Energy Conservation Using Wireless Sensor Network

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Special Issue for International Technological Conference-2014
Energy Conservation Using Wireless Sensor
Geeta Shirke1, Prof.Mrs. Shoba Krishanan2
V.E.S.I.T., Mumbai.
H.O.D, V.E.S.I.T., Mumbai
In recent years, the growing interest in the WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK (WISENET) is increases. WSNs among transmitonly nodes are attracting new concentration due to their recompense in sustaining applications requiring intense and long-lasting
employment at a very low cost and energy conservation. This work also proposes a new MAC layer protocol framework called
Robust Asynchronous Resource Estimation (RARE) that capably and consistently manages the closely deployed single-hop cluster
in a self-planned manner. The future structure is shown to assemble the desires of most applications in terms of the energy
consumption, , system capacity , reliability., QoS discrimination, and data delivery probability.
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN); Target Tracking; Energy Efficiency; Energy Conservation, Network lifetime; Data
Wireless sensor network (WISENET) is extensively considered as one of the most important technologies of the twentyfirst century. The sensing electronics measure the ambient conditions related to the atmosphere surrounding the sensors
and convert them into an electrical signal.A wireless sensor network (WISENET) consists of computing, data processing,
and communicating components with battery-operated sensor devices. In a WSN, the sensor nodes can be deployed in
prohibited environments, such as factories, homes, or hospitals, etc. They also can be deployed in uninhibited
environments, such as disaster or hostile areas or in a particular battlefield, where monitoring and observation is crucial.
Clearly, security in a WSN is tremendously essential for both prohibited environments (e.g., health-care, automation in
transportation, etc.) and uninhibited and hostile environments (e.g., environmental monitoring, military command and
control, battlefield monitoring, etc.).
In order to realize a sensor node (See Figure 1), it is implemented the following classes:
2.1 Sensor Protocol Stack
Sensor Protocol Stack includes the following classes:
2.1.1 Sensor Phy
Sensor Phy is known as the sensor physical layer. [6] If Sensor Phy exists in the protocol stack of a sensor node, its role is to receive a
stimulus (signal) from the sensor channel generated by a target node, the location of the target node and power at the time of
generating the stimulus was generated. Sensor Phy then queries the sensor transmission model to calculate the received power (Pr)
signal. The current location of the target node, the location of the sensor node at the time of generating the signals, and the power with
which the stimulus was generated are included in the query. If received power (Pr) is below a certain getting threshold (which is one
of the part variables of Sensor Phy), the signal is deleted; otherwise, it is forwarded up to the higher layer in the sensor protocol stack.
2.1.2 Sensor agent
Sensor Agent is known as the sensor layer. Sensor Agent receives the signals from the lower layer (Sensor Phy) in the sensor protocol
stack, its role is to computes/extracts the application-specific data (e.g., the power and duration of the signals, the signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR), or the location of the target node), and transmitted it up to the sensor application layer.
Organized By: Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Technology
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Special Issue for International Technological Conference-2014
2.2 Sensor Application and Transport Layers
Sensor Application & Transport Layer includes following classes:
2.2.1 Sensor app
Sensor App implements the sensor application layer. SensorApp receives the application specific data from SensorAgent, performs
certain in-network processing tasks, and passes the resulting data digest down to the transport layer. The digest goes through the
wireless protocol stack and will eventually be transmitted over the wireless channel to the sink node.
2.2.2 Sensor packet
Sensor Packet is known as the data packet that will be transmitted over the wireless channel. SensorPacket can be either unicast to a
definite target (e.g., the sink node) or broadcast. SensorPacket is a subclass of Packet, which is transmitted over wired/wireless
Sensor App
Wireless Agent
Adhoc Routing
Pkt Dispatcher
Sensor Agent
Sensor Phy
Sensor Propagation Model
Sensor Node
Propagation Model
Sensor Mobility Model
Wireless Phy
Sensor Node Position Tracker
Sensor Channel
Wireless Channel
Node Position Tracker
Figure 1. Architecture of a sensor node (dashed line) with its connections to other components.
2.2.3 Wireless Agent
Wireless Agent is known as a transport layer between the sensor application layer and the wireless protocol stack of a sensor node.
Wireless Agent is a subclass of Protocol, for implementing transport protocols.
2.3 Wireless protocol stack
Wireless Protocol Stack of a sensor node is built in a plug-and-play fashion.
