Kansas Citizens for Extension Education (KCEE) is a non-profit corporation in partnership with the State Extension Advisory Council, whose leaders also serve as leaders of KCEE. KCEE: • Advocates for and informs the public about the programs of K-State Research and Extension • Enlists support for Extension’s educational programs, including funding • Promotes the general welfare of K-State Research and Extension • Provides feedback and advice to Kansas State University partners in university, county extension council and district governing bodies. Benefits of Extension in Kansas Volunteer Leaders Add Value Helps Families to Better Themselves Volunteers contribute an equivalent work force of nearly 450 full time professionals to K-State Research and Extension each year, which is four full-time employees for every local and area unit in Kansas. Volunteers contributed approximately $15 million worth of time to Extension. 4-H volunteer leaders, Master Gardeners and cooperators who host agricultural demonstration plots and field days are examples of the many committed volunteers who team up with county extension agents to conduct important educational programs. Family and Consumer Science and 4-H programs provide learning experiences that help people make better decisions related to home, family and community. Reaches Many People Many Times In any one day, Extension programs reach an equivalent of onehalf of the people of Kansas at a cost of approximately ten cents per citizen. This adds up to over six million contacts each week. Tells the Agriculture Story All people need to understand the critical importance of maintaining a profitable and efficient agricultural industry that will continue to provide wholesome, high-quality food for domestic and foreign consumption and contribute to the economic viability of Kansas and our nation. K-State faculty helps this industry successfully co-exist with people and the environment. Serves Urban and Rural People Extension programs go far beyond agriculture. Programs in community and rural development contribute to economic development and revitalization of rural communities. Programs in both urban and rural areas enhance the quality of life by providing technical information and leadership training, which help make people self reliant and more productive. Kansas Citizens for Extension Education is a non-profit corporation operating cooperatively with the State Extension Advisory Council whose members serve also as members of the corporation. Needs for Funds Funds are needed to finance the educational and promotional work on behalf of Extension at the federal, state and local levels. All funding comes from voluntary contributions by people and organizations interested in strengthening the support of Extension. Contributions are tax-deductible. KCEE officers for 2016 President: Rich Barr, Lawrence Secretary: Rhonda Gaede, Hoxie Treasurers: Richard Poland, Isabel & Bob Johnson, Manhattan Past President: Wally Wolfe, Abilene K-State Research and Extension Discovering solutions and teaching best practices around Kansas’ five grand challenges: • Water • Health • Global Food Systems • Vitalizing Communities • Growing Tomorrow’s Leaders You Can Be Proud of Kansas Extension Make checks payable to Kansas Citizens for Extension Education, Inc. Amount enclosed_________________________ City____________________________State______________Zip________________County__________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________________ Name_______________________________________________________________________________________ Count me in as a supporter of the Kansas Citizens for Extension Education, Inc. Here is my check towards your efforts Date______________________ Dr. Robert L. Johnson, Treasurer Kansas Citizens for Extension Education, Inc. 2619 Marque Hill Road Manhattan, Kansas 66502-1822 Real Life, Real Answers Extension Education Works for Kansans Across Kansas, citizens enjoy a higher quality of life because of the reliable, people-oriented educational programs of K-State Research and Extension. K-State Research and Extension is part of a national network of land grant institutions that provides practical solutions to everyday problems, such as how best to profitably grow crops and livestock, raise children, prepare food, protect our natural resources, live healthy productive lives, and much more. And it’s all based on university research and up-to-date knowledge. But, these are challenging times. As demand for its services grows, Extension education needs growing support. The Kansas Citizens for Extension Education, Inc. was formed to advocate for and help build that support.