·AMERICAN COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR NEWSLETTER Arthur I.. Funk, Chairman Department of History University of Florida ISBN 0-89126-060-9 ------YS SN 0 8 8 5 - 5668 Gainesville, Florida 32611 Permanent Directors Charles F. Delzell Vanderbilt University Spring 1987 No. 37 Swphl'n K AmbrooYe CONTENTS General Information 2 The Newsletter 2 Membership 2 American Historical Association 400 A Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 200m Note on Directory 2 Report on the 1986 Annual Meeting The Business Meeting and the ACHSWW Re­ solution on Declassification of Cap­ tured German Records The Session on MAGIC and ULTRA 3 Comite International d 'Histoire de Ia J)euxieme Guerre Mondiale Jean Vanwelkenhuyzen, Prbiidetlt Belgian Centre for Research and Studies on the History National Archives Harold C. I}eulBch Army War College Stanley L. Falk Center of Military History (ret.) Maurice Matlnff Center of Military History (ret.) Ernest R. May Harvard University Gerhard L. Weinberg University of North Carolina Earl F. Ziemke University of Georgia Terms expiring 1987 !Jean C. Allard Naval History Division Philip A. Crowl Nava! War Colle;~e (ret.) Brig. Gen. A. F. H udey, USAF (ret.) NfHth T~)'.a8 State Univers.ity IJilVld Kahn Creal Nt"ek, N,Y, Wllrr~n fl'. Kimball Hutj;:'ers University Richard H. Kohn Hi@tory Roberta Wohlstetter Pan Heuristics, Los Angelp"g Robert Wolfe National Archives Janet Ziegler University of California at Los Angeles Terms expiring 1988 Brig. Gen James L. Collins, Jr. Chief of Military History (ret.) John Lewis Gaddis Ohio University Rohin Hi",ham Kan~i1H Statt~ University (~Iayton .Jam(~!'l Missi!olsippi State University Agnt'~ Arthur 1.. Funk Department of History F, Pt·tt,'rHon H()()v(~r In~titution Brig, n(,I1, Edwin II. HinllnOnH Murin(' CurpN BiHtury and MUHPumH Duvid F. Trask ('('ntt'r of Military History RusHell F. Wl'iJ.(lt'y Tumpl(! University (~ninp8vilk Florirll\ :~2()11 Th.> ACl/SWW ,.< aiiiliatl'li ""th: William H. Canliffe 1>. (i6~06 International Book Review Coordination University of New Orleans Martin HIumer-son Washington, D.C. fo~orce Department of History Manhattan, Kansas lJnivprsity of Florida TlJrms expi,inR 19H6 Oftlce of Air Robin Higham, Archivist Kansas State University H. Stuart Hughes University of California atSan Diego Forrest C. Pogue Dwight D. Eisenhower Institute Donald S. Detwiler, S(>cretary and N(>wsletter Editor Department of History Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois 62901 3 of the Second World War Place de Louvain 4 - bte 20 1000 Brussels, Belgiam 4 Announcements and Queries Eighth Naval History Symposium Research Chair in Naval History Query re U.S. Forces in England during World War II Research Resources Microfiche of the Dutch Underground Press, 1940-1945 The U.S. National Archives and the Presidential Libraries U.S. National Archives Declassification Policy Records of the Department of State Records of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Records of the OSS Records of the Office of Alien Property Records of U.S. Army Commands Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Harry S Truman Library Membership Directory (as of 31 December 1986) 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 10 GENERAL INFORMATION Established in 1967 lito promote historical research in the period of World War II in all its aspects," the American Committee on the History of the Second World War is affiliated with the Ameri­ can Historical Association, the International Committee for the History of the Second World War, and corresponding national com­ mittees in many other countries, including Austria, Belgium, Can­ ada, France, East and West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Roman­ ia, the Soviet Union, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The ACHSWW meets annually with the American Historical Association. THE NENSLETTER The ACHSWN issues a semiannual newsletter. The National Serial Data Program of the Library of Congress has assigned it Interna­ tional Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 0885-5668. Back issues of the newsletter are available through the ACHSWW Archivist (at the address on the letterhead) from MA/AH Publishing (now an imprint of Sunflower University Press). The first eighteen issues (1968­ 1978) are available as a spiral-bound, 360-page xerox paperback (ISBN 0-89126-060-9) for $36.00. Subsequent back numbers are available as single, unbound issues for $3.00 each. (There is no postal charge for prepaid orders to U. S. addresses, but a $4.00 shipping charge for orders to foreign and Canadian addresses. ) MEMBERSHIP Membership in the ACHSWW is open to anyone interested in the era of the Second World War. Annual membership dues are $10.00 ($2.00 for students with U.s. addresses), payable at the beginning of each calendar year. There is no surcharge for members abroad, but it is requested that dues be remitted directly to the committee secretary (not through an agency or a subscription service) in U.S. funds. The newsletter, which is mailed at bulk rates within the United states, will be sent by surface mail to foreign addres­ ses unless special arrangements are made to cover the cost of air­ mail postage. DIRECTORY This issue of the newsletter includes a directory of the member­ ship of the ACHSWW on the basis of information received by the secretary by 31 December 1986. (The first page of the newsletter shows the membership of the Board of Directors as of the same date; the results of the annual election, for which ballots are due later in January, will be shown in the next issue.) 2 THE 1986 ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the ACHSWW was held in conjunction with that of the American Historical Association at the Chicago Hyatt Regency Hotel, 151 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601, 27-30 December 1986. The Business Meeting The 1986 business meeting took place, as scheduled, from 5:00 p.m. to almost 7:00 p.m., on Sunday, 28 December, under the chairman­ ship of Prof. Arthur L. Funk of the University of Florida. The secretary and newsletter editor, Prof. Donald S. Detwiler, South­ ern Illinois University at Carbondale, gave the treasurer's report, which was unanimously accepted, together with his recommendation that student dues of $2.00 annually be restricted to those at U.S. addresses, to whom the newsletter can be sent at bulk mail rates. Prof. Funk reported on plans for a joint session with the AHA to be held at the December 1987 meeting (in Washington, D.C.) in honor of the late president of the International Committee, Henri Michel. He said he hoped it would be possible for M. Michel's suc­ cessor as head of the International Committee, the distinguished Belgian historian Jean Vanwelkenhuyzen, Director of the Belgian Centre for Research and Studies on the History of the Second World War, to participate in the session as a commentator. Dr. Funk al­ so asked the committee secretary, Dr. Detwiler, who will be a vis­ iting research professor at National Taiwan University during the spring and summer of 1987, to make preliminary plans for a propos­ al, for the annual meeting in 1988, for a joint session with the AHA focussing on the Second World War in Asia. Prof. Gerhard Weinberg of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a Director of the ACHSWW and also a member of the Na­ tional Archives Liaison Committee of the Conference Group for Cen­ tral European History, reported on the status of captured German cryptological records under joint Anglo-American custody. Follow­ ing an appeal to the Interagency Classification Review Committee in 1977, the National Security Agency did review and release some of this material, which includes records of German efforts to break Al­ lied. codes. However, much of this group of World War II and prewar records has remained closed and has not been reviewed for declassi­ fication in years. Prof. Weinberg noted that the records are on flimsy, deteriorating paper, making it urgent that they be processed for microfilming before restitution to Germany. Following a discus­ sion in which government as well as academic historians concurred on the urgency of the matter, the committee unanimously resolved: liThe American Committee on the History of the Second World War, an affiliate of the American Historical Association, calls upon the National Security Agency to initiate a prompt and thorough review of all still classified captured German records pertaining to cryp­ tology with a view to declassifying them; and the committee re­ quests Prof. Gerhard Weinberg of its Board of Directors to pursue this matter on its behalf during the coming year and to report on it at the 1987 annual meeting." 