS'phT7, 31DRUM LENGTH AHEAD OF CENTERFILL SECTION',47('.1) 4,F8.11T104/1METERS'ild7t'DRUM LENGTH BEHIND CENTERFILL SECTION' 5149'')F8,1,1104, 'METERS' 5021 FORMAT(T7,'EXTERIOP FLIGK LENGTP.'76('')sF:3,T10t,!1METERE' 1r/J771EXTERIOR FLIGHT LIP LENGTH°,60(1.1),F8.3,11047'METERS' 2,/,37,1INTERIOR FLIGHT LENGTH°,64(1.1)IFS,3,T1041'METER5'!!!T7 371INTERIOR FLIGHT LIP LENOTH1,60('''),F9.3,T104,1METERP) 159 5022 FORMAT(T7,'NUMBER OF EXTERIOR FLI6TS'760('''),IWIT7 l'INUMBER OF INTERIOR FLIGHTS',60(1,1),I851,T7 21'DRUM SLOPE TO H8RIZONTAL'762(1.1),F8.111IO4,'DEGREES' 277il ,7P 31/rT7'BRUM SPEED1060.1),F841,TI04,'REVOLUTI0NS/MINUTE') 5027 FORMAT(T7Y'DRUM WALL THICKNESS',67(1i1),T93,F8#3,T104,4ETERS'Y 1/!T771THERMAL RESISTANCE OF WALL',60(Y),T73,F8.4,T104, 2'DEG C*SECONDS/JDULEY,T7,'EMISSIVITY OF EXTERIOR DRUM WALL', 354(.,')!T93fFS,2) 5024 FORMA1(T7t'AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE'163(1.'),T93FFS.17T10411DE6 C'Y 11,T7,'AMBIENT AIR VELOCITY'166(1.'),T93F841,T104,1METERSISECONIO! 2/J7y'RATIO OF AIR LEAKAGE TO GASES FROM BLEND BOX1'42(1,i),T93i 3F8.21T104 'NGRAM/KGRAMI1 5025 FORMAT(T7,'INLET GAS TEMPERATURE FROM BLEND BOX'r50('.1),T931F8.1y 1T104,1DEG C',/,T7,`INLET GAS VOLUMETRIC FUR RATE'!56(''),T935 2F8.2,T104, 'METERS**31SECOND') 5026 FORMAT(T7r1SOLID WOOD DENSITY1,68(1.1),T93,F8.11T104,1KGRAMS/METER 1514.3.7117!'BULIc DENSITY DE PARTICLES'761(1.'),193/F8.1J104,1KGRA 2MS/METERS**31tifT7I'INLET PARTICLE TEMPERATURE'760('.1),T93,FEtif 3T104,'DEG C'yhT711INLET PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION (DRY D i-b-, .,./7 28c ,16.-, ,..,. 263 284 lo.=. :Ii.11.' 286 15..SR . 26? 292: 2,,,i 29V7: ;ft? 25-5 4ASIS)`!34(,')773sFMTIFT7t'PARTICLE FEED RATE (DRY BASIS)1,56(' 5,,T737FE1.4,7104,1K6RAMS/SECOND'yhT7,1PARTICLE SPHERICITY',67(1, l'OL ,,, 2?7 61),T931F8.3rirT7r1ACTUAL OPENING OF AVERAGE SIZE CLASS SCREEN PASS 7E1',36(1,i),193,F8t5t1104,1METERS1011-7,1ACTUAL OPENING OF AVERAGE 7g4 irr: c.7, S SIZE CLASS SCREEN NOT PASSED1,32(".1),T9MSZTT104,1METERSW,T7 -, 4:.,7r, ?'BEND FACTOR',75(1.1)IT931F8,3) 5027 FORMAT(T7,'EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF REPOSE'155(1.1),T93pF8i1,T104, I.DE6REE3'7hT7,'INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF REPOSE1,55(1.1),T93,F8,1 300 301 2,1104, 'DEGREES': 302 ..,-, 5028 FORMAT(T7,'DRAG COEFFICIENT CORRECTION FACTOR',52(1.1),T93,F842) 5029 FORMATUIT7,'GAS COMPOSITION IN MOLE FRACTIONS:',/,T45,102s1T51, 11N21,T57t1CO21,T63,1H2019hT44,4('-'),T50,4('-'),T56,4('-'),T62, 24('-'),//11.25r1FROM BLEND BOX :',T42,4(F6f3),/,72511AMBIENT AIR :' 31T42r4(F6.3)1/fT25r1DRUM INLET :',T42t4(F6.3),/,T25,'DRUM OUTLET 41,T42,4(F6.3)) 5030 FORMAT(T7,10UTLET PARTICLE TEMPERATURE'159(1.'),T93vF8.1,T104, I'DEG C't/IT7,10UTLET GAS TEMPER4TURE'164011):T93,F81lfT104, 21DEG C',/,T7t'OUTLET PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION (DRY BASIS 3)',33(1.1),T9W8+2,/tT7I'OUTLET ABSOLUTE GAS HUMIDITY FRACTION (D 4RY BAS/S)",37(1.1),T937F813,/,T7,1TOTAL RESIDENCE TIME'166(`.1) 51T93,F8.1d1040SECONDS',/,17l'TOTAL NUMBER OF CASCADES' 6,62(1,1),T93,I8) 5031 FORMAT(hT7I'INLET GAS CONDITIONS') 5032 FORMAT(/rTh'INLET WOOD PARTICLE CONDITIONS:') JV,:, 304 305 306 307 308 309 312 311 71.-: ,...._ 313 314 315 316 317 5033 FORMAT(//r130(1r)1/730(11),T101,30(41),/,30(1'),T54 1,1ROTARY DRYER SIMULATION'IT101,30(11),/,30(11),T101 312 31? 32C 2y30('*'),/,130('*1)) 5034 FORMAT(hT771DRYER OUTLET CONDITIONS : 5035 FORMAT(/////) 321 71-, ,,,, STOP ENL 323 324 1 ') t * 3 ******************** SUBROUTINE FCN ******************** * EXTERNALLY SPECIFIED SUBROUTINE USED BY SUBROUTINE 'ZSPOW. * 4 * 2 El , 9 10 IL t SUBROUTINE FCN(X,FrN,PAR) INTEGER N REAL X(N)tF(N),PAR(13) F(1)=PAR(1)-PAR(3)*PAR(4)*PAR(9)-PAR(4)*(SHP(X(1),PAR(6)) 1*(1+PAR(6))*X(1)-PAR(8)*(1+PAR(6))-PAR(3)*(SHWV(X(2))*X(2)2PAR(5))) F(2)=PAR(10)*(PAR(11)-(SHDEX(2))+PAR(12)*SWAX(21)AX(2))+PAR 1(13)PAR(4)VISHP(X(1),PAR(6))t(l+PAR(6))101(1)PAR(8)*(1+PAR(7))) 14 16 2-PAR(2) RETURN END 160 44444444444*4******4 3 t SUBROUTINE CONDIN **********4********44 CALCUL, INS INLET GAS CONDITIONS TO THE FIRST SEGMENT OF THE DRUM. t SUBROUTINE CONDIN(TOINITAYCIGICG,ALEAK,GVF,MWYTMMVINyGNVIN lyVIG,CVOINyTWEINyCPIN '..:IMENSION PAR(4)1WBX(2)1WK(21)1CIG(412),CG(4),M1(5)106(4) EXTERNAL WETBULP REAL MW,MOLWT I 10 12 .1 CALL PROPS(TA,VAISHAICKAYCIG(1,2)) CALL PROPS(TGIN,VGIN,SHGINYCKGIN,CIG(1,1)) 73,-(SHOINtIGIN+ALEAK4S444TA)/(SHOIN+ALEAK4SHA) .. DO 1 1=1,4 I}, :, 1 CO(I)=(CIG(I11)+CIG(Iy2)*ALEAK)/(1+ALEAK) GMVIN=GVF4GDEN(TGIN)*(1fALEAK) U(5)=M3LWT(CGIMW) GNVIN=GMVIN/MW(5) TA 2 1=1,4 .:( 12 19 20 -,. #44 2 WI6(I)=CG(1)*MW(I)/MW(5) 2( 2VGIN=WI6(4)/(1-WIG(4)) PAR(1)=CVGIN PAR(2)=CPIN PAR(3)=TGIN PAR(4)=18/(M4(5)-CI6(411)418) -p- 4, IN =2 29 ITMAX=200 NSIG=3 WEX(1)=0.144T6IN+18 WBX(2)=0.04 CALL ZSPOW(WETBULB,NSIG,IN,ITMAX,PARIUBX,FNORMYWKlIER) TWEIN=4BX(1) IF(TUBIN .GT. 100) TWBIN=100 RETURN END 25 26 ,-, .., 30 31 M 34 75 36 37 1 * ***************44414 SUBROUTINE PDRY 4 CALCULATES THE AVERAGE PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT AT THE END OF A PERIOD 4 OF PARTICLE FALL BASED ON H.N. ROSEN'S EMPIRICAL DRYING MODEL. THE BEND * FACTORy By IS ASSUMED TO BE KNOWN. THE RATE FACTOR, At AND THE INITIAL RELATIVE DRYING RATE ARE CALCULATED IN THE SUBROUTINE. ******044444444440 * 4 t 6. t SUBROUTINE PDRY(ATFtTFyYtARHyACVG,ACP,XPAPCHOLD,OTSOE) § DIMENSION 2.(8),W(6),CIG(4,2),CG(4),PAR(4),MW(5),COEF(5y4) 10 i1 ... ly0X(2)4K(21) EXTERNAL WETBULB ..1 4 ., i,,, ., 11 COMMON/VIER/ CIGyATMVELYCGIVOrSHMKGYCHPF 0 .A COMMON/FUNF/ PDENIBDENIREPOSEIPHIISPHERIC,SCREEN1tSCREEN2tFEED 1rAYB,RTCF,GAMMAB,PDIA COMMONISECHS/ COEFAW COMMON/SIEBEN/ ERZITWB,FAICPEYHSyTWBINITGINYTGG REAL HS,HSORP,MW 16 i 1 ,. 18 12?0 21 * 717 ESTIMATE RELATIVE PARTICLE VELOCITY * CALL PARTVEL(ACPyIl1yRPVELX,D20,D3) RPVELY=9.81*TF/2 RPVEL=(RPVELX412+RPVELY442)440.5 24 4 ,-).,, ic t 20 * CALCULATE SURFACE-FILM HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT WITH GAS PROPERTIES EVALUATED AT THE FILM TEMPERATURE. t 4 161 ATPF=CATP+ATO)12 CALL PROPS(ATPF,VGFISHGF,COFICO) 30 31 72 REPGDEN(ATPF)*RPVEL*PDIA/VGF PR=VGF*SHGF/CKGF 2HE'F=(COF/POIA)*(2+0.6*REP00.5*PR**0.333) HS=HEORP(ATPIACP) CPE=EMC(ATGIARH) CPFSP=FSP(ATP) 33 34 7r L7 17 3i ' .GE. OPFSP) THEN IF(AC FA=1 ELSE FA=ACP/CPFSP END IF 39 4i 42 43 41 45 T CALCULATE THE UET-BULD TEMPERATURE. 47 9ARI)=ACVG 42 PAR(2)=ACP PAR(3)=AT6 PAR(4)=18/(MV(5)-CG(4)t18) 19 50 cl J. 111=2 ITMAX=200 NSIG=3 WBX(1)=0.14tATG+18 54 2X(2)=0.04 CALL NFU (UETBULB, NM, ITMAX,PARy thXy FNORM, IER) TWB=WBX(1) IF(TUE 'ST. 100) TUB=100 J7 60 t 61 )1 62 t CALCULATE THE TOTAL HEAT TRANSFEREE' TO THE PARTICLES IN THE SEGMENT :FS, THE INITIAL RELATIVE DRYING RATE, ERZ, AND THE DIMENSIONLESS MOISTURE CONTENT, E. 63 APF=APCHOLDCBDEN/PDENA6/PDIA OTS=CHPF*APFCATG-ATP) OE=FAUTSCATG-T2)/(ATO-ATP) 64 66 77 ), RETURN IF(AOP .E0. 0.0) RETURN ERZ=GEMHS+SHWV(TGG)ITGG-SHWV(ATP)tATP)*(ACP-CPE)tAPCHOLD*BDEN) A=EXP(LOG(B*GAMMAB*ERD/B) E=1-ERNTF*(1-(AIB*TF**(11B)/(1+B))) ACP=Et(ACP-CPE)+CPE RETURN 74 END IF(ATP ,GT. ATG ) 67 69 70 71 1 2 3 4 * ***********Uttt**** SUBROUTINE WETBULD *******************t * CALCULATES THE WET-BULB TEMPERATURE GIVEN THE AVERAGE GAS TEMPERATURE t t AND GAS WATER VAPOR CONTENT. ASSUMES A VALUE OF 950.0 J/KG*C FOR THE t EXTERNALLY SPECIFIED FOR USE WITH SUBROUTINE t PSYCHROMETRIC RATIO. t IZSPOW. SUBROUTINE WETBULEX,F,N,PAR) 9 10 11 12 INTEGER N REAL X(N),F(N)tPAR(4) F(1)=X(1)+CX(2)-PAR(1))*1.053E-3*HSORP(X(1),PAR(2))-PAR(3) F(2)=X(2)-PMX(1))*PAR(4)/(1f0133E+5-PMX(1))) 14 RETURN 15 END 162 1 ******************n SUBROUTINE PROPS ******************** * ESTIMA74THF TE:RAIURE DEPENDENT PROPERTIES OE iHE GAS STREAMt VISCOSITY(PA*S),SPEP:7_CIFIC HEAT(J/KG*C)tAND THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY(J/S*MtC). THE EQUATIONS USED COME FROM THE FIFTH EDITION OF THE CHEMICAL ENGINEERS t * * HANDBOOK. * * SUBROUTINE PROPS (ATErVO,SHOrCKGrCIO) DIMENSION MW(5),CIE4),SHGA(4),CKGA(4),VGA(4),COEF(5,4) 10 11 12 REAL. NW 13 TK=ATG+273.1 COMMON/SECHS/ COEFIMW 14 4C SVD=0.0 SVN0,0 SCKD=0.0 SCKW-0.0 18 i9 DO 1 I=1,4 21 SEISA:1)=COEF(3yI)+COEF(41I)*TK+COEF(5,I)*TKU2 SHG.SHBA(I)*CIG(1)*MW(I)+SHO V6A(I)=COEF(1:1)1.0E-6*(T)**1.5/(TN+COEF(21I))) SVD=CIEI)*MW(I)**0.54-SYD SVN=CI6(I)*MW(I)**0.5*VGA(I)+SVN 2-4 lc CNOA(I)=VGA(I)*(SHGA(I)+10383.0/N(I) SCKD=CIG(I)*MW(I)00.33+SCKD 26 SCKN=CIS(I)*MW(I)00.33*CKGA(I)+SCIT ".7 1 CONTINUE SH6=SH6IMW(5) '10 30 31 VG=SVN/SVD CKG=SCKN/SCKD RETURN 3 END ******************** * 5 SUBROUTINE COMP ******************0 CALCULATES THE GAS COMPOSITION IN MOLE FRACTIONS. SUBROUTINE COMP(ACPrOMVIN,GNVIN,CPINYWIGIMW,CG) DIMENSION WI6(4),CG(4)r MW(5) 8 9 COMMON/FUNF/ PDENIBDEN, REPOSE,PHI,SPHERICtSCREENlySCREEN2tFEED l'AIBIRTCFPGAMMAB,PDIA REAL MW 11 SUM.----'0.0 12 C1=FEED*(CPIN-ACP)/18 13 DO 1 i=113 14 CO(I)=WIG(I)*OMYINAMV I)*(ONVIN+C1)) 1' 1 SUM=SUM+CG(I) re, CG(4)=1-SUM 17 RETURN 12 END 163 * * ******************0 SUBROUTINE RESTIME ******************0 * CALCULATES THE RESIDENCE TIME FOR AN AVERAGE PARTICLE IN ONE CASCADE * ' . * SEGMENT OF THE DRUM, ALSO COMPUTES: CASCADE LENGTH! DISTANCE 07 FALL! AND TIME OF TRAVEL ON LIFTING FLIGHTS, t t * SUBROUTINE RESTIME (ACPICFIYEIIYIEtUrTFEIrTFIErTFU!TCITErTI!CL) LIMENSION YOL(360)1THOLD(360)!FVOL(360),FRHOLD(30)!CHOLD(360) 11 ..,. 13 14 Ir, 16 17 18 lDMON COEF(5,4)rM14(5)!C6(4)1CIG(412) COMMON/EINS/ DIArDIAO,RUYELJLENIFLIPIFLENI,FLIPDULIIUL2 l'ALPHAtBETArNErNI,EM COMMON/NEI/ RPMIRPSIRErRREIREOIRREOrFRHUPfEDIAPCHOLDrII COMMONIDREI/ TArAAVEL COMMON/VIER/ CIBIATG,GVEL,C5,VGISHMKGrCHPF COMMON/FUNF/ PBEN,BDEN,REPOSErPHIrSPHERICISCREEN1tSCREEN2rFEED 11A7B,RTCFPGANMADODIA COMMON/SECHS/ COEFr& 19 REAL MAEL: INTEGER CF M=0 .4 -, 26 i, ,, s., -4, .., 30 il 5= 9,81 ttt***************** PRELIMINARY COMPUTATIONS ******************** FEEDVFEED/BDE BETA=ATAN(FLIPADIA/2-FLEN))*57,3 A0=360/NE-BETA 20 DE= DIA-2*FLEN C1=UDIA/2)**2-(0IA/2*SIND(A0))**2)**0,5 C2=ATAN(DIA/2*SIND(A0)/ABS(FLEN-(DIA/2-C1)))*57,3 3; L. IFFLEN ,GT, (0IAl2-C1)) THEN 14 C3=C2 ELSE C3=18O-C2 END IF 35 -LL 37 38 39 40 41 :12 43 4'4 45 46 47 An I.:. 45 r4., ANGLE=0 OHAN6=AN6LE+C3 IF(REPOSE ,GT, OHANG) THEN TVOVER (ANGLEtA0tVOVER) VZERO=VOVER+FLIP*FLEN*((.5*(DIA-FLEN)/(0,5*DIA-FLEN))4.(0,5*FLEN 1**2,0tTAND(OHANG)) ELSE VZERO= FLIP*FLEN*(0,5*(DIA-FLEN)/(0,5*DIA-FLEN))+(0.5*FLEN**2.0* 1TAND(REPOSE)) END IF 71 40 HIA=SPHERICCSCREENIJSCREEN2)/2 52 PMASS= PDEN*3.14*PDIA**3,0/6*(14-ACP) RPS= RPM/60 AMAX=90+REPOSE+BETA IBETA=ANINT(BETA) 53 54 55 -, 57 'lc IF(CF Ea, 1) THEN A1=(120/NI)-BETA 57A2=(180/NI)+BETA 60 61 y-, 63 64 65 .-67 A3=(360/NI)+BETA 44=(360/NI)-BETA A5=(540/NI)-PETA OMEGA=ATAN(FLIPI/FLENI)*57.3 A6=360/NI-OMEGA A220=ATAN(FLENI*SIND(BETA)/((DIA/2-FLEN)-FLENICOSD(BETA)))*57,3 X11=(FLIFIn2,04-FLENIU.2.0)00.: X12.(FLIPItt2,0+2FLEND42,01.(1-XlI4OST(A6)))0M PHIMAX=ACOSC(FLIPIO2,0+X12**2,0)/(2*X12*)(11))*57,3 7.0:11 IF 164 70 7i ttittttttttt**Ottttt ....., .;, ,._ . 73 ^A j, Tr tt*tat*OttlittlUtt RESIDENCE TIME COMPUTATION PERIPHERAL FLIGHT HOLDUP t FANGLE LLCULOION 'i, .4.: TVOL=C DO 1 J=1,AMAX ANGLE= j OHANG=AN6LE+C3 78 79 80 91 82 33 86 87 88 99 70 7. 