2015 Kansas Performance Tests with Corn Hybrids dryland short-season dryland irrigated Report of Progress 1120 Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service TABLE OF CONTENTS 2015 Corn Crop Review Statewide Growing Conditions, Harvest Statistics, Diseases, Insects ...................................................................... 1 2015 Performance Tests Objectives and Procedures ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Companies Entering 2015 Tests Table 1.......................................................................................... 3 Northeast Dryland: Manhattan, Riley County; Severance, Doniphan County; Onaga, Pottawatomie County Weather Data ................................................................................................................................................. 4 2015 Region Summary Table 2 .........................................................................................5 Northeast Irrigated: Manhattan, Riley County; Scandia, Republic County; Topeka, Shawnee County Weather Data ..................................................................................................................................................6 Table 3.......................................................................................... 7 2015 Region Summary Eastern Dryland: Ottawa, Franklin County; Erie, Neosho County; Topeka, Shawnee County Weather Data.................................................................................................................................................. 8 2015 Region Summary Table 4 .........................................................................................9 Central Dryland: Belleville, Republic County; Assaria, Saline County Weather Data................................................................................................................................................ 10 Table 5....................................................................................... 11 2015 Region Summary Short Season: Ottawa, Franklin County; Parsons, Labette County Weather Data ............................................................................................................................................... 12 2015 Region Summary Table 6 .......................................................................................13 South Central Irrigated: Moundridge, McPherson County; Macksville, Stafford County Weather Data ................................................................................................................................................14 2015 Region Summary Table 7 ...................................................................................... 15 Western Dryland: Hays, Ellis County; Garden City, Finney County Weather Data ................................................................................................................................................17 2015 Region Summary Table 8 .......................................................................................18 Western Irrigated: Colby, Thomas County; Tribune, Greeley County; Garden City, Finney County Weather Data ................................................................................................................................................19 2015 Region Summary Table 9 .......................................................................................20 Entries in the 2015 Kansas Corn Performance Tests Table 10 .....................................................................................21 Electronic Access, University Research Policy, and Duplication Policy ................................................................ back cover -i- 2015 CORN CROP REVIEW Statewide Growing Conditions Harvest Statistics The 2015 growing season was generally very favorable for the corn crop in Kansas if producers could get it in the ground. Planting was interrupted from May until June for much of the state as frequent rains delayed field activity. The September 11 Crops Report predicted a 555 million-bushel crop, down 2% from last year’s production. The anticipated number of acres to be harvested for grain is 3.75 million, down 1% from last year. The predicted average yield of 148 bushels per acre is down 1 bushel from last year. (Kansas Agricultural Statistics Service, Topeka) Corn planted prior to May enjoyed excellent early growth from the abundant topsoil moisture (Figure 1) and mild temperatures. The frequency of rains slowed during the summer months but still provided timely relief for the growing crop in most areas of the state. This corn had relatively few stresses to reduce grain quality and more than half of the crop was rated good or excellent throughout the season (Figure 2). Diseases Many growers harvested corn with above average yields across a large portion of the state. That being said, yields in many fields could have been another ten to thirty percent higher if timely fungicide applications would have been made. There were two significant foliar disease issues in Kansas during the 2015 growing season. Corn planted later in the season suffered slow grain drydown and greater incidence of disease and lodging, but overall the 2015 Kansas corn crop saw aboveaverage yields and high-quality grain. (Crop-Weather Reports, Kansas Agricultural Statistics, Topeka) Gray leaf spot developed early, and with the cloudy, rainy weather in the eastern half of the state in May and June, it reached record setting levels. 2015 had the highest observed gray leaf spot levels in the 25 years that the disease has been present in Kansas. Unfortunately, because of low crop prices, many growers decided not to make the investment in a fungicide application and that was a mistake in many fields. One estimate from a private consultant indicated that 50% of the dryland and 75% of the irrigated corn in the McPherson County area had treatable levels of gray leaf spot. The other significant foliar disease problem was southern rust. Southern rust moved up into Kansas almost a month earlier than normal thanks to tropical storms that pushed it up our way through Louisiana and Arkansas. Fields that were planted before May 1 escaped significant damage even though the disease was present in almost every field in southeast Kansas. Fields that did not get planted until June in southeast as well as other parts of Kansas, and there were many of them, had levels of southern rust that were economically damaging. There are not good records of how much spraying might have been done, but like with gray leaf spot, low crop prices caused many growers not to spray. Figure 1. Statewide status of topsoil moisture Other foliar diseases that were reported but did not require action included Holcus spot and northern corn leaf blight. There were considerably fewer reports of Goss’s leaf blight in 2015 compared to the previous Figure 2. Condition of 2015 Kansas corn crop -1- two years. Lack of severe storms with hail early in the season may be partially responsible for that. treated with systemic insecticides, which can affect yield in some situations. A column listing insecticide seed treatments for each hybrid is included in Table 9 to help interpret yield results. Late in the season, three diseases were prominent. Fusarium stalk rot and charcoal rot could be found in many fields across the state, although there were no reports of any serious lodging. Even without lodging, yield losses occur in fields with stalk rot due to much smaller ears on infected plants. In central and south central Kansas, many fields had significant levels of Diplodia ear rot. Heavy rains during the pollination period are favorable for the development of this disease. Hybrid selection is the only management tool for Diplodia. (Doug Jardine, Kansas State University Department of Plant Pathology) Three to four plots (replications) of each hybrid were grown at each location in a randomized