WORLD WAR TWO STUDIES ASSOCIATION (formerly American Committee on the History ofthe Second World War) Donald S. Detwiler, Chairman Department of History Southern lIlinois Mark P. Parillo, Seerewry and Newsleller Editor Departmenl of Hislory 208 Eisenhower Hall Kansas Stale Univ~ity Manhattan, Kansas 6650&- 1002 785-532-0374 FAX 785-532-7004 Univ~jty at Carbondale Carbondale, Illinois 62901-4519 Permanent Directors pari/ Charles F. Delzell Vanderbilt University Robin Higham, Archivist Department of Hislory 208 Eisenhower Hall Kansas Slate University Manhattan, Kansas 66506- 1002 NEWSLETTER Arthur L Funk Gainesville, Florida H. Stuart Hughes University of California. San Diego ISSN 0885-5668 The WWTSA is affiliated with: American Historical Association 400 A Street, S.E. Washington, D. C. 20003 Terms expiring 1997 James L. Collins. Jr. Middleburg, Virginia John Lewis Gaddis Yale University Robin Higham Kansas Slate University Warren F. Kimball Rutgers University, Newark No. 58 Fall 1997 H-WAR: Tile Military History Netwon (sponsored by H·Net: H"mlmitics & Social Sciences OnLine). which Allan R. Milieu Ohio State Univcrsiry supports the WWTSA's website on the internet at the following address (URL): hllp:Jlh-net2,msu.edul-Mlarlwwfsa Contents Agnes F. Peterson Hoover Institution Russell F. Weigley Temple University World War Two Studies Association General Information The Newsletter Annual Membership Dues 2 2 2 News and Notes 1998 Elections and Membership Donations to WWTSA Annual Business Meeting 1998 AHA Scholarly Session 1999 AHA Scholarly Session(s) 3 3 3 3 3 WWTSA Membership Directory 4 Archival Releases Dec1assifications Accessions and Openings 29 29 Recently Published Articles 33 Terms expiring 1999 Recently Published Books 39 Dean C. Allard Naval Historical Center Election Ballot 47 Stephen E. Ambrose University of New Orleans Membership Renewal Form 49 Roberta Wohlstetter Pan Heuristics Janet Ziegler UCLA Terms expiring 1998 Martin Blumenson Washington, D.C. D'Ann Campbell Sage Colleges Stanley L. Fatk Alexandria, Virginia Ernest R. May Harvard University Dennis Showalter Colorado College Mark A. Stoler University ofVennont Gerhard L. Weinberg University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Earl F. Ziemke University of Georgia Edward 1. Drea Center of Military Hislory Waldo Heinrichs San Diego Stale University David Kahn Great Neck. New York Carol M. Petillo Boston College Ronald H. Spector George Washington University David F. Trask Washington, D,C. Roben Wolfe Natioll.J.1 Archives Comite international d'histoire de la deuxieme guerre mondiale Henry Rousso, General Secretary Institut d'histoire du temps present (Centre national de la recherche seienlifique [CNRSJ) 44. rue de l'Amiral Mouehc7. 75014 Paris, France General Information Established in 1967 "to promote historical research in the period of World War II in all its aspects," the World War Two Studies Association, whose original name was the American Committee on the History of the Second World War, is a private organization supported by the dues and donations of its members. It is affiliated with the American Historical Association, with the International Committee for the History of the Second World War, and with corresponding national committees in other countries, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, and the Vatican. The Newsletter The WWTSA issues a semiannual newsletter, which is assigned International Standard Serial Number [ISSNl 0885-5668 by the Library of Congress. Back issues of the Newsletter are available from Robin Higham, WWTSA Archivist, through Sunflower University Press, 1531 Yuma (or Box 1009), Manhattan, KS 66502-4228. Please send information for the Newsletter to: Mark Parillo Department of History Kansas State University Eisenhower Hall Manhattan, KS 66506-1002 Tel.: (785) 532-0374 Fax: (785) 532-7004 E-mail: Annual Membership Dues Membership is open to all who are interested in the era of the Second World War. Annual membership dues of $15.00 are payable at the beginning of each calendar year. Students with U.S. addresses may, if their circumstances require it, pay annual dues of$5.00 for up to six years. There is no surcharge for members abroad, but it is requested that dues be remitted directly to the secretary of the WWTSA (not through an agency or subscription service) in U.S. dollars. The Newsletter, which is mailed at bulk rates within the United States, will be sent by surface mail to foreign addresses unless special arrangements are made to cover the cost of airmail postage. Fall 1997 - 3 News and Notes 1998 WWTSA Elections and Membership Renewal All members of the World War Two Studies Association are eligible to vote for the eight directors of the association who will serve three­ year tenns through 2000. Please indicate your choices on the ballot included in this newsletter, detach it, and mail it as directed by January 31, 1998. Also included in the newsletter is the 1998 membership renewal form. Membership dues are payable at the begirming of the calendar year. Donations to the World War Two Studies Association To help defray costs of the WWTSA that may not be not covered by membership dues, the Kansas State University Foundation, which is eligible to receive contributions that are tax­ deductible to the extent provided by law, has kindly established a dedicated account to which donations may be made for the use of the World War Two Studies Association. Members and supporters of the association are invited to send to the secretary, together with their membership dues, separate checks or money orders made out to the "KSU Foundation," indicating (on the "purpose" line) that they are for "Friends of the WWTSA" or "Account No. F40752." As in the past, such donations could facilitate keeping dues, particularly for students, at a relatively modest level, and could, in addition, provide welcome means to cover otherwise unreirnbursed association expenses. Annual Business Meeting The World War Two Studies Association will hold its armual business meeting in conjunction with the American Historical Association conference at the Sheraton Hotel, 1400 6th Avenue, Seattle, in January 1998. The meeting will be from 4:45 to 6:30 p.m. on Friday, January 9, in the Boardroom, 4 th floor, Sheraton. All WWTSA members are welcome to attend. This meeting is not listed in the frontrnatter of the 1998 AHA conference program guide, so those planning to attend should make a note of the time and place of the meeting. WWTSA Panel at the 1998 AHA Conference The World War Two Studies Association will host a scholarly session in conjunction with the 1998 American Historical Association conference in Seattle. The session will be held in the Sheraton, Suite 428, from 9:30 to 11 :30 a.m. on Saturday, January 10. The session is entitled "Teaching World War II with the Internet," and will be presented by the following participants: Chair: Gordon R. Mark, Purdue U. "Listservs, Web Sites, and the History of World War II," Mark P. Parillo, Kansas State U. Comment: MarkA. Stoler, U. ofVennont Since this is not an official AHA-sponsored event but rather a session conducted by an affiliated society, WWTSA members may attend even if not registered for the AHA conference. This panel is being co-sponsored by the Committee for History in the Classroom. WWTSA Panel(s) at the 1999 AHA Conference The World War Two Studies Association will host one or more scholarly sessions in conjunction with the 1999 American Historical Association conference in Washington, D.C., January 7-10, 1999. Those wishing to present papers or organize panels should contact WWTSA secretary Mark Parillo to coordinate their efforts and facilitate communications with the AHA conference organizers. Those interested are reminded that the AHA deadlines for proposals are 1 February 1998 for panels sponsored by affiliated societies. 4 - Fall 1997 WWTSA Membership Directory This directory includes members in good standing; any who are not listed but renew on receipt ofthis newsletter, using the attached membership form, will be listed in the supplement in the spring issue. Entries include name, address, and, when available, e-mail address, telephone number, fax number, institutional affiliation (when different from address), and areas ofinterest within the field of World War II studies. ALAN AIMONE 4 Coronation Path Newburgh, NY 12550 westpoint-emh2 t: 914-938-2954 f: 914-938-3752 U.S. Military Academy Library Historiography and u.s. Army history KANn AKAG! 3-31-10 Fukasawa Setagaya-Ku Tokyo 158 JAPAN akagi@law.keio.acjp t: (+)81-3-5706-0288 f: (+)81-3-3798-7480 Keio University Strategy & policy; intelligence; Asia-Pacific theater DEAN ALLARD 2701 N. Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22207 t: 703-525-4233 U.S. Naval Historical Center (ret.) Naval operations and strategy; social JOSE ALVAREZ Office S-1082 University of Houston-Downtown Dept. of Social Sciences One Main Street Houston, TX 77002 t: 713-221-8649 f: 713-221-8144 Spanish Army (Blue Division); Wehrmacht (weapons, equipment, militaria) DAVID ALVAREZ Dept. of Government Saint Mary's College of California Moraga, CA 94575 STEPHEN AMBROSE Eisenhower Center University of New Orleans Lakefront New Orleans, LA 70148 CHARLESR.ANDERSON 1099 14th Street NW Room 250 Washington, DC 20005-3402 t: 205-761-5365 f: 202-761-5358 U.S. Army Center of Military History Pacific war; US Army & USMC planning; Japanese planning KATHY ARTNER 418 Wallace Ave. Louisville, KY 40207 JOHN C. AUSLAND Sondreveien 4 Entry 2 378 Oslo 3 0378 Norway European & Pacific campaigns HELEN M. BAILEY 9451 Lee Highway Apt. 415 Farrfax, VA 22031-1812 t: 703-591-4060 Joint Chiefs of Staff, DoD (ret.) Strategic planning; defense organization CHARLES BAKER 11804 Bignonia Ct. Laurel, MD 20708-3160 I Fall 1997­ CHARLES BALLOU III 1520 Linden Avenue Clifton Forge, VA 24422 MORTON D. BARKER, JR. 4491 Old Chatham Road Springfield, IL 62707 t: 217-698-0049 f: 217-698-5921 Us. Navy DANIEL W. BARTHELL Reference Department Gelman Library George Washington University Washington, DC t: 202-994-6049 f: 202-994-2645 Us. home front WILLIAM H. BARTSCH 2434 Brussels Court Reston, VA 22091 t: 703-264-9081 f: 703-716-7380 Philippine, Java, & Guadalcanal campaigns; aviation, 1937-45 COLIN BAXTER Department of History East Tennessee State University Johnson City, TN 37614 North Africa; Montgomery; Normandy ROGER BEAUMONT 308 East Brookside Drive Bryan, TX 77801 t: 409-846-3282 Texas A&M University Command and control; elite units; air power; joint operations SKY PHILLIPS BEAVEN 6018 Mayfair Lane Alexandria, VA 22310-1129 Us. Army Air Corps in Philippines; POWs; Filipino-American guerrillas 5 ERNEST L. BELL 35 