International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Defining Pavement Condition States to Quantify Road Quality for Designing of Pavement Maintenance Management System S. R. Katkar 1 and P. P. Nagrale 2 1 S. R. Katkar is a Research Scholar at Department of Civil Engineering, Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Andheri, Mumbai, India and Assistant Engineer Class 1 at PWD, Govt. of Maharashtra. 2 Dr. Prashant P. Nagrale is a Associate Professor at Department of Civil Engineering, Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Andheri, Mumbai, India. Abstract Important factor in the Pavement Maintenance Management System (PMMS) is to quantify the quality of pavement. Earlier research is based on various parameters such as pavement condition index (PCI), mechanistic properties, and physical distress. Ultimate objective of Maintenance Management System (MMS) is to optimize the resources required to upgrading that utility. In none of the previous research; the relationship between pavement condition and corresponding maintenance cost has been considered in designing of MMS. In this study, 70 pavements are studied and an attempt is made to categories them in various condition states based on their repair cost. The research is useful in designing of cost effective MMS. Keywords: PMMS, PCI, MMS 1. INTRODUCTION Pavement distress information is usually converted into a condition index. The condition index combines information from all of the distress types, severities, and quantities into a single number. This number can be used at the network level to define the condition state, to identify when treatments are needed, for ranking or prioritization, and to forecast pavement condition. The condition index may represent a single distress such as fatigue cracking or a combination of many pavement distresses which is then usually referred to as a composite index. Additional information has also been included in some indices such as traffic levels, highway class, etc. to produce priority ranking indices. Most of the pavement maintenance prediction models of mechanistic or imperial mechanistic type are data centric in nature. It is possible that different pavements having Same PCI require different repair policies corresponding to different repair cost. Ultimately it is not possible to predict the exact pavement condition from pavement condition index (PCI). The data base includes detailed experimental analysis and observations of each of pavement stretches. India is having 3.34 million kilometers of road network out of which 3.14 million kilometers are rural roads. India’s rural & urban roads network is the second largest in the world. For designing of PMMS, pavements in which there is a change in any of the distress causing parameters need to be analyzed separately. Obtaining the data of individual distresses, for huge road network is a cumbersome task. Indian Road Congress special publication SP: 72 - Guidelines for inspection and maintenance of rural roads, is the first organized step in this direction. In absence of detailed data of distress indices, defining condition state of pavement is a key factor in designing proper PMMS. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Review of Literature is carried out to understand the detailed descriptions of pavement rutting and scoring processes. The major contribution is found to be done by National Highway Institute which has developed a methodology of calculating pavement distress indices. Pavement condition index, pavement scores used by the Washington State DoT and the Vermont DoT are also studied who have a major contribution in PMMS designing. 2.1 National Highway Institute (NHI): NHI’s pavement management system (1998) has summarized the pavement distresses into indices that include trigger treatments, life-cycle costs and network condition. There is a variation in the distress values and corresponding indices from state to state. The extent and severity of pavement distress is used for computing deduct values. In rating distresses there are two approaches: (1) to use the most dominant distress type present, and (2) to use all the types of distresses present. For each distress type/severity level, failure criteria are established in terms of the distress index that indicates the need of rehabilitation. 2.2 American Society for Testing of Materials (ASTM): Pavement Condition Index (PCI) developed by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers has been accepted by ASTM for PMMS (PAVER, 1997). For each distress and severity level present, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 Page 142 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847 the area affected is added up and divided by the area of the sample unit, which expressed in percentile, is referred to as distress density. Subsequently, deduct values are computed for each distress density, using a series of charts. 2.3 Washington State Department of Transportation (WS DoT): WS DoT initially utilized the Present Condition Rating (PCR) as a means of rating pavement condition (Kay et al. 1993). PCR of newly constructed pavement is considered as 100 and PCR of pavements under observations are calculated by deducting assigned distress values for the extent and severity of each distress viz. alligator cracking, longitudinal cracking, transverse cracking, patching, spalling at joints and cracks, faulting settlement etc. 2.4 Vermont Department of Transportation (V DoT): The earlier version of the Vermont DoT pavement management system (Deighton et al. 1995) utilized discrete deduct values for structural cracking (traffic-related) and transverse cracking (non-traffic related) and continuous deduct values for rut depth and roughness. Individual indices were defined for each of these distress types. Introduction of an automated distress data collection system in 2001 provided additional distress data. As a result, a modified procedure emerged for computing deducts involving continuous deduct functions for cracking as a function