92 0: 74 or iJ 96 79 102 103 iO4 105 126 107 109 109 lin 111 IN REPOSE .GT. OHANG) THEN CALL TVOVER (ANGLEtAMOVER) ELSE VOYER=0.0 ;ND IF 50 INANGLE .LE. REPOSE) GOTT 100 60 IN(ANCLE-REPOSE) .LT. BETA) GOTO 200 GOTO 300 70 I(TANNANGLE-REPOSE-BETA) 4L !FLT GOTO 400 100 IF(REPOSE GE. OHANG) 60 10 130 110 YOL(J)=FLENtFLIP)(0.5t(DIA-FLEN)/(0.5tDIA-FLEN))+(0.5tFLEN**2t iTAND(REPOSE-ANGLE)) GO 10 500 130 Y0L(J)=FLENFLIP*(045*(DI4-FLEN)/(0.5*DIA-FLEN))+((.5*FLENt42t 1TAND(OHAND-ANGLE))+VOYER GO TO 500 200 V0L(J)=FLENtFLIP*(0.5t(DIA-FLEN)/(0.5*DIA-FLEN))-(0.5tFLENtt2t 1TAND(ANGLE-REPOSE)) GO TO 500 300 VOL(2)=FLEN*FLIP*(0.5t(DIA-FLEN)/(0.5tDIA-FLEN))-(0.5*FLENO2 1CTAND(BETA)+TAND(AN6LE-REPOSE-BETA))) GO TO 500 400 VOL(J)=05*FLIPM/TAND(AN6LE-REPOSE-BETA) 1) 60 TO 530 500 IF(J .GT. DVOL=VZERO-VOL(J) GO TO 540 530 DVOL=V0L(J-1)-V0L(j) 540 TVOL=TY0L+DV0LtAN6LE 1 CONTINUE 600 FANGLE=IYOUVZERO 1) GO TO 1600 62;2 IF(CF CENTERFILL FLIGHT HOLDUP t FPSI CALCULATION TCHOLD=0 114 TDHOLD=0 115 HOLM 116 K=0 117 PSIMAX=PHI-360/NI+270 DO 3 JC=17PSIMAX DV0L=0 PSI=JC 180-180/NE)) THEN IF(PSI i17 -119. 120 122 127 IL , 126 128 I32 '74 133 134 'Tc 137 131 JCLIM1=ANINT(AC0S(FLENItCOSIOSI/2/DE)*57.3) JCLIM2=ANINT(ACOS(FLENItCOSD(PSI+360/NI)*2/DE)*57.3) J=ANINT(JC+BETA) :7;J 46T. jCIIM1) THEN JDIR=(-1) JLIM=MAX(MfJCLIM1)+360/NE ELSE jDIR=1 JLIM=MAX(M,JCLIM1) END IF DO 4 jE=j1jUM7JDIRt360/NE 4 CONTINUE DC 2 JE=JEYJCLIM2,360/NE DVOL=VOLUE-1)-YOLJE)iTVOL 2 CONTINUE END IF 800 3AMMA=PHIMAX-180+A6+P2I 165 IF((PSI .11. (91.0-0.5tA6)) .0R. (MANNA .LT. PHI) 1.kNI, ;PSI .ST. (?1,0-0.5*A6)))) THEK 17 140 812 MAXHOLD=0.5*(FLENI*FLIPI4((FLIPI**240+FLENItt2.0)*TANI(360/NI- 21,. 10ME6WABS(TANNPHIMAX)))/(TAND(A6)+ABS(TAND(PHIMAX)))) 142 ELSE './- ((PHT4190) .5T. J'SI+360INI-OME0A)) THEN 810 MAXHOLD=0.5*(FLENIVLIPIWFLIPIU2,0+FLENI**2.0)*TAND(360/NI- 143 144 10ME6A)*ABS(TAND(180-PSI+PHI-360/NI+0ME6A)))/(TAND(360/NI-OMEGA)+ lABE7AND(180-PSI+PHI-360/N1+0MEGA)))) 145 146 ELSE 147 148 805 MAXHOLD=0.5*FLIPI**2.0/ADS(TAND(PSI+360/NI-PHI-130)) =NO :F 145 IF(JC .ED. 1) THEN -,- THOLD(JC)=DVCL irn ,,.. ELSE IF(MAXHOLD +GT. 7OLDjC-1)+DVOL) THEN THOLD(JC)=TH0LD(38-1)+DVOL 'rA I.J', irr =LSE 156 HZERO=MAXHOLD IF(K .ED: 0) THEN Aq7 PSIZEF=JO 158 Ni= 160 161 END IF THOLDJC)=64,H8LD DHOLD=THOLD( JC-1).001.-THOLD(A) irc '0 TDHOLD=DHOLD+TOHOLD 163 TCHOLD=TCHOLD+DHOLIIPSI 164 END IF 165 ,-.., 3 CONTINUE FPSIHOLD/TDHOLD AL7 IF((FANGLE .LT. ACOS(2*FLENI/DE)*57,3) 0R. (FANGLE ,GT. 180- 168 1ACOS(2*FLENI/DE)t57.3)) THEN 169 I 74 iI i 172 CF=-1 TFEI= TFIE=0 172 GC TO 1600 174 END IF 170 ,r: 175 176 * 178 * i1,. 7G 186 181 182 182, 184 tOc 136, ,nn * DISTANCE OF FALL CENTERFILL SECTION t ENTPSI CALCULATION * * 177 SYEI=C NF=0 SPSI4 DO 9 I=1,1+NE/NI PSI=ANINT(FAN6LE-BETA-(I-1)*360/NE) IPSI=ANINT(PSI) IFM(FAN6LE-A220 .LT. 90.0) .AND. (I .E0. 1)) .0R. 1((FANGLE-A220 ,SE. 90.0) .AND. (I Ea. 1+NE/NI))) .0R. 2(PSI LE. 0)) THEN i=0 L0,7. 'I' 1P? 190 ELSE 1Q1 .,16-, -,, l': 194 7W7 197 198 in,7 7-.,:,; .61, ".:;'. ...v, '-4)7 YEI=FYEI(PSIIFANGLEIDEITHOLD(IPSI)) SYEI=YEI+SYEI SPSI=PSI+SPSI NF=F+1 END IF C 0 NT I NUE YEISY=I/NF ENTPSI=SPSI/NF CALL PARTVEL (ACP,CEIIRPVELEIIREEDYEDX6) YIE=(FLENICCOSD(FPSI+360/NI-OMEGA-90))+((DIA/2-FLEN)**2.0+ 1FLENI**2.0*((COSD(FPSI+360/NI-OMEGA-90))**2.0-1))**0.5 2)/COSNALPHA). CALL PARTVEL (ACPtCIE,RPVELIErREIEIYIEIX13) X CALCULATION TFEI=(2*YEIfe)**0.5 IFIE=(2tYIE/G)**0.5 M) GO TO 1090 IF(ALPHA X16-1,X6/(6KIND(ALPHA)))**0, 166 XEI,--.3VEL*TFEI+(L0ECOSATANiKELV,16))/16*X6*TFEIi- 103 1ATAN(GVEL/X16))))/X6 20F v'7-;',13!(G2I1D(ALPHA)))**0,5 -r L.. .,. .,, nic . 1C0-1,171Y.13*TFIE4. GO TO 109: 1070 XEI:,GVEL*TFEI=1,0/AL*TFEI*GVEL+1,):1X6 XIE=OVEUTFIE4-(1.06(1.0/(X13*TFIEKVEL+1.0)))/X13 ,..,J 216 ,I-, ,, :..is_ .ATANGVEL/X17))))/X13 ."-IXIE 1005 CL4,' ENTANS CALCULATION*. ,,. 4, 1200 A747.3*ACOSMDIA/2-FLEN)**2.0+FLENI**2.0-YIE**2.0) 1/(2*(bIA/2-FLEN)*FLENI)) 120: IF(A7 .GE(180/NI+OMEGA)) GO TO 1225 21E 7IQ: inr ...A., .., 111 1210 IF(A7 :GE. OMEGA) GO TO 1220 ,y7,-, 1215 ENTAN6=FPSI+180/NI=OMER GO TO 1230 ...,_ 223 221220 ENTANG...FP51,360/NI+OilEi1t. 11r ...., GO TO 1230 1:25 ENTAN6=FPSI+540/NI+OME65: 226 222 225 .., * TIME PER CASCADE CENTERFILL SECTION t 1.-1,- L ,74 ..J. GO TO 2000 232 * ,,, t .,,., ,7c. RESIDENCE TIME UITH * 233 ...., ": NO CENTERFILL ')7", ../ TE-,--FAN6LE1(180*RPS) ENTANG=360-FAN6LE ....,: '17,,239 wr 4.4l, CALL PARTVEL (ACP,CAPVELIREaU,X15) X19=(G*SIND(ALPHA)/X15)**0.5 241 INALPHA GT. 0.2) GO TO 1640 242 CL=OVELATFU+(LOG(1.0/(X15$TFU*6VEL+1.0)))/X15 GO TO 1650 243 1640 CL=GVEL*TFU4-(LOG(COS(ATAN(6VEL/X19))/(COS(419*X15*TFU+ 1ATAN(GVEL/X19)))))1X15 244 245 1650 TC.TFUE 246 247 * 245 ,, ADJUSTMENT FOR HOLDUP * * LESS THAN DESIGN ,r,. c..)1, ' 7200 CHOLDUP=TC*FEEDV .:J1 TVZERMIZERO ,,,, .,,,, ,,,...7 255 2,7. ici .., ntl 260 261 NI 1L IF(No .GE. 1) GO TO 2015 CEHOLD=0 DO 5 L=360/NE,AMAX:360/NE CEHOLD=CEHOLD+VOL(L) 5 CONTINUE CEHOLD=2*(CEHOLMZERO) IF( CF .EO, 0) THEN FULHOLD=CEHOLD*CL ELSE CIHOLD=0 DO 6 L=1,PSIMAX9360/NI 263 CIHOLD=CIHOLD+THOLD(L) 264 CONTINUE 'iLr L,. iws 267 265 Itc, .v. ,,, ::/. 270 272 273 ,-, ..:, '.-., -.,...:t t 1600 YU=DE*SIND(FANGLE)/COSNALPHA) TFU=(2*YU/G)**0.5 ,,,:,6 ,r4 t 123. -E.,., :=3601-FANGLE-ENTANG)/(360tRPS) TI-APS(FFS1+360/NI-ENTPSI)/(360tRPS) TC=TI+TE+TFIE+TFEI ,7,-. 245 * FULHGLII.CEHOLD*CL+CIHOLD*CL END IF 2015 N=N41 FRHOLD(N)=CHOLDUP/FULHOLD INN .LE, 1) GO TO 2017 IF((TC ,GE.(0.99*OLDTIME)) .AND. (TC .LE. (1.01*OLDTIME))) IGO TO 2060 2017 AFRHOLD=1.0 2 I.irN AFRHOLD=FRHOLD(I)+AFRHOLD 22NTINUE 167 277 ".1": ,70 AFRHOLD=AFRHOLD/(N+1) 201r-' OLDTIME=7C _ 220 281 2S: 283 284 IF:N .3E. 20; THEN I*7-cz*500r5000 F9RMAT('WARNINGMITERATION LIMIT EXCEEDED IN SUBROUTINE RESTIME') GO TO 2060 END IF 285 286 287 75: .5.2? 290 IF(AFRhOLD 1.0) THEN WRITE(675001) AFRELI 5001 FORMATIWARNINGMHOLDUP EXCEEDS DESIGN CAPACITY OF FLIGHTS.' l,/,'HOLDUP FRACTION OF FLIGHT CAPACITY = ',F5,2) Go ENT: 293 294 295 237. 301 302 304 305 306 707 302 30? 310 311 31: VZERO=AFRHOLUTVZERO M=0 2020 M=M+1 IF(VOL(M) .LE. VZSRO) GC TC 207I FVOL(M)=VOL(M) GO TO 2020 2030 PTYOL=0 IF( M .EG* 1) GC TO 2060 DO 7 L=11M-1 ANGLE=L INL *31.1; Oci TO 2035 TDVOL=VZERO-FVOL(L) GO TO 2040 2035 TDVOL=FV0L(L-1)-FVOL(L) 2040 PTVOL=PIVOL+TDVOL*ANGLE 7 CONTINUE 2045 ATVOL=TVOL-PTVOL FANGLE=ATVOUVZERO GO TO 620 2060 FRHUP=CHOLDUP/(3414tDIA02/4) 314 IF(CF LT. 1) THEN 315 TF=TFU ELSE TF=TFEI+TFIE END IF 316 710 720 APCHOLD=TF/TUCHOLDUP ANGZERO=M 322 7.74. WRITE(673000) II-1 WRITE(673001) FANGLE,EKTANGIANGZERO;AMAX Y2-5 71 I Ot.0 707 128 700 330 331 -77n 333 IF(CF *LT, 1) THEN IF(CF 4E0. -1 ) WRITE(613010) WRITE(613002) YUITE,TFUtCL ELSE WRITE(673003) FPGIYENTPSIOSIZEROIPSIMAX WRITE(6y3004) YEIIYIE,TE,TI WRITE(673005) TFEIITFIEIXETAIE END IF 331 335 336 337 338 334 344 341 342 343 344 345 WRITE(673012) FULHOLD,CHOLDUNFRHOLD(N) 3000 FORMAT(//,T7,1PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO, ',HY' ;') 3001 FORMAT(T7,'EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE' 1737(..1),F8,10104,1DEGREES',/!T7I'EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AYERAS 2E POINT OF ENTRY'739('.1)7F8.17T10471DEGREES17/7T77'EXTERIOR FLIGH 31 ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE'746(1.')7F8.17T104,'DE6REES17/7T7 47',EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE',48('');F8,lyT104 -1711jEGREES') 300: FORMAT(T77'DISTANCE DF PARTICLE FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL'712(1,1), 1F8.27110471METERS17/7T771AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHT 168 22 PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL1v13(1.')!F8.17T1O4,'SECONDS',/,T7 3,'AVERACE TIME GE FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL',47('')!F8.2fT1041 41SECONDS',/!T7''LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE WITHOUT 5 CENTERFILL'125('.1),F8.2,T1OWNETERS') 3003 F5RNAT(T7,'INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE', 137('.1)!FS.1,T104,IDEGREES',/,T7T'INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE 2 POINT OF ENTRY',39(1.1);F8.1,T104,IDEGREES',/,T7!'INTERIOR FLIGHT 46 347 li.! ..,.,. YJO 35 352 'MT ,,,_ 3 ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE'746(1.1)1F8.1,T1OWDEGREESWIT7 4, 'INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE'74S('.1),FS.10.104 5Y'DEGREE2') 3004 FORMAT(T7,'DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FL: 354 715 756 57, iGHTE'J27('4'7F8.2tTlOWNETERSWIT7,1DISTANCE OF PARTICLE 2ROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS1,27('.1),F82JT104,1METERS'yl.T7, 31AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE',32(1.1). 4F8.1,T10411SECONDS',/,T7I'AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGH 358 359 ITS PER CASCADE';321),FS.1)T104;'SECONDS') 361 762 36: 3005 FORMAT(T7y'AVERA6E TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS' 1,32(1.'),FS.21T104,1SECONDS'IhT7,1AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTER :IOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS',32(1.1),F8.27T1041'SECONDS'YhT7,1LONGITU 3DINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FUG 4HTS'ylO(';'),FS.2rT104,'METERS',/fT7I'LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVEL SEC PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS',10('.')!F8.2 765 -,, .2..y., 367 163 67T104?'METE:') 3010 FORMAT(T7?(NOTE: CENTERFILL FLIGHTS ARE BYPASSED)') 301.1 F0RMATU,T7,'HOLDUP CONDITION1!'s/sT7!'FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT X 1OLDUP',54('.1),F8.4,T104/1METERS**3',/,T7,1CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT 2 HOLDUP1/56(1.1),F8.41T104,1METERS**3',/,T7,1FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGE 3NT HOLDUP OF DESIGN1,46(1.'),F8.2d104,'METER**3/METERI*31) 7. 7 371 372 373 374 375 RETURN END *******************1 3 * 4 t 6 ******************** FUNCTION FYEI CALCULATES THE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM THE EXTERIOR TO THE INTERIOR FLIGHTS. FUNCTION FYEEPSI,FANGLEOEITHOLD) 7 10 11 12 13 14 COMMON/EINSI DIA,DIAD,RW,ELIFLENtFLIPYFLENIFFLIPIYULifUL2 l'ALPHA,BETA,NErNI,EM IF(P3I+100/NI LE. 90) THEN PSIA=PSI PSIB=PSI+360/NI K=-1 ELSE 15 PSIA=PSI+360/NI 16 PSIP=PSI 17 K=1 END IF YB=FLEN/*SIND(PSIA) 18 ,Q 20 -r) 27 XP=FtENI*COSEPSIA) XC=2*K*THOLD/(YP-XICAND(PSID*0.999)) YC=XDTAND(PSIB*0.999) SLP=M-IT)/(XP-X) YINT=YD-SLP*XD FYEI=0.5*DECSIND(FANGLE)-SLP*COSD(FANGLE))-YINT RETURN 27 END 169 ******************0 SUBROUTINE TVOVEF ******0********4.W. * CALCULATES FLIGHT HOLDUP IN EXCESS OF DESIGN FLIGHT HOLDUP. SUBROUTINE TVOVER ANGLETAOYVOVER) COMMON/EINS! DI4,DIA0yRWIELfFLENYFLIFIFLENIfFLIPITULl:UL2 1rALPHA,BETAINEYNI!EM 7Y/FUNFI ''1iENIBDEN,REPOSE,PHI!SPHERIC,SCREEN17SCREEN2fFEED 10 1,A,B,RICFIGAM1ABIPDIA X7=FLIUSIND(BETAASIND(A0)/SIND(REPOSE-ANGLE-A0) XE=DIA/2-X7*SIND(180-REPOSE+ANGLE)/SIND(A0) P.:X7**2.0+2102.0-2*X7*XMOSEI80-REPOSE+AN6LE40))*t0.5 lt 17 X10=0.5*(X74.01,9 YOVER=(X1OCX104,7)*(X1048)M10-X9))00.5 RETURN ENT: tt****************** SUBROUTINE PARTVEL ****************Mt t CALCULATES C,RPVELOND RE BASED ON THE EQUATION BY SCHILLAR AND NAUMANN. SUBROUTINE PARTVEL (ACPIC,RPVELJREIY,X) DIMENSION CIG(4,2C0(4) COMMON/VIER/ CIGIATG,GVELICGOG,SHG,CKGtCHPF COMMON/FUNF/ RDEN,BDENIREPOSEIPHI6PHERIC,SCREENIYSCREEN2tFEED lIATBATCFPGAMMABODIA 11 REG=GDEN(ATG)*PDIAtGVEL/VG 12 1300 GO TO 1320 13 14 1310 REG=-RE 15 16 ii 4-, 18 1,: -: 1320 C=24tRTCF*(1.0+0.15*REG**0.687)/REG X5=0.75*C*GDEN(ATG)t(2tY/9.81)**0.5/(PDEN*P1hIAt(1+ACP)) RPVELL1.0+3VELV45)00.5-1.032/X5 RE=GDEN(ATG)tPDIA*RPVEL/VG 1370 IN(RE ,3T, (1.05tRE6)) .0R. (RE .1.T. (0.95*RE6))) 60 TO 1310 X=0.75*C*GDEN(ATG)/(PDEN*PDIA*(14CP)) RETURN 21 END * 170 * ******************0 FUNCTION GLOST t EflIMATES THE HEAT LOST THROUGH THE DRUM WALL FOR EACH DRUM SEGMENT: it*********10****** * t * FUNCTION OLOST(CL,DL) DIMENSION CI6(4,2),C13(4) COMMON/EINS/ DIA,1iIAO,RW,EL,FLEN,FLIPIFLENI,FLIPI,ULitUL2 1,ALPHA,BETWEINI,EM COMMONIZWEI/ RPMAPSIREIRRE'REMREO,FRHUP,ED,APCHOLD,II COMMON/PREP TWAVEL COMMON/VIER/ .CIGrATG/GVEL,CGIVG,SHG,CKG,CHPF CCMMON/ACHT/ TWO8=(ATUTA)**0.5 14 -! IC2UNT=0 305 TWO=TWCS le/ 4 47 ICOUNI=l+ICOUNT TWOF6=(TOTWO)/2 'ALL PROPS (TWOF6,V6W0F,SH6WOF,CKWOFICG) IP ED=DIA*(1-FRHUP)**0t5 RPS=RPM/60 21 RE=GVEL*GDEN(ATG)*ED/VS '::n=ED**2tRP3*6.23t5DEN(AT6)/V6 PR=VG*SHG/CNG REO=AAVELAGDEN(TWOFG)*DIAO/VGWOF .24 RRE0=3,14*DIA002*RP8tODEN(TWOF8)/V6W0F PRO=VGWOF*SHGWOF/CKWOF 2? CHWO=0.135C(0.5PRE002+REMR(TWOFG))*PRO)**0,333*CKWOF/DIAO CHWOR=EMt5.729E-8*(TWOU4-TAtt4)/(TWO-TA) 30 CHWI=0.023tREtt0.8*PR**0+3*(1+(DIA/(DL+CL))00.7) 28 TW8=(AT6+(R0-1/(CHWIt3.14*DIA))*(CHWO+CHWOR)*3.14*DIAOtTA) 1/(1+(RW+11(CHWIt3,14*DIA))*(CHWO+CHWOR)*3.14*DIA0) 71 :FLTO LE. (1,05*TWOG)) AND. (TWO GE, (0.95tTWOG))) GO TO 315 TWOG=TWC 34 lr IF( ICOUNT L.T. 10) GO TO 305 WRITE(6:5011) 36 5011 FORMAT('TWO AND TWOG DO NOT CONVERGE !') 