International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
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Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
ISSN 2319 - 4847
SuchiKumari ,Vijay Kumar Jha2 , Chandrashekhar Azad3
M.Tech Scholar,Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi, Jharkhand,India
Associate Professor, Dept. of Information Technology, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand,India
Research Scholar,Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi, India3
Due to growing information technology day by day,security has remained one challenging area of computer and
network.Intrusion detection is the process of analyzing and monitoring the events occurring in network traffic in order to detect
suspicious activity.In present study,we provide detailed information about data mining techniques like
classification,clustering,association rule, Feature selection, prediction and comparative study of all of the major
techniques.This work will also focuson comparative study of all the techniques which comes under classification and
clustering in terms of computation,speed and detection rate. It will also present the best algorithm of Intrusion Detection of
each type.
Keywords:-Data Mining,classification,clustering,association rule
Nowadays,our regular life totally depends upon internet.There exist an extensive growth in using internet in social
networking,healthcare,ecommerce,bank transaction,airlines,railways and many other services.So,It is very important to
make internet application secure and private.The security of a computer system is compromised when an intrusion
takes place.Intrusion are any set of actions that threatens the integrity,availability or confidentiality of a network
resource.Intruder may be from outside the network or legitimate user of anetwork.In early days,only static defense
technique such as virtual private network,firewall and data information encryption e.t.c are used for network
security,but they are not enough to secure network completely.So,there is a need of dynamic defense techniques.Various
research has been done to ensure the security of computer network. As a result,Dynamic approach is introduced which
is called Intrusion Detection System(IDS).IDS is the process of identifying and responding the malicious
activity,targeted at computing and network sources[1].
Intrusion detection system acts an important role in detecting malicious activities in computer and network systems.
The following discusses the various terms related to intrusion detection.
A. Intrusion :It is an illegal act of entering , seizing or taking possession of another’s property. It is any set of actions
that threatens the integrity, confidentiality or availability of a network resource.
i) Data integrity: It ensures that the information which is transmitted from the sender to receiver is not modified
during its transmission until it reaches to the intended receiver . It maintains and assures the consistency and accuracy
of the data during its transmission.
ii) Data Confidentiality: The Principle of confidentiality specify that only sender and the intended recipient should be
able to access the content of message.
iii) Data Availability: It states that resources (information) should be available to authorize parties at all time.
iv) Authentication: means the identity of a party is confirmed.
v ) Non-repudiation : means the denial of integrity and authenticity of information is not possible.
B. Intrusion Detection :The process of analyzing and monitoring the events occurring in network traffic in order to
detect suspicious activity is known as Intrusion Detection . It has emerged an important field for network security.
C. Intrusion Detection System :It inspects all inbound and outbound network activity and identifies suspicious pattern
that may indicate a network or system attack from someone attempting to break into or compromise a system . It is a
software that automates the Intrusion detection process.
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
Page 260
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
ISSN 2319 - 4847
There are basically 3 steps of IDS:
i) Monitoring and analyzing traffic
ii) Identifying Abnormal Activities
iii) Assessing Severity and Raising Alarm
In some cases, the IDS may also respond to anomalous or malicious traffic by taking action such as blocking the user or
source IP Address from accessing the network.
Figure 1Process of Intrusion Detection Systems
Intrusion detection system can be classified in various ways. This classification is based on data source, behavior,
structure, how the system is protected and how intrusions are detected.
Approach based IDS :Itis mainly classified into Anomaly and Misuse. Anomaly intrusion detection also known as
Behavior based system because itassociates with variations from user behaviour.It builds models of normal network
behaviour (called profiles) , which it uses to detect new patterns that significantly deviate from the profiles. It detects
unwanted traffic that is unknown and able to find new attacks.
The second approach Misuse detection also known as Signature based system becausealarmsare generated based on
particularattack signatures.It searches for patternsof program or user behavior that match known intrusion scenario ,
which are stored as Signatures. Each of these techniques has their strength and weakness.
Protection based IDS : It is classified according to data source from which information is extracted. Host based IDS
depends upon single host or computer system on the network. It is implemented by placing sensor on a particular r
computer system. A HIDS monitors the inbound and outbound packets from the device only and will alert the user or
administrator , if suspicious activity is sensed. On other side Network based IDS examines each and every node on
network under observation. However IDS available in market are hybrid of NIDS and HIDS. Hybrid Intrusion
Detection System is has flexibility and it increases the security level. It combines IDS sensor locations and reports
attacks are aimed at particular segments or entire network.