completeblock design. Each harvested plot consisted of two rows trimmed to a specific length, ranging from 20 to 30 feet at the different locations. Explanatory information is given in summaries preceding data for each test. Tables 2 through 8 contain results from the individual performance tests. Hybrids are listed together by company name. A summary of growing season weather data is given for individual test discussions. Precipitation graphs include cumulative lines for 2015 and the 30-year normal, in addition to the daily rainfall amounts since last fall. Temperature graphs include daily maximum and minimum temperatures compared with normal. General trends in precipitation and temperature relative to normal are readily observed in the graphs. A table with monthly totals and averages for the growing season also is included. Insects Growers in southeast Kansas reported some early season problems with black cutworms. Commercial corn seed is treated with insecticides. These provide very effective protection for seed and seedlings for 34 weeks for those pests listed on the label. However, black cutworms are not susceptible and they usually infest 3-4 weeks after planting anyway. Some whorl stage defoliation was observed all over the state, mainly by fall armyworms, but this had very little impact on yield. Worms in whorls are not vulnerable to insecticides, so very little can be, or should be, done about these ‘ragworms.’ Grain yields are reported as bushels per acre of shelled grain (56 lb/bu) adjusted to a moisture content of 15.5%. Yields also are presented as percentage of test average to speed recognition of highest-yielding hybrids. Hybrids yielding more than 100% of the test average year after year merit consideration. Adaptation to individual farms for appropriate maturity, stalk strength, and other factors also must be considered. Corn rootworms also continue to be problematic in fields continuously planted to corn for 3+ years. Even those varieties with Bt rootworm protection need to be rotated or resistance will develop. A few spider mite problems were reported from southwest Kansas, but overall, it seemed to be a relatively good year for growing corn in Kansas. (Holly Schwarting, Kansas State University Department of Entomology) Small differences in yield should not be overemphasized. Relative ranking and large differences are better indicators of performance. Least significant differences (LSD) are shown at the bottom of each table. Unless two hybrids differ by at least the LSD shown, little confidence can be placed in one being superior to the other. Yield values in the top LSD group in each test are displayed in bold. The coefficient of variability (CV) can be used in combination with the LSD to estimate the degree of confidence one can have in published data from replicated tests. 2015 PERFORMANCE TESTS Objectives and Procedures Corn performance tests, conducted annually by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, provide farmers, extension workers, and seed industry personnel with unbiased agronomic information on many of the corn hybrids marketed in the state. Entry fees from private seed companies finance the tests. Because entry selection and location are voluntary, not all hybrids grown in the state are included in tests, and the same group of hybrids is not grown uniformly at all test locations. Most companies submit seed -2- Table 1. Companies entering hybrids in the 2015 Kansas Corn Performance Tests AgriGold Hybrids St. Francisville, IL 800-262-7333 agrigold.com Dekalb St. Louis, MO 314-694-1000 monsanto.com LG Seeds Elmwood, IL 800-752-6847 lgseeds.com NuTech Seed, LLC (G2 Genetics) Ames IA 515-232-1997 nutechseed.com AgVenture Minden, NE 308-832-1050 agventure.com Golden Acres Genetics Waco, TX 254-761-9838 gaseed.com MFA Incorporated (MorCorn) Columbia, MO 573-874-5111 mfa-inc.com Phillips Seed Farms, Inc. Hope, KS 785-949-2204 phillipsseed.com Advanta US, Inc (Phoenix) Amarillo, TX 806-340-2031 advantaseeds.com Golden Harvest Minnetonka, MN 200-455-0956 syngentaseeds.com Midland Genetics Group Ottawa, KS 785-242-3598 midlandgenetics.com Producers Hybrids Battle Creek, NE 888-675-3190 producershybrids.com Renk Seed Co. Sun Prairie, WI 800-BUY-RENK renkseed.com B-H Genetics Ganado, TX 361-771-2755 bhgenetics.com -3- NORTHEAST KANSAS DRYLAND CORN TESTS Agronomy North Farm, Manhattan; Jane Lingenfelser, agronomist Reading silt loam; soybean in 2014 40 160 - 0 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Target stand of 23,000 plants/acre; 9.1 in. spacing 20 Planting was delayed by rain; otherwise good growing conditions with little stress. 10 Month Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 3.1 3.0 10.8 5.4 5.5 3.8 3.9 35.5 7.4 2.4 4.2 4.8 3.7 3.2 5.1 30.9 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 39 57 64 77 79 75 67 56 37 53 64 73 79 78 66 54 GDU 2015 Norm. 451 263 419 699 778 696 1040 4,345 5 30 Planted on 4/28/2015; Harvested on 9/22/2015 Precipitation 2015 Norm. 6 Precipitation (inches) 273 222 412 640 770 750 563 3,628 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N D 100 J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) 80 60 40 20 plant 0 N D J F M A M silk J J A harvest S O Fuhrman Farms, Inc., Severance; Al Fuhrman, cooperator; Jane Lingenfelser, agronomist Ulysses silt loam; soybean in 2014 40 180 - 0 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Planted on 4/29/2015; Harvested on 10/14/2015 20 Timely rains throughout growing season. 10 Month Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 5.3 1.2 10.6 7.5 5.5 1.5 2.3 33.9 8.5 2.9 4.2 4.7 3.9 3.7 4.7 32.6 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 35 54 62 74 76 71 62 52 36 54 64 73 78 76 68 53 GDU 2015 Norm. 425 234 376 661 715 609 863 3,885 247 216 417 643 761 732 528 3,545 5 30 Target stand of 30,000 plants/acre; 7.0 in. spacing Precipitation 2015 Norm. 6 Precipitation (inches) 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N D 100 J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) 80 60 40 20 plant 0 N D J F M A M silk J J A harvest S O Rezac Farms, Onaga; Lance Rezac, cooperator; Jane Lingenfelser, agronomist Kipson silty clay loam; soybean in 2014 40 185 - 0 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Target stand of 23,000 plants/acre; 9.1 in. spacing 20 Planting was delayed by rain; otherwise good growing conditions with little stress. 10 Month Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 5.6 1.6 10.3 6.8 8.8 3.3 3.8 40.2 9.1 2.9 4.3 4.3 4.4 3.5 5.2 33.8 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 37 56 64 77 78 73 65 54 36 53 62 72 77 76 64 53 GDU 2015 Norm. 432 263 417 698 753 658 950 4,171 5 30 Planted on 4/29/2015; Harvested on 9/23/2015 Precipitation 2015 Norm. 6 Precipitation (inches) 261 208 373 614 742 716 496 3,409 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N 100 D J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) 80 60 40 20 plant 0 N D J -4- F M A M J silk J A harvest S O TABLE 2. NORTHEAST KANSAS DRYLAND CORN PERFORMANCE TEST, 2015 BRAND NAME AGRIGOLD AGRIGOLD AGRIGOLD DEKALB DEKALB DEKALB LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS MATURITY CHECK MATURITY CHECK MATURITY CHECK MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PRODUCERS PRODUCERS PRODUCERS PRODUCERS PRODUCERS A6542VT2PRODG A6553VT2RIB A6619VT2RIBD1 DKC51-20 DKC60-67 DKC64-89 LG5612STXRIB LG5618STXRIB LG5630VT3PRIB LG5663VT2PRIB LG5677VT2PRIB LG5717VT2PRIB EARLY LATE MED 436VLG 573PRW 594PR DG 653PR 656PR 714PRW 735PRW 775PR DG 5F-113 5F-709 5F-811 5F-814 PSF003 PSF082 PSF133 PSF143 5785GT 5808VR 5942A4 6390A4 6542A4 6878 STXRIB 7213VT2RIB 7224VT3PRIB 7268STXRIB 7358 STXRIB AVERAGE CV (%) LSD (0.05) YIELD (bu/a) 150 200 196 155 189 196 --188 173 186 -162 190 167 170 173 190 175 184 182 179 188 179 170 163 180 159 165 181 174 161 168 175 193 186 -----177 8 20 MANHATTAN, Riley County PAVG TW MOIST DAYS (%) (lb/bu) (%) (silk) 85 113 111 87 107 110 --106 98 105 -91 107 94 96 98 107 99 104 103 101 106 101 96 92 102 90 93 102 98 91 95 99 109 105 -----100 8 11 59 60 58 57 61 60 --60 59 58 -59 62 61 59 61 58 60 59 59 58 60 62 59 61 58 59 59 58 60 58 60 60 59 56 -----59 1 1 15 16 17 12 16 16 --15 17 16 -12 18 17 16 18 16 16 17 15 18 17 17 16 16 16 12 15 17 17 15 14 15 15 17 -----16 10 2 64 66 66 64 78 76 --72 73 72 -64 64 64 76 72 65 64 66 66 73 76 75 76 64 75 76 64 64 73 64 72 64 76 73 -----70 0 0 1000 ppa 24 24 22 24 25 23 --25 20 23 -22 29 29 23 20 23 24 23 21 23 25 20 22 18 21 26 20 17 21 24 28 22 26 19 -----23 0 0 *Seed treatment and hybrid traits located in Table 10. **Yields in bold in the top LSD group. ***Unless two hybrids differ by more than the LSD, little confidence can be placed in one being superior to the other. -5- SEVERANCE, Doniphan County YIELD PAVG TW MOIST 1000 (bu/a) (%) (lb/bu) (%) ppa ---167 194 207 -201 --221 215 187 204 220 196 -219 212 231 222 212 -186 194 208 213 ----187 206 199 182 218 190 215 234 204 221 206 8 23 ---81 94 100 -98 --107 104 91 99 107 95 -106 103 112 108 103 -90 94 101 104 ----91 100 97 88 106 92 105 114 99 107 100 8 11 ---58 62 62 -63 --60 62 61 63 62 61 -60 64 62 61 61 -64 62 63 61 ----60 62 61 60 60 60 61 60 62 61 61 1 1 ---11 12 12 -13 --12 13 11 14 13 12 -12 13 13 13 14 -13 12 13 12 ----11 12 12 11 14 11 12 12 13 12 12 3 0 ---30 32 33 -30 --30 29 26 24 34 30 -29 29 31 31 24 -32 35 33 28 ----27 33 27 32 30 32 31 35 29 32 30 0 0 YIELD (bu/a) ---127 174 176 173 204 ---191 157 213 192 174 168 191 179 207 186 168 180 199 168 191 193 156 168 190 172 168 138 161 167 184 -----177 9 24 Onaga, Pottawatomie County PAVG TW MOIST 1000 (%) (lb/bu) (%) ppa ---72 98 99 98 115 ---108 88 120 108 98 95 108 101 117 105 95 102 113 95 108 109 88 95 107 97 95 78 91 94 104 -----100 9 13 ---58 61 61 59 61 ---60 59 61 61 59 61 58 62 60 58 59 60 62 60 62 59 60 60 59 61 58 60 59 59 57 -----60 1 1 ---14 16 14 17 12 ---16 15 16 19 17 16 18 14 16 16 14 15 17 16 16 16 12 16 18 15 14 14 14 15 18 -----16 19 4 ---25 24 25 15 22 ---23 20 28 28 28 26 23 20 26 21 29 24 25 25 31 23 27 24 19 22 23 27 26 25 21 -----24 0 0 NORTHEAST KANSAS SPRINKLER-IRRIGATED CORN TESTS Ashland Bottoms Research Center, Manhattan; Jane Lingenfelser, agronomistxxx Sandy loam; soybean in 2014 40 180 - 0 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Target stand of 30,000 plants/acre; 7.0 in. spacing 20 Timely rains and milder temperatures throughout growing season. 10 Month Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 3.6 2.7 8.6 4.2 5.0 3.2 4.7 32.1 7.4 2.4 4.2 4.8 3.7 3.2 5.1 30.9 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 38 57 64 77 79 75 66 55 37 53 64 73 79 78 66 54 GDU 2015 Norm. 439 270 421 702 779 680 1023 4,315 5 30 Planted on 4/23/2015; Harvested on 9/22/2015 Precipitation 2015 Norm. 6 Precipitation (inches) 273 222 412 640 770 750 563 3,628 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 0 Ndaily D 100 J F M A M J J A S O Daily Temperatures (F) 80 60 40 20 plant 0 N D J F M A M silk J J A harvest S O Irrigation Experiment Field, Scandia; Andrew Esser, agronomist; Michael Larson and Doug Stensaas, technicians Crete silt loam; soybean in 2014 40 200 - 0 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Planted on 4/29/2015; Harvested on 10/30/2015 Target stand of 30,000 plants/acre; 7.0 in. spacing Period from the beginning of May until the middle of June when 3 consecutive days was the longest interval without a rain. 10 Precipitation 2015 Norm. Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 2.1 1.9 5.2 4.9 3.6 5.1 1.7 24.5 6.0 2.1 3.5 4.3 3.2 3.1 4.2 26.5 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 36 53 61 74 77 73 65 53 34 52 63 73 78 77 65 52 5 30 20 Month 6 Precipitation (inches) 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N GDU 2015 Norm. 100 435 235 80 215 204 354 393 60 639 635 40 716 755 20 647 731 958 515 0 3,964 3,468 D J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) plant N D J F M A M silk J J A harvest S O Kansas River Valley Experiment Field, Topeka; Eric Adee, agronomist; Charles Clark and William Riley, technicians Eudora silt loam; soybean in 2014 40 180 - 52 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Target stand of 26,000 plants/acre; 8.0 in. spacing 20 Wet spring followed by timely rains during the summer. 10 Month Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 4.4 2.3 10.3 4.4 6.1 2.7 6.3 36.4 8.4 2.8 3.7 4.8 3.8 3.5 4.6 31.6 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 38 57 64 77 79 74 65 55 37 54 64 73 78 77 66 54 GDU 2015 Norm. 439 269 430 712 765 684 987 4,286 5 30 Planted on 4/21/2015; Harvested on 9/17/2015 Precipitation 2015 Norm. 6 Precipitation (inches) 268 221 414 652 774 751 547 3,627 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N 100 D J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) 80 60 40 20 plant 0 N D J -6- F M A M J silk J A harvest S O TABLE 3. NORTHEAST KANSAS SPRINKLER-IRRIGATED CORN PERFORMANCE TEST, 2015 BRAND NAME AGRIGOLD AGRIGOLD AGRIGOLD AGRIGOLD DEKALB DEKALB DEKALB GOLDEN HARVEST GOLDEN HARVEST GOLDEN HARVEST GOLDEN HARVEST LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS MATURITY CHECK MATURITY CHECK MATURITY CHECK MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PRODUCERS PRODUCERS PRODUCERS PRODUCERS RENK RENK RENK RENK RENK A6499STXRIB A6517VT3PRIB A6573VT2RIB A6579STX DKC51-20 DKC60-67 DKC64-89 G11U58-3111 G13N18-3111 G14H66-5122A G16K01-3111 LG5618STXRIB LG5638VT2PRIB LG5663VT2PRIB LG5677VT2PRIB LG5701VT3PRIB EARLY LATE MED 436VLG 573PRW 656PR 714PRW 735PRW 5F-510 5F-515 5F-709 5F-713 5Z-015 5Z-308 PSF003 PSF082 PSF133 PSF143 PSF172 5785GT 5808VR 5942A4 6390A4 6542A4 6878 STXRIB 7213VT2RIB 7268STXRIB 7358 STXRIB RK810SSTX RK871VT2P RK924DGVT2P RK930VT3P RK941SSTX AVERAGE CV (%) LSD (0.05) YIELD (bu/a) ----- MANHATTAN, Riley County PAVG TW MOIST (%) (lb/bu) (%) ------------- 1000 ppa ----- SCANDIA, Republic County YIELD PAVG TW MOIST (bu/a) (%) (lb/bu) (%) 192 211 214 90 99 101 59 62 61 15 17 18 29 32 30 247 249 249 253 172 226 239 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -- -- 248 234 217 104 98 91 59 59 60 219 103 60 20 31 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 219 179 103 84 60 59 18 16 35 28 234 243 273 253 234 232 245 192 252 252 259 240 238 209 249 260 258 211 203 258 223 223 208 243 231 227 263 99 102 115 107 98 98 103 81 106 106 109 101 100 88 105 110 109 89 85 109 94 94 88 102 97 96 111 62 60 61 61 59 58 61 63 61 61 61 61 61 60 60 62 61 60 60 60 62 62 60 61 60 61 61 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 ----- ----- ----- ----- 226 249 246 261 242 237 6 23 95 105 104 110 102 100 6 10 61 60 60 61 62 61 1 1 12 12 12 12 12 12 2 0 -- -- -- -- -- 191 226 230 212 90 106 108 99 62 61 62 60 17 20 17 18 24 34 31 35 -- -- -- -- -- 219 216 223 218 240 215 234 223 218 180 232 200 200 103 101 105 103 113 101 110 105 102 85 109 94 94 61 59 58 63 61 61 60 62 61 61 61 59 61 20 19 19 18 18 16 18 19 16 16 15 19 19 34 28 25 31 31 30 27 29 30 31 35 22 29 -- -- -- -- -- 195 206 200 239 209 91 97 94 112 98 59 61 60 59 57 16 18 18 16 19 29 32 34 36 26 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 213 9 27 100 9 13 60 1 1 18 11 3 30 1 4 *Seed treatment and hybrid traits located in Table 10. **Yields in bold in the top LSD group. ***Unless two hybrids differ by more than the LSD, little confidence can be placed in one being superior to the other. -7- 104 105 105 107 73 95 100 61 59 60 61 60 61 61 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 YIELD (bu/a) ----- TOPEKA, Shawnee County PAVG TW MOIST DAYS (%) (lb/bu) (%) (silk) ----------------- 1000 ppa ----27 28 29 28 ---- -- 187 212 229 193 87 98 106 90 57 60 59 59 14 17 17 17 72 74 72 75 12 12 12 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- 238 232 111 108 59 59 18 18 74 76 -- -- -- -- -- -- 204 94 58 17 76 27 27 28 -- -- -- -- -- -- 166 218 217 186 226 248 238 222 217 244 207 228 226 241 180 233 223 212 77 101 101 86 105 115 110 103 101 113 96 106 105 112 83 108 104 98 58 59 59 58 59 58 58 56 60 59 59 58 59 59 59 59 58 59 16 18 18 18 18 19 17 20 16 19 17 18 19 16 15 16 19 16 74 78 75 74 74 74 74 76 74 80 74 78 76 73 71 75 75 75 25 -- -- -- -- -- -- 184 212 223 209 209 195 201 249 221 86 98 103 97 97 91 93 115 103 58 59 58 57 56 59 59 59 58 15 17 16 16 19 16 16 19 18 73 76 74 73 76 76 73 74 76 28 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 216 9 27 100 9 12 58 1 1 17 8 2 75 1 1 28 27 29 26 27 26 26 28 28 28 27 28 28 28 27 24 28 28 29 28 26 28 28 29 28 -----27 0 1 EASTERN KANSAS DRYLAND CORN TESTS East Central Kansas Experiment Field, Ottawa; Eric Adee, agronomist; Jim Kimball, technician Woodson silt loam; soybean in 2014 40 120 - 40 - 13 lb/a N, P, K Target stand of 23,000 plants/acre; 9.1 in. spacing 20 Wet spring followed by timely rains during the summer. 