Building Strong, Effective 4-H Youth Development Programs 1 A Strong 4-H Youth Development Program Focuses on Youth 2 Positive Youth Development 4-H is designed to support the positive and successful development of all youth. 3 4-H Emphasizes Essential Elements of a Positive 4-H Experience Belonging Mastery Independence Generosity 4 Belonging All youth need to feel a connection to others in a group. 4-H gives youth many opportunities to connect with others. 5 Mastery By exploring 4-H projects and activities youth learn to master skills. 6 Independence Creating opportunities for youth to develop skills and confidence for leadership is a cornerstone of 4-H. 7 Generosity By exploring 4-H community service activities, youth can connect with their community and learn to give back to others. 8 Content/Context in 4-H Programming CONTEXT CONTENT Belonging EDUCATION Mission Areas Science, Engineering & Technology Clubs Healthy Living Mastery Independence Generosity Citizenship School Enrichment Afterschool YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Essential Elements Camps High Content High Content High Context Low Context High Context Low Content 9 Developed by Cathann A. Kress, National 4-H Headquarters, CSREES, USDA • Content involves subject matter education in the core mission theme areas of Science, Engineering and Technology. • Context involves the essential elements of a positive 4-H learning environment. 10 4-H Clubs = Sweet Spot Delivery methods of 4-H Programming include clubs, school enrichment, afterschool and camp. The 4-H Club is the “sweet spot” or has the highest level of both content and context. 11 Content/Context in 4-H Programming CONTEXT CONTENT Belonging EDUCATION Mission Areas Science, Engineering & Technology Clubs Healthy Living Mastery Independence Generosity Citizenship School Enrichment Afterschool YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Essential Elements Camps High Content High Content High Context Low Context High Context Low Content 12 Developed by Cathann A. Kress, National 4-H Headquarters, CSREES, USDA A Strong 4-H Youth Development Program • Engages young people • Teaches knowledge and life skills which enhance quality of life • Promotes positive youth development 13 A Strong 4-H Youth Development Program Focuses on Life Skills 14 Kansas 4-H Life Skills Healthy Interpersonal Relationships Sound Decision Making 15 An Inquiring Mind A Concern for the Community A Positive Self Concept A Strong 4-H Youth Development Program Focuses on Teaching through “Learn By Doing” 16 Experiential Learning Model 17 Experiential Learning Model This process engages children in the activity, and then encourages them to think more, explore, question, make decisions, connect the activity to the real world, and apply what they have learned. 18 A Strong 4-H Youth Development Program Focuses on Caring Relationships 19 A Strong 4-H Youth Development Program Focuses on Creating Community Partnerships 20 Creating Community Partnerships Positive family, peer, school and community support is essential to foster the growth and development of young people. 21 Components of Effective Programs: 1. Staff and Volunteers who apply developmentally and culturally appropriate practices know of and use community resources 2. Audience serves many individuals 3. Program is comprehensive involves and empowers youth 4. Outcomes includes clearly defined outcomes Betts, S.C. & Dalla, R. L. (1995) Youth, Families and Community: The Arizona Agenda, University of Arizona 22 “Successful 4-H Youth Development programs provide environments that meet the needs of youth. In partnership with caring adults, 4-H offers opportunities for youth to master skills that prepare them for success.” Dr. Barbara Stone State 4-H Leader 23