2.3.1 Pkt dispatcher
Pkt Dispatcher provides the functionality of the IP layer (i.e., the data delivery services to the upper/lower of IP layer protocols).
Specially, it forwards incoming packets to suitable set of output ports an attached to either an upper layer protocol or a lower layer
2.3.2 ARP
ARP is known as the address resolution protocol (ARP). It maintains an ARP Table; each entry in that table proceedings the IP
address of a node and the MAC address of the receiving wireless card of that node. ARP updates ARP Table by sending/receiving
ARP demand and reply packets to/from the neighboring nodes.
Organized By: Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Technology
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Special Issue for International Technological Conference-2014
2.3.3 Ll
LL is known as the link layer functions. It receives queries ARP (by doing an ARP resolve) to find out the MAC address of the next
hop and unicast internet protocol (IP) packets to which the this packet should be forwarded. Specifically, link layer (LL) constructs an
ARP indenture. Message aim as an ARP resolve packet and sends it to ARP. Upon receiving that resolve demand, ARP looks up its
ARP Table to find out a consequent entry. If a related entry cannot be found, ARP initializes an ARP request and reply process to
determine the correct mapping of IP address and medium access control (MAC) address.
2.3.4 Queue
Queue is a subclass of Active Queue, a queue that interacts with a data pulling element. Specially, Active Queue accepts an illogical
signal from the data pulling element, which triggers a dequeue. The dequeued data is sent at an output port, if the queue is empty,
Active Queue actively sends out the data having to do the pulling again. (Multiple pulling when the queue is empty results in only one
time of active sending.)
Application Layer
Control Plane
Sensor Open Flow
Data Plane
Sensing h/w
In-net proc
Sensor Node
Sensor Node
Sensor Node
Figure 2. Software-defined wireless sensor network.
2.3.5 Mac_802_11
Mac_802_11 generates the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol. Outgoing IP and ARP packets are buffered in the Queue element. Whenever
Mac_802_11 finishes the propagation of an outgoing packet, it sends a illogical signal to Queue. In addition, Mac_802_11 sends link
collapse announcement messages to the ad hoc routing component in the case of link failures.
2.3.6 Wireless propagation model
Wireless Propagation Model is nothing but the radio propagation model over the wireless channel. There are three radio transmission
models that have been created in the wireless network extension: Free Space Model, Two-ray Ground Model, and Irregular Terrain
2.3.7 Wireless phy
Wireless Phy is known as functionalities of the wireless physical layer of a wireless card. Wireless Phy sends MAC frames over the
wireless channel. Different propagation powers can be defined in Wireless Phy. The consignment (Inlet-Packet or ARP packet) of the
received MAC frame is then forwarded to link layer (LL). Link Layer dispatches the consignment to ARP if it is an ARP packet;
otherwise, it forwards it to Pkt Dispatcher if it is an Inlet-Packet. The sensor node also includes the battery, CPU and radio model.
When a MAC frame is received over the wireless channel, Wireless Phy queries Wireless Propagation Model to find out whether that
MAC frame can be decoded, sensed or not. If it can be decoded properly or exceeds the carrier sense sensitivity threshold, the MAC
frame is passed to Mac_802_11.
Software-Defined WSN (SD-WSN), a structural design featuring a comprehensible division between a data and a control plane, and
Sensor Open Flow (SOF), the core component of SD-WSN as a standard communication protocol between the two planes. This
structural design [4], [3] is depicted in Figure 2. The whole idea is to make the original network (i.e., data plane) programmable by
manipulating a user-customizable flow table on each sensor via SOF.
Organized By: Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Technology
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Special Issue for International Technological Conference-2014
3.1 Data Plane: Creating Flows
In the data plane, as per flows packets are handled. A flow is user-customizable (i.e. programmable) set of packets that share certain
properties precise by a Match in a flow-table same flow and be imposed an Action (e.g., “send to port 1”) entry, or flow entry for
short. The “IP source address is 10.0.*.*”, and packets that match it will be treated as in the specified by the same flow entry.
3.2 Control Plane: SOF Channel
An Open Flow channel is used to transmit control messages between a controller and a switch an end-to-end connection. An SOF
channel is similarly defined. However, this channel have to give TCP/IP connectivity for unfailing end-to-end in-order message
release, and the two end-parties are recognized using IP addresses. These are usually not available in WSN and need to be addressed.