10 Month Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 4.8 3.5 10.7 4.4 3.3 2.3 3.5 32.4 7.7 2.7 3.9 4.6 3.7 3.0 5.1 30.8 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 38 56 64 77 79 74 65 55 39 56 65 74 80 79 68 56 GDU 2015 Norm. 423 260 428 721 765 670 965 4,230 5 30 Planted on 4/17/2015; Harvested on 10/9/2015 Precipitation 2015 Norm. 6 Precipitation (inches) 319 260 449 667 778 756 591 3,820 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N D 100 J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) 80 60 40 20 plant 0 N D J F M A M silk J J A harvest S O Private farm, Erie; Lonnie Mengarelli, research technician Lanton silt loam; soybean in 2014 40 200 - 0 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Target stand of 25,000 plants/acre; 8.4 in. spacing 20 Extremely dry early on and then turned extremely wet; timely summer rains and mostly mild temperatures. Southern rust during fill period. 10 Precipitation 2015 Norm. Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 5.9 4.6 13.2 4.1 4.4 4.4 2.4 39.0 10.6 3.3 4.6 4.6 4.3 3.7 5.9 36.9 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 40 58 65 77 80 75 67 56 40 56 66 74 80 79 68 56 5 30 Planted on 4/28/2015; Harvested on 9/16/2015 Month 6 Precipitation (inches) 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N GDU 2015 Norm. 100 421 315 80 288 254 448 461 60 728 681 40 800 791 20 687 763 1035 575 0 4,405 3,840 D J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) plant N D J F M A M silk J J A harvest S O Private farm northwest of Topeka; Eric Adee, agronomist; Charles Clark and William Riley, technicians Silty clay loam; soybean in 2014 40 150 - 0 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Target stand of 22,000 plants/acre; 9.5 in. spacing 20 Wet spring followed by timely rains during the summer. 10 Month Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 5.2 1.6 10.3 6.8 8.8 3.3 4.3 40.2 8.4 2.8 3.7 4.8 3.8 3.5 4.6 31.6 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 37 56 64 77 78 73 64 54 37 54 64 73 78 77 66 54 GDU 2015 Norm. 431 263 417 698 753 658 950 4,171 5 30 Planted on 4/22/2015; Harvested on 9/25/2015 Precipitation 2015 Norm. 6 Precipitation (inches) 268 221 414 652 774 751 547 3,627 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N 100 D J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) 80 60 40 20 plant 0 N D J -8- F M A M J silk J A harvest S O TABLE 4. EASTERN KANSAS DRYLAND CORN PERFORMANCE TEST, 2015 BRAND NAME AGRIGOLD AGRIGOLD AGRIGOLD AGRIGOLD AGRIGOLD DEKALB DEKALB DEKALB GOLDEN HARVEST MATURITY CHECK MATURITY CHECK MATURITY CHECK MFA MFA MFA MFA MFA MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PRODUCERS PRODUCERS PRODUCERS PRODUCERS A6517VT3PRIB A6542VT2PRODG A6553VT2RIB A6579STX A6619VT2RIBD1 DKC51-20 DKC60-67 DKC64-89 G11U58-3111 EARLY LATE MED MORCORN MC3022 MORCORN MC3544 MORCORN MC3966 MORCORN MC4354 MORCORN MC4377 436VLG 573PRW 594PR DG 653PR 656PR 714PRW 735PRW 775PR DG 5F-113 5F-709 5F-811 5F-814 PSF003 VT2Pro PSF082 VT3Pro PSF133 PSF143 PSF172 5785GT 5808VR 5942A4 6390A4 6542A4 6108 STXRIB 6318 STXRIB 6878 STXRIB 7068 STXRIB AVERAGE CV (%) LSD (0.05) OTTAWA, Franklin County ERIE, Neosho County YIELD PAVG TW MOIST DAYS YIELD PAVG TW MOIST DAYS (bu/a) (%) (lb/bu) (%) (silk) (bu/a) (%) (lb/bu) (%) (silk) 1000 ppa KIRO, Shawnee County YIELD PAVG TW MOIST DAYS (bu/a) (%) (lb/bu) (%) (silk) 1000 ppa -- -- -- -- -- 185 105 56 19 66 26 -- -- -- -- -- -- 124 129 93 97 53 57 16 16 80 79 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 79 79 81 78 80 80 83 81 78 79 81 80 81 80 66 64 61 62 61 -- 19 14 17 15 17 15 19 18 14 14 17 16 19 16 17 16 14 16 16 -- 54 57 58 58 57 57 55 58 58 57 55 57 54 56 58 56 57 58 58 -- 101 100 101 101 95 93 103 107 89 91 99 100 105 99 98 102 93 103 104 27 134 133 134 134 126 124 136 142 118 121 131 133 139 132 172 179 163 182 183 -- -- -- -- -- -- 186 182 185 153 188 190 182 178 182 106 103 105 87 107 108 104 101 103 57 58 57 57 58 57 57 56 57 16 15 16 14 16 15 15 16 16 61 62 63 58 61 64 62 65 62 26 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 145 132 167 109 100 126 54 57 56 19 18 19 80 80 80 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 134 128 148 132 133 125 123 142 129 132 114 138 130 139 139 101 96 112 99 100 94 93 107 97 99 86 104 97 105 104 56 57 59 58 56 58 57 54 57 57 56 57 57 57 54 17 18 17 18 18 14 14 19 17 19 14 17 16 15 18 79 82 79 82 82 81 80 80 80 80 79 81 80 80 81 109 101 121 100 58 98 109 110 106 90 56 59 58 57 57 58 59 56 58 57 16 16 18 17 18 16 18 16 17 17 65 64 63 66 64 62 66 64 65 63 24 -- 191 177 213 177 102 173 192 194 186 158 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 154 87 57 16 59 24 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 133 8 15 100 8 12 56 1 1 17 4 1 80 1 1 110 68 91 98 108 106 100 8 11 57 56 57 58 57 57 57 1 1 16 19 14 14 15 17 16 4 1 59 66 62 62 66 63 63 2 2 25 -- 193 120 161 173 190 186 176 8 19 *Seed treatment and hybrid traits located in Table 10. **Yields in bold in the top LSD group. ***Unless two hybrids differ by more than the LSD, little confidence can be placed in one being superior to the other. -9- 24 -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 79 92 101 99 96 109 97 82 98 114 105 107 98 102 115 101 115 106 105 101 112 95 98 95 88 100 107 101 92 86 104 99 99 99 57 60 61 60 60 61 61 60 60 60 60 58 59 61 59 60 60 59 58 60 61 60 61 59 59 60 59 61 60 59 60 60 56 58 14 13 14 14 14 15 16 13 13 15 14 17 15 15 17 14 17 16 17 14 15 14 15 15 13 13 17 14 14 14 14 14 13 15 72 72 72 73 72 76 74 72 72 72 72 73 72 73 72 73 72 72 74 73 73 72 73 73 71 72 73 73 73 72 73 74 72 74 22 20 153 177 195 191 185 210 186 157 188 220 202 206 190 196 222 195 221 205 203 195 216 184 189 183 170 193 206 195 177 166 200 191 191 190 26 -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 193 8 21 100 8 11 60 2 1 15 3 1 73 0 0 22 25 25 25 24 26 26 26 26 24 24 26 25 24 24 25 26 25 25 25 0 3 22 23 22 22 24 24 23 22 23 23 22 23 21 23 22 21 23 22 22 24 24 23 19 25 24 20 23 23 24 24 23 23 23 0 1 CENTRAL KANSAS DRYLAND CORN TESTS North Central Experiment Field, Belleville; Andrew Esser, agronomist; Michael Larson and Doug Stensaas, technicians Crete silt loam; soybean in 2014 40 150 - 0 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Planted on 6/17/2015; Harvested on 11/11/2015 20 Planting was delayed by frequent rain in the spring. 10 Precipitation 2015 Norm. Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 2.9 3.3 5.8 5.8 4.6 3.9 1.7 27.9 6.0 2.1 3.5 4.3 3.2 3.1 4.2 26.5 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 35 53 61 74 77 74 66 53 34 52 63 73 78 77 65 52 GDU 2015 Norm. 395 220 352 646 720 660 959 3,950 235 204 393 635 755 731 515 3,468 5 30 Target stand of 22,000 plants/acre; 9.5 in. spacing Month 6 Precipitation (inches) 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N D 100 J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) 80 60 40 20 plant 0 N D J F M A M silk J J A harvest S O CENTRAL KANSAS NO-TILL DRYLAND CORN TEST Clayton Short Farm, Assaria; Clayon Short, cooperator; Jane Lingenfelser, agronomist Smolan silt loam; soybean in 2014 40 180 - 0 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Planted on 6/10/2015; Harvested on 11/24/2015 Target stand of 23,000 plants/acre; 9.1 in. spacing Rains delayed planting into June. Some plots were lodged, possibly due to the presence of Fusarium stalk rot. 10 Precipitation 2015 Norm. Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 3.4 1.8 8.3 4.5 3.9 3.9 2.3 28.1 8.3 2.8 4.8 3.9 4.1 3.3 3.7 30.9 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 40 57 64 80 82 77 69 57 39 55 65 75 81 80 68 56 5 30 20 Month 6 Precipitation (inches) 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N GDU 2015 Norm. 100 501 327 80 290 236 431 432 60 739 690 40 817 805 20 719 790 1103 595 0 4,598 3,875 D J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) plant N D J F - 10 - M A M J silk J A harvest S O TABLE 5. CENTRAL KANSAS DRYLAND CORN PERFORMANCE TEST, 2015 BRAND NAME AGRIGOLD AGRIGOLD AGRIGOLD DEKALB DEKALB DEKALB GOLDEN HARVEST GOLDEN HARVEST GOLDEN HARVEST MATURITY CHECK MATURITY CHECK MATURITY CHECK MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PRODUCERS PRODUCERS PRODUCERS PRODUCERS A6542VT2PRODG A6553VT3PRIB A6619VT2RIBD1 DKC51-20 DKC60-67 DKC64-89 G13N18-3111 G14H66-5122A G16K01-3111 EARLY LATE MED 436VLG 573PRW 594PR DG 653PR 656PR 714PRW 735PRW 775PR DG 5F-113 5F-709 5F-811 5F-814 PSF003 PSF082 VT3Pro PSF133DGVT2Pro PSF143 VT2Pro 5552A4 5785GT 5942A4 6012VZ 6322A4 6390A4 6522A4 6523A4 6542A4 6318 STXRIB 7068 STXRIB 7224 VT3PRIB 7268 STXRIB AVERAGE CV (%) LSD (0.05) BELLEVILLE, Republic County YIELD PAVG TW MOIST (bu/a) (%) (lb/bu) (%) 148 173 152 169 160 171 137 149 146 178 145 166 176 139 151 152 130 118 129 160 155 169 163 159 160 170 117 129 120 157 153 157 166 159 124 89 148 99 116 101 112 107 114 91 100 97 119 97 111 117 92 101 101 86 78 86 107 104 113 109 106 107 114 78 86 80 105 102 105 111 106 83 60 99 58 58 57 57 60 59 55 56 57 57 56 54 57 60 57 59 59 59 57 58 61 58 61 58 57 58 58 59 57 56 57 57 57 58 56 57 57 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 13 12 13 11 11 12 12 12 13 14 14 11 13 12 13 14 11 12 13 11 12 13 12 12 12 12 12 13 12 ----- ----- ----- ----- 150 9 23 100 9 15 58 1 1 12 8 2 YIELD (bu/a) ---- 1000 ppa ---- 86 95 87 89 99 90 59 59 58 12 12 11 23 19 29 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 90 96 103 94 100 107 59 59 59 12 12 12 22 24 22 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 87 108 78 103 92 87 103 96 89 123 82 89 104 94 102 99 106 102 102 103 89 96 11 14 90 112 81 108 96 91 108 100 92 128 85 93 109 98 106 103 110 106 106 107 93 100 11 15 60 60 59 59 58 59 60 60 59 60 59 60 61 59 59 60 59 59 60 59 60 59 3 2 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 1 23 20 23 23 20 22 23 23 23 23 28 24 22 24 23 26 23 22 29 23 22 23 0 0 *Seed treatment and hybrid traits located in Table 10. **Yields in bold in the top LSD group. ***Unless two hybrids differ by more than the LSD, little confidence can be placed in one being superior to the other. - 11 - ASSARIA, Saline County PAVG TW MOIST (%) (lb/bu) (%) ---------- SOUTHEAST KANSAS SHORT-SEASON DRYLAND CORN TESTS East Central Kansas Experiment Field, Ottawa; Eric Adee, agronomist; Jim Kimball, technician Woodson silt loam; soybean in 2014 40 120 - 40 - 13 lb/a N, P, K Target stand of 23,000 plants/acre; 9.1 in. spacing 20 Wet spring followed by timely rains during the summer. 10 Month Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 4.8 3.5 10.7 4.4 3.3 2.3 3.5 32.4 7.7 2.7 3.9 4.6 3.7 3.0 5.1 30.8 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 38 56 64 77 79 74 65 55 39 56 65 74 80 79 68 56 GDU 2015 Norm. 423 260 428 721 765 670 965 4,230 5 30 Planted on 4/17/2015; Harvested on 10/9/2015 Precipitation 2015 Norm. 6 Precipitation (inches) 319 260 449 667 778 756 591 3,820 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N D 100 J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) 80 60 40 20 plant 0 N D J F M A M silk J J A harvest S O SOUTHEAST KANSAS SHORT-SEASON DRYLAND CORN TEST Four-State Farm Show, Parsons; Lonnie Mengarelli, research technician Parsons silt loam; soybean in 2014 40 150 - 20 - 15 lb/a N, P, K Planted on 4/27/2015; Harvested on 9/14/2015 20 Extremely dry early on and then turn extremely wet; timely summer rains and mostly mild temperatures. Southern rust during fill period. 10 Precipitation 2015 Norm. Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 4.7 4.5 10.1 3.8 5.5 4.5 4.3 37.4 11.9 3.4 4.6 4.5 3.3 3.6 6.2 37.5 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 41 59 65 78 81 75 66 57 42 57 65 74 80 79 68 57 5 30 Target stand of 22,000 plants/acre; 9.5 in. spacing Month 6 Precipitation (inches) 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N GDU 2015 Norm. 100 430 348 80 294 265 450 448 60 742 665 40 814 780 20 699 765 1010 608 0 4,438 3,878 D J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) plant N D J F - 12 - M A M J silk J A harvest S O TABLE 6. KANSAS SHORT-SEASON DRYLAND CORN PERFORMANCE TEST, 2015 OTTAWA, Franklin County BRAND NAME DEKALB DEKALB MATURITY CHECK MATURITY CHECK MFA MFA MFA MFA MFA MFA MFA MFA MIDLAND MIDLAND NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS DKC51-20 DKC60-67 EARLY MED MORCORN MC3022 MORCORN MC3544 MORCORN MCXP-1501 MORCORN MCXP-1502 MORCORN MCXP-1503 MORCORN MCXP-1507 MORCORN MCXP-1511 MORCORN MCXP-1512 126PRW 134SS 5F-200 5F-701 5H-502 5X-905 AVERAGE CV (%) LSD (0.05) PARSONS, Labette County YIELD (bu/a) PAVG (%) TW (lb/bu) MOIST (%) DAYS (silk) YIELD (bu/a) PAVG (%) TW (lb/bu) MOIST (%) DAYS (silk) 1000 ppa 135 122 136 153 121 130 143 131 126 117 118 129 133 133 134 129 125 126 130 8 15 104 94 105 118 93 100 110 101 97 90 91 99 102 102 103 99 96 97 100 8 12 56 56 57 56 58 57 57 58 59 58 59 59 57 58 58 58 59 57 58 1 1 15 17 16 20 14 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 17 16 3 1 79 80 80 82 77 78 79 79 80 80 78 78 77 79 77 77 79 79 79 1 2 162 168 180 170 153 183 186 157 158 146 145 163 170 164 162 165 166 154 164 6 14 99 103 110 104 94 112 113 96 96 89 88 99 103 100 99 100 101 94 100 6 9 57 59 64 58 57 58 58 57 58 57 58 58 57 57 58 58 58 56 58 5 4 13 14 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 14 13 14 13 13 2 0 63 63 63 63 60 62 62 63 63 60 59 62 61 61 61 58 62 58 61 1 1 23 22 23 22 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 22 24 22 21 22 0 2 *Seed treatment and hybrid traits located in Table 10. **Yields in bold in the top LSD group. ***Unless two hybrids differ by more than the LSD, little confidence can be placed in one being superior to the other. - 13 - SOUTH CENTRAL KANSAS IRRIGATED CORN TESTS Mark Vogts Farm, Moundridge; Mark and Aaron Vogts, cooperators; Jane Lingenfelser, agronomist Crete silt loam; grain sorghum in 2014 40 200 - 50 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Target stand of 30,000 plants/acre; 7.0 in. spacing 20 Frequent rains throughout growing season; sprayed for gray leaf spot in July. 10 Month Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 2.5 2.7 6.8 2.6 2.3 2.9 2.7 22.5 7.5 2.4 4.1 4.4 3.4 2.9 4.7 29.3 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 38 55 62 78 80 73 66 55 39 56 65 75 81 80 68 56 GDU 2015 Norm. 454 241 365 714 781 662 999 4,215 5 30 Planted on 5/5/2015; Harvested on 10/3/2015 Precipitation 2015 Norm. 6 Precipitation (inches) 317 253 445 677 787 767 607 3,854 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N D 100 J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) 80 60 40 20 plant 0 N D J F M A M silk J J A harvest S O Justin Vosburgh Farms, Macksville; Justin Vosburgh, cooperator; Jane Lingenfelser, agronomist Carwile fine sandy loam; soybean in 2014 40 235 - 40 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Target stand of 30,000 plants/acre; 7.0 in. spacing 4 20 3 cumulative Stands were affected by heavy rains before and right 10 after planting. Month Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 2.2 5.7 6.7 1.9 3.4 1.7 2.3 23.8 6.0 1.8 3.2 3.4 2.7 2.3 3.4 22.9 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 