Hooman H. Rashidi, M.D.

Hooman H. Rashidi, M.D.
Philosophy of Care
Clinical Interests
Research/Academic Interests
Providing the best patient care possible to our community.
Blood Disorders
Dr. Rashidi's research insterests include residency and Medical Student Education, Flow cytometry
studies, and coagulation/hemostasis.
Center/Program Affiliation
Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology
Pathology - Hematopathology, Pathology - Clinical, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Clinical Pathology
UC Davis Medical Group
Pathology Building, 4400 V St. Sacramento, CA 95817
Phone: 916-734-2525
Additional Phone
Phone: 916-734-5421
Clinic Fax: 916-734-0299
Clinic Referral Phone: 916-734-0694
Physician Referrals: 800-4-UCDAVIS (800-482-3284)
M.D., University of Texas Medical School, San Antonio TX 2003
M.S., UC San Diego, San Diego CA 1998
B.S., UC San Diego, San Diego CA 1997
Harvard Medical School/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston MA
AP/CP Pathology, Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven CT
Board Certifications
Hematopathology, UCLA, Los Angeles CA
American Board of Pathology - Hematopathology
American Board of Pathology, Anatomic Pathology
American Board of Pathology, Clinical Pathology
Professional Memberships
Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists
Hooman H. Rashidi, M.D.
American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Fellow
American Society of Hematology
College of American Pathologists, Fellow
Honors and Awards
UC San Diego Medical School Kaiser Teaching Award for 1st Year Medical Students, 2011
Clinical Pathology Teacher of the Year Award, UC San Digeo School of Medicine, 2010
Administrative Chief Resident, Yale Medical School, 2007
Select Recent Publications
Hooman H. Rashidi, MD and John C. Nguyen, MD. 'Hematology Outlines.' Publication date April
2012. Official Hematology Atlas and Glossary for UCSD School of Medicine Hematology and
Immunology Course.
Hooman H. Rashidi and Lukas K. Buehler. Grundriss der Bioinformatik: Anwendungen in den
Biowissenschaften und der Medizin Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberk. Berlin, 2001
(German TRanslation)
Hooman H. Rashidi and Lukas K. Buehler. Bioinformatics Basics: Applications in Biological Science
and Medicine (2nd Edition). CRC Press, LLC, Boca Rotan, 2005
Hooman H. Rashidi and lukas Buehler. Bioinformatics Basics: Applications in Biological Science
and Medicine (1st edition). CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, 1999.
Hooman H. Rashidi, MD and Scott Rowley. Rossi's Principles of Transfusion Medicine, 4th edition.
Chapter 34: Clinical Autologous TRansplantation. AABB Press, Feb 3, 2009.
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