International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 IMAGE DENOISING FOR SPECKLE NOISE REDUCTION IN ULTRASOUND IMAGES USING DWT TECHNIQUE Jaspreet kaur1, Rajneet kaur2 1 Student Masters of Technology, Shri Guru Granth Sahib World University, Fatehgarh Sahib,Punjab 2 HOD and Assistant Professor, Shri Guru Granth Sahib World University, Fatehgarh Sahib,Punjab ABSTRACT This paper presents image denoising and Speckle noise reduction model using different wavelets and combination of wiener filter along with deconvolution filters. Wavelets are the latest research area in the field of image processing and enhancement. The results show a comparison of Haar, Symlets and Coiflets Wavelets for Image denoising for biomedical images. Wavelet analysis represents the next logical step: a windowing technique with variable-sized regions. Wavelet analysis allows the use of long time intervals where we want more precise low-frequency information, and shorter regions where we want high-frequency information. The main objective of Image denoising techniques is necessary to remove such noises while retaining as much as possible the important signal features. Introductory section offer brief idea about different available denoising schemes. Ultrasonic imaging is a widely used medical imaging procedure because it is economical, comparatively safe, transferable, and adaptable. Though, one of its main shortcomings is the poor quality of images, which are affected by speckle noise. The existence of speckle is unattractive since it disgrace image quality and it affects the tasks of individual interpretation and diagnosis. Results are both Qualitative and Quantitative analyses by obtaining the denoised version of the input image by DWT along with wiener filter Technique and comparing it with the input image used. Quantitative analysis would be performed by checking attained Mean Square Error estimation and PSNR of the denoised image. Also, elapsed time for these processing techniques has also been presented. Another important parameter of PSF (Point Spread Function) of restored image is added to check the level of distortion in output image. KEYWORDS: Discrete Wavelet Transform, Speckle Noise, Weiner Filter. 1. INTRODUCTION The rapid increase in the range and use of electronic imaging justifies attention for systematic design of an image compression and denoising system and for providing the image quality needed in different applications. The basic measure for the performance of an enhancement algorithm is PSNR, defined as a peak signal to noise ratio. Quality and compression can also vary according to input image characteristics and content. In medical imaging, such as ultrasound image is generated, but the basic problem in these images is the introduced speckle noise [2]. Medical images are usually corrupted by noise in its acquisition and Transmission. Figure 1: Ultrasound Image corrupted by speckle noise Speckle noise becomes a dominating factor in degrading the image visual quality and perception in many other images. Noise is introduced at all stages of image acquisition [3]. There could be noises due to loss of proper contact or air gap between the transducer probe and body; there could be noise introduced during the beam forming process and also during the signal processing stage. [4] Speckle is a particular kind of noise which affects all coherent imaging systems including medical images and astronomical images. The signal and the noise are statistically independent of each other. Previously a number of schemes have been proposed for speckle mitigation. The rapid increase in the range and use of electronic imaging justifies attention for