Extension Agent Exit Interview Your opinion is important to us. Please complete the following questions and add your comments. Name_______________________________________ Date__________________ The information will be shared with your area director, the associate director and board members. It will also be compiled with responses provided by other extension agents who have resigned or retired. That information will be distributed to K-State Research and Extension administration as the organization looks for strategies for providing a positive work environment. 1. Please check the reason(s) for leaving employment with K-State Research and Extension: Comments: _____ _____ _____ _____ Better job opportunity Change in family status Work schedule Salary _____ _____ _____ Retirement Other _____________________________________________________________ _____ Work Environment _____ in the office _____ in the community The job was not a good match for my skills Comments: 2. What have you liked about K-State Research and Extension as an employer? EXOP 3-16 March 2012 1 3. What suggestions do you have for making K-State Research and Extension a better employer? 4. Would you recommend K-State Research and Extension to others as an employer? Why or why not? 2 In this section, please rate the following statements: Strongly agree Somewhat agree 1. My job duties and responsibilities were clearly defined. 2. I received the appropriate professional development to perform my responsibilities effectively. 3. I had access to resources I needed (budget, professional development, supplies, support staff, etc.) 4. I felt the freedom to implement changes that would improve educational programming. 5. The office environment was conducive to my performance as a professional. 6. There is an appreciation for the role of K-State Research and Extension in my county/district. 7. If I had questions or concerns, I felt comfortable speaking with: My area director My county/district director (in local units where the director has personnel responsibilities). My board members Please add any additional comments below: 3 Somewhat disagree Strongly Disagree