Document 13268156

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:,
Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2013
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Fixed Point Theorem for a Pair of Self Maps
Satisfying a General Contractive Condition of
Exponential Type
Priyanka Sharma1, Dr. D. B. Ojha2
Research Scholar, Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan
Department of Mathematics, Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan
In this paper, the establishment of a fixed point theorem for a pair of self maps satisfying a general contractive condition of
exponential type will be proposed. We will use complete metric space to prove the result of the following theorems. We will also
show that Cauchy sequence is convergent in complete metric space. The results obtained in the complete metric space by using
the concept of pair of self maps are very interesting. We prove common fixed point theorems for pair of self maps in complete
metric space by using the contractive condition. We also find an affirmative answer in complete metric space to the problem of
“Banach- cacciopoli”.
Keywords: Complete metric space, Lebesgue integral, Exponential terms, Contractive condition.
The first well known result of Banach-cacciopoli was on fixed points for contractive map, [1][2][4]. In general setting
of complete metric space, smart presented the following result as well as [1]-[3].
Theorem 1.1: Let (X,d) be a complete metric space, c  [0,1) and let T : X  X be a map s.t. for each x, y  X ,
d Tx , Ty   cd  x, y 
Then T has a unique fixed point z  X s.t. for each x  X , lim T x  z .
n 
After this classical result, many theorems dealing with maps satisfying various types of contractive inequalities have
been established [2], [5]-[10], [14], and obtained the following theorem as,
Theorem 1.2: Let (X, d) be a complete metric space, c  [0,1) and let
T : X  X be a map such that for every
x, y  X ,
d Tx ,Ty
 ce x , y 
 : R   R  is a lebesgue- integrable map which is summable, positive and such that e  0 for each   0 .
Then T has a unique fixed point z  X and for each x  X , lim T x  z .
n 
In paper [2], some fixed point theorems for a self map satisfying a general that one can generalize other results related
to contractive conditions of some kind, such as in [6]- [8].
The main object of this paper is to obtain some results for a pair of self maps satisfying a general contractive condition
of exponential type.
Throughout this paper, N= Set of natural numbers.
Theorem 2.1: Let (X, d) be a complete metric space. Let ai (i=1, 2,..,5) be positive real numbers satisfying
 1 , T1 and T2 be a pair of self maps of the metric space X such that for every x, y  X
i 1
e d T1 x ,T2 y   a1e d  x , y   a2 e d  x ,T1x   a3e d  y ,T2 y   a4e d  x ,T2 y   a5e d  y ,T1x 
Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2013
Page 60
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
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Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2013
ISSN 2319 - 4847
 : R   R  is a lebesgue- integrable map which is summable, positive and such that e  0 for every
  0 . Then T1 and T2 have a unique common fixed point z  X .
Proof: Let x0 be any point of X.
Define x2n-1 = T1x2n-2
x2n = T2x2n-1
We claim that
n N .
