International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Local heat transfer coefficient around a horizontal heating element in gas-solid fluidized bed Anusaya M. Salwe University of pune,Pune Abstract Experiments have been carried out in a laboratory gas-solid fluidized bed heat exchanger. Heat transfer coefficient between immersed heated tube and bubbling fluidized bed is found experimentally around a tube at different angles. An experiment is performed with three different particle diameter and ten different superficial gas velocities. The bed particles used were Geldart B silica sand particles of diameter 200μm, 350μm and 500μm. Fluidizing media used was atmospheric air. The experimental results showed that the local heat transfer coefficient is maximum at the top (180 0) and minimum at the bottom ( 00) from direction of air. Heat transfer coefficient is increased with increasing the air velocity and it is found to decrease by increasing the particle size for Geldart B group particles. In order to predict the heat transfer coefficient from a horizontally immersed tube to fluidized bed directly, a correlation of Nusselt number has been proposed. The correlation predictions are compared with the experimental data of this works. It is observed that they show a good agreement with each other. Keywords: Fluidized bed, Heat transfer coefficient, Nusselt number 1. INTRODUCTION The key objectives of this work are to study the bubbling Gas-Solid fluidized bed in order to find the suitability of sand as a bed material in Gas-Solid fluidized bed and to find the local heat transfer coefficient around a horizontal heating element immersed horizontally in bubbling fluidized bed. An experiment has been carried out in a laboratory fluidized bed heat exchanger with atmospheric air as a fluidizing medium and silica sand of diameter 200μm, 350 μm and 500 μm diameter. Many researchers have studied the effect of various parameters like fluidizing velocity and particle diameter on the average heat transfer coefficient between the fluidizing bed and immersed heating element, but there is considerably less literature available on the heat transfer coefficient around the horizontal tube and fluidized bed.L.M. Armstrong, S. Gu and K.H. Luo [2] used two-fluid Eulerian–Eulerian formulation incorporating the KTGF was applied to a tube-tobed reactor with one immersed tube and compared with the results in the literature. They showed that the heat transfer coefficient is maximum at the top of the tube.B.Stojanovic, J. Janevski and M. Stojiljkovic [3] experimentally investigated the heat transfer by convection between an immersed tube and the fluidized bed on the laboratory scale apparatus. They also noted that heat transfer coefficient is maximum at the top of the tube.U.S.Wankhede, D.D.Adgulkar [7] carried out an experiment to find the heat transfer from the immersed body in a two dimensional fluidized bed varying the gas velocity in the range of u/umf from 5 to 15. They compared the heat transfer behavior of Geldart group A, B, C,D particles. The simulated values of the heat transfer coefficient calculated for three positions on the circumference of the tube at the top (90), bottom (-90) and horizontal (0).They concluded, For the Group A material the heat transfer coefficient varies drastically with the gas velocity. The variation for the heat transfer coefficient for Group B with u/umf is linear. For Group C, because of cohesive nature of material shows increase in heat transfer coefficient between 5 to 10 u/umf and a decrease for upper position. They used Eulerian approach for fluid dynamics and heat transfer in fluidized beds and Gunn model with kinetic theory of granular flow is appropriate model for modeling heat transfer between multiple phases. Sung Won Kim, Jung Yeul Ahn, Sang Done Kim, Dong Hyun Lee [11] were carried out an experiments in a FBHE made of transparent acrylic plate. The effect of gas velocity on the average and local heat transfer coefficients between a submerged horizontal tube and a fluidized bed has been determined in a fluidized-bed-heat-exchanger of silica sand particles. They measured the heat transfer coefficient around the tube circumference by thermocouples and an optical probe. They concluded that the average heat transfer coefficient exhibits a maximum value with variation of gas velocity, the local heat transfer coefficient exhibits maximum values at the top of the tube (00) and the average heat transfer coefficient increases with increasing gas velocity toward a maximum value of the coefficient. 