Felt Road Keene, NH 03431 t: 603-352-0032 f: 603-352-5930 Intelligence: Ultra, especially in ETO MARTIN BERGER Department of History Youngstown State University Youngstown, OH 44555-3452 t: 330-742-3455 f: 330-742-3204 ALAN BEYERCHEN History Department Ohio State University 230 W. 17th Avenue Columbus,OH 43210-1367 t: 614-292-5478 f: 614-292-2282 Technological development; science & politics; Holocaust; postwar consequences DUSANBIBER Celovska 263, Apt. 78 Ljubljana 61000 Slovenia Professor; Vice-President, ICHSWW ALEXANDER M. BIELAKOWSKl 1218 Kearney St., Apt. 16 Manhattan, KS 66502 t: 785-565-0108 Kansas State University Cavalry DONALD F. BITTNER Command and Staff College Marine Corps University 2076 South Street Marine Corps Combat Development Command Quantico, VA 22134-5068 t: 703-784-2746/1028 f: 703-784-2628 USMC, prewar to 1949; British, primarily 1939­ 42 6 - Fall 1997 LARRY 1. BLAND 502 Pickett Street Lexington, VA 24450-1732 t: 540-463-7103 x232 f: 540-464-5229 George C. Marshall Foundation Us. grand strategy; G. C. Marshall & the Us. Army DANIEL K. BLEWETT Cudahy Library Loyala University of Chicago 6525 N. Sheridan Road Chicago, IL 60626 Pacific theater; carrier operations ALLEN BLITSTEIN 300 Donita Avenue Marshall, MN 56258 Southwest State University Prewar intelligence; economic aspects RAYMOND K. BLUHM 4502 Overcup Court Fairfax, VA 22032 The Army Historical Foundation Us. Army MARTIN BLUMENSON 3900 Watson Place NW Washington, DC 20016 European theater MARK BOATNER III 10200 Col. Boatner Road Jackson, LA 70748 t: 504-629-5610/5218 Biography CHARLES H. BOGART 201 Pin Oak Place Frankfort, KY 40601-4250 t: 502-227-2436 f: 502-564-6341 Coast artillery; Philippines; Latin America EDWARD BOONE JR. MacArthur Memorial MacArthur Square Norfolk, VA 23510 r HOWARD L. BOORMAN 12 Redbud Drive Nashville, TN 37215 t: 615-385-0855 Vanderbilt University (Professor Emeritus) Pacific theater SIMON BOURGIN 2022 Columbia Road, NW Apt. 505 Washington, DC 20009 BRIAN BOWEN 308 Robinhood Bloomington, IL 61701 CARL BOYD Department of History Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA 23529-0091 t: 757-683-3951 Submarines; signals intelligence ROBERTBRANDFON 26 Hillside Terrace Belmont, MA 02178 JEFFREY BRAY 2200 University Drive Durham, NC 27707-2146 JOHN R. BREIHAN Department of History Loyola College 4501 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21210 t: 401-617-2427 f: 410-617-2832 Aviation; home front FREDERICK BREIT 105 W. Tietan Walla Walla, WA 99362 RICHARD BREITMAN 9013 Grant Street Bethesda, MD 20817 r Fall 1997­ GEORGE C. BROWDER 18 Leverett Street Fredonia, NY 14063 t: 716-672-5726 f: 716-673-3332 SUNY-Fredonia Police and security agencies; Holocaust and Nazi racial programs SANDAY BUTLER DFAS-ROIFPV 124 Chappie James Blvd. Rome, NY 13441-4511 LORINDA BUTLER 46 College Street Poland,OH 44514 ROBERT BROWN 1224 Stone Road Rochester, NY 14616 R. J. C. BUTOW Box 353650 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-3650 MARGUERITE BROWN Department of History University of Pittsburgh 3POI Forbes Quad Pittsburgh, PA 15260 ARTHUR R. BUTZ 2214 Central Street Evanston, IL 60201 Northwestern University (Electrical Eng.) Jewish Holocaust ROBERT B. BRUCE Department of History Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506-1002 t: 785-537-1009 JOHN C. CAIRNS Department of History University of Toronto Toronto M5S 3G3 CANADA t: 416-925-6481 Britain and France SUSANNAH U. BRUCE Department of History Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506-1002 t: 785-537-1009 ANTHONY BRUNET 533 N. Syracuse Avenue N. Massapequa, NY 11758-2002 OTIO B. BURIANEK Department of History and Geography Georgia College and State University MiHedgeville, GA 31061 t: 912-453-4691 f: 912-454-0873 Refugees, displaced persons; military govt.; UNRRA, civilian relief JOHND.BURTI Box 1589 Idaho Falls, ID 83403 American Military University Pacific war; Mediterranean theater (esp. Malta) RAYMOND CALLAHAN Mals Porgram 207 McDowell University of Deleware Newark, DE 19716 D'ANN CAMPBELL Vice President for Academic Affairs Sage Colleges Troy, NY 12180 t: 518-270-2301 RALPH CARLSON Carlson Publishing, Inc. P.O. Box 023350 Brooklyn, NY 11202-0067 JACK CARRUTHERS 101 Monmouth Street Brookline, MA 02146 CAROLL E. CARTER 1000 EI Camino Real Atherton, CA 94025-4185 7 8 - Fall 1997 MARTIN CAVANAUGH 95 Fox Run Road Collinsville, IL 62234 JONATIIAN J. CHADWICK Imperial War Museum Lambeth Road London SE 16HZ UK Professor; Director, Imperial War Museum; General Secretary, British Committee BREWSTER CHAMBERLIN U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum 2000 L Street NW Suite 717 Washington, DC 20036 ERROL MACGREGOR CLAUSS Department of History Salem College Winston-Salem, NC 27108 t: 910-721-2756 Holocaust; Allied and Axis home fronts; legacies PETER CLEMENS 2016 Chelam Way Brandon, FL 33511-1707 ROBERT W. COAKLEY 3610 Danny's Lane Alexandria, VA 22311 U.S. Army Center of Military History (ret.) Logistics; Europe & Pacific theaters nAN CHEN Department of History Southern Illinois University Cabondale, IL 62901 LOUIS COATNEY 626 Western Avenue Macomb, IL 61455 Origins ofthe war; East Asia, China t: 309-836-1447 CALVIN L. CHRlSTMAN Social Science Division Cedar Valley College 3030 N. Dallas Ave. Lancaster, TX 75134-3799 t: 972-860-8136 f: 972-860-8207 Cedar Valley College American strategy; American war orphans LESLIE CLARK The Allies, Inc. 211 Central Park West #22K New York, NY 10024 JEFFREY 1. CLARKE U.S. Army Center of Military History 1099 14th Street, NW (2nd floor) Washington, DC 20005-3402 Russian front; Guadalcanal; USS Juneau; wargaming & models BERNARD D. COLE National War College - DNSP Ft. Lesley 1. McNair Washington, DC 20319-6000 t: 202-685-3642 f: 202-685-6461 National War College; Chair, Dept. ofNSP Naval; China BG JAMES L.COLLINS, JR. Zulla Vineyards Middleburg, VA 22117-1331 t: 540-364-9697 f: 540-364-9697 U.S. Army (ret.) Western Europe; Italy t: 202-761-5402 f: 202-761-5390 U.S. Army; French Army MARY ELLEN CONDON-RALL 3508 Beret Lane Silver Spring, MD 20906 Fall 1997 ­ THEODORE COOK, JR. Department of History William Paterson University 300 Pompton Road Wayne, NJ 07470 cooktj@frontier. wi/paterson. edu Japanese experience, strategy, homefront A. E. COWDREY 18 Ninth St., NE, Apt. 106 Washington, DC 20002 MICHAEL K. COX 304 W. 51st Street Davenport,IA 52806 poor. dad. t: 319-391-7190 Woodrow Wilson Middle School Nazi Germany & the Holocaust; secret war (spies, codes, etc.) NECHAMACOX 27 Heathway Court Hampstead London NW3 7TS UK King's College, University of London Economic waifare JAMES CRAIGMILE 810 Forest Hill Court Columbia, MO 65203 LTC CONRAD C. CRANE Department of History US Military Academy West Point, NY 10996-1793 t: 914-938-5593 f: 914-938-3932 Air warfare; Pacific war; strategic bombing; atomic bomb DANIEL CROUCH 6402 Capriola Drive Austin, TX 78745 JOHN JOEL CULLEY 6814 Montague Drive Amarillo, TX 79109 t: 806-656-2424 West Texas A&M University home front, Japanese-American internment u.s. GEORGE W. CULLY 81 st Training Wing Attn: Chief Historian 720 Chappie James Dr. Kessler AFB, MS 39534-2604 cully@Svr8J trw. aetc. afmi/ t: 601-377-3547 f: 601-377-3940 USAF History Program Military aviation technology & operations WILLIAM CUNLIFFE 660 I Oxhorn Court Columbia, MD 21044 DIANE CYPKIN Lit/Com Dept. Pace University 861 Bedford Road Pleasantville, NY 10570 t: 914-773-3790 Fascist rhetoric; Holocaust studies ROBERT DALLEK History Department UCLA Los Angeles, CA 90024 MILTON DANK 1022 Serpentine Lane Wyncote, PA 19095 DON DAUDELIN 215 Columbia Macomb,IL 61455 Western Illinois University Pacific; home front ERIC LESLIE DAVIES 110 Stepping Stone Lane Orchard Park, NY 14052 HENRY L. DE ZENG IV 1156 Winged Foot Circle East Winter Springs, FL 32708-4202 WILHELM DEIST Milt"rgeschichtliches Forschungsamt Zeppelinstr. 127/128 DI4471 Potsdam GERMANY 9 I 10 - Fall 1997 CHARLES F. DELZELL Department of History Box 6098, Sta. B Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN 37235 t: 615-322-7761/2575 f: 615-343-6002 Italy; resistance movements; Allied grand strategy RA YMOND DENKHAUS 602 S. King St., Suite 300 Leesburg, VA 22075 MAJ WILLIAM J. DOUGHERTY HHC,lstAD CMR 438, Box 292 APO AE 09111 U.S. Anny Russian military history; intelligence ops., Signals intelligence EDWARD J. DREA U.S. Anny Center of Military History 1099 14th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005-3402 t: 202-761-5420 f: 202-761-5386 Army, Imperial Japanese Army u.s. THOMAS DEPAUL University Publications 4520 East-West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814-3389 DONALD S. DETWILER 20 I Travelstead Lane Carbondale,IL 62901-2223 Professor of History, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale; Chairman, WWTSA, and Vice-President, ICHSWW Germany; the World War II era in a global context; historiography DAVID N. DILKS University of Hull Hull HU6 7RX UK Professor and Vice-Chancellor, University of Hull; Chairman, British National Committee, and President, ICHSWW RICHARD DINARDO 56 Glenwood Ave., Apt. 44 Jersey City, NJ 07306 Saint Peter's College German Army, 1933-45 JOHN V. H. DIPPEL P.O. Box 384 Piennont, NY 10968 Espionage; German military; resistance to the Nazis; Holocaust LAURENCE DISTEFANO JR. 4098 Dante Avenue Vineland, NJ 08360 RON DREES 14219 Wickersham Lane Houston, TX 77077 t: 281-493-5171 University of St. Thomas Russian front; Pacific theater HENRY L. DURANT P.O. Box 2044 Columbia, SC 29202-2044 FRANK T. EDWARDS 121 Pennsylvania Avenue California, PA 15419 t: 412-938-3440 California University of Pennsylvania Combat operations at all command levels G. THOMAS EDWARDS Department of History Whitman College Walla Walla, W A 99362 Whitman College DONALD E. EMERSON 5303 146th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98006-3595 KENNETH ESTES 8905 Seven Locks Road Bethesda, MD 20817 STANLEY L. FALK 2310 Kimbro Street Alexandria, VA 22307-1822 t: 703-765-2426 Pacific war; POWs; Japanese operations I Fall 1997 - 11 BUD FEUER P.O. Box 1145 Roanoke, VA 24006 t: 540-342-3222 u.s. Navy; Royal Australian Navy; commando ops., South Pacific ROYK. FLINT Route 5, Box 231 Jones Ferry Road Elberton, GA 30605 JOHN F. FLYNN SPO 1243 735 University Avenue Sewanee, ~ 37383-1000 t: 931-598-5789 f: 931-598-1145 University of the South Planning/or German occupation, esp. women's re-education GEORGE FLYNN 5601 Geneva Avenue Lubbock, TX 79413 ROBERT FOLLIS P.O. Box 164 St. Clair, MN 56080 STANLEYFOO 1126 Cresline Road W. Vancouver BCV7S 2E4 CANADA GERALD B. FORRETTE 6142 Arctic Way Edina, MN 55436 JORGEN FORSTER Milt"rgeschichtliches Forschungsamt Zeppelinstr. 