C()1\11\1 tfH HISTOIlY OIt' THE

(:/\ N C()1\11\1 rrtrl~I~ ()f\] tfH l~ HISTOIlY
SarNa r.y
J£lnep.r)', J r;;..')
H. Stuart Hughes
IbrYnHi llnivcrsif)'
.jJll~(I{ lie,. /·:difor
·ArfJlllr L. Ftlll!t'
lIni\'ersityof Flori d a
On November 12 and 13, 1968, the National Archives sponsored a program on
"Captured German and Related Records," ""hich called attention to the fact that
the bulk of German recorc1s have nOH been returned to the Bundesarchiv in Cob1enz,
and that the depository at Alexandria, Va., Nhere many of the pDpers had been
kept, is closed. The microfiJms of German and Italian records, amounting to over
20,000,000 frames, are now mostly in the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
The available rolls are itemized in List of National Archives Microfilm
Aids to locating material--;r-;-listed in the
September, 1968, edition of Publications of the National Archives and Records
:Service. This pamphlet mentions the "Supplement to the Guide to Captured Gerrn.an
Documents" (the original Guide was prepared for the AHA by Gerhard L. Weinberg
of Nichigan in 1952); and it lists also the 591uimeographed guides to various
sections of the records. The guides do not cover the entire collection but
ultimately they will. The guides ar~ currently in short supply and available
only to institutions.
PU",?1ic_?tion~' (Hashington, 1968).
The programs included papers on the documents themselves and on uses made
of them at Nuremborg, by the Office of the Chief of Military History, by the
State Department, by the Army, Navy, <l.nd Air Force. Texts of the papers will be
made available by the National Archives. Some of the points ""hich may be of
interest to historians of the Second Hor1d Har wouj.d include:
Three volumes of the proj eeted four volumes ofa Cn t81.E.ey~ .._of Files and
l-UcrE_fHms oUhe Germi1n Fore:!:8.!.1..1:1.i.ni?t~:.L!~rchiv(>s..L).92Q-19{15 hwe been compiled
and edited by George O. Kent, formerly of the Stale Department Historical Office,
under a joint project of the Dcp:n'tmcnt of State and the Hoover Institution.
V01U1,H~ III appeared in 1966 and the fourth volume is [orthcom:i.n~.
. ..
f,' ,
Several hundred military historical studies, prepared under U.S. aegis
after the 'War by high-ranking German officers \"ho were given access to the
captured records for this purpose, are currently being transferred by the Office
of the Chief of Hilitary History (Demo to the National Archives, and Y!i11 even­
tually be available for conGultation there and for purchase on microfilm. Similar
studies prepared for the U.S. Air Force by former Luftwaffe officers, are
available at Haxwell Field, Alabama, at \~right FieTd~-C;-i~mbus, Ohio, and some
at the National Arcllives. These studies are listed and briefly described in the
Guide to Foreign Hilita!"~ldies, 1945-1954 (Historical Division, U. S. Army,
1954), and its ~lernent (1959).
Most of the German Naval Archives (the "Tambach Castle" collection), covering
the period from 1850-1945, was microfilmed in England shortly after the war by
the u.S. Navy. The approximately 3,900 reels produced are gradually being
transferred to the National Archives, which will prepare microfilmed finding aids,
and eventually printed catalogues.
At the conclusion of the National Archives conference, the director of the
Bundesarchiv at Coblenz, Dr. Mommsen, made a brief statement. He pointed out
that the Militararchiv at Freiburg is under Bundesarchiv administration. Although
there are many gaps, due to the 'War and destruction of the Heeresarchiv in 1945,
there are almost complete Reich Chancellory records from 1918. There are good
collections in Finance, Justice, the SS, and Wehrmacht commands. The Navy records
are the only ones that permit an unbroken record into the 19th century.
In addition to basic records, there are collections of private papers, posters,
election materials of the Weimar Republic, documentary films, and newsreels. An
inventory is in process of being made, to be published in 1969.
The director of the Institut fur Zeitgeschichte in Munich, Dr. Helmut
Krausnick, also made a brief statement:
The Institut has been attempting to catalogue materials for contemporary
history. So far there are 1,800 rolls, covering 3,200,000 pages of documents,
with 800 more rolls in process. The Institut compiles card files on material
according to categories: for example, 8,700 entries on the SS, 5,000 on JeHs,
5,000 on llitler. It also has available~eportoria or Search books, arranged
according to original sources. These may be xeroxed for scholars. (The Hoover
Library has copies.)
Under the auspices of the French Corni~~ d 'Hi~to:i!"_e_j_e la 2eme guerre
(32 rue de Stalingrad, P2ris VIII), an internation,ql colloquium on
liThe Har in thc Nediterranean" will take place in Paris from Apri] 8 to 11,
1969. The sessions will be lleld at the Centre National de la Recherche
Scicntifique under the chairmanship of H. BauElont, member of the Institute.
