WORLD WAR TWO STUDIES ASSOCIATION (formerly American Committee on the History ofthe Second World War) Donald S. Detwiler, Chairman Department of History Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Carbondale, nJinois 62901-4519 derwllcr@midlW51..ncc Mark P. Parillo, Secretary and Newsleller Editor Department of History 208 Eisenhower Hall Kansas Slate University Manhattan, Kansas 66506-1002 785-532-0374 FAX 785-532-7004 Permanent Directors NEWSLETTER Charles F. Delzell Vanderbilt University p:mUo@ksu.•du James Ehrman, Associate Editor and Webmaster Department of History 208 Eisenhower Hall Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas 66506·1002 ISSN 0885-5668 Arthur L. Fwtk Gainesville, Florida Terms expiring 2001 Martin Blumenson Washington, D.C. D'Ann Campbell Sage Colleges Fall 200 1 No. 66 The WWTSA is affiliated with: Robert Dallek University of California, Los Angeles Dennis Showalter Colorado College Mark A. Stoler University of \ermont Gerhard L. Weinberg University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Terms expiring 2002 American Historical Association 400 A Street, S.E. Washin~lon, D.C. 20003 hrtp://www.rh..h:l.Otg Contents Stanley L. Falk Alexandria, Virginia Ernest R. May Harvard University Robin Higham, Archivist Department of History 208 Eisenhower Hall Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas 66506-1002 World War Two Studies Association General Information The Newsletter Annual Membership Dues 2 2 2 News and Notes Comite International d'Histoire de la Deuxieme Guerre Mondiale Institut d'Histoire du Temps Present (Centre national de la recherche scientifique ICNRSj) Ecole Normale Supeneure de Cachan 61, avenue du President Wilson 94235 Cachan Cedex, France http.//www./f.q•. H-War: The Military History Network (sponsored by H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine), which sup­ ports the WWTSA's website on the in­ ternet at the following address (URL): hup://h-nc·c2.nwuau/-w:tr/w w(.u Dean C. Allard Naval Historical Center Stephen E. Ambrose University of New Orleans Edward J. Drca Department of Defense WWTSA Elections and Membership Renewal Annual Business Meeting WWTSA Roundtable Discussion SMH Conference Accommodations in Madison David Kahn Great Neck. New York Carol M. Petillo Boston College Ronald H. Spector George Washington University Robert Wolfe National Archives Earl Ziemke University of Georgia Terms expiring 2003 Carl Boyd Old Dominion University James L. Collins, J( Middleburg, Virginia Roy K. Flint Valle Crucis, N.C. Robin Highanl Kansas State University Warren F. Kimball Rutgers University, Newark Richard H. Kohn University ofNortb Carolina at Chapel Hill Allan R. Millett Ohio State University Russell F. Weigley Temple University I 3 3 3 3 4 A Communication from Moscow 5 Membership Directory 6 Recently Published Articles in English on World War II 25 Selected Titles from an Electronic Compilation by James Ehrman Recently Published Books in English on World War II 29 Selected Titles from an Electronic Compilation by James Ehrman General Information Established in 1967 "to promote historical research in the period of World War II in all its aspects," the World War Two Studies Association, whose original name was the American Committee on the History of the Second World War, is a private organization supported by the dues and donations of its members. It is affiliated with the American Historical Association, with the International Committee for the History of the Second World War, and with corresponding national committees in other countries, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, and the Vatican. The Newsletter The WWTSA issues a semiannual newsletter, which is assigned International Standard Serial Number [ISSN] 0885-5668 by the Library of Congress. Back issues of the Newsletter are available from Robin Higham, WWTSA Archivist, through Sunflower University Press, 1531 Yuma (or Box 1009), Manhattan, KS 66502-4228. Please send information for the Newsletter to: Mark Parillo Department of History Kansas State University Eisenhower Hall Manhattan, KS 66506-1002 Tel.: (785) 532-0374 Fax: (785) 532-7004 E-mail: Annual Membership Dues Membership is open to all who are interested in the era of the Second World War. Annual membership dues of$15.00 are payable at the beginning of each calendar year. Students with U.S. addresses may, if their circumstances require it, pay annual dues of$5.00 for up to six years. There is no surcharge for members abroad, but it is requested that dues be remitted directly to the secretary of the WWTSA (not through an agency or subscription service) in U.S. dollars. The Newsletter, which is mailed at bulk rates within the United States, will be sent by surface mail to foreign addresses unless special arrangements are made to cover the cost of airmail postage. Fall 2001 - 3 News & Notes WWTSA Elections and Membership Renewal WWTSA Roundtable Discussion The Society for Military History will hold its annual meeting at the Frank Lloyd Wright Monona Terrace Convention Center in Madison, Wisconsin, on 4-7 April 2002. The theme of the meeting is "War and Remembrance: Constructing the Military Past and Future." Professor John Milton Cooper Jr. of the Department of History at the University of Wisconsin will present a keynote address titled "The Great War and Modem Memory: Another View." Edward M. Coffinan, Professor of History Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison & former president of the Society, will present the keynote address at the awards luncheon. The keynote address at the banquet will be given by Rick Atkinson, assistant managing editor for investigations at The Washington Post, and is entitled "Bringing Back the Dead: History, Memory and Writing About War," based on his current work-in­ progress on the North African Campaign of 1942-1943. Conference participants will also have the option to take a field trip to the Experimental Aircraft Association AirVenture Museum. The World War Two Studies Association will be sponsoring a roundtable discussion titled "Teaching World War II" at the SMH Conference in Madison, graciously organized through the efforts of Dr. Reina Pennington of Norwich University. Full details of the session were not available at press time. In addition to the WWTSA annual business meeting and sponsored roundtable discussion, the SMH conference will feature several panels on World War Two topics that may be of interest to WWTSA members. Relevant panel titles include: "Toils and Troubles: Challenges Confronting Western Armies in the Era of Total War, 1914-1945," This issue of the Newsletter contains inserts for the annual association elections and membership renewal. Ballots and renewal forms with membership dues should be submitted to the secretary by January 31, 2002. Annual Business Meeting The World War Two Studies Association will hold its annual business meeting in conjunction with the yearly meeting of the Society for Military History, which will convene in Madison, Wisconsin, on April 4-7, 2002. The business meeting will begin at 11:45 a.m. on Saturday, April 6th , at the Gallery Room of the Best Western Inn on the Park. The Inn on the Park is one of the conference hotels (see below for further details) and a 3-block walk from the Hilton and Convention Center. Those attending the meeting may purchase lunch from the Inn on the Park food servIces menu. I SMH Conference 4 - Fall 2001 "Language at War: Teaching and Using Japanese in the Pacific War," "Naval Science and Technology in the Shadow of World War II," and "Calm Between the Storms: Perspectives on the U. S. Army, 1919-1942." Details were not available at press time. A full outline of the Conference