lim d  xn , xn 1   0
n 
To prove (2.2), we require showing that
e d  xn , xn1   r ne d  x0 , x1 
Where r 
2a1  a2  a3  a4  a5
2  a2  a3  a4  a5
For this, by interchanging x with y and T1 with T2 in (2.1), we obtain
ed T2 y ,T1 x   a1ed  y , x  a2e d  y ,T2 y   a3ed  x,T1 x   a4e d  y ,T1 x   a5ed  x ,T2 y 
Now from (2.1), (2.3) and using symmetric property, we obtain
d T x,T2 y
 ae
d x, y
 a  a  d x,T x  a  a  d y,T x  a  a  d x,T y  a  a  d y,Tx
 2 3  e  1   2 3  e  2   4 5  e  2   4 5  e  1 
 2 
 2 
 2 
 2 
Using (2.4) for odd n, we obtain
 a1e
d  xn , xn1 
d  xn1 , xn 
d  T1 xn1 ,T2 xn 
 a  a  d x ,T x
 a  a  d x ,T x  a  a  d x ,T x  a  a  d x ,T x
  2 3  e  n1 1 n1    2 3  e  n 2 n    4 5  e  n1 2 n    4 5  e  n 1 n1 
 2 
 2 
 2 
 2 
a a 
a a 
a a 
a a 
 a1e d  xn1 , xn    2 3  e d  xn1 , xn    2 3  e d  xn , xn1    4 5  e d  xn1 , xn1    4 5  ed  xn , xn 
 2 
 2 
 2 
 2 
Again using (2.4) for even n, we obtain
d  xn , xn1 
d T2 xn1 ,T1 xn 
 a  a  d x ,T x
 a  a  d x ,T x  a  a  d x ,T x  a  a  d x ,T x
  2 3  e  n1 2 n1    2 3  e  n 1 n    4 5  e  n1 1 n    4 5  e  n 2 n1 
 2 
 2 
 2 
 2 
 a  a  d x ,x  a  a  d x ,x
 a  a  d x ,x
 a  a  d x ,x
d x ,x
 a1e  n1 n    2 3  e  n1 n    2 3  e  n n1    4 5  e  n1 n1    4 5  e  n n 
 2 
 2 
 2 
 2 
 a1e
d  xn1 , xn 
From the above two cases, one can see that
Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2013
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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
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Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2013
ISSN 2319 - 4847
d xn1, xn   a2  a3  d xn1, xn   a2  a3  d xn ,xn1   a4  a5  d xn1 ,xn1  a4  a5  d xn ,xn 
ed xn ,xn1  ae
 n1
 ae
 a  a  d x , x  a  a  d x ,x
 a  a  d x ,x  a  a  d x , x
  2 3 e  n1 n    2 3 e  n n1   4 5  e  n1 n    4 5 e  n n1
 2 
 2 
 2 
 2 
It follows that
d x , xn 
d  xn , x n1 
2 a1  a2  a3  a4  a5 d  xn 1 , xn 
2  a 2  a3  a 4  a 5
 re
d  xn 1 , xn 
 r n ed  x0 , x1   0
n   since r < 1, owing to the assumption
i 1
lim d  xn , xn 1   0
n 
Now, we show that {xn} is a Cauchy sequence in X. Let m > n where m, n  N without any loss of concepts, here
two cases arises(i) m is even when n is odd.
(ii) m is odd when n is even.
Case I: We choose n and m to be odd & even respectively
Then we have
d  xn , xm 
 a1e
d T1 xn1 ,T2 xm1 
d  xn1 , xm1 
 a1e
 a2e
d  xn1 , xm1 
d  xn1 ,T1 xn1 
 a2 e
d  xn1 , xn 
 a3e
 a3e
d  xm1 ,T2 xm1 
d  xm1 , xm 
 a4e
 a4e
d  xn 1 ,T2 xm1 
d  xn1 , xm 
 a5e
 a5e
d  xm1 ,T1xn1 
d  xm1 , xn 
Case II: We choose n and m to be even & odd respectively
Then we have
d  xn , xm 
 a1e
d T2 xn1 ,T1xm1 
d  xn1 , xm1 
 a2 e
d  xn1 , xm1 
 a1e
d  xn1 ,T2 xn1 
d  xn1 , xn 
 a2e
 a3e
d  xm1 ,T1xm1 
d  xm1 , xm 
 a3e
 a4 e
d  xn1 ,T1 xm1 
d  xn1 , xm 
 a4e
 a5e
d  xm1 ,T2 xn1 
d  xm1 , xn 
 a5e
From above two cases, we get-
d  xn , xm 
 a1e
d  xn1 , xm1 
 a2e
d  xn 1 , xn 
 n1 n 
 n m
d x ,x
d x ,x
d x ,xm1
 a3e
d  xm1 , xm 
 a4e
d  xn1 , xm 
 a5e
d  xm1 , xn 
 m1 m
 m1 m
a2e  n1 n ae
a4e  n m a4e  n1 n  ae
d x ,x
d x ,x
d x ,x
d x ,x
d x ,x
d  xn , xm 
a1  a2  a4 d  xn1 , xn 
a a a
d x ,x
 1 3 5 e  m1 m 
1  a1  a4  a5
1  a1  a4  a5
Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2013
Page 62
d x ,xn 
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:,
Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2013
ISSN 2319 - 4847
a1  a2  a4 n 1 d  x0 , x1 
a a a
d x ,x
r e
 1 3 5 r m 1e  0 1 
1  a1  a4  a5
1  a1  a4  a5
 0 As n, m   , since r < 1.
Hence {xn} is a Cauchy sequence in the complete metric space X, so it is convergent in X.