M. Henri Nic~cl w1l1 act as dircctor of the colloquium. The tent·ative progran.
AprH 8
The Place of the Hcditerranc<JI1 in British Strategy (JIm-mrd)
Mussolini and the Armed Forces (Rochat)
General Aspects of Italian Strategy in the Mediterranean (Pieri)
Afternoon: The Itnl:i;ln Har Economy (Catalano)
Hitler's Pol j cies and Stratcsy in tlw Hcditerranean Area (Hillgruher)"
Adptirill R'Jcclcr' s Concept of Gcrrnz1n Strategy in tlw HeJiterrancan
in 1940 (Gluchmnnn)
April 9
.PlallS for Allied Intervention in the Eastern Mcditerranean J 1939-40
The Defense of Malta (Bell)
The Convoy Har bet\-1een Italy and North Africa (Gabriele)
Activities of Yugoslav Partisans in the Adriatic (Vasiljevic)
Afternoon: Considerations concerning knerican Policy and Strategy in the
Mediterranean (Duroselle)
Why Southern Italy? (Blumenson)
French.Participatton in the .Italian Campaign (Le Goyet)
American Political and Strategic Considerations relating "to the
Landings in Southern France (Funk)
April 10
Franco-Italian Relations after the Armistice of June 1940 (11ichel)
Italian Policy t01vsrd Yugoslavia and Greece (l\farner)
The German Invasion of the Balkans, 1940-19/11 (Kitsikis)
The USSR and the War in the Mediterranean (Boltine and Ostoya-Ovsiany)
Turkish Neutrality and its Consequences (Haluk Ulman)
April 11
Relations of. the Arab World with the Axis POHers (Schrf)der)
Nationalist Novements in the Haghreb (Ageron)
Nationalist Hovements in the Near East (Rondot)
Neutralist Egyptian Nationalism during the War (Boutros-Ghali)
Palestine during the War (Bauer)
Afternoon: General Discussion
The United States Air Force Academy will hold its third annual Military
History Symposium on Hay 8 and 9, 1969 at the AcademYJ located near Colorado
Springs J Colorado. The theme for the 1969 Symposium is "Science. Technology
and t-larfare." Three working sessions in addition 1:0 the Banquet Address and
the Eleventh Hanflon Nemorial Lecture in Hilitary History have been planned.
Session topics are:
"Science, Technology and Warfare. From Leonardo da Vinci to
"The Impact of Science-Technology on NUitary Education, 1700­
"Science J Technology and Ttventicth Century llar[nre."
Participants inclullc (ml1ong others) Bernnrd Brodie (UCLA), A. Rupert Hall
(Imperial College J London) J 1. B. Holley (Duke). Helvin Kranzbcl"g (Case Institute).
Clarence G. Lasby (Univer.sity of Tex::ls); Robert Perry (The Mt-.TJ.) Corporllti.on),
Lynn Hhlte, Jr. (CorneD) and John B. Holf (University of IllinoIs, Chicago).
For further infon~~ltj('n incJuding tw!'( i rC'~,(,J:vnUnns ec'llL:~'l Lt. Co.1.
\-Jill.inlil Geffen, L-:'.cuLivc Dircc\o}', 1,J.iJ:iuJLY lli,;ltny S)ij,o~;Ltl:", 1Jcl'nrl:"..>nt of
lIistory, Uni.ted St0tcs !lir Force l'.cnl!c,i,:y, C010r.'I<10 80,<~/iCJ (tclcpl,o,)lil:':
On June 6 2nd 7, 1969, a 25t.h COJ;'J~\r:.norCttioll of the:.' D-Day Lending Hi] 1 be
held at the D';-Jlght D. FiE'cn1!O\;cr Lihrc\1~Y, !.l'ilc!lc, Kansas. Tld.s conferellce:
'''ill oonsist of pL1persby 1c.:lc1ing miliU:ry historJant; <lnJ p3rtiej,pc:Ulls in the
D-Day invasion on tlle gener.:1l theme of a conslc1crnt:ioll of var:iotJs aspects of
the event 25 years later. A partial list of pcl1~ticipants includes: Dr. Forrest
C. Pogue, Colonel John S. D. Fisenho;·;er, Dr. R. G. RUl'penthal, Dr. Alfred
Goldberg, Colonel Alfre.d Hurlcy, Hr. Don \'7hitehcad, Dr. J<1llles Houston, N1'. Hartin
B1umenson. The papers to be presented will later be pub]jshcd.
Social Sci ence Research Council and the Americcln Council of Learned Societies
Joint COJ,D11itCc-c (lflJc:panese Stllilies. -AIl1cr1canand J<;i;31-lcse-sch-ciT:;-rs hLweagrce,(f-­
to undertakc-a~;-{\1t'rescarchprog1'-am, some of '-lhose proj ects relate to the \]a1'.
One is the compilation of a bibliography Oil the Allied occupation of Japan, with
emphasis on the political, social, and economic aspects of the period. The
program '-Jill be a(hninistercd in Japc'I1 by the Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science, and in the United States by the' SSRC-ACLS Joint COInmittee under a
grant agreement with tIle Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department
of State. The Chairman of the Joint COlluniltee is John \:. H<111 of Yale.
On April 28-30, at Luxembourg, the Comit6 Europ6en pour 1a Recherche Scienti­
fique des Origines et des Cons6qucnces de la Dellxicmc Guerrc Moneliale 'lilJ. sponsor
a meeting on "National Socialist Heasures for the Deception of the German People
and of the World:' Professor llarold Deutsch (Minnesota) Hill read a paper related to
the Borabcrg-Fritsch affair.
At the end of Atlgust and beginning og ScptC';nhcr, 1969, the Institute of
History of the Czechoslovak AC2dC'filY of Sdcnces will sponsor a meetin~ on "Fascism."