Architecture Based IDS:IDS can also distributed or centralized. In distributed IDS numbers of IDS are present on the
network where they communicate with each other or to a centrally located sever Whereas IDS can also be a standalone
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
Page 261
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Behavior based IDS: It is either active or passive. Active IDS detects and also prevents intrusion. On opposite side
passive IDS only detect intrusions. Hence active IDS is also known as IDPS.
Figure 2 Architecture of Intrusion Detection System
MengJianliang (2009) had presented the K-means algorithm for intrusion detection. Experimental results on a
subset of KDD-99 dataset showed the stability of efficiency and accuracy of the algorithm. With different setting, the
detection rate stayed always above 96% while the false alarm rate was below 2%.The time complexity is
low.MohammadrezaEktela, used Support Vector Machine andclassification tree Data mining technique for
intrusiondetection in network. They compared C4.5 and Support Vector Machine by experimental result and found that
C4.5 algorithm has better performance in term of detection rate and false alarm rate than SVM, but for U2R
attackSVM performs better.Song Naiping,studied on Intrusion detection based on Data mining. Here, types
of IDS means Misuse detection and Anomaly detection are described by the author along with different Data mining
techniques which are used to build IDS.Z. Muda (2011) proposed an IDS which produce low false alarm rate
&Improve accuracy and detection rate and capable to correctly classify Normal data type, and also attack data types like
Probe and DoSbut not capable to correctly classify for U2R and R2L.Ahmed Youssef (2011) suggested that a
combination of DM and NBA approaches may overcome the limitations in current IDS and leads to high performance
ones.Gholam Reza Zargar, Tania Baghaie,(2012) proposed a category-based selection of effective parameters for
intrusion detection using Principal Components Analysis (PCA).Susheel Kumar Tiwari and Mahendra Singh
Sisodiai(2012) have proposed a model of NIDS based on K-Means Clustering via Naive Bayes algorithm. The model
builds the patterns of the network services over data sets labeled by the services. With the built patterns, the model
detects attacks in the datasets using the k-means clustering via naive Bayes Classifier algorithm. Compared to the
Naive based approach, this approach achieve higher detection rate. However, it generates somewhat more false positive
rate.Nadiammai, EDADT algorithm which reducesthe actual size of the dataset and helps the
administratorto analyze the ongoing attacks efficiently with less false alarmrate respectively.It gives better accuracy and
reduces falsealarm rates.Rachnakulhare and Divakar Singh(2013) proposed an IDS which reduces the training time
and increases the detection accuracy. But Greater computational cost .Yogita B. Bhavsar and Kalyani C.
Waghmare(2013) proposed an IDS that has High Accuracy but extensive training time.Sandeep D (2014)
proposed a GA-based fuzzy Class Association Rule Mining with Sub-Attribute Utilization and its application to
classification, which can deal with discrete and continuous attributes at the same time and this method was applied
them to both misuse detection and anomaly detection and able to perform experiments with practical data provided by
KDD99 Cup.HarshitSaxena andDr.VineetRichariya (2014) proposed an IDS that has good detection rate in case of
Denial of Service (DoS) attack. But ,fail to achieve good detection rate in case of U2R and R2Lattack.
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
Page 262
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
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Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
ISSN 2319 - 4847
It is the process of Extracting implicit, Previously Unknown and Potentially useful information from data.
Figure 3 Knowledge Discovery Process
Why Data Mining Techniques are used?
i) Since The Network Traffic is large , analysis of data is too hard.
ii) It ensures the accuracy and efficiency in detection process.
iii) It can also detect both known and previous unknown patterns of attacks.
DATA SET: The data applied in the research comes from NSL-KDD dataset .It is newest version of KDD Dataset
that consists of selected records of the complete KDD data set and is publicly available for researchers. NSL-KDD
solved the problem of KDD Dataset. The advantages of NSL-KDD data set over the original KDD data set is that It
does not include redundant records in the train set, so the classifiers will not be biased towards more frequent records.
In each connection are 41 attributes describing different features of the connection and a label assigned to each either as
an attack type or as normal. The data set contains a total of 24 attack types (connections) that fall into 4 major
categories: Denial of service (Dos), Probe, User to Root (U2R), Remote to User (R2L). Each record is labeled either
asnormal, or as an attack, with exactly one specific attack type .
