DIGEST NEWS ISSUE N°4 / 2014 ENCATC is an official UNESCO partner NGO. ABOUT THIS MAGAZINE ENCATC NEWS is an information service for ENCATC Members produced by the ENCATC Secretariat in Brussels. ENCATC NEWS is an electronic magazine for all those interested in policy developments, news, happenings and research in the field of culture and education. A shorter digest version is made for non members. EDITOR Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens CONTRIBUTOR Elizabeth Darley ABOUT ENCATC ENCATC is the leading European network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education. It is an independent membership organisation gathering over 100 higher education institutions and cultural organisations in over 40 countries. ENCATC was founded in 1992 to represent, advocate and promote cultural management and cultural policy education, professionalise the cultural sector and make it sustainable, and to create a platform of discussion and exchange at the European and international level. SUBSCRIPTION You address in our mailing list is kept confidential. Should you wish to discontinue receiving our information, please send an e-mail to comm-department@encatc.org CONTRIBUTIONS ENCATC welcomes your contributions which may be sent to comm-department@encatc.org COVER PHOTO “In the Museum #7” by EyeOTBeholder via Flickr CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 All the pictures of the series with the title like 'In The Museum #' has been taken on the same day within a time span of 4 hours (Including one hour coffee break;-) visiting the Exhibition of "Naked Men" in the Leopoldsmuseum, Vienna. ENCATC Avenue Maurice, 1 B-1050 Brussels Belgium 2 WWW.ENCATC.ORG Editorial 3 News from the ENCATC Secretariat in Brussels 4 ENCATC in Contact 7 ENCATC Networking 8 ENCATC Building Capacity 10 ENCATC Research 14 News from ENCATC members 17 News from our partners 20 News from other organisations 21 Dear Members, Dear Colleagues, Following the open call for proposals in support of European networks published in 2013 by the European Commission, the ENCATC Board and I have the immense joy to announce that ENCATC, the leading European network on cultural management and policy education, was among the 22 European networks who were selected for a strong three year partnership with the European Commission in the framework of the Creative Europe programme. This ambitious ENCATC project implemented from April 2014 till March 2017 is structured around three main strategic lines: a commitment to making ENCATC a strong a sustainable organisation, a significant advancement in the internationalisation of the network, and a significant advancement in the professionalization of the sector and its sustainability. In designing our plans for the next three years we have also considered relevant for the fulfilment of our mission to provide our members and close followers with a number of opportunities to develop better skills, competences and know-how, such as encouraging adaptation to digital technologies, testing new approaches to audience development, and testing new business and management models. In addition for the next three years we also foresee a number of activities to enable academics, researchers, students, artists and cultural players to cooperate internationally and to internationalise their careers and activities in the EU and beyond: “Several actions contribute strongly to international co-operation and the internationalisation of careers. These include a study tour to China, a European-North American panel session in Montreal, Cultural Diplomacy Academy events, a Euro-Asia workshop in Singapore, and a conference on the internationalisation of cultural management. A number of other initiatives also involve transnational exchanges of experience or information. These activities are clearly developed in response to the interests and needs of the 3 WWW.ENCATC.ORG members who have co-financed a range of recent initiatives,” wrote the experts in their evaluation of our proposal. Furthermore, ENCATC wants to take advantage of this opportunity offered by the EU to continue to efficiently translate new research insights into the practical field, and make them available for a broader public. “That is the role we want to play: to be a bridge between researchers and practitioners, but also between practitioners and the business world, or the administrators and the working field. The best way to play this bridging role is to emphasise the importance of education in our network which remains our main characteristic and we must be aware of that. I mean education in the broad sense of the word: from universities, but also of trainees and practitioners. In addition, ENCATC wants to be a kind of agora, where people from the academic world and the working field can meet each other, can change ideas and