systematic design of an image processing system and for providing the image quality needed in different applications [2]. The basic measure for the performance of an enhancement algorithm is mean square error or PSNR (Picture Signal to Noise Ratio). However, Quality and compression can also vary Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 Page 384 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 according to input image characteristics and content.In image processing, image is corrupted by different type of noises. An appropriate method for speckle reduction is one which enhances the signal to noise ratio while conserving the edges and lines in the image. The sample mean and variance of a single pixel are equal to the mean and variance of the local area that is centered on that pixel. A vast literature has emerged recently on signal de-noising using nonlinear techniques, in the setting of speckle noise. The image analysis process can be broken into three primary stages which are pre-processing, data reduction, and features analysis. Removal of noise from an image is the one of the important tasks in image processing. Depending on nature of the noise, such as additive or multiplicative noise, there are several approaches for removal of noise from an image [5]. The main objective of Image denoising techniques is necessary to remove such noises while retaining as much as possible the important signal features. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Digital image acquisition and processing techniques play an important role in current day medical diagnosis. Images of living objects are taken using different modalities like X-ray, Ultrasound, Computed Tomography (CT), Medical Resonance Imaging (MRI) etc. [1] Highlights the importance of applying advanced digital image processing techniques for improving the quality by removing noise components present in the acquired image to have a better diagnosis. [1] also shows a survey on different techniques used in ultrasound image denoising. [2] has presented the work on use of wiener filtering in wavelet domain with soft thresholding as a comprehensive technique. Also, [2] compares the efficiency of wavelet based thresholding (Visushrink, Bayesshrink and Sureshrink) technique in despeckling the medical Ultrasound images with five other classical speckle reduction filters. The performance of these filters is determined using the statistical quantity measures such as Peak-Signal-to-Noise ratio (PSNR) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). Based on the statistical measures and visual quality of Ultrasound B-scan images the wiener filtering with Bayesshrink thresholding technique in the wavelet domain performed well over the other filter techniques.[3] has presented different filtration techniques (wiener and median) and a proposed novel technique that extends the existing technique by improving the threshold function parameter K which produces results that are based on different noise levels. A signal to mean square error as a measure of the quality of denoising was preferred. 3. PROBLEM FORMULATION To Design and implement a model for image denoising using discrete wavelet transform using multilevel decomposition approach. Quantitative analysis would be performed by checking attained Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Square Error estimation of the denoised image. Speckle noise reduction is another main criterion for determining the image quality objectively. A comparative analysis of Haar wavelets, Symlets wavelets and Coiflets. 