program will appear on the Society of Military History Web site <> once all panels have been organized. WWTSA members do not need to register for the SMH conference to attend the WWTSA and WWTSA­ sponsored roundtable discussion but will need to register if they wish to attend other scholarly panels or events featuring World War Two topics. Registration fees are $125.00 up to March 4 and $175.00 thereafter (student fees are $65.00 and $90.00). The registration fee includes the Thursday welcome reception, Friday-Sunday breakfasts, the Friday reception, refreshment breaks, and conference materials. Registration may be done by mail at: SMH Annual Meeting Registrations, UW-Extension, 702 Langdon Street, Rm. 139 Pyle Center, Madison, WI 53706; or by fax at (608) 265-3163; or online (after January 20) at <>. Accommodations in Madison The following Madison hotels set aside room blocks with special rates for the conference. Please note that these rates apply only to reservations made by March 4 th • Room reservations are to be made directly with: Hilton Madison Monona Terrace ­ Attached Headquarters Hotel (Prior to March 4, 2002) $125.00 standard single/double occupancy (866) 403-8838 or (608) 255-5100 Hilton Madison Reservations Best Western Inn on the Park - 3 block walk (Prior to March 4,2002) $89.00 single/ $99.00 double $129 suites (800) 279-8811 Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel- shuttle bus available (Prior to March 4, 2002) $89.00 single/double occupancy (608) 251-5511 Howard Johnson Madison Reservations The SMH conference organizers have instructed us that, when making reservations, WWTSA members should identify themselves as participants of the Society for Military History (SMH) 2002 Annual Meeting to ensure the special conference rates, even if not registering for the SMH conference itself. After March 4, rooms will be released for the general public. Fall 2001 - 5 A Communication from Moscow After the terrorist attack of11 September 2001, the chairman ofthe WWTSA receivedfrom Moscow the following message that he acknowledged with appreciation (mentioning that he would share it with the members ofour association). * * * From: O. Rzheshevsky <warhistory@igh.rasJu> To: <> Sent: September 13, 2001 6:04 AM Subject: from Prof. O. Rzheshevsky To: Professor D. Detwiler World War Two Studies Association. Carbondale, USA Dear Professor D. Detwiler, Today by a minute of silence the people of Russia express their condolence with the tragedy in New York and Washington of September 11. All members of our Association share deep compassion for the victims of that perfidious attack being convinced that by common efforts this terror could and would be stopped. Sincerely yours Professor O. A. Rzheshevsky President of the Russian Association of Second World War Historians * * * 6 - Fall 2001 WWTSA 2001-2002 Membership Directory Name Address e-mail INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION "areas of interest" phone number Fax: fax number Dr. Jose Alvarez University of Houston-Downtown Department of Social Sciences One Main Street Suite 1082-S Houston TX 77002-1001 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON-DOWNTOWN 713-221-8649 Alan Aimone 4 Coronation Path Newburgh NY 12550-2416 u.s. MILITARY ACADEMY LiBRARY ''bibliography, reference works, unit histories" 845-938-2954 Fax: 845-938-3752 KaniiAkagl 3-31-10 Fukasawa Setagaya-ku Tokyo 158-0081 JAPAN akagi@law.keio.acjp KEIO UNIVERSITY "strategy, policy, intelligence, Asia Pacific" Dean Allard 2701 N. Quincy Street Arlington VA 22207 "US Naval history" 703-525-4233 Fax: 703-525-4233 81ellilen Ambrose Eisenhower Center University of New Orleans Lakefront New Orleans LA 70148 Rick Alkinson 6646 Barnaby St. N.W. Washington, DC 20015 202-237-8008 Fax: 202-237-1543 Helen Bailev 9451 Lee Highway Apt. 415 Fairfax VA 22031-1812 "strategic planning" 703-591-4060 Dirk Anlhonv Ballendorl Micronesian Area Research Center University of Guam Mangilao GUAM 96923 ballendo@uog9. uog. edu "Pacific, Micronesia, Peleliu, Central Pacific campaign, Guam" 671-735-2154 Fax: 671-734-7403 Fall 2001 - 7 Lililia Barnickel SkV Phillips Beaven 3453 SW Burlingame Road Apartment C203 Topeka KS 66611 6018 Mayfair Lane Alexandria VA 22310-1129 "Philippines" JudV Barren LitoU Ernest Bell Bryant College Department of History 1150 Douglas Pike Smithfield Rl 02917 j "US women and WWII" 401-232-6248 Fax: 401-232-6319 Daniel Banhell 4136 S. 36th Street Arlington VA 22206 GELMAN LIBRARY, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY 202-994-1373 Fax: 202-994-1340 William Bansch 2434 Brussels Court Reston VA 20191-2508 "Pacific war, Philippines campaign, Guadalcanal campaign" 703-264-9081 Fax: 703-716-7280 Roger Beaumont 308 E. Brookside Drive Bryan TX 77801 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY "air power, elite forces, command and control, mobilization and demobilization" 409-846-3282 35 Felt Road Keune NH 03431 "intelligence, ULTRA, Magic" 603-352-0021 Fax: 603-352-5950 Martin Berger Youngstown State University Department of History Youngstown OH 44555-3452 YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY 330-742-3455 Fax: 330-742-2304 Alan Beverchen Ohio State University History Department PO Box 341408 Columbus OH 43234 beyerchen.l "intelligence, science and technology, Germany" 614-292-5447 Fax: 614-436-2282 Alexander Bielakowski Department of History Findlay University 1000 North Main Street Findlay, OH 45840 UNIVERSITY OF FINDLAY "Poland, U.S., mechanization" 8 - Fall 2001 Dr. Donald Binner Carl Boyd 79 Mourning Dove Drive Stafford, VA 2254-5331 c/o David Kohnen 100 Museum Drive Mariners' Museum Newport News VA 23606-3759 us MARINE CORPS COMMAND AND STAFF COLLEGE "British Royal Marines, UK Strategic policy, USMC" 703-784-6895 Fax: 703-784-2628 larrvBland 502 Pickett Street Lexington VA 24450-1732 John Breihan Loyola College Department of History 4501 N. Charles Street Baltimore MD 21210 LOYOLA COLLEGE 540-463-7103 "aviation, U.S. arms sales, U.S. home front, race and gender" 410-617-2427 Fax: 410-617-2832 Allen Blitstein Richard Breitman GEORGE C. MARSHALL FOUNDATION 16423 W. Dos Amigos Court Surprise AZ 85374 Manln Blumenson 3900 Watson PI, N.W. Washington DC 20016 "Europe" 202-337-0370 Mark Boatner III 10200 Col. Boatner Road Jackson LA 70748 "biography" 235-629-5218 Charles Bogan 201 Pin Oak PI Frankfort KY 40601-4250 "coast defense, U.S. Navy" 502-607-1345 9013 Grant Street Bethesda MD 20817 American University "holocaust; intelligence" George Browder 18 Leverett Street Fredonia NY 14063 SU NY AT FREDONIA "police and security agencies, the Holocaust" 716-672-5726 Anthony Brunet 533 N. Syracuse Avenue Massapequa NY 11758-2002 "life of Adolf Hitler, Gestapo, Nuremberg Trials" Fall 2001 - 9 RJ.C. Blltow Alan Cohen University of Washington Box 353650 Seattle WA 98195-3650 206-323-8592 Fax: 206-543-9285 5907 North 5th Road Arlington VA 22203 Dean Ravmond Callahan University of Delaware College of Arts and Sciences Elliott Hall Newark DE 19716 raymond. "Burma campaign, Indian Army" 302-831-6075 Fax: 302-831-4461 o'Ann Campbell Brig. Gen. lames Collins, Jr. Zulla Vineyards Middleburg VA 20118-1331 FORMER CHIEF OF MILITARY HISTORY. U.S. ARMY "all theaters of operation" 540-364-9697 Fax: 540-364-9697 Mr. Joseph Comps 10296 Harpers Ferry Court Whitmore Lake MI 48189 Theodore Cook "women on homefront and in military" 603-645-9794 Fax: 603-229-0515 William Paterson University Department of History 300 Pompton Road Wayne NJ 07470 cooktf@frontier. wi/paterson. edu "Japanese experience, strategy, homefronts" Calvin Christman Mr. Gordon Cottrell 2 Ridgewood Drive BowNH 03304 NEW HAMPSHIRE COLLEGE Cedar Valley College Liberal Arts Division 30 N. Dallas