experiences in a friendly environment. I think we have proved again that we are fulfilling this role in a optimal way,” affirmed Annick Schramme, ENCATC President in Brno last 18 of September when announcing this important achievement to the membership on the occasion of our 22nd Annual Conference. Finally, I would like to express how delighted I am to have gotten the chance, thanks to this support from the European Commission, to reinforce my “dream team” in Brussels with two additional permanent positions that will certainly contribute to strengthening our capacity to efficiently serve our members and to continue to grow our loyal and close family of followers in the years to come. Yours truly, Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens ENCATC Secretary General ENCATC welcomes new trainee from Hong Kong ENCATC holds its 22nd General Assembly in Brno In October, ENCATC has welcomed Pui Man Yeung as its newest trainee. This traineeship was designed to support the network’s actions to internationalise its profile in Asia. More specifically, she will help to expand ENCATC’s presence in China following up on the 2nd ENCATC International Study Tour “Understanding Cultural Cooperation between China and Europe” organised this past April in Shanghai. During her traineeship, Pui Man will be under the tutelage of ENCATC Secretary General, Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens. She will support the Brussels office to increase ENCATC’s contacts and presence in China, learn and assist in building networks and capacity on cultural management and cultural policy education in Asia. Since graduating in 2007 from Lingnan University in Hong Kong with a Bachelor degree in Cultural Studies, Pui Man has been actively engaged in the fields of arts management, arts education and performing arts. For more than five years she has gained professional experience in publications, programme coordination and networking while working for the Hong Kong Drama/Theatre and Education Forum (TEFO) and as a Freelance Project Coordinator for IDEA World Congress 2007 for the Asian People’s Theatre Festival Society. Currently she is pursuing a master in Social and Public Policy at the University of Helsinki, and meanwhile she has completed a minor programme in Arts Management at ENCATC member institution, the Sibelius Academy in Finland. Pui Man is keen on building networks and sharing ideas between Asia and Europe. Beside her study and work, she is a column writer for art magazines in Hong Kong and Macau. Her articles have covered topics of a great variety, including arts education in schools, performing arts for children, cultural management and cultural policy. “While at ENCATC, I wish to gain a better understanding of European cultural policies and practices, and also contribute fostering connections between Asia and Europe in the arts and culture,” said Pui Man upon her arrival in Brussels. 4 The 22nd ENCATC General Assembly was held on the afternoon of 17 September in Brno, Czech Republic. Organised in the framework of the 22nd ENCATC Annual Conference, this annual meeting brought together ENCATC full members. The ENCATC General Assembly agenda included updates for members, issues for voting and time for discussion. The ENCATC Board presented the 2013 budget and activities including highlights of more than 44 events, membership development, and ENCATC products and services delivered. ENCATC's Secretary General also reported on the 2014 activities implemented to date as well as the 2014 budget. The General Assembly was also a moment for new members entering the network in 2014 to introduce themselves and express their interests and reasons for joining. Finally, voting ENCATC members were asked for their approval on a number of issues concerning the budget and membership. ENCATC organises 3rd board meeting in Brno On 17 September in Brno, the ENCATC board held its third meeting in 2014. Seven board members and the ENCATC International Correspondent Board member attended from Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, United Kingdom and the United States. The board and ENCATC’s Secretary General discussed the 2014 working programme, budget, membership development and partnerships. The ENCATC board is scheduled to meet again in December 2014 in Brussels. Learn more about ENCATC’s governance here: http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=140 WWW.ENCATC.ORG News from Brussels News from Brussels News from Brussels News from Brussels Issue: N°4 / 2014 ENCATC welcomes four new members in October 2014 ENCATC is delighted to welcome one new member from France, one from Italy, and two from Malta - a new country to be represented in the ENCATC network! Museum of Picardy Built after 1855 and inaugurated in 1867, the Museum of Picardy was one of the first buildings outside of