K-State Research and Extension and College of Agriculture LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS PARTICIPANTS DIRECTORY

K-State Research and Extension
and College of Agriculture
National Extension Leadership Development (NELD)
Class I:
Marilyn Corbin, Assistant Director
Extension Fam ily and Consum er Sciences
Class II:
Tom W arner, Professor
Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources
1731 Throckm orton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-5506
twarner@ ksu.edu
Class III:
Jim Lindquist, Assistant Director
Extension Field Operations
119 Um berger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3403
jlindqui@ ksu.edu
J.D. McNutt, Southeast Area Extension Director
308 W . 14 th Street
Chanute, KS 66720-2895
jdm cnutt@ ksu.edu
Class IV:
Karen Penner, Extension Specialist
Anim al Sciences and Industry
NELD - North Central Region
Class I:
(1992 - 1993)
Don Boggs, Associate Dean
Academ ic Program s
117 W aters Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-4015
dboggs@ ksu.edu
Doug Jardine, Extension State Leader
Departm ent of Plant Pathology
4602 Throckm orton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-5505
Margaret Phillips, Assistant Program Leader
Page 1
NELD - North Central Region (Cont.)
Class II:
(1993 - 1994)
Richard Proehl, Agent
Labette County Extension Office
David Pace, Agent
Lyon County Extension Office
Roger Terry, Coordinator
Inform ation and Educational Technology
Carol Young, Extension Specialist, Fam ily Financial Mgm t.
School of Fam ily Studies and Hum an Services
Class III:
(1994 - 1995)
Dale Fjell, Northeast Area Extension Director
1007 Throckm orton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-5503
dfjell@ ksu.edu
Sharolyn Flam ing Jackson, Extension Specialist
Fam ily and Consum er Sciences
(NELD - NC Planning Com m ittee Mem ber)
Northeast Area Extension Office
1007 Throckm orton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-5503
sharolyn@ ksu.edu
Class IV:
(1996 - 1997)
Class V:
(1997 - 1998)
Paul Hartm an, Southwest Area Extension Director
Dan Devlin, Professor, Environm ental Quality
Departm ent of Agronomy
2014 Throckm orton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-5504
ddevlin@ ksu.edu
Anita Miller, Agent
Dickinson County Extension Office
Marie Blythe, Coordinator
(NELD-NC Advisory Com m ittee m em ber)
Planning and Reporting
Laurie Chandler, Program Manager (Associate Program Leader)
104 Um berger Hall
1612 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66506
lchandle@ ksu.edu
Morgan Powell, Extension Engineer, W ater Quality
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
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NELD - North Central Region (Cont.)
Class VI:
(1998 - 1999)
Rick Miller, Agent, Johnson County Extension Office
11811 S. Sunset Drive, Suite 1500
Olathe, KS 66061
rm iller@ ksu.edu
Bob Neier, Agent, Horticulture
Sedgwick County Extension Office
Stacey W arner, Leader
Extension Operations
121 Um berger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3414
swarner@ ksu.edu
Class VII:
Reba W hite, Northwest Area Extension Director
Tim Herrm an, Extension State Leader
Grain Science and Industry
Paula Peters, Assistant Director
Extension Fam ily and Consum er Sciences
340 Justin Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-1412
ppeters@ ksu.edu
Trudy Rice, Extension Associate
Com m unity Developm ent Program s (PRIDE)
101 Um berger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3405
trice@ ksu.edu
Fran Richm ond, Agent, Fam ily and Consum er Sciences
Frontier Extension District Office
128 W . 15 th
P. O. Box 400
Lyndon, KS 66451-0400
frichm on@ksu.edu
Brad W illiam s, Leader
Evaluation/Im pact Assessm ent
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NELD - North Central Region (Cont.)