Avenue Lancaster TX 75134-3799 "US role in WWII" 972-860-8136 Fax: 972-860-8207 JeRrev Clarke 1011 N. Van Dom Street Alexandria VA 22304-2003 U.S. ARMY CENTER FOR MILITARY HISTORY "French operations, 1939-40, U.S. Army" 202-685-2709 Fax: 202-685-4570 1306 Clubview Drive Huntsville AL 35815 "US Navy and USMC in South and Central Pacific" 256-859-3742 Michael Cox 304 W 51 st Street Davenport IA 52806 WOODROW WILSON MIDDLE SCHOOL "Nazi Germany, movies & propaganda, espionage" 319-391-7190 10 - Fall 2001 James Craigmile Prof. Roben Dallek 810 Forest Hill Court Columbia MO 65203 2138 Cathedral Avenue, N.W. Washington DC 20008 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (EMERITUS) "German General Staff; Allied and Axis aircraft" 573-442-2679 Prof. Richard Crane Greensboro College 815 West Market Street Greensboro NC 27401 BOSTON UNIVERSITY "F.D.R. and U.S. foreign policy" 202-588-8963 Fax: 202-588-8964 Don Daudelin 2706 Ridge Road Bloomington IL 61704 Western Illinois University "Pacific, Home Front" GREENSBORO COLLEGE "origins of war in Europe, appeasement, journalists" 336-272-7102 Conrad Crane United States Military Academy Department of History West Point NY 10996-1793 UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY "airpower, generalship, combat . " expenence 914-938-5593 Fax: 914-938-3932 Dr. Diane Cvpkin 460 Neptune Avenue, Apt 14R Brooklyn NY 11224 PACE UNIVERSITY "Holocaust, WWII rhetoric, Germany" 914-773-3529 Dr. Bruce Dehan University of North Carolina at Pembroke Department of History P.O. Box 1510 Pembroke NC 28372 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT PEMBROKE "Eastern Front, Allied grand strategy, Nazi racial policies, American offensives in PTO" 910-521-6627 Charles Delzell 640 Alta Vista Street #310 Santa Fe NM 87505-4106 Vanderbilt University (emeritus) "Italy, resistance movements, ETO, North Africa, Mediterranean" 505-984-2894 Donald Detwiler 201 Travelstead Lane Carbondale IL 62901 Fall 2001 - 11 Henrv deZeng IV 1156 Winged Foot Circle East Winter Springs FL 32708-4202 Helen EIV-Kaulman u.s. Anny Military History Institute 22 Ashburn Drive Carlisle Barracks PA 17013-5008 Edward Drea 10807 Ann Street Fairfax VA 22030 "Japan, signals intelligence" 703-588-7897 Stanlev Falk 2310 Kimbro Street Alexandria VA 22307-1822 Thomas Fleming Michael Edwards 847 Bungalow Ct., Lower New Orleans LA 70119-3707 cymru43ad@aol. com EISENHOWER CENTER FOR AMERICAN STUDIES, UNIV. NEW ORLEANS 504-539-9560 Fax: 504-539-9563 Frank Edwards 121 PA Ave California PA 15419 California University ofPA (emeritus) "ground forces, operational strategy/tactics, Siegfried Line, Ardennes, Rhineland" 724-938-3440 G. Thomas Edwards 1235 Alvarado Terrace Walla Walla WA 99362 WHITMAN COLLEGE "home front, Pacific Theater" Jim Ehrman Kansas State University Department of History 208 Eisenhower Hall Manhattan KS 66506 "CBI, logistics, science and techno 10 gy" 785-565-9530 315 East 72nd Street New York NY 10021-4674 "U.S. domestic politics, Pacific War, German resistance to Hitler" 212-988-9160 Fax: 212-988-9512 Dr. Melvin Flikkema Academic Vice President Reformed Bible College 3333 E. BeItline North East Grand Rapids MI 49525 REFORMED BIBLE COLLEGE RoV Flint Route 5 Box 231 Jones Ferry Road Elberton GA 30605 John FlVnn University of the South 735 University Avenue Sewanee TN 37385 UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH "Occupation era in Germany, 1945-1952" 931-598-1234 Fax: 931-598-1145 Gerald Forrene 6142 Arctic Way Edina MN 55436 12 - Fall 2001 Benis Frank Dr. Roben Gelwick 12504 Killian Lane Bowie MD 20715 benfrank@tcs. wap. org "USMC operations" 301-262-8076 Fax: 301-262-5749 1708 Berwick Lane Middletown OH 45042-2907 Willard Frank, Jr. Ohio State University-Lima 4240 Campus Drive Lima OH 45804 gilmore. Old Dominion University Department of History Norfolk VA 23529-0091 OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY "origins, seapower" 757-683-3949 Fax: 757-683-5644 MIAMI UNIVERSITY (RETIRED) "Waffen-SS, European theater" 513-422-0446 Allison Gilmore OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY-LiMA "Pacific War, psychological warfare, POWs" 419-995-8204 Horman Goda AnhurFunk 3445 NW 30th Blvd Gainesville FL 32605-2606 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA (EMERITUS) U.S.-French relations 352-375-0186 RobenfVne Kean University Department of English Morris Avenue Union NJ 07083 KEAN UNIVERSITY "film and propaganda" 732-636-8846 John lewis Gaddis Yale University History Department 320 York Street New Haven CT 06520-8324 Ohio University Bentley Hall Department of History Athens OH 45701-2979 Grant Goodman PO Box 968 Lawrence KS 66044 "Japan, Philippines, S.E. Asia" 785-841-1066 Fax: 785-865-1666 John Gotzen 4422 Fieldgreen Road Baltimore MD 21236 "U.S. Army, NW Europe, all aspects of intelligence" 410-256-7455 Fall 2001 - 13 Prol.lawrence Gray David Heln 2715 Palmer Drive Pharr TX 78577 lagray@tin. it 305 Grove Blvd Frederick MD 21701-4812 JOHN CABOT UNIVERSITY HOOD COLLEGE "OSS, Italy" 0039-06-5897783 Fax: 0039-06-6832088 "Anglicanism and WWII" 301-696-3435 Fax: 301-694-7653 JeUrey Gunsburg Waldo Heinrichs Eilat College POB 1301 DN 1301 Eilat 88112 ISRAEL 645 Jenison Road Shoreham VT 05770-9531 Thomas Heide EILAT COLLEGE "evolution of war aims, peace planning" "defeat of West 1940, problems ofland and air warfare in interwar era" 8-6304555 Fax: 8-6304556 R. Herzstein Milton Gustalson 2706 Shawn Ct. Ft. Washington MD 20744-2566 National Archives, College Park STATE DEPARTMENT 301-713-7230 Theodore HamallV 5802 Manchester PI, NW Washington DC 20011-2812 "aviation" John Hatcher 15736 Edgewood Drive Dumfries VA 22026-1730 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY (EMERITUS) "German social and cultural" 703-680-6535 19 West Custis Avenue Alexandria VA 22301 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY (RETIRED) 510 N. Trenholm Road Columbia SC 29206-1602 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA 803-777-6266 Fax: 803-777-4494 Prol. Robin Higham J 2961 Nevada Street Manhattan KS 66502 Kansas State University (emeritus) "aviation and naval history" 785-539-3668 Fax: 785-539-2233 Meredith Hindley American University 321 C. Street, S.E. Washington DC 20003 "European History" 202-547-4221 14 - Fall 2001 Wilfred Hines Prol. Hisao Iwashlrna 712 E. Hamlet Street PO Box 369 Pinetops NC 27864-0369 "ETa" 252-827-2060 6-23-4 Okusawa Setagaya-ku Tokyo 125-0083 JAPAN Edwarll Hornze University of Nebraska History Department Lincoln NE 68588-0327 Roger Horowitz Hagley Museum and Library PO Box 3630 Wilmington DE 19807 Ira Houck, Jr. 37 Carleton Drive Pittsburgh PA 15243-1335 "USMC, special forces, CIA, aSS" Roger Hughes PRESIDENT, ALLEN INTERNATIONAL JR. COLLEGE "intelligence and strategic decision­ making, Ultra and Pacific War" 03-3702-0396 Fax: 03-3702-6872 D. Clavton James Virginia Military Institute Department of History and Politics Lexington VA 24450-0304 Paul Joliet St. Bonaventure University Box 36 St. Bonaventure NY 14778 "U.S.