For inforrr.."] t j on: Bcd~icll Loc\,;enstpj n C. SC., Ceskoslovcnsl~a Ak<1d~mic V6d,
Historicky tlstav, Praha I, Ji~sU~ 3, Czccllodovald.:t.
!\UGUST, 1970
The International Cowmitlcc on tl](' H:istory of tlw Second \'Jor1d \'1ar is rer;pow;iblc'
for org<1nj zlnz scs1~ions OIl Aur,uc~t ?.!I, 1970, on tllC tl1C'lllC':
" r lilnpoloJC'r in the Har
Effort." Tlw major reports \>/111 be Ii! Dr. Jjlille~ (JJ;iccLur of lbc Iw;Uttlte of
Nilitrll:y JIL1:1ory, I';osccr,); Prof. Alherl 1;}tJ1.1 (iHclliU1l1 St<llc li"ivpn;ity); Nis. H.
Covd.ng (J~e"c1c:r in ConLrnporo.ry l1'isLOly, llnLvr,n,jty of KC'l1t); }lr. n. l'cLzin<l
(lll:;tilllt: rijr Zeitf,C'[;c1d"htc (~;lInich).
One function of the current Newsletter is to keep interested persons informed
regarding research in the World War II period. The Office of External Research
in the Department of State has for eighteen years published lists of current
social science research by private scholars and academic centers, and many items
recorded in these lists have dealt with the Second World War. The current series
is, however, the last to be published. To quote from the Office: "After June
1968 the Office of External Research will no longer collect information in the
same way on research in progress dealing with foreign areas and international
affairs. . . . In the future the Office will concentrate its bibliographic and
documentation efforts in the Foreign Affairs Research Documentation Center, which
houses a collection of unpublished research papers made available to State Depart­
ment and other U.S. Government officers.
. . . Further information may be obtained
from the Office of External Research, Academic Relations Division, Department of
State, Washington, D.C. 20520." Information about Government-sponsored foreign
area research in the social sciences, and about relations between Government and
private research organizations may be found in the new pamphlet Far Horizons,
published bimonthly for the interagency Foreign Area Research Coordination Group
by the State Department's Office of External Research.
The following list has been compiled from communications to the Newsletter:
Stephen E. Ambrose (Johns Hopkins): An account of Eisenhower's wartime career.
To be published by the Johns Hopkins Press.
George Baer (University of California at Santa Cruz): A study of the League of
Nations Mandate system.
Hanson Baldwin: An outline history of World War II, roughly comparable to his
outline history of World War I, for Harper & Row.
Alvin D. Coox (San Diego State College): The Japanese-Soviet Russian military
confrontation, 1931-1945.
Harold Deutsch (Minnesota): The diaries and papers of Helmuth Groscurth (in co­
operation with Helmut Krausnick, to be published in German by the Deutsche
Stanley L. Falk (Industrial College of the Armed Forces): "The Malaya-Singapore
Campaign" for the Lippincott "Great Battles in History" series.
Raymond Garthoff (Department of Defense): History of World War II on the Eastern
Donald Gillin (Duke): A biographical study of ChIen Ch'eng (military commander
and associate of Chiang Kai-shek).
Joseph P. Hobbs (Johns Hopkins): Biography of Walter Bedell Smith.
J. B. Holley (Duke): A study of General John M. Palmer, U.S. Marine Corps.
Michael Ledeen (Washington University, St. Louis): Italian Youth and Fascism.
Charles B. MacDonald (Deputy Chief of Military History, U.S. Army): A onevolume history of the war in Europe with a tentative title Europe First,
to be published by the Oxford University Press.
Gaddis Smith (Yale): Revision of his American Diplomacy During the Second World
Werner Warmbrunn (Pitzer): A study of the German occupation of Belgium.
The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library has published (1967): "The Era of Franklin
D. Roosevelt: A Selected Bibliography of Periodical and Dissertation Literature,
1945-1966," compiled and annotated by William J. Stewart.
to the World War II period.
Over 350 items relate
The Historical Branch of the Harine Corps has available "An Annotated Bibli­
ography of the United States Harine Corps in the Second World War" (Washington,
D.C.: Historical Branch, G-3 Division, HQ, U.S. Marine Corps, 1965). The list
contains 214 items.
The last two volumes of the five-volume History of the U.S. Harine Corps
Operations in World War II should appear in 1969, as the texts have by now been
sent to the Government Printing Office. Several civilian publishers have indicated
that they intend to republish some or all of the 15 campaign monographs (all
long out of print) which were completed between 1947 and 1955.
Many readers of this Newsletter will already be familiar with the British
magazine, History of the Second World War, of which Sir Basil Liddell Hart is
editor-in-chief, and Barrie Pitt the editor. This journal, produced in active
cooperation with the Imperial War Museum, is profusely illustrated. While its
articles are popular in style, they are authoritative and in many cases written
by outstanding experts in the field. The periodical appears wee~ly, and is
published by Purnell & Sons, Ltd., St. Giles House, 49 Poland Street, London,
W.l. U.S. annual cost is $47.00.
The editors of History of the Second World War are currently sponsoring a
series of paperbacks (retailed in the U.S. by Ballantine Books) on various aspects
of the war. Twelve of these are listed in the bibliography section.
Suggestions for future issues, corrections, reports on work in progress, infor­
mation about meetings, names and addresses of those who might like to receive the
newsletter, may be sent to the newsletter editor, Arthur L. Funk, c/o Department
of History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 32601.