3 The Session on MAGIC and ULTRA in World War II The formal joint session with the American Historical Associa­ tion, "MAGIC, ULTRA, and the Second World War: New Insights from New Sources," was held under the chairmanship of Alexander S. Coch­ ran, Jr., of the Center of Military History of the Department of the Army, on Monday afternoon, with a standing-room-only audience. Mr. Cochran clarified the difference between the terms "MAGIC" and "ULTRA." The latter is short for "Ultra Secret," a security clas­ sification higher than "Top Secret." Originally used to designate the classification of the signal intelligence information derived from decoding German messages in the British-controlled operation in England, the term "ULTRA" came to be applied to the information itself. "HAGIC" is the corresponding term applied to information derived from the American code-breaking operation against Japan. It has sometimes been confused with ULTRA information, because it was given the same "Ultra Secret" security classification. Prof. Carl Boyd, Old Dominion Unversi ty, in a paper on "t>1AGIC, the Japanese, and the Betrayal of Hitler," focussed on the extensive information regarding German-Japanese relations, intra-Axis rela­ tions, and Hitler's intentions available from decoded radio reports to Tokyo from the Japanese ambassador in Berlin, General Oshima. Prof. Arthur Funk, University of Florida, presented a case study of the operational impact of ULTRA intelligence. On the ba­ sis of his study of ULTRA documents and interviews with partici­ pants, Prof. Funk showed how General Patch had utilized intercept­ ed and decoded German radio messages in a series of tactical deci­ sions during the early weeks of the campaign in southern France. In his comment, Prof. Gerhard Weinberg, University of North Carolina, emphasized the historiographicaf importance of studies such as Prof. Funk's, which not only review the information that was gained, but also evaluate its contemporary impact by systemati­ cally studying the use to which it was actually put by decision­ makers at the time. The second commentator, the session chairman, observed that "in essence, . . . ULTRA allowed Patch to . . . be in a chess match in which he already knew what his opponent's next move was going to be, and his rapid and unexpected advance to the West Wall exceeded all tactical and strategic expectations." Mr. Cochran also noted that the still-unpublished official history of the campaign in southern France will be the final volume in the U.S. Army in World War II combat series. The draft of this volume, which was prepared several years ago, is now being carefully revised to take ULTRA into account. Its author, who had completed three previously pub­ lished volumes in the official history series, as well as this draft, before his retirement, had used as his primary sources the Seventh Army journals, diaries, memoirs, and interviews. These sources included information that was classified as "Top Secret," but not the signal intelligence information of the still higher classification of ULTRA--the very existence of which was known to very few. "ULTRA was so closely held during the war," Hr. Cochran said, "that, by directive, its messages were immediately destroyed in the field after reading. While such practices eliminated any paper trail at the time, they also eliminated the critical record for the historian." 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS AND QUERIES Eighth Naval History Symposium, 24-25 September 1987 The History Department of the United States Naval Academy will sponsor its Eighth Naval History Symposium on Thursday and Fri­ day, 24-25 September 1987. Past symposiums have brought together historians concerned with the entire range of naval history--in­ eluding United States, European, and Third World navies and en­ compassing the ancient, medieval, and modern periods. This year's symposium committee anticipates a similar range of papers. Indi­ viduals wishing to propose a paper, or to offer an entire panel, should submit an abstract to Assistant Professor William B. Cogar, History Department, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD 21402-5044. The deadline for proposals is 1 March 1987. Research Chair in Naval History The Director of Naval History, Dr. Ronald H. Spector, writes that the Naval Historical Center, Department of the Navy, has estab­ lished the Secretary of the Navy1s Research Chair in Naval Histo­ ry, a competitive position that will allow its incumbent up to three years to research and write a major monograph concerning the history of the U.S. Navy since 1945. The award will amount to approximately $50,000 per year plus allowances, as regulated by the Intergovernmental Personnel Act. The application deadline is March 1, 1987. For further information, interested applicants should write to Director of Naval History, Naval Historical Center, Washington Navy Yard, Bldg. 57, Washington, DC 20374-0571. Query re U.S. Forces in England during World War II L. Lee, M.E.M.S. Dept., University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF1 3XE, Gt. Britain, writes: "I am investigating the social effects and impact of the U.S. for­ ces stationed in England during World War II. At the present time I am concentrating on the East Midlands area of England, the coun­ ties of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, and Stafford­ shire. I have some sketchy details of a supply depot situated at Sudbury, Egginton in the county of Derbyshire, which was a particu­ larly large camp. I would be very interested to find out more de­ tails of this base, particularly the divisions and regiments that were stationed there. I would be very much obliged if you would let me have any information that you can on this subject. 1I 5 RESEARCH RESOURCES Microfiche of the Dutch Underground Press, 1940-1945 Inter Documentation Company BV The Netherlands (IDC) has announced the microfiche publication of the collection of underground news­ papers circulated during the war in the occupied Netherlands and subsequently assembled by the Netherlands State Institute for War Documentation in Amsterdam. Use of the collection of some 1300 newspapers, 1940-1945, on 1831 fiche, is facilitated by an adapta­ tion of L. E. Winkel's collection catalogue, De Ondergrondse Pers 1940-1945 (1954), updated to show accessions since 1954, and giving microfiche numbers for each title. It includes an English summary. The collection, together with a free microfiche reader, is avail­ able for $10,000.00 Swiss francs from IDC-Order Department, Post­ strasse 14, CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland. Regarding the collection, the Director of the Netherlands State Institute for War Documenta­ tion (and Secretary-Treasurer of the International Committee on the History of the Second World War) writes: "The founding of the State Institute for Ii'Ja:r Document.ation in Amsterdam on the 8th of May 1945 was already being prepared during the last years of the German occupation of The Netherlands. The Institute considered its first responsibility to be the collecting of all kinds of documents of historical value relating to the occu­ pation, especially those in the possession of private citizens, where preservation might not be certain. "By means of an intensive radio, press, and poster campaign, the Institute succeeded in forming an almost complete collection of the vast number of newspapers circulated clandestinely during the war. This material ranged from primitively handwritten or typed sheets, calling for opposition to the Nazis or containing simple daily news items to professionally edited and printed papers filled with political articles and views as well as pieces on