Different data mining techniques like Classification,Clustering,Association Rules,Feature Selection and Prediction are
widely used to acquire information about intrusions by observing network data.
Classification : It is a way to segment data by assigning it to groups that are already defined.The main goal of
Classification is to analyze the new records and then will be classified either as Normal or abnormal. Classification can
be effective for both anomaly detection and misuse detection,but mostly used for anomaly detection. Classification is
also called Supervised Learningbecause ,it is directed by these labeled objects.
Different Classification algorithm which are used in Intrusion detection system:
Svm: It is one of the most successful classification algorithm in the data mining area.It uses high dimension space to
find a hyperplane.It uses several kernel function that user can apply to solve different problem. The main goal of Svm is
to find a linear optimal hyperplane so that the margin of separation between 2 classes is maximized. Svm tries to
achieve maximum separation between the classes.
Figure 4 Support Vector Machine
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
Page 263
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
ISSN 2319 - 4847
In Svm,a predictor variable is called an Attribute , and a converted attribute that is usedto describe the hyperplane is
called a Feature.The process of selecting the mostsuitable representation is called Feature Selection.Svm is popular
because it can be
easy to use and this algorithm often has good generalization performance , and the samealgorithm solves a variety of
problems with little tuning.
Decision Tree : It is a classification technique in data mining,for predictive models.It is a flowchart like
structure,where internal node represents a test on attribute,branch represents an outcome of the test and leaf node
represents a class label.It use divide and conquer method for splitting of data and divide the data into their respective
class.It is very useful for large amounts of data and it provides high accuracy.A node of decision tree specifies an
attribute by which the data is to be partitioned.Each node has no. of edges,which are labeled according to a possible
value of the attribute,in the parent node.Nowadays,different enhanced version of Decision tree algorithm is used for
Inrusion Detection.
 ID3 Algorithm:ID3 is Iterative Dischotomiser3.It is one of the famous inductive logic programming methods. It
attempts to create smallest possible Decision tree.
 J48 Algorithm: J48 has additional features that were not deal in ID3.The no. of changes improved by J48:
 Missing values of attribute for handling training data.
 Discrete and continuous value attributes are handled.
Neural Network:Neural network was used to refer a network or biological neurons. It is used both in anomaly
intrusion detection as well as in misuse intrusion detection. For anomaly intrusion detection,neural network were
modeled to learn the typical characteristics of system users and identify statistically significant variations from the
user’s established behavior.
In misuse intrusion detection the neural network would receive data from the network stream and analyze the
information for instance of misuse.
Bayesian Network Based:It is a graphical model which contains the set of random variables and their conditional
dependencies in which each node represents the random variable and the non-connected node represents the variable
which are independent from each other.
 Naïve Baye’s Algorithm :Naïve Baye’s classifier use the Baye’s theorem to classify the new instances of data.The
naïve Baye’s classifier is probabilistic classifier,it Predict the class according to membership probability.
Bayes Theorem:P(H/X)= P(X/H).P(H)/ P(X)
Where, X is the data record, H is the Hypothesis whichrepresents data X, P(H) is prior probability, P(H/X) is the
probabilityof H conditioned on X and P(X/H) is the posterior probability of X conditioned on H.
K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm:It is one of the simplest classification technique,and a type of lazy learning.It simply
stores a given training tuple and waits until it is given a test tuple.It is instance based learner that classifies the objects
based on closest training data. For a given unknown tuple,a k-neighbor looks the pattern space for the k-training tuples
,that are closest to the unknown tuple.Here,the object is classified by a majority vote of its neighbors.
Clustering:Human labelling is expensive and time consuming in case of classification,because the available network
information is too large.So,Clustering has attracted curiosity from researchers in the area of intrusion
detection.Clustering means grouping of data or dividing a large dataset into smaller datasets of some similarity without
using known structure of data.
Different types of clustering techniques which are used in Intrusion Detection System :
K-means Clustering Algorithm:In this clustering algorithm ,no. of cluster is predefined,which is specified by the
user.K-means algorithm creates cluster by determining a central mean of each cluster.The algorithm starts by randomly
select k-entities as the means of K-Clusters and randomly adds entities to each cluster.Then,it recomputes cluster
means and reassigns entities to clusters to which it is most similar based on the distance between entity and the cluster
mean.Then, it recomputed cluster means and reassigns entities to clusters to which it is most similar based on the
distance between entity and the cluster mean.Then the mean is recomputed at each cluster and previous entities either
stay/move to a different cluster and one iteration completes.Algorithm iterates until there is no change of the means at
each cluster.