Committee Members (1968)
H. Stuart Hughes, Harvard, Secretary
Albert A. Blum, Michigan S tate
Charles F. Delzell, Vande rbilt
Stanley L. Falk, Industria l College of
the Armed Forces
Arthur L. Funk, Florida
Stanley Hoffmann, Harvard
Ernest May, Harvard
Louis Morton, Dartmouth
George Mosse, Wisconsin
Forrest C. Pogue, Marshall Research
Max Salvadori, Smith
John Snell, North Carolina
Werner Warmbrunn, Pitzer
Gordon Wright, Stanford
In his recent The Ordeal of Total War, 1939-1945 (N.Y.: Harper and Row,
1968), the latest in the Langer "Rise of Modern Europe" series, Gordon Wright
has included an extensive bibliography on the war, which lists many of the
important works on the war in Europe appearing before 1968. The following list
is an attempt to supplement Professor Wright's bibliography with a few more
recent publications and with some recent books covering the pre-war period,
the United States and the Far East.
Bauer, Lt. Col. Eddy. Histoire controversee de 1a 2 e guerre mondia1e. Volume
VII, covering late 1944 and 1945, appeared in 1968.
Browne, H. The Second World War. London: Faber, 1968.
Carroll, B. A. Design for Total War. London: Mouton, 1968.
Dollinger, H. The Decline and Fall of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. N.Y.:
Crown, 1968. (pictorial)
Gaeta, Franco. La seconda guerra mondia1e e i nuovi prob1emi del mondo, 1939­
1960. Turin: 1967.
Selby, J. M. The Second World War. London: G. Allen, 1967.
Service historique de l'Armee de Terre (France). Atlas des situations quoti­
diennes des armees. Paris: Atelier d'impressions de l'Armee, 1967.
Wright, Gordon. The Ordeal of Total War, 1939-1945. N.Y.: Harper and Row,
Jedrzwicz, Wac1aw. Diplomat in Berlin 1933-39. Papers and Memoirs of Jozef
Lipski. Columbia U. Press, 1968.
Kennan, George F. From Prague after Munich. Diplomatic Papers, 1938-1940.
Princeton U. Press, 1967.
Lammers, Donald N. Explaining Munich: The Search for Motive in British Policy.
Stanford: Hoover Institution, 1966.
McSherry, James E. Stalin, Hitler and Europe: The Origins of World War II,
1933-1939. Cleveland (Ohio): World, 1968.
Schmidt, Royal J. Versailles and the Ruhr: Seedbed of World War II. The
Hague: Nyhoff, 1968.
Sheinis, Zinovi. Maxim Maximovich Litvinov: Revolutionary, Diplomat, Man. To
be published by The Political Literature Publishing House, Moscow.
Thompson, Laurence. The Greatest Treason. The Untold Story of Munich. N.Y.:
Morrow, 1968
Thorne, Christopher. The Approach of War, 1938-39. N.Y.: St. Martin's Press, 1967.
Wiskemann, Elizabeth. The Europe I Saw. N.Y.: St. Martin's Press, 1968.
Command and Direction of the War
Adams, H. H. 1942: The Year that Doomed the Axis. N.Y.: McKay, 1967.
Ambrose, Stephen E. Eisenhower and Berlin, 1945: The Decision to Halt at the
E1be. N.Y.: Norton, 1967.
Chandler, A. D., and E. E. Ambrose, (eds.). The Papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The War Years. 4 vo1s. Johns Hopkins Press, 1969--.
Chuikov, Marshal Vasi1i I. The Fall of Berlin. Introduction by Alistair Horne.
N.Y.: Holt, 1968.
Howard, Michael. The Mediterranean Strategy in the Second World War. N.Y.:
Praeger, 1968. (The Lees-Knowles Lectures, 1966.)
Kimche, J. The Unfought Battle. London: Weidenfield, 1968. (If UK and France
had taken the offensive in 1939.)
Konev, Marshal Ivan S. L'invasion du IIIe Reich. (Transl. from Russian.)
Paris: Plon, 1968.
Krosby, Peter H. Finland, Germany and the USSR, 1940-1941. U. of Wisconsin
Press, 1968.
Lewin, Ronald. Rommel as Military Commander. Princeton: Van Nostrand, 1968.
Pogue, Forrest C. George C. Marshall: Ordeal and Hope, 1939-1942. N.Y.:
Viking, 1966.
Beaux, Jean. Dunkerque 1940. Paris: Presses de la Cite, 1967.
Blumenson, Martin. Kasserine Pass. N.Y.: Houghton Mifflin, 1967.
Devins, Joseph H. Jr. The Vaagso Raid. N.Y.: Chilton, 1967.
Eisenhower, John S. D. The Bitter Woods. (Ardennes.) N.Y.: Putnam, 1969.
Kinghorn, A. The Dynamic War. London: Exposition, 1967.
Kuby, Erich. The Russians and Berlin 1945. N.Y.: Hill and Wang, 1968.
MacKenzie, Fred. The Men of Bastogne. N.Y.: McKay, 1968.
Majdalany, Fred. The Fall of Fortress Europe. Garden City: Doubleday, 1968.
Martin, R. G. The G.I. War, 1941-1945. Boston: Little Brown, 1967.
Mordal, Jacques. La guerre a commence en Pologne. Paris: Presses de la Cite,
Nobecourt, Jacques. Hitler's Last Gamble: The Battle of the Bulge. N.Y.:
Schoecken, 1967.