40 56 62 78 81 76 67 56 41 56 66 76 79 78 66 57 GDU 2015 Norm. 490 265 374 709 769 708 1030 4,344 5 30 Planted on 4/30/2015; Harvested on 9/24/2015 Precipitation 2015 Norm. 6 Precipitation (inches) 350 282 464 678 772 715 545 3,806 2 1 0 N 100 D J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) 80 60 40 20 plant 0 N D J - 14- - F M A M J silk J A harvest S O TABLE 7. SOUTH CENTRAL KANSAS IRRIGATED CORN PERFORMANCE TEST, 2015 BRAND NAME AGRIGOLD AGRIGOLD AGRIGOLD AGRIGOLD AGRIGOLD B-H GENETICS B-H GENETICS B-H GENETICS B-H GENETICS B-H GENETICS DEKALB DEKALB DEKALB GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS MATURITY CHECK MATURITY CHECK MATURITY CHECK MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PRODUCERS PRODUCERS A6488VT2RIB A6499STXRIB A6517VT3PRIB A6579STX A6619VT2RIBD1 BH 8550SS BH 8688DG2P BH 8700SS BH 8732VTTP XP 7646VT2PRIB DKC51-20 DKC60-67 DKC64-89 G4598 G4655A G4678DG G5621 G6611 G7601 G7688 GA26V21 GA27V01 LG2602VT3PRIB LG2636VT3PRIB LG5607VT2RIB LG5618STXRIB LG5622STXRIB LG5638VT2Pro LG5677VT2PRIB EARLY LATE MED 594PR DG 622PR 624PRW 775PR DG 5F-510 5F-515 5F-709 5F-713 5Z-015 5Z-308 PSF003 PSF082 PSF133 PSF143 VT2Pro PSF172 5552A4 5785GT 5942A4 6012VZ 6322A4 6390A4 6522A4 6523A4 6542A4 7213 VT2PRIB 7224 VT3PRIB YIELD (bu/a) MOUNDRIDGE, McPherson County PAVG TW MOIST 1000 (%) (lb/bu) (%) ppa 200 217 196 171 103 112 101 88 61 62 60 61 15 15 16 15 28 28 28 28 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 198 189 215 172 213 207 203 181 197 175 205 213 206 102 97 110 88 110 106 104 93 101 90 105 109 106 60 60 59 61 59 59 60 59 60 60 60 60 59 14 15 17 16 17 16 15 17 16 16 16 16 17 30 24 24 26 35 30 28 28 30 28 28 24 34 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 189 97 60 15 30 -- -- -- -- -- 191 178 200 202 177 188 191 182 218 217 204 198 197 171 183 181 190 190 208 204 190 182 201 194 211 162 180 196 208 98 91 103 104 91 97 98 94 112 112 105 102 101 88 94 93 98 98 107 105 98 94 103 100 109 83 93 101 107 60 60 61 60 60 60 60 59 60 61 60 62 60 60 61 60 60 61 60 59 60 60 57 60 61 60 60 62 58 15 16 15 15 16 15 16 16 16 15 15 15 16 16 16 15 16 16 15 17 14 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 17 28 28 28 31 28 30 28 28 28 33 28 28 26 28 29 30 28 28 28 30 28 28 29 24 28 28 28 28 26 --- --- --- --- --- - 15 - YIELD (bu/a) 215 204 MACKSVILLE, Stafford County PAVG TW MOIST (%) (lb/bu) (%) 110 105 62 63 13 14 1000 ppa 28 27 -- -- -- -- -- 184 203 223 246 182 209 191 126 196 216 209 229 223 219 219 248 193 198 214 94 104 114 126 94 107 98 64 100 111 107 118 115 112 112 127 99 101 110 62 61 63 60 62 61 61 58 63 62 62 59 61 63 61 61 63 61 60 13 15 13 15 15 15 12 12 13 13 13 15 15 14 15 16 16 15 14 30 31 35 31 35 28 29 34 30 35 30 29 30 29 25 29 31 28 31 -- -- -- -- -- 152 201 191 188 199 194 178 195 190 78 103 98 96 102 99 91 100 98 61 61 62 62 62 60 61 63 62 14 13 14 15 13 13 13 16 15 31 32 30 34 32 29 32 36 34 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 213 237 178 214 199 203 143 146 191 171 181 191 157 184 176 167 188 173 209 184 218 194 109 122 91 110 102 104 73 75 98 88 93 98 80 95 90 85 97 89 107 94 112 100 63 62 61 62 63 63 60 60 60 63 63 60 60 61 61 60 61 61 59 60 62 60 14 15 14 14 14 14 12 12 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 14 16 14 14 14 32 29 29 29 25 30 34 31 36 29 26 28 35 35 34 29 31 27 31 30 31 35 TABLE 7 continued. SOUTH CENTRAL KANSAS IRRIGATED CORN PERFORMANCE TEST, 2015 BRAND PRODUCERS NAME YIELD (bu/a) -- MOUNDRIDGE, McPherson County PAVG TW MOIST 1000 (%) (lb/bu) (%) ppa ----- YIELD (bu/a) MACKSVILLE, Stafford County PAVG TW MOIST (%) (lb/bu) (%) 7268 STXRIB 184 94 63 AVERAGE 195 100 60 16 29 195 100 61 CV (%) 10 10 2 8 0 9 9 1 LSD (0.05) 28 15 2 2 0 25 13 1 Hutchinson, Reno County results not available at time of print. Please visit www.agronomy.k-state.edu/services/crop-performance-tests/corn *Seed treatment and hybrid traits located in Table 10. **Yields in bold in the top LSD group. ***Unless two hybrids differ by more than the LSD, little confidence can be placed in one being superior to the other. - 16 - 14 14 4 1 1000 ppa 24 26 0 0 WESTERN KANSAS DRYLAND CORN TESTS Agricultural Research Center, Hays; Gerald Rohleder, technician Harney clay loam; wheat in 2014 40 100 - 0 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Target stand of 17,000 plants/acre;12.3 in. spacing 20 Wetter than normal spring supported the crop through silking; weather was dry after that. 10 Month Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 1.5 0.8 6.0 0.6 4.0 0.4 2.1 15.5 3.3 1.3 2.7 3.2 2.9 1.9 1.6 17.0 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 39 54 61 77 79 76 67 56 34 49 59 70 76 74 65 50 GDU 2015 Norm. 492 257 346 669 746 683 990 4,183 5 30 Planted on 4/22/2015; Harvested on 9/28/2015 Precipitation 2015 Norm. 6 Precipitation (inches) 206 175 327 553 701 669 462 3,093 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N D 100 J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) 80 60 40 20 plant 0 N D J F M A M silk J J A harvest S O SOUTHWEST KANSAS DRYLAND CORN TEST Southwest Research-Extension Center, Garden City; Pat Evans, agronomist; Monty Spangler, technician Keith silt loam; wheat in 2014 40 100 - 0 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Planted on 5/13/2015; Harvested on 10/16/2015 Target stand of 17,000 plants/acre;12.3 in. spacing Precipitation 2015 Norm. Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 1.4 0.4 6.3 1.4 4.9 2.9 2.6 19.7 3.6 1.5 2.7 2.8 2.3 2.1 2.1 17.1 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 40 54 60 77 78 75 66 55 36 50 61 72 78 76 64 53 5 30 4 20 Wet, late spring. Wetter than normal summer with 10 temperatures in the 90's with uncharacteristic lack of 0 wind and high humidity. Month 6 Precipitation (inches) 3 cumulative 2 1 N GDU 2015 Norm. 100 483 255 80 262 200 324 362 60 675 594 40 721 719 20 675 699 943 508 0 4,082 3,337 D J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) plant N D J F - 17 - M A M J silk J A harvest S O TABLE 8. WESTERN KANSAS DRYLAND CORN PERFORMANCE TEST, 2015 BRAND NAME DEKALB DEKALB DEKALB GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES MATURITY CHECK MATURITY CHECK MATURITY CHECK MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX DKC51-20 DKC60-67 DKC64-89 C4173A G4655A G4678DG GA07698 EARLY LATE MED 436VLG 594PR DG 775PR DG PSF003 VT2Pro PSF082 VT3Pro PSF133DGVT2Pro PSF143 5552A4 5942A4 6012VZ 6322A4 6390A4 6522A4 6523A4 6542A4 AVERAGE CV (%) LSD (0.05) YIELD (bu/a) PAVG (%) 109 115 121 119 143 105 107 145 106 117 107 125 89 94 100 97 117 86 88 119 87 96 88 102 HAYS, Ellis County TW MOIST (lb/bu) (%) 59 61 61 60 58 57 60 60 62 63 62 61 13 12 13 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 HEIGHT (in) 70 71 73 81 80 74 72 79 75 77 74 76 1000 ppa 25 22 24 24 27 23 24 23 26 24 24 25 YIELD (bu/a) 114 49 63 149 118 125 75 49 81 34 GARDEN CITY, Finney County PAVG TW MOIST DAYS (%) (lb/bu) (%) (silk) 128 54 70 166 132 140 84 55 91 38 58 59 58 58 54 57 57 53 57 58 11 11 10 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 73 74 78 75 79 76 76 75 81 77 -- -- -- -- -- 122 118 57 57 12 11 78 77 1000 ppa 21 21 23 23 21 23 23 21 21 23 -23 -- -- -- -- -- -- 109 105 103 139 132 143 121 102 179 102 101 108 120 161 122 6 10 84 114 108 117 99 84 147 84 83 89 99 132 100 6 9 61 60 61 62 61 59 59 60 61 60 58 60 60 3 3 12 12 14 12 13 13 14 13 14 12 12 12 13 -2 68 73 74 69 79 73 79 77 82 75 79 79 75 4 4 25 -- -- -- -- -- -- 23 62 71 116 152 56 55 58 56 10 9 10 12 77 75 71 77 23 25 55 64 104 136 27 -- -- -- -- -- -- 27 -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 89 11 14 100 11 15 57 2 2 11 -2 76 5 6 22 23 23 0 4 Colby, Thomas County abandoned; extreme variability. * Seed treatment and hybrid traits located in Table 10. ** Yields in bold in the top LSD group. *** Unless two hybrids differ by more than the LSD, little confidence can be placed in one being superior to the other. - 18 - 23 20 23 22 0 3 WESTERN KANSAS IRRIGATED CORN TESTS Northwest Research-Extension Center, Colby; Patrick Evans, agronomist Keith silt loam; sunflower in 2014 40 230 - 55 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Planted on 4/30/2015; Harvested on 10/13/2015 20 Small hailstorm in July caused some stripping of leaves. 