Class VIII:
(2001 - 2002)
Diane Mack, Extension Specialist
4-H Youth Developm ent
Northeast Area Extension Office
1007 Throckm orton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-5503
dm ack@ ksu.edu
Donna Martinson, Agent
Geary County Extension Office
Steven Paisley, Extension Specialist
Anim al Sciences and Industry, Livestock
Class IX:
(2002 - 2003)
Dan O’Brien, Extension Agricultural Econom ist
105 Experim ent Farm Road
P. O. Box 786
Colby, KS 67701-0786
Jennifer W ilson, Director
Riley County Extension Office
110 Courthouse Plaza, Room B220
Manhattan, KS 66502-0111
Class X:
Jodi Besthorn, Agent, 4-H Youth Developm ent
Sedgwick County Extension Office
7001 W . 21 st Street N
W ichita, KS 67205-1759
316-722-7721 Ext. 111
besthorn@ ksu.edu
Alan Ladd, Director,
Riley County Extension Office
Twig Marston, Extension Specialist, Cow-Calf Genetics
Anim al Sciences and Industry
Chris Onstad, Northwest Area Extension Director
Northwest Area Extension Office
105 Experim ent Farm Road
P.O. Box 786
Colby, KS 67701-0786
Class XI:
Elaine Johannes, Extension Specialist
Youth Developm ent
343 Justin Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-1423
ejohanne@ ksu.edu
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NELD - North Central Region (Cont.)
Pam Van Horn, Extension Specialist
4-H Youth Developm ent, Learning Environm ent
201 Um berger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3404
pvanhorn@ ksu.edu
Class XII:
Em ily Nolting
Com m ercial Ornam ental Landscape Horticulturist
Dennis Patton, Agent, Horticulture
Johnson County Extension Office
11811 S. Sunset Drive, Suite 1500
Olathe, KS 66061
Class XIII:
Elaine Edwards, News Media Coordinator
Departm ent of Com m unications
Jonie Jam es, Agent, Agriculture & Natural Resources
McPherson County Extension Office
600 W . W oodside
McPherson, KS 67460-3239
620-241 1523
jjam es@ ksu.edu
Rodney Jones, Associate Professor, Livestock Prod./Mktg
Agricultural Econom ics
Aliesa W oods, District Director
Post Rock Extension District #1
Courthouse, PO Box 8
Lincoln, KS 67455-2056
Class XIV:
Sandy Johnson, Associate Professor & Extension Specialist,
Livestock Production
Northwest Area Office
105 Experim ent Farm Road, P.O. Box 786
Colby, KS 67701-0786
sandyj@ ksu.edu
Barbara Lilyhorn, Director, FCS/Youth
Reno County Extension Office
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NELD - North Central Region (Cont.)
Sandy Procter, EFNEP Coordinator, Specialist, Maternal & Child Nutrition
Departm ent of Hum an Nutrition
204 Justin Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-1422
procter@ ksu.edu
Susan Schlichting, Agent, 4-H Youth Developm ent
Ellis County Extension Office
601 Main, Suite A
Hays, KS 67601-4230
sschlich@ ksu.edu
Class XV:
Jana Beckm an, Coordinator
Kansas Center for Sustainable Agriculture
Am y Collins, Agent, Fam ily and Consum er Sciences
Stafford County Extension Office
P.O. Box 398
St. John, KS 67576-0398
acollins@ ksu.edu
Class XVI:
Linda Beech, Agent, Fam ily and Consum er Sciences
Ellis County Extension Office
601 Main Street, Suite A
Hays, KS 67601
Jason Griffin, Ph.D., Associate Professor
K-State Research and Extension
John C. Pair Horticultural Center
1901 East 95 th Street South
Haysville, KS 67060
jgriffin@ k-state.edu
Lisa Long, Agent
Kingm an County Extension Office
Jeff W hitworth, Ph.D., Extension Specialist - Entom ology
K-State Research and Extension
123 W aters Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
jwhitwor@ ksu.edu
Class XVII:
Am y Jordan, Agent
Lyon County Extension Office
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NELD - North Central Region (Cont.)