4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 4.1 MULTIRESOLUTIONAL ANALYSIS Wavelet analysis represents the next logical step: a windowing technique with variable-sized regions. Wavelet analysis allows the use of long time intervals where we want more precise low-frequency information, and shorter regions where we want high-frequency information. Figure 2: Wavelet Transform on a signal The decomposition process can be iterated, with successive approximations being decomposed in turn, so that one signal is broken down into many lower resolution components. This is called the wavelet decomposition tree. Figure 3: Multilevel Decomposition Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 Page 385 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Lifting schema of DWT has been recognized as a faster approach The basic principle is to factorize the polyphase matrix of a wavelet filter into a sequence of alternating upper and lower triangular matrices and a diagonal matrix. This leads to the wavelet implementation by means of banded-matrix multiplications All the wavelet filters use wavelet thresholding operation for denoising [2], [11], [12].Speckle noise is a high-frequency component of the image and appears in wavelet coefficients. One widespread method exploited for speckle reduction is wavelet thresholding procedure. The basic Procedure for all thresholding method is as follows: · Calculate the DWT of the image. · Threshold the wavelet coefficients. (Threshold maybe universal or sub band adaptive) · Compute the IDWT to get the denoised estimate. · There are two thresholding functions frequently used ,i.e. a hard threshold, a soft threshold. The hard- thresholding is described as η1 (w) = wI (| w |> T) Where w is a wavelet coefficient, T is the threshold. The Soft-thresholding function is described as η2 (w) = (w – sgn (w) T) I (| w | > T ) Where sgn(x) is the sign function of x. The soft-thresholding rule is chosen over hard-thresholding, As for as speckle (multiplicative nature) removal is concerned a preprocessing step consisting of a logarithmic transform is performed to separate the noise from the original image. Then different wavelet shrinkage approaches are employed. The different methods of wavelet threshold denoising differ only in the selection of the threshold. 4.3 Wiener Filter Wiener filter was adopted for filtering in the spectral domain. Wiener filter (a type of linear filter) is applied to an image adaptively, tailoring itself to the local image variance. Where the variance is large, Wiener filter performs little smoothing. Where the variance is small, Wiener performs more smoothing. This approach often produces better results than linear filtering. The adaptive filter is more selective than a comparable linear filter, preserving edges and other high-frequency parts of an image. However, wiener filter require more computation time than linear filtering. The inverse filtering is a restoration technique for deconvolution, i.e., when the image is blurred by a known lowpass filter, it is possible to recover the image by inverse filtering or generalized inverse filtering. However, inverse filtering is very sensitive to additive noise. The approach of reducing one degradation at a time allows us to develop a restoration algorithm for each type of degradation and simply combine them. The Wiener filtering executes an optimal tradeoff between inverse filtering and noise smoothing. It removes the additive noise and inverts the blurring simultaneously. It minimizes the overall mean square error in the process of inverse filtering and noise smoothing. The Wiener filtering is a linear estimation of the original image. The approach is based on a stochastic framework. The orthogonality principle implies that the Wiener filter in Fourier domain