10 Month Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 1.4 2.1 6.5 2.7 6.0 0.7 2.3 21.6 3.3 1.3 2.7 3.2 2.9 1.9 1.7 17.2 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 38 51 57 74 77 74 64 53 34 49 59 70 76 74 62 51 GDU 2015 Norm. 470 216 275 618 691 644 882 3,796 206 175 327 553 701 669 462 3,093 5 30 Target stand of 30,000 plants/acre; 7.0 in. spacing Precipitation 2015 Norm. 6 Precipitation (inches) 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N D 100 J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) 80 60 40 20 plant 0 N D J F M A M silk J J A harvest S O Southwest Research-Extension Center, Tribune; Alan Schlegel, agronomist Ulysses silt loam; sunflower in 2014 40 240 - 40 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Target stand of 30,000 plants/acre; 7.0 in. spacing 20 May was wetter than normal. No disease or pests. Irrigation totaled 15.0 inches. 10 Month Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 1.4 2.1 6.3 1.0 3.8 2.1 2.9 19.6 2.8 1.2 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.1 1.6 14.7 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 39 52 58 74 77 75 65 54 36 49 59 70 76 74 63 52 GDU 2015 Norm. 460 245 289 618 685 648 892 3,837 5 30 Planted on 5/6/2015; Harvested on 9/24/2015 Precipitation 2015 Norm. 6 Precipitation (inches) 261 207 356 544 674 653 483 3,177 4 3 cumulative 2 1 0 N D 100 J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) 80 60 40 20 plant 0 N D J F M A M silk J J A harvest S O Southwest Research-Extension Center, Garden City; Patrick Evans, agronomist; Monty Spangler, technician Keith silt loam; wheat in 2014 40 200 - 0 - 0 lb/a N, P, K Planted on 5/13/2015; Harvested on 10/16/2015 Target stand of 30,000 plants/acre; 7.0 in. spacing Precipitation 2015 Norm. Nov.-Mar. April May June July August Sep.-Oct. Totals: 1.4 0.4 6.3 1.4 4.9 2.9 2.6 19.7 3.6 1.5 2.7 2.8 2.3 2.1 2.1 17.1 Average Temp. 2015 Norm. 40 54 60 77 78 75 66 55 36 50 61 72 78 76 64 53 5 30 4 20 Wet, late spring. Wetter than normal summer with 10 temperatures in the 90's with uncharacteristic lack of 0 wind and high humidity. Irrigated 11.23 inches. Month 6 Precipitation (inches) 3 cumulative 2 1 N GDU 2015 Norm. 100 483 255 80 262 200 324 362 60 675 594 40 721 719 20 675 699 943 508 0 4,082 3,337 D J F M A M J J A S 0 daily O Daily Temperatures (F) plant N D J F - 19 - M A M J silk J A harvest S O TABLE 9. WESTERN KANSAS IRRIGATED CORN PERFORMANCE TEST, 2015 BRAND NAME AGVENTURE AGVENTURE AGVENTURE AGVENTURE AGVENTURE AGVENTURE B-H GENETICS B-H GENETICS B-H GENETICS B-H GENETICS B-H GENETICS DEKALB DEKALB DEKALB GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES GOLDEN ACRES LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS LG SEEDS MATURITY CHECK MATURITY CHECK MATURITY CHECK MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND MIDLAND NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS NUTECH/G2 GENETICS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PRODUCERS PRODUCERS PRODUCERS PRODUCERS RENK RENK RENK RENK RENK AV7307AM AV8714AM RL7687YHB RL7844YHB RL8767HB RL8982YHB BH 8550SS BH 8688DG2P BH 8700SS BH 8732VTTP XP 7646VT2PRIB DKC51-20 DKC60-67 DKC64-89 G4598 G4655A G4678DG G5621 G6611 G7601 G7688 GA26V21 GA27V01 LG2602VT3PRIB LG2636VT3PRIB LG5618STXRIB LG5622STXRIB LG5630VT3PRIB LG5638VT2PRIB LG5677VT2PRIB EARLY LATE MED 594PR DG 622PR 624PRW 714PRW 735PRW 775PR DG 5F-510 5F-515 5F-709 5F-713 5Z-015 5Z-308 PSF082 PSF133 PSF143 VT2Pro PSF172 5552A4 5785GT 5808VR 5942A4 6012VZ 6322A4 6522A4 6523A4 6542A4 6606A4 8400A4 6968 STXRIB 7213VT2RIB 7224VT3PRIB 7268STXRIB RK810SSTX RK871VT2P RK924DGVT2P RK930VT3P RK941SSTX AVERAGE CV (%) LSD (0.05) COLBY, Thomas County YIELD PAVG TW MOIST DAYS (bu/a) (%) (lb/bu) (%) (silk) 1000 ppa 252 268 272 263 233 103 109 111 107 95 56 56 57 56 55 16 19 16 16 18 79 81 79 79 80 31 31 31 32 31 -- -- -- -- -- -- 250 273 102 111 57 53 17 21 78 80 32 31 --- --- --- --- --- --- 254 209 237 257 253 263 261 242 254 274 257 254 248 242 240 250 103 85 96 105 103 107 106 99 103 112 105 104 101 99 98 102 55 55 56 55 56 51 54 55 55 54 54 53 52 54 53 55 14 11 17 17 17 22 19 19 19 21 22 20 20 18 19 20 77 76 77 77 78 82 78 79 78 81 79 82 82 81 81 80 30 31 31 27 32 31 31 31 32 33 30 31 31 26 31 32 TRIBUNE, Greeley County YIELD PAVG TW MOIST DAYS (bu/a) (%) (lb/bu) (%) (silk) ------------------------------- 265 299 99 111 55 52 24 30 78 77 1000 ppa ------- 34 34 -- -- -- -- -- -- 273 255 232 262 274 284 239 290 273 289 278 264 287 274 284 282 265 102 95 86 98 102 106 89 108 102 108 104 98 107 102 106 105 99 53 54 56 55 53 54 52 52 53 51 52 54 52 52 52 52 53 32 22 19 25 26 25 39 31 29 29 31 28 29 28 27 27 28 79 76 75 74 75 76 80 77 78 77 78 77 78 80 79 77 77 33 29 32 30 30 30 29 30 32 30 35 28 32 32 31 30 30 GARDEN CITY, Finney County YIELD PAVG TW MOIST DAYS (bu/a) (%) (lb/bu) (%) (silk) ------ 1000 ppa -- 220 97 59 15 72 31 --- --- --- --- --- --- 252 205 111 90 58 57 15 18 71 74 33 26 -- -- -- -- -- -- 283 237 249 124 104 110 57 58 57 16 16 16 72 73 75 35 32 32 -- -- -- -- -- -- 186 229 229 216 247 266 239 226 82 101 100 95 108 117 105 99 57 59 58 58 55 57 59 57 10 13 13 14 17 17 16 16 68 71 71 72 76 74 71 72 26 28 32 27 31 34 30 26 -- -- -- -- -- -- 263 247 211 222 170 241 203 116 108 93 98 75 106 89 58 57 57 58 57 59 58 18 15 14 13 14 15 16 72 73 74 73 73 74 74 31 26 28 28 25 30 28 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 240 98 56 18 79 32 259 96 54 27 78 30 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 233 222 222 230 95 90 90 94 54 55 56 57 18 14 21 18 79 78 82 80 34 29 31 30 278 250 274 267 104 93 102 100 52 55 54 55 25 22 32 28 77 76 80 78 29 31 34 34 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 245 224 194 274 218 232 245 240 108 98 85 120 96 102 108 106 59 58 57 59 59 57 58 58 15 14 11 17 14 16 15 16 73 72 72 73 73 73 73 71 31 27 21 34 32 28 33 28 253 240 103 98 54 53 20 21 82 80 31 29 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 247 256 236 249 274 253 243 233 231 253 244 219 233 242 247 101 104 96 101 111 103 99 95 94 103 100 89 95 99 101 57 56 56 55 55 56 55 53 55 56 51 54 57 55 54 16 19 16 16 19 16 14 20 20 19 20 15 16 18 18 80 81 79 81 80 80 78 79 80 79 82 79 79 82 79 31 31 31 31 32 31 31 26 29 30 30 31 31 30 32 271 267 261 253 283 277 257 268 265 260 256 248 240 280 245 101 100 97 94 105 103 96 100 99 97 96 92 90 104 91 56 54 53 54 54 56 54 52 54 53 51 53 54 53 54 24 34 25 29 30 26 22 32 30 33 31 23 24 26 27 77 80 76 78 78 77 76 78 77 77 80 78 77 78 76 31 30 29 31 32 31 31 28 32 33 29 29 30 31 28 219 214 211 198 242 232 249 226 213 206 222 232 96 94 93 87 106 102 109 99 93 91 98 102 59 59 58 58 58 60 58 57 56 58 58 56 14 13 16 14 15 14 15 11 18 16 15 15 71 72 76 72 73 73 71 71 75 73 74 73 32 30 27 26 33 36 31 30 24 27 31 30 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 196 242 86 106 58 57 14 14 72 73 31 31 255 104 53 19 81 31 263 98 51 31 79 29 -- -- -- -- -- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 23 28 31 29 31 31 31 31 30 31 30 31 31 31 0 3 ------ 73 74 72 74 78 79 81 81 78 77 79 80 80 79 2 2 ------ 18 18 17 18 15 17 18 20 15 16 21 19 22 18 6 1 ------ 55 56 59 58 57 55 53 55 55 55 54 56 53 55 2 1 ------ 89 93 100 90 94 97 102 99 90 95 103 101 93 100 7 9 ------ 202 211 227 204 230 238 252 242 220 232 254 248 228 246 7 23 ------ 290 284 268 108 106 100 53 52 54 27 27 28 76 78 77 34 34 34 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 268 5 18 100 5 7 53 1 1 28 4 2 77 1 1 31 0 2 227 11 34 100 11 15 58 1 1 15 6 1 73 2 2 29 0 6 *Seed treatment and hybrid traits located in Table 10. **Yields in bold in the top LSD group. ***Unless two hybrids differ by more than the LSD, little confidence can be placed in one being superior