127/128 D14471 Potsdam GERMANY BENIS M. FRANK 12501 Killian Lane Bowie, MD 20715 benfrank@tcs. wap. org t: 301-262-8076 f: 301-262-5479 U.S. Marine Corps (ret.) u.s. Marine Corps; Pacific theater WILLARD C. FRANK JR. Department of History Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA 23529-0091 ERIC W. FREIWALD 238 Dickinson Ave., #1 Swarthmore, PA 19081 t: 610-544-0936 Temple University GARY FRIEDMAN 4800 Berwyn House Road #613 College Park, MD 20740 ARTHURL. FUNK 3445 NW 30th Blvd. Gainesville, FL 32605 University ofFlorida (Professor Emeritus) US-French relations ROBERTFYNE English Department Kean College Morris Avenue Union, NJ 07083-7131 t: 732-636-8846 f: 908-289-1067 Film and propaganda JOHN LEWIS GADDIS History Department Yale University New Haven, CT 06520 t: 203-432-1374 ROB J. GAGNON 127 Maple Street Summit, NJ 07901-3465 t: 212-392-2134 mobilization, organization,- war strategies .­ 12-Fall1997 SCOTT GARRETT Box 248 Brookport,IL 62910 t: 502-554-9200xl72 f: 502-554-6218 Paducah Community College Military/diplomatic; E. T 0.; military heraldry ROBERT A. GELWICK 1708 Berwick Lane Middletown, OH 45042-2907 t: 513-422-0446 Miami University, Prof. Emeritus Waffen SS; Western front STEVEN GERSON 3504 Pinehurst Avenue Fairfax, VA 22030 ROWLAND GILL 610 Eastland Avenue Ruston, LA 71270 JON GILLUM 4010 Hardin Road Baytown, TX 77521 JOHN G. GOTZEN 4422 Fieldgreen Road Baltimore,:MD 21236-1815 LLOYD GRAYBAR 2220 Mercer Drive Richmond, KY 40475 t: 606-622-2279/1287 Eastern Kentucky University US Navy; Pacific; strategic bombing; atom bomb DAVID GRIER P.O. Box 578 Due West, SC 29639 t: 864-379-8809 f: 864-379-2167 Erskine College Easternfront; Battle ofthe Atlantic OLE KRISTIAN GRIMNES Historisk Institutt Avdeling for Histoire Postboks 1008 Blindern Oslo 3 0315 NORWAY ALLISON GILMORE Ohio State--Lima 4240 Campus Drive Lima, OH 45804 t: 419-995-8204 Psywar; Pacific theater JEFFERY A. GUNSBURG Eilat College P.0.B.1301 Eilat 88112 ISRAEL t: 07-6304555 Fall ofthe West, May-June 1940 & events preceding it NORMAN J. W. GODA Department of History Ohio University Bentley Hall Athens,OH 45701-2979 Germany; international relations FRANKLINL.GURLEY 1626 Romanens SWITZ. 100th Infantry Division Association ALFRED GOLDBERG 3842 N. 26th St. Arlington, VA 22207 GRANT K. GOODMAN P.O. Box 968 Lawrence, KS 66044 t: 913-841-1066 f: 913-865-1666 University of Kansas (ret.) Japan; Southeast Asia MILTON O. GUSTAFSON 2706 Shawn Court Ft. Washington, MD 20744-2566 t: 301-713-7250 f: 301-713-6509 National Archives Diplomacy, US State Department, US Archives KEVIN HAGOPIAN 296 N. Willett Memphis, TN 38112 I Fall 1997 - 13 ALFRED W. HAHN 14 Quay Court Centerport, NY 11721 t: 516-757-2389 f: 516-754-5700 Special operations KORCAIGHE D. HALE 28 1/2 Franklin Avenue Athens,OH 45701 t: 614-589-5631 University of Ohio Irish neutrality; espionage THEODORE HAMADY 5802 Manchester Place, NW Washington, DC 20011 t: 202-829-5420 f: 301-907-7133 Aviation KEN HAMBURGER P.O. Box 130 Bellvale, NY 10912 U.S. Military Academy China-Burma-India; leadership in combat THOMAS HARFORD 5571 N.E. Gulfstream Way Stuart, FL 34996 JARVIS HARPER 1301 South Scott St., Apt. 705 Arlington, VA 22204 DAVID HASSLER Scott, Hulse, Marshall P.e. 11 th Fl. Texas Commerce Bank Bldg. El Paso, TX 79901 JOHN H. HATCHER 15736 Edgewood Drive Dumfries, VA 22026 jhatcl t: 703-680-6535 German cultural JENNIFER D. HEAPS NARA at College Park NWDNC Room 3320 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, MD 20740-6001 jennifer. t: 301-713-7030 x228 f: 301-713-7488 National Archives & Records Administration Archives WALDO HEINRICHS RR 1,_ Box 118 Shoreham, VT 05770 Ending of WWII THOMAS T. HELDE 19 West Custis Avenue Alexandria, VA 22301 t: 703-548-7466 Georgetown University (ret.) Evolution ofwar aims & peace planning ROBERT HERZSTEIN Department of History University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208 t: 803-777-6266 f: 803-777-4494 Media; Germany; Franklin D. Roosevelt ROBIN HIGHAM 2961 Nevada Street Manhattan, KS 66502 f: 785-532-7004 Kansas State University NORMAN HILLMER Department of History Carleton University Ottawa K1S 5B6 CANADA Professor; Chairman, Canadian Committee SVEN HILLRING 5785 E. 8th Avenue, #304 Denver, CO 80220-4579 I· 14 - Fall 1997 MEREDITH HINDLEY 321 C Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 t: 202-547-4221 American University European History WILFRED HINES 712 E. Hamlet Street P.O. Box 369 Pinetops, NC 27864-0369 Army; ETO u.s. GERHARD HIRSCHFELD Bibliothek fur Zeitgeschichte Urbanstrasse 19 D7000 Stuttgart 10 GERMANY Professor and Director, Library of Contemporary History; Chairman, German Committee, and Vice-President, ICHSWW WILLIAM A. HOISINGTON JR. Dept. of History (M/C/198) 913 University Hall University of Illinois at Chicago 601 S. Morgan Street Chicago, IL 60607-7109 t: 312-996-3141 f: 312-996-6377 France; North Africa MAX HOLLAND 221 Constitution Avenue, NE, Apt. 23 Washington, DC 20002 t: 202-543-1190 f: 202-543-1190 The Wilson Quarterly; The Nation Washington at war; politics; strategy EDWARD HOMZE History Department University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 68588 German air industry MICHAELA HTMNICKE 1660 Lanier Place, NW, #414 Washington, DC 20009 J. F. Kennedy Institute home front u.s. RICHARD HOPPER Scholarly Resources, Inc. 104 Greenhill Avenue Wilmington, DE 19805 ROGER HOROWITZ Hagley Museum and Library P.O. Box 3630 Wilmington, DE 19807 t: 302-658-2400 f: 302-655-3188 Hagley Museum and Library Social history ofthe soldier; home front IRA C. HOUCK, JR. 310 Grant Street, Suite 2601 Pittsburgh, PA 15219-2301 t: 412-471-1173 f: 412-391-2605 U.S. Marine Corps (ret.) Marine Corps ops. in Pacific theater; amphibious ops. by all services H. STUART HUGHES 8531 Avenida de Las Ondas La Jolla, CA 92037 LINDA HUNT 830 Cricklewood Drive 308 State College, PA 16803-1808 ALFRED F. HURLEY 828 Skylark Drive Denton, TX 7620 t: 817-565-2904 f: 817-565-4998 University of North Texas Military aviation FRANK HUYETTE 403 Sacramento Street Auburn, CA 95603 IRWINT. HYATT, JR Emory College Office Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322-2110 t: 404-727-0676 Pacific War; POWs I Fall1997- 15 STANLEY ITKIN 215 Adams Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 t: 718-625-3068 f: 516-437-8010 Hillside Public Library Bataan, Corregidor; Italy, France, Germany; naval history HISAO IWASHIMA 6-23-4 Okusawa Setagaya-Ku Tokyo 158 JAPAN t: 03-3702-0396 f: 03-3702-6872 The Allen International College, Vice-Pres. Intelligence & strategic decisions; MagiC/Ultra in the Pacific war KENNETH JACKSON 603 Fayerweather Hall Columbia University New York, NY 10027 VINCENT C. JONES 7706 Meadow Lane Chevy Chase, MD 20815-5002 U.S. Army Center of Military History (ret.) US Army; US Army and atomic bomb development; Pacific war KATHIJONES 2204 Cinnabao Place Fairborn, OH 45324 MELISSA JORDINE 2520 New Era Road, #31 Murphysboro, IL 62966 t: 618-351-0493 Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Germany under Hitler DAVID KAHN 120 Wooley's Lane Great Neck, NY 11023 Intelligence ~CHARDF.KEHRBERG D. CLAYTON JAMES Department of History and Politics Virginia Military Institute Lexington, VA 24450-0304 HARRY JEFFREY History Department, Cal State-Fullerton P.O. Box 6846 Fullerton, CA 92834-6846 t: 714-278-2625 f: 714-278-2101 Political; economic THOMAS JENKINS 153 N. 21st Avenue, #3F Philadelphia, PA 19103 T. JOFFE P.O. Box 3133 MCPO Makati Metro Manila PHILLIPINES PAUL V. JOLIET Box 36 St. Bonaventure University St. Bonaventure, NY 14778 Franco-American military/political relations; Salerno campaign 608 S. Vale Street Bloomington, IL 61701-5620 kehrberg@Students. wise. edu University of Wisconsin-Madison Armor; cavalry; u.s. Army GEORGE H. KELLING 4223 Dauphine Drive San Antonio, TX 78218-5010 t: 210-654-6085 U.S. Air Force Civil Service Resistance movements; exiledfree forces; war in British empire THOMAS O. KELLY III History Department Sienna College 515 London Road Loudonville, NY 12211 PAlRICIA KENNEDY-G~MSTED Harvard Ukranian Research Institute 1583 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02138 [ 16 - Fall 1997 GEORGE O. KENT Department of History University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 Diplomatic SCOTT A. KOCH 2074 Golf Course Drive Reston, VA 20191-3822 federal government us. Army; intelligence W. F. KIMBALL 19 Larsen Road Somerset, NJ 08873 t: 908-247-0769 f: 908-247-1045 Rutgers University International affairs; Us. foreign policy RICHARD H. KOHN 1520 Pinecrest Road Durham, NC 27705 t: 919-962-3093 f: 919-962-2603 UNC-Chapel Hill Presidential war leadership EDWARD R. KIMMEL 15 Wood Road Wilmington, DE 19806 t: 302-655-5330 f: 302-655-3474 Pearl Harbor attack PAUL A. C. KOISTINEN History Department California State University Northridge, CA 91330-8250 t: 818-677-3566 f: 818-677-3614 Political economy ofwarfare TEDM.KLUZ 325 Chennault Circle Maxwell AFB, AL 36112 t: 334-953-5805 f: 334-953-6980 Air War College Doctrine, strategy, logistics, mobilization; island hopping; Europe first GRETCHEN KNAPP Department of History Eastern Illinois University Charleston,IL 61920 t: 217-581-3310 War and society (US, Canada, UK); refugees THOMAS A. KNAPP Department of History Loyola University of Chicago 6525 N. Sheridan Road' Chicago, IL 60626 t: 773-508-3513 f: 773-508-3514 ETO; Nazi Germany SPIROS KOLIOPOULOS 149 Autumn Rdg. Montgomery, IL 60538-2936 ARNOLD KRAMMER History Department Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4236 t: 409-845-7108 f: 409-862-4314 German POWs & enemy aliens in Us. JOHN A. KREBS JR. 943 Janet Avenue Lancaster,PA 17601-5117 t: 717-393-8958 American Military Institute Eastern front; Waffen S5; intelligence, Ultra, Enigma LEE BRUCE KRESS Department of History Rowan College ofNJ 201 Mullica Hill Road Glassboro, NJ 08028-1701 t: 609-256-4500x3987 Homefront I Fall 1997 - 17 DANIEL KUEHL 6105 Quiet Pond Court Burke, VA 22015 WILLIAM KUNBERGER 2011 Ferry Avenue #U-20 Camden, NJ 08104 RONALD D. LANDA 11522 Clara Barton Drive Fairfax Station, VA 22039 Secretary of Defense, Historical Office KARL G. LAREW History Department Towson State University Towson, MD 21204 t: 410-830-2915 f: 410-830-3999 Grand strategy; u.s. Army PHYLLIS LASSNER The Writing Program Northwestern University 1902 Sheridan Road Evanston, IL 60208-4005 CLAYTON D. LAURIE U.S. Army Center of Military History 1099 14th St., NW Washington, DC 20005-3402 t: 202-761-5360 f: 202-761-5387 Psychological warfare; E.TG.; us Army LOYD E. LEE 27 Maple Avenue Highland, NY 12528 t: 914-691-8062 f: 914-257-3581 SUNY-New Paltz Social; German DAVID 1. LEES 10 Hamilton Road Romford Essex RM25SB ENGLAND t: 01708-472127 f: 01708-447647 Royal Historical Society Command structure, training, and development of U-boat arm MELVYN P. LEFFLER