national so­ cialism, measures imposed by the enemy, and during the later years of the war expectations and concepts related to the reconstruction of a "new democracy" in a liberated country, as well as to military and political developments throughout the world. "The tens of thousands of issues of these papers provide a wealth of invaluable data on every conceivable aspect of a West European nation during the Second World War, a rich source for his­ torical and sociological research." The U.S. National Archives and the Presidential Libraries U.S. National Archives Declassification Policy The Records Declassification Division systematically reviews securi­ ity-classified documents accessioned by the National Archives. Un­ der the terms of Executive Order 12356, "National Security Informa­ tion," effective 1 August 1982, and the implementing directive is­ 6 sued by the Information Security Oversight Office, classified infor­ mation accessioned into the National Archives will be reviewed when it becomes thirty years old. File series concerning intelligence activities, intelligence sources and methods, and cryptology dating after 1945 are not to be systematically reviewed before they become fifty years old. Records of the Department of State The following files, declassified for research, are now available for research in the Diplomatic Branch of the u.S. National Archives in Washington, D.C., telephone (202) 523-3174: Records of the Office of South Asian Affairs, 1939-53 (eight cubic feet); Records of U. Alexis Johnson as Director of the Office of Northeast Asia Affairs, 1945-53 (one cubic foot); Alpha-numeric file on Japan, 1952-54, and other records, cover­ ing the period 1945-53, created by the Office of Northwest Asia Affairs (three cubic feet). Records of the u.s. Joint Chiefs of Staff The following documents have been declassified and are available in the Military Reference Branch, telephone (202) 523-3340: Central decimal file, 1942-50 (50 cubic feet); U.S.-Brazil Military Commission records, 1942-54 (one cubic foot); U.S.-Mexico Military Commission records, 1940-53 (one cubic foot). Records of the Office of Strategic Service~ Additional material has recently been opened for research in Record Group 226 in the Military Reference Branch of the National Archives, telephone (202) 523-3340. Re-review has been conducted on selected series in the records of the Central Information Division of the ass Research and Analysis Branch. Many previously withheld documents have now been released in whole or in part. The records re-reviewed were in the following categories: "Regular series" intelligence reports, 1941-45; "XL series" intelligence reports, 1941-46; "L series" intelligence reports, 1942-45; and Intelligence reports relating to enemy logistics ("Order of Battle series"), 1942-45. Since the OSS Operational Archives, 1942-45, have been transferred to the National Archives, the Records Declassification Division has reviewed the records for possible additional declassification ac­ tions. To date, 1,333 cubic feet have been reviewed and released. These records include the following: The overseas cable file (230 cubic feet); The OSS war diary for the European Theater of Operations (15 cubic feet); 7 The history of the ass in London (11 cubic feet); Combined Intelligence Committee reports (three cubic feet); Administrative records of Washington Communications Office (one cubic foot); The ass Algiers headquarters file (15 cubic feet); The ass History Office files (36 cubic feet); The records of the Foreign Nationalities Branch relating to American ethnic groups (44 cubic feet); Miscellaneous files on Yugoslavia, Greece and Bulgaria (one cu­ bic foot); Records of Special Forces operating behind enemy lines (two cu­ bic feet); Reports and correspondence of the Secret Intelligence Branch (17 cubic feet); Washington Registry Office intelligence from Secret Intelligence Branch field files (155 cubic feet); Administrative records of the Censorship and Documents Branch (two cubic feet); Operational Groups (commands) field intelligence reports, the ass theater officer's correspondence, and draft histories (18 cubic feet); London field files (17 cubic feet), Washington counterintelligence files (15 cubic feet); Field radio and cable files (47 cubic feet); Special Funds, Special Projects, Pacific Coast Area miscellan­ eous records (121 cubic feet); Washington Communications Branch records (29 cubic feet); Washington field office miscellaneous records (62 cubic feet); Administrative records of the Washington X-2 (counterintelli­ gence) Branch (one cubic foot); Washington Office collection of field station records (102 cubic (feet); Pacific Coast Office records for morale operations, marine units, and schools and training field stations records (31 cubic feet); ass New York Secret Intelligence Branch records (two cubic feet); Research and Analysis and Research and Development Branch Rec­ ords (36 cubic feet); Operation and support records (89 cubic feet); New York Office collection of overseas station records (45 cubic feet) ; Field office files (73 cubic feet); New York "George ll Office records relating to European economic matters (seven cubic feet); ass section Seventh Army records (three cubic feet); New York Secret Intelligence Branch records (13 cubic feet); Coordinator of Information/aSS records from the Office of the Director, General Donovan (three cubic feet); Records of ass operations in the Mediterranean and Burma (15 cubic feet); ass New York Office and European and Far East field station rec­ ords (32 cubic feet); Records of the Latin American Section of the Research and Analy­ sis Branch (one cubic foot); and Research and Analysis Branch and Department of State, Office of Research and Intelligence records (five cubic feet). 8 Records of the Office of Alien Property The Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch of the Special Archives Division has received a collection of audiovisual material, now in Record Group 131, originally seized in 1942 from the New York head­ quarters of the German-American Vocational League, an organization of German immigrants with ties to Germany. In addition to approxi­ mately eighty-seven sound recordings, primarily of marches and band music, there are approximately forty reels of 16mm motion picture film containing footage of Hitler summer youth camp activities in Offenberg, Germany; Camp Bergwald in the Catskill Mts., N.Y.; and a youth vacation camp in St. Louis, Missouri. Records of U.S. Army Commands, 1942­ The Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch of the Special Archives Division has received a collection of approximately 50 small rolls of 16mm black-and-white motion pictures and four sound recordings, now in Record Group 338, found among the records of the U.S. Army Europe, Judge Advocate Division, War Crimes Branch. The material contains assembled footage of the Malmedy line during the Battle of the Bulge, as well as footage of the liberation of POW camps in re­ lation to the War Crimes investigations into the Malmedy massacre and other atrocities against American POWs. Franklin D. Roosevelt Libr~ The Roosevelt Library has recently opened approximately 35 cubic feet of papers of James Rowe, Jr., to researchers. The materials consist primarily of his correspondence while Administrative Assist­ ant to President Roosevelt, 1938-41, Assistant Attorney General, 1941-43, and member of the President's Commission to Reorganize the Government, 1947-49. There are also files relating to Mr. Rowe's work as advisor to Francis Biddle, who served as a judge at the Nuremberg war crime trials, 1946. Harry S Truman Library Oral history transcripts recently accessioned by the Library include interviews with Dirk Stikker, Netherlands' Minister of Foreign Af­ fairs, 1948-52, and chairman, Organization for European Economic Co­ operation, 1950-52; Dean Acheson, Under Secretary and Secretary of State during the Truman administration; and Frederick E. Nolting, Jr., assistant chief of the State Department's North European Af­ fairs Division and assistant to the Deputy Under Secretary of State, 1948-53. In addition, classified materials have recently been de­ classified in the records of the Psychological Strategy Board and the records of the National Security Council (less than one cubic foot, in each case). 