Let its limit be z, i.e. lim xn  z. We show that T1z = T2z = z.
n 
Now we have
d  x2 n ,T1 z 
d T2 x2 n1 ,T1 z 
 a1e
d  x2 n1 , z 
 a1e
Taking the limit as
 a2e
d  x2 n 1 , z 
d  x2 n1 ,T2 x2 n1 
 a2e
d  x2 n1 , x2 n 
 a3e d  z ,T1 z   a4 e
d  x2 n 1 ,T1 z 
 a3ed  z ,T1 , z   a4e
 a5e
d  x2 n1 ,T1z 
d  z ,T2 x2 n 1 
 a5e
d  z , x2 n 
n   , we get
e d  z ,T1z   a3ed  z ,T1z   a4e d  z ,T1z 
d  z ,T1 z 
 z  T1 z
Similarly, it may be shown that T2 z  z Thus T1 and T2 have a common fixed point. For uniqueness, if possible, let w
be another common fixed point of T1 and T2 such that w  z .
Now we have
e d  z , w  e d T1 z ,T2 w
d z ,w
d z ,T z
d w ,T w
d z ,T w
d w ,T z
 a1e    a2 e  1   a3e  2   a4 e  2   a5e  1 
 a1e
d  z ,w
 a4 e
d  z ,w
 a5e
d  w, z 
 e d  z , w  0 , A contradiction. Hence, z = w.
Thus T1 and T2 have a unique common fixed point. This completes the proof.
Corollary 2.2: Let (X, d) be a complete metric space. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers satisfying a + b + c < 1, T1
and T2 be a pair of self maps of the metric space X into itself such that for each x, y  X ,
d T1 x ,T2 y 
 ae
d  x ,T1 x 
 be
d  y ,T2 y 
 ce
d  x, y 
 : R  R is a Lebesgue- Integrable map which is summable, positive and such that e  0 for each   0 .
Then T1 and T2 have a unique common fixed point z  X .
Proof: Since the contractive condition (2.5) is obviously a special case of (2.1) by setting a1  c, a2  a, a3  b and
a4  a5  0 , the result follows immediately from Theorem (2.1).
Corollary 2.3: Let (X, d) be a complete metric space. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers satisfying a + b + c < 1, T1
and T2 be a pair of self maps of the metric space X into itself such that for each x, y  X ,
d T1 x ,T2 y 
 ae
d  x ,T2 y 
 be
d  y ,T1 x 
Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2013
 ce
d  x. y 
…..... (2.6)
Page 63
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:,
Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2013
ISSN 2319 - 4847
 : R   R  is a Lebesgue- Integrable map which is summable, positive and such that e  0 for each   0 .
Then T1 and T2 have a unique common fixed point z  X .
Proof: Since the contractive condition (2.6) is obviously a special case of (2.1) by setting a1  c, a4  a, a5  b and
a2  a3  0, the result follows immediately from Theorem (2.1).
Remark 2.4: We give some remarks which clarify the connection between our results and the results obtained in [2]
(i) Theorem 1 and 2 (cf. [2]) are special cases of corollary 2.2 and 2.3 respectively with T 1 = T2, a = b and c = 0.
(ii) By taking T1 = T2, Corollary 2.2 and 2.3 reduce Theorem 3 and 4 (cf. [2]) respectively.
(iii) Theorem 5 (cf. [2]) is a consequence of Theorem 2.1 if we take T1 = T2.
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Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2013
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Priyanka Sharma received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Mathematics from CCS University, Meerut
(India) in 2007 and 2009 respectively. She is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree at the
Department of Mathematics, Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan (India). Her current research area
is applications of common fixed point theorems.
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Page 65