Department of History University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 t: 804-924-3389 ROGER LERSETH 3413 Walnut Hill Court Falls Church, VA 22042 ADRIAN R. LEWIS 2717 Creekside Way Highland Village, TX 75067 JUDY BARRETT LITOFF History Department 1150 Douglas Pike Bryant College Smithfield, RI 02917 j t: 401-232-6248 f: 401-232-6319 u.s. women in WWIJ F. H. LITTELL P.O. Box 172 Merion Station, PA 19066 JEROME LONG Wesleyan University Department of Religion Middleton, CT 06459-0029 WALTER LORD 116 East 68th Street New York, NY 10021 18-Fall1997 JOHN LUKACS Valley Park Road Phoenixville, PA 19460 JASON E. MANNING P.O. Box 3775 Carbondale, IL 62902 t: 618-985-4674 Southern Illinois University-Carbondale Special means in Allied victory; the GI; social impact oftotal war CHARLES VON LUTIICHAU The Colonnade # 1118 2801 New Mexico Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20007 ROBERT L. MARION Rowe A-2 Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47406 DAVID MACISAAC 3411 Royal Carriage Drive Montgomery, AL 36116 t: 334-277-6160 Aviation; grand strategy CLARENCE C. MARTIN 1070 Amity Road #32 Bethany, CT 06524 Pacific theater; Japanese war effort ROBERT LOVE JR. History Department U.S. Naval Academy Annapolis, MD 21402 BENEDICT V. MACnJIKA History Department U-103 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269 t: 860-429-4549 f: 860-486-0641 Russo-German front, J94 J-45 CZESLAW MADAJCZYK Po1ska Alcademia Nauk Instytut Historii Rynek Starego Miasta 29-31 Varsovie 272 POLAND W. VICTOR MADEJA P.O. Box 3385 Allentown, PA 18106-0385 JAMES H. MADISON Department of History Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405-6624 WILBERT MAHONEY Archives IT Textual Reference Branch 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, MD 20740 t: 301-713-7250 National Archives JAMES V. MARTIN, JR. 3346 Stuyvesant Place, NW Washington, DC 20015 U.S. State Department (ret.) Pacific theater; cryptanalysis ROBERT W. MATSON Department of History University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Johnstown, PA 15904 rmatson t: 814-269-2973 f: 814-269-7255 Economic warfare; northern Europe WENDY LOWER MAUCH 336 South Carolina Ave., SE Washington, DC 20003 American University ANTHONY F. MAURIELLO 156 Viburnum Terrace Red Bank, NJ 07701 t: 732-747-4511 Planning for invasion ofJapan ERNEST R. MAY Department of History Harvard University Cambridge,MA 02138 Fall 1997 - 19 F. PAUL McCARTHY 12872 137th Lane North Largo, FL 33774 u.s. forces (esp. army) in Europe, June 1944­ May 1945 MILTONW. MEYER 239 South Madison #20 Pasadena, CA 91101-2841 California State U.-Los Angeles, Emeritus Philippines; LA WRENCE H. McDONALD 8108 Custer Road Bethesda, MD 20814 DAVID EDWARD MICHLOVITZ 804 Rhode Island Avenue Washington, DC 20001 DARRYL McINTYRE P.O. Box 4453 Kingston Canberra ACT 2604 AUSTRALIA PAUL MILES 117 Federal Court, No.6 Princeton, NJ 08540 KERMIT E. McKENZIE History Department Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322 Soviet Union JOSEPH F. MEANY, JR. New York State Museum Room 3097 C.E.C Albany, NY 12230 t: 518-486-2033 f: 518-473-8496 Port ofNew York in WWJI; Battle ofthe Atlantic: convoys, V-boats, ASW RICHARD MEIXSEL 1486 Neil Avenue, Apt. L Columbus,OH 43201-2657 ISADORE MENDEL 2470 Barth Drive Youngstown,OH 44505-2102 t: 330-759-0150 f: 330-755-1400 Youngstown State University Holocaust; Germany; German-Jewish, French­ German relations, migration FREDERIC M. MESSICK 1333 Crestwood Drive Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858-6133 f t: 517-772-0304 f: 517-775-0227 Central Michigan University Library Diplomacy; Spain during the war ass EDWARD MILLER Watergate East 604N 2510 Virginia Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20037-1904 ALLAN R. MILLETT The Mershon Center 1501 Neil Avenue Columbus OH 43201 t: 614-292-2161 f: 614-292-2407 The Mershon Center/Ohio State University Pacific War; u.s. Marine Corps SYBIL MILTON 3730 Manor Road Apt. 1 Chevy Chase, MD 20815 t: 202-479-9728 f: 202-479-9726 U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust; law & military events in western Europe; art & culture JOHN MOON 11 Monmouth Court Brookline,~ 02146 ~UREEN T. MOORE 197 Woodland, #104-592 San Marcos, CA 92069 Palomar College Morale issues, combat psychiatry; tactics H. WAYNE MORGAN Department of History University of Oklahoma Norman, OK 73019 t: 405-325-6002 20 - Fall 1997 BG JOHN W. MOUNTCASTLE U.S. Army Center of Military History 1099 14th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005-3402 t: 202-761-5400 f: 202-761-5390 US ops. in Europe, inc. weapons employment, amphib. warfare DONALD MROZEK Department of History Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506-1002 f: 785-532-7004 LINWOOD C. NEWTON 2071 Rosemary Court Hemet, CA 92545 t: 909-652-0875 f: 619-576-2302 u.s. Army - European/Mediterranean theaters JOENIEMA 3418 Hamilton Blvd. Allentown, PA 18103-4592 MARK E. NIFFENNEGGER 2019 46th Street Des Moines, IA 50310 MALCOLM MUIR, JR. History Department Austin Peay State University P.O. Box 4486 Clarkesville, TN 37044 TIMOTHY MULLIGAN 7000 Kingfisher Lane Lanham, MD 20706 U.S. National Archives Germany; naval t: 515-255-6420 Easternfront; Eighth Air Force in Europe SELMER S. NORLAND 3310 N. Leisure World Blvd., Apt. 926 Silver Spring, MD 20906-5667 Europe BERNARD NORWOOD 6409 Marjory Lane Bethesda, MD 20817-5805 ROSS MULLNER 10301 S. Kostner Oak Lawn, IL 60453 RAYMOND G. O'CONNOR 212 Claudius Drive Aptos, CA 95003-4611 University of Miami, Professor Emeritus BOYD MURPHREE 117 Glenhave Terrace Tallahassee, FL 32312 Diplomatic; naval OTTO M. NELSON Department of History Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409 ARNOLD OFFNER Department of History Lafayette College Easton, PA 18042 t: 806-742-3833 f: 806-742-3893 JAMES H. OGDEN, JR. 301 Plum Point Road Huntington, MD 20639 t: 410-535-3748 Germany Infantry replacements in European theater BG HAROLD NELSON U.S. Army Center of Military History 1099 14th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005-3402 RAYMOND OJSERKIS 606N. Dudley Avenue Vertnor, NJ 08406 t: 0958-237-597 London School of Economics I· Fall 1997 - 21 MARK T. ORR SOC 250, University of South Florida 4202 Fowler Avenue Tampa, FL 33620 t: 813-974-4090 f: 813-974-2668 International Affairs Center, Director Postwar Japan educational reforms OTIS A. PEASE 1817 N. 47th Street Seattle, WA 98103 oapease@u. washington. edu t: 206-547-3884 University of Washington u.s. participation: impact on & impact ofthe war CHRISTIAN OSTERMANN 621 Maryland Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 t: 202-357-2967 f: 202-357-4439 Woodrow Wilson Center Cold War; Soviet Union, Germany GALEN PERRAS 22 Glenfield Road Calgary ALB DE 4J4 CANADA t: 403-246-7203 JOHN PAPE 1250 Oakwood Drive Arcadia, CA 91006 D-Day; European theater; Burma; Singapore MARK P. PARILLO Department of History Kansas State University Eisenhower Hall Manhattan, KS 66506-1002 t: 785-532-0374 f: 785-532-7004 Logistics; mobilization; Pacific theater SALLY 1. PARKER 12413 Stafford Lane Bowie, MD 20715-3129 University of Maryland Anglo-A merican alliance THOMAS PARRISH 110 Crescent Drive Berea, KY 40403 STEFAN PATEJAK 804 Rhode Island Ave., NW Washington, DC 20001 JOHN A. PATTERSON USAlD/Manila APO/AP 96440 JAMES PERRY 850 Randolph St., #2118 Arlington, VA 22203 NEAL H. PETERSEN 5429 North 19th Street Arlington, VA 22205 AGNES F. PETERSON Hoover Institution Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 t: 415-948-4312 European campaign CAROL M. PETILLO Department of History Boston College Chestnut Hill, MA 02167-3806 RICK PHALEN 706 Park Lane Montecito, CA 93108 DAVID WINGEATE PIKE 37 Rue Sarrette Paris 75014 FRANCE The American University of Paris North African & European theaters (all aspects) CPT THOMAS PIKE 1539 Foxhall Road, NW Washington, DC 20007-2067 Archival Research International Russianfront; European theater [.­ 22 - Fa111997 E. B. POTIER 10 Carvel Road Annapolis, MD 2140 I U.S. Naval Academy (ret.) Pacific theater STEPHEN T. POWERS Department of History University of Northern Colorado Greely, CO 80639 t: 970-339-5873 f: 970-351-2199 ETO: operations EUGENE 1. RASOR P.O. Box CC Emory, VA 24327-0969 t: 540-944-3410 Emory and Henry College War in East Asia; Winston Churchill; British Navy REBECCA ANN RATCLIFF 5208 Manila Avenue, #2 Oakland, CA 94618 UC-Berke1ey Enigma, Ultra JUDy REEMTSMA ARNOLD H. PRlCE 46837 Trailwood Place Sterling, VA 20165-7544 t: 703-450-7202 American Historical Association OSS; German PWs; German boundaries RON PRlCHARD 7895 Fox Run Path Plainfield, IN 46168 ALLAN PURCELL P.O. Box 5652 Austin, TX 78763 DIANE T PUTNEY 6474 Rockshire Street Alexandria, VA 22310 R.C.RAACK Department of History California State University Hayward, CA 94542-3045 Diplomatic 211 Central Park West, #22K New York, NY 10024 EARLA. REITAN 1319 Chadwick Normal,IL 61761-1920 Illinois State University u.s. Army small unit combat in Europe E. BRUCE REYNOLDS Department of History San Jose State University One Washington Square SanJose,CA 95192-0117 t: 408-924-5523 f: 408-924-5531 South East Asia Command; China-Burma-India DAVID W. RlCHARDSON P.O. Box 1075 McLean, VA 22101 f: 703-352-2820 Italian campaign; OSS; Malta; German resistance; jet aerial warfare CARL N. RAETHER 1205 Huntrnaster Court McLean, VA 22102 U.S. State Department DAVID RlGBY 50 Wareham St., #2 Medford, MA 02155 R. RAIBER 102 Sheffield Drive Canterbury Hills Hockessin, DE 19707-1701 SHARON RlTENOUR STEVENS George C. Marshall Foundation P.O. Box 1600 Lexington, VA 24450 1. MICHAEL RALEY 10330 U.S. 45 North E1 Dorado, IL 62930 I Fall 1997 - 23 JEFFREY J. ROBERTS Department of History Box 5064 Tennessee Tech University Cookeville, TN 38505 JURGEN ROHWER Am Sonnenhang 49 D7056 Weinstadt GERMANY Professor and Director, Library of Contemporary History Foundation PETER C. ROLLINS RT 3, Box 80 Cleveland, OK 74020 t: 918-243-7637 f: 918-243-5995 Oklahoma State University HAMMOND S. ROLPH 326 North Del Mar Avenue San Gabriel, CA 91775-2924 t: 818-309-9827 University of Southern California (ret.) Intelligence; Pacific war; wartime diplomacy PETER ROMIJN Rijksinstituut Voor Oorlogsdocumentatie Herengracht 380 Amsterdam 1016 CJ NETHERLANDS Netherlands State Institute for War Documentation; Treasurer, ICHSWW GEORGE K. ROMOSER Technology, Society, & Values Program (TSV) University of New Hampshire Huddleston Hall 334 Durham, NH 03824 t: 603-862-1778 f: 603-862-1131 Nazism & resistance; conservative revolution in pre-Nazi Germany; 20th C. dictatorships RODNEY J. ROSS 4308 Hillsdale Road Harrisburg, PA 17112 t: 717-652-7237 Harrisburg Area Community College Philippines; wartime films; prewar isolationaism, esp. re: Pacific