9 I--~~~-- ----------- MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Members of the American Committee on the History of the Second World War are listed below in alphabetical order. The entries reflect the information provided on the annual membership renewal form--in some cases the individual or institutional name and ad­ dress only, in others, the member's academic, military, or other rank or title and affiliation, as well as any particular area[s] of interest or specialization. FREDRICK AANDAHL 232 SHADY BROOK LANE PRINCETON, NJ 08540 Diplomacy, intelligence activities--primarily Europe and United States DINA ABRAMOWICZ, LIBRARIAN YIVO INSTITUTE FOR JEWISH RESEARCH 1048 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10028 The Holocaust PROF. HENRY M. ADAMS 1221 LAS CANOAS LANE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93105 Modern European and German history, and World Wars I & II ALAN C. AIMONE 4 CORONATION PATH NEWBURGH, NY 12550 Military sources of information--books, manuscripts, video tapes, oral history, illustrations NAT'L AIR & SPACE MUSEUM LIBR. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON, DC 20560 PROF. KANJI AKAGI MIL. HIST. DEPT., NAT'L DEF. COLLEGE 2-2-1, NAKAMEGURO MEGURO-KU, TOKYO 153 JAPAN Southeast Asia--Indochina; strategy and policy DEAN C. ALLARD 4823 N. 15TH STREET ARLINGTON, VA 22205 Naval and maritime history MR. PETER R. ALLEN 28049 PETRINA CT. HAYWARD, CA 94545 WWII--European theater; German Armed Forces; Waffen-SS and the Balkans 10 PROF. STEPHEN E. AMBROSE HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS, LA 70148 Eisenhower STEVE E. ANDEREGGEN P. O. BOX 2093 JUNEAU, AK 99803 WWII Pacific, Guadalcanal, naval battles PROF. DR. K. O. FRHR. v. ARETIN DIREKTOR, INSTITUT FUER EUROP. GESCHICHTE ALTE UNIVERSITAETSSTR. 19 D-6500 MAINZ FED. REP. OF GERMANY CHIEF HISTORIAN CENTER OF MILITARY HISTORY, D.A. WASHINGTON, DC 20314 HEADQUARTERS CENTER OF MILITARY HISTORY! D.A. WASHINGTON, DC 20314 MILITARY HISTORY INSTITUTE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CARLISLE BARRACKS, PA 17013 MRS. HELEN M. BAILEY 9451 LEE HIGHWAY, APT. 815 FAIRFAX, VA 22031 National security policy PROF. JAY W. BAIRD HIST. DEPT., MIAMI UNIV. OXFORD, OH 45056 Third Reich; Nazi propaganda; Nazi cinema RICHARD A. BAKER HISTORIAN, U. S. SENATE WASHINGTON, DC 20510 DANIEL W. BARTH ELL 5801 MERTON CT. #283 ALEXANDRIA, VA 22311 Impact of WWII on the societies of the major countries involved, particularly the U. S. MR. PAUL R. BARTROP SCHOOL OF SOC. SCI., GIPPSLAND INST. OF ADV. ED. SWITCHBACK ROAD CHURCHILL, VICTORIA 3842 AUSTRALIA The Holocaust (1933-45); resistance and collaboration in Nazi­ occupied Europe; 1930s diplomacy; social history and the home front in Europe 11 WILLIAM H. BARTSCH 2510 FREETOWN DRIVE RESTON, VA 22091-2514 Philippines campaign, 1941-42; Pacific War 1937-45 ERIC BAUER BOX 1000 LONG BEACH, NY 11561 German politics prior to and during war, European Theater of Operations, Holocaust K. JACK BAUER DEPT. OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY STUDIES RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE TROY, NY 12180-3590 U. S. naval operations; national strategy formation ROGER A. BEAUMONT HIST. DEPT., TEXAS A & M UNIV. COLLEGE STATION, TX 77843 Commmand-and-control; air power; special operations/units MRS. HELEN P. ("SKY PHILLIPS") BEAVEN 6018 MAYFAIR LANE ALEXANDRIA, VA 22310 Philippines, 1941-45, including U. S. Air Corps, POWs, Fil-Am guerilla fighters PROF. EARL R. BECK HIST. DEPT., FLORIDA STATE UNIV. TALLAHASSEE, FL 32306 German home front PROF. WARREN A. BECK HIST. DEPT., CAL. STATE UNIV. FULLERTON, CA 92634 ROBERT L. BEISNER HIST. DEPT., AMERICAN UNIV. 4400 MASS. AVE., N.W. WASHINGTON, DC 20016 U. S. diplomatic history; recent military history; causes of war and peace DAVID J. BELL 4712 W. POINT LOMA BLVD., NO.6 SAN DIEGO, CA 92107 High school history ERNEST L. BELL, III 54 SCHOOL STREET (BOX F) KEENE, NH 03431 ULTRA 12 MR. TRISTAN E. BEPLAT ONE HASLET AVENUE PRINCETON, NJ 08540 Japan, Korea, China, Philippines PROF. ALAN BEYERCHEN HIST. DEPT., OHIO STATE UNIV. 106 DULLES HALL, 230 W. 17TH AVE. COLUMBUS, OH 43210-1367 German history, application of science to warfare, postwar German occupation, gas warfare in WWI and implications for WWII CHAN AN BIEDERMANN 3 MIVZA KADESH ST., P. O. BOX 4098 JERUSALEM 91040 ISRAEL German Army, the conflict between Germany & Russia GUY LAURENT BLANCHET P. O. BOX 22 NORTH HAVEN, CT 06473 French resistance; commando & airborne operations and the French Foreign Legion in World War II LARRY I. BLAND 502 PICKETT ST. LEXINGTON, VA 24450 George C. Marshall MURRAY TEIGH BLOOM 40 HEMLOK DRIVE GREAT NECK, NY 11024 Wartime counterfeiting of currencies; the bank note world: the public and private makers of the world's paper currencies ELEANOR BLUMENBERG NATIONAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF BINAI BIRITH 823 UNITED NATIONS PLAZA NEW YORK, NY 10017 MARTIN BLUMENSON 3900 WATSON PLACE, N.W. WASHINGTON, DC 20016 European side of WWII CHARLES H. BOGART 201 PIN OAK PLACE FRANKFORT, KY 40601 Coast defense, Japanese AFV, WWII Channel Islands 13 1--­ EDWARD J. BOONE, Jr. MacARTHUR MEMORIAL, MacARTHUR SQUARE NORFOLK, VA 23510 Life and times of General Douglas MacArthur; the War in the Pacific, especially the Southwest Pacific; careers of staff and associates of the general CARL BOYD HIST. DEPT., OLD DOMINION UNIV. NORFOLD, VA 23508 Axis relations--WWII PROF. HENDERSON B. BRADDICK INT. REL. DEPT., LEHIGH UNIV. BETHELEHEM, PA 18015 Inter-war international politics ROBERT L. BRANDFON 26 HILLSIDE TERRACE BELMONT, MA 02178 U. S. economic diplomacy, WWII PROF. RENNIE W. BRANTZ HIST. DEPT., APPALACHIAN ST. UNIV. BOONE, NC 28608 Modern Germany FREDERICK J. BREIT 105 W. TIETAN WALLA WALLA, WA 99362 Soviet Union, Nazi Germany ROY BRODSKY 2929 PEACOCK ST. HOPE MILLS, NC 28348 WWII Bibliognost, war: film, video, art, photographs & slides, weaponry, uniform & the essence WILLIAM M. BROOKS 4901 INDIAN TRAIL WILMINGTON, NC 28403 Foreign volunteers of Nazi Germany, Vichy France, German small arms, Waffen-SS GEORGE C. BROWDER HIST. DEPT., SUC FREDONIA FREDONIA, NY 14063 Police & security agencies PROF. CHARLES BURDICK HIST. DEPT., SAN JOSE STATE UNIV. SAN JOSE, CA 95192-0107 Germany--WWI/WWII 14 OTTO B. BURIANEK HIST. DEPT., EMORY UNIV. ATLANTA, GA 30322 Relief, refugees, displaced persons, UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) PROF. BERNARD V. BURKE HIST. DEPT., PORTLAND STATE UNIV. PORTLAND, OR 97207 American diplomatic history; German history, American Colonial JAMES MacGREGOR BURNS HIGH MOWING, 601 BEE HILL ROAD WILLIAMSTOWN, MA 01267 World War II, Korea, Vietnam, grand strategy, political lead­ ership, Soviet-American relations PROF. RICHARD D. BURNS CENTER, STUDY OF ARMAMENT & DISARMAMENT CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY LOS ANGELES, CA 90032 KEITH BURWELL 1104 SHEFFIELD CT. BENSALEM, PA 19020 The church during World War II ARTHUR R. BUTZ 2214 CENTRAL STREET EVANSTON, IL 60201 Jewish "Holocaust" MARTHA H. BYRD 225 CRESCENT DRIVE DAVIDSON, NC 28036-1659 Claire Chennault, air power PROF. JOHN C. CAIRNS HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF TORONTO TORONTO, CANADA M5S 1A1 France, Britain, 1939-40 PROF. RAYMOND CALLAHAN HIST. DEPT., 401 EWG, UNIV. OF DEL. NEWARK, DE 19716 Anglo-American alliance strategy DIANN CAMPBELL 1109 LONGWOOD DRIVE BLOOMINGTON, IN 47401 Women in the military, women on the horne front, social history 1 5 I -~-- ------- MR. RALPH CARLSON VICE-PRESIDENT, GARLAND PUBL., INC. 136 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10016 JAMES A. CHAPPELL 5851 VIKING DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77092 Guadalcanal & fast carrier warfare CHARLES W. CHAPPIUS HIST. DEPT., CHICAGO STATE UNIV. 95TH STREET AND KING DRIVE CHICAGO, IL 60628 German history; 20th-century diplomatic history PROF. FREDERICK B. CHARY HIST. DEPT., INDIANA UNIV. N. W. GARY, IN 46408 Balkans, Holocaust JIAN CHEN HIST. DEPT., SIUC CARBONDALE, IL 62901 Origins of World War II; international relations prior to and during wartime DR. CALVIN L. CHRISTMAN SOC. SCI. DIV., CEDAR VALLEY COLLEGE LANCASTER, TX 75134-3799 Historiography; U. S. economic mobilization for war PROF. RAY S. CLINE 3027 N. POLLARD ST. ARLINGTON, VA 22207 Strategy and international alliance relationships DR. ROBERT W. COAI\:LEY 3610 DANNY'S LANE ALEXANDRIA, VA 22311 U. S. Army in World War II LOUIS R. COATNEY 9706 TRAPPERS LANE JUNEAU, AK 99801 Military and naval war gaming; Great Patriotic War; Katyn/Khatyn; Kuriles, '45; Italian fleet; U.S.S. Juneau ALEXANDER S. COCHRAN, Jr. U. S. ARMY CENTER OF MIL. HIST. WASHINGTON, DC 20314-0200 Intelligence; Anglo-American strategy; Mediterranean Theater; the ETO 16 .