to the other. - 20 - Table 10. Entries in the 2015 Kansas Corn Performance Tests* SD TRT* GDD DBL RES P F SD TRT GDD DBL RES P F LG SEEDS AGRIGOLD A6553VT2RIB -- -- 2765 RR/CB/RW -- Y A6488VT2RIB LG2602VT3PRIB P500/Vot 112 2700 VT3PRO -- Y Acc/Vot 111 2790 VT2PRO Y Y LG5618STXRIB P500/Vot 112 2720 STXRIB -- Y A6499STXRIB A6517VT3PRIB Acc/Vot Acc/Vot 112 113 2800 2765 RR, LL RR Y Y Y Y LG5607VT2RIB LG5622STXRIB P500/Vot P500/Vot 112 113 2795 2655 VT3PRIB STX -N Y N Y A6542VT2PRODG Acc/Vot 113 2830 VT2PRODG Y Y LG5612STXRIB P500/VOT 113 2850 STX Y A6573VT2RIB Acc/Vot 114 2793 RR Y Y LG5630VT3PRIB P500/Vot 114 2715 VT3PRO -- Y A6619VT2RIBD1 A6579STX Acc/Vot Acc/Vot 114 114 2830 2850 RR STX Y Y Y Y LG2636VT3PRIB LG5638VT2PRIB P500/Vot P500/Vot 114 114 2750 2830 VT3PRO VT2Pro -Y Y Y LG5663VT2PRIB P500/Vot 115 2750 VT2PRIB N Y LG5677VT2PRIB LG5701VT3PRIB P500/Vot P500/Vot 115 116 2750 2770 VT2PRIB VT3PRIB Y Y Y Y P500/Vot 117 2930 VT2Pro Y Y AGVENTURE AV7307AM RL7687YHB V500 V500 107 109 --- LL,RR,CB LL,RR,CB N N Y Y RL7844YHB V500 110 -- LL,RR,CB N Y LG5717VT2PRIB RL8767HB AV8714AM V500 V500 113 114 --- LL,RR,CB LL,RR,CB N N Y Y MATURITY CHECK EARLY -- -- -- -- -- -- RL8982YHB V500 116 -- LL,RR,CB N Y LATE -- -- -- -- -- -- MED -- -- -- -- -- -- XP 7646VT2PRIB BH 8550SS P/V500 P/V500 106 114 --- GENVT2P SS --- --- MFA MCXP-1501 Acc -- -- RR -- -- BH 8688DG2P P/V500 115 -- DG2P -- -- MCXP-1502 Acc -- -- RR -- -- BH 8700SS BH 8732VTTP P/V500 P/V500 115 116 --- SS VTTP --- --- MCXP-1503 MCXP-1507 Acc Acc --- --- RR RR --- --- MCXP-1511 Acc -- -- RR -- -- MCXP-1512 Acc -- -- RR -- -- MC3022 MC3544 Acc Acc 100 105 --- RR RR --- --- MC3966 Acc 109 -- RR -- -- MC4354 MC4377 Acc Acc 113 113 --- RR RR --- --- C250 C250 101 103 2450 2515 RR RR Y Y Y Y Y B-H GENETICS DEKALB DKC51-20 DKC60-67 --- --- --- --- --- --- DKC64-89 -- -- -- -- -- -- GOLDEN ACRES GA26V21 GA07698 Acc/V500 -Acc/V500 107 -2400 -RR,CB,RW -N -N C4173A C500 109 2450 RR,CB,RW N N G4598 G4656A Acc/V500 113 C500 114 2550 2600 VT3P VT3P N N Y Y G4678DG Acc/V500 114 2600 VT3P N Y G5621 Acc/V500 115 2660 VT3P N Y G6611 G7601 Acc/V500 116 Acc/V500 117 2670 2700 VT3P VT3P N N Y Y G7688 Acc/V500 117 2700 RR,CB,RW N Y GA27V01 Acc/V500 117 2700 RR,CB,RW N Y 3111 GOLDEN HARVEST G10S30-311 Avicta 500 110 2570 Y Y G11U58-3111 G12L09-3010A Avicta 500 111 Avicta 500 112 2580 LL,RR,CB,RW Y 2610 3010A Y Y Y G13N18-3111 Avicta 500 113 2630 3111 Y Y G14H66-3010A Avicta 500 114 2660 GT Y SF G16K01-3111 G14V04-3010 Avicta 500 116 Avicta 500 116 2650 LL,RR,CB,RW Y 2690 3111 Y Y Y MIDLAND 134SS 126PRW 436VLG C250 110 2710 RR,LL Y 573PRW C250 112 -- VT3Pro Y Y 622PR 653PR C250 C250 113 113 --- VT3PR VT3Pro Y Y Y Y 656PR C250 113 2595 RR Y Y 594PR DG 624PRW C250 C250 113 114 2840 -- RR VT3Pro Y Y Y Y Y 775PR DG C250 114 2770 714PRW C250 115 -- 735PRW C250 115 2860 RR Y VT3Pro Y Y RR Y Y NUTECH/G2 GENETICS 5F-113 -- -- -- -- -- -- 5F-510 5F-515 --- --- --- --- --- --- 5F-701 -- -- -- -- -- -- - 21 - Table 10 continued. Entries in the 2015 Kansas Corn Performance Tests SD TRT* GDD DBL RES P F SD TRT GDD DBL RES P F NUTECH/G2 GENETICS 5F-713 -- -- -- -- -- -- 5F-814 -- -- -- -- -- -- 5H-502 5X-905 --- --- --- --- --- --- 5Z-015 -- -- -- -- -- -- 5Z-308 -- -- -- -- -- -- 5F-200 5F-709 P/V P/V --- 2460 2640 C CB N N N N 5F-811 MQ -- 2680 CB N Y -- PHILLIPS PSF003 Acc 100 2510 CB VT2PRO -- PSF082 Acc 108 2766 VT3P -- Y PSF133 PSF143 Acc Acc 113 114 2867 2850 RR, CB CB --- --- PSF172 Acc 117 2970 RR, CB, RW -- -- --- --- PHOENIX 5552A4 5785GT --- --- --- --- 5808VR -- -- -- -- -- -- 5942A4 6012VZ --- --- --- --- --- --- 6322A4 -- -- -- -- -- -- 6390A4 -- -- -- -- -- -- 6522A4 6523A4 --- --- --- --- --- --- 6542A4 -- -- -- -- -- -- 6606A4 8400A4 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- PRODUCERS 6318 STXRIB 6878 STXRIB 6968 STXRIB -- -- -- -- -- -- 7068 STXRIB -- -- -- -- -- -- 7358 STXRIB 6108 STXRIB -Vot -101 -2470 -VT3PRIB -Y -N 7268 STXRIB Vot 112 2600 STXRIB Y Y 7224 VT3PRIB 7213 VT2PRIB Vot Vot 112 112 2610 2750 VT3 VT2RIB Y Y Y Y Acc/Vot Acc 109 111 2519 RR,LL,CB,RW N 2550 RR,CB N N N RENK RK810SSTX RK871VT2P RK941SSTX Acc/Vot 114 2590 RR,LL,CB,RW N Y RK924DGVT2P Acc 114 2625 DG,RR,CB N Y RK930VT3P Acc 115 2700 RR,CB,RW N Y *SD TRT = Seed treatment (C=Cruiser, CE=Cruiser Extreme, Acc=Acceleron, P=Poncho, Vot=Votivo. Numbers indicate rates if available); GDD = growing degree days; DBL = days to black layer; RES = herbicide, disease, and insect resistance traits [ (Bt, BtCB, CB, YG, YG1, YG+, YGCB), Hx = transgenic corn borer protection; BtRW, RW, YGRW, HxRW = transgenic rootworm protection; CL, I, IT, IMI = imidazolinone resistant/tolerant; LL = Liberty Link; RR = Roundup Ready; TS, T = Triple Stack (RRCBRW)]; P = prolific; F = flex ear. Values provided by entrants. - 22 - To access crop performance testing information electronically, visit our website. The information contained in this publication, plus more, is available for viewing or downloading at: www.agronomy.k-state.edu/services/crop-performance-tests/index.html Excerpts from the University Research Policy Agreement with Cooperating Seed Companies Permission is hereby given to Kansas State University (KSU) to test varieties and/or hybrids designated on the attached entry forms in the manner indicated in the test announcements. I certify that seed submitted for testing is a true sample of the seed being offered for sale. I understand that all results from Kansas Crop Performance Tests belong to the University and the public and shall be controlled by the University so as to produce the greatest benefit to the public. Performance data may be used in the following ways: 1) Tables may be reproduced in their entirety provided the source is referenced and data are not manipulated or reinterpreted; 2) Advertising statements by an individual company about the performance of its entries may be made as long as they are accurate statements about the data as published, with no reference to other companies’ names or cultivars. In both cases, the following must be included with the reprint or ad citing the appropriate publication number and title: “See the official Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service Report of Progress 1120, ‘2015 Kansas Performance Tests with Corn Hybrids,’ or the Kansas Crop Performance Test website, www.agronomy.k-state.edu/services/crop-performance-tests/index.html, for details. Endorsement or recommendation by Kansas State University is not implied.” Contributors Main Station, Manhattan Jane Lingenfelser, Assistant Agronomist (Senior Author) Doug Jardine, Extension Plant Pathologist Mary Knapp, KSU Weather Data Librarian Edward O. Quigley, Agricultural Technician Holly Schwarting, Extension Entomologist Brent Christenson, Agronomy Experiment Fields Eric Adee, Topeka Gary Cramer, Hutchinson Andrew Esser, Scandia Jim Kimball, Ottawa Keith Thompson, Hutchinson Research Centers Patrick Evans, Colby Lonnie Mengarelli, Parsons Gerald Rohleder, Hays Alan Schlegel, Tribune Monty Spangler, Garden City Cooperators D.J. Eidman, Strong City Fuhrman Farms, Severance Rezac Farms, Onaga Clayton Short, Assaria Mark and Aaron Vogts, Moundridge Justin Vosburgh, Macksville Copyright 2016 Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. Contents of this publication may be freely reproduced for educational purposes. All other rights reserved. In each case, give credit to the author(s), 2015 Kansas Performance Tests with Corn Hybrids, Kansas State University, January 2016. Contribution no. 16-022-S from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Brand names appearing in this publication are for product identification purposes only. No endorsement is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar products not mentioned. Publications from Kansas State University are available at: www.ksre.ksu.edu Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service SRP1120 K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer. January 2016 3,000