of extent, for three discrete severity levels (Deighton & Associates 2005). These are derived using log-log plots of deduct values versus extent for multiple distresses of various extents, the deduction of each of them is computed individually, then their deduct is computed for those of a certain extent combined and the maximum deduct value is used for computing the overall distress index. Earlier research is done considering various methods of quantifying the pavement quality such as Pavement Condition Index (PCI), mechanistic properties, severity of physical distress. Such research is useful for PMMS which aims at maintaining road network at its best usability without economical considerations. These systems fail where limited financial resources are available, such as in developing countries like India, where priority sector is not road but are agriculture, education, health, mass housing etc. The ultimate objective of any maintenance management systems is to optimize the resources, mainly money, required to minimize the maintenance cost. But in previous research works relationship between pavement conditions and respective maintenance cost not established by any researchers. 3. OBJECTIVE OF THE RESEARCH The objective of this study is to develop the most appropriate and simple technique of defining the pavement condition state in the absence of detailed data of distress indices. For which historic development of pavement condition indices are studied and limitations of the same are reviewed. Typical construction procedure used by Public Works Department of Maharashtra state is also studied. Average pavement life of bituminous rural road is observed as 14 years and hence the entire life span of a typical bituminous road is divided into 7 equal periods of 2 years each. Maintenance cost for such several pavement stretches in single lane rural road network is calculated for each of 2 year span of observation. Average repair cost required for improving quality of road stretch in various condition states is then identified from this data. Based on this observations condition states are defined in to 7 categories – from 7 (new condition state) to 1 (poor condition needing immediate total rehabilitation). For rate analysis, District Schedule Rates of Public Work Department, Pune 2012-13 is referred. The relationship between condition states of pavement v/s corresponding maintenance cost is plotted that helps to predict the nature of deterioration. This technique helps to find the right maintenance policy at particular time period and corresponding cost. This model provides guideline for identifying pavement distress types and defining the levels of severity and extent (area, length, count) associated with each distress. 4. STUDY M ETHODOLOGY AND ASSUMPTIONS For designing the PMMS model, authors have considered one kilometer stretch as one pavement in which it is assumed that all properties viz. traffic intensity, subgrade soil, annual rain fall intensity and impact load etc. remain constant. Carriageway of single lane is considered. Construction technology used for new road is explained in Table 1 which is a base to find out the repair cost of pavement Table 1: General Construction Practice to Construct New Rural Road by PWD, Maharashtra State, India Name of layer Blanketing Metal Size Hard murum having plasticity index < 6.0 Layer thickness Percentage of filler 150 to 600 mm required to achieve 15 CBR of subgrade. Nil 60mm 150mm Hard murum = 1/3 or 33% of metal WBM (oversize) WBM (normal size) BBM OGC 40mm 75mm Soft murum = 1/4 or 25% of metal 12 and 40 mm 10 & 12 mm 75mm 20 mm Seal coat 6 mm Nil Bitumen weighting 2 Kg / sqm. Bitumen weighting 1.46 Kg / sqm. Bitumen weighting 0.75 to 0.98 Kg / sqm. Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 Page 143 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847 5. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Pavements up to two year old are considered to fall in condition state 7. For next two year interval i.e. pavements having age from two to four years are considered to fall in condition state 6. Similarly pavement having age twelve to fourteen years fall in condition state 1 pavement. For each of such pavement condition states, 10 samples are observed. Maintenance treatment required to keep / bring it to satisfactory working condition is tabulated in Table 2. Table 2: Maintenance treatment for roads in various condition states Age of Pavem ent (years) 2 4 6 Maintenance treatment required in terms of % of total area of pavement Type of treatment Seal Coat OGC + Seal Coat OGC + Seal Coat BBM 50 mm 8 10 12 14 Pavement samples Avg. treatment 1-7 8-14 15-21 22-28 29-35 36-42 43-49 50-56 57-63 64-70 35 30 36 35 30 35 30 35 30 35 33.1 45 40 50 45 40 45 40 45 40 50 44 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1.2 OGC + Seal Coat 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 BBM 50 mm 45 50 50 55 40 52 40 45 45 50 47.2 OGC + Seal Coat 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 BBM 75 mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 25 26 22 20 25 25 28 28 22 20 24.1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 BBM 75mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 WBM 40mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 WBM 60mm 38 30 38 35 30 35 40 35 30 38 34.9 OGC + Seal Coat 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 BBM 75 mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 30 31 28 26 27 29 28 30 25 26 28 WBM 40 mm OGC + Seal Coat WBM 40 mm WBM 60 mm Blanketing Where, OGC=Open Graded Carpet. BBM = Bituminous Bound Macadam. WBM = Water Bound Macadam. On the basis of this data, rate analysis is carried out w.r.t. District Scheduled Rates (DSR 2012-13) of Pune, Maharashtra, which is summarized in Table III. A relation between condition indices and pavement maintenance cost is studied. Pavement stretch is of 1Km with 3.75 m width. Surface area of each pavement = 1 x 1000 x 3.75 = 3750 sqm. With respect to tables 2 and 3, the repair cost is calculated as