Paris designed to be a museum. It is still considered to be one of the most beautiful museums outside of the capital. Designed according to the model of Napoleon III's Louvre, this "Palace of the Fine Arts" brings together rich collections of paintings, drawnings, sculptures, art objects, major archaeological collections and a beautiful collection of modern and contemporary art works. The museum is currently developing European projects through the INTERREG programme which provides funding for interregional cooperation across Europe. Learn more here: http://www.amiens.fr/vie-quotidienne/culture/ musees/musees.html ENCATC Contact: Sabine Cazenave s.cazenave@amiens-metropole.com University of Malta The University of Malta is the highest teaching institution in Malta. It is publicly funded and is open to all those who have the requisite qualifications. Over the past few years, the University has reviewed its structures in order to be in line with the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area. Conscious of its public role, the University strives to create courses which are relevant and timely in response to the needs of the country. The supreme governing bodies of the University are the Council and the Senate. The Institute for Tourism, Travel and Culture (ITTC) of the University of Malta has as its main objectives the teaching of tourism studies and the related heritage/cultural aspects at the tertiary level. The School of Performing Arts (SPA) guides students to develop skills that range from creative facilitation to a variety of research practices. The school's ethos is that of establishing standards of professionalism that 5 WWW.ENCATC.ORG will enable graduates to work creatively in areas such as performance, teaching, education, community, research and cultural management. Learn more here: http://www.um.edu.mt/about/uom ENCATC Contacts: George Cassar george.cassar@um.edu.mt Vicki Cremona vicki.cremona@um.edu.mt Culture Directorate, Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government The Culture Directorate is established to ensure that the governance role of the Ministry responsible for Culture is fulfilled efficiently and expediently, and that important issues effecting the sector are brought to the attention of the competent political and administrative aut hor it ies . T he D i rec tora te's m ain responsibilities are as follows: provision of policy, direction and advice on the arts, heritage, and audiovis uals; m anagem ent and disbursement of funds to a number of arts, heritage and media organisations; overseeing all aspects relating to tangible and intangible cultural heritage management; preparation of contributions for public debate and discussion; and liaising with the relevant entities and stakeholders on all matters related to Malta’s cultural and creative sectors. Learn more here: www.kreattiv.gov.mt ENCATC Contact: Caldon Mercieca caldon.mercieca@gov.mt Antonia Ligouri, European Project Manager As European Project Manager at Luigi Sturzo Institute, Antonia Ligouri has been actively involved in research research and training activities, management of European cultural projects, communication and team management, reporting, qualitity planning, writing and submitting new projects for financing within different EU programs (Erasmus +, Creative Europe, Horizon 2020, Europe for citizens). ENCATC Contact: Antonia Ligouri antonia.liguori@gmail.com News from Brussels News from Brussels News from Brussels News from Brussels Issue: N°4 / 2014 ENCATC Agenda: 4 July - 10 October 2014 4 July 2014 // Brussels, Belgium th ENCATC organised its 4 Annual Policy Debate in Brussels on the topic of “Financing the Arts in Challenging Times: Policies, Business Models and Good Practice from Europe and the USA”. Held under the patronage of the European Cultural Parliament, this debate carried over previous discussions on the Arts in Times of Crisis that began in 2011. 4 August // Tokyo, Japan With the ambition to be more connected with its members in Asia, ENCATC co-organised a seminar focusing on “Towards New Collaboration between Japan and Europe”. This event was done in partnership with and hosted by ENCATC member, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Japan. 26 September // Brussels, Belgium ENCATC held its fourth Cultural Happy Hours. Cultural professionals and representatives from the European Commission attended this training session in Brussels on Twitter best practice with creative industries and media expert Ignasi Guardans. (see page 9). 