Paillard, Lenar. Sink the Tirpitz. N.Y.: Putnams, 1968.
Renaud, A. Utah Beach a Cherbourg. Coutances: 1968.
Swinson, Arthur. The Battle of Kohima. N.Y.: Stein and Day, 1967.
Young, Peter. Decisive Battles of the Second World War. London: Barker, 1967.
Zarish, J. M. The Collapse of the Remagen Bridge. N.Y.: Vantage, 1968.
Ziemke, Earl F. Stalingrad to Berlin: The German Defeat in the East. (U.S.
Army Historical Series.) Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,
Naval and Air Histories
Bekker, Cajus. The Luftwaffe Diaries. N.Y.: Doubleday, 1968.
Blassingame, W. The Navy's Fliers in World War II. Westminister Press, 1967.
Creswell, J. Sea Warfare, 1939-1945. (Revised and enlarged.) U. of California
Press, 1967.
Herrick, R. W. Soviet Naval Strategy. Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute, 1968.
Killen, John. A History of the Luftwaffe. N.Y.: Doubleday, 1968.
Reynolds, Clark G. The Fast Carriers. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1968.
Rust, K. C. et al. The Ninth Air Force in World War II. N.Y.: Aero Publishers,
Sims, Edward H. The Fighter Pilots. London: Cassell, 1967.
Warner, Oliver. Admiral of the Fleet: Cunningham of Hyndhope. U. of Ohio
Press, 1967.
Waters, J. M. Bloody Winter. N.Y.: Van Nostrand, 1968. (Naval operations.)
History of the Second World War series, Ballantine Books, 1968, 1969:
Bishop, Edward.
Caiden, Martin.
Their Finest Hour:
ME 109.
The Story of the Battle of Britain.
Elstob, Peter.
Bastogne: The Roadblock.
Jukes, Geoffrey. Stalingrad: The Turning Point.
Mason, David. U-Boat: The Secret Menace.
Macintyre, Donald. Aircraft Carriers: The Majestic Weapon.
Macksey, Kenneth. Afrika Corps.
Macksey, Kenneth. Panzer Division: The Mailed Fist.
Swinson, Arthur. The Desert Raiders.
Thompson, R. W. D-Day: Spearhead of Invasion.
Wykes, Alan. The Siege of Leningrad.
Ziemke, Earl. Battle for Berlin.
Technical Developments, Services, Manpower
Blum, Albert A.
Drafted or Deferred: Practices Past and Present. U. of Michigan
Press, 1967.
Groueff, Stephane. Manhattan Project: The Untold Story of the Making of the
Atomic Bomb. Boston: Little Brown, 1967.
Homze, E. L. Foreign Labor in Nazi Germany. Princeton U. Press, 1967.
Irving, David. The German Atomic Bomb. N.Y.: Simon and Schuster, 1968.
Mayo, Lidal. The Ordnance Department: On Beachhead and Battlefront C'U. S.
Army in World War II" Series). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
Office, 1968.
Pocock, Rowland F. German Guided Missiles of the Second World War. N.Y.:
Arco, 1967.
Rutlader, James. Allied Military Currency. Kansas City: 1968.
Diplomatic Relations
Delmas, Claude. Histoire politique de la bombe atomique. Paris: Michel, 1967.
Neumann, William L. After Victory: Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin and the Making
of the Peace. N.Y.: Harper and Row, 1967.
War Crimes
Davidson, Eugene. The Trial of the Germans: Nuremberg, 1945-1946. N.Y.:
Macmillan, 1966.
Storey, Robert G. The Final Judgment? Pearl Harbor to Nuremberg. San Antonio
(Texas): Naylor, 1968.
Refugees and Persecutions
Gilboa, Yehoshua A. Confess! Confess!
(Russian prisons.) Boston: Little Brown,
Horback, M. Out of the Night. London: Vallentine, 1967.
Katz, R. Death in Rome. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1967.
Kruuse, Jens. War for an Afternoon.
(German reprisal at Oradour.) N.Y.: Random
House, 1968.
Levin, N. The Holocaust. Crowell, 1968.
Lewinska, Pelagia. Twenty Months at Auchwitz. N.Y.: Lyle Stuart, 1968.
Morse, Arthur D. While Six Million Died. N.Y.: Random House, 968
Olsen, Jack. Silence on Monte Sole.
(German reprisal in Italy.) N.Y.: Putnams,
Pilch, Judah. (ed.). The Jewish Catastrophe in Europe. N.Y.: Am. Assn. for
Jewish Ed., 1968.
Sandulescu, J. Donbas. N.Y.: McKay, 1968.
Suhl, Y.
Vida, G.
(ed.). They Fought Back. London: Crown, 1967.
From Doom to Dawn. London: Davis, 1967.
Secret Service, Propaganda, and Information Media
Bruck, C. von. Der gemordete Marder. Aufstieg und Fall des Admirals Canaris.
Berlin: Deutscher Militarverlag, 1967.
Foot, M.R.D. SOE in France. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1968.
(Slightly revised from the 1966 edition.)
Havas, Laslo. The Long Jump. London: Spearman, 1967.
McLachlan, Donald. Room 39. N.Y.: Atheneum, 1968.
Murray, M. Hunted. N.Y.: Ocean Books, 1967.
Sergueiev, L. Secret Service Rendered. London: Kimber, 1968.