K-medoids: Similar to K-Means,K-medoids is also clustering by partitioning algorithm ,which attempts to minimize
the distance between data points and its centroid.The most centrally located instance or data point is considered as
centroid in place of taking mean value.This centrally situated object is called Medoid or Reference Point.
Fuzzy c-Means Clustering Algorithm:The Fuzzy C-Means (FCM)algorithm is one of the most widelyused methods in
fuzzy clustering.In Fuzzy clustering each data point belongs to every cluster by some membership value and the process
of grouping is iterated till the change in the membership values of each data point stops changing.It is a method of the
clustering which allows one piece of the data belonged to 2 or more clusters.
FuzzyLogic+ K-Means Partition=Fuzzy C-Means
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
Page 264
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Association Rule:Association Rule Mining finds interesting association or correlation relationships among a large set
of data items,with massive amounts of data continuously being collected and stored.An Association rule is expressed by
X=>Y,where X and Y contain a set of attributes.This means that if a tuple satisfies X,it is also likely to satisfy Y.
The Apriori Algorithm:The name of algorithm is based on the fact that the algorithm uses prior knowledge of
frequent itemset properties.
 Apriori Property:All nonempty subset of a frequent itemset must also be frequent.
Feature Selection:The main idea in Feature selection is to remove features with little or no predictive information from
the original set of features of the audit data to form a subset of appropriate features.Feature selection significantly
reduces computational complexity resulting from using the full original feature set.It produces new attributes as linear
combination of existing Attributes.
Prediction:It uses model to predict continuous or ordered value for a given input.It discovers relationship between 1 or
more independent variable and relationship between dependent and independent variables.It is similar to human
learning experience.
Some of the factors used during performance measurement of IDS:
True positive (TP):The total number of normal data which are detected as a normal data during intrusion detection
True negative (TN): In Intrusion detection, number of detected abnormal data which are actually abnormal data in
False positive (FP)/False alarm: Total number of
detected normal data but they are actual attack.
False negative (FN):Number of detected abnormal
instances but in real they are normal data.
Performance of IDS is measured in terms of detection rate, accuracy and false alarm rate.
Confusion Matrix:
Detection Rate (DR)= (TP/TP+FN) x 100%
False Alarm Rate (FAR)=FP/Number of Attacks
Accuracy=(TP+TN/TP + TN + FP + FN)x 100%
Error= 100- Accuracy
Recall(R) = TP/TP+FN
FNR= 1-R = FN/(TP+FN)
Precision(P) = TP/(TP+FP)
Specificity = TN/(TN+FP)
FPR= 1 – Specificity= FP/(TN+FP)
Attacks are grouped into following four categories:
DoS-Denial of Service:Attackers disrupt a host or network service to make Legitimate users can not access the service
in the target machine means attacker makes the memory too busy or too full to handle the requests.e.g:The types of
attack comes under DOS are back, land, Neptune ,pod,smurf,teardrop etc.
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
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Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
ISSN 2319 - 4847
R2L- Remote-to-Local: It is an attack in which attacker sends packet to a machine over a network but does not have
an account on that machine.E.g of R2L attacks are xterm, ftp-write,guess_password, imap, sendmail, phfetc
U2R -User to Root :It is an attack in which the attacker tries to access the normal user account.e.g of U2R are
buffer_overflow,sqlattack, perl,ps,Rootkit e.t.c.
Probes-Surveillance and Probing:It is a category of attacks where an attacker examines a network to discover wellknown vulnerabilities and gather information about the network of computers of the target machine.These network
investigations arereasonably valuable for an attacker who is planning an attack in future .e.g of probes are such
asmscan, saint, satan,portsweep etc.
Attack Categories
Table 1: Simulated attacks are grouped into four categories
Table 2: Theoretical comparison of different data mining Techniques
Most commonly used
technique for
predicting a specific
outcome such as
low value
2.It is most widely used
2.It has high rate of
customer,likely to
method of data mining in
false alarm.
buy/not buy.
health care organization.
useful for exploring
data and finding
natural groupings.