Brian Olson, Extension Specialist
Agronom ist
Northwest Area Extension Office
105 Experim ent Farm Road
P.O. Box 786
Colby, KS 67701-0786
M. Gayle Price, Extension Specialist
Fam ily and Consum er Sciences
Southeast Area Extension Office
308 W est 14 th Street
Chanute, KS 66720-2895
gprice@ ksu.edu
Sandra W ick, Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Sm ith County Extension Office
218 S. Grant, Courthouse
Sm ith Center, KS 66967-0287
swick@ ksu.edu
Class XVIII:
Cindy Evans, Agent, Fam ily and Consum er Sciences
Shawnee County Extension Office
1740 SW W estern Ave.
Topeka, KS 66604-3095
David Key, Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Meadowlark District Extension Office
1500 Com m unity Dr.
Seneca, KS 66538
dkey@ ksu.edu
Class XIX:
Karaline Mayer, Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
W abaunsee County Extension Office
215 Kansas, P.O. Box 248
Alm a, KS 66401
kam ayer@ ksu.edu
Curtis Thom pson, Extension Specialist - Agronom y
K-State Research and Extension
2017C Throckm orton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
cthom pso@ksu.edu
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NELD - North Central Region (Cont.)
Class XX:
Jam ie Hancock, Agent, Horticulture
Shawnee County Extension Office
1740 SW W estern Ave.
Topeka, KS 66604
jam iehan@ksu.edu
Elizabeth Kiss, Assistant Professor,
Fam ily Financial Planning
343L Justin Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
dekiss4@ ksu.edu
Class XXI:
Nozella Brown, Agent, Fam ily and Consum er Sciences
W yandotte County Extension Office
1216 N. 79 th Street
Kansas City, KS 66112
913-299-9300 ext. 110
nbrown2@ ksu.edu
Lisa Newm an, Agent, Fam ily Developm ent
Central Kansas District #3 Extension Office
300 W . Ash, Box 5040
Salina, KS 67402
lm newm an@ksu.edu
Class XXII:
Beth Hinshaw, Area Extension Specialist,
4-H Youth Developm ent
2000 N. Poplar
Hutchinson, KS 67502
bhinshaw@ ksu.edu
Tara Markley, Agent, 4-H Youth Developm ent
Johnson County
11811 S. Sunset Drive, Suite 1500
Olathe, KS 66061
tara.m arkley@ jocogov.org
Bradford W iles, State Extension Specialist,
Early Childhood Developm ent
343P Justin Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
bwiles@ ksu.edu
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ESCOP/ACOP Leadership Development Course
Class 1
(1991 - 1992)
Daryl Buchholz, Associate Director for Extension
and Applied Research
123 Um berger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401
dbuchhol@ ksu.edu
Mary Gregoire, Associate Professor
Hotel, Restaurant, Institution Managem ent and Dietetics
David B. Mengel, Professor, Soil Fertility and Crop Production
Departm ent of Agronomy
3703 Throckm orton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-5504
dm engel@ ksu.edu
Class 2
(1992 - 1993)
Class 3
(1993 - 1994)
Class 4
(1994 - 1995)
Randy Higgins, Extension Specialist
Departm ent of Entom ology
David W right, Associate Professor
Fam ily Studies and Hum an Services
Denis Medeiros, Departm ent Head
Hum an Nutrition
Mike Sm ith, Professor, Plant Resistance
Departm ent of Entom ology
John L. Havlin
Departm ent of Agronomy
Alan Schlegel, Professor & Agronom ist-in-charge, Soil Mgm t.
KSU Southwest Research-Extension Center
Rt. 1, Box 148
Tribune, KS 67879-9774
schlegel@ ksu.edu
Phil Stahlm an, Professor, W eed Scientist
KSU Agricultural Research Center
1232 240 th Avenue
Hays, KS 67601-9228
785-625-3425 Ext. 214
stahlm an@ksu.edu
Class 5
(1995 - 1996)
Dan Sweeney, Professor, Soil & W ater Mgm t. Agronom ist
KSU Southeast Agricultural Research Center
Box 316
Parsons, KS 67357
620-421-4826 Ext. 14
dsweeney@ ksu.edu
Class 6
(1996 - 1997)
No Participants
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ESCOP/ACOP Leadership Development Course (Cont.)