DAVIS ROSS 367 High Street Closter, NJ 07624-2004 MARIO ROSSI 11 Quai Saint Michel Paris 75005 FRANCE PAUL ROSSMAN History Department Quinsigamond Community College 670 W. Boylston Street Worcester, MA 01606 t: 508-853-2300x8346 Resistance movements HENRY ROUSSO IHTP (CNRS) 44 Rue de L'Amiral Mouchez Paris 75014 FRANCE Director, IHTP (CNRS); Secretary-General, ICHSWW KEVIN RUFFNER 1527 Massachusetts Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20003 OLEG A. RZHESHEVSKY Russian Academy of Sciences 32 Leninski Prospect Moscow 117 334 RUSSIA Professor and Chief of Department, Institute of Universal History; Vice-President, ICHSWW BARBARA A. SALAZAR Congressional Research Service 101 Independence Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20540-7420 Library of Congress ETO, North Africa; Swiss banks & hidden Jewish assets STEVEN SALINA 7 Virginia Road Burlington, MA 01803-1940 JOHNSBREGA 325 Butternut Drive North Kingstown, RI 02852 Community College of Rhode Island 24 - Fall 1997 ARTHUR SCHLESINGER JR. 171 East 64th Street New York, NY 10021 MARY ANNE SCHOFIELD Treetops 420 Ridge Road Wethersfield, CT 06109 Women & WWII EPHRAIM SCHULMAN 1506 Slater Street, #8 Valdosta, GA 31602-3841 t: 912-244-5817 Prewar & wartime diplomacy; Eastern front; Cold War origins RICHARD SCHULZE 3944 E. 26th St. Des Moines, IA 50317 DONAL J. SEXTON P.O. Box 5089 Tuscu1um College Greeneville, TN 37743 dsexton@tusculum.ed t: 423-636-7300 Pacific war & aftermath; Allied cover & deception ops.; signals intelligence SIDNEY SHAPIRO 5513 Montgomery Street Chevy Chase, MD 20815 t: 301-654-8422 f: 301-913-5709 Intelligence; OSS FRANK J. SHULMAN Asian Studies Newsletter Archives 9225 Limestone Place College Park, MD 20740-3943 LEONARD G. SHURTLEFF 6915 NW 49th Street Gainesville, FL 32653-1152 t: 352-379-3200 f: 352-379-9408 Foreign Service (ret.) Diplomatic; Free French; British and French colonial troops BG EDWIN H. SIMMONS 9020 Charles Augustine Drive Alexandria, VA 22308 Marine Corps History & Museums Pacific war JOSEPH M. SIRACUSA Department of History University of Queensland Brisbane, QL 4072 AUSTRALIA HENRY 1. SHAW, JR. 4566 Shetland Green Road Alexandria, VA 22312-3144 JOHN SLOAN 5218 Land Grave Lane Springfield, VA 22151 t: 703-321-9072 Eastern front CAROLINE M. C. SHIPLEY P.O. Box 4295 Wilmington, DE 19807-0295 ROBERT SLUSSER 640 Alta Vistas, #308 Santa Fe, NM 87501 DOUGLAS A. SHIREMAN 522 Judith Court Winthrop Harbor, IL 60096 RALPH SMILEY 271 E. 1st Street Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Middle East & Mediterranean; neutrals; French colonies; Stalin, Hitler DENNIS SHOWALTER Department of History The Colorado College Colorado Springs, CO 80903 I· MICHAEL S. SHULL 9802 Georgia Avenue, #303 Silver Spring, MD 20902-5235 dw45@umail. umd. edu t: 301-585-3648 Washington Center Film; propaganda; home front I Fall 1997 - 25 BRADLEY SMITH 104 Regents Park Road London NWI 8UG ENGLAND DAVID C. SMITH History Department 150 Stevens Hall University of Maine Orono, ME 04469 ARTHUR L. SMITH JR. 3616 Thorndale Road Pasadena, CA 91107 California St.-Los Angeles, Prof. Emeritus Germany HELEN SOLANUM Hoover Institution--West European Collection Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6011 t: 415-723-2908 f: 415-725-4655 Resistance groups; Holocaust WALTER L. SPARKS 720 Eric Court Mt. Zion, IL 62549 DANIEL E. SPECTOR 1317 7th Avenue, NE Jacksonville, AL 36265-3308 t: 205-435-4798 University of Alabama at Birmingham General RONALD H. SPECTOR Elliott School of International Relations George Washington University Washington DC 20052 ARVON STAATS 4325 NW 60 Street Oklahoma City, OK 73112 DAVID STEEDS Glen Rosa Brynymor Road Aberstwyth Ceredigion SY232HX UK 01970-624637 JOHN W. STEIGER 9701 Austin Drive Spring Valley, CA 91977 t: 619-464-7000 S.D. Mesa Community College Pacific theater, 1945; occupation ofJapan, 1945-46 GEORGE H. STEIN 2300 Hemlock Lane Vestal, NY 13850-2633 t: 607-785-6101 SUNY-Binghamton KEIR B. STERLING 324 Webster Street Bel Air, MD 21014 LEO STERN 7951 Revenna Lane Springfield, VA 22153 DONALD P. STEURY 3511 8th Street South Arlington, VA 22204 CIA History Staff German & Italian navies; strategic bombing; intelligence DONALD G. STEVENS Department of History Kings College 133 N. River Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 t: 717-826-5900 x5750 f: 717-826-5988 King's College Anglo-American relations; economic warfare WILLIAM H. STEWART Pacific Historical Maps P.O. Box 5201 Saipan, MP 96950 MARK A. STOLER History Department University of Vermont Wheeler House 442 Main Street Burlington, VT 05405 26 - Fall 1997 ERWIN STRASMICH 11 Gorton Street Providence, RI 02906 BRENDA STRICKLER 274 Stonebridge Road Argyle, TX 76226 COL THOMAS SWEENEY Military History Institute Carlisle Barracks Carlisle, PA 17013 JACQUES SZALUTA 19 Maxwell Drive Westbury,1\TY 11590 VICTOR C. TANNEHILL Boomerang Publishers 6164 West 83rd Way Arvada, CO 80003 EDWARD C TANNEN 9155 Audubon Park Lane Jacksonville, FL 32257-4948 t: 904-733-0 III ETG operations JOHN E. TAYLOR U.S. National Archives Washington, DC 20408 DANIEL C. TOMPKINS 11 07 Woodland Ave. Atlanta, GA 30316 DAVID F. TRASK 3223 B Sutton Place, NW Washington, DC 20016 U.S. Anny Center of Military History (ret.) CHARLES J. TULL 118 W akewa Avenue South Bend, IN 46617 Indiana U.-South Bend, Prof. Emeritus Home front; isolationism ROBERTTUTT Houston Chronicle P.O. Box 4260 Houston, TX 77210 TED ULDRICKS History Department University of North Carolina Asheville, NC 28804 MICHAEL E. UNSWORTH P.O. Box 6253 East Lansing, MI 48826 t: 517-432-3976 f: 517-432-1445 Michigan State University Libraries Homefront; Japanese balloon offensive PETER M. UTGAARD 540 S.E. Forest Way Columbia Apts. B3 Pullman, WA 99163 JONATHAN G. UTLEY 2042 North Freemont Street Chicago, IL 60614-4312 chi t: 773-472-0364 f: 773-472-0360 University of Illinois at Chicago Naval operations - Pacific; u.s.-Japanese relations HUBERT VAN TUYLL Dept. of History & Anthropology Augusta State University 2500 Walton Way Augusta, GA 30904-2200 t: 706-667-4165 f: 706-717-1773 Eastern front BILL VOGT Empire Press 602 S. King St., Suite 300 Leesburg, VA 22075 JOHNF. VOTAW First Division Museum--Cantigny 1 S 151 Winfield Road Wheaton,IL 60187-6097 Strategy & diplomacy; military attaches & positive intelligence ops. JOHN B. WAHLFELD 116 E. Coventry Lane Peoria,IL 61614 I Fall 1997 - 27 PIOTR WANDYCZ History Department Yale University New Haven, CT 06520 BERNARD WASSERSTEIN Oxford Center for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Yarnton Manor, Yarnton Oxford OX5 1PY UK bernard. wasserstein@oriental­ studies. uk RUSSELL F. WEIGLEY 327 S. Smedley Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-6717 GERHARD L. WEINBERG 1416 Mount Willing Road Efland, NC 27243-9646 t: 919-563-4224 University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill The whole war; postwar planning JAMES WEINGARTNER Box 1454 Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville Edwardsville, IL 62026 t: 618-692-2145 War crimes ANNE S. WELLS Department of History and Politics Virginia Military Institute Lexington, VA 24450 High command; bibliography; general HALE. WERT 517 E. 1550 Road Baldwin City, KS 66006 Kansas City Art Institute Relief & refugees; Waffen SS & partisans FRANKLIN C. WEST History Department Portland State University P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 Public opinion; anti-fascism DONALD R. WHITNAH 1215 Catherine Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613-3535 t: 319-266-5785 f: 319-273-5846 University of Northern Iowa in ETO; & Austrian occupation u.s. u.s. JOHN E. WICKMAN 315 Grant St. Box 325 Enterprise, KS 67441 t: 913-263-8430 Eisenhower Library, Director Emeritus Military biography; battles in the ETO LARRYD. WILCOX Department of History University of Toledo Toledo, OH 43606-3390 WWII documentary films; Germany in WWII; propaganda THEODORE A. WILSON Department of History University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045-2130 ukans. edu t: 913-864-3569 f: 913-864-5046 Training of combatforces; coalition warfare; Anglo-American military relations us ALANF. WILT Department of History 603 Ross Hall Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011-1202 t: 515-294-6646 f: 515-294-6390 MARSHALL WINDMILLER 3328 Cook Lane Alameda, CA 94502-6940 f: 510-865-2197 San Francisco State University, Emeritus OSS & intelligence; China-Burma-India WALLACER. WINKLER 5020 Lake Circle Court Columbia, MD 21044 [. 28 - Fall 1997 ROBERTA WOHLSTETTER 2905 Woodstock Road Los Angeles, CA 90046 ROBERT WOLFE 602 Crestwood Drive Alexandria, YA 22302 t: 703-548-3599 f: 202-501-5759 National Archives (ret.--volunteer) Germany; postwar occupations MARTIN WOLFE 245 Hathaway Lane Wynnewood, PA 19096 University of Pennsylvania (Emeritus) Airborne warfare in ETO DAYID K. YELTON 136 Stoneybrook Drive Forest City, NC 28043 t: 704-286-2822 Gardner-Webb University German Volksturmlmilitias; ETO--late phase, 1944-45 W. SWAN YERGER P.O. Box 327 Jackson,MS 39205 t: 601-968-6661 European theater MAOCHUNYU Mail Stop 12C Department of History U.S. Naval Academy Annapolis, MD 21402 DAYID T. ZABECKI Am Alten Turnplatz 9 Bexbach D6652 GERMANY GARY D. ZAETZ 124 Long Shadow Lane Cary, NC 27511 HANNAH ZEIDLIK Center of Military History 1099 14th St., NW Washington, DC 20005-4302 JANET ZIEGLER 18333 Algiers Street Northridge, CA 91326 UCLA Bibliography EARL F. ZIEMKE 400 Brookwood Drive Athens, GA 30605 University of Georgia Germany; Soviet Union; US occupation of Germany PHYLLIS ZIMMERMAN Department of History Ball State University Muncie, IN 47306-0480 Fall 1997 - 29 Archival Releases Declassifications Records of International Conferences, Commissions, and Expositions (Record Group 43, 201 cubic feet). Records of various international conferences and committees dating from approximately 1944 through 1975. Among the organizations and conferences included were: Pan American Institute of Geography and History, Organization of American States, World Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization, International civil Aviation Organization, and UNESCO. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. Department of the Treasury (RG 56, 205 cubic feet). International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1947-66; Office of the Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, Subject Files, Country Files, and Briefmg Books, 1940-74; and others. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. Department of State (RG 59, 2,025 cubic feet). Records Relating to the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees (IGCR) and the International Refugee Organization, 1946-60; Records of the Inter-American Coffee Board, 1940-48; Records Relating to Coffee, Coca, and Tea, 1925-52; Bureau of Administration Executive Secretariat, Daily Summaries, 1944­ 58; Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs: Division of Transportation Affairs, Shipping Coordinating Committee, Office of the Executive, Subject Files, 1946-53; Window America Program, Miscellaneous Office Files, 1937-57; Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs (BSCA): Committee Files of the Office of Security and Consular Affairs, 1948-53; Decimal Files of the Office of Security and Consular Affairs, 1945-53; BSCA Subject Files of the Munitions Division, 1947-53; BASC Subject Files of the Passport Division, 1940-53; BASC Subject Files of the Protective Services Division, 1946-53; BASC Subject Files of the Security Division, 1946-53; BASC Subject Files of the Visa Division, 1946-53; Bureau of International Organization Affairs, United Nations Delegation, Position Papers and I Background Books, 1945-64; and others. Most materials open. Some documents require screening for non-national security interests before release. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. Office of the Chief Signal Officer (RG 111, 45 cubic feet). Legal Division, Legal Administrative Files, 1942-58; Plant Engineering Agency, Decimal Files, 1919-45; Procurement and Distribution Division, Procurement Branch, 1942-59; Procurement and Distribution Division, Supply Control Branch, 1945-48; and others. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. Office of the Secretary of Defense (RG 330, 2 cubic feet). Forrestal Files, 1939-49. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. Adjutant General's Office 1917- (RG 407, 30 cubic feet). Various records series of the Adjutant General's office, 1940-60. Most materials open; some remain security classified. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. Accessions and Openings National Archives Coast and Geodetic Survey (RG 23, 24 cubic feet). Armual Office Reports, 1911-57; Monthly Office Reports, 1910-70; and Records Concerning Legislation Affecting the Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1919-64. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. Bureau of Land Management (RG 49, 3,050 cubic feet). Unpatented Serial Land Entry Case Files, 1908-64; Issuances, indexes, dockets, 1916-47; General Land Office Commissioner's Office, 1924-48; records relating to work relief programs, 1933-45; records of the Federal Lands Inventory Project, 1938-42; and others. Materials open. Contact Archives I Textual Reference Branch (202) 501-5385. I­ 30 - Fall 1997 Department of State (RG 59, 190 cubic feet). Records of the Special Assistant to the Director General of the Foreign Service relating to Equal Opportunity Employment and Minority Employment, 1943-66; and others. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. Bureau of Indian Affairs (RG 75, 2,081 cubic feet). Real Property reports, 1930-67; Financial statements of the Menominee and Red Lakes Mills, 1925-39; Transcripts ofInvestigative Hearings on Indian Affairs, 1937-48; Instructional Services Subject Files, 1910-69. Materials open. Contact Archives I Textual Reference Branch (202) 501-5385. Federal Reserve System (RG 82, 122 cubic feet). International Subject Files, 1922-66; and others. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. Federal Communications Commission (RG 173,1 cubic foot). General Orders, 1927-31, and Decisions, 1929-34, of the Federal Radio Commission; Full Commission Orders, 1934-39; and Subject Files relating to the Survey of Radio Use in the United States, 1944-47. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. Office of Strategic Services (RG 226, 330 cubic feet). Previously withheld documents transferred under various CIA accessions, 1944­ 49. Some materials open; most remain security classified. Contact Archives n Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. Central Intelligence Agency (RG 263, 2 cubic feet). Daily Calendars and telephone Logs, 1946-47; and others. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. Headquarters U.S. Air Force (RG 341,676 cubic feet). Reports of returning German and Japanese Detainees under Soviet Control ("Wringer Reports"), 1945-50. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. General Records Concerning the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission (INPFC), 1949-74; and others. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. Adjutant General's Office 1917- (407,848 cubic feet). Various records series of the Adjutant General's office, 1940-60. Most materials open; some remain security classified. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. National Security Agency/Central Security Service (RG 457, less than 1 cubic foot). Intercepts concerning Allied-Swiss Negotiations on the Disposition of German Assets and Looted Gold, 1945-46. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 713-7250. Nontextual Records Division Still Picture Branch National Records Collection of Foreign Records Seized (RG 242, 2,350 images). Soviet Sponsored Photographs Documenting Economic and Cultural Life in the Soviet Union, 1946 (Series RP). Materials open. Contact Still Picture Branch Reference Services at College Park, MD (301) 713-6625 ext. 234. Records of the Agency for International Development (RG 286,10,700 images). Photographic Prints of Foreign Assistance Activities, 1947-67 (Series C); and others. Materials open. Contact Still Picture Branch Reference Services at College Park, MD (301) 713-6625 ext. 234. Records of U.S. Army Continental Commands, 1920-42 (RG 394, 309 images). Photographic Prints of Buildings at Army Camps in the III Corps Area, 1936-37 (Series BP). Materials open. Contact Still Picture Branch Reference Services at College Park, MD (301) 713-6625 ext. 234. Cartographic and Architectural Branch National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (RG 370, 174 cubic feet). Records Concerning Bilateral relations, 1944-75; Office of the Chief of Engineers (RG 77, 6.9 cubic feet). Aerial Photography of the New I Fall 1997 - 31 England Office, 1936-57. Materials open. Contact Cartographic and Architectural Branch at College Park, MD (301) 713-7040. NARA-Pacific Region (San Francisco) 1000 Commodore Drive San Bruno, CA 94066 Tennessee Valley Authority (RG 142,3.2 cubic feet). Indexes for Aerial Photography of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 1933-43. Materials open. Contact Cartographic and Architectural Branch at College Park, MD (301) 713-7040. U.S Customs Service (RG 36, 32 cubic feet). Shipping articles and crew lists, 1930-50, of the Collector in San Francisco. Materials open. (415) 876-9009. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (RG 145,3,654.6 cubic feet). Aerial Photography of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, 1934-54; Indexes for Aerial Photography of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, 1934-54; and others. Materials open. Contact Cartographic and Architectural Branch at College Park, MD (301) 713-7040. Defense Intelligence Agency (RG 373, 10,750.2 cubic feet). Aerial Photography of Defense Intelligence Agency, 1935-65; Overlay Indexes for NorthlWest Quadrant for Aerial Photography of Defense Intelligence Agency, 1935-71; Overlay Indexes for SouthlWest Quadrant for Aerial Photography of Defense Intelligence Agency, 1935-45; Overlay Indexes for South/East Quadrant for Aerial Photography of Defense Intelligence Agency, 1935­ 45.Materia1s open. Contact Cartographic and Architectural Branch at College Park, MD (301) 713-7040. Office of Regional Records Services NARA-Pacific Region (Laguna Niguel) 24000 Avila Road Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 United States Coast Guard (RG 26, 5 cubic feet). Official log books from the Marine Safety Office, San Diego, 1926-66; and others. Some material may be restricted. (714) 643-4241 Naval District and Shore Establishments (RG 181,49 cubic feet). Still photographs, 1917-96, and station newspaper Hoist, 1925-94, from the Pubic Affairs Office of the Naval Training Center, San Diego; and others. Materials open. (714) 643-4241 Naval Districts and Short Establishments (RG 181, 4 cubic feet). General Correspondence, of the Commandant's Office, 12th Naval District, San Francisco, 1944-68. Some materials may be restricted. (415) 876-9009. Presidential Library System Dwight D. Eisenhower Library 200 SE 4th Abilene, KS 67410 Additional Papers of John W. Leonard, 1915­ 96 (less than 1 cubic foot). Correspondence, reports, and newspaper clippings relating to Leonard's military career, particularly the capture of the Remagen bridge by the 9th Armored Division in March 1945; various books, magazines, photographs, and video tapes. Materials are closed pending review. (785) 263­ 4751. Additional Papers of Dennis A. Fitzgerald, 1947-48 (less than 1 cubic foot). One bound volume of published reports issued by the Secretary General of the International Emergency Food Council between February 1947 and March 1948. Materials open. (785) 263-4751. John F. Kennedy Library Columbia Point Boston, MA 02125 Accretion to the Personal Papers of Joseph P. Kennedy, 1917-61 (51 feet). Roosevelt Administration papers, diaries, diplomatic memoir, memorabilia and correspondence with William Randolph Hearst, the Roosevelts, Felix Frankfurter, the King and Queen of England, and others. Materials closed pending processing. (617) 929-4540 or I· 32 - Fall 1997 Personal Papers of William Manchester, 1938-93 (100 feet). Closed. (617) 929-4540 or Personal Papers of Bernard Fall, 1946-67 (155 feet). Materials open. (617) 929-4540 or Personal Papers of David E. Koskoff, 1938-74 (less than 1 foot). Interview notes and background materials for Joseph P. Kennedy. A Life and Times (1974). Materials open. (617) 929-4540 or Personal Papers of William Rivkin, 1938-67 (11 feet). World War II officer, later Ambassador to Luxembourg, Senegal, and Gambia. Materials open. (617) 929-4540 or Naval Operations (RG 313, less than 1 foot). Copies of items relating to John F. Kennedy. These reports with notations have been added to the Personal Papers of John F. Kennedy. Materials open. (617) 929-4540 or Fall 1997 - 33 Recently Published Articles in English on World War II Selected Titles from an Electronic Compilation by Susannah U. Bruce Alexander, Martin S. "'Fighting to the Last Frenchman'? Reflections on the BEF Deployment to France and the Strains in the Franco-British Alliance, 1939-40," Historical Reflections 199622(1): 235-262. Arisaka, Yoko. "The Nishida Enigma: 'The Principle ofthe New World Order,'" Monumenta Nipponica [Japan] 199651(1): 81-105. Bankwitz, Philip Farwell. "French Defeat in 1940 and Its Reversal in 1944-45: The Deuxieme Division Blindee," Historical Reflections 199622(1): 263-286. Barker, Peter. "The Birth of Official Policy towards the Sorbian Minority in the Soviet Zone of Occupation in Germany (1945-1948)," German History [Great Britain] 1996 14(1): 38­ 54. Bartov, Orner. "Martyrs' Vengeance: Memory, Trauma, and Fear of War in France, 1918-40," Historical Reflections 199622(1): 47-76. Betz, Hans-Georg. "The German Model Reconsidered," German Studies Review 1996 19(2): 303-320. Blatt, Joel. "The French Defeat of 1940: Reassessments: Introduction," Historical Reflections 199622(1): 1-10. Boyns, Trevor and Wale, Judith. "The Development of Management Information Systems in the British Coal Industry, c.1880-1947," Business History [Great Britain] 199638(2): 55-80. Browning, Christopher R. "A Final Hitler Decision for the 'Final Solution'? The Riegner Telegram Reconsidered." Holocaust and Genocide Studies 1996 10(1): 3-10. Browning, Christopher R. "Daniel Goldhagen's Willing Executioners," History & Memory 1996 8(1): 88-108. Bukey, Evan Burr. "Great Men and the Twentieth Century," Historical Journal [Great Britain] 199639(1): 277-283. 