International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 COMPARISION OF FLOATING GATE & PSEUDO FLOATING GATE TECHNIQUES K.Ramesh1, Srimanta Kumar Dash 2 and Gayatri Devi3 1,2 Asst. prof, Dept. of ETC ,ABIT, Cuttack-14 3 Prof, Dept. of CSE ,ABIT, Cuttack-14 ABSTRACT The pseudo floating gates can compute multiple valued signals. The main operation of pseudo floating gate is bidirectional property by control signals. Keywords: Floating Gate, Pseudo Floating gate. 1. INTRODUCTION Floating gate is a normal MOS transistor except that the gate terminal is electrically isolated & has no DC path to a fix potential. The gate is completely surrounded by SiO2, a high quality insulator that prevents charge stored on the floating gate from leaking. In most cases using a standard CMOS process, a small leakage often exists. This leakage is crucial for modern process. For 0.35nm process with an oxide thickness less than 70A0, reprogramming may be necessary. As their programming & initializing makes slight use of some complex techniques, there can be structures involving direct coupling to the floating gate. Pseudo floating gate is constantly being recharged either by a forced leakage or by a constant feedback. Frequent recharging may require additional elements, thus adding some unwanted side effects such as leakage. To exploit the floating gate computational property, the implementation multiple values of logic or functions are essential. In reference [2, 3, 5] the Multiple Valued logic is based on signal processing that is carried out using multiples of logic levels and Thresholds. Multiple valued logic circuits are to reduce signal lines on the chip effectively due to increase of information per line. The most of the designs have been current mode circuits due to the difficulties inherent in adding up signals in the voltage mode and the need for additional fabrication steps/masks. The voltage mode CMOS circuits within multiple-valued logic have encountered to constructs and realized a device that can distinguish the logical levels .The multiple valued design consume less area and are faster. 2. A VOLTAGE MODE MULTIPLE VALUED FLOATING GATE INVERTER The Capacitive divider function of the floating gate is used to weight the input signal and the floating gate potential would determine the output. For this case of multiple valued signals processing the inverter is made analogue. The feedback capacitor Cf can be obtained a certain gain for multi input analogue floating gate inverter. The gain should be 1 by adjusting the Cf/Ci ratio. The output satisfying Vout = Vdd – Vin. 3. PSEUDO FLOATING GATE (PFG): The pseudo floating gates are recharged by either a forced leakage or by a constant feedback in Ref [4,6].The main difference is the use of a feedback ‘buffer’ instead of a recharge switch & thus eliminating the recharge clocks & periods. The pseudo floating gates can compute multiple valued signals. The main operation of pseudo floating gate as bidirectional property by control signals. Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 25 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 4. SIMULATION MODEL FOR PFG MOS TRANSISTORS: Vicm = (c1 v1 + c2 v2 +………+ cn vn + Q o) / (co + c1 + c2 + ……… + cn) VPFG = w1 vicm + w2 vb : Where, Qo = initial charge on FG during fabrication Vicm = Internal Common Mode Voltage Vb = Biasing Voltage The multiple input pseudo floating gate MOS transistor is a pseudo floating gate transistor with multiple control gate.Vi is voltage of the control gate ‘n’ input control gates are capacitively coupled to the pseudo floating gate.If we do not consider week feedback buffer the physical structure of the pseudo floating gate transistor is the same with floating gate transistor. 5. % VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS OF PFG MOS TRANSISTOR Vb=0:0.5:5; Vicm=-5:0.5:0; w1=0:0.1:1; w2=0:0.1:1; y1=Vicm.*w1 subplot(221); plot(w1,y1,'r'); Xlabel ('w1 variable in x-axis'); Ylabel ('y1 voltage in y-axis'); Title('Generation of characteristics'); Grid; y2=Vb1.*w2; subplot(222); plot(w2,y2,'g'); Xlabel ('w2 variable in x-axis'); Ylabel ('y2 voltage in y-axis'); Title('Generation of charactristics'); Grid; w=0:0.1:1; y=y1+y2; subplot(223); plot(w,y,'r'); Xlabel ('w variable in x-axis'); Ylabel ('Vgs voltage in y-axis'); Title('Generation of charactristics'); Grid; Vt=0.5; Ko=5; Ids=Ko.*(y-Vt).^2; subplot(224); plot(y,Ids,'r'); Grid; Xlabel ('Vgs voltage in x-axis'); Ylabel ('Ids current in y-axis in mA'); Title('Generation of transfer charactristics' Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 26 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 6. CONCLUSION: 1. Now a day, its application to neural network is a great challenge to the fabrication of pseudo floating gate. 2. Multi pseudo floating gates can be used in circuit to reduce the multi signal path. This work is going on & it will be published very soon. References [1.] G. Devi, et. al, “Analog multi input floating gate inverter with pseudoneuromos” in I J A CSA VOL.3, NO-5 may 2012. [2.] Omid mirmotahari, et. al ,“Pseudo floating gate & reverse signal flow”. Recent Advances in Technologies book published NOV-1.2009. [3.] R.Jensen & Y.Berg (2007), “Dual data rate cyclic d/converter using semi floating gate devices”, 2007. [4.] O.Mirmotahari, Y.Berg (2003), “A Novel Multiple input Multiple Valued Semi floating Gate Latch”, IEEE May 2003(ISMVL) 227-231. [5.] K.C. Smith, “Multiple-valued logic: a tutorial and appreciation”, IEEE Computer, 21: 17-27 April 1998. [6.] O Rouse diet Buisson, G. Moring. F. Paillardet and E. Mazaleyrat, “A new characterization method for accurate capacitor matching measurements using pseudo-floating gate test structures in submicron CMOS and BICMOS technologies”. In International conference on microelectronic test structures (ICMTS), 223-227, 1998. AUTHOR K.Ramesh is continuing Ph.D. His research activities and interest include VLSI realization of Analogue integrated circuit, Communication System. K. Ramesh received the engineering degree from OUAT and currently, working as Asst. Prof. , Dept. of ENTC, ABIT , Cuttack-14 , Odisha. Srimanta Kumar Dash is continuing Ph.D. His research activities and interest include VLSI realization of Analogue integrated circuit , Radar Technology and systems. Srimanta Kumar Dash received the engineering degree from MSRIT, Bangalore and currently , working as Asst. Prof. , Dept. of ENTC, ABIT , Cuttack-14 , Odisha. Dr Gayatri Devi heads the PG Dept. of CSE at ABIT Cuttack-14, Odisha. Her current field of interest in MOS integrated circuits and system & application of Neural Network. G. Devi received PG degree in Mathematics from Utkal University and engineering degree (B.Tech in ENTC & M. Tech in CSE) and Ph.D from Utakal University, Odisha. She is a member of IEEE , Odisha Information Tech. of society and Odisha Mathematical society. Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 27