Strobinger, R. L'espion aux trois visages. Tournai-Paris: Casterman, 1968.
Wilhelm, M. The Man Who Watched the Rising Sun: The Story of Admiral Ellis M.
Zacharias. London: Watts, 1967.
Wise, Donald, and T; B. Ross. The Espionage Establishment. N.Y.: Random House, 1967.
Asia and the Pacific
Barber, Noel. A Sinister Twilight: The Fall of Singapore, 1942. N.Y.: Houghton
Mifflin, 1968.
Belote, J. H. and W. M. Corregidor. N.Y.: Harper and Row, 1967.
Brooks, L. Behind Japan's Surrender. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1968.
Browne, C. Yojo, the Last Banzai. N.Y.: Holt, 1967.
Clifford, Nicholas R. Retreat from China: British Policy in the Far East,
1937-1941. Seattle: U. of Washington, 1967.
Cook, Charles. The Battle of Cape Esperance. N.Y.: Crowell, 1968.
Craig, W. The Fall of Japan. N.Y.: Dial Press, 1967.
Ike, Nobutaka. Japan's Decision for War: Records of the 1941 Policy Conferences.
Standord U. Press, 1967.
Koginos, Manny. The Panay Incident: Prelude to War. Purdue U. Press, 1967.
Leasor, James. Singapore: The Battle that Changed the World. N.Y.: Doubleday,
Lockwood, C. A. and H. C. Adamson. Battles of the Philippine Sea. N.Y.:
Crowell, 1967.
Meo, L. D. Japan's Radio War on Austrailia. Melbourne U. Press, 1968.
Miles, Milton E. A Different Kind of War. Garden City: Doubleday, 1967.
(Guerrilla forces in China.)
Millot, B. La Guerre du Pacifique. 2 vol. Paris: Laffont, 1968.
Shaw, Henry I. Jr., et al. Central Pacific Drive (Vol. III of History of U.S.
Marine Corps Operations). Washington, D.C., 1966.
Steinberg, D. J. Philippine Collaboration in World War II. University of
Michigan Press, 1967.
George, B. L'Occident joue et perd. La Yougos1avie dans la guerre. Paris:
La Table Ronde, 1968.
Loverdo, C. de. Le bataillon sacre. Paris: Stock, 1968. (Greek resistance.)
Ristic, Dragisa N. Yugoslavia's Revolution of 1941. Penn. State U. Press, 1966.
Zotos, S. Greece: The Struggle for Freedom. N.Y.: Crowell, 1967.
Central Europe
Bromke, Adam. Poland's Politics. Harvard D. Press, 1967.
Cienciala, Anna M. Poland and the Western Powers, 1938~1939. D. of Toronto
Press, 1968.
Northern Europe
Gamier-Raymond, P. The Tangled Web. N.Y.: Pantheon,1968. (Holland.)
Hansson, P. The Greatest Gamble. N.Y.: Norton, 1967. (Norway.)
Moulton, J. L. A Study of Warfare in Three Dimensions. Ohio U. Press, 1968.
(Norway. )
Upton, A. F. Finland in Crisis, 1940-1941. Cornell U. Press, 1965.
Werstein, I. That Denmark Might Live. N.Y.: Macrae Smith, 1967.
Bankwitz, Philip Charles. Maxime Weygand and Civil Military Relations in Modern
France. Harvard U. Press, 1967.
Beaufre, Andre. 1940: The Fall of France. N.Y.: Knopf, 1968. (Translated
from the French.)
Berthelot, Jean. Sur les rails du pouvoir, 1938-1942. Paris: Laffont, 1968.
(Vichy Minister of Communications.)
Bethouart, General E. Cinq annees d'esperance. Paris: Plon, 1968.
Bouscat, Rene. DeGaulle-Giraud. Paris: Flammarion. 1967.
Chapman, Guy. Why France Fell: The Defeat of the French Army in 1940.- N.Y.:
Holt, 1969.
DePorte, A. W. DeGaulle's Foreign Policy, 1944-1946. Harvard U. Press, 1968.
Fourcade, Marie-Madeleine. L'Arche de Noe. Paris: Fayard, 1968.
Launay, Jacques de. Le dossier de Vichy. Paris: Julliand, 1967.
Michel, Henri. Histoire de la seconde guerre mondiale. Vol. I. (Paris, 1968)
("Peuples et Civilisations" series.)
Novick, Peter. The Resistance Versus Vichy. N.Y.: Columbia U. Press, 1968.
(Purge Trials.)
Paillat, Claude. L'Echiquier d'Alger. Vol II. Degaulle joue et gagne.
(November 1942-August 1944.) Paris, 1967.
Paul, M. Histoire des P.T.T. pendant la deuxieme guerre mondiale. Paris,
Warner, Geoffrey. Pierre Laval and the Eclipse of France. N.Y.: Macmillan,
1969 (March).
Wilhelm, Maria. For the Glory of France. N.Y.: Messner,1968. (French Resis­
Wormser, Georges. Georges Mandel. Paris: Plon, 1967.
Germany and Austria
Balzer, Karl. Der 20 Juli und der Landesverrat. Gottingen: K.W. Schutz, 1967.
Beradt, C. The Third Reich of Dreams. N.Y.: Quadrangle, 1968.
Bezymenski, Lev. The Death of Adolf Hitler. N.Y.: Harcourt Brace, 1968.
