ESP Recognition Timeline

ESP Recognition Timeline
Hold first Committee meeting.
Review committee responsibilities
o Appoint subcommittees as needed.
o Review timeline
o Set next meeting date.
Encourage Chapter recipients to apply for national recognition in area where appropriate.
Determine Continued Excellence nominee for National Recognition. Must have received
Chapter DSA at least five years previously.
Nominations for national recognition are prepared (due March 1)
Determine procedures for committee actions.
Update Website eligibility charts
Update application form
March 1 – Chapter nominees for National recognition due to National. Recognition Chair submits
National Recognition Submission form indicating nominees by category.
Hold Committee meeting
Engage committee members in process to become familiar with chart that shows eligibility of
members for recognition.
Determine strategies for generating nominations. Engage committee members in process
Start implementing strategies for receiving nominations for chapter recognition
Encourage Regional directors to identify members within their area to recognize.
Encourage Regional Director to identify members within their area to recognize members
Encourage Administration to identify and encourage others to recognize members.
Encourage Administration to identify candidates for Friend of Extension
June – will be notified of National recognition in the fall. Encourage recipients to apply for the Jim
Lindquist and Connie Hoch Scholarship or the Endowment grant for professional development.
August 1 –Inform committee of status of nominations received. Review for Administration support,
eligibility and send to committee members with a due date for returning.
August 15 – Nominations are due from committee members
August 20 – Send nominations to Recognition Committee members along with ranking worksheet.
To be returned by ________. Date needs to allow for tallying rankings from committee members and
then submitting. Summaries of those to be recognized to editor and Gloria Holcomb by _______.
______. Prepare recognition summaries of the recipients. Submit the summary to the ESP chapter
editor for the program booklet. (The chapter editor works with K-State Research and Extension
editors to prepare the recognition booklet.)
Notify recipients and presenters. Encourage them to purchase tickets to Recognition event at
annual conference.
Notify Friend of Extension, The chapter sponsors their registration and that fof one guest to
attend the recognition event. Additional tickets may be purchased. Also ensure that agents in
local unit are aware of the nominee if they are not the nominator. Also cc Area Extension
Notify Retiree. They will receive two courtesy tickets. Additional tickets may be purchased.
How do we get tickets to recipients, or do we just direct them to pick them up, or just have
them show up. Maybe prepare courtesy tickets and let con ed rep know how many sent out.
We do need a count, however, so the correct number of tickets are paid for.
Prepare certificates for recipients
Order gift certificates for recipients
Order “gift” for Friend of Extension
What do we give Retiree?
Secure Photographer
Update Website that lists all recipients by category and year. Send digital photos to webmaster
for posting.
Send summary statements for the recognition program booklet to editor and Gloria Holcomb
Review program booklet draft
Submit budget request to support Ruby Award, if appropriate. Check with Treasurer on
appropriate time frame
October - National meeting. If a chapter representative will be recognized might want to encourage
other attendees to do something special as a chapter to honor while at national meeting. **
Recognition Committee or Chair-elect or other representative attend Chapter Council meetings.
Report on committee progress at each meeting.
Publicity for chapter recipients
Publicity for national recipients
Recruit next committee chair
May 18, 2015