5.Fuzzy C-Means
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
1.This method can be
effective for both
1.This technique is
anomaly detection and
Less efficient than
misuse detection but
clustering technique.
mostly used for anomaly
1.It suffers from the
fact that once a merge
or split is committed, It
can't be undone or
2.Clustering is
performed not so much
2.It is very fast to
to keep records
compute on the database. together as to make it
easier to see when one
record sticks out from
1.Able to detect
intrusions in the audit
data without known
signature of intrusions.
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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
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Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
ISSN 2319 - 4847
the rest.
1.Aprori Algo
1.It can't be useful if
the information do not
Find Rules Associated 1.More accurate than
provide support and
with Frequently coconfidence of rule are
occuringitems,used for
market basket
2.Association rule do
not show reasonable
cause analysis,useful
2.Represent patterns in patterns with
for product bundling
data without specified dependent variable
in store placement and
target variable
and can't reduce the
defect analysis.
no. of independent
variable by removing.
1.Low Prediction
1.Shorter Training Time
Produces new
attributes as linear
combination of
irrelevant,redundant or
existing attributes.
noisy data.
Use model to predict
1.It captures Repeatitive 1.There is no best
continuous or ordered
prediction approach.
value for a given input
2.Optimal Prediction is
2.Helps Automating
very hard problem and
is not yet solved.
Table 3: Theoretical comparison of different classification techniques
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
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Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Table 4: Comparative chart of different classification techniques
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Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
Membership Value
Computation Time
Purity of cluster
Empty Cluster
Number of Clusters an
Item Belongs
Overall Performance
Shape of Cluster
Detection Rate
False +ve Rate
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Table 5: Comparative chart of clustering techniques
Number of clusters K Such that
Number of cluster C such that C<M.Set of
K<M.Set of data items
data items (X1,X2…..Xm).Set of Cluster
Centers (V1,V2….,Vc)
Set of K Clusters Where Each
Set of C clusters where each cluster has
cluster has similar items.
more similar items.
Does not Exist
Has a membership value as'µij'
Simple and Straight
Involves the calculation of Several
Forward,Require Less Time
Formulas So requires more time.
May or May not generate
Work well for small Dataset.
Works well for small as well as large
One or more than one cluster
Depends on Initial no. of cluster K
Works well for compact and
Globular Cluster
Depends on Initial no. of cluster C
Works well for both globular and
NonGlobular Cluster
Now a days, Intrusion which affects the security and privacy of the system, has become major concern for many
organizations.Hence, there is a need of strong IDS which can detect novel attack with high attack detection accuracy.
Intrusion detection is an important but complex task for a computer system. Here, Various methods for intrusion
detection are studied and compared.
It is very difficult to conclude that a particular technique is best among all. Since, each technique has their own
advantages, and also disadvantages in comparison with other technique of intrusion detection. Combining more than
one data mining algorithms may be used to remove disadvantages of one another. Thus a combining approach has to be
made while selecting a mode to implement intrusion detection system. Combining a number of trained classifiers lead
to a better performance than any single classifier. On the basis of detection rate, accuracy, execution time and false
alarm rate, the paper has analyzed different classification and clustering data mining techniques for intrusion detection.
According to given necessary parameter, execution time of support vector machine is less and produces high accuracy
with smaller dataset and the main advantage of Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for intrusion detection is the high detection
rate and lower false positive rate. It works well for small as well as large dataset. Although Fuzzy C-Means is an
efficient technique,it is time consuming. The performance of intrusion detection systems can be still improved by
combining the features of Fuzzy C-Means clustering technique with SVM technique so that it reduces the time
required by Fuzzy C-Means for the clustering process and also increases the detection rate and decreases the false
positive rate thereby making the intrusion detection system more accurate and effective.
For the future directions , we would like to evaluate our work on NSL-KDD dataset. Besides, we would also like to
make real implementations on hybrid algorithm to practically experiment its effectiveness and apply it on real world
intrusion detection problems.
I Give thanks to Almighty God to give an opportunity for doing research. And wish to acknowledge Dr. Vijay Kumar
Jha and Chandrasekhar Azad, both of Birla Institute of Technology for explaining the details of their experiments,
Suggestions and comments which really gave me an inspiration to do a comparative Study of Data Mining Techniques
For Intrusion Detection System.
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