-------------'-~~~--- - -­ - - - - --- - - - - - - PETER F. COHEN EVERMANN APTS 676 BLOOMINGTON, IN 47401 International relations & strategic studies; application of military history to current tactical problems WAYNE S. COLE HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF MARYLAND COLLEGE PARK, MD 20742 American Isolationism; American entry into World War II; Franklin D. Roosevelt; U. S. relations with Norway, 1905-1955 GENERAL J. LAWTON COLLINS 4000 MASS. AVE., N.W. #1323 WASHINGTON, DC 20016 JAMES L. COLLINS, Jr. ZULLA VINEYARDS, Po O. BOX 1331 MIDDLEBURG, VA 22117 History of US Army--especially World War I and afterwards MARY ELLEN CONDON-RALL 3508 BERET LANE WHEATON, MD 20906 WWII medical history, modern Britain, British naval history THEODORE F. COOK 3775-F MIRAMAR ST. LA JOLLA, CA 92037 Japanese military history; comparative military elites; in­ telligence history MR. ROBIN E. COOKSON MILITARY REFERENCE BRANCH U. S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES WASHINGTON, DC 20408 Eastern front, European air war MICHAEL K. COX 304 W. 51ST STREET DAVENPORT, IA 52806 U. S. history, 1400-1986; U. S. military history & World War II in particular PROF. PHILIP A. CROWL 7 SPRINDRIFT WAY ANNAPOLIS, MD 21403 Amphibious warfare; naval history WILLIAM H. CUNLIFFE 6601 OXHORN COURT COLUMBIA, MD 21044 Archives 17 PROF. ROBERT DALLEK HIST. DEPT., UCLA LOS ANGELES, CA 90024 American diplomatic history ALEXANDER DALLIN 607 CABRILLO AVE. STANFORD, CA 94305 USSR, Germany, Big Three MILTON DANK 1022 SERPENTINE LANE WYNCOTE, PA 19095 Airborne operations in WWII, particularly glider tactics; German occupation of Northwest Europe DON DAUDELIN OFFICE OF STUDENT ADVOCATE UNION BLDG., WIU MACOMB, IL 61455 Pacific PROF. CHARLES F. DELZELL HIST. DEPT., VANDERBILT UNIV. NASHVILLE, TN 37235 Modern Italy; Fascism; resistance movements PROF. JOHN A. DeNOVO HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF WISC. MADISON, WI 53706 U. S. foreign relations--20th century; emphasis on the Middle East CARLO W. D'ESTE 440 BRASSIE WAY P.O. BOX 471 NEW SEABURY, MA 02649 DR. DONALD S. DETWILER 201 TRAVELSTEAD LANE CARBONDALE, IL 62901 (Prof. of Hist., SIUC; ACHSWW Secretary & Newsletter Editor) German history; World War II, 1937-1945; historical bibliography HAROLD C. DEUTSCH 1666 COFFMAN ST. PAUL, MN 55100 Intelligence, notably intercept (ULTRA); German military con­ spiracy RICHARD DiNARDO 2316 E. 3RD ST. BROOKLYN, NY 11223 Military history, particularly 20th-century Germany and World War II 18 LAURENCE J. DiSTEFANO, Jr. 4098 DANTE AVENUE VINELAND, NJ 08360 War crimes CPT WILLIAM J. DOUGHERTY 10402 100TH ST. SW TACOMA, WA 98498 Russian military history and intelligence MR. W. A. B. DOUGLAS DIRECTORATE OF HIST., NAT'L DEF. HQ. OTTAWA, ON'l'ARIO CANADA K1 A OK2 HENRY L. DURANT, LT. COL., AUS (Ret.) P. O. BOX 2044 COLUMBIA, SC 29202 Intelligence, counterintelligence & special operations during WWIIi Operation TORCH PROF. DR. MILAN S. DURICA VIA SANTUARIO, 130 1-35030 ABANO TERME, PADOVA ITALY Prof. of East European Hist.; German-Slovak relations, Slovak diplomatic history PROF. FRANK T. EDWARDS 121 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. CALIFORNIA, PA 15419 U. S. WWII: operations, ETO JOHN D. EFAW 515 E. ILLINOIS AVE. PEORIA, IL 61603 Intelligence & bibliography PROF. HOWARD M EHRMANN THE WOODNER, A-1009 3636 16TH ST., N.W. WASHINGTON, DC 20010 Diplomatic history of Europe, 1870-1919, and 1931-1945; and Italian foreign policy, 1870-1945 ROBERT H. ELLIOTT HIST. DEPT., JERSEY CITY STATE COLLEGE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07305 World War I, 20th-century political, diplomatic, & military history DONALD E. EMERSON 5303 146TH AVE., S.E. BELLEVUE, WA 98006 German rearmament 1918/42; escape & evasion 1939/45; p/w intelligence 1939/45 19 Lt.Col. KENNETH W. ESTES 179 C PRINCE GEORGE ST. ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401 European volunteers in German Army/SS; amphibious operations; tactical doctrine; naval operations ALINE M. FAIRBANKS 3317 HARRISON STREET EVANSTON, IL 60201 Resistance movements; D-Day invasion DR. STANLEY L. FALK 2310 KIMBRO STREET ALEXANDRIA, VA 22307 World War II, particularly in the Pacific; prisoners of war; arms control; national security affairs MR. RUSSELL G. FISHER 969 RUNNING BROOK WAY ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401 World War II; intelligence PROF. WILLARD ALLEN FLETCHER HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF DELAWARE NEWARK, DE 19716 Modern Germany GEORGE Q. FLYNN HIST. DEPT., BOX 4529 TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY LUBBOCK, TX 79409 Military draft; Selective Service; home front; recent U.S. GERALD B. FORRETTE 2603 NEWTON AVE. SO. MINNEAPOLIS, ~rn 55405 World War II intelligence operations DR. DAVID A. FOY 111 GAYWOOD DRIVE ST. CLAIRSVILLE, OH 43950 Treatment of POWs, Nazi Germany, military intelligence PROF. WILLARD C. FRANK, Jr. HIST. DEPT., OLD DOMINION UNIV. NORFOLK, VA 23508 Spanish Civil War; strategy & policy of WWII PROF. PAUL G. FRIED 18 WEST 12TH STREET HOLLAND, MI 49423 Rise of Fascism in Germany; Nuernberg trials; wartime resistance movements; Austrian Anschluss 20 HENRY FRIEDLANDER 212 WOODSIDE AVE. RIDGEWOOD, NJ 07450 Nazi Germany & Holocaust; postwar war crimes trials BRUCE B. Fl1YE 1924 SHEELY DRIVE FORT COLLINS, CO 80526 General interest. No research interest DR. ARTHUR L. FUNK 3445 N.W. 30TH BLVD. GAINESVILLE, FL 32605 (Prof. of Hist., emer., Univ. of Fla.; Chairman, ACHSWW, and Vice-President, International Committee) Political history of World War II, particularly France DR. ROBERT FYNE ENGL. DEPT., KEAN COLLEGE MORRIS AVENUE UNION, NJ 07083 The Hollywood propaganda films of World War II PROF. JOHN LEWIS GADDIS HIST. DEPT., OHIO UNIV. ATHENS, OH 45701-2979 Soviet-American relations; strategy and policy T. C. SCOTT GARRETT MARINE MIL. ACADEMY 320 IWO JIMA BLVD. HARLINGEN, TX 78550 20th-century Europe HANS W. GATZKE 56 FARRELL ROAD vlESrrON, C'l' 06883 Germany 1890 - present; European diplomacy 1914-1945; U.S.­ German relations ROHLAND P. GILL 610 EASTLAND AVE. RUS'l'ON, LA 71270 DR. JOHN GIMBEL 1145 CHESTER AVE. AHCA'l'A, CA 95521 Postwar Germany, the Occupation of Germany, Cold War ALFRED GOLDBERG 3842 N. 26TH ST. ARLINGTON, VA 22207 Military history; foreign policy 21 . -------- HUGH GOLWAY 42857 DEEP FOREST DR. COARSEGOLD, CA 93614 Studies in command; POWs GRANT K. GOODMAi:~ HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KS 66045 Japan--World War II, Japanese occupations, Philippines DR. JOHN W. GORDON DEPT. OF HIST., THE CITADEL CHARLESTON, SC 29409-0250 JOHN G. GOTZEN 4422 FIELDGREEN RD. BALTIMORE, MD 21236 All WWlI-armor & artillery; intelligence--all facets; US Army oerations in northwest Europe, 1944-1945 PROF. LLOYD J. GRAYBAR HIST. DEPT., EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIV. RICHMOND, KY 40475 US naval history, WWI, WWII, A-bomb, New Deal, Progressive Era LT. COL. JOHN F. GUILMARTIN, Jr., USAF EDITOR, AIR UNIVERSITY REVIEW, BLDG. 1211 MAXWELL AFB, AL 36112 PROF. BANS KARL GUNTHER HIST. DEPT., BLOOMSBURG UNIV. BLOOMSBURG, PA 17815 Guerrilla warfare; Third Reich DR. MILTON O. GUSTAFSON DIPLOMATIC BRANCH NATIONAL ARCHIVES WASHINGTON, DC 20408 Dept. of State--administrative history; Archives PROF. JOHN McV. HAIGHT, Jr. HIST. DEPT., LEHIGH UNIV. BETHLEHEM, PA 18015 American aid to Britain from Dunkirk to Pearl Harbor DR,. CHARLES R. HALS'l'EAD HIST. DEPT., WASHINGTON COLLEGE CHESTERTOWN, MD 21620 Twentieth-century Spanish and Portuguese diplomatic history JOSEPH P. HARAHAN 8209 DABNEY AVE. SPRINGFIELD, VA 22152 Army Air Forces in WWII, strategic