can be expressed as follows: where Sxx(f1,f2), Snn(f1,f2) are respectively power spectra of the original image and the additive noise, and H(f1,f2) is the blurring filter. It is easy to see that the Wiener filter has two separate part, an inverse filtering part and a noise smoothing part. It not only performs the deconvolution by inverse filtering (high pass filtering) but also removes the noise with a compression operation (low pass filtering). Recently 5. SPECKEL NOISE MODEL Mathematically the image noise can be represented with the help of these equations below: Here u(x, y) represents the objects (means the original image) and v(x, y) is the observed image. Here h (x, y; x’, y’) represents the impulse response of the image acquiring process. The term ŋ(x, y) represents the additive noise which has an image dependent random components f [g(w)] ŋ1 and an image independent random component ŋ2. A different type of noise in the coherent imaging of objects is called speckle noise. Speckle noise can be modeled as V(x, y) = u(x, y)s(x, y) + ŋ(x, y) (4) Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 Page 386 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Where the speckle noise intensity is given by s(x, y) and ŋ(x, y) is a white Gaussian noise [1]-[3]. 6. TYPE OF WAVELETS USED 6.1 Haar Wavelets: Haar wavelet is the first and simplest. Haar wavelet is discontinuous, and resembles a step function. It represents the same wavelet as Daubechies db1. Figure 4: Haar Wavelet Function Waveform 6.2 Symlets Wavelet The Symlets are nearly symmetrical wavelets proposed by Daubechies as modifications to the db family. The properties of the two wavelet families are similar. There are 7 different Symlets functions from sym2 to sym8. We have used sym2 function shown below. Figure 5: sym2 Wavelet Function Waveform 6.3 Coiflets Wavelet Built by I. Daubechies at the request of R. Coifman. The wavelet function has 2N moments equal to 0 and the scaling function has 2N-1 moments equal to 0. The two functions have a support of length 6N-1. Figure 6: Coiflet Wavelet Function Waveform 7. RESULTS Computer simulations were carried out using MATLAB (R2010b). The quality of the reconstructed image is specified in terms of the Peak Signal-to-Noise, Mean Square Error Elapsed time and PSF. Experimental results are conducted on 50 ultrasound images (kidney, brain, liver, hernia, spine and abdomen). Speckle noise with level 0.4 was added to the image. In this paper, we show results on two images brain and spine with table of 50 images. I. BRAIN IMAGE USING HAAR WAVELET AND WIENER FILTERS COEFFICIENTS OF IMAGE (APPROXIMATION AND DETAIL) Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ORIGINAL IMAGE PSF OF ORIGINAL IMAGE Page 387 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 NOISY IMAGE DENOISED IMAGE PSF OF DENOISED IMAGE USING SYMLETS WAVELET AND WIENER FILTERS COEFFICIENTS OF IMAGE (APPROXIMATION AND DETAIL) NOISY IMAGE ORIGINAL IMAGE DENOISED IMAGE PSF OF ORIGINAL IMAGE PSF OF DENOISED IMAGE USING COIFLET WAVELET AND WIENER FILTERS COEFFICIENTS OF IMAGE (APPROXIMATION AND DETAIL) Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ORIGINAL IMAGE PSF OF ORIGINAL IMAGE Page 388 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 NOISY IMAGE WAVELET HAAR SYMLET COIFLET DENOISED IMAGE PSF OF DENOISED IMAGE TABLE 1: RESULTS OF BRAIN IMAGE MSE ELAPSED TIME PSNR 0.0351 16.55 SECONDS 88.7306 0.0917 17.13 SECONDS 84.5626 0.0634 16.95 SECONDS 86.1656 II. SPINE IMAGE USING HAAR WAVELET AND WIENER FILTERS COEFFICIENTS OF IMAGE (APPROXIMATION AND DETAIL) NOISY IMAGE ORIGINAL IMAGE DENOISED IMAGE PSF OF ORIGINAL IMAGE PSF OF DENOISED IMAGE USING SYMLET WAVELET