34 - Fall 1997 Cairns, John C. "Reflections on France, Britain and the Winter War Prodrome, 1939-40," Historical Reflections 1996 22(1): 211-234. Caron, Vicki. "The Missed Opportunity: French Refugee Policy in Wartime, 1939-40," Historical Reflections 199622(1): 117-157. Cassidy, David. "Controlling German Science, II: Bizonal Occupation and the Struggle over West German Science Policy, 1946-1949," Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 199626(2): 197-239. Dean, Martin C. "The German Gendarmerie, The Ukrainian Schutzmannschaft and the' Second Wave' of Jewish Killings in Occupied Ukraine: German Policing at the Local Level in the Zhitomir Region, 1941-1944," German History [Great Britain] 1996 14(2): 168-192. DellaPergola, Sergio. "Between Science and Fiction: Notes on the Demography of the Holocaust," Holocaust and Genocide Studies 1996 10(1): 34-51. Doherty, Thomas. "Art Spiegelman's Maus: Graphic Art and the Holocaust," American Literature 1996 68(1): 69-84. Douglas, Lawrence. "The Memory of Judgment: The Law, the Holocaust, and Denial," History & Memory 1996 [i.e., 1995] 7(2): 100-120. Evans, Richard J. "Michael Balfour," German History [Great Britain] 1996 14(1): 63-66. Faber, Marion. "Teaching a Multidisciplinary Course on the Holocaust and German Culture," Annals ofthe American Academy of Political and Social Science 1996548: 105-115. Faure, Jean-Michel. "National Identity and the Sporting Champion: Jean Borotra and French History," International Journal of the History of Sport [Great Britain] 199613(1): 86­ 100. Fink, Carole. "Marc Bloch and the Drole de Guerre: Prelude to the' Strange Defeat,'" Historical Reflections 199622(1): 33-46. Fisher, Robert C. "Return of the Wolf Packs: The Battle for ON 113,23-31 July 1942," American Neptune 1996 56(1): 45-62. Fall 1997 - 35 Fraddosio, Maria. "The Fallen Hero: The Myth ofMussolini and Fascist Women in the Italian Social Republic (1943-5)," Journal of Contemporary History [Great Britain] 199631(1): 99-124. Friedrichs, Christopher R. "Teaching the Unteachable: A Canadian Perspective," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 1996548: 94-104. Gehrmann, Siegfried. "Symbol of National Resurrection: Max Schmeling, German Sports Idol," International Journal of the History of Sport [Great Britain] 1996 13(1): 101-113. Glantz, David M. "Soviet Military Strategy during the Second Period of War (November 1942­ December 1943): A Reappraisal," Journal of Military History 199660(1): 115-150. Hattori, Syohgo. "Kamikaze: Japan's Glorious Failure," Air Power History 199643(1): 14-27. Heineman, Elizabeth. "The Hour of the Woman: Memories of Germany's 'Crisis Years' and West German National Identity," American Historical Review 1996 101(2): 354-395. Henshaw, Peter 1. "The Dieppe Raid: A Product of Misplaced Canadian Nationalism?," Canadian Historical Review [Canada] 199677(2): 250-266. Hindley, Meredith. "Negotiating the Boundary of Unconditional Surrender: The War Refugee Board in Sweden and Nazi Proposals to Ransom Jews, 1944-1945," Holocaust and Genocide Studies 1996 10(1): 52-77. Hinds, Allister. "Colonial Policy and Nigerian Cotton Exports, 1939-1951," International Journal of African Historical Studies 199629(1): 25-46. Hoffmann, Stanley. Translated by Gretchen Van Slyke. "The Trauma of 1940: A Disaster and Its Traces," Historical Reflections 199622(1): 287-301. Housden, Martyn. "Security Policing: A 'Successful' Investigation from the Government General," German History [Great Britain] 1996 14(2): 209-216. Irvine, William D. "Domestic Politics and the Fall of France in 1940," Historical Reflections 199622(1): 77-90. 36 - Fall 1997 Jamieson, Ruth. "The Man of Hobbes: Masculinity and Wartime Necessity," Journal of Historical Sociology [Great Britain] 1996 9(1): 19-42. Jordan, Nicole. "Strategy and Scapegoatism: Reflections on the French National Catastrophe, 1940," Historical Reflections 199622(1): 11-32. Keizer, Madelon de. Translated by Peter Mason. "The Skeleton in the Closet: The Memory of Putten, 1/2 October 1944," History & Memory 1996 [i.e., 1995] 7(2): 70-99. Kimball, Warren F. "Stalingrad: A Chance for Choices," Journal of Military History 1996 60(1): 89-114. Kochavi, Arieh J. "British Diplomats and the Jews in Poland, Romania and Hungary during the Communist Takeovers," East European Quarterly 199629(4): 449-464. Koos, Cheryl A. "Gender, Anti-Individualism, and Nationalism: The Alliance Nationale and the Pronatalist Backlash against the Femme Moderne, 1933-1940, French Historical Studies 1996 19(3): 699-723. Krome, Frederic. "Tunisian Victory and Anglo-American Film Propaganda in World War II," Historian 199658(3): 517-529. Leffler, Melvyn P. "Inside Enemy Archives: The Cold War Reopened," Foreign Affairs 1996 75(4): 120-135. Magdalinski, Tara. "Historical Interpretation and the Continuity of Sports Administrators from Nazi to West Germany," Sport History Review [Canada] 199627(1): 1-13. Medoff, Rafael. "Why Mrs. Brandeis Endorsed the Irgun: An Episode in Holocaust-Era American Jewish Politics," American Jewish History 1996 84(1): 29-38. Moeller, Robert G. "War Stories: The Search for a Usable Past in the Federal Republic of Germany," American Historical Review 1996 101(4): 1008-1048. Porter, Dorothy. "Social Medicine and the New Society: Medicine and Scientific Humanism in Mid-Twentieth Century Britain," Journal of Historical Sociology [Great Britain] 1996 9(2): 168-187. Fall 1997 - 37 Reggiani, Andr,s Horacio. "Procreating France: The Politics of Demography, 1919-1945," French Historical Studies 1996 19(3): 725-754. Rioux, Jean-Pierre. "Franyois Mitterrand: 'Speech in Defence of the Indefensible' in the 'Year of Farewells,'" Contemporary European History [Great Britain] 1996 5(1): 129-132. Robbins, Keith. "Commemorating the Second World War in Britain: Problems of Definition," History Teacher 199629(2): 155-162. Rubin, Alexis P. "The Schleifer Children: A Special Holocaust Rescue Case. American Jewjsh History 1996 84(1): 1-9. Schroeder, Paul W. "German Foreign Policy from Bismarck to Hitler," American Historical Review 1996101(1): 145-147. Shipway, Martin. "Madagascar on the Eve ofInsurrection, 1944-47: The Impasse ofa Liberal Colonial Policy," Journal ofImperial and Commonwealth History [Great Britain] 1996 24(1): 72-100. Stokker, Kathleen. "Hurry Home, Haakon: The Impact of Anti-Nazi Humor on the Image of the Norwegian Monarch," Journal of American Folklore 1996 109(433): 289-307. Studdert-Kennedy, Gerald. "Political Science and Political Theology: Lionel Curtis, Federalism and India," Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History [Great Britain] 199624(2): 197-217. Tsurumi, E. Patricia. "The Accidental Historian, Yamakawa Kikue," Gender & History [Great Britain] 19968(2): 258-276. Vogeler, Ingolf. "State Hegemony in Transforming the Rural Landscapes of Eastern Germany: 1945-1994," Annals of the Association of American Geographers 199686(3): 432-458. Waller, James E. "Perpetrators of the Holocaust: Divided and Unitary Self Conceptions of Evildoing," Holocaust and Genocide Studies 1996 10(1): 11-33. Wegner, Gregory. "In the Shadow of the Third Reich: The Jugendstunde and the Legitimation of Anti-Fascist Heroes for East German Youth," Gennan Studies Review 1996 19(1): 127­ 146. 38 - Fall 1997 Weight, Richard. "State, Intelligentsia and the Promotion of National Culture in Britain, 1939­ 45," Historical Research [Great Britain] 199669(168): 83-101. Weingartner, James. "War against Subhumans: Comparisons between the German War against the Soviet Union and the American War against Japan, 1941-1945," Historian 1996 58(3): 557-573. Westermann, Edward B. "The Holocaust Course at the United States Air Force Academy," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 1996548: 116-122. Williams, Sydna Ann. "'Law, Not War - Hedd Nid Cledd': Women and the Peace Movement in North Wales, 1926-1945," Welsh History Review [Great Britain] 1996 18(1): 63-91. Yasuba, Yasukichi. "Did Japan Ever Suffer from a Shortage of Natural Resources before World War II?" Journal of Economic History 199656(3): 543-560. Fall 1997 - 39 Recently Published Books in English on World War II Selected Titles from an Electronic Compilation by Susannah U. Bruce Annan, Noel. Changing Enemies: The Defeat and Regeneration of Germany (New York: W. W. Norton, 1996),512 pp. Aroneanu, Eugene, compo Translated by Thomas Whissen. Inside the Concentration Camps: Eyewitness Accounts of Life in Hitler's Death Camps (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1996), 200 pp. Bar-Zohar, Michael. Bitter Scent: The Case of L'Oreal. Nazis. and the Arab Boycott (New York: Dutton, 1996), 272 pp. Baylis, John. Ambiguity and Deterrence: British Nuclear Strategy. 1945-1964 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), 495 pp. Benz, Wolfgang and Pehle, Walter H., ed. Translated by Lance W. Garmer. Encyclopedia of German Resistance to the Nazi Movement (New York: Continuum, 1997),360 pp. Bergen, Doris L. Twisted Cross: The German Christian Movement in the Third Reich (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996), 341 pp. Bergerud, Eric. Touched with Fire: Land Warfare in the South Pacific (New York: Viking Penguin, 1996), 576 pp. Bernard, Thomas S. Season of High Adventure: Edgar Snow in China (Berkeley: U. of California Pr., 1996),587 pp. Bernstein, Jeremy. Hitler's Uranium Club: The Secret Recordings at Farm Hall (New York: American Institute of Physics, 1996), 427 pp. Birnbaum, Pierre. Translated by Jane M. Todd. The Jews of the Republic: A Political History of State Jews in France from Gambetta to Vichy (Studies in Jewish History & Culture) (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996), 484 pp. Blair, Clay. Hitler's U-Boat War: The GenTIan Navy in World War II. The Hunters. 