3I3 OLOST=(CHWO+CHWOR)*3.14*DIAO*CL*(TWO-TA) 37 v, 3? 40 TWI=ATO-OLOST/(3.14*DIAtCLCHWI) 41 END 3 4 RETURN rITOTITNNSITY * * **************0***1 FUNCTION HEN ASSUMING AIR IN AN IDEAL STATE AT ONE ATMOSPHERE, f K6/M**3, FUNCTION GDEN(TC) TK=7C+273.1 6DEN=354/Tt, 8 c 16 11 RETURN ENI: tt******4**********ti FUNCTION SHP * CALCULATES THE SPECIFIC HEAT OF WOOD AS A FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE AND MOISTURE CONTENT, J/KG*C, **********tt*****t * t FUNCTION SHP(ATP,CP) SH=(CP+(0.266+0.00116tATP))/(1+CP)*4186,1 SHP=SH RETURN END 171 **************MM t ******************** FUNCTION GR CALa:LE'T'.C. THE. GP.W6HgF NjqER ASSUMING PROPERTIFS OF AIR. FUNCTION SEAM COMMON/EINS/ DIAtDIADIRWYELrFLFNIFLIPIFLENIIFLIPI,DIIUL2 1,ALPHAIDETAINE,Nl7a 20M2N/DREI/ -17AVEL. TK=AT6+273.1 10 6R=1,73E10*EXP(-0,0163tTrADIAOtt3t(4TG-TA) RETURN END **************WM FUNCTION EMC ******************** * CALCULATES THE EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION OF 0011 AS A FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE AND RELATIVE HUMUDITY, t FUNCTION EMC(TCYRH) 5 S TK=TC+273.1 9 ,. A1=-5,012E-4tTKO2+0.322*TK-45472 A2---f,1:53E-LgTKI3:2+4,734E-31C1K-0,174 W=1.853E-NTN**2-9.437*TR+1418.3 1 i:. 4,1 .i.i. 47 i, F1=1-A2tRH F2=14-A1*A2tRH 14 4C EMC=18/0A2*RH*(1/F1+A1/F2) Lsi IREMC .LT.0.0) EMC=0.0 16 RETURN 17 END t * -.: ******************** FUNCTION HSORP ******************** * CALCULATES THE HEAT REQUIREMENT TO REMOVE ONE KILOGRAM OF MOISTURE FROM t A HEAT OF WOOD AS A FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE AND MOISTURE CONTENT. * * WETTINS COMPONENT IS INCLUDEDY JAG. 6 t t t ,7 , t FUNCTION HSORP(TC,CP) REAL HSORP HSORP=((597.9-0.592*TC)+280*EXP(-1,5*CP))*4186.1 RETURN 44 41 END **********4********* FUNCTION FSP * CALCULATES THE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION AT FIBER SATURATION FOR WOOD AS A FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE, ******************** * 4 6 * FUNCTION FSP(TC) FSP,-(34.1-04133*TC)/100 7 10 RETURN END 172 FUNCTION MOLT ******************** CALCULATES THE MDLECULAR FIGHT OF A GAS hIXTUREt KG/KOMOLE+ *******************1 * FUNCT/ON MDLWT(C6IM:1) 7 DIMENSION C6(4)1M0(5) C. C, REAL MWIMOLWT SUM=0,0 fl 7 lu PC 1 i=1,4 1 SUM=CO(I).NW(I)+SUM 11 14 MOLWT=SUM RETURN Ic END FUNCTION RELH ******************** CALCULATES THE RELATIVE HUMIDITY FRACTION * 4 *******************; * * FUNCTION RELH(CG,N7TC) 6 DIMENSION CO(4),W5 7 REAL MW,MOLWT %=TC+273.1 12 RH=S314.0*C6(4)*GDEN(TC)*TKAMOLUT(C6/MW)*PVS(TC)) RELH=RH RETURN 13 ENO * M******M***1Tht FUNCTION PUS ******************** * CALCULATES THE SATURATION VAPOR PRESSURE AS A FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE, * t PASCALS, FUNCTION PVS(TC) TK=TC+273.1 B=16.373-282#6/TK-1,6908*L0610(TO-5,7546E-3M+4#0073E-6*TK**2 PV=13Z.:410**E PVS=PV RETURN END i 2 ****************00 3 * 4 t 5 FUNCTION RV CALCULATES THE SPECIFIC HEAT OF WATER VAPOR t J/KG*C 2. 9 'il ,. 12 13 14 * * FUNCTION SHUY(TC) 6 7 ******************** DIMENSIONCG(4)YCOEF(5Y4)tMW(5),CIG(4,2) COMMON/VIER/ CIGIATMVELFCGIVG,SHMKG,CHPF COMMON/SECHS/ COEF,MW REAL MU TK=TC+273,1 SHWV=COEF(3,4)+COEF(4,4)*TY4COEF(5,4)*TM RETURN 173 * I * , , *0*****MOMM4 4 ; FUNCTION SNY.:' *********M1***tint UICULATES THE SPECIFIC FAT Y- THF DF:Y PUL'/. 3A]l ,Ar.. FUNCTION SHICTC) DIMENSION CO(4)yCOEF(5I4),MW(5)yCI6(4,2),SH5A(4) COMMON/VIER/ CIGFATTAVEL,COOMHSICKG,CHPF COMMONISECHS/ COEFiMW 16 REAL N TK=TC+273.1 SHDC=0,0 DO 1 1,-1!3 SHGA(1)=COEF(3,I)+COEF(4/I)*TK+COEF(5,IJTKO2 i=I SHPG=SHGA(I)*CVDOW(I)+SHLE SHDS=SHBGACEIIMU(1)4CE2)*MU(2)+CG(3)*MW(3)) 17 12 RETURN END A t 1 74 ******************** ******************** RDSDOC * LIST OF NOTATION FOR PROGRAM "RDS" , SI UNITS. * * ****************************************************************************** * * * * * A = AAVEL = ASP = * * ACPOLD * * ACVG = * * ALEAK = * * * * * ALPHA = AMAX = ANGLE = APCHOLD = * * APF = * * ARH = * ATG = ATGOLD = * * * * * * * * * ATP = ATPF = ATVOL = A0121A013, A023,A110, A220 = * * BEN = CF = * * CFC = * * * CFL = CG = * * CHOLDUP = * * CHPF = * * * CIE = * CIHOLD = CIG = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f * (C). * * AVERAGE PARTICLE TEMPERATURE IN DRUM SEGMENT (C). PARTICLE SURFACE-FILM TEMPERATURE (C). ADJUSTED TOTAL WEIGHTED VOLUME OF PARTICLES CASCADED FROM EXTERIOR FLIGHTS FOR AN UNFULLYLOADED CONDITION (M4*DEG). * * * * * * ANGLES DEFINING FLIGHT GEOMETRY (DEG). * BEND FACTOR. ANGLE EXTERIOR FLIGHT LIP MAKES RELATIVE TO THE DRUM AXIS (DEG). BULK DENSITY OF PARTICLES (KG/M3). * * * * * C = CEHOLD = CEI = * * * REFERENCE GAS TEMPERATURE FOR "RESTIME" EXECUTION * * * * B = BETA = * * * SEGMENT. AVERAGE GAS TEMPERATURE IN DRUM SEGMENT (C). AVERAGE RELATIVE HUMIDITY FRACTION IN DRUM * * * * * * * * * SEGMENT ((12). * * RATE FACTOR. AMBIENT AIR VELOCITY (MIS). AVERAGE PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION IN DRUM SEGMENT (DRY BASIS). REFERENCE PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION FOR "RESTIME" EXECUTION. AVERAGE ABSOLUTE GAS HUMIDITY IN DRUM SEGMENT (DRY BASIS). RATIO OF AIR LEAKAGE AT THE DRUM INLET TO FLOW OF GASES FROM BLEND-BOX (KG/KG). ANGLE DRUM AXIS MAKES WITH HORIZONTAL (CEO). ANGLE AT WHICH EXTERIOR FLIGHT BECOMES EMPTY (DEG). EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE (DEG). PORTION OF DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP INVOLVED IN CASCADING (M3). SURFACE AREA OF PARTICLES CASCADING IN A DRUM CKG = CKGF = CL = COEF = DRAG COEFFICIENT. THEORETICAL EXTERIOR FLIGHT HOLDUP (M3/M). DRAG COEFFICIENT FOR EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHT CASCADE. PARAMETER IDENTIFYING PRESENCE OF CENTERFILL FLIGHTS. PARAMETER IDENTIFYING PRESENCE OF CENTERFILL FLIGHTS. LENGTH OF CENTERFILL SECTION ((1). GAS COMPOSITION ARRAY IN MOLE FRACTIONS (02,N2, CO2,H20). TOTAL HOLDUP BASED ON FEED RATE AND RESIDENCE TIME (M3/M). SURFACE-FILM HEAT TRANSFER COEFFIENT TO PARTICLE DURING FALLING PERIOD (W/M2*C). DRAG COEFFICIENT FOR INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHT CASCADE. THEORETICAL INTERIOR FLIGHT HOLDUP (M3/M). INLET GAS COMPOSITION ARRAY IN MOLE FRACTIONS (BLEND-BOX GAS: 02,N2,CO2,H20; AMBIENT AIR: 02, N2,CO2,H20). THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF GAS (W/M*C). THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF SURFACE GAS FILM CASCADE LENGTH (M). COEFFICIENT ARRAY FOR GAS PROPERTIES/ CORRELATING EQUATIONS (COEFFICIENTS 1 TO 5; 02,N2,002,H20). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 175 * CP = * * * CPE = * CPFSP = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CPIN = CU = CUPF = CVG = CVGIN = CI,C2 = DVOL1,DVOL2, DVOL3 = D1,D2,D3 = * E = * EL= * ENTANG = ENTPSI = EPSI = * * * * ERZ = * * FA = * * FANGLE = * * * * * * * * * * FPSI = FRH = * * * FRHOLD = FULHOLD = FVOL = * G = GAMMA = * * GAMMAB = * * GMV = GMVIN = GNVIN = GVEL = GVF = GX = * * * HS = * * * * * (DRY BASIS). * * * * PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION AT FIBER * SATURATION (DRY BASIS). INLET PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION (DRY BASIS).* * DRAG COEFFICIENT FOR CASCADING WITHOUT CENTERFILL. * VOLUMETRIC HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT (W/M3*C). * ABSOLUTE GAS HUMIDITY FRACTION ARRAY AS A FUNCTION * OF CASCADE NUMBER (KG/KG). * INLET ABSOLUTE GAS HUMIDITY FRACTION (KG/KG). 4 CONSTANTS IN PROGRAM "RDS". EFFECTIVE DRUM DIAMETER (M), IN SUBROUTINE "RESTIME".* * INTERIOR DRUM DIAMETER (M). * EXTERIOR DRUM DIAMETER (M). * VOLUME OF PARTICLES CASCADING FROM EXTERIOR * FLIGHT FOR EACH FLIGHT ANGLE INCREMENT (M2). * * CONTRIBUTION FROM DVOL OF THE THREE EXTERIOR * FLIGHTS DEPOSITING PARTICLES IN EACH INTERIOR * FLIGHT (M2). * CONSTANTS IN SUBROUTINE "PDRY". * * DIMENSIONLESS PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT. * DRUM LENGTH (M). * AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS (DEG). * AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS (DEG). * INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE USED FOR CALCULATING ENTPSI * (DEG). * INITIAL DRYING RATE AT START OF CASCADE (1/S). * * RATIO OF WETTED PARTICLE SURFACE AREA TO THE * TOTAL PARTICLE SURFACE AREA. * ANGLE OF EXTERIOR FLIGHT AT WHICH AN AVERAGE * PARTICLE IS RELEASED (DEG). * PARTICLE MASS FLOW RATE (DRY KG/S) * PARTICLE FEED RATE (M315). * LENGTH OF EXTERIOR FLIGHT (M). * LENGTH OF INTERIOR FLIGHT (M). * LENGTH OF EXTERIOR FLIGHT LIP (M). * LENGTH OF INTERIOR FLIGHT LIP (M). * ERROR SUM OF SQUARES OUTPUT BY EXTERNAL SUBROUTINE * "ZSPOW", * ANGLE OF INTERIOR FLIGHT AT WHICH AN AVERAGE * PARTICLE IS RELEASED (DEG). * FRACTIONAL HOLDUP OF DRUM SEGMENT ARRAY AS A * FUNCTION OF CASCADE NUMBER (M31M3). * FRACTIONAL HOLDUP (M3/M3). * FULLY-LOADED HOLDUP (M3/M). * THEORETICAL EXTERIOR FLIGHT HOLDUP FOR EACH ANGLE * AFFECTED BY AN MALY-LOADED CONDITION (M3/M). * .