AND WIENER FILTERS COEFFICIENTS OF IMAGE (APPROXIMATION AND DETAIL) Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ORIGINAL IMAGE PSF OF ORIGINAL IMAGE Page 389 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 NOISY IMAGE DENOISED IMAGE USING COIFLET WAVELET AND WIENER FILTERS COEFFICIENTS OF IMAGE (APPROXIMATION AND DETAIL) NOISY IMAGE WAVELET HAAR SYMLET COIFLET ORIGINAL IMAGE DENOISED IMAGE PSF OF DENOISED IMAGE PSF OF ORIGINAL IMAGE PSF OF DENOISED IMAGE TABLE 1: RESULTS OF SPINE IMAGE MSE ELAPSED TIME 0.0022 14.89 SECONDS 0.0060 16.80 SECONDS 0.0036 15.38 SECONDS PSNR 99.1405 94.7605 97.0229 GRAPH RESULTS: GRAPH 1: PSNR AND TIME GRAPH OF BRAIN IAMGE Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 Page 390 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 GRAPH 2: PSNR AND TIME GRAPH OF SPINE IAMGE GRAPH 3: MSE GRAPH OF BRAIN IMAGE GRAPH 4: MSE GRAPH OF SPINE IMAGE IMAGE TABLE 3: RESULTS OF 50 ULTRASOUND IMAGES WAVELET USED PSNR MSE KJ HAAR 85.9707 0.0663 ELAPSED TIME(SECONDS) 16.6 SYMLET 81.7388 0.1757 17.13 COIFLET 83.263 0.1237 16.61 HAAR 78.1435 0.0771 4.84 SYMLET 74.6477 0.1725 5.98 COIFLET 76.727 0.1069 5.47 HAAR 79.613 0.0549 5.9 SYMLET 75.8726 0.13 6.11 COIFLET 77.35 0.0925 5.55 HAAR 78.1061 0.0779 5.4 SYMLET 74.4286 0.1816 6.33 COIFLET 76.0567 0.1248 6.03 HAAR 88.7306 0.0351 16.55 SYMLET 84.5626 0.0917 17.13 COIFLET 86.1656 0.0634 16.95 HAAR 88.6909 0.0354 16.26 COIFLET 84.5531 0.0919 17.56 COIFLET 86.1561 0.0635 16.65 HAAR 79.461 0.057 5.22 SYMLET 75.575 0.1398 5.58 COIFLET 77.0088 0.1005 5.33 KJ000 KJ00 KJ0 KJ1 KJ2 KJ7 Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 Page 391 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 KJ8 KJ9 KJ10 KJ11 SPINE KJ12 KJ13 KJ14 HAAR 76.9364 0.1019 4.72 SYMLET 73.4945 0.225 5.25 COIFLET 75.3794 0.1458 5.05 HAAR 81.5985 0.0719 8.87 SYMLET 78.4944 0.1469 10.03 COIFLET 80.1329 0.1008 9.19 HAAR 82.2858 0.0298 4.77 SYMLET 78.6745 0.0684 5.45 COIFLET 80.808 0.0419 4.85 HAAR 88.7409 0.023 12.58 SYMLET 84.5442 0.0605 13.55 COIFLET 87.2925 0.0321 12.68 HAAR 99.1405 0.0022 14.89 SYMLET 94.7605 0.006 16.8 COIFLET 97.0229 0.0036 15.38 HAAR 87.6692 0.0448 15.89 SYMLET 83.4987 0.1171 16.39 COIFLET 85.3011 0.0773 16.16 HAAR 88.7001 0.0354 15.61 SYMLET 84.5873 0.0912 16.7 COIFLET 86.4531 0.0593 16.05 HAAR 87.4247 0.0469 15.14 SYMLET 83.303 0.1225 16.32 COIFLET 85.0906 0.0812 16.21 IMAGE WAVELET USED PSNR MSE ELAPSED TIME KJ15 HAAR 77.6513 0.0867 5.46 SYMLET 73.8652 0.2072 5.91 COIFLET 76.2996 0.1183 5.82 HAAR 78.3735 0.0734 5.58 SYMLET 74.1542 0.194 6.01 COIFLET 75.8904 0.1301 5.61 HAAR 77.8855 0.0821 4.59 SYMLET 73.9627 0.2025 5.82 COIFLET 75.7956 0.1328 5.11 HAAR 81.944 0.0578 7.46 SYMLET 78.0665 0.1411 8.01 COIFLET 79.8413 0.0938 7.65 HAAR 90.2586 0.0374 19.52 SYMLET 86.1474 0.0964 20.24 COIFLET 88.4882 0.0562 19.68 KJ16 KJ17 KJ18 KJ19 Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 Page 392 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 KJ20 KJ21 KJ22 KJ23 KJ24 KJ25 KJ26 KJ27 KJ28 KJ29 KJ30 KJ31 KJ32 KJ33 HAAR 89.1287 0.0485 22.29 SYMLET 84.9356 0.1274 25.35 COIFLET 87.1147 0.0771 23.08 HAAR 97.6536 0.018 51.78 SYMLET 93.1123 0.0512 56.73 COIFLET 94.3994 0.0381 55.93 HAAR 91.7505 0.0255 27.92 SYMLET 87.8055 0.0632 28.33 COIFLET 90.4244 0.0346 28.02 HAAR 80.4189 0.0458 4.81 SYMLET 76.6821 0.1084 5.77 COIFLET 78.7799 0.0669 4.83 HAAR 80.3294 0.0469 4.43 SYMLET 76.485 0.1137 5.61 COIFLET 77.5518 0.089 4.92 HAAR 76.1718 0.1222 4.69 SYMLET 72.1154 0.311 5.32 COIFLET 73.4441 0.2291 5.23 HAAR 80.5422 0.0445 5.8 SYMLET 76.7512 0.1065 7.22 COIFLET 78.5807 0.0699 6.29 HAAR 82.4783 0.0285 4.59 SYMLET 78.5285 0.0709 5.04 COIFLET 80.3022 0.0471 4.76 HAAR 77.2679 0.0943 