below: e.g. for 1st row = (Rate / sqm) x (area of pavement in sqm ) x (% area of the treatment required) = 79.17 x 3750 x 0.33 = ₹ 97,973/Table 3: Rate Analysis for different pavement condition states Cost of treatment in ₹ (Figure in the bracket shows % area of the treatment required) Blanketin g @ 232.35 / sq.m. WBM 60mm @ 299.45/ Sqm WBM 40mm @157/ Sqm BBM 75mm @313.40/ Sqm BBM 50mm @269.5 5/ Sqm OGC + Seal Coat @247.55/ Sqm Seal coat @79.17/ Sqm 2 - - - - - - 97,973 (33%) 97,973 4 - - - - - 4,12,635 (44%) - 4,12,635 Conditio n state Age of Pavement 7 6 Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 Total cost in ₹ Page 144 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847 5 6 - - - 4 8 - - - 3 10 - - 2 12 - 1 14 2,43,968 (28%) 3,93,028 (35%) 11,22,938 (100%) 1,43,066 (24%) 5,88,750 (100%) 5,88,750 (100%) 5,52,367 (47%) 11,75,250 (100%) 11,75,250 (100%) 11,75,250 (100%) 10,108 (1%) - 9,28,313 (100%) 9,28,313 (100%) 9,28,313 (100%) 9,28,313 (100%) 9,28,313 (100%) - 9,38,421 - 14,80,680 - 22,46,629 - 30,85,341 - 40,59,219 Different Condition States of Pavements: Based on the type of treatment and age of pavement, in this paper, condition state description of the pavement is defined as mentioned in the Table 4. Table 4: Different condition state descriptions of the pavements Condition state Description 7 New condition: Routine maintenance & Nominal Seal coat within DLP. 6 Good condition: Pot hole filling by OGC with seal coat material. 5 Generally good condition: Potential exists for minor maintenance (Nominal BBM pot hole filling & OGC with seal coat). 4 Major maintenance required: 40 - 50% BBM & OGC with seal coat. 3 Minor rehabilitation required: Pot hole filling by normal size metal, BBM layer & OGC with seal coat. 2 Marginal condition: Potential exists for major rehabilitation (Pot hole filling by Oversize metal layer, Normal size metal layer, BBM layer & OGC with seal coat). 1 Poor condition: Rehabilitation required immediately. (Repairing by partially blanketing, Over size metal layer, Normal size metal layer, BBM layer & OGC with seal coat). Figures below are the onsite photographs of various types of road pavements and are indicative of their condition states. Figure 1: Road pavement of Alegaon Malthan road MDR – 81 CH 13.00 section in condition state 7. Figure 2: Road pavement of Boribel to Deulgaon Raje MDR – 80KM 37.00 section in condition state 6. Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 Page 145 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Figure 3: Road pavement of Malthan Bhigwan Road MDR – 79KM 2.800 section in condition state 5. Figure 4: Road pavement of Rajegaon Khanota MDR – 46KM 2.100 section in condition state 4. Figure 5: Road pavement of Daund Gar Dapodi MDR – 82 section in condition state 3. Figure 6: Road pavement of Daund Gar Dapodi section in condition state 2. Figure 7: Road pavement of Daund Gar Dapodi in condition state 1. Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 Page 146 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847 The relationship between pavement condition state v/s corresponding maintenance cost is plotted as shown in “Figure 8”. It helps predict the nature of deterioration. Figure 8: Maintenance cost (in lakh of ₹) of pavement corresponding to condition state. From “Figure 8,” it is observed that the rate of distress leading to deterioration in terms of cost of pavement repair exponential in nature i.e. as time increases the maintenance cost of pavement also increases substantially. It is important to identify trigger treatment to optimize the cost of maintenance treatment at proper time. It is observed that the increase in cost of repair from condition state 7 to 6 is ₹ 3,14,662/-, while that of from condition state 2 to 1 is ₹ 9,73,878/-. It clearly indicates that the delay in the repair treatment leads to substantial increase in the repair cost. 6. CONCLUSION Quantification of qualitative data is important for any infrastructure maintenance management system. From historical research, it is observed that distressed value is used to identify pavement condition index. As PCI defines the cumulative distress, it doesn’t give exact condition of pavement and its corresponding repair cost. 1. The study results provide a simple and realistic technique to categories condition state of pavement with respect to repair cost as mentioned in table no. 2 and 3. 2. Pavement condition state descriptions along with deterioration process, corresponding cost of repair and relation of pavement age with repair cost are established. 3. Pavement condition states are defined into 7 to 1 for quantification of quality of pavement, 7 being ‘new condition’ while 1 being ‘poor’. 4. Cost of repair required by pavements in each of the categories is found out and is mentioned in table no. 3. 5. Relationship between repair cost of pavement and time is exponential in nature. The increase in cost of repair from condition state 7 to 6 is ₹ 3,14,662/-, while that of from condition state 2 to 1 is ₹ 9,73,878/-. The observation fetch attention of importance of trigger treatment to immediately start before it is late. 7. FUTURE SCOPE The analysis procedure adopted in this study is to get condition state of particular pavement from the corresponding maintenance cost. As the relationship between them is non linear, linearly interpolation of cost is not possible to find condition state of pavement. It is therefore necessary to establish the relationship between condition state of pavement and cost of repair. References [1] Deighton R., J.Sztraka(1995), "Pavement Condition dTV Technical Guide,” Vol.3 Deighton and Associates Ltd, Bowmansville, Ont., July 1995. 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He is working as Assistant Engineer Class 1 at Public Works Department, Government of Maharashtra since 2000. Dr. Prashant P. Nagrale is a Associate Professor at Department Engineering, Andheri, Mumbai, India. Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 of Civil Engineering, Sardar Patel College of Page 148