2.EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMME Fig.1 shows an experimental set up. It consists of fluidizing column is of 59 mm internal diameter and 3 mm thickness and 1 m height, made up of plexiglass to aid visualization. A fine mesh of copper is used as a distributor plate. A brass tube of external diameter 10 mm and length 50 mm is fitted horizontally inside the column. The axis of brass tube is Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 Page 344 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 perpendicular to the axis of fluidizing column. A Cartridge heater of 6 mm outer diameter and 45 mm long is inserted inside the brass tube. Axis of brass tube is at the distance of 185 mm from the distributor plate. Fig 2 shows brass tube and cartridge heater. Fixed bed height was 225 mm. A constant heat input of 18.2W is given to the heater. Two nylon plugs of thickness 3mm each are fixed at the ends of brass tube to minimize the axial losses. It is assumed that heat flow is in only radial direction of the brass tube. All the readings are taken at the steady state. For one sample size and one velocity time taken was two hours. 1-Fluidizing column 2-Brass tube 3-Bed particles 4-Distributor plate 5-Orificemeter 6-Centrifugal blower 7-Inlet air flow 8-Manometer Fig 1 : Experimental Set-up 2.1 Instrumentation: A variable transformer and ammeter is used to give require input to the cartridge heater. Total Eight PT100thermocouples are used in the experimentation. Three of which are used to measure surface temperature on the circumference of the tube at different angles. Four thermocouples are used to measure bed temperature. One thermocouple is used to measure ambient temperature.Fig.3 shows position of Thermocouples. A blower of the capacity 1.5 m3/min. is used to supply compressed air to the fluidizing column through diffuser and distributor plate. A butterfly valve mounted over an inlet pipe allows regulating the rate of flow of air. A differential manometer is connected across an orificemeter. Readings of the manometer is calibrated to get the velocity of the inlet air. Another differential manometer is connected to the fluidizing medium to find the pressure drop across the column. Fig. 2: Brass tube and Cartridge heater 7 7 5 3 3 2 5 4 2 , 4 , 6 6 25 1 1 5 5 5 Fig.3: Position of Thermocouples 180 270 90 0 A ir F lo w Fig.4: Side view of the brass tube showing angles at which temperature readings are taken Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 Page 345 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 2.2 Bed material: Bed/Particulate material-The bed material used in this work was silica particles that can be classified as Group B according to Geldart’s classification. Standard Sieve analysis is carried out in laboratory for taking the bed sample size of silica sand. Density of sand is measured directly using an Archimedes principle. Properties of bed material are given in Table 1. Table 1: Properties of bed material Bed material Sand 1 Sand 2 Sand 3 Properties Dp (μm) 200 350 500 2600 2600 2600 Umf (m/s) 0.037 0.11 0.22 Umb (m/s) 0.047 0.0270 0.01890 Ut 3.63 11.12 22.69 ψ 0.6 0.6 0.6 εmf 0.49 0.49 0.49 ρ 3 (Kg/m ) (m/s) 3 RESULTS: Fig.5: Distribution of Heat transfer coefficient at different angle and Dp=200 μm Fig.6: Distribution of Heat transfer coefficient at different angle and Dp=350 μm Fig.7: Distribution of Heat transfer coefficient at different angle and Dp=500 μm Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 Page 346 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 4 CONCLUSION: 1) Silica sand is having good fluidizing properties. 2) Heat transfer coefficient between in immersed heated tube to the fluidized bed of silica is measured experimentally at different angles and from fig.5, 6 and 7, it is observed that it is maximum at 180 0 and minimum at 00. 3) Heat transfer coefficient for the granular material like Silica of the size range 200µm to 500µm (Geldart B) ranges from 218 W/m2K to 692 W/m2K. 4) Heat transfer coefficient increases with decrease in particle diameter. 5) From the experimental data and linear regression method, a Correlation is proposed to find Nusselt number directly. Nu = 123.4189507 Re0.038620 The Nusselt number calculated from experimentation and from correlation shows a good agreement with each other and gives 15 % error. REFERENCES [1.] Dr. Riyadh S. Al-Turaihi, 2012, “Transient thermal behaviour of fluidized bed Column” The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.12, No.1, 2012. [2.] L.M. Armstrong, S. Gu, K.H. Luo, 2010, “The influence of multiple tubes on the tube-to-bed heat transfer in a fluidised bed” International Journal of Multiphase Flow 36 (2010) 916–929. [3.] B. Stojanovic, J. Janevski and M. Stojiljkovic,2009, “Experimental investigation of thermal conductivity coefficient and heat exchange between fluidized bed and inclined exchange surface” Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 02, pp. 343 - 352, April - June, 2009. [4.] Shu-qin WANG Xiao-jie ZHANG Yi-ming ZHANG, 2009 “Numerical Calculation on Fluidized Property and Flow Field in small-scale Fluidized Bed” 978-1-4244-2902-8/09/2009 IEEE. 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Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 Page 348