* ACCELERATION DUE TO GRAVITY (M/S2}. * ANGLE DEFINING MAXIMUM LOADING OF INTERIOR FLIGHTS * (DEG). * GAMMA FUNCTION VALUE FOR B. * GAS DENSITY (KG/M3). * WET GAS MASS VELOCITY (KG/S). * INLET WET GAS MASS VELOCITY (KG/S). * INLET WET GAS MOLAR VELOCITY (KGMOLE/S). * BULK GAS VELOCITY (MIS). * BULK GAS VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE (M315). * APPROXIMATION AND BEST FIT VECTOR INPUT AND OUTPUT * BY EXTERNAL SUBROUTINE "ZSPOW". * . FEED = FEEDV = FLEN = FLENI = FLIP = FLIPI = FNORM = * * * * * * * * 4 DE = DIA = DIA° = DVOL = * * * PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION ARRAY AS A FUNCTION OF CASCADE NUMBER (DRY BASIS). EQUILIBRIUM PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION GEN = SORPTIONAL HEAT REQUIREMENT TO REMOVE MOISTURE FROM WOOD (J/KG). * * 176 * * * * * * * * * * * HZERO = ((13/M). IBETA = IER = II = IN = IPSI = ITMAX = * * * * * * * * * * MAXIMUM INTERIOR FLIGHT HOLDUP (M3/M). MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF GAS ARRAY (02,N2,CO2,H20, MIXTURE). NE = NI = NSIG = NUMBER OF EXTERIOR FLIGHTS. NUMBER OF INTERIOR FLIGHTS. NUMBER OF SIGNIFICANT DIGITS OF ACCURACY USED BY EXTERNAL SUBROUTINE "ZSPOW". FRACTIONAL HOLDUP OF PREVIOUS ITERATION. EXTERIOR ANGLE OF REPOSE ABOVE WHICH DESIGN HOLDUP IS EXCEEDED (DEG). RESIDENCE TIME OF PREVIOUS ITERATION (5). ANGLE INTERIOR FLIGHT LIP FACE MAKES RELATIVE TO THE DRUM AXIS (DEG). * OFRHOLD = OHANG = OLDTIME = OMEGA = * * * PR = PHI = PHIMAX = PHOLD = PMASS = PSI = PSIE = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PSIMAX = PSIO = PSIZERO = PTVOL = QE = QEEI = QEIE = * QLOSS = * * QTS = * * * QTSEI = * * * QTSIE = * * RE = REEI = * REIE = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PARAMETER SET PASSED TO EXTERNAL SUBROUTINE * "ZSPOW". PRANDTL NUMBER. * ANGLE OF REPOSE ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS (DEG). ANGLE DEFINING MAXIMUM INTERIOR FLIGHT HOLDUP (DEG). INTERIOR FLIGHT HOLDUP (M3/M). PARTICLE MASS (KG). INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE (DEG). INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE ASSOCIATED WITH AN EVEN EXTERIOR FLIGHT (DEG). ANGLE AT WHICH INTERIOR FLIGHT BECOMES EMPTY (DEG). INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE ASSOCIATED WITH AN ODD EXTERIOR FLIGHT (DEG). INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT WHICH CASCADING BEGINS * (DEG). * PARTIAL WEIGHTED VOLUME OF PARTICLES CASCADED FROM EXTERIOR FLIGHTS (M3*DEG/M). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAR = * * * * * * * * CASCADE NUMBER. NUMBER OF EQUATIONS SOLVED SIMULTANEOUSLY BY BY EXTERNAL SUBROUTINE "ZSPOW". INTEGER ROUNDOFF OF PSI (DEG). MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ITERATIONS ALLOWED IN EXTERNAL SUBROUTINE "ZSPOW". MAXHOLD = MW = * * * INTERGER ROUNDOFF OF BETA (DEG). OUTPUT ERROR PARAMETER FROM EXTERNAL SUBROUTINE "ZSPOW". * * * * INTERIOR FLIGHT HOLDUP WHEN CASCADING BEGINS REO = RATE OF HEAT TRANSFER TO PARTICLES FOR EVAPORATION IN A DRUM SEGMENT (W). RATE OF HEAT TRANSFER TO PARTICLES FOR EVAPORATION DURING FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS (W). RATE OF HEAT TRANSFER TO PARTICLES FOR EVAPORATION DURING FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS (W). RATE OF HEAT LOSS THROUGH DRUM WALL ARRAY AS A FUNCTION OF CASCADE NUMBER (W). RATE OF HEAT TRANSFER TO PARTICLES IN A DRUM SEGMENT (W). RATE OF HEAT TRANSFER TO PARTICLES DURING FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS (W). RATE OF HEAT TRANSFER TO PARTICLES DURING FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS (W). * REYNOLDS NUMBER REYNOLDS NUMBER CASCADE. REYNOLDS NUMBER CASCADE. REYNOLDS NUMBER DRUM AXIS. FOR GAS FLOW IN DRUM. FOR EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHT * FOR INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHT * FOR AMBIENT AIR FLOW NORMAL TO * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 177 * * * * * * * * * * REP = REPOSE = REU = RH = RPM = RPS = RPVEL = RPVEL = * * RPVELEI = * * RPVELIE = * * RPVELU = * * RPVELX = REYNOLDS NUMBER FOR PARTICLE IN GAS STREAM. ANGLE OF REPOSE ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS (DEG). REYNOLDS NUMBER FOR CASCADING WITHOUT CENTERFILL. RELATIVE HUMIDITY FRACTION ARRAY AS A FUNCTION OF CASCADE NUMBER. DRUM SPEED (REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE). DRUM SPEED (REVOLUTIONS PER SECOND). RELATIVE PARTICLE VELOCITY ALONG DRUM AXIS (MIS). RELATIVE PARTICLE VELOCITY RESOLVED FROM HORIZONTAL AND VERTICLE MOTION (M/S),IN SUBROUTINE * * * * * * * * * * "PDRY". * RELATIVE PARTICLE VELOCITY FOR EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHT CASCASE (MIS). RELATIVE PARTICLE VELOCITY FOR INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHT CASCADE (MIS). RELATIVE PARTICLE VELOCITY FOR CASCADING WITHOUT CENTERFILL (MIS). RELATIVE PARTICLE VELOCITY IN HORIZONTAL DIRECTION * * * * * * * (M/S). * RPVELY = RELATIVE PARTICLE VELOCITY IN VERTICAL DIRECTION * (MIS). * RRE = RREO = * * * * * RW = ROTATIONAL REYNOLDS NUMBER FOR GAS FLOW IN DRUM. ROTATIONAL REYNOLDS NUMBER FOR AMBIENT AIR FLOW ON DRUM EXTERIOR. THERMAL RESISTANCE OF DRUM WALL (C/W). * SCREEN1 = * * SCREEN2 = * * * * * * * * * * SHG = SHGF = SPHERIC = ACTUAL OPENING OF SCREEN PASSED IN SIEVE ANALYSIS OF PARTICLES (M). ACTUAL OPENING OF SCREEN NOT PASSED IN SIEVE ANALYSIS OF PARTICLES (M). SPECIFIC HEAT OF OAS (J/KG*C). SPECIFIC HEAT OF SURFACE GAS FILM (J/KG*C). PARTICLE SPHERICITY. * * * TA IC TC IC = = = = * * TCHOLD = * * TDHOLD = * * TDVOL = * * * * * * * * TE = TF = TFEI = TFIE = TFU = TO = * * 'MIN = * * * * TGIN = TGOUT = THOLD = TI = TIME = * * * WIN = * TVOL = * * * * TWERO = * * TWB = TWI = TWO = * * * * * * * * * * * * * AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE (C). TEMPERATURE (C). TIME PER CASCADE (S), IN PROGRAM "RDS". TIME PER CASCADE WITH CENTERFILL (S), IN SUBROUTINE "RESTIME". TOTAL WEIGHTED VOLUME OF PARTICLES CASCADED FROM INTERIOR FLIGHTS (M3*DEG/M). TOTAL VOLUME OF PARTICLES CASCADED FROM INTERIOR FLIGHTS (M3/M). VOLUME OF PARTICLE CASCADING FROM EXTERIOR FLIGHT FOR EACH FLIGHT ANGLE INCREMENT AFFECTED BY AN UNFULLY-LOADED CONDITION (M3/M). TIME OF TRAVEL PER CASCADE ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS (S). TIME OF FALL (5). TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHT (S). TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHT (S). TIME OF FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL (S). BULK GAS TEMPERATURE ARRAY AS A FUNCTION OF CASCADE NUMBER (C). INLET GAS TEMPERATURE CALCULATED (C). BLEND-BOX GAS TEMPERATURE (C). OUTLET BULK GAS TEMPERATURE FROM DRUM SEGMENT (C). INTERIOR FLIGHT HOLDUP AS A FUNCTION OF PSI (KIM). TIME OF TRAVEL PER CASCADE ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS (8). CUMULATIVE RESIDENCE TIME ARRAY AS A FUNCTION OF CASCADE NUMBER (S). INLET PARTICLE TEMPERATURE (C). TOTAL WEIGHTED VOLUME OF PARTICLES CASCADED FROM EXTERIOR FLIGHTS (M3*DEG/M). VOLUME OF PARTICLES IN EXTERIOR FLIGHT WHEN CASCADING BEGINS FOR A FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT * * * * 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (M3/M). * WETBULB TEMPERATURE (C). INTERIOR DRUM WALL TEMPERATURE (C). EXTERIOR DRUM WALL TEMPERATURE (C). * * f 178 ULI = UL2 = LENGTH OF DRUM SECTION AHEAD OF CENTERFILL (M). LENGTH OF DRUM SECTION BEHIND CEWERFILL (M). VG = VGF = VOL = BULK GAS VISCOSITY (PA*8). VISCOSITY OF SURFACE GAS FILM (PA*S). EXTERIOR FLIGHT HOLDUP AS A FUNCTION OF DRUM HOLDUP (M3/M). DRUM SEGMENT VOLUME (M3). EXTERIOR FLIGHT HOLDUP IN EXCESS OF DESIGN LOADING VOLD = VOVER = (M3/M). VZERO = VOLUME OF PARTICLES IN EXTERIOR FLIGHT WHEN CASCADING BEGINS (M3/M). WBX = APPROXIMATION AND BEST FIT VECTOR INPUT AND OUTPUT BY EXTERNAL SUBROUTINE "ZSPOW". INLET GAS WEIGHT FRACTION ARRAY (02,N270027H20). WORK VECTOR USED BY EXTERNAL SUBROUTINE "ZSPOW". WIG= WK= X = XEI = XIE = Y = YEI = YEIE = YEIO = YIE = YU = DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CASCADE NUMBER (M). LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE OF FALLING FROM EXTERIOR TO LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE OF FALLING FROM INTERIOR TO ARRAY AS A FUNCTION OF TRAVEL FOR A PARTICLE INTERIOR FLIGHTS (M). TRAVEL FOR A PARTICLE EXTERIOR FLIGHTS (M). DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL (M). DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHT (M). DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHT FOR AN EVEN EXTERIOR FLIGHT (M). DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHT FOR AN ODD EXTERIOR FLIGHT (M. DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHT (M). DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL (M). ********************-****************4H1.**************4********+*************** APPENDIX H. COMPUTER GENERATED SIMULATION OUTPUT FOR TEST RUNS 1 THROUGH 6, K = 1.03. ttillItttlIttlIttIttlttiltItttttttiltttilttttitttM13141111313*MiltiltttlttilttttUttt*******Stionttttiltrntilt*Mttttttttilt t**IttttilttiltttIttiltitttilt *ItIctl**11313113***M13141314 mummtsimmtummt Miltt**1411***1313341313**It ROTARY DRYER SIMULATION ttt*M13111311311313131411113* mmt******************1**n smstnitommuntstmttsmsttsmsmits******mmuttmststuntsmutstsmmtmtutustsmmitntstmunts*** ROTARY DRUM DIMENSIONS INTERIOR DRUM DIAMETER OVERALL DRUM LENGTH DRUM LENGTH AHEAD OF CENTERFILL SECTION DRUM LENGTH BEHIND CENTERFILL SECTION EXTERIOR FLIGHT LENGTH EXTERIOR FLIGHT LIP LENGTH INTERIOR FLIGHT LENGTH INTERIOR FLIGHT LIP LENGTH NUMBER OF EXTERIOR FLIGHTS NUMBER OF INTERIOR FLIGHTS DRUM SLOPE TO HORIZONTAL DRUM SPEED DRUM WALL THICKNESS THERMAL RESISTANCE OF WALL EMISSIVITY OF EXTERIOR DRUM WALL 1,2 5.5 METERS METERS .2 METERS METERS METERS METERS 1,6 .208 .029 #290 #000 12 METERS METERS 6 .0 5.5 .025 .5000 DEGREES REVOLUTIONS/MINUTE METERS DEG CtSECONDS/JOULE .90 INLET GAS CONDITIONS: AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE AMBIENT AIR VELOCITY RATIO OF AIR LEAKAGE TO GASES FROM BLEND BOX 14.0 .0 3.02 INLET GAS TEMPERATURE FROM BLEND BOX INLET GAS VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE 541.0 .92 INLET WOOD PARTICLE CONDITIONS: SOLID WOOD DENSITY BULK DENSITY OF PARTICLES INLET PARTICLE TEMPERATURE INLET PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION (DRY BASIS) 450.0 200.0 18.6 1.40 PARTICLE FEED RATE (DRY BASIS) PARTICLE SPHERICITY ACTUAL OPENING OF AVERAGE SIZE CLASS SCREEN PASSED ACTUAL OPENING OF AVERAGE SIZE CLASS SCREEN NOT PASSED .0778 DEG C METERS/SECOND KORAN/KORAN DEG C METERSM/SECOND KGRAMS/METERStt3 KGRAMS/METER913 DEG C KGRAMS/SECOND #750 .00200 .00140 BEND FACTOR #750 EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF REPOSE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF REPOSE DRAG COEFFICIENT CORRECTION FACTOR 82.6 82.6 1.03 METERS METERS DEGREES DEGREES 1: PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO. EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 4 PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO. EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FOLLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 98.4 261.6 74,0 176.8 .78 6.0 AO .11 .0193 .0025 .13 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS143 METERS/43 METERS$3/METER**3 .03 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS METERS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS METERS .02 METERS 62.3 214.5 30,0 176.8 154.5 2840 62.0 29246 .21 .15 6.4 5.7 .21 .17 .0173 .0048 .28 METERS03 HETERS*S3 METER$43/METERtt3 PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO. 25: EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FOLLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 68: PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO. EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FOLLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 62.7 214.5 30.0 1764 154.5 29.0 62.0 292.6 .21 415 6.4 5.7 .21 .17 .03 .02 .0178 .0048 .27 95.4 26466 73.0 176.8 .78 5.8 .40 .12 .0201 .0024 .12 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS METERS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS METERS**3 METERS**3 METERIN3/METE:413 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS**3 METERS*I3 METERM/METERS$3 ROTARY DRYER SIMULATION RESULTS 110113141MUMMUI******** DATE : TIME : CASCADE NUMBER DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET (M) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .000 .112 .224 .337 .392 .448 .504 .559 .615 .670 .726 ,782 .837 .893 .949 1.004 1.060 1.116 1.171 1,227 1.283 1,338 1.394 1.450 1,505 1,562 1.619 1.677 1.734 TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE CONTENT (C) (C) (DB) CUMULATIVE PARTICLE (S) .0 6,4 12.8 19.2 31,7 44,1 56.6 69.0 81,4 93.9 106.3 118,7 131,2 143.6 156,1 168,5 180.9 193,4 205,8 218.3 230.7 243.1 255,6 268,0 280.5 292.9 305.3 3170 330.1 BULK AVERAGE PARTICLE MOISTURE BULK AVERAGE ABSOLUTE GAS HUMIDITY FRACTION BULK AVERAGE TIME 83/12/09, 04.33,15, BULK AVERAGE GAS (DB) 18,6 24,1 28,7 158.2 152,1 146.7 32.5 35.2 37,5 39,4 41,1 42.4 43,5 44,5 45,2 45,8 46.3 46.6 46.9 1414 47.1 47.2 47,3 47.3 47.3 47.3 47,2 47.1 47,0 46,9 46,8 46.6 46,5 137,6 133,9 130.4 127.1 124,1 121.1 118.4 115.8 113.3 110.9 108.7 1066 1046 102,5 100,6 98,8 97.0 95,3 93.7 92,1 90,6 89,2 87.8 86.4 85.1 1,401 1,367 1.333 1.302 1.275 1,250 1.226 1.202 1.179 1.157 1.136 1.115 1.095 1.076 1.057 1,039 1,022 1,005 .989 .973 .958 .943 .928 .915 .901 ,888 .875 .863 .851 .0170 .0187 .0203 4219 .0232 .0244 .0256 .0268 .0279 .0290 .0301 4311 .0321 ,0330 ,0339 .0348 .0357 .0365 .0373 .0381 .0388 .0396 .0403 .0410 ,0416 .0423 .0429 .0435 .0441 RELATIVE HUMIDITY FRACTION HEAT LOSS THROUGH DRUM NAIL SEGMENT (J/S) .0046 -I 4054 66.7 63,8 61,2 58,8 56,9 55.1 .0069 .0086 .0104 .0122 .0143 .0165 .0189 ,0216 .0244 .0275 4308 .0344 4381 .0421 .0464 .0509 .0557 .0607 4659 .0715 ,0772 .0833 4896 4962 ,1030 ,1101 ,1174 536 51.9 50,5 49.1 47,8 46.6 45,4 44,3 43,2 42.2 41,3 40,3 39.4 38,6 37.8 37,0 36,2 35.5 34,8 34.1 33.4 32,8 VOLUMETRIC HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT (MOM) -I 503,3 502,4 501.5 868,4 866.3 864.2 862.2 860.3 858,3 856.5 854.8 853.2 851.6 850.0 848.5 847.1 845.7 844.4 843,0 841.8 840.5 839,3 838.2 837,0 811.0 810.0 808.9 808.0 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 1.791 1.848 1.905 1.962 2,019 2.077 2.134 2.191 2#248 2.305 69 2.362 2.419 2.477 2.534 2.591 2.648 2.705 2.762 2.819 2,877 2,934 2.991 3.048 3.105 3.162 3.219 3.277 3.334 3.391 3.448 3.505 3.562 3.619 3.676 3.734 3.791 3.848 3,905 3,962 4.078 4.194 70 4.311 71 4,427 4,543 4,659 4.775 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 72 73 74 342,6 355.0 367.4 379,8 39242 404,7 417.1 429,5 441.9 454,3 466.8 479.2 491.6 504.0 516.4 528.9 541.3 553.7 566.1 578.6 591.0 603,4 615.8 628,2 640,7 653,1 665.5 677,9 6903 702.8 715.2 727.6 740.0 752.4 764.9 777.3 789.7 802.1 814.5 820.8 827.0 833.2 8396 845.7 851.9 858,2 46.4 46,2 46.1 45,9 45.8 45,7 45.5 45.4 45.3 45.2 45.1 45.0 44.9 44,8 44.7 44.6 44.5 44.4 44,4 44.3 44.2 44,2 44.1 44.0 44.0 43.9 43.9 43,9 43.8 43.8 43,7 43,7 43,7 43.6 43,6 43.6 43.6 436 43.5 43.5 43.5 43,5 43.4 43.4 43,4 43.4 83,8 82.6 81.4 80.3 79.2 78.1 7710 76,0 75.0 74.1 73.2 72.3 71.4 70,5 69.7 68.9 68.2 67.4 66.7 66.0 653 64,7 64.0 63.4 62.8 62.2 61,6 61.1 60.5 60,0 59.5 59.0 58.6 58.1 57,6 5762 56.8 56.4 56.0 55.5 55,1 54.7 54.2 5368 53,5 53,1 .840 .829 .818 .808 .797 .788 .778 .769 .760 .751 .743 035 .727 .719 .711 .704 .697 .690 .684 .678 .671 .665 .659 .654 .648 .643 .638 .633 .628 .623 .619 .614 .610 .606 .602 .598 .594 .590 #587 .0446 .0452 .0457 .0462 .0467 .0472 .0477 10481 .0486 ,0490 10494 .0498 .0502 .0506 .0509 .0513 .0516 .0520 .0523 .0526 .0529 .0532 #0535 .0538 .0541 .0543 #0546 .0548 .0551 .0553 .0555 .0557 ,0559 .0561 .0563 .0565 .0567 .0569 .0571 .583 .579 4573 4575 .0577 .0579 .0580 .0582 .0584 .571 .568 .564 .561 60575 .1250 .1329 .1410 .1493 .1579 .1668 ,1758 .1851 .1946 .2044 .2143 .2244 .2347 .2452 .2558 .2666 .2776 .2887 32.2 31,6 31.0 12999 24,0 23,6 23.3 23.0 22.7 22.4 22.1 21.8 21.6 21.3 21,0 20.8 20.6 20.3 20.1 19.9 19.7 19,5 .3112 #3227 .3342 .3458 .3575 .3692 .3810 .3928 .4047 #4165 #4284 .4403 .4522 .4640 .4759 #4876 .4994 ,5110 .5227 #5342 .5477 .5614 #5750 .5884 .6016 .6147 .6277 807.0 806.1 306 805.2 804.3 29.9 8036 2914 802.7 801.9 801.1 28.9 28.4 28.0 276 27.1 26,6 26.2 25.8 25,4 25,0 24.7 244 193 800.4 7994 798.9 798.3 797.5 796,8 796.2 795.6 795.0 794.4 793,9 793.3 792.8 792.3 791.8 791.3 790.8 790.4 789,9 789,5 78961 788.7 788.3 78749 787.6 787.2 786.9 786,5 786.2 19.1 18.9 18.7 785.6 18,5 466.2 183 HA 17.9 17.7 17.5 785.9 466,4 466,1 466.0 465.9 465.13 465.7 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 4.891 5,007 5.123 5,239 5.356 5.472 5.588 864.4 870.6 876.9 883.1 889,3 895.6 901.8 43.4 43.4 43.3 43,3 43.3 43.3 43.3 52.7 52.4 52.0 51.7 51,4 51.1 50.8 .557 .554 6551 .548 .546 .543 #540 DRYER OUTLET CONDITIONS OUTLET PARTICLE TEMPERATURE OUTLET GAS TEMPERATURE OUTLET PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION (DRY BASIS) OUTLET ABSOLUTE GAS HUMIDITY FRACTION (DRY BASIS) TOTAL RESIDENCE TIME TOTAL NUMBER OF CASCADES .6404 16530 .6653 .6775 .6894 17012 .7127 1764 17,2 17.1 16.9 16.8 16.6 164 43.3 DEG C 504 DEG C #54 1059 901.8 82 GAS COMPOSITION IN MOLE FRACTIONS: FROM BLEND BOX : AMBIENT AIR 1 DRUM INLET : DRUM OUTLET 1 .0585 .0587 .0588 .0590 .0591 .0592 .0594 02 N2 CO2 1420 .175 #207 .199 .187 .731 .782 4020 .074 400 #011 .769 .722 .005 .005 .027 .087 SECONDS 465.6 465.5 465.4 465.4 465.3 465.2 465.1 ***********************************M0*****************************************M*MMIIMMUMM******************13** ****************************** t*Mtitt********M**0*****0 ****Mtt***************M*** *0**0*********************** ROTARY DRYER SIMULATION ********0**************14**** $13********Mt**0*********tt *It*****0******13*****************MUM***1314*******************************13*****13M***********0*********************14 ROTARY DRUM DIMENSIONS INTERIOR DRUM DIAMETER OVERALL DRUM LENGTH DRUM LENGTH AHEAD OF CENTERFILL SECTION DRUM LENGTH BEHIND CENTERFILL SECTION EXTERIOR FLIGHT LENGTH EXTERIOR FLIGHT LIP LENGTH INTERIOR FLIGHT LENGTH INTERIOR FLIGHT LIP LENGTH NUMBER OF EXTERIOR FLIGHTS NUMBER OF INTERIOR FLIGHTS DRUM SLOPE TO HORIZONTAL DRUM SPEED DRUM WALL THICKNESS THERMAL RESISTANCE OF WALL EMISSIVITY OF EXTERIOR DRUM WALL INLET OAS CONDITIONS: AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE AMBIENT AIR VELOCITY RATIO OF AIR LEAKAGE TO GASES FROM BLEND BOX INLET GAS TEMPERATURE FROM BLEND BOX INLET OAS VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE INLET WOOD PARTICLE CONDITIONS! SOLID WOOD DENSITY BULK DENSITY OF PARTICLES INLET PARTICLE TEMPERATURE INLET PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION (DRY BASIS) PARTICLE FEED RATE (DRY BASIS) PARTICLE SPHERICITY ACTUAL OPENING OF AVERAGE SIZE CLASS SCREEN PASSED ACTUAL OPENING OF AVERAGE SIZE CLASS SCREEN NOT PASSED BEND FACTOR EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF REPOSE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF REPOSE DRAG COEFFICIENT CORRECTION FACTOR 1,2 METERS 5,5 METERS .2 1,6 .208 .029 .290 .000 12 METERS METERS METERS METERS METERS METERS 6 ,0 5,5 .025 .5000 DEGREES REVOLUTIONS/MINUTE METERS DEG C*SECONDS/JOULE ,90 14.5 .0 3,19 548,0 1,10 450,0 200.0 17,7 1,41 4786 DEG C METERS/SECOND KGRAM/KGRAM DEG C METERS**3/SECOND KGRAMS/METERS**3 KGRAMS/METERS**3 DEG C KGRAMS/SECOND .750 40200 .00140 .750 82.6 82,6 1,03 METERS METERS DEGREES DEGREES 1: PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO, EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL 98,9 261,1 77,0 176.8 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES .77 METERS SECONDS SECONDS METERS 6,1 AO ,15 DEGREES HOLM CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 3: PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO. EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN .0259 4025 ,10 64,4 214,5 32.0 176,8 154,5 30,0 62,0 292,6 .21 .15 6,4 5,6 .21 .17 .05 ,03 .0237 ,0049 .21 METERS*113 HETERS*43 METER143/METERM DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS METERS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS METERS03 METERS*13 METERtt3/METER133 25: PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO. EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 46: PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO, EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 72.8 2146 42.0 176,8 154,5 24.0 62,0 292,6 .27 .15 6,7 5,8 .23 .17 .06 .03 .0253 .0051 .20 99,6 260,4 78,0 176,8 .77 6,1 .40 .16 .0283 .0025 .09 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS METERS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS METERS333 METERS*13 METERU3/METERV13 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERSU3 METERS*113 METERn3/METERt$3 ROTARY DRYER SIMULATION RESULTS SUO******USIMSOMMUI DATE : TIME : CASCADE NUMBER 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CUMULATIVE TIME BULK AVERAGE PARTICLE TEMPERATURE (M) (S) (C) .000 .150 .299 .375 .451 .528 .604 .680 .756 .832 .908 .985 1.061 1.137 1.213 1,289 1.365 1,442 1.518 1.594 1.670 1.746 1.822 1.899 1.975 2.068 2.162 2.255 2.349 .0 6.4 12.9 25.3 37,8 50.2 62.7 75.1 87.5 100.0 112.4 124,9 137.3 149.7 162.2 174.6 187.1 199.5 211.9 224.4 23618 249.3 261.7 274.1 286.6 299.5 312.4 325.3 33812 BULK AVERAGE GAS TEMPERATURE BULK AVERAGE PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT BULK AVERAGE ABSOLUTE OAS HUMIDITY FRACTION (C) (DB) (DB) 360 154.6 149.6 145.1 141.3 137.8 134.6 38.7 1316 406 41,9 43.1 44,1 44.9 45,5 128.6 125,8 123.2 120.7 118.4 116.1 464 1119 46.4 46.7 46.9 47.0 47.1 47.1 47.1 47,0 4619 46.8 46,7 46.6 46.4 46.2 46.1 111.9 109.9 108,0 106,1 104.4 102.6 101,0 99.4 97.8 9663 94.9 93.4 91.9 90.5 89.1 17,7 23.2 27.9 31.3 34,2 83/12/09. 04.11.24. 