-French military relations" Jessica Jones 10106 Stilbite Avenue Fountain V1y CA 92708-1012 173 Rolling Green Drive Amherst MA 1002 Allred Hllrlev Mark Jones "military aviation, military biography" 940-565-2904 Fax: 940-565-4993 85 Prospect Street Apt. J Ridgefield CT 06877 St. Luke's School "naval history, Commonwealth forces, smaller European powers" 203-966-5612 Irwin MyaRa Jr. Vincent Jones Emory College University Emory College Office Atlanta GA 30322-2110 "Pacific War, paws" 404-727-6059 7706 Meadow Lane Chevy Chase MD 20815-5002 828 Skylark Denton TX 76205 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS US ARMY CENTER FOR MILITARY HISTORY (RETIRED) "US Army in Pacific, Manhattan Project" 301-652-7231 Fall 2001 - 15 David Kahn Professor Ted Kluz 120 Wooleys Lane Great Neck NY 11023-2301 DavidKahnl "intelligence, cryptology" 510-487-7181 Air War CollegelDFI 325 Chennault Circle Maxwell AFB AL 36112-6427 Theodor.Kluz@maxwell.afmil "decisive battles of 1942, air campaigns of 1943 and 1944, Casablanca and unconditional surrender" 334-953-8250 George Kelling 4223 Dauphine Drive San Antonio TX 78218 "British empire, esp. S.E. Asia, China and Mid-east" Thomas KellY III Sienna College History Department 515 London Road Loudonville NY 12211 kelly~iena. edu 518-783-2595 Warren Kimball 19 Larson Road Somerset NJ 08873 "international history" 732-247-0769 Mr. Edward Kimmel 15 Wood Road Wilmington DE 19806 "Pearl Harbor" 302-655-5330 Fax: 302-655-3474 Dr. Thomas Knapp Loyola University Chicago Department of History 6525 N. Sheridan Road Chicago IL 60626 LOYOLA CHICAGO "ETO, Nazi Germany Eastern Front operations" 773-508-2216 David Knatcal 13626 Sunburst Street Arleta CA 91331 "foreign volunteers for Germany" Richard Kolm 1520 Pinecrest Road Durham NC 27705 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL "strategy, civil-military relations, strategy and policy, air power" Paul Koistlnen California State University Department of History Northridge CA 91330-8250 "political economy of warfare" 818-677-3566 Fax: 818-677-3614 16 - Fall 2001 Prof. Arnold Krammer Texas A&M University Department of History College Station TX 77843-4236 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY "Third Reich social history, POWs, intolerance in U.S." 409-845-7108 Fax: 409-845-7108 Clavton laurie US Army Center of Military History DAMH-HDH 103 Third Avenue Fort Lesley McNair Washington DC 20319-5058 "psychological warfare, ETO, OSS" 202-685-2071 Fax: 202-685-2077 John Krebs Jr. lOVlllee 943 Janet Avenue Lancaster PA 17601-5117 gstrittm@lancnews.infi· net "Eastern front, high command" 717-393-8958 Fax: 717-299-3284 27 Maple Avenue Highland NY 12528 leel@matrix. newpaltz. edu SUNY AT NEW PALTZ "social history, personal narratives" Melmlenler lee Kress Rowan University History Department Glassboro NJ 08028 "homefront" 856-256-4500 x3987 Dr. Karllarew Towson University Department of History Towson:MD 21252 "grand strategy, battle of France and Britain, Pearl Harbor, U.S. Army Signal Corps" 410-830-2915 Fax: 410-830-3999 University of Virginia Department of History Randall Hall Charlottesville VA 22903 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 804-924-4611 Fax: 804-924-1317 Prof. Paullieber 102 Meadow Court Bellevue OH 44811 BELLEVUE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL "ETO, Hitler's leadership, Eastern Front, Holocaust" 419-484-5070 Franklin line II POB 10 Merion PA 19066-0010 RICHARD STOCKTON COLLEGE OF NJ "Holocaust, kirchenkampf, occupation policy" 610-667-0265 Fall 2001 - 17 Mr. Glen Longacre Wilberl Mahonev 2120 Willow Lakes Drive Plainfield IL 60544 5203 Pleasure Cove Court Alexandria VA 22315-3920 Walter Lord NATIONAL ARCHIVES 116 East 68th Street New York NY 10021 301-713-7250 Laurence Lvons Dept of History University of Pittsburg-Johnstown Johnstown PA 15904 "Northern Europe, economic warfare, film" 814-269-2973 Fax: 814-269-7255 Roben Matson President, MVM Government Services 2231 Cedar Cove Court Reston VA 20191 "Maginot Line, fall of France, science and engineering, Italian campaign" 703-758-1850 David Maclssac 3411 Royal Carriage Drive Montgomery AL 36116 "military aviation" 334-277-6160 Anthonv Mauriello 156 Viburnum Terrace Red Bank NJ 07701-6733 "planning for invasion of Japan" 732-747-4511 Benedict Maciuika Michael Mav University of Connecticut Department of History Storrs CT 06269-2103 "Eastern Front" 208 Eisenhower Hall Kansas State University Manhattan KS 66502 lames Madison "airpower strategy, air warfare" 785-537-2531 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Indiana University Department of History Ballantine Hall 742 Bloomington IN 47405-7103 INDIANA UNIVERSITY "comparative home fronts" 812-855-6241 Ernest R. Mav Harvard University Department of History 201 Robinson Hall Cambridge MA 02138-3800 Lawrence McDonald 8108 Custer Road Bethesda MD 20814-1352 18 - Fall 2001 Isadore Mendel Dr. Allan R. Millett 2470 Barth Dr Youngstown OH 44505-2102 "Holocaust, Germany, France, Post WWII occupation" 330-759-0150 Fax: 330-759-1400 1501 Neil Avenue Columbus OH 43201 millett. MERSHON CENTER, OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY "Pacific War" 614-292-2161 Fax: 614-292-2407 Frederic Messick 133 Crestwood Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 messi CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY (EMERITUS) "origins, diplomacy" Prol. Milton Meyer 239 S. Madison #20 Pasadena CA 91101-2841 Melissa Motes 7270 Westchester Lane South Mobile AL 36695-4378 UGA BAKER HIGH SCHOOL "homefront, Holocaust, diplomacy, DDay, women in WWII, European experience" UCLA (RETIRED) BG John Mountcastle "OSS (general and CBI), Philippines, Pacific War" 626-793-0327 US Army Center for Military History 103 Third Avenue Fort Lesley McNair Washington, D.C. 20319-5058 "US operations in ETO" 202-761-5400 Fax: 202-761-5390 Dr. Christopher Meyers 3996 Mulberry Place Valdosta GA 31605 VALDOSTA STATE UNIVERSITY "ETO ground war; the GI in WWII" David Michlovitz Donalll Mrozek "naval, 10th Mt Division, unit histories, oral history" 703-960-0478 Kansas State University Department of History Manhattan KS 66506-1002 "airpower, war in the Pacific and East Asia" 785-532-6730 Fax: 785-532-7004 Kenneth Millard Williamson Mllrray 2611 Redcost Drive Alexandria VA 22303 NATIONAL IMAGERY AND MAPPING AGENCY 2520 New Era Road Murphysboro IL 62966 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY "European Theater" Advanced Strategic Air Program U.S. Army War College Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013 Fa1l2001-19 Mr. Jolm Musko Mark P. Parillo 11211 Knauss Road Bellevue OH 44811 Kansas State University Department of History 208 Eisenhower Hall Manhattan KS 66506-1002 BELLEVUE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 419-484-5070 Mark Nlnenegger 2019 46th Street Des Moines IA 50310 "Eastern Front Soviet perspective, ground war" 515-255-6420 Selmer Norland 3310 N. Leisure World Blvd. #926 Silver Spring MD 20906 "Europe" Thomas Nuner 12241 Belwyn Drive St. Louis MO 63146 "Eastern and Western Fronts, German military history" KSU INSTITUTE FOR MILITARY HISTORY & 20TH CENTURY STUDIES "logistics, mobilization, Pacific theater" 785-532-0374 Fax: 785-532-7004 SallY Parker 12413 Stafford Lane Bowie MD 20715-3129 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Galen Perras 813-2020 Jasmine Crescent Gloucester KlJ8K5 CANADA Agnes Peterson 362 Yorba Buena Avenue Los Altos CA 94022 HOOVER INSTITUTION James Ogden. Jr. 310 Plum Point Road Huntingtown MD 20639-8301 "infantry replacements in ETO" 410-535-3748 "Third Reich, opposition movements in ETO" Carol PeUlio JohnPape Boston College Department of History Chestnut Hill MA 02467 1250 Oakwood Drive Arcadia CA 91006 Prol. Mark Polelle University of Findlay 1000 North Main Street Findlay OH 45840 polelle@mail· UNIVERSITY OF FINDLAY 419-424-5954 20 - Fall 2001 Arnold Price E. Bruce Reynolds 46837 Trailwood PI Sterling VA 20165 San Jose State University Department of History One Washington Square San Jose CA 95192-0117 "S.E. Asian and China theaters, Japanese diplomacy" 408-924-5523 Fax: 408-924-5531 AHA (RETIRED) "OSS, German boundaries" 703-450-7202 Carl Raether 1205 Huntmaster Ct. McLean VA 22102 703-356-7822 Dr. R. Raiber 102 Sheffield Drive Hockessin DE 19707-1701 UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE 302-994-0445 Peter Rollins R.R. 3 Box 80 Cleveland OK 74020 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY "great leaders, USMC, propaganda" 918-243-7637 918-243-5995 Eugene Rasllr POBox CC Emory VA 24327-0969 "history, British" Hammond Rolph 326 North Del Mar Avenue San Gabriel CA 91775-2924 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (RETIRED) 5815 Westchester Street Alexandria VA 22310 "Pacific War, intelligence, wartime diplomacy" 626-309-9827 Dr. Earl Reitan Ron Rose Michael Rauer 1319 Chadwick Drive Norma1IL 61761-1920 ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY (EMERITUS) "ground warfare in ETO in WWII (tactical level)" 309-452-1681 Sierra Graphicarts PO Box 19874 Boulder CO 80308 303-530-7404 Jennifer Rosenberg P.O. Box 1763 Fair Oaks CA 95628 ABOUT. COM "Holocaust, social history ofWWII" Fall 2001 - 21 Dr. Rodnev Ross c. Michael Schneider 4308 Hillsdale Road Harrisburg PA 17112 202 W. Marshall Street Falls Church VA 22046 HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE "pre-war and WWII Philippines, Hollywood films and WWII" 717-652-7237 Mario Rossi 11 Quai Saint Michel Paris FRANCE US GOVERNMENT (RETIRED) Ephraim Schulman 1506 Slater St. #8 Valdosta GA 31602-3841 "Soviet-American relations, origins of Cold War, WWII" 912-244-5817 Paul Rossman Quinsigamond Community College Dept. of History and Government 670 West Boylston St. Worcester MA 019606-2092 QUINSIGAMOND COMMUNITY COLLEGE "resistance movements, war crimes" 508-854-4346 Fax: 508-852-6943 Dr. Timothv Saxon Dept. of History and Political Science 9200 University Boulevard Charleston Southern University Charleston SC 29423-8087 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY 843-863-7133 JOIIiI Shrega 325 Butternut Drive North Kingstown RI 02852-6948 Anhur Schlesinger Jr. 455 E. 51 st Street New York NY 10022-6474 Steven SchUIU 3725 Maidu Place Davis CA 95616 AMERICAN MILITARY UNIVERSITY "air power, armor combat, European theater" Richard Schulze 3944 E. 26th Street Des Moines IA 50317 515-281-5661 Donal Sexton Tusculum College Department of History Greeneville TN 37743 "intelligence, covert ops with emphasis on deception" 423-636-7300 x295 Sidney Shapiro 5513 Montgomery Street Chevy Chase MD 20815 22 - Fall 2001 Anne Sharp-Wells 101m Sloan 526 Jackson Avenue Lexington VA 24450 5218 Landgrave Land Springfield VA 22151 "Russia, ETO, intelligence" 703-321-9072 JOURNAL OF MILITARY HISTORY AND GEORGE C. MARSHALL FOUNDATION "high command, bibliography and historiography" Dennis Showalter Colorado College Department of History Colorado Springs CO 80903-3298 leonard Shunlen Western Front Association 6915 N.W. 49th Street Gainesville FL 32653-1152 352-379-3200 Fax: 352-379-9408 Anhur Smith, Ir. 32382 Ascension Road Dana Point CA 92629 949-487-0688 Daniel Spector 1317 7th Ave. N.E. Jacksonville AL 30265 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA-BIRMINGHAM "ground forces" 256-435-4798 Ronald Spector Dr. David Silbergeld 21 Vandermark Avenue Mountain Top PA 18707-9549 Elliott School of International Relations George Washington University 2121 I Street, N.W. Washington DC 20052 LUZERNE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE CENTER FOR EMERGENCY DISASTER STUDIES & STRATEGIES lohn Steiger "special ops units, rangers, SAS, Raiders, ETO Operations" 570-868-5813 Fax: 570-868-3259 BGen. Edwin Simmons USMC (retired) Dunmarchin 9020 Charles Augustine Drive Alexandria VA 22308 DIRECTOR EMERITUS, MARINE CORPS HISTORY "Pacific War, USMC operations and personalities" 703-780-3184 Fax: 703-780-5352 9701 Austin Drive Spring Valley CA 91977 S.D. MESA COMMUNITY COLLEGE (EMERITUS) "Pacific Theater, occupation of Japan" 619-464-7000 George Steil. 2300 Hemlock Lane Vestal NY 13850-2633 SUNY AT BINGHAMPTON (EMERITUS) 607-785-6101 Fall 2001 - 23 Donald Slevens Hllben van TUVII Kings College Department of History 133 N. River Street Wilkes-Barre PA 18711 "British-American relations; economic warfare" 570-208-5900 x5750 Fax: 570-208-5988 Augusta State University Department of History Augusta GA 30904-2200 "Eastern front" 706-737-1704 MarkSloler University of Vermont Department of History Burlington VT 05405 Russell Weiglev 327 S. Smedley Street Philadelphia PA 19103-6717 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY "US Army in ETO, Allied grand strategy" 215-545-7499 Fax: 215-204-5891 UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT Gerhard Weinberg "U.S. and Allied strategy and diplomacy, U.S. Joint Chiefs" 802-656-2948 Fax: 802-656-8794 1416 Mount Willing Road Efland NC 27243-9646 Edward Tannen Donald Whilnah 9155 Audubon Park Lane Jacksonville FL 32257-4948 "ETO operations, 8th Air Force, POWs" 904-733-0111 1215 Catherine Street Cedar Falls IA 50613-3535 University of Northern Iowa "US and Austria, (20th Century), US 20th diplomacy and military" 319-266-5785 John TaVior 5480 Wisconsin Ave. #508 Chevy Chase MD 20815 NATIONAL ARCHIVES "home front, Europe, Far East" Jesse Tavlor 78 Heatherbrook St. Louis MO 63122 "Pacific campaigns, U.S. Marine Corps" Jonathan UUev 2042 North Freemont Street Chicago IL 60614-4312 John Wickman 315 Grant Street Box 325 Enterprise KS 67441 "Dwight Eisenhower, ETO, WWII, military biography" 24 - Fall 2001 Theodore Wilson EanZiemke University of Kansas Department of History Lawrence KS 66045-2130 ukans. edu 400 Brookwood Drive Athens GA 30605-3810 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Ball State University Department of History Muncie IN 47306-0480 "U.S. Army, coalition warfare, AngloAmerican diplomacy" 785-864-9460 Fax: 785-841-1763 Alan Wilt 4203 Arizona Circle Ames IA 50014 almaurwilt@aol.eom IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY 515-292-1207 Fax: 515-294-6390 Robena Wohlstetter 2905 Woodstock Road Los Angeles CA 90046 RobenWolfe 602 Crestwood Drive Alexandria VA 22302-2533 robtw 1920@aol.eom NATIONAL ARCHIVES (RETIRED) "Germany, post-war occupation, archives" 703-548-3599 David Il Yelton 265 Amber Oaks Drive Rutherfordton NC 28139-7825 GARDNER WEBB UNIVERSITY "Germany, last year ofETO, militias" Janet Ziegler 18333 Algiers Street North Ridge CA 91326-2001 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PhVllls Zimmerman James Zobel MacArthur Memorial Archives MacArthur Square Norfolk VA 23510 MACARTHUR MEMORIAL ARCHIVES 757-441-2965 Fax: 757-441-5389 Fall 2001 - 25 Recently Published Articles in English on World War Two Selected Titles from an Electronic Compilation by James Ehrman Amon, Chana. "Jewish Resistance in Holland: Postscript." Judaism 50(1) (Winter 2001) 128. Benson, Erik. "Flying Down to Rio: American Commercial Aviation, the Good Neighbor Policy, and World War Two, 1939-45." Essays in Economic and Business History 19 (2001): 61-73. Bergen, Doris L. "Gennan Military Chaplains in World War II and the Dilemmas of Legitimacy." Church History 70(2) (June 2001): 232-47. Bowman, James. "Melancholy Facts." The New Criterion 19(10) (June 2001): 64-7. Calabretta, Fred. "'Everyone Should Know About the Mason': James W. Graham and the U.S.S. Mason." Log ofMystic Seaport 52(4)(2001): 66-72. Cannon, Angie. "A Nazi Link to the WWII Memorial?" June 2001) 22. u.s. News & World Report 130(25) (25 Chaput, Cheryl B. "PC-1264: Experiment in Equality." Log ofMystic Seaport 52(4) (2001): 73­ 77. Coles, Michael. "Ernest King and the British Pacific Fleet: The Conference at Quebec, 1944 ('Octagon')." Journal ofMilitary History 65(1) (2001): 105-129. Colley, David. "Deadly Accuracy." American Heritage ofInvention & Technology 16(4) (2001): 44-50. "Continuing Archival Controversy: International Catholic-Jewish Commission Halts its Study of Holocaust Materials." America 185(4) (13-20 Aug. 2001) 4. "Development of Transport Airplanes and Air Transport Equipment. Part 5: From Caravan to Packet, 1940-1945." American Aviation Historical Society Journal 46(1) (2001): 32-39. Di Biase, Linda Pop "Neither Hannony Nor Eden: Margaret Peppers and the Exile of the Japanese Americans." Anglican and Episcopal History 70(1) (2001): 101-117. Doering, Jonathan W. "Leo Marks: Master of Codes." Contemporary Review 278(1625) (June 2001): 333-7. 