3.3 Overhead of Control Traffic
SDN can multitude the Open Flow channel out of band, i.e., using a separate committed network. This is usually not sensible for
WSN and the SOF channel has to be hosted in band i.e., by the WSN itself. Thus, the resource constrained WSN will have to
furthermore carry control traffic between controllers and sensors.
3.4 Traffic Generation
End-users are considered marginal to SDN and hence out of the scope of Open Flow. On the dissimilar, sensor nodes behave like endusers by generating data packets, in addition to just forwarding data as Open Flow switches do.
3.5 In-network processing
At times, WSN have to process data in-situ, e.g. execute data aggregation or decision fusion, in order to reduce data redundancy and
protect network resource such as bandwidth and energy. This is another feature missing in SDN.
3.6 Backward and Peer Compatibility
Sensor Open Flow be supposed to desirably make available backward compatibility, with respect to traditional (non-Open Flow and
non-SOF) networks, so as to guard birthright investments. It is also attractive for SOF to offer peer compatibility, i.e. to be compatible
with Open Flow networks which are parallel being developed and uniform, for interoperability purposes.
General idea of Robust Asynchronous Resource Estimation (RARE) [1], [2] is a MAC layer protocol structure designed to manage the
process of the low cost, low power and heavily deployed hybrid WSN within a single-hop communication range. As shown in (See
Figure 3), the RARE structure made up of CORE stack and optional FEATURE stack. It handles the transmit-only nodes and standard
nodes in different ways: transmit-only low priority (LP) nodes admittance the channel randomly and will respond to no sink control
as designed in underlying Qos Aware MAC Protocol using Optimal Retransmission (QoMoR), while channel admittance of the
standard High priority (HP) nodes is managed by the sink. From the perception of operation phase, the RARE structure consists of
two phases, the initialization phase and the stable phase.
4.1 The QoMoR Scheme
The QoMoR scheme is the essential element in the core stack and governs the random communication. The optimal number of
transmissions is recalculated based on the system prerequisite (e.g., data delivery probability, transmission rate, packet size, etc.)
4.2 The Asynchronous Resource
Evaluation of Asynchronous Resource (ARE) Scheme, it is another fundamental component in the core stack and serves as an
abstraction layer of the fundamental components. It defines the asynchronous message and supports resource inference that is
performed during the initialization phase and used by the scheduling scheme.
4.2.1 Resource Estimation
The empty time slots are definite as the resource of the planned RARE structure. The sink estimates the empty time space and
generates the empty time slots for the complete function through the ARE scheme. In the ARE scheme, accident-free scheduling is
achieved through low priority (LP) data transmission inference. This is because in QoMoR each low priority (LP) node uses a Pseudo
random Number Generator (PRNG) with a separate seed to pick its random communication time.
4.2.2 Asynchronous Communication
A different key proposal of the ARE scheme is asynchronous communication. In order to preserve energy, all the High Priority (HP)
nodes are designed to stay in the SLEEP mode on every time possible. ARE scheme provides an asynchronous move toward
sandwiched between the sink and the nodes (we assume there is no travel clock on the nodes in this work).
4.3 Constrained scheduling scheme
The constrained scheduling scheme is the most important element of the core stack, throughout which the sink manages all
interactions of the High Priority (HP) nodes. The improvement components in the upper feature stack also rely on this scheme to
program unusual operations contained by the available time slots during each intermission.
Organized By: Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Technology
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Special Issue for International Technological Conference-2014
4.3.1 The Stable Phase
The stable phase starts from the subsequently intermission immediately after the initialization phase. The High Priority (HP) nodes
will pursue the finest communication schedule generated by the sink whereas the Low Priority (LP) nodes still execute best possible
random transmission within each Time slot (T). Note that unusual purpose scenarios may result in different scheduling schemes.
Below we describe the Scheduled drag move toward used by this work.
4.3.2 The scheduled pull approach
The sink receives data packets and sends Pull commands to each High Priority (HP) node throughout the available time slots.
Dissimilar from predictable pull style approaches, this approach eliminates energy dissipate on channel sensing and idle listening
through the Prescheduled process. The approach contains three steps: scheduling; transmission and reception check; and other rounds
of transmission and reception check if necessary.
Figure 3. RARE protocol framework.