2-3 October // Gothenburg, Sweden ENCATC attended the kick-off meeting for a new Erasmus+ project “European Cultural Leadership” led by ENCATC member, Nätverkstan. (see page 13) 10 September // Hildesheim, Germany 3 October // Brussels, Belgium ENCATC held a thematic session entitled: “Cultural Policy Research and Professionalization of Cultural Sector (or Intersectoral cooperation in Cultural Policy Research and Teaching)” organised in the framework of the 8 th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR) (see page 16). Europe Refresh was the occasion for guests of the Cultural Happy Hours to gather and learn about more than 40 projects selected for this major crowdfunding event (see page 9). 7 October // Brussels, Belgium The 22nd ENCATC Annual Conference and General Assembly were organised in Brno, Czech Republic gathering academics, researchers, cultural operators, policy makers, artists and students for three days of an intensive and dynamic programme (see page 8). ENCATC attended “A Slice of Life – New ways of using digital storytelling for lifelong learning”, a conference on digital storytelling. Two Euopean Union funded projects, KVALUES and ENKDIST, presented their cases and findings, and also discussed the future of digital storytelling methodology and its application to express personal story, enhance interpersonal skills and boost employability. 18 September // Brno, Czech Republic 8 October // Paris, France The 5th Annual ENCATC Research Session was organised in the framework of the ENCATC Annual Conference. More than 20 researchers, academics and cultural operators representing 11 countries (see page 16). ENCATC Secretary General, Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens met with French ENCATC members: Denis Thevenin from AGECIF, Cecile Doustany from the University Cergy Pontoise, Anne Krebs from the Louvre Museum, and Claire Giraud Labalte, researcher and art historian. They discuss about activities to develop together in 2015 in France. Another meeting gathering potential members from France and the existing ones will be organised on 21 October. 17-19 September // Brno, Czech Republic 18 September // Brno, Czech Republic Elodie Bordat from Sciences Po Aix-enProvence in France was announced as the winner of the 2014 ENCATC Cultural Policy and Cultural Management Research Award during the Award Ceremony (see page 14). 25-26 September // Lecce, Italy rd ENCATC attended the 3 ADESTE project meeting (Audience Developer: Skills and Training in Europe). On this occasion, ENCATC also attending the opening session 6 of ArtLab14 and one open session on "(re) shaping cultural management: starting from the audience" gathering input from audience development experts, researchers and practitioners. WWW.ENCATC.ORG 9-10 October // Paris, France ENCATC Secretary General, Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens and ENCATC Thematic Area Chair, Claire Giraud-Labalte were in Paris to attend the Focus Group on “EU and Heritage” organised by the French Presidency. News from Brussels News from Brussels News from Brussels News from Brussels Issue: N°4 / 2014 Issue: N°4 / 2014 In Contact INTERVIEW with Rene Kooyman Drs Rene Kooyman MME, DEA graduated from the State Conservatory of Music, and received a MSc in Regional Development at the Groningen University in the Netherlands. He holds a Master in Urban Area Development, and a DEA Degree in Economics and Sociology from The University of Geneva, Switzerland. As International Research Fellow and Lecturer of the School of Arts & Economics of the Utrecht University of the Arts, he has been responsible for a number international research projects in Arts and Economics. At the moment he is Project Manager at the EU Creative Urban Renewal (CURE) Program. His books and papers discuss cultural entrepreneurship, cultural strategic management, creative urban renewal and cultural policies. The Creative Economy has gained momentum in the past decade. It has long been ignored, and has not been taken seriously for a lengthy period of time. However, since the UNCTAD Creative Economy Report in 2010, policy makers, managers and even hard-liner economists have become aware of the fundamental contribution. It involves very different areas like innovation, social and cultural development, and (small) entrepreneurship. In Contact ENCATC: Why are you interested in following ENCATC activities? This shift in status, professional perspectives, social and political debate is first of all an international one. The Educational field is involved in many ways. It steers and supports the innovation, it questions the position and the value of the Creative Industries; it is involved in the permanent dynamics of social change. ENCATC is offering both the international platform, and the fundamental discussions needed to develop a dynamic sector with high potential. ENCATC: What is a challenge you encounter in cultural management and cultural policy education? ENCATC: Do you have any upcoming projects you would like to share with ENCATC members? I’m very excited to be part of the editorial team for a forthcoming book to be published in June 2015 on “Teaching