26 - Fall 2001 Fenyvesi, Charles, and Dan Gilgoff. "Secrets in the Archives: CIA Declassifies World War II Files on Nazis." Us. News & World Report 130(18) (7 May 2001): 49. Feuer, A. B. "The Kissing Sailor: Mystery Solved." Military Heritage 2(5) (2001): 48-49, 98. Fischer, Perry A. "Look What I Found at Work Today: A Submarine; German World War II Submarine U-166." World Oil 222(7) (July 2001): 29. Fiset, Louis. "Return to Sender: U.S. Censorship of Enemy Alien Mail in World War II." Prologue: Quarterly ofthe National Archives and Records Administration 33(1) (2001): 21­ 35. Geddes, John. "Chinese Puzzles: National Gallery of Canada Returns Figure of an Arhat Relief to China." Maclean's 114(25) (18 June 2001): 42. Geddes, John. "Tainted Lady: Poland Requests Durer's 'Nude Woman with a Staff Be Returned by the National Gallery of Canada." Maclean's 114(25) (18 June 2001): 38-42. Gidney, Catherine. "Under the President's Gaze: Sexuality and Morality at a Canadian University During the Second World War." Canadian Historical Review 82(1) (2001): 36-54. Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich. "On the Decent Uses of History." History and Theory 40(1) (2001): 117-127. Harriss, Joseph. "Fishing for Saint-Ex." Air & Space/Smithsonian 16(1) (2001): 58-63. Hillenbrand, Barry. "No Easy Choices. Japanese Prime Minister 1. Koizumi's Controversial Visit to Yasukuni Shrine." Commonweal 128(15) (14 Sept. 2001): 11-12. Hubbs, Mark E. "Massacre on Wake Island." Naval History 15(1) (2001): 30-35. Ingelbien, Raphael. "A Girl in the Forties: Larkin and the Politics of World War Two." Critical Survey 13(1) (2001): 80-93. Johnsen, Mary Ruth. "Creaky World War II Relic Returns Home to Begin New Life as a Museum." Welding Journal 80(3) (Mar 2001): 20. Kallis, Stephen A. "Pearl Harbor Survivor's Story." MHQ: The Quarterly Journal ofMilitary History 13(2) (2001): 18-21. Larson, George A. "The Douglas B-18: The Forgotten Warrior." American Aviation Historical Society Journal 46( 1) (2001): 24-31. Lightbody, Marcia L. "Building a Future: World War II Quartermaster Corps." Military Review 81(1) ( 2001): 90-93. Fall 2001 - 27 Madigan, Kevin. "Judging Pius XlI." The Christian Century 118(9) (14 March 2001): 6-7. _ _ _ _ _ _. "What the Vatican Knew About the Holocaust, and When." Commentary 112(3) (Oct 2001): 43-52. Manea, NOIman, and Michael Henry Heim, tr. "The Beginning Before the Beginning." Salmagundi 130/131 (Spring/Summer 2001): 3-15. McCoImick, Patrick. "Memory Loss." u.s. Catholic 66(9) (Sep 2001): 46-8. McDonald, Caroline. "Art Loss Register Tracks Looted WWlI Pieces." National Underwriter (Property & CasualtylRisk & Benefits Management Edition) 105(13) (26 March 2001): 3, 16. Nethe, Richard H. "S.: Reader Commentary." The Humanist 61(1) (Jan/Feb 2001): 44. Oppenheimer, Jean. "Close Combat." American Cinematographer 82(9) (Sep 2001): 32-8,40-5. "Ordinary Mass Murderers: Who Were the Nazis? Views of Michael Mann." The Wilson Quarterly 25(2) (Spring 2001): 92-3. Papich, Bill. "Declassified Heroes: Honoring Navajo Code Talkers." Native Peoples 14(4) (May/June 2001): 38-40. Peretz, Martin. T. "MiddelhoffDirects Bertelsmann AG to Compensate Wartime Slave Laborers and Holocaust Survivors." The New Republic 224(21) (21 May 2001): 50. Phayer, Michael. "Questions about Catholic Resistance." Church History 70(2) (June 2001): 328-44. Piccard, Don. "One Balloon Bomber (Slightly Used)." Air & Space/Smithsonian 16(1) (2001): 70-73. Rosen, Judith. "Remembering a Day of Infamy." Publishers Weekly 248(19) (7 May 2001): 35­ 40. Rosenfeld, Alvin H. "The Cruelty and Kindness of Strangers." The New Leader 84(3) (May/June 2001): 21-3. Sharfinan, Glenn R. "The Jewish Community's Reactions to the John Demjanjuk Trials," Historian 63(1) (2001): 17-34. Shea, Christopher. "The Brawl on the Mall." Preservation 53(1) (2001): 36-43, 76. Streshinsky, Shirley. "Return to Midway." American Heritage 52(2) (2001): 72-78. 28 - Fall 2001 Sweeney, Michael S. "Censorship Missionaries of World War II." Journalism History 27(1) (Spring 2001): 4-13. Szabo, Miklos. "The Development of the Hungarian Aircraft Industry, 1938-1944." Journal of Military History 65(1) (2001): 53-76. Tillman, Barrett, and Henry Sakaida. "Silver Star Airplane Ride." Naval History 15(2) (2001): 25-29. "What I Say, I Mean: An Interview with Joe Foss." Naval History 15(2) (2001): 22-24. Whitby, Michael J. "Matelots, Martinets, and Mutineers: The Mutiny in HMCS Iroquois, 19 July 1943." Journal ofMilitary History 65(1) (2001): 77-103. Whitney, Richard "The Goodyear Blimps Go To War." American Aviation Historical Society Journal 46(1) (2001): 66-70. Williams, Joe, Jr., and E. E. Logue. "Henry Ford's Sailors." Naval History 15(2) (2001): 44-46. Winter, George 1., Sr. "Roadblock at St. Sever." Military Heritage 2(5) (2001): 34-41. Fall 2001 - 29 Recently Published Books in English on World War Two Selected Titles from an Electronic Compilation by James Ehrman Ankins, John. Sidmouth: The War Years, 1939-1945. Sidmouth: J. Ankins, 2001. Atkins, Edward. Flight Deck: A Pictorial Essay of a Day in the Life of an Airdale, with First­ Person Commentary. Ship-n-Planes Pub. Co., 2001. Babcock, Robert O. War Stories: Utah Beach to Pleiku, The 4th Infantry Division. Baton Rouge, LA: Saint John's Press, 2001. Ballard, Robert D., and Michael Hamilton Morgan. Graveyards of the Pacific: From Pearl Harbor to Bikini Atoll. Washington, DC: National Geographic, 2001. Banks, Joseph, and Jerry Borrowman. A Distant Prayer. American Fork, Utah: Covenant Communications, 2001. Bartov, Orner. The Eastern Front, 1941-45: German Troops and the Barbarisation of Warfare. New York, NY: Palgrave with St. Antony's College, Oxford, 2001. Begg, Richard Campbell, and Peter Liddle. For Five Shillings a Day: Eyewitness History of World War II. London: Collins, 2001. Bell, George Armour. To Live Among Heroes: A Medical Officer's Dramatic Insight into the Operational Life of609 Squadron in NW Europe, 1944-45. London: Grub Street, 2001. Bellarts, L. J. Red-Tailed Peacemaker. Portland, OR: Binford & Mort Publishers, 2001. Berg, Norman E. My Carrier War: The Life and Times of a WWII Aviator. Central Point, OR: Hellgate Press, 2001. Bergstrom, Christer and Andrey Mikhailov. Black CrosslRed Star: Air War Over the Eastern Front. Vol. 2: Resurgence, January-June 1942. Pacifica, CA: Leicester, 2001. Berry, F. Langwith. A Few Memories as a Prisoner of War. London: Minerva, 2001. Bevis, Mark. British & Commonwealth Armies, 1944-45. Solihull: Helion, 2001. Bhattacharya, Sanjoy. Propaganda and Information in Eastern India, 1939-45: A Necessary Weapon of War. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon, 2001. 30 - Fall 2001 Blomfield-Smith, Denis. Captains of the Gates: Three Battles Against the Odds. London: Robert Hale, 2001. Blumenson, Martin. Heroes Never Die: Warriors and Warfare in World War II. New York: Cooper Square Press, 2001. Borthwick, Alastair. Battalion: A British Infantry Unit's Actions from EI Alamein to the Elbe, 1942-1945. London: Baton Wicks, 2001. Breuer, William B. Daring Missions of World War II. New York: 1. Wiley, 2001. Brookes, Stephen. Through the Jungle of Death: A Boy's Escape from Wartime Burma. London: John Murray, 2001. Buchanan, Buck. Hell-Diver's Vengeance. Victoria, BC: Trafford, 2001. Buist, Robert Pace. Moonshine Two Seven: Memoirs of a Mosquito Fighter-Bomber Pilot. London, OT: Lothian Press, 2001. Burt, Ron. Kamikaze Nightmare. Corpus Christi, TX: Alfie Pub., 2001. Campbell, Archibald Scott. 