1939-42 (New York: Random House, 1996),864 pp. I 40 - Fall 1997 Brookshire, Jerry H. Clement Attlee (New York: Manchester University Press, 1996), 257 pp. Bunting, Madeleine. The Model Occupation: The Channel Islands under German Rule. 1940­ .l5M.5. (New York: HarperCollins, 1996), 354 pp. Cornish, Paul. British Military Planning for the Defence of Germany. 1945-50 (London: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's, 1996),211 pp. Davidson, Eugene. The Unmaking of Adolf Hitler (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1996), 536 pp. Deichrnann, Ute. Translated by Thomas Dunlap. Biologists under Hitler (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996), 468 pp. Diilffer, Jost. Translated by Dean Scott McMurry. Nazi Germany. 1933-1945: Faith and Annihilation (London: E. Arnold, 1996), 242 pp. Eisenberg, Carolyn Woods. Drawing the Line: The American Decision to Divide Germany. 1944-1949 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996),522 pp. Ellis, Robert B. See Naples and Die: A World War II Memoir of a United States Army Ski Trooper in the Mountains ofItaly (Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1996),255 pp. Fest, Joachim. Translated by Bruce Little. Plotting Hitler's Death: The Story of the German Resistance (New York: Holt, 1996),408 pp. Gat, Moshe. Britain and Italy. 1943-1949: The Decline of British Influence (Brighton, England: Sussex Academy, 1996),230 pp. Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah. Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust O'J"ew York: Knopf, 1996),640 pp. Grunbaum, Irene. Translated by Katherine Morris. Escape through the Balkans: The Autobiography ofIrene Grunbaum (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1996), 192 pp. Fall 1997 - 41 Hays, Otis, Jr. The Alaska-Siberia Connection: The World War II Connection (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1996), 92 pp. Hickman, Tom. What Did You Do in the War. Auntie? The BBC at War. 1939-45 (New York: Parkwest, 1996),224 pp. Hilberg, Raul. The Politics of Memory: The Path of a Holocaust Historian (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1996), 215 pp. Hom, Joseph. Mark It with a Stone: A Moving Account of a Young Boy's Struggle to Survive the Nazi Death Camps (New York: Barricade, 1996), 256 pp. Hunt, Michael H. The Genesis of Chinese Communist Foreign Policy (New York: Columbia U. Pr., 1996), 343 pp. Johnson, Carmen. Wave-rings in the Water: My Years with the Women of Postwar Japan (Boston: Charles River, 1996), 200 pp. Jones, Matthew. Britain. the United States and the Mediterranean War. 1942-44 (New York: St. Martin's; London: Macmillan, 1996), 293 pp. Kahn, Leora and Hager, Rachel, ed. "When They Came to Take My Father": Voices of the Holocaust (New York: Little, Brown, 1996), 175 pp. Keegan, John. The Battle for History: Re-Fighting World War II (New York: Random House, 1996), 128 pp. Klinkowitz, Jerome. Yanks over Europe: American Flyers in World War II (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1996), 192 pp. Kreimeier, Klaus. Translated by Robert Kimber and Rita Kimber. The Ufa Story: A History of Germany's Greatest Film Company. 1918-1945 (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1996), 544 pp. Lang, Berel. Heidegger's Silence (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1996), 144 pp. Lapham, Robert and Norling, Bernard. Lapham's Raiders: Guerri11as in the Philippines. 1942­ .l.215..-(Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1996), 304 pp. 42 - Fall 1997 Laurie, Clayton D. The Propaganda Warriors: America's Crusade against Nazi Germany (Modem War Studies series), (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1996), 321 pp. Lazare, Lucien. Translated by Jeffrey M. Green. Rescue as Resistance: How Jewish Organizations Fought the Holocaust in France (New York: Columbia University Press, 1996), 353 pp. Lee, Loyd E., ed. World War II in Europe. Africa. and the Americas. with General Sources: A Handbook of Literature and Research (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1997),525 pp. Leverington, Karen, ed. The Vital Guide to Fighting Aircraft of World War II (Stillwater, Minn.: Voyageur, 1996), 128 pp. Levine, Hillel. In Search of Sugihara: The Elusive Japanese Diplomat Who Risked His Life To Rescue 10,000 Jews from the Holocaust (New York: Free Pr., 1996),336 pp. Lycett, Andrew. Ian Fleming: The Man behind James Bond (Atlanta: Turner, 1996),486 pp. Maynard, Isabelle. China Dreams: Growing Up Jewish in Tientsin (Iowa City: U. ofIowa Pr., 1996), 167 pp. Mi1clunan, Alan and Rosenberg, Alan, ed. Martin Heidegger and the Holocaust (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities, 1996),271 pp. Mitcham, Samuel W., Jr. Why Hitler?: The Genesis ofthe Nazi Reich (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1996), 198 pp. Moskin, J. Robert. Mr. Truman's War: The Final Victories of World War II and the Birth of the Postwar World (New York: Random House, 1996),432 pp. Nicholas, Sian. The Echo of War: Home Front Propaganda and the Wartime BBC. 1939-45 (New York: Manchester University Press, 1996),307 pp. Overy, Richard. Why the Allies Won (New York: W. W. Norton, 1996),416 pp. Fall 1997 - 43 Parrish, Michael. The Lesser Terror: Soviet State Security, 1939-1953 (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1996),424 pp. Parrish, Thomas. The Cold War Encyclopedia (New York: Holt, 1996),544 pp. Peszke, Michael Alfred. Battle for Warsaw, 1939-1944 (East European Monographs, no. 427.), (New York: East European Monographs, 1996),325 pp. Petropoulos, Jonathan. Art as Politics in the Third Reich (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996),439 pp. Radzinsky, Edvard. Translated by H. T. Willetts. Stalin: The First In-Depth Biography Based on Explosive New Documents from Russia's Secret Archives (New York: Doubleday, 1996), 608 pp. Rentschler, Eric. The Ministry of Illusion: Nazi Cinema and Its Afterlife (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996), 480 pp. Rolfs, Richard W. The Sorcerer's Apprentice: The Life of Franz von Papen (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1996),470 pp. Rosenbaum, Alan S., ed. Is the Holocaust Unique? Perspectives on Comparative Genocide (Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1996),222 pp. Rougeyron, Andr,. Translated by Marie-Antoinette McConnell. Agents for Escape: Inside the French Resistance, 1939-1945 (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State U. Pr., 1996), 189 pp. Schmid, Armin and Schmid, Renate. Translated by Margot Bettauer Dembo. Lost in a Labyrinth of Red Tape: The Story of an Immigration That Failed (Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1996. 150 pp. Shohei, Ooka. Translated by Wayne P. Lammers. Taken Captive: A Japanese POW's Story (New York: Wiley, 1996),352 pp. Sofsky, Wolfgang. Translated by William Templer. The Order of Terror: The Concentration CillmL(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997), 352 pp. 44 - Fall 1997 Stolzfus, Nathan. Resistance of the Heart: Intermarriage and the Rosenstrasse Protest in Nazi Germany (New York: W. W. Norton, 1996),352 pp. Tarrant, V. E. The Red Orchestra: The Soviet Spy Network inside Nazi Europe (New York: Wiley, 1996),224 pp. Teveth, Shabtai. Ben-Gurion and the Holocaust (San Diego: Harcourt Brace, 1996),283 pp. Thomas, Hugh. The Murder of Adolf Hitler: The Truth about Bodies in the Berlin Bunker (New York: St. Martin's, 1996), 320 pp. Thurston, Robert W. Life and Terror in Stalin's Russia, 1923-1941 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996),288 pp. Todorov, Tsvetan. Translated by Mary B. Kelly. A French Tragedy: Scenes of Civil War. Summer 1944 (Contemporary French Culture & Society series) (Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, 1996), 160 pp. Todorov, Tzvetan. Facing the Extreme: Moral Life in the Concentration Camps (New York: Holt, 1996),301 pp. Turner, Henry Ashby, Jr. Hitler's Thirty Days to Power: January 1933 (Reading, Mass.: Addison­ Wesley, 1996),272 pp. Waller, John. The Unseen War in Europe: Espionage and Conspiracy in the Second World War (New York: Random House, 1996),512 pp. Weintraub, Stanley. Shaw's People: Victoria to Churchill (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996), 264 pp. Weiss, John. Ideology of Death: Why the Holocaust Happened in Gennany (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1996),422 pp. Whitley, M. J. Cruisers of World War II: An International Encyclopedia (Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1996),288 pp. Wilkomirski, Binjamin. Translated by Carol B. Janeway. Fragments: Memories of a Childhood, 1939-48 (New York: Schocken, 1996), 160 pp. Fall 1997 - 45 Willmott, H. P. Grave of a Dozen Schemes: British Naval Planning and the War against Japan (Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1996),316 pp. Wollenberg, Jorg, ed. Translated by Rado Pribic. The German Public and the Persecution of Jews, 1933-1945: "No One Participated. No One Knew" (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities, 1996),208 pp. Yoshimura, Akira. Zero Fi~hter (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1996), 224 pp. Zubok, Vladislav and Pleshakov, Constantine. Inside the Kremlin's Cold War: From Stalin to Khrushchev (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996),320 pp. Election Ballot for 1998-2000 Term Directors. Three-year term. Select no more than eight, including write-ins. _Carl Boyd Edward L. Hornze _ Martha Byrd Warren F. Kimball _ Robert M. Coakley Allan R. Millett _ _ James L. Collins, Jr. _ Agnes Peterson Carlo D'Este _ Russell F. Weigley Roy K. Flint Alan Wilt John Lewis Gaddis Theodore Wilson Robin Higham Write-ins: Please return the completed ballot to: Mark P. Parillo Department of History Kansas State University Eisenhower Hall Manhattan, KS 66506-1002 Please return ballots by January 31,1998. I _ Janet Ziegler Membership Renewal Form Membership is open to all who are interested in the era of the Second World War. Annual membership dues of $15 are payable at the beginning of each calendar year. Students with U.S. addresses may, if their circumstances require it, pay annual dues of $5 for up to six years. There is no surcharge for members abroad, but it is requested that dues be remitted directly to the WWTSA secretary (not through an agency or subscription service) in US $. 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