4.4 The ROBUST Scheme
The ROBUST scheme is an improvement module on the FEATURE stack to address these issues and to assurance the nodes of high
priority category will still get together high-performance requirement. Fundamentally, it utilizes the available time slot resource in
each intermission and redundancy in the packet formation to handle possible packet loss and support dynamic network change.
4.5 The hp assist scheme
The HP Assist scheme is another development that works on the FEATURE stack. The purpose of this scheme is to develop the data
delivery ability of the Lower Priority (LP) nodes with the assistance of selected High Priority (HP) nodes.
Purposely, as shown in Figure 4: The sink predicts the probable failed Lower Priority (LP) data transmission by checking the overlap
of all the transmissions during current time slot (T), and identifies the probable unsuccessful Lower Priority (LP) nodes (that might
not have at least one data packet delivered during the interval); then the sink tries to allocate each of these unsuccessful Lower Priority
(LP) nodes to the existing active High Priority (HP) nodes. A available time slot at the end of the intermission is also programmed for
each assigned High Priority (HP) node to send the received Lower Priority (LP) data to the sink (call this relay transfer); before
sending the Pull command, the sink attaches the data relay time (e.g., t3) and propagation time of the assigned Lower Priority (LP)
node (e.g., t1; t2).
4.6 Layer protocol design support
Finally is the support for the cross-layer protocol proposed for upper layer protocol. Get multi cluster communication for paradigm,
due to the arbitrary nature of the Low Priority (LP) node propagation, any sloppy communication between the hybrid WSN clusters
could be damaged and affect obtainable propagation too. All upper layer protocols should use the available time slot data from the
MAC layer for more efficient and reliable communications, as well as improved function strategies.
Organized By: Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Technology
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Special Issue for International Technological Conference-2014
Figure 4. Description of the HP assist scheme.
In this paper, we have projected the RARE protocol structure to direct the single hop cluster system. This WSN cluster structural
design finds high-quality operation tradeoffs between the traditional and transmit-only WSNs. The system has been exposed to have
extensively improved data delivery capability in both HP and LP priority categories as well as the optimized energy consumption
compared to the transmit-only WSNs.
Future work includes implementation of protocol to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed protocol in real time
environment. The sensor node capture attack but it also provides sufficient defence against it, to achieve and maintain good security
The Research work of this conference paper has been carried out to meet the academic requirements of VESIT, Mumbai for the
completion of Masters of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication. I would like to put on record, my appreciation and
gratitude to all who have rendered their support and input. Without them, it would not have been possible for me to shape this study. I
have received immense guidance from my guide Prof. Mrs. Shoba Krishnan, Professor and Head of the Electronics and
Telecommunication Department, VESIT, Mumbai. I would therefore like to convey my sincere gratitude to her.
[1] Jia Zhao, Student Member, IEEE, Chunming Qiao, Fellow, IEEE, Raghuram S. Sudhaakar, Member, IEEE, and Seokhoon Yoon,
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[3] Azrina Abd Aziz, Y. Ahmet S¸ekercio˘glu, Paul Fitzpatrick, and Milosh Ivanovich,” A Survey on Distributed Topology Control
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[4] Tie Luo, Hwee-Pink Tan, and Tony Q. S. Quek,” Sensor OpenFlow: Enabling Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks ”,
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[6] Ahmed Sobeih, Jennifer C. Hou, Lu-Chuankung, Ningli, And Honghai Zhang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign WeiPeng Chen, Fujitsu Labs of America Hung Tyan , National Sun Yat- Sen University,”J-SIM: A Simulation And Emulation
Environment for Wireless Sensor Network”,IEEE Wireless Communications • August 2006.
Organized By: Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Technology
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Special Issue for International Technological Conference-2014
Geeta Shirke was born on 28 December 1985. She received the Bachelor of Engineering degree in
Instrumentation from Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India, in 2008. Currently, she is
pursuing the Master of Engineering degree in Electronics and Telecommunication from Vivekanand
Education Society’s Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India. She has 2 years of teaching experience.
Shoba Krishnan received her B.E degree from VRCE, Nagpur University in 1983 and M.E degree from
VJTI,Mumbai University in 1999.She has been a faculty member at VESIT, Mumbai since 1987.At
present she is working as HOD, Electronics and Telecommunications Department. Her areas of
research are Microwave, Optical & Wireless Communications. She has more than 50 publications in
International Conferences and reputed journals.
Organized By: Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Technology