2000 Days Was a Lifetime. Chilliwack, BC: LCAM Publising, 2001. Capa, Robert. Slightly Out of Focus. New York: Modern Library, 2001. Carey, Alan C. Above an Angry Sea: United States Navy B-24 Liberator and PB4Y-2 Privateer Operations in the Pacific, October 1944-August 1945. Atglen, PA: Schiffer, 2001. Carter, W. B. Saved by the Bomb. Lewes: Book Guild, 2001. Casey, Steven. Cautious Crusade: Franklin D. Roosevelt, American Public Opinion, and the War Against Nazi Germany. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Casperson, Ralph A. and Doris Casperson. Vida's Story: A Slave of the Nazis. Niles, MI: Ralph A., Casperson Books, 2001. Chater, Les, and Elizabeth Hamid. Behind the Fence: Life as a POW in Japan, 1942-1945: The Diaries ofLes Chater. St. Catharines, Ont.: Vanwell Pub., 2001. Clayton, Tim, and Phil Craig. Finest Hour. London: Coronet, 2001. Clercq, Zubli, and Rita de la Fontaine. Disguised: A Teenage Girl's Survival in World War II Japanese Prison Camps. Middletown, CT: Southfarm Press, 2001. Coachella Valley during World War II. Indio, CA: Coachella Valley Historical Society, 2001. Fall 2001 - 31 Colley, David. The Road to Victory: The Untold Story of World War II's Red Ball Express. New York, NY: Warner Books, 2001. Cooke, Tim, and Sarah Halliwell. The New Grolier Encyclopedia of World War II. Danbury, CT: Grolier Educational Corp., 2001. Corfield, Justin J. A Bibliography of the Malayan Campaign and the Japanese Period in West Malaysia, Singapore and Borneo, 1941-1945. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2001. Crookes, Bernard. Life and Times of#422 Squadron: The Royal Canadian Air Force, Wartime (1942-1945). Collingwood, ON: #422 Life, 2001. Cross, G. E. Jonah's Feet are Dry: The Experience of the 353rd Fighter Group During World War II. Ipswich: Thunderbolt, 2001. Currie, Jack, and Philip Kaplan. Round the Clock: The Experience of the Allied Bomber Crews Who Flew by Day and Night from England in the Second World War. London: Seven Dials, 2001. Damousi, Joy. Living With the Aftermath: Trauma, Nostalgia, and Grief in Post-War Australia. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2001. De Maeseneer, Guido. Peenemtinde: The Extraordinary Story of Hitler's Secret Weapons V-I and V-2. Vancouver: AJ Publishing, 2001. Delaforce, Patrick. Monty's Iron Sides: From the Normandy Beaches to Bremen with the 3rd Division. London: Chancellor, 2001. Devitt, William L. Shavetail: The Odyssey of an Infantry Lieutenant in World War II. St. Cloud, MN: North Star Press of St. Cloud, 2001. Dobinson, Colin. AA Conunand: Britain's Anti-Aircraft Defences of the Second World War. London: Methuen, 2001. Dorrian, James. Storming St. Nazaire: The Gripping Story of the Dock-Busting Raid, March 1942. London: Leo Cooper, 2001. Dowlen, Dorothy Dare, and Dorothy Kaminski. Enduring What Cannot Be Endured: Memoir of a Woman Medical Aide in the Philippines in World War II. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2001. Drez, Ronald 1. Twenty-Five Yards of War: The Extraordinary Courage of Ordinary Men in World War II. New York: Hyperion, 2001. 32 - Fall 2001 Duensing, Dawn E. Americanisms: A Matter of Mind and Heart. Wailuku, HI: Maui's Sons and Daughters of the Nisei Veterans, 2001. Dunmore, Spencer. In Great Waters: The Epic Story of the Battle of the Atlantic, 1939-45. London: Pimlico, 2001. Ebury, Sue. Weary: The Life of Sir Edward Dunlop. Ringwood, Vic., Australia: Penguin, 2001. Edwards, Bernard. Attack & Sink: The Death of Convoy SC42. London: Leo Cooper, 2001. Erickson, John, and Ljubica Erickson. The Eastern Front in Photographs. London: Carlton, 2001. Fowler, Will, and Mike Rose. Their War: German Combat Photographs from Signal Magazine. Conshohocken, PA: Combined Pub., 2001. Frazier, Torn, and Delphine Frazier. Between the Lines. Oakland, CA: Regent Press, 2001. French, David. Raising Churchill's Army: The British Army and the War Against Germany, 1919-1945. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Gallagher, James P. With the Fifth Army Air Force: Photos From the Pacific Theater. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001. Gallery, Daniel V. Twenty Million Tons Under the Sea. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2001. Garneau, Grant S. The Royal Rifles of Canada in Hong Kong, 1941-1945. Carp, OT: Baird O'Keefe Pub. for the Hong Kong Veterans Commemorative Association, 2001. Gemoets, Martin 1. A Short Story of War, 1944-45 in France and Germany. Las Cruces, NM: Institute of Historical Survey Foundation, 2001. Gibran, Daniel K. The 92nd Infantry Division and the Italian Campaign in World War II. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2001. Gilpatrick, Kristin. The Hero Next Door Returns: Stories from Wisconsin's World War II Veterans. Oregon, WI: Badger Books, 2001. Gordon, Joseph Furbee. Flying Low and Shot Down Twice During World War II in a Spotter Plane. Middletown, CT: Southfann Press, 2001. Greening, C. Ross, Dorothy Greening, Karen Driscoll, and Karen Morgan. Not as Briefed: From the Doolittle Raid to a German Stalag. Pullman, WA: Washington State University Press, 2001. Fall 2001 - 33 Grenga, James B., and Helen E. Grenga. Movies on the Fantail: A Sailor's Diary and Memories From Other Men of the USS Barr DE576. Newnan, GA: Yeoman Press, 2001. Griffin, W. E. B., and Alex Baldwin. The Fighting Agents. New York, NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2001. Gruber, Samuel, Gertrude Hirschler, and Howard L. Adelson. I Chose Life. San Jose, CA: Authors Choice Press, 2001. Guderian, Heinz, and David C. Isby. Fighting in Normandy: the German Army from D-Day to Villers-Bocage. London: Greenhill, 2001. Hackenberger, Claus. A Long Walk. Seattle, W A: Hara Publishing, 2001. Hammer, Alexander M. Memoir ofWWII Experiences in the Pacific on USS Beale (DD 471). Washington, DC: Naval Historical Foundation, Memoir Program, 2001. Harper, Dale P. Too Close for Comfort. Victoria, BC: Trafford, 2001. Harran, Marilyn 1. The Holocaust Chronicle. Lincolnwood, IL: Publications International, 2001. Henderson, Diana M. The Lion and the Eagle: Reminiscences of Polish Veterans in Scotland During the Second World War. Dunfermline: Cualann, 2001. Hill, Gerald, and Doug Chisholm. Their Names Live On: Remembering Saskatchewan's Fallen in World War II. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 2001. Hinsley, F. H., and Alan Stripp. Codebreakers: The Inside Story of Bletchley Park. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2001. Hohri, William Minoru, and Mits. Koshiyama. Resistance: Challenging America's Wartime Internment of Japanese-Americans. Lomita, CA: The Epistolarian, 2001. Holmes, Harry. The Last Patrol. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2001. Houston, Charles. Flying with Iron Angels: The Diaries and Memories of Navy Carrier Pilots Fighting the Pacific War in 1944. Fresno, CA: Charles Houston, 2001. Howarth, David Armine. The Shetland Bus. New York, NY: Lyons Press, 2001. Human Rights in Asia Pacific, 1931-1945: Social Responsibility and Global Citizenship. Victoria, BC: Ministry of Education, Curriculum Branch, 2001. Hutching, Megan. A Unique Sort of Battle: New Zealanders Remember Crete. Auckland, NZ: Harper Collins Publishers, 2001. 34 - Fa112001 Jackson, Robert. Kriegsmarine: The Illustrated History of the German Navy in WW II. London: Aurum, 2001. Jones, Harlo L. Bomber Pilot: A Canadian Youth's War. St. Catharines, aT: Vanwell, 2001. Keefer, Ralph. Grounded in Eire: The Story of Two RAP Fliers Interned in Ireland During World War II. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2001. Kladstrup, Donald, and Petie Kladstrup. Wine and War: The French, the Nazis, and France's Greatest Treasure. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2001. Kneece, Jack. Ghost Army of World War II. Gretna, LA: Pelican Pub. Co., 2001. Kooistra, Remkes. Where Was God? Lives and Thoughts of Holocaust and World War II Survivors. Oakville, ant.: Mosaic Press, 200 1. Kozhina, Elena Fedorovna, and Vadim Malunoudov. Through the Burning Steppe: A Memoir of Wartime Russia, 1942-1943. New York: Riverhead Books, 2001. Krug, Hans-Joachim. Reluctant Allies: German-Japanese Naval Relations in World War II. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2001. Laird, Chess. Bos'n mate Chess Laird: Memoir ofWWII Experiences in the Pacific. Washington, DC: Naval Historical Foundation, 2001. Lambourne, Nicola. War Damage in Western Europe: The Destruction of Historic Monuments During the Second World War. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2001. Langwith Berry, F. A Few Memories As a Prisoner of War. Miami, FL: Minerva Press, 2001. Lee, Bruce. Marching Orders: The Untold Story of World War II. New York: Da Capo Press, 2001. Levi, Primo. Moments of Reprieve. London: Penguin, 2001. Likiernik, Stanislaw. By Devil's Luck: A Tale of Heroic Resistance in Wartime Warsaw. Edinburgh: Mainstream Pub., 2001. Lindsey, A. L. A Soda Jerk Goes to War. Stanton, TX: A.L. Lindsey, 2001. Linton, Linda. Falcons' Flight. Victoria, BC: Trafford, 2001. Lukacs, John. The Duel: The Eighty-Day Struggle Between Churchill and Hitler. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2001. Fall 2001 - 35 Macaulay, Horace R. Floating Radars in the Channel: The Fighter Direction Tenders and Radar Units with Operation Neptune/Overlord, June 1944. Nepean, Ont.: HRM Pub., 2001. Magener, Rolf. Our Chances Were Zero: The Daring Escape by Two GenTIan POWs from India in 1942. London: Leo Cooper, 2001. Mahoney, James J., and Brian H. Mahoney. Reluctant Witness: Memoirs From the Last Year of the European Air War, 1944-45. Victoria, BC: Trafford Publishing, 2001. Marolda, Edward J. U.S. Anny - JGSDF Military History Exchange 19-23 February 2001. Tokyo, Japan: JGSDF-U.S. Anny Military History Exchange, 2001. Maslov, Aleksander A., David Glantz, and Harold S. Orenstein. Captured Soviet Generals: The Fate of Soviet Generals Captured by the GenTIans, 1941-1945. Portland, OR: F. Cass, 2001. McEwan, James. The Remorseless Road: Singapore to Nagasaki. Shrewsbury: Airlife, 2001. McWhorter, Hamilton, and Jay A. Stout. The First Hellcat Ace. Pacifica, CA: Pacifica Military History, 2001. Melnyk, Michael. To Battle! The FOnTIation and History of the 14th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division (Ukrainian Nr.l). Solihull: Helion, 2001. Michno, Gregory. Death on the Hellships: Prisoners at Sea in the Pacific War. London: Leo Cooper, 2001. Middleton, T. Walter. Flashbacks: Prisoner of War in the Philippines. New York, NY: Alexander Books, 2001. Miller, D. M. O. Battle Winning: Tanks, Aeroplanes & Warships of World War II. Osceola, WI: MBI, Haynes, 2001. Mitcham, Samuel W. Hitler's Field Marshals and Their Battles. New York, NY: Cooper Square Press, 2001. Mitchell, Raymond. Commando Despatch Rider: From D-Day to Deutschland 1944-45. London: Leo Cooper, 2001. Mix, Donald Roger. Mix Memories of World War II. Minneapolis, MN: 2001. Montagu, Ewen. The Man Who Never Was: World War II's Boldest Counterintelligence Operation. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2001. Morgan, Robert, and Ron Powers. The Man Who Flew the Memphis Belle: Memoir of a WWII Bomber Pilot. New York: Dutton, 2001. I 36 - Fall 2001 Morrison, Wilbur H. Birds from Hell: History of the B-29. Central Point, OR: Hellgate Press, 2001. Murphy, Frank D. Luck of the Draw: Reflections on the Air War in Europe. Trumbull, CT: FNP Military Division, 2001. Murray, Gil. The Invisible War: The Untold Secret Story of Number One Canadian Special Wireless Group, Royal Canadian Signal Corps, 1944-1946. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2001. Neill, George W. Infantry Soldier: Holding the Line at the Battle of the Bulge. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2001. Neillands, Robin. The Bomber War: Arthur Harris and the Allied Bomber Offensive, 1939-1945. London: John Murray, 2001. Neufeld, William. Slingshot Warbirds: World War II, U.S. Navy Scout-Observation Airmen. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2001. Norman, Bill. Broken Eagles: Luftwaffe Losses Over Yorkshire, 1939-1945. London: Leo Cooper, 2001. Ocean Front: The Story of the War in the Pacific, 1941-1944. Norwich: The Stationery Office, 2001. O'Donnell, Patrick K. Beyond Valar: World War II's Rangers and Airborne Veterans Reveal the Heart of Combat,in Their Own Words, the Personal Stories of America's World War II Veterans. Thorndike, ME: Thorndike Press, 2001. Ogg, Gitta. The Uncharted Voyage. Lewes: Book Guild, 2001. Oliver, Dean Frederick, and Laura Brandon. Canvas of War: Painting the Canadian Experience, 1914 to 1945. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2001. Ostrander, Leon D. ETO Memories. Ann Arbor, MI: Proctor Publications, 2001. Otley, Helen. Before and After Auschwitz: My Life until 1945. Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press, 2001. Ottis, Sherri Greene. Silent Heroes: Downed Airmen and the French Underground. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2001. Overy, R. J. Interrogations: the Nazi Elite in Allied Hands, 1945. London: Allen Lane, 2001. Peak, Donald T., and Henry S. Williams. Fire Mission! American Cannoneers: Defeating the German Army in World War II. Manhattan, KS: Sunflower University Press, 2001. Fall 2001 - 37 Pearson, Judith. Belly of the Beast: A POW's Inspiring True Story of Faith, Courage, and Survival Aboard the Infamous WWII Japanese Hell Ship Oryoku Maru. New York: New American Library, 2001 Pennington, Reina, and Jolm Erickson. Wings, Women, and War: Soviet Airwomen in World War II Combat. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2001. Petty, Bruce M. Saipan: Oral Histories ofthe Pacific War. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2001. Pfrengle, Hermann 0., and Wilbur D. Jones. Forget That You Have Been Hitler's Soldiers: A Youth's Service to the Reich. Shippensburg, PA: Burd Street Press, 2001. Pickett, Ernest, and K.P. Burke. Proof Through the Night: A B-29 Pilot Captive in Japan: The Ernest Pickett Story. Salem, OR: Opal Creek Press, 2001. Pribram, Jolm G. Horizons of Hope: An Autobiography. Tulsa, OK: Holbrook Printing, 2001. Price, Alfred. The Last Year of the Luftwaffe: May 1944 to May 1945. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2001. Prime, Jimmie Allen. 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German Boy: A Child in War. New York: Broadway Books, 2001. Sarty, Roger Flynn. The Battle of the Atlantic: The Royal Canadian Navy's Greatest Campaign, 1939-1945. Ottawa: CEF Books, 2001. Satchell, Alister. Running the Gauntlet: How Three Giant Liners Carried a Million Men to War, 1942-1945. London: Chatham, 2001. Sebag-Montefiore, Hugh. Enigma: The Battle for the Code. London: Orion, 2001. Shaffer, Steven R. Old Wounds: Oral Histories of America's WWII Servicemen in German and Japanese Prisoner of War Camps. Newton, NC: Catawba County Historical Association Press, 2001. Shinya, Michiharu. Beyond Death and Dishonour: One Japanese at War in New Zealand. Auckland, NZ: Castle Pub., 2001. Shipster, John. Mist Over the Rice-Fields: A Soldier's story of the Burma Campaign, 1943-45 and the Korean War, 1950-51. London: Leo Cooper, 2001. Showell, Jak P. Mallmann. World War II U-Boats. London: Brassey's, 2001. Shwedo, Bradford J. 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