bombing, communications technologies 22 J. M. HARPER, COLONEL USAF RET. 1301 S. SCOTT ST., APT. 705 ARLINGTON, VA 22204 Western Europe, North Africa and the Near East, 1939-1943, inclusive SERIAL RECORDS DIVISION HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 DR .. JOHN HENRY HATCHER 5251 ROLLING ROAD SPRINGFIELD, VA 2251-1103 Modern US military; German cultural PROF. WALDO HEINRICHS 903 WINDING LANE MEDIA, PA 19063 US diplomatic, US-East Asia, US naval CARL J. HEINZE 6822 LYONS ST. MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 Italy; Battle of the Bulge; commandos/rangers PROF. THOMAS T. HELDE HIST. DEPT., GEORGETOWN UNIV. WASHINGTON, DC 20057 Evolution of war aims & peace planning DR. KATHERINE L. HERBIG (56 Iii) DEPT. OF NAT. SECURITY AFFAIRS NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CA 93943 Military history, history of intelligence, American history PROF. ROBERT E. HERZSTEIN 510 TRENHOLM ROAD COLUMBIA, SC 29206 Nazi propaganda, Axis diplomacy, Holocaust PROF. EDMUND HICKS 427 EDGEWOOD LANE MOREHEAD, KY 40351 Aviation, European-African Theater PROF. TRUMBULL HIGGINS 250 MERCER STREET NEW YORK, NY 10012 Modern military history since 1900 23 . - - ---_..._ - - - - - ---------. --­ PROF. ROBIN HIGHAM 2961 NEVADA STREET MANHATTAN, KS 66502 Air, official histories, British, bibliography PROF. DR. ANDREAS HILLGRUBER FRANZSTRASSE 11 5 KOELN 1 FED. REP. OF GERMANY MURAMATSU HIROYUKI 94 6-CHOME, KASHIWAI-CHO KASUGAI-CITY, AICHI-KEN JAPAN 486 French political history WILLIAM A. HOISINGTON HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF ILL. AT CHICAGO CIRCLE CHICAGO, IL 60680 Modern France and Morocco (20th century) PROF. I. B. HOLLEY, Jr. HIST. DEPT., DUKE UNIV. DURHAM, NC 27706 Military history, esp. doctrinal studies EDWARD L. HOMZE HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN, NE 68588-0327 Modern Germany, Luftwaffe, economic history of Germany DAVID K. HOUCK 37 CARLETON DRIVE PITTSBURGH, PA 15243 Civil War; WWI; WWlli Korea PROF. H. STUART HUGHES 8531 AVENIDA DE LAS ONDAS LA JOLLA, CA 92037 ALFRED F. HURLEY 828 SKYLARK DRIVE DENTON, TX 76205 History of military aviation ALBERT E. HURT, ESQ. 509 PROFESSIONAL BLDG. 363 S. MAIN ST. DECATUR, IL 62523 Pacific theater; Philippines; war crimes FRANK HUYETTE 403 SACRAMENTO STREET AUBURN, CA 95603 Propaganda and youth during war 24 PROF. IRWIN HYATT HIST. DEPT., EMORY UNIV. ATLANTA, GA 30322 Pacific War MR. DAVID IRVING 81 DUKE STREET LONDON W.1 ENGLAND STANLEY ITKIN 25 ADAMS ST. BROOKLYN, NY 11201 Navies; Bataan; small countries PROF. HISAO IWASHIMA 6-23-4 OKUSAWA SETAGAYA-KU TOKYO JAPAN 158 Intelligence and strategic planning /decision making; "Magic" and "Ultra"; international political communication and security DR. D. CLAYTON JAMES 1702 LINDEN DRIVE STARKSVILLE, MS 39759 Pacific War; MacArthur; strategy & command PROF. HARRY P. JEFFREY HIST. DEPT., CAL. STATE UNIV. 800 N. STATE COLLEGE BLVD. FULLERTON, CA 92634 U. S. political, 1939-45 FRED M. JOHNSON 110 CRESCENT HILL DRIVE RICHMOND, KY 40475 General, all-around superficialist PAUL V. JOLIET HIST. DEPT., ST. BONAVENTURE UNIV. ST. BONAVENTURE, NY 14778 French-American military relations; Italian campaign DR. VINCENT C. JONES 7706 MEADOW LANE CHEVY CHASE, MD 20815 American military history in the 20th century; history of military technology (especially atomic energy) DR. DAVID KAHN 120 WOOLEYS LANE GREAT NECK, NY 11023 Military & political intelligence 25 GEORGE H. KELLING 4223 DAUPHINE DR. SAN ANTONIO, TX 78218 British Empire--20th century PROF. GEORGE O. KENT HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF MD. COLLEGE PARK, MD 20742 Modern Europe, modern Germany, European dipl. centuries) (19th & 20th YOICHI KIBATA 9TH BLDG., DEPT. OF ARTS & SCIENCES THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO 3-8-1 KOMABA, MEGURO-KU TOKYO 153 JAPAN (Secretary, Japanese Comm. on the Hist. of the Second World War) JEFFREY KIMBALL HIST. DEPT., MIAMI UNIV. OXFORD, OH 45056 U. S. history; international relations; Vietnam War; WWII PROF. WARREN F. KIMBALL 19 LARSEN ROAD SOMERSET, NJ 08873 WWII diplomacy PROF. GERALD R. KLEINFELD HIST. DEPT., ARIZONA STATE UNIV. TEMPE, AZ 85287 German-Russian front MAJOR TED M. KLUZ AIR WAR COLLEGE (DFPC) MAXWELL AFB, AL 36112-5522 DOD organization 1944-47, USAF doctrine formulation 1947-51, roots of Cold War, Yalta RICHARD H. KOHN 1058 ROCKY RUN ROAD McLEAN, VA 22102 Air power; US strategy PAUL A. C. KOISTINEN RIST. DEPT., CAL ST. UNIV. NORTHRIDGE, CA 91330 U. S., political, economic, military; specialty political economy of warfare LT. COL. ADAM A. KOMOSA, PhD, RET. CIRCLE "K" ACRES, ROUTE 1, BOX 294 COLUMBIA, KY 42728 World War II; 82nd AlB Division 26 PROF. ARNOLD KRAMMER HIST. DEPT., TEXAS A & M UNIV. COLLEGE STATION, TX 77843 German prisoners of war; social history of Third Reich; synthetic fuel JOHN A. KREBS, Jr. 531 GOLDEN STREET LITITZ, PA 17543 General Staff, ULTRA, Eastern Front LAWRENCE W. LAMB, Jr. 6383 OLD ALLEGAN ROAD, R.R.#2 HAMILTON, MI 49419 JOHN W. LANGDON LE MOYNE COLLEGE SYRACUSE, NY 13214 Nazi expansionism; German military history; German foreign policy DR. KARL G. LAREW HIST. DEPT., TOWSON STATE UNIV. TOWSON, MD 21204 U. S. Army; Battle of France, Battle of Britain, Pearl Harbor ROBERT H. LARSON HIST. DEPT., LYCOMING COLLEGE WILLIAMSPORT, PA 17701 British army in the 20th century JOSEPH P. LASH 20 EAST 9TH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10003 Roosevelt and Churchill THEODORE LAUER 2 2 3 3 E. 26TH ST. BROOKLYN, NY 11229 France, Vichy; WWII; Holocaust PROF. LOYD E. LEE 27 MAPLE AVENUE HIGHLAND, NY 12528 Germany JOHN M. LEEDS, Jr. 5237 ASTOR COURT VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23464 Kriegsmarine, German naval command structures, German naval operations, U. S. naval operations {Pacific and Atlantic} 27 DAVID J. LEES 10 HAMILTON ROAD ROMFORD RM2 5SB, ESSEX ENGLAND German U-boat operations and command structure DR. LORRAINE M. LEES HIST. DEPT., OLD DOMINION UNIV. NORFOLK, VA 23508 U. S. foreign policy--20th century; U.S.-Yugoslav relations-­ 1940s MELVYN P. LEFFLER HIST. DEPT., VANDERBILT UNIV. NASHVILLE, TN 37235 U. S. foreign relations WILLIAM G. LEWIS 1223 G STREET, N.E. WASHINGTON, DC 20002 DR. F. H. LITTELL POB 172 MERION, PA 19066 Church struggle/Nazi religious politics, Holocaust WALTER LORD 116 EAST 68TH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10021 Naval war in the Pacific; Dunkirk PROF. ROBERT WILLIAM LOVE, Jr. HIST. DEPT., USNA ANNAPOLIS, MD 21402 U. S. naval diplomacy & policy: WWII & Jacksonian JOHN LUKACS VALLEY PARK ROAD PHOENIXVILLE, PA 19460 DR. RICHARD C. LUKAS DEPT. OF HIST. AND POL. SCIENCE TENNESSEE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIV. COOKEVILLE, TN 38501 CHARLES V. P. VON LUTTICHAU THE COLONNADE, APT. 1118 2801 NEW MEXICO AVE., N.W. WASHINGTON, DC 20007 Military history; modern European; WWII in Europe; Russo­ German War; Vietnam War DR. WAYNE LUTTON P. O. BOX 214 MANITOU SPRINGS, CO 80829 Air & naval history; Mediterranean Theater WWII; European Axis 28 CHARLES B. MacDONALD 5300 COLUMBIA PIKE ARLINGTON, VA 22204 WWII--Europe DAVID MacISAAC 3411 ROYAL CARRIAGE DR. MONTGOMERY, AL 36116 Military history, with a special interest in military aviation history BENEDICT V. MACIUIKA HIST. DEPT., U-103, UNlV. OF CONN. STORRS, CT 06268 WWI, WWII, especially Eastern Front, 1941-45 MAJOR W. VICTOR MADEJ 3355 BIRCH CIRCLE ALLENTOWN, PA 18103 Military sociology and Russo-German War LIBRARY, INSTITUT FUER EUROPAEISCHE GESCHICHTE (ABTEILUNG UNIVERSALGESCHICHTE) ALTE UNIVERSITAETSSTRASSE 19 D-6500 MAINZ FED. REP. OF GERMANY PROF. ANTONIO MARQUINA-BARRIO CALLE HERMANOS SAN ROMAN, 5 POZUELO DE ALARCON 28023 MADRID SPAIN (Secretary, Spanish Comm. on the Hist. of the Second World War Spain, Portugal, South America, Vatican during World War II (political, international, enonomic matters) S. L. A. MARSHALL MIL. HIST. COLLECTION THOMAS F. BURDETTE, CURATOR ATTN: UNIV. OF TEXAS AT EL PASO LIBRARY EL PASO, TX 79968 CLARENCE WM. MARTIN 1070 AMITY ROAD BETHANY, CT 06525 Pacific War (Iwo Jima, etc.); U. S. Marines. Japanese aviation & fortifications. U. S. & Japanese uniforms, combat gear & weapons JAMES V. MARTIN, Jr. 3346 STUYVESANT PL., N.W. WASHINGTON, DC 20015 U. S. foreign policy in Asia; Australian-Japanese economic re­ lations; U.S.