Brockdorff, Werner. Kollaboration oder Widerstand? Munich, 1968.
Burden, Hamilton J. The Nuremberg Party Rallies 1923-1939. N.Y.: Praeger,
Burdick, Charles B. Germany's Military Strategy and Spain in World War II.
Syracuse U. Press, 1968.
Carsten, F. L. The Rise of Fascism. U. of California Press, 1967.
Davis, Franklin M. Jr. Come as a Conqueror: The United States Army's Occupation
of Germany 1945~1949. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1967.
Deutsch, Harold C. The Conspiracy against Hitler in the Twilight War. U. of
Minnesota Press, 1968.
Dreschler, Karl. Monopole und Staat in Deutschland, 1917-1945. Berlin: Dietz,
Friedlander, Saul. Pius XII and the Third Reich. N.Y.: Knopf, 1968.
Friedlander, Saul. Prelude to Downfall. London: Chatto, 1968.
Goebbels, Joseph. "Wollt Ihr den totalen Krieg?" Die geheimen GoebbelsKnoferenzen, 1939-1943. Stuttgart: Deutsche, 1967.
Goldston, Robert, The Life and Death of Nazi Germany. Indianopolis: Bobbs
Merrill, 1967. (Nuremberg Trials.)
Gosset, Pierre and Renee. Adolf Hitler: de l'apogee au crepuscule des dieux.
Paris: Presses de la Cite, 1967.
Heiber, Helmut. (ed.). Reichsfuhrer!
. . Briefe an und von Himmler.
Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1968.
Kramarz, Joachim. Stauffenberg, the Architect of the Famous July 20th Conspiracy
to Assassinate Hitler. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1967.
Manchester, William. The Arms of Krupp, 1587-1968. Boston: Little Brown, 1968.
McGovern, James. Martin Bormann. N.Y.: Morrow, 1968.
Model, Hans Georg. Der deutsche generalstabsoffizier: Seine Auswahl und
Ausbildung in Reichswehr, Wehrmacht und Bundeswehr. Frankfurt: Bernard
and Graefe, 1968.
O'Neill, Robert J. The German Army and the Nazi Party, 1933-1939. London:
Heineman, 1967.
Saurel, Louis. La Gestapo. Paris: Rouff, 1967.
Smith, Bradley F. Adolf Hitler: His Family, Childhood, and Youth. Stanford:
Hoover Institution, 1967.
Wettig, Gerhard. Entmilitarisierung und Wiederbewaffnung in Deutschland 19431945. Munich: Oldenbourg, 1967.
Great Britain and Commonwealth
Birse, A. H. Memoirs of an Interpreter. London: M. Joseph, 1967. (Interpreter
for Churchill and Eden with Russians.)
Granatstein, J. L. The Politics of Survival: The Conservative Party of Canada,
1939-1945. U. of Toronto Press, 1968.
Preston, Richard A. Canada's R.M.C.: The Story of a Unique National Military
College. U. of Toronto Press, 1968.
Adlerman, R. H. and Geo. Walton. Rome Fell Today. Boston: Little Brown, 1968.
Amendola, Giorgio. Comunismo, anti-Fascismo e resistanza. Rome: Riuniti, 1967.
Baer, George W. The Coming of the Italian-Ethiopean War. Harvard U. Press, 1967.
Cassels, Alan. Fascist Italy. N.Y.: Crowell, 1968.
Gallo, Max. L'affaire l'Ethiopie aux origines de la guerre mondiale. Paris:
Centurion, 1967.
Ricchezza, Antonio. La resistanza dietro le quinte. Milan: G. da Vecchi, 1967.
Soviet Union
Andolenko, General. Histoire de l'armee russe. Paris: Flammarion, 1967.
Maisky, Ivan. Memoirs of a Soviet Ambassador: The War 1939-1943. N.Y.:
Scribners, 1968.
Perrault, Gilles. L'orchestre rouge. Paris: Fayard, 1967. (Soviet espionage.)
Ulam, Adam B. Expansion and Co-existence: The History of Soviet Foreign
Policy 1917-1967. N.Y.: Praeger, 1968.
Turkey and Middle East
Davet, Michel.
La double affaire de Syrie.
Fayard, 1967.
United States
Bosworth, Allan B. America's Concentrations Camps. N.Y.: Norton, 1967.
Fehrenback, T. R F.D.R. 's Undeclared War, 1939-1941. N.Y.: David McKay, 1967.
Foreign Relations of the United States: The Conferences at Washington and
Casablanca. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1968.
Polemberg, R. (ed.). America at War: The Home Front, 1941-1945. N.Y.:
Prentice-Hall, 1968.
Janeway" Eliot. The Struggle for Survival: Roosevelt's Economic Mobilization
of World War II. N.Y.: 1968.
Supplement and corrections to the list in the May, 1968, issue of the Newsletter.
Frank, W. C. Germany and Spanish Civil War. Virginia.
RUdoff, Robin M. The influence of the German Navy on the British Search for
Naval Arms Control, 1928-1935. Tulane (1964).
Command and Direction of the War
Allen, Dan. F. D. Roosevelt and Occupation Policy in World War II. Ohio State.
Beitzell, R. E. Major Strategic Conferences of the Allies, 1941-1943.
North Carolina (1967).
Julian, T. A. Operation FRANTIC and the Search for American-Soviet Military
Collaboration, 1941-1944. Syracuse (1968).