1.405 1.370 1,336 1.308 1.280 1.253 1.226 1.201 1.176 1.152 1.129 1.106 1.084 1,062 1,042 1.021 1.002 .982 .964 .946 .928 .911 .894 .878 .863 .846 .830 .815 .799 .0136 .0150 10164 .0175 .0187 .0198 10208 .0218 .0228 .0238 .0247 4256 .0265 .0274 .0282 .0290 .0298 .0306 .0313 .0321 .0328 .0334 .0341 .0348 #0354 .0361 .0367 +0373 .0379 RELATIVE HUMIDITY FRACTION HEAT LOSS THROUGH DRUM UALL SEGMENT (J/S) .0041 .0047 .0058 .0070 .0083 .0097 .0112 .0129 60147 .0166 .0187 .0209 .0233 .0259 .0286 .0314 .0345 40377 .0411 .0446 .0484 .0523 .0564 .0608 .0653 .0702 40755 .0811 .0869 VOLUMETRIC HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT (J/StMl$3) -I -I 64.8 62,4 60.2 58,4 56.8 55.2 393.2 530 673.1 52.4 51.1 49.8 48.7 47.6 46.5 45.5 44,5 43.6 671.7 420 660,5 41.8 41,0 40,2 39.4 38.6 37.9 37.2 36.5 35.8 35,1 34.5 659.4 3926 679.4 677.8 676.2 674.6 670.3 669,0 667.7 666.4 665,2 664.0 662.8 661.7 658.3 657.3 6563 655.3 654,4 653.5 573.5 572.6 571.8 571.1 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 51 54 55 2.442 2.536 2.629 2.723 2.816 2.910 3.003 3.097 3.190 3.283 3.377 3.470 3.564 3.657 3.751 3.844 3.938 4.100 4.261 4.423 4.584 4.746 4.908 5.069 5.231 5.393 5.554 351.1 364.0 4519 87.8 45.7 866 37710 4515 85.2 389.9 402.8 415.7 428.6 441.5 454.4 467.3 480.2 45.4 45.2 844 .785 .771 .757 .743 82.8 0730 4560 8147 .718 44.9 80.5 79.5 78.4 77.4 76.4 75.4 74.5 73.6 72.7 0705 49341 506.0 519.0 53119 544.8 557.7 564.2 570.7 577.1 583.6 59041 596.6 603.1 60906 616.1 622.6 440 44.6 446 44.3 44.2 44.1 44.0 43.9 43.8 4307 4316 43.5 43.4 43.3 43.3 43.2 43.1 43.1 43.0 42.9 7148 71.0 70.1 69.3 684 67.7 66.9 66.2 65.4 64.7 64.1 63.4 .693 .682 .670 .660 .649 .639 .629 .619 .609 .600 .591 .581 .572 .564 .555 .547 1539 .531 .524 .516 .0385 .0391 .0396 .0402 .0407 .0412 .0417 .0422 .0426 10431 .0435 .0440 .0444 .0448 .0452 00455 .0459 .0463 .0467 .0470 .0474 .0477 .0481 .0484 .0487 .0490 .0493 .0929 .0991 .1056 .1123 .1192 .1264 .1338 33.8 33.2 32.6 32.0 31.4 01414 2918 565.6 .1492 .1573 .1655 .1740 .1827 .1915 .2005 .2098 .2192 .2293 .2397 .2503 .2611 .2720 .2831 .2943 .3056 .3170 .3285 293 56500 56404 570.3 569.6 56809 3009 568.2 567.5 566.8 303 56612 2808 28.4 2709 27.4 2700 26.6 26.2 25.8 25.4 254 24.6 24.2 23.9 23.5 23.2 22.8 22.5 22.2 563.8 563.2 562.7 562.2 561.6 561.1 560.6 347.3 347.1 346.9 346.7 346.5 346.4 346.2 346.0 345.9 345.7 SECONDS CO2 H20 .005 .006 .000 .024 .073 .022 .011 .055 ,733 02 N2 .189 ,199 .207 .174 047 .774 .782 1 OUTLET DRUM 1 INLET DRUM : AIR AMBIENT BOX BLEND FROM FRACTIONS: MOLE IN COMPOSITION GAS CASCADES OF NUMBER TOTAL TIME RESIDENCE TOTAL BASIS) (DRY FRACTION HUMIDITY GAS ABSOLUTE OUTLET BASIS) (DRY FRACTION CONTENT MOISTURE PARTICLE OUTLET TEMPERATURE GAS OUTLET TEMPERATURE PARTICLE OUTLET CONDITIONS OUTLET DRYER 56 622,6 .049 .52 C DEG C 0E6 63.4 42.9 CKIMM*************************************************************MMIUMMOMM********************Mit*********** t****************************t *************0*********U**** II1V108 113ANd t***************************** **********************0****** t***4**********t************** NOI1V1dWIS *014******************M**** *********************MMM**************************************MMUMMMWM*******MMUMMt*******M*0**0 Asvios wnma SNOISN3WIll : 801831Y1 wnsa 83I3WVI0 11V83A0 wrist] HION31 wnsa H10/131 0V3HV JO 111A831N33 N01133S wnsa HiON31 4NIH30 111J831N33 801831X3 114011.1 HAND 801831X3 1H9113 d11 H10N31 UI831NI 1110113 HION31 SOI831NI IHOI12 d11 HI0N31 830AN JO 80183IX3 SIHOIld soawnw JO SOIN31NI S1110113 WMG 3,1019 01 1VINOZI80H MIMS W118G WMG 0334 ilvn S93NN3IH1 IVA/NI 33NVI9IS38 20 11VM IIIAI9SIW3 JO 80183IX3 wnsa 11vn SHAW SHIN Z' S83134 91 013W 80Z' 6Z0' 06Z' 88313W 000 8813W 88313/4 SHAW ZT 9 O. 5R, 000S. S33803d 3111N1W/SNOI11110638 S83I3W 030 Tinousallons*o 06' SO :8N0III0N00 8IV 388083dW31 iwmawv siv AII0013A 01IV8 JO 8IV 30VNV31 01 S3SVO W083 QN310 xoa 131NI SVO 38111V83dW31 WO8A aw31a X00 131N1 SVO 3I813Wd1OA MO1A 31V8 131NI Z'T S'S GOO 31311d :SN0III0N00 0I109 GOON AlISNE ulna AlISN3G JO S313118Vd 131/1I 3131I8Vd 388083031 131NI 31311d unislow IN3INO3 NOII3VNA (SISV0 313II8Vd 033J 31V8 Asa) (sisva 3101INVd A113183HdS 1V113 ONIN3d0 20 383AV 3ZIS SSV13 N3383S (13SS1Jd lvniov ONIN3d0 JO 30VM3AV 32IS SSV13 N3380S ION 113SSVd atm 80I3VA 801831X3 1H9I13 31ONV JO 3S0d38 80181K IH0I1J 31ONV JO 3S0d38 ovsa 1N31313J303 N011338803 8013VA SILT 0' 93d 3 0033S/S8313W 8E'E O'OZL OZ'I WV8ON/WV80N O'OSV 0.00Z E**S8313W/SWV801 £14S8313W/SWV89X 0311 GNO33S/E0S83134 131NI 681 EV'T 98Z0' 00Z00' 0100' 0311 3 QNO33S/SNV894 88313W 883134 OSZ' 918 S338934 9'Z8 EO'I 238011 1 PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO. EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL HOLDUP CONDITIONS! FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 3: PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO. EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULIY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 98.3 261.7 76,0 176,8 .78 6,0 .40 .16 .0268 .0025 409 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS SECONDS SECONDS METERS KETERSU3 METERSO3 METERt$3/HETER**3 72.2 214.5 42.0 176.8 154.5 23.0 62.0 292.6 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES .27 .15 6,7 5.9 METERS METERS SECONDS SECONDS .24 SECONDS .17 SECONDS 46 METERS METERS .03 .0246 .0051 +21 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS**3 METERS03 METERM/METERS*3 16 PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO, EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 45 : PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO. EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 64,5 214,5 33,0 176,8 154,5 30,0 62.0 292,6 .21 .15 6.4 5,6 .21 .17 .05 ,03 .0262 .0049 .19 97,2 262,8 76.0 176.8 .78 5.9 AO .18 .0312 .0025 ,08 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS METERS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS METERS*N3 METERS443 METERN3/METER143 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS**3 METERS03 METER**3/METERN*3 ROTARY DRYER SIMULATION RESULTS ,133313101111114413*****SUM1 CASCADE NUMBER 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CUMULATIVE TIME BULK AVERAGE PARTICLE TEMPERATURE (M) (8) (C) DATE : 83/12/09. TIME : 04.150450 BULK AVERAGE GAS TEMPERATURE BULK AVERAGE PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT BULK AVERAGE ABSOLUTE GAS HUMIDITY FRACTION (C) (DB) (DB) .000 .0 18.9 .155 .311 .402 .494 .585 .677 .768 .860 .951 1.043 1.134 1.226 1.317 1.409 1,500 1.584 1.669 1.753 1.837 1.922 2.006 2.090 2.175 2.259 2.343 2.427 2.512 2.596 6.4 12.8 25.7 38,7 51.6 64,5 77.4 90.4 103.3 2608 52.6 53.9 198.9 191.7 185.1 179.3 173,9 169.0 164,4 160.0 156.0 152.2 11612 5419 14816 129.1 142,0 155.0 167.9 55.6 56.1 56.4 56,5 18008 5605 193.3 205,7 218.2 230.6 243.0 56.4 56.2 56,0 55.7 55.4 55.1 54.8 54.4 54,0 53.7 53.3 53.0 52.6 145.2 141.9 138.8 135.9 133.0 130.5 128.1 125.8 123.5 121,4 119.2 117.2 115.2 113.3 111.5 109.7 107.9 106.2 2556 267.9 280.4 292.8 305.3 317.7 330,2 34206 33.3 38.3 42.5 45,9 48.6 5018 1.425 1.378 1.333 1.291 1.251 1.211 1.173 1.136 1,101 1.066 1.033 1,001 .969 .939 .910 .0121 .0141 .0160 .881 .856 .831 .807 .784 .0352 .0363 .0373 .0383 .0393 .0403 .0412 .0421 .0430 .0439 .0447 .0455 .0463 .0471 061 .739 .718 .697 .677 .657 .638 .620 .602 60178 40195 .0212 00228 10244 .0259 .0273 .0288 .0301 .0315 .0327 10340 RELATIVE HUMIDITY FRACTION .0013 .0015 .0020 .0026 .0033 .0040 .0049 .0059 .0070 .0082 .0095 .0109 .0125 .0143 .0161 .0182 .0202 .0224 .0247 .0272 .0299 .0327 .0356 .0388 .0421 .0457 .0494 .0533 .0574 HEAT LOSS THROUGH DRUM UALL SEGMENT VOLUMETRIC HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT (J/S) (J/S*M1$3) -I -I 84.4 3854 8019 7767 38441 754 72.4 704 6748 65.8 63.9 6241 60.4 58.7 57.2 55.7 54.3 53.0 51.8 5007 49.6 48.5 47.5 4645 45.5 4416 43,7 42.8 42.0 41.2 622,3 620.2 618.3 616.4 614.6 612.8 611,1 609.5 607.9 606.2 604.7 60313 601.9 603.5 602.2 601.0 599.7 59815 597.3 596.2 595.1 594,0 592,9 591.9 590.8 589.8 ZE 089'Z S9L'Z 6V8'Z £E6'Z EE BTO'E 81,0V VE Z011 9811 L'6ZV 6Z OE TE SE 9£ LE 8E 6£ 00 IV ZV EV tt SP 9t a 0LZ'E T'SgE. E'ZS 9*VOT PBS' O'ZS 0101 VIOT 6'66 81V0' S'19£ 89g' S90* TSS' SES' ZOO' V*86 O'16 61S' 90S0' 6'61£ LIS SeZ6E VIS PIS E'Llt Z'PP B'OS S'OS E'OS O'Og Sal 910 EZS'E S*61V 8'6V 9'6V 809'E Z69'E 9LL'E 0.Z6t V.6V V'VOS Z*61, 6'9IS 0'66 6'8V 691 1981 St6'£ EZ11, ZOE't 08V't I*19V £'6ZS ['TVS I'BVS VIZ L'BV 8'65 IS V6I'S ZS ZLE'S ES KS'S Z'98S SIZ6S 6'86S L'9£ 1'9£ Z*S8S E'VBS S'EBS VZSO' 6160' OVOT' t'S£ 811 L'16 6'18G 8Vie ZOTT' ZZt* CVO' OT4' MO' VEZT. 91£ 01£ 118S TVS0' OTT' Z'VE SEV* EOEI' IOU 9'6LS 6'81S ISSO* VIET' 6*1E LVVT' VIE Z*85 Z9S0' ZZST* 6*0£ 6'9LS V'OE ZITE B*6Z 6'S1E Z1Z /*STE t'STE t'06 Z'68 1'88 6'98 B'SB L'VB 86E' 98E' 81S0' 190' ZLSO' 091* 9'8V SIB V14 SLE' Z9E' E*Z8 OSE EILSO' ZOCI' 9' EBSO' Lb/I' 88S0* V681' V661' 0'84 6.0 BILV L'Llf 9./V 1'98S 0ES0' 9ES0' 1'08 910'S T'BE V'LE Sao 118V LEWV 0910* 1180' S980' TZ60' Z9V* TIL9S S'ELS OS 6*LBS O'LBS 6'8£ Ell6 016 ZI8 6V 6'88S 9*6£ VOS' 0610 EIV 691 MO' V404 9'S6 8'09S 8V 66t0' 1190' £990' 0110' 0'6/ O'BL BEE' STE' VOE' O'LL £6' 1'SL EBZ' ELZ' IlL Z6S0' 16S0* Z090' 960Z* 00ZZ' 9090' 90EZ* 0190* VIVZ* L'8Z VIE L'IZ ZeLZ 8'9Z £'9Z L'US V*08S S'iLS Z*STE O'S1E /*VIE S*VIE E'VIE DRYER OUTLET CONDITIONS OUTLET PARTICLE TEMPERATURE OUTLET GAS TEMPERATURE OUTLET PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION (DRY BASIS) OUTLET ABSOLUTE GAS HUMIDITY FRACTION (DRY BASIS) TOTAL RESIDENCE TIME TOTAL NUMBER OF CASCADES 47,6 7561 .27 .061 598,9 54 GAS COMPOSITION IN MOLE FRACTIONS: FROM BLEND BOX : AMBIENT AIR : DRUM INLET : DRUM OUTLET : DEC C DEG C 02 N2 CO2 1420 .159 .207 .196 .182 .756 .783 .777 .722 .035 .000 .008 .007 .050 .010 /019 .089 SECONDS **4*******01313***********M******Mt******MUMU*****M**MMUMUMMUMMMU******************************* 11***Mt********1(************* 13******4********Mt***ItM* AEV108 83AN0 tows It****41*************Milt*** **************W*******100* wo Ottit*****0*********MOIM tn******MMIAMMUMUMMUMUMM*M13*******M**********30****MMUM************MMM**************3 Ic***********************Mtt* 18V108 SNOISN3WIQ 80I891NI wma 8313WVI0 11V83A0 wma H1ON31 WilNQ H19N31 0V3HV 30 11IJS31N33 N011339 WA88 H1ON31 0N1H38 11I3831N33 N011339 80I831X3 1H9I1A HI0N31 SOI831X3 1HOI13 dIl H19N31 80I821NI 1H9I1J H19N31 80I831NI 1H9I1d dIl H19N31 8380 30 80I831X3 S1H9114 838WAN 30 80I831N1 91H9114 wma 3619 01 1V1NO2I80H wma 033dS wnsa livm SS3N43IH1 1VW83H1 33NV15I934 40 livn A1IMISSI43 30 80I831X3 woo 11VM 131NI SVO :SN0I1IGNO3 1N3I84V 8IV 3881V83dW31 1N3I8WV SIV A1I3013A 0I1V8 JO 8IV 39N31 01 S390 wosi 131NI S9 38111V83N31 HOU X08 121N1 9V9 31813WM10A 1013 308 asla aula Z'T S'S Z' 9'1 80' 604 06Z' 000' 98313W 58313W 98313W 58313W S8313W 98313W 98313W S8313W ZT 9 0' 8'Z SZO' 000S' S338030 31MNIW/SN0I1M10A38 S8313W 938 311101798NO3393 06' 0'8T 0' xoa 930 3 0033S/98313W ZZIE O'OEL SZ'T WV89N/WVS0N 93Q 3 QNO339/E**S8313W O'OSt 0'00Z £1398313W/SMON mon 31311)3d ISNOIlIONO3 AlISN38 Nina AlISN38 30 9313I18Vd 131NI 313118Vd 3801V83dW31 131NI 313I18Vd unisiow 1N31NO3 N0I13V33 (SISV8 313I18Vd 0334 308 Aaa) 313I1)34 AII3I83Hd9 ONIN3d0 JO 39V83AV 32I5 SSV13 N3383S G3SSVd ivniov ONIN3d0 30 39V83AV 32I5 SSV13 N33839 ION 83SSVd 131NI arm aoon coma lciov amou 80I831X3 1HOI14 310NV JO 3S0d38 80I831NI 1H9114 319NV JO 39048 9V80 1H313133303 N0I1338803 8013V3 E'TZ V6L0' tt*S8313W/SWV89N 938 3 4/40339/SWVSO4 OSL. 0000' OVT00' OSL' 9'Z8 918 £0'T 98313W S8313W 9338938 S338038 PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO, 1 EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO, 3 : EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EVERTOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 90,9 269,1 67.0 176.8 ,78 10.8 .40 ,16 .0276 .0044 ,16 60.5 214,5 27,0 176,8 154.5 26.0 62,0 292,6 ,22 ,15 12.2 11,2 al ,17 ,05 .03 ,0253 .0094 ,37 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERM3 HETERS133 METER**3/METERU3 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS METERS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS METERS143 METERSO3 METERM/METERU3 PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO. 16: EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FOLLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN PARTICLE FLOU PATH FROM CASCADE NO, 42 t EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS 60,8 214.5 28,0 176,8 1546 27,0 62,0 292,6 .21 .15 12,2 11,1 .21 .17 .05 .04 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS METERS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS .0271 .0094 ,35 METERS03 62.0 214.5 29.0 176.8 154.5 28,0 62.0 292.6 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS METERS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS .21 .15 12.3 11.1 .21 .17 .06 .04 KETERS*13 METER143/METERCI3 HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FOLLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 45: PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO, EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE Al AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 4311 4094 ,30 93,5 266.5 71,0 176,8 #7B 11.1 ' #40 ,19 4328 4046 ,14 METERS**3 METERSO3 METERWMETER**3 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERSO3 METERS443 HETER03/METER143 ROTARY DRYER SIMULATION RESULTS 01144013t13000143100**0 DATE : TIME : CASCADE NUMBER DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CUMULATIVE TIME BULK AVERAGE PARTICLE TEMPERATURE (M) (8) (C) 0 .400 .0 1 .161 .322 1404 .487 .569 .651 .733 .815 .897 .980 11.2 22.4 46.1 69.9 93.7 117.5 141,3 165.0 188.8 212.6 23644 260.2 283.9 307.7 331,5 355.2 379.0 402.7 426.5 450.2 473.9 497.7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1.062 1.144 1.226 1,308 1,390 1.478 1.565 1.652 1.740 1.827 1,914 2.002 2.089 2.176 2.264 2.351 2.438 2.526 521,4 545.1 568.9 592.6 616.3 640.1 21,3 29,7 36.6 41.6 45.7 49.0 51.7 53.9 55.7 57.0 58.0 58.7 59.2 59.5 59.6 59.6 59.5 59.3 59.0 58.7 58.3 57,9 57.5 57.1 56,6 56.2 55.8 55.4 54.9 83/12/09, 04.24.33. BULK AVERAGE GAS TEMPERATURE BULK AVERAGE PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT BULK AVERAGE ABSOLUTE GAS HUMIDITY FRACTION (C) (BB) (DB) 209,6 201.7 194.6 188,8 183,4 178.4 173.8 169.4 165.3 16101 157.7 154.3 150,9 147.8 144.7 141.8 139.0 136.4 133.8 131.3 128.9 126,6 124.4 122.2 120.1 118.1 116,1 114.2 112.3 1,399 1,349 1.301 1.259 1,219 1.180 1.142 1.105 1,069 1.035 1.001 .968 .937 .906 .877 .848 .820 .793 .767 .741 .717 .693 .669 .647 .625 .604 .583 .563 .544 .0138 .0160 .0181 .0199 .0216 .0233 .0250 .0266 .0281 .0296 .0311 .0325 .0338 .0352 .0364 .0377 .0389 ,0401 .0412 .0423 .0434 .0444 .0454 4464 .0473 .0482 .0491 .0500 .0508 RELATIVE HUMIDITY FRACTION .0012 .0014 .0019 .0024 .0029 .0036 .0043 .0051 .0060 +0070 .0081 .0092 .0105 .0119 .0135 .0151 .0169 .0188 .0208 .0230 .0254 60279 .0305 .0334 ,0364 .0396 .0430 .0466 .0503 HEAT LOSS THROUGH DRUM UALL SEGMENT VOLUMETRIC HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT (JS) (J/SVO*3) -I 88.9 85.2 81.8 79.0 76.4 74.1 71.8 69.8 67.8 66.0 6442 62.6 61.0 59.5 58.0 56.7 55,4 54.1 52,9 51.7 5066 49,5 48.4 47,4 4644 45,5 44.5 43.6 -I 379.1 378.1 656.7 654.5 652.4 650.4 648.4 6466 644.7 642,8 641.1 639.4 637.8 636.2 634.6 593.1 591.7 590.3 589.0 587.1 58601 585.2 5844 582.8 581.7 580.5 579.4 578.4 S'ZOE gfiVI' 81E TIOE 6E0Z' LV6I' VS8I4 0911' 9991' VLSI' 9'LZ 0'8Z g'8Z 6'8Z S'6Z O'OE 9'0E Z'IE 8'EOE MOE 8'Z0E 6'Z0E I'EOE E'E01 9'E0E I'I6V 116V V.Z6V 9'99S t'L9g Z'89S 0'69g 8'69S ['Oa 9'I1.S g'Zig V'ELS E'tLg EISLG Nig PIN EsZE 6'ZE gaff I'VE I'VE E'SE 0'9E 9'9E E'LE 0'8E 8'8E S'6E EIOV LIZZ' 61' 0011' 8ZE1' LSZT4 6811' EZIT' 6g01' 8660' 6£60' 1880' LZ80' VLIO EZLO' SL90' 6Z90' EVS0' 8'ZV SSW' TIV 61O L90' £90' 090' 9,90' TV90' LE90' TE90' 990' 0Z90' V190' 6090' t090' 860' Z6g0' 98S0' 080' V50' 89S0' I9S0' OgS0' CVO' 0tg0' ZES0' SMO' LIU' 00' 80' LIZ' 9ZZ' 9' IVZ' 6' ZLZ' g8Z' 66' TIE' EZE' 9EE' OSE' E9E' La' Z6E' LOt' ZZV' 8£10 Vgt' ILV' 68V' 90' gZS' 6'8L 8'61 L'08 L418 L'Z8 84E8 0'S8 Z'98 S'L8 8'88 0'06 Z16 S'Z6 L'E6 O'g6 t'96 8'16 Z'66 L'OOT Z'Z01 8'E0I V'g01 O'LOT L'80I g'OIT Z'VS S'Eg L'Zg 61S I% t'OS O'Og O'Og Z'Og E'Og S'Og L'OS 6'0g Z'Ig V'Ig 91g 6'Ig Z.ZS g'Zg 8'Zg Ilg t'ES 8'ES Z'Vg g'Vg VIZIT 61III V'OOTI 6'8801 V'LLOT 6'g901 VINT IS 18'S Zg 69V'S fg 89'S 6V V061 91LI LZS1 Og Z60'S 8t 0 94 0 00L'Z E19'Z 9'189 8'E99 IE 18L' EITL ZE gal 6'ZV0T V'TEOT 6'6101 Z'966 V'ZL6 L'8V6 6'tZ6 Z'I06 V'118 L'ES8 0'0E8 Z'908 S'Z8L 8'8S1 O'SEL 6EE'V OgI'V Z96'E 1981 1911 1991 ELVE 98t1 Vt EV ZV IV OV 6E 8£ VE 6V0'E Z96'Z SE CETI 9E 66E'E IIE'E VZZ'E LE EE OE 6Z DRYER OUTLET CONDITIONS OUTLET PARTICLE TEMPERATURE OUTLET GAS TEMPERATURE OUTLET PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION (DRY BASIS) OUTLET ABSOLUTE GAS HUMIDITY FRACTION (DRY BASIS) TOTAL RESIDENCE TIME TOTAL NUMBER OF CASCADES 54.2 78.9 DEG C .20 .066 1123.4 54 GAS COMPOSITION IN MOLE FRACTIONS! FROM BLEND BOX : AMBIENT AIR : DRUM INLET : DRUM OUTLET : DEG C 02 N2 CO2 H20 .161 .207 .196 .181 .740 .783 .773 .715 .039 .000 .009 /009 .060 .010 .022 .095 SECONDS ******Mt3M***************************MOMM**34013****Mtt***Mt********Mt*********13*************UM***M*M*11 *****************************t *It40**13013*****13********* 33mitounonstm*******, *************MM*********1 miamm****t*****no***** ROTARY DRYER SIMULATION mtnum***ammunton onmitmunmuntosnottsommumitmt******tommonomonnttmumnommon****mommummt ROTARY DRUM DIMENSIONS INTERIOR DRUM DIAMETER OVERALL DRUM LENGTH DRUM LENGTH AHEAD OF CENTERFILL SECTION DRUM LENGTH BEHIND CENTERFILL SECTION EXTERIOR FLIGHT LENGTH EXTERIOR FLIGHT LIP LENGTH INTERIOR FLIGHT LENGTH INTERIOR FLIGHT LIP LENGTH NUMBER OF EXTERIOR FLIGHTS NUMBER OF INTERIOR FLIGHTS DRUM SLOPE TO HORIZONTAL DRUM SPEED DRUM WALL THICKNESS THERMAL RESISTANCE OF WALL EMISSIVITY OF EXTERIOR DRUM WALL INLET GAS CONDITIONS: AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE AMBIENT AIR VELOCITY RATIO OF AIR LEAKAGE TO GASES FROM BLEND BOX INLET GAS TEMPERATURE FROM BLEND BOX INLET GAS VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE INLET WOOD PARTICLE CONDITIONS: SOLID WOOD DENSITY BULK DENSITY OF PARTICLES INLET PARTICLE TEMPERATURE INLET PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION (DRY BASIS) PARTICLE FEED RATE (DRY BASIS) PARTICLE SPHERICITY ACTUAL OPENING OF AVERAGE SIZE CLASS SCREEN PASSED ACTUAL OPENING OF AVERAGE SIZE CLASS SCREEN NOT PASSED BEND FACTOR EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF REPOSE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF REPOSE DRAG COEFFICIENT CORRECTION FACTOR 1,2 5,5 ,2 1,6 .208 .029 .290 .000 12 6 .0 2,8 .025 .5000 .90 20,0 .0 2,34 751.0 METERS METERS METERS METERS METERS METERS METERS METERS DEGREES REVOLUTIONS/MINUTE METERS DEG C*SECONDS/JOULE DEG C METERS/SECOND KORAN/KORAN DEG C 1,13 METERSM/SECOND 4504 KGRAMS/METERS**3 KGRAMS/METERS*13 DEG C 200.0 23,4 1,39 .0797 KRAMS/SECOND .750 .00200 .00140 .750 82.6 82.6 1,03 METERS METERS DEGREES DEGREES PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO, 1 EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 4 PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO. EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 88,2 271.8 61,0 176.8 .78 10.5 AO .11 .0193 .0043 ,22 55,5 214.5 24,0 176,8 154.5 21,0 62,0 292,6 .22 .15 11.9 11,5 .21 .17 .03 42 .0170 .0095 .56 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS**3 METERS**3 METER*83/METER**3 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS METERS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS MEFERS**3 METERS*13 METER03/METER**3 12: PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO, EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 26: PARTICLE FLOU PATH FROM CASCADE NO, EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS 56,1 214.5 24.0 176,8 154.5 22,0 62,0 292.6 .22 ,15 12,0 11,4 ,21 .17 .03 ,02 .0175 .0095 ,54 56,7 214,5 25,0 176.8 154,5 22.0 62.0 292.6 .22 15 12.0 11.4 .21 .17 .04 .03 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS METERS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS METERS03 KETERS03 HETER03/METERU3 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS METERS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FOLLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN .0188 .0095 .50 PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO, 64 EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL, LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL ' HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FOLLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 88,2 271,8 64,0 176,8 dB 10,5 .40 .12 .0215 .0043 .20 METERS03 METERS*13 METER03/METER**3 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS**3 METERS*13 METER**3/METERt*3 ROTARY DRYER SIMULATION RESULTS itUttUtt***0$1**U**00111411 DATE : TIME 1 CASCADE NUMBER 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CUMULATIVE TIME BULK AVERAGE PARTICLE TEMPERATURE (11) (S) (C) .000 .113 .226 .339 .395 .451 .507 .563 .619 .675 .730 .786 .843 .901 .958 1.015 1.072 1.129 1.186 1.244 1.301 1.358 1.415 1.472 1.529 1.586 1.648 1.710 1.772 1.833 1.895 10 1009 21.7 32.6 56,4 80.2 10309 127.7 151,5 175.3 199,1 222,9 246.6 270,4 29411 317.9 341.7 365.4 389.2 412.9 43647 460,5 484,2 508.0 531.7 555.5 579.3 60301 626.9 6500 674.5 2364 3502 44.4 5106 56.4 60.2 63.1 65.4 67.0 68.1 68.8 69.2 6914 69.2 6900 686 68.0 67.4 66.7 66.0 653 6415 63.8 63.1 62.4 61,7 61.0 60.4 59.8 59.2 58.6 BULK AVERAGE GAS TEMPERATURE (C) 83/12/09. 04.34.15. BULK AVERAGE PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT 2186 210.5 20301 1963 189.9 184.1 178.6 173.4 16816 164,0 1590 155.6 151.7 148.0 144.4 141.0 137.8 134.7 1310 128.8 126.0 123.4 120,8 118.3 115.9 113,6 111.4 RELATIVE HUMIDITY FRACTION (GB) (GB) 265.7 251.4 238.6 227.3 BULK AVERAGE ABSOLUTE GAS HUMIDITY FRACTION 1.390 1.328 1.269 1.213 1.166 1.121 1,078 1.036 .996 .958 .922 .886 .852 .820 .789 .759 .730 002 .675 .650 .625 .601 .578 .556 .535 .515 .495 .476 .457 .440 .423 .0148 .0186 .0223 .0258 10287 .0315 .0342 .0368 .0392 .0416 .0439 .0461 .0482 40502 4521 .0540 60558 /0575 .0591 .0607 .0623 .0637 10652 .0665 .0678 .0691 .0703 .0715 .0726 00737 .0748 .0005 .0006 .0009 .0013 .0018 .0024 $0030 .0038 .0046 .0056 .0067 *0080 .0094 .0110 .0127 .0147 .0168 .0191 .0217 .0245 .0276 .0309 .0345 .0384 .0426 00471 .0519 .0571 .0626 .0685 .0747 HEAT LOSS THROUGH DRUM WALL SEGMENT VOLUMETRIC HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT (J/S) (J/S*M1113) -I 114,8 107.9 101.8 96.3 92.1 8813 84.7 814 7865 75.7 73.1 70,6 6803 66,2 64.1 62.2 60.3 58,6 56.9 55.3 53.8 52.3 50,9 49.5 48.2 47.0 45,8 44.6 43.5 42,4 -I 525.8 524.1 5226 911.3 9073 903.4 899.8 896.3 893.1 8894 886.9 861.2 8586 855.8 853.3 850.8 848.4 8464 843.7 841.5 839.4 837.3 835.3 833.4 8316 770.9 769.2 767.7 766.1 764.6 cm "c) ST9r Oglo O'ZZ ZIZZ toZZ E'Strt 6896' 6'IZ £114 9'IZ I'SVV Z'Stft 611Z O'SVV teS0 S'Strt 9'S*V 9'Strt L'Stt LIZ SIN L'ZZ 6'Z2 86810 0£0' 090' POT' LOT' 601' III. EII' 060' IVO' TIZ VIZ 8'SOV SV60' 0/601 EV60' 911' 611' 8£60' 9£60' £990 E8Eto IOEV. L8£' BIZ S'OVL 6.S0 IV60' SE60' E£60' 1E60' 6Z60' LIZte OLD' O'VZ 8'0V/ IZI' VZI. LZI' 1E1' Z'89 S'89 8'89 1'69 V'69 8'69 VOL TOL 6'0/ VIC 8'IL 9'9Z 6'9Z 81V1 COE' Z.9Z £91E' O'EVL CUE' 612 VIV/ 9'SZ 9ZVL LZSE' 6EVE' 6VE£' E'gZ E'ZVL O'SZ O'ZVL L'VZ [IL Ili TO' 8V1' 8160' 9160' 969£' Z19£' VVI' I60' L'Zi LEI' gZ60' EZ60' ME' ZIZ SIZ 9'IVL VEI. L60' 0'9Vt 019/ EIVI Z'Vt/ 91VL 1%11 9'SVL I'9111 912 E'LZ /*CZ VIE L'8Z Z'6Z L'6Z VIE S'6V1 E'OE 9'9VL E'LV/ 6'LVL L'01 6'0£ 0g6E. £91' 191' 6060' 9060' V060' 1060' 8680' 696' 6S1' Z1601 SSI' VI60' 1'9E 68Z1' 61g£ 9'SSL ZBET. 801' TIE SIVSL E'VE V'ESL 91£ 0891' Z'ZE 6'ZE VC& VISL