-Thai relations; India 29 . -~---------- DR. VOJTECH MASTNY CENTER FOR INTERN. RELATIONS BOSTON UNIVERSITY 152 BAY STATE ROAD BOSTON, MA 02215 Soviet foreign policy, Eastern Europe MAURICE MATLOFF 11323 COMMONWEALTH DR., APT. 101 ROCKVILLE, MD 20852 World War II; coalition strategy & policy ERNEST R. MAY KENNEDY SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT HARVARD UNIV., 79 JFK ST. CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 PROF. MARLENE J. MAYO HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF MD. COLLEGE PARK, MD 20742 Japanese-American War (wartime planning for occupation of Japan; psychological warfare; MAGIC) J. KENNETH McDONALD CHIEF HISTORIAN, CIA WASHINGTON, DC 20505 Intelligence history--OSS in World War II; Winston Churchill as war leader; Anglo-American Alliance KERMIT E. McKENZIE HIST. DEPT., EMORY UNIV. ATLANTA, GA 30322 Russian and Soviet history, 19th & 20th centuries GEORGE E. MELTON RT. 5, BOX 25, OAKWOOD DR. LAURINBURG, NC 28352 Vichy France THAD E. MENDENHALL III P.O. BOX 11 1 61 RICHMOND, VA 23230 Logistics RAY MERRIAM 218 BEECH ST. BENNINGTON, VT 05201 Aviation, naval, and military history FREDERIC M. MESSICK CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIV. LIBRARY MT. PLEASANT, MI 48859 Diplomacy; Spanish neutrality 30 PROF. MILTON W. MEYER 239 SOUTH MADISON, #20 PASADENA, CA 91101 WWII in Far East; OSS in CBI; PI & WWII PERIODICAL RECORD MIAMI UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES OXFORD, OH 45056 ALFRED C. MIERZEJEWSKI RD. 1, APT. 1 ROXBURY, VT 05669 Strategic air power, Nazi Germany COL. PAUL L. MILES HIST. DEPT., USMA WEST POINT, NY 10996 Anglo-American strategy, Franklin Roosevelt as Commander-in­ Chief MR. EDWARD S. MILLER 235 DOLPHIN COVE QUAY STAMFORD, CT 06902 WWII Pacific, naval; especially war planning prior to WWII ALLAN R. MILLETT HIST. DEPT., OHIO STATE UNIV. COLUMBUS, OH 43210 Marine Corps in Pacific War DR. SYBIL MILTON 212 WOODSIDE AVE. RIDGEWOOD, NJ 07450 Holocaust, Germany--WWII, cultural politics, communications, women in NS Germany, propaganda, film, Jews & Gypsies FRED B. MISSE, Jr. HIST. DEPT., PITTSBURG STATE UNIV. PITTSBURG, KS 66762 World War II; Cold War PERIODICALS DIVISION MONASH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY CLAYTON, VICTORIA 3168 AUSTRALIA PROF. JOHN E. MOON 11 MONMOUTH COURT BROOKLINE, MA 02146 Military strategy; chemical warfare PROF. GEORGE L. MOSSE HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF WISCONSIN MADISON, WI 53706 31 DONALD J. MROZEK HIST. DEPT., KANSAS STATE UNIV. MANHATTAN, KS 66506 20th-century American military ALAN B. MULLER P. O. BOX 17 MAPLE LAKE, MN 55358 RICHARD MULLER 51 E. 16TH, APT. B COLUMBUS, OH 43201 Air war, especially the Luftwaffe; Eastern front; North Africa TIMOTHY P. MULLIGAN MILITARY REFERENCE BRANCH U. S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES WASHINGTON, DC 20408 German occupation of USSR; German U-boat warfare THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY 9800 SAVAGE ROAD FORT MEADE, MD 20755-6000 OTTO M. NELSON HIST. DEPT., TEXAS TECH UNIV. LUBBOCK, TX 79409 Germany MR. MORTON J. NETZORG THE CELLAR BOOKS HOP 18090 WYOMING AVE. DETROIT, MI 48221 World War 11--(1) Philippines (2) rest of Pacific PROF. MAURICE F. NEUFELD 25 CORNELL STREET ITHACA, NY 14850 Italy during World War II; Allied Military Government in Italy SELMER S. NORLAND 1806 ELTON ROAD ADELPHI, MD 20783 Europe DR. ALBERT NORMAN 3 ALPINE DRIVE NORTHFIELD, VT 05663 American diplomatic history & other dipl. -rnili tary affairs (the prof. side of military history) SERIALS DEPARTMENT UNIV. OF N. C. AT CHAPEL HILL DAVIS LIBRARY 080-A CHAPEL HILL, NC 27514 32 RAYMOND G. O'CONNOR 212 CLAUDIUS DRIVE APTOS, CA 95003 U. S. diplomatic and military history EDWARD J. OiDAY HIST. DEPT., SIUC CARBONDALE, IL 62901 Germany & East Europe DIREKTOR OESTERR. WIDERSTANDSARCHIV ALTES RATHAUS, WIPPLINGERSTR. 8 A-l0l0 VIENNA 1 AUSTRIA ARNOLD A. OFFNER HIST. DEPT., BOSTON UNIV. BOSTON, MA 02215 20th-century US diplomacy, international relations TOSHIYUKI OKAMOTO 2-4-29 TOKAICHI-CHO NAKA-KU HIROSHIMA 733 JAPAN Russo-German front of WWIIi Soviet military affairs; inter­ national relations in general MARK T. ORR 2807 SAMARA DR. TAMPA, FL 33618 Occupation of Japan (education) W. A. OWINGS 4 BROADVIEW TERRACE LITTLE ROCK, AR 72207 Military; modern Europe; Slavic; S. E. Europe DR. A. HARRY PAAPE DIRECTOR, NETHERLANDS STATE INST. FOR WAR DOCUM. P. O. B. 19769 1000 GT - AMSTERDAM THE NETHERLANDS (Secretary-Treasurer, International Committee for the History of the Second World War) LTC SIDNEY D. PALEY 1766 EAST 26TH STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11229 Strategic intelligence, national organization for war, civil­ military relationships MICHAEL PARRISH INDINANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, IN 47401 The Great Patriotic War; Soviet military history 33 ~ ---­ THOMAS PARRISH 110 CRESCENT DR. BEREA, KY 40403 strategy; command relationships; intelligence ARCHIMEDES L. A. PATTI 50 LOUDON COURT MAITLAND, FL 32751 Asian history--China & Southeast Asia ROBERT O. PAXTON 605 FAYERWEATHER HALL HIST. DEPT., COLUMBIA UNIV. NEW YORK, NY 10027 PROF. JOHN CURTIS PERRY THE FLETCHER SCHOOL OF LAW AND DIPLOMACY TUFTS UNIVERSITY MEDFORD, MA 02155 US-Japanese relations AGNES F. PETERSON CURATOR, CENTRAL & WESTERN EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS HOOVER INSTITUTION, STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CA 94305 Twentieth-century European history EDWARD N. PETERSON HIST. DEPT., UNV. OF WISC. RIVER FALLS, WI 54022 Strategy/logistics LUCILLE M. PETTERSON 6200 WILSON BLVD., #707 FALLS CHURCH, VA 22044 NSDAP, SS, German Army and Luftwaffe in WWII FORREST C. POGUE 1111 ARMY-NAVY DR., B-207 ARLINGTON, VA 22202 World War II, diplomatic history 1933-53 PROF. E. B. POTTER 2 BRICE ROAD ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401 Pacific War, 1941-45 E. DANIEL POTTS HIST. DEPT., MONASH UNIV. CLAYTON, VICTORIA 3168 AUSTRALIA Australia in World War IIi Americans in Australia in World War II 34 .-- --_ ..--­ DR. ARNOLD H. PRICE 6693 BARNABY ST., N.W. WASHINGTON, DC 20015 Intelligence; boundaries DR. RAYMOND L. PROCTOR HIST. DEPTo r UNIV. OF IDAHO MOSCOW, ID 83843 Germany & Spain in WWII and Spanish Civil War; aerial warfare in general DONALD BAKER QUINT 12 DEER RUN ROAD WOODBRIDGE, CT 06525 British Pacific fleet in WWII & U.S.-British diplomatic re­ lations relating to it CARL N. RAETHER 1205 HUNTMASTER CT. McLEAN, VA 22102 Europe & Mediterranean R. RAIBER, M.D. 102 SHEFFIELD DRIVE CANTERBURY HILLS HOCKESSIN, DE 19707 Eastern Front; Fuehrerhauptquartiere; Wehrmacht DR. LOUIS RECCOW 5542 SIERRA ROJA ROAD IRVINE, CA 92715 WWII; American history 1 & 2 PROF. E. A. REITAN HIST. DEPT., ILL. STATE UNIV. NORMAL, IL 61761 Teaching World War II DR. WALTER F. RENN 121 POPLAR AVE. WHEELING, WV 26003 Modern Germany E. BRUCE REYNOLDS 2-5-13 HANEGI SETAGAYA-KU TOKYO 156 JAPAN Japanese-Thai relations during WWII DAVID W. RICHARDSON P. O. BOX 1075 McLEAN, VA 22101 Italian campaign; German resistance movement; Malta; jet aviation; intelligence 35 1--­ CAROL RIZZO 3305 KENILWORTH KALAMAZOO, MI 49001 Military history; WWII; AAF JEFFERY J. ROBERTS 51 E. 16TH, APT. B COLUMBUS, OH 43201 Airborne ops & development, single continuous front issue, postwar developments JOYCE B. RODRIGUES 254 CHAVENSON ST. FALL RIVER, MA 02723 Occupation history of Japan, 1945-1952 PROF. DR. JUERGEN ROHWER LEITER, BIBLIOTHEK FUER ZEITGESCHICHTE PosrrFACH 769 D-7000 STUTTGART FED. REP. OF GERMANY HAMMOND M. ROLPH ASSOC. DIR., SCHOOL OF INT'L RELATIONS UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES, CA 90089-0043 Intelligence; diplomatic-military interactions PROF. GEORGE K. ROMOSER POL. SCI. DEPT., UNIV. OF N. H. DURHAM, NH 03824 Germany--resistance to Hitler; rise of Nazism & totalitarian­ ism generally ADOLPH G. ROSENGARTEN, Jr. BOX 347 WAYNE, PA 19087 Signal intelligence DAVIS R. B. ROSS 367 HIGH STREET CLOSTER, NJ 07624 U. S. economic mobilization during World War II (synthetic rubber program) NORMAN A. ROSS 1995 BROADWAY, ROOM 603 NEW YORK, NY 10023 ULTRA PROF. PAUL ROSSMAN HIST. DEPT., QUINSIGAMOND COMM. COLL. 670 WEST