Herzog, J. H. The Role of the United States Navy in U.S.-Japanese Foreign
Relations, 1931-1941. Brown.
Jones, R. L. American Military Aid to Latin America, 1941-1945. Duke.
Leutze, J. R. Anglo-American Naval Policy, 1939-1941. Duke.
McIlvenna, D. E. Prelude to D-Day: American Strategy and the Second Front
Issue. Stanford (1966).
Clifford, N. R. British Far Eastern Diplomacy, 1937-1941. Harvard.
Tuleja, T. V. U.S. Naval Policy in the Pacific, 1930-1941. Fordham.
Beck, John. MacArthur and The First Philippines Campaign. Toledo.
Wilt, Alan. The Atlantic Wall. Michigan.
Turney, A. W. Field ~rshal Fedor von Bock and the German-Russian Campaign,
1941-1942. New Mexico.
Technical Developments, Services, Manpower
Anders, R. L. A History of the Construction of the Ledo Road by the United States
Army Corps of Engineers. Missouri (1954).
Blum, A. A. Deferment from Military Service: A War Department Approach to
the Solution of Industrial Manpower Problems. Columbia (1953).
Eckes, Jr., A. E. The United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference at
Bretton Woods. Texas.
Kimball, W. F. The Most Unsordid Act: Lend-Lease, 1941. Georgetown (1968).
Koistinen, P.A.C. The Hammer and the Sword: Labor, the Military and Industrial
Mobilization, 1920-1945. California (1964).
Lasby, C. The Exploitation of German Scientists and Engineers, 1945-1949. UCLA.
Rundell, Jr., W. The U.S. Army's Currency Management in World War II. American
Smith, R. G. History of the Attempt of the United States Army Medical Department
to Improve the Effectiveness of the Chinese Medical Service, 1941-1945.
Columbia (1950).
Stone, James H. The United States Army Medical Service in Combat in India and
Burma, 1942-1945. Yale (1947).
Wright, M. D. History of Aerial Navigation to 1945. Duke.
Unit Histories
Whelan, P. A.
History of the Third Air Division in World War II.
St. Louis (1968).
Diplomatic Relations
Condon, R. W. The Moscow Parenthesis: Finnish-German Diplomacy from March, 1940
to June, 1941. Minnesota.
Drachman, Edward. United States Policy Toward Vietnam, 1940-1945. Pennsylvania
Linsenmeyer, Wm. S. Allied Relations with Italy during the last half of W. W. II.
Keck, D. N. Designs for the Post-War World. Anglo-American Diplomacy, 19411945. Connecticut (1967).
McCann, F. D. Relations Between the United States and Brazil, 1937-1945. Indiana.
Rupprecht, Paul. The Image of Hungary's International Position in American
Foreign Policy Making, 1937-1947. Minnesota (1968).
Stegmaier, Jr., H. I. U.S.-Mexican Relations, 1938-1945. Michigan.
White, D. S. Franco-American Relations in World War II. Pennsylvania.
Secret Service, Information, Propaganda
Erdmann, J. M.
U.S. Army Air Forces Leaflet Operations in Europe.
Coox, A. D. French Military Doctrine, 1919-1939: Concepts of Ground and Aerial
Warfare. Harvard (1951).
Clarke, J. J. The French Armored Forces, 1914-1940. Duke.
Goodman, Emily H. The Socialism of Marcel Deat.
Mathieu, Gilbert. French and Belgian Communist Reactions during Defeat and
Liberation. Wisconsin.
Rieber, A. J.
Stalin and the French Communist Party.
Columbia (1959).
Holland, C. The Foreign Contacts Made by the German Opposition to Hitler.
Pennsylvania (1967).
Klemm, Peter. German Occupation of Belgium in World War II. Michigan.
Knoebel, E. E. Racial Illusion and Military Necessity: a Study of SS Political
and Manpower Objectives in Occupied Belgium. Colorado (1965).
Saville, A. W. German Submarine Development and Planning, 1918-1939. Washington.
Northern Europe
Jilberg, T. The Norwegian Communist Party and Soviet Policy. Wisconsin.
Skjerveld, Christian. The Norwegian Resistance in the German Occupation.
Soviet Union
Alexeev, W. The Russian Orthodox Church under German Occupation. Minnesota.
Bouma, R. B. The Soviet Military Elite: World War II Activities and Subsequent
Career Patterns. Wisconsin.
Herrick, R. W. The Soviet Navy, 1921-1941. Columbia.
United States
Curry, L. Domestic Policy and Party Politics in the United States during W. W. II.
Dalfiume, R. M. Desegregation of the United States Armed Forces, 1939-1953.
Missouri (1966).
Davis, V. Post-War Defense Policy and the U.S. Navy, 1943-1946. Princeton (1961).
Drummond, D. F. From Peace to War: A Study of the Neutrality and Non-Belligerency
of the United States, 1937-1941. Michigan (1949).
Gaddis, John. Soviet-American Relations as an Issue in Party Politics, 1944-1948.
Legere, L. J. Unification of the Armed Forces. Harvard (1950).
McFarland, Keith D. Secretary of War Harry H. Woodring and the Problems of
Readiness, Rearmament, and Neutrality. Ohio.
Richstad, J. A. The Press and the Courts under ~llirtial Rule in Hawaii during
World War II. Minnesota (1967).
Tarr, C. W. Organization of U.S. Armed Forces, 1939-1947. Stanford .