5.02 SYMLET 73.6612 0.2163 6.9 COIFLET 75.5039 0.1415 5.75 HAAR 76.8936 0.1031 5.56 SYMLET 72.8288 0.2628 6.4 COIFLET 74.4114 0.1825 5.91 HAAR 80.4794 0.033 3.81 SYMLET 76.4339 0.0838 4.5 COIFLET 78.3971 0.0533 3.92 HAAR 79.724 0.0537 3.92 SYMLET 75.79 0.1329 4.87 COIFLET 78.1976 0.0763 4.39 HAAR 80.1818 0.0485 4.75 SYMLET 76.4364 0.115 5.03 COIFLET 78.8112 0.0665 4.93 HAAR 77.5477 0.058 4.05 SYMLET 73.4768 0.148 4.28 COIFLET 75.5542 0.0917 4.15 Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 Page 393 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 KJ34 KJ35 KJ36 KJ37 KJ38 KJ39 KJ40 KJ41 KJ42 KJ43 KJ44 KJ45 KJ46 KJ47 HAAR 79.6479 0.0547 4.92 SYMLET 76.1274 0.123 5.66 COIFLET 78.2347 0.0757 5.36 HAAR 80.3993 0.0459 4.52 SYMLET 76.4775 0.1132 5.4 COIFLET 78.451 0.0719 4.95 HAAR 81.6237 0.0347 4.37 SYMLET 77.6217 0.0871 5.59 COIFLET 78.5457 0.0704 4.6 HAAR 81.156 0.0385 4.55 SYMLET 77.1558 0.0968 4.92 COIFLET 79.3974 0.0578 4.68 HAAR 78.6948 0.0681 3.51 SYMLET 74.56 0.1764 4.25 COIFLET 76.6259 0.1096 3.96 HAAR 88.3307 0.0451 15.07 SYMLET 84.6692 0.1048 16.64 COIFLET 86.2697 0.0725 15.71 HAAR 85.2681 0.0418 11.4 SYMLET 81.1827 0.1071 12.06 COIFLET 83.3578 0.0649 11.97 HAAR 84.5248 0.0667 14.1 SYMLET 80.4418 0.1709 14.38 COIFLET 82.538 0.1054 14.2 HAAR 75.7312 0.1219 4.07 SYMLET 71.6427 0.3124 4.94 COIFLET 72.7329 0.243 4.86 HAAR 78.5473 0.0702 4.57 SYMLET 74.3486 0.1845 5.08 COIFLET 76.3537 0.1163 4.99 HAAR 78.9252 0.0643 4.3 SYMLET 74.6891 0.1706 5.1 COIFLET 76.1694 0.1213 4.44 HAAR 77.2985 0.0786 3.81 SYMLET 73.365 0.1945 4.5 COIFLET 75.1045 0.1303 4.1 HAAR 80.4149 0.0403 4.98 SYMLET 76.3711 0.1024 5.18 COIFLET 78.5777 0.0616 5.05 HAAR 77.6503 0.0864 5.84 SYMLET 73.844 0.2076 6.59 COIFLET 76.1379 0.1224 6.05 Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 Page 394 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 KJ48 KJ49 HAAR 84.476 0.0437 7.2 SYMLET 80.3357 0.1134 8.55 COIFLET 81.6828 0.0831 7.57 HAAR 76.4592 0.1139 3.89 SYMLET 74.1866 0.1922 4.12 COIFLET 75.1999 0.1522 4.07 8. CONCLUSION Image denoising has been achieved using new technique of wavelet transform in combination with wiener filters and results have been obtained that could be measured subjectively by viewing the pictures of restored image attained as above results and checking the PSF of final restored image that shows very less distortion parameter. Also, Image quality has been measured objectively using MSE value with different wavelets. At the end we conclude that haar wavelet with wiener filter provide better results than symlets and coiflets wavelet. Haar wavelet is better than coiflets wavelet and coiflets is better than symlets wavelet. 9. FUTURE SCOPE In future, work can be done to implement this algorithm of multiresolutional analysis presented in this thesis on other types of medical imaging like CT Scan, MRI and EEG images under various different kinds of noise like speckle noise, Gaussian noise, etc. Also, this work could be implemented on an FPGA to build an intelligent model that could be used for denoising in ultrasound images. Work could be done to minimize the constraints and resource utilization on FPGA implementation of this model. Also, with slight modifications in the code, efforts can be made to reduce the processing time of the model. REFERENCES [1.] Image Compression using Wavelets: Sonja Grgc, Kresimir Kers, Mislav Grgc, University of Zagreb, IEEE publication, 1999 [2.] M. Antonini, M. Barlaud, P. Mathieu, and I. Daubechies, Image coding using wavelet transform, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 1, pp.205-220, 1992. [3.] P.L. Dragotti, G. Poggi, and A.R.P. 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