BOYLSTON STREET WORCESTER, MA 01606 War crimes & resistance movements 36 ----- --- JERRY L. RUSSELL BOX 7281 LITTLE ROCK, AR 72217 European Theater; Middle East MR. TAKASHI SAITO GAKUSHUIN UNIVERSITY 1-5-1 MEJIRO, TOSHIMAKU TOKYO 171 JAPAN HARRISON E. SALISBURY BOX 70 TACONIC, CT 06079 Russia, China, Vietnam MADELINE SAPIENZA 1724 LANIER PL., N.W. WASHINGTON, DC 20009 WWII in Europe JOHN J. SBREGA 325 BUTTERNUT DRIVE NORTH KINSTOWN, RI 02852 Diplomacy; war against Japan; colonialism HELMUT J. SCHMELLER HIST. DEPT., FORT HAYS STATE UNIV HAYS, KS 67601 20th-century Germany and Austria EPHRAIM J. SCHULMAN 1506 SLATER ST., #8 VALDOSTA, GA 31602 Soviet-American relations DR. JOHN ANTHONY SCOTT 3902 MANHATTAN COLL. PKWY. BRONX, NY 10471 European Theater of Operations DR. DONAL J. SEXTON P. O. BOX 5089, TUSCULUM COLLEGE GREENEVILLE, TN 37743 Anglo-American intelligence activities and operations during WWII with particular emphasis on strategic cover and deception operations HENRY I. SHAW, Jr. 5123 HERITAGE LANE ALEXANDRIA, VA 22311 USMC in the Pacific 37 ~-~------ FRANK JOSEPH SHULMAN DIRECTOR, EAST ASIA COLLECTION McKELDIN LIBRARY, UNIV. OF MD. COLLEGE PARK, MD 20742 The postwar occupation of Japan; East Asian bibliographical and archival resources BRIG. GEN. EDWIN H. SIMMONS, USMC (RET.) MARINE CORPS HISTORICAL CENTER WASHINGTON NAVY YARD WASHINGTON, DC 20374-0580 American military history and biography JOHN RAY SI\ATES BOX 5047, SOUTHERN STATION HATTIESBURG, MS 39406-5047 Pacific War JOHN F. SLOAN 5218 LANDGRAVE LANE SPRINGFIELD, VA 22151 World military history ROBERT M. SLUSSER .131 LEXINGTON AVE. EAST LANSING, MI 48823 Soviet foreign policy; military intelligence--ULTRA ARTHUR L. SMITH, Jr. RIST. DEPT., CAL. STATE UNIV. LOS ANGELES, CA 90032 Germany/WWII MYRON J. SMITH, Jr. ROUTE 2, BOX 411 SALEH, WV 26426 Bibliography SERIALS DEPT., MORRIS LIBRARY SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY CARBONDALE, IL 62901 DR. RONALD H. SPECTOR NAVAL HISTORICAL CENTER WASHINGTON NAVY YARD WASHINGTON, DC 20374 War with Japan; World War II in India and S. E. Asia P. S. SPOERRY DEPT. OF POLITICAL SCIENCE UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UMC-07 LOGAN, UT 84322 38 .-- -------­ STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 816 STATE STREET MADISON, WI 53706-1482 KEIR B. STERLING, PhD COMMAND HISTORIAN, US ARMY ORDNANCE CENTER AND SCHOOL ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MD 21005-5201 History of US Army Ordnance, leadership of Pres. F. D. Roose­ velt, biograhies leading Ordnance and other service figures, OSS, German Army; esp. W. and E. Europe & N. Africa PAUL STILLWELL DIRECTOR OF ORAL HISTORY U. S. NAVAL INSTITUTE ANNAPOLIS, MD 21402 Naval history, especially World War II period; history of USS New Jersey (BB-62) MARK A. STOLER HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF VT. BURLINGTON, VT 05405 U. S. strategy & diplomacy during WWII; Joint Chiefs; George C. Marshall DR. JOSEPH L. STRANGE 3765 FIELDCREST DRIVE MONTGOMERY, AL 36111 World War II: Second Front Europe 1942-44; Pearl Harbor PROF. JACQUES SZALUTA U. S. MERCHANT MARINE ACADEMY 19 MAXWELL DRIVE WESTBURY, NY 11590 Modern French political & military history; psychohistory VICTOR C. TANNEHILL 6164 WEST 83RD WAY ARVADA, CO 80003 U. S. Army Air Forces in WWII EDWARD C. TANNEN 8643 OSPREY LANE JACKSONVILLE, FL 32217 ETO operations; Italian campaign JOHN E. TAYLOR 4600 YUMA ST., N.W. WASHINGTON, DC 20016 All types of intelligence; mobilization of industry and man­ power; and war crimes in Europe and Far East 39 TELFORD TAYLOR 54 MORNINGSIDE DR. NEW YORK, NY 10025 WWII INSTITUT FUER DEUTSCHE GESCHICHTE SCHOOL OF HIST., UNIV. TEL-AVIV RAMAT-AVIV, TEL-AVIV ISRAEL PROF. JAMES F. TENT HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF ALABAMA BIRMINGHAM, AL35294 Postwar Germany, 1945-55 CONRAD THOMASON P. O. BOX 100 PENDLETON, OR 97801 Resistance; code-breading MR. JOHN TOLAND 1 LONG RIDGE RD. DANBURY, CT 06810 ETO, Pacific MR. DAVID F. TRASK 3223 B SUTTON PL., N.W. WASHINGTON, DC 20016 US military history; US naval history; US diplomatic history CHARLES M. TRAYNHAM, Jr. 205 FACULTY DRIVE WINGATE, NC 28174-0079 Modern Europe with emphasis on France HUPERT P. van TUYLL HIST., UNION COLLEGE BARBOURVILLE, KY 40906 Soviet military history DOUGLAS A. UNFUG HIST. DEPT., EMORY UNIV. ATLANTA, GA 30322 Weimar Republic; Nazi Germany; diplomatic history MIKE UNSWORTH P. O. BOX 6253 EAST LANSING, MI 48823 Japanese balloon offensive, military history bibliography PROF. DR. ANGEL VINAS ATOCHA 62 E-28012 MADRID SPAIN Economic aspects of WWII, Spain and WWII .----­ 40 - - - _. -- - - - - - - -- - - - ­ MR. GEORGE WAGNER MILITARY REFERENCE BRANCH U. S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES WASHINGTON, DC 20408 Modern military archival records, especially German holdings on the Third Reich and Second World War PIOTR S. WANDYCZ HIST. DEPT., YALE UNIV. NEW HAVEN, CT 06520 East Central European diplomacy; Poland WERNER WARMBRUNN PITZER COLLEGE CLAREMONT, CA 91711 Occupation Western Europe, World War II HANS H. WEBER 5640 VIA MENSABE RIVERSIDE, CA 92506 Bibliography PAUL M. WEBER 3210 WISCONSIN AVE., N.W., #508 WASHINGTON, DC 20016 Communications--electronics including radar; bibliography PROF. RUSSELL F. WEIGLEY 327 SOUTH SMEDLEY STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103 American campaigns against Germany PROF. GERHARD L. WEINBERG HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF N.C. CHAPEL HILL, NC 27514 World War II JAMES J. WEINGARTNER BOX 45, SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV. AT EDWARDSVILLE EDWARDSVILLE, IL 62026 SS, war crimes, war crimes trials; air war JOHN M. WERNER, Ph.D. HIST. DEPT., WESTERN ILL. UNIV. MACOMB, IL 61455 World War II; Age of Jackson; American military history HAL ELLIOTT WERT KANSAS CITY ART INSTITUTE 4415 WARWICK BLVD. KANSAS CITY, MO 64111 WWII, American aid, the blockade, diplomacy 41 FRANKLIN C. WEST RIST. DEPT., PORTLAND STATE UNIV. PORTLAND, OR 97207 Weimar Germany DR. GERHARD WETTIG BUNDESINST. FUER OSTWISSENSCHAFTL. & INTERN. STUDIEN LINDENBORNSTR. 22 D-5000 KOELN 30 FED. REP. OF GERMANY ROBERT H. WHEALEY HIST. DEPT., BENTLEY HALL OHIO UNIVERSITY ATHENS, OH 45701 Spanish Civil War; Hitler; European diplomatic 1930s PROF. DOUGLAS L. WHEELER HIST. DEPT., HSSC, UNIV. OF NH DURHAM, NH 03824 Uistory of military intelligence and espionage in WWII, before and after; general history of WWII, as factor in world history PROF. DONALD R. WHITNAH HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF N. IOWA CEDAR FALLS, IA 50614 U. S. & Austria (20th century, especically American occupation, 1945-55); U. S. administrative histories (agencies) DR. JOHN E. WICKMAN 315 GRAN '1' STREET ENTERPRISE, KS 67441 Military biography; Dwight D. Eisenhower in WWII LIBRARY, SIMON WIESENTHAL CENTER 9760 WEST PICO BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90035 Holocaust studies, war crimes DONALD C. WIGGLESWORTH 205 BIRCH COURT SEVERNA PARK, MD 21146 ALAN F. WILT HIST. DEPT., IOWA STATE UNIV. AMES, IA 50011 Modern military history, twentieth-century Europe, modern German history WALLACE R. WINKLER 5020 LAKE CIRCLE COURT COLUMBIA, MD 21044 Intelligence operations, including ULTRA and MAGIC 42 ROBERTA WOHLSTETTER 2805 WOODSTOCK RD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90046 Warring ROBERT WOLFE 602 CRESTWOOD DRIVE ALEXANDRIA, VA 22302 Germany, archival sources ARCHIVE OF CnNTEMPORARY HISTORY GENE M. GRFSSLEY BOX 3334, UNI. STN. , :~.L VERSITY OF WYOMING LARAMIE, WY 82071 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY P.O.B. 1603 A YALE STATION NEW HAVEN, CT 06520 HANNAH ZEIDLIK CENTER OF MILITARY HISTORY DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON, DC 20314 HENRY L. de ZENG IV 1156 WINGED FOOT CIRCLE EAST WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 WWII military history of Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia; ULTRA and Y intelligence obtained from these six countries JANET ZIEGLER 18333 ALGIERS ST. NORTHRIDGE, CA 91324 Bibliography EARL ZIEMKE HIST. DEPT., UNIV. OF GA. ATHENS, GA 30602 Germany, Soviet Union STEPHEN J. ZIERING 2638 WOODWORTH PL. HAZEL CREST, IL 60429 Japanese-U.S. diplomatic relations, Pearl Harbor 43