



Active ingredient: Zolendronic acid

Marketing authorisation holder: Novartis Europharm Ltd

Availability: National Health Service and Private Sector

Variations: Evidence has shown that the risk of developing atypical fracture of the femur is a class effect of bisphosphonates particularly when used for long term treatment of osteoporosis. Atypical subtrochanteric and diaphyseal femoral fractures were listed in the adverse effect list with a rare frequency. Patients should be advised to seek professional advice if suffer from thigh, hip or groin pain during bisphosphonate treatment for assessment for an incomplete femur fracture. In cases where atypical femur fracture is suspected, discontinuation of bisphosphonate therapy shall be taken into account after an individual benefit-risk assessment is carried out.

Reference: European Medicines Agency. Zometa. [online]. 2011 Sep 29 [cited 2011 Sep 30]; Available from: URL: http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/medicines/human/medicines/000336/human_med_001182.jsp&murl=menus/medicine s/medicines.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac058001d124