t'ZSI t'Ot te6E S'09L 8'191 SIE NS/ IVI. V680' 698Z' 99/Z' Z99Z' 9SSZ' 8VVZ' 6£EZ' 6' 811Z' 900Z' 9681' &III' 9./E 8.9S/ 0'8SL tett, Z19L LBLI' Ligl' 001' VE01' Lg60' £880' £180' 1680' 1880' £880' 6180' S/80' 0180' S980' 0980' VS80' 080' 480' VE801 1280' 6180' 1180' £080' g610' 9810' MO' 8910' 8SLO' UT' 911' TEIT' Z'ZL Z'Et 94L l'SL t'SL Z'9/ 6'9/ SW Zli 6'8/ 9'6/ Z'ZB VOZ' £18 861' 1008 18I' Z6I' VEZ' I1Z' 8IZ' 9ZZ' S'19 9'19 9'19 9'19 9'19 9'19 9'19 9'19 9'19 S'I9 S'I9 toI9 S/ UV'S I'06SI l'6/S1 te890 91 9VS'S 0'1091 g'LSSI 91VS1 B'SESI 61ZST 86Z'S ZL 6V0'S EL VIII 99 1,0£1 69 89 19 6ZV't ZIOSI 1L9'6 ESS4 I'VIST OL LVL'E S89'E £'88E1 S19E1 Z£61 0181 8081 T'ZIVI 6ISEVI L'6SVI 9g0'V 9'001 Z'I9 £'19 O'LIET Z16Z1 V'69ZI 9'SVZ1 WIZZI 0'8611 WE 1611 6Z11 8901 9001 8'Z011 6'1S tea 9'9ZI1 t9 £9 Z9 19 09 6 8S ES OWE 8EVI 9LE1 SIPE VV6'Z 0'610I 6'9g £'9g Z18 Z18 8186 0'096 l'9£6 V'Z16 9'888 8198 IS ZS ESZ'E £88'Z Z'SGOT B'SS E'Vg S'Vg e'Vg Tigg 8't6 96' VI IL SZ61 1081 S9 0811 EIZ6VI S'I8VT EZ91 WOVET 1'19 0'19 6'09 L'09 S'09 £'09 1'09 8'6S S'a Z'6g 8.8g VIS 18'Z VIEOT Z'Sg E'S8 V'98 L'a EtZ' Z16 t'SS V'96 80E' OZE' ZILII Vigil 6SeZ 91LOOT 84S VIG 0'68 £'06 8'16 ZSZ' Z9Z' ELZ' V8Z' L'Sg 0'9S 0'86 L'66 fEE' OE' WE' 9LE' 16E' 90' 9g SS VS IS Og 6V et 0 9V St tt 6£ OStoi, OP /69'Z 9E9'l VLS'l ZIg'Z EV ZV It L'691 6'SVI I'ZZL £'869 8'9S E'EOI VOZ'Z 10£61 9f S9Z'Z 'LIB V% S'IOI BE LE 68E'Z LZPZ I'Bg £'601 9'LS Z*101 Zqg £10T 0'48 ZVT'Z 080'Z EITO'Z LS6IT SE VE E£ ZE TE DRYER OUTLET CONDITIONS OUTLET PARTICLE TEMPERATURE OUTLET GAS TEMPERATURE OUTLET PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION (DRY BASIS) OUTLET ABSOLUTE GAS HUMIDITY FRACTION (DRY BASIS) TOTAL RESIDENCE TIME TOTAL NUMBER OF CASCADES 61.5 68.2 .10 .095 1601.0 77 GAS COMPOSITION IN MOLE FRACTIONS: FROM BLEND BOX : AMBIENT AIR : DRUM INLET : DRUM OUTLET : 02 N2 CO2 H20 .163 .206 .193 .172 049 082 .038 .000 .011 .010 .050 .772 .686 DEG C DEG C .012 .023 .132 SECONDS t**0***M13***Milt********MMUMMMUMMMUMMUMMUMM***MMMUMMUMMI******************* MIt*****************33****** *1**MX*MM*I********M*** t**00011Mt**************0 tUttt*Utict**430113*******0 ROTARY DRYER SIMULATION *Mttint*****************13* *****t****1***********MaMt 34140**Mvoc*****mtostmountottmumummummummtnnon**********msomutnummutmonnwa ROTARY DRUM DIMENSIONS INTERIOR DRUM DIAMETER OVERALL DRUM LENGTH DRUM LENGTH AHEAD OF CENTERFILL SECTION DRUM LENGTH BEHIND CENTERFILL SECTION EXTERIOR FLIGHT LENGTH EXTERIOR FLIGHT LIP LENGTH INTERIOR FLIGHT LENGTH INTERIOR FLIGHT LIP LENGTH NUMBER OF EXTERIOR FLIGHTS NUMBER OF INTERIOR FLIGHTS DRUM SLOPE TO HORIZONTAL DRUM SPEED DRUM WALL THICKNESS THERMAL RESISTANCE OF WALL EMISSIVITY OF EXTERIOR DRUM WALL INLET GAS CONDITIONS: ANBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE AMBIENT AIR VELOCITY RATIO OF AIR LEAKAGE TO GASES FROM BLEND BOX INLET GAS TEMPERATURE FROM BLEND BOX INLET GAS VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE INLET WOOD PARTICLE CONDITIONS! SOLID WOOD DENSITY BULK DENSITY OF PARTICLES INLET PARTICLE TEMPERATURE INLET PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION (DRY BASIS) PARTICLE FEED RATE (DRY BASIS) PARTICLE SPHERICITY ACTUAL OPENING OF AVERAGE SIZE CLASS SCREEN PASSED ACTUAL OPENING OF AVERAGE SIZE CLASS SCREEN NOT PASSED BEND FACTOR EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF REPOSE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF REPOSE DRAG COEFFICIENT CORRECTION FACTOR 1.2 5,5 METERS ,2 METERS 1,6 .208 .029 .290 .000 12 METERS METERS METERS METERS METERS METERS 6 ,0 5,5 .025 .5000 DEGREES REVOLUTIONS/MINUTE METERS DEG C*SECONDS/JOULE .90 20,0 .0 2,72 7520 DEG C METERS/SECOND KGRAM/KGRAM DEG C 1,13 METERS03/SECOND 450,0 200,0 24.1 KGRAMS/METERS**3 KGRAMS/METERS**3 DEG C 1,35 .0817 .750 .00200 .00140 ,750 82.6 82,6 1,03 KGRAMS/SECOND METERS METERS DEGREES DEGREES 1: PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO, EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE Al AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 3 PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO. EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS 96.0 264,0 73,0 176,8 ,78 5,9 ,40 .13 4215 .0026 .12 63,2 214.5 30,0 176,8 154.5 29.0 62.0 292.6 ,21 .15 6.4 5,7 .21 ,17 .04 .03 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS133 NETERS443 METERM/METERO3 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS METERS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS HOLM CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN .0194 METERS143 4051 METERS03 ,26 METERNS3/METER**3 PARTICLE FLOY PATH FROM CASCADE NO. 11 : EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN PARTICLE FLOU PATH FROM CASCADE NO. 27: EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE INTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON INTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS AVERAGE TIME OF FALL FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR FLIGHTS LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE FROM INTERIOR TO EXTERIOR FLIGHTS HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FULLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 63.4 214,5 30.0 176.8 154,5 29,0 62,0 292,6 .21 ,15 6,4 5,7 ,21 ,17 .04 ,03 .0197 0051 .26 63.6 214.5 31.0 1764 154,5 29.0 62,0 292,6 .21 .15 6.4 5,7 .21 .17 .04 ,03 .0214 .0051 .24 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS METERS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS METERS**3 METERS**3 METER**3/METER**3 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS METERS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERS METERS03 METERS*13 METER**3/METER**3 59 PARTICLE FLOW PATH FROM CASCADE NO. EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF RELEASE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE AT AVERAGE POINT OF ENTRY EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF INITIAL CASCADE EXTERIOR FLIGHT ANGLE OF FINAL CASCADE DISTANCE OF PARTICLE FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF TRAVEL ON EXTERIOR FLIGHTS PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL AVERAGE TIME OF FALL WITHOUT CENTERFILL LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE TRAVELED PER CASCADE WITHOUT CENTERFILL HOLDUP CONDITIONS: FOLLY-LOADED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP CALCULATED DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP FRACTIONAL DRUM SEGMENT HOLDUP OF DESIGN 97,8 262.2 76,0 176.8 .78 6.0 .40 .14 .0244 .0026 .11 DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES DEGREES METERS SECONDS SECONDS METERS METERSM METERS1143 METERW/METERM ROTARY DRYER SIMULATION RESULTS t$114$01411,1413011131******# DATE : TIME : CASCADE NUMBER 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DISTANCE FROM DRUM INLET CUMULATIVE TIME BULK AVERAGE PARTICLE TEMPERATURE (M) (8) (C) 4000 .125 .250 .312 .374 .435 .497 .559 .620 .682 .743 .807 .871 .934 .998 1.061 1.125 1.188 1.252 1.315 1.379 1.443 1.506 1.570 1.633 1.697 1.760 1.829 1.898 .0 6.3 12,5 254 37.4 49.9 62.3 74.7 87.2 99.6 112.0 1246 136.9 149,4 161.8 1743 186.7 199.1 21106 2244 236.5 248.9 261.4 273.8 286.2 2980 311.1 323,6 336.0 2401 34,4 42,6 48.2 52.7 BULK AVERAGE GAS TEMPERATURE (C) 139.5 13604 1663 133.4 130.6 127.9 125.2 122.7 120.2 117.9 115.6 113.4 .639 .615 .593 .572 .551 .531 .512 21214 6518 16102 65,8 65.7 65,4 65.1 64.6 64.1 63.5 62.9 62.3 157.1 153.2 149.5 146.0 6360 6107 61.1 6045 59.9 59.4 58.8 58,3 1420 BULK AVERAGE ABSOLUTE GAS HUMIDITY FRACTION RELATIVE HUMIDITY FRACTION (DB) 1.352 1.295 1.241 1.196 1.152 1.110 1.070 1.031 .994 .958 .923 .890 .857 .826 .797 .768 .740 .713 .687 243.1 231.2 220.6 64.2 65.0 65.6 59.2 61.4 BULK AVERAGE PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT (DB) 204.8 197.9 191.5 185.6 180.1 174.9 170,1 165.5 5603 83/12/09. 04.29.45. .493 .475 .0185 .0217 .0248 .0274 .0299 .0323 .0346 .0369 .0390 .0411 .0431 60450 .0468 10486 .0503 .0520 .0536 60551 .0566 .0580 .0594 .0607 10620 .0632 .0644 .0655 .0666 10677 00687 .0008 .0010 .0015 .0020 .0025 00032 .0039 .0048 00058 .0069 .0081 .0095 .0110 .0127 .0146 .0166 .0189 .0213 .0240 .0269 60300 .0333 .0369 .0408 .0450 .0494 .0542 .0592 .0646 HEAT LOSS THROUGH DRUM UALL SEGMENT VOLUMETRIC HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT (J/S) (J/S*M#3) -I -I 104.2 489.0 98.5 93.4 89.5 85.9 82.6 487.5 85502 851.4 8484 844.7 796 841.6 76.7 74,1 71.6 69.3 67.1 65.1 8384 6312 799.1 61.3 59.6 5709 796.8 794.5 792.4 56.3 7903 5418 788.3 786.3 784.5 782.6 780.8 779.1 777.4 775,8 712.5 711.1 53.4 52.0 5006 4903 48.1 46,9 45.8 44.6 43.6 835.8 83310 806.3 80318 801.4 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 1.968 2.037 2.106 2,175 2.244 2.313 2.382 2.451 2.520 2,590 2,659 2.728 2.797 2,866 2,935 3,004 3.073 3.142 3.212 3,281 3.350 3.419 3.488 3,557 3.626 3.695 3.764 3,834 3.903 3,972 4.111 4,251 4.390 4.530 4,670 4.809 4.949 5.088 5.228 5.368 5.507 349.5 360.9 373.4 385.8 398,3 410.7 423.2 435,6 448.1 460.5 473.0 485.4 497.9 510.3 522.7 535.2 547.6 560.1 57.8 57.3 56.9 56.4 56.0 55,7 55.3 55,0 54.7 54.4 54.1 53.9 53.7 53.4 53.2 53.2 53.4 53,8 57245 543 5854 54.8 55,4 55.9 56.4 56.8 597.4 609,9 622.3 634.8 647.2 659.7 672,1 684.6 697.0 709.5 715.9 722.2 728,6 7354 741.4 747.7 754.1 760.5 766.9 773.3 779.6 5763 57.7 58.0 58.3 58,6 58.9 59,1 59.4 59.5 59.7 59.9 60.0 60,1 60.2 60.2 603 60.3 111.3 109.3 107.3 105.4 103.6 1014 100;1 98.4 96,8 9513 93.8 92,3 90.9 89,6 88.3 87.0 85.8 840 83.6 82.6 81.6 80.7 79.9 79.0 78.3 77.6 76.9 76.2 75.6 75.1 74.4 73.8 73.2 720 72.1 71.6 71.2 70,7 70.3 69.9 69.5 1458 .441 .425 .409 .394 .379 .365 .352 .339 .326 .314 .302 .291 .280 .269 .259 .250 .241 .233 .225 .218 .211 .205 .199 .193 .188 .183 .178 .173 .169 .164 .159 .155 .150 .146 .143 .139 .135 .132 .129 *126 .0697 .0707 .0716 .0725 60734 .0742 .0750 .0758 .0766 .0773 .0780 .0787 .0793 .0799 .0805 .0811 .0817 .0822 .0826 .0831 .0835 .0839 .0842 .0846 90849 .0852 .0855 .0858 .0860 .0863 60866 .0868 .0871 60873 .0876 .0878 .0880 .0882 .0884 .0886 .0887 .0703 .0763 .0826 .0893 .0963 .1036 .1113 .1193 .1276 t1363 .1453 .1546 .1642 .1742 .1844 .1949 .2055 .2163 .2270 .2377 .2482 .2587 .2689 .2790 .2890 .2987 .3082 .3175 .3266 .3356 .3458 .3560 .3659 .3755 .3849 .3940 .4028 .4114 .4198 .4279 .4358 42,6 41,6 40.6 39.7 38.8 37,9 37.1 36.3 709.7 356 700.2 699.2 698,2 697,3 696.3 695.4 694.6 693.7 34,8 34,1 33.4 32,7 32,0 31,4 30.8 30.2 2947 29.1 28.6 28,2 27.7 273 26.9 26.5 26.2 25.8 25.5 25.2 24.9 24.7 24.4 24.1 23.8 23.6 23,3 23.1 2219 22.7 22.5 223 708.4 707.1 705,9 704.7 703.5 702.4 7013 6934 692.3 691.6 691.1 6906 690.0 689.6 689.1 688.7 688,3 688.0 687.6 687.3 686.9 408.2 40841 408.0 4074 407.8 407.7 407.6 407,6 4076 407.4 407.3 DRYER OUTLET CONDITIONS OUTLET PARTICLE TEMPERATURE OUTLET GAS TEMPERATURE OUTLET PARTICLE MOISTURE CONTENT FRACTION (DRY BASIS) OUTLET ABSOLUTE GAS HUMIDITY FRACTION (DRY BASIS) TOTAL RESIDENCE TIME TOTAL NUMBER OF CASCADES 60,3 69,5 ,13 ,089 779.6 70 GAS COMPOSITION IN MOLE FRACTIONS: FROM BLEND BOX : AMBIENT AIR : DRUM INLET : DRUM OUTLET : DEG C DEG C 02 N2 CO2 H20 .158 .206 .193 .174 .729 .782 .768 ,692 ,038 .000 .010 ,009 .075 ,012 ,029 .125 SECONDS