and Learning Cultural Entrepreneurship: A global comparative analysis of course and program content in university - and community-based education for the cultural and creative industries. It is a pleasure to work with the other members of the editorial team that includes Prof. Dr. Olaf Kuhlke (College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Duluth) and Prof. Dr. Annick Schramme (Antwerp Management School, University of Antwerp, and current President of ENCATC). I’m also delighted to have this opportunity to also work more closely with ENCATC as it a partner along with the University of Minnesota in Duluth, the Antwerp Management School/University of Antwerp and the Erasmus University Rotterdam. To contact Rene Kooyman: rkooyman@rkooyman.com To learn more about the forthcoming publication “Teaching Entrepreneurship”: http://www.d.umn.edu/cue/main/2015conference.html 7 WWW.ENCATC.ORG and Learning Cultural In Contact This unique publication will be comprised of academic articles that address theory, research and practical issues related to current developments within the field of education in Cultural Entrepreneurship. Contributions to the book will also be presented as part of the 1 st International Research Conference on the Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship Training and Education, to be held from 10-12 June 2015 at the University of Minnesota in Duluth, USA. In Contact When discussing education and training in cultural management and cultural policy, we have to realize that we come across very different actors. Some are driven by educational motivations, some by cultural and artistic drives, others defend the entrepreneurial dimension. ENCATC is capable to cover and connect these different strata of educators, managers, policy-makers and creative practitioners. It is my conviction that we can all gain by sharing our impulses, our frustrations and our perspectives. That is what the ENCATC network is for! Issue: N°4 / 2014 Networking 22nd ENCATC Annual Conference “New Challenges for the Arts and Culture: Is it just about money?” Confronting challenges and exploring new models for future sustainability. 17-19 September 2014 // Brno, Czech Republic Networking The 22nd ENCATC Annual Conference "New Challenges for the Arts and Culture: Is it just about money?" in Brno, Czech Republic from 17-19 September 2014. This major international event was a refreshing networking opportunity for the academics, researchers, cultural operators, policy makers, artists and students from Europe, Asia and North and South America to learn from leading experts in the field of cultural management and cultural policy, make new connections, strengthen professional relationships and share practice, pedagogy and projects. For the official opening of the conference, ENCATC was honoured with the presence of Bc. Roman Onderka, MBA, the Mayor of Brno, Anupama Sekhar, Acting/Deputy Director-Culture at the AsiaEurope Foundation (ASEF), Alan Salzenstein, President of the Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE), and Ivo Medek, Rector of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts. Organised by 8 In partnership with and hosted by WWW.ENCATC.ORG Vaclav Mach CC BY 2.0 A special edition of ENCATC News with a focus on the Annual Conference will come out later. Media Partner Mobility With the support of Networking The conference’s three-day programme also included the 5th Annual ENCATC Research Session (see page 16), the ENCATC Cultural Policy and Cultural Management Research Award Ceremony (see page 14), the 7th Annual Thematic Area Cultural Seminars, an open session platform for knowledge transfer, information and methodology, five parallel study visits, a rich artistic programme, and a networking cocktail and dinner. Networking Held in the newly opened Divadlo na Orli theatre, ENCATC was privileged to have three keynote speakers from Europe, North America and Asia share their knowledge and expertise: David Mareček, Executive Director of the Czech Philharmonic in Prague; Alan Salzenstein, President, Association of Arts Administration and Professor, DePaul University in Chicago, USA; and Jerry C Y Liu, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Arts Management and Cultural Policy at the National Taiwan University of Arts. Each keynote used the conference’s question “Is it just about money?” as a launching pad for reflection and to share their experiences in the field of music, performing arts and cultural policy. They challenged panellists and participants alike to confront not only difficult financial issues facing the arts and culture today, but also the social and aesthetic aspects of arts and cultural management in the public and private sectors. Issue: N°4 / 2014 Creating innovative partnerships among cultural, business and education sectors. Europe Refresh 26