Class 7
(1997 - 1998)
Michel D. Ransom , Professor & Asst. Head for Teaching
Departm ent of Agronomy
1022 Throckm orton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-5501
m dransom @ ksu.edu
Class 8
(1998 - 1999)
Charles Rice, Professor, Soil Microbiology
Departm ent of Agronomy
2701 Throckm orton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-5504
cwrice@ ksu.edu
Class 9
(1999 - 2000)
Ray Lam ond, Professor
Departm ent of Agronomy
Gary Pierzynski, Professor & Departm ent Head
Agronom y
2004 Throckm orton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-5504
gm p@ ksu.edu
Class 10
(2000 - 2001)
Rebecca Gould, Professor & Director
Inform ation Technology Assistance Center
212 Hale Library
Manhattan, KS 66506-1404
Class 11
(2001 - 2002)
Ted Cable, Professor & Asst. Deptartm ent Head
Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources
1028AThrockm orton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-5506
tcable@ ksu.edu
Kris Boone, Departm ent Head and Professor
Departm ent of Com m unications
301 Um berger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3402
kboone@ ksu.edu
Class 12
(2002 - 2003)
No Participants
Class 13
(2003 - 2004)
John Unruh, Professor, Meat Specialization
Anim al Sciences and Industry
248 W eber Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-0200
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ESCOP/ACOP Leadership Development Course (Cont.)
Class 14
Jim Nechols, Professor
Departm ent of Entom ology
234 W aters Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
jnechols@ ksu.edu
Institute for the Management of Lifelong Education, Harvard University
Mary McPhail-Gray, Assistant Director
Extension Fam ily and Consum er Sciences
Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership Program (KARL)
Class I:
(1991 - 1993)
Bradley Goering, Agent, Agriculture
Sedgwick County Extension Office
Donita W hitney, Instructor, Managem ent
College of Business
9E Calvin Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-0507
Class II:
(1993 - 1995)
Cathy Musick, Executive Director, Ag in the Classroom
Office of Dean of Education
124 Bluem ont Hall, KSU
Manhattan, KS 66506
cm usick@ ksu.edu
Class III:
(1995 - 1997)
Phil Markley, Plant Science Technician II
KSU Southeast Agricultural Research Center
Duane Hund, Farm Analyst Program Coordinator
Agricultural Econom ics
32409B East Springcreek Rd.
Paxico, KS 66526-9161
dhund@ ksu.edu
Linda Martin, Professor
Anim al Sciences and Industry
Mark Stadtlander, Editor
Com m unications Dept. - Publications
313 Um berger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3402
m ark@ ksu.edu
Page 11
Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership Program (KARL) (Cont.)
Class IV:
(1997 - 1999)
Eric Atkinson, Agriculture Director
Com m unications Dept. - Radio
20 McCain Auditorium
Manhattan, KS 66506-4701
agguy@ ksu.edu
C. Ray Ladd, Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Atchison County Extension Office
405 Main
P. O. Box 109
Effingham , KS 66023-0109
Class V:
(1999 - 2001)
Alvin N. Davis, Project Director
Kansas Agriculture Rural Leadership, Inc. (KARL)
129 Um berger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3405
adavis@ ksu.edu
Betty Johnson, Developm ent Officer
Kansas State University Foundation
Jill Zim m erm an, Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Cowley County Extension Office
311 E. 9 th, Courthouse
W infield, KS 67156
jazim m er@ ksu.edu
Class VI:
(2001 - 2003)
Ryan Higbie, Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Johnson County Extension Office
Nancy Honig, Agent, Fam ily and Consum er Sciences
Stevens County Extension Office
114 E. Fifth Street
Hugoton, KS 67951-2440
nhonig@ ksu.edu
Mary Lou Peter, Coordinator
Com m unications Dept. - News
18001 W . 106th St. Suite 130
Olathe, Ks. 66061
785-564-2774 (cell)
913-541-1220 (office)
m lpeter@ ksu.edu
Class VII:
(2003 - 2005)
Rodney Jones, Assoc. Professor, Livestock Prod/Mktg.
Agricultural Econom ics
Lea Stueve, Agent, Fam ily and Consum er Sciences
Butler County Extension Office
Page 12
Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership Program (KARL) (Cont.)
Class VIII:
Ginger Kopfer, Agent, 4-H Youth Developm ent
Geary County Extension Office
119 E. 9 th Street
P.O. Box 28
Junction City, KS 66441-0028
gkopfer@ ksu.edu
Jason Stallm an, Agent, 4-H Youth Developm ent
Reno County Extension Office
Billy D. W ood, County Director, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Douglas County Extension Office
2110 Harper
Douglas County Fairgrounds
Lawrence, KS 66046-3242
Class IX:
Fran Richm ond , Agent, Fam ily and Consum er Sciences
Frontier Extension District Office
128 W . 15 th, PO Box 400
Lyndon, KS 66451-0400
frichm on@ksu.edu
Class X:
Jennifer W ilson, Director
Riley County Extension Office
110 Courthouse Plaza, Room B220
Manhattan, KS 66502-0111
Class XI:
Andrea Feldkam p, Agent, 4-H Youth Developm ent
Riley County Extension Office
Class XII:
R. Scott “Bronc” Barrows, District Director, Agriculture and
Natural Resources
Golden Prairie District Extension Office
216 Main Street
W akeeney, KS 67672-2189
rsbarrow@ ksu.edu
Class XIII:
Lori Bammerlin, Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Flint Hills District Extension Office
Courthouse, 501 W. Main
Council Grove, KS 66846-1796
Page 13
21st Century Leadership Program
Class I:
(1996 - 1997)
Eugene E. Algrim , Agent
W alnut Creek Extension District #2
Roy D. Aycock, Extension Agricultural Econom ist
Farm Managem ent Association, Southwest
Glenn E. Brunkow, Agent
Pottawatom ie County Extension Office
Charles L. Call, Agent
Brown County Extension Office
Libby Curry, Extension Specialist
Fam ily and Consum er Sciences
Northwest Area Extension Office
105 Experim ent Farm Road
P. O. Box 786
Colby, KS 67701-0786
lcurry@ ksu.edu
Dean L. Davis, Agent
Shawnee County Extension Office
Robert L. Frisbie, W atershed Specialist, Upper Arkansas
Ronald W . Graber, W atershed Specialist, Lower Arkansas River
Sedgwick County Extension Office
7001 W . 21 st Street N.
W ichita, KS 67205-1759
rgraber@ ksu.edu
W . Larry Jackson
Inform ation & Educational Technology
Keith Martin, Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
W ildcat Extension District Office
528 Huston Street
P. O. Box 38
Altam ont, KS 67330-0038
rkm artin@ ksu.edu
Diane D. Mack, Extension Specialist
4-H Youth Developm ent
Northeast Area Extension Office
1007 Throckm orton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-5503
dm ack@ ksu.edu
Page 14
21st Century Leadership Program (Cont.)
Mark D. Ploger, Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources and 4-H Youth
Developm ent
Pratt County Extension Office
824 W . First
Pratt, KS 67124-2020
m ploger@ ksu.edu
Class II:
(1997 - 1998)
Colin P. Rowell, Extension Agricultural Econom ist
Farm Managem ent, Southeast
Bob Standage, Agent
Thom as County Extension Office
Joseph P. W ary, Agent
Ellis County Extension Office
W alter Barker, Extension Specialist
4-H Youth Developm ent
DeW ayne Craghead, Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Hodgem an County Extension Office
500 Main Street
P. O. Box 38
Jetm ore, KS 67854-0038
dcraghea@ ksu.edu
David Darling, Extension Specialist
Agricultural Econom ics
Stewart Duncan, Extension Specialist, Crops and Soils
Northeast Area Extension Office
1007 Throckm orton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-5503
sduncan@ ksu.edu
Carol Fink, Extension Specialist, 4-H Navy Youth Developm ent Specialist
School of Fam ily Studies and Hum an Services
343 Justin Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
cfink@ ksu.edu
Milton Krainbill, W atershed Specialist, Upper Delaware River
Jackson County Extension Office
Bud Malm berg, Agent
Phillips County Extension Office
Donna Martinson, Agent
Geary County Extension Office
Page 15
21st Century Leadership Program (Cont.)
Carol Shanklin, Professor
Hotel, Restaurant, Institution Managem ent and Dietetics
106 Justin Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-1404
shanklin@ hum ec.ksu.edu
Nadine Sigle, Extension Associate
Com m unity Vitality
120 N. 1 st Street
Osborne, KS 67473
nsigle@ ksu.edu
Kathy Sm ith, Agent
Ellsworth County Extension Office
Katherine Tilley, Assistant Professor, Cereal Chem istry
Grain Science and Industry
103C Fairchild Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-2201
katilley@ ksu.edu
Class III:
(1999 - 2000)
Bruce Chladny, Director
W yandotte County Extension Office
1216 N. 79 th St.
Kansas City, KS 66112
913-299-9300 Ext. 103
bchladny@ ksu.edu
Denise Dias, Agent, Fam ily and Consum er Sciences
Sedgwick County Extension Office
7001 W . 21 st Street N
W ichita, KS 67205-1759
316-722-7721 Ext. 116
ddias@ ksu.edu
Cynthia Dixson, Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Rawlins County Extension Office
406 State Street
Atwood, KS 67730-0179
Byron Hale, District Director,
Twin Creeks Extension District Office
120 E. Hall
Box 207
Oberlin, KS 67749-0207
bhale@ ksu.edu
Beth Hecht, Extension Associate
4-H Youth Developm ent
Page 16
21st Century Leadership Program (Cont.)
Doug Musick, Agent
Thom as County Extension Office
Charlotte Shoup Olsen, Assoc. Professor & State Leader
School of Fam ily Studies and Hum an Services
343 Justin Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-1423
Nancy Zim m erli-Cates, Coordinator
Com m unications Dept. - Production Services/Publications
311A Um berger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3402
nancyz@ ksu.edu
Gita Ram aswam y, Professor
Apparel, Textiles and Interior Design
John Unruh, Professor
Anim al Sciences and Industry
248 W eber Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-0200
Rodney W allace, Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Pawnee County Extension Office
715 Broadway, Courthouse
P.O. Box G
Larned, KS 67550-0350
Tranda W atts, Multicounty Specialist
Food, Nutrition, Health, and Safety
Northwest Area Extension Office
John Floros, Dean and Director of K-State Research
and Extension, College of Agriculture
115 W aters Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-4008
floros@ ksu.edu or
agdean@ ksu.edu
Donald L. Boggs, Associate Dean
College of Agriculture - Office of Academ ic Program s
117 W aters Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-4015
dboggs@ ksu.edu
Page 17
Daryl Buchholz, Associate Director for
Extension and Applied Research
K-State Research and Extension
123 Um berger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401
dbuchhol@ ksu.edu
J. Ernest “Ernie” Minton, Associate Director
Research and Technology Transfer
148 W aters Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-4008
em inton@ksu.edu
Leadership Program
Laurie Chandler, Associate Program Leader
K-State Research and Extension
104 Um berger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
lchandle@ ksu.edu
Alvin N. Davis, Project Director
Agricultural and Rural Leadership Developm ent
President, Kansas Agriculture Rural Leadership, Inc. (KARL)
129 Um berger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3405
adavis@ ksu.edu
Marcia Hornung, Coordinator Partnerships
Leadership Studies
103 Leadership Studies Building
Manhattan, KS 66506
Jack Lindquist, Graduate Project Director
Agricultural and Rural Leadership Developm ent, Inc. (KARL)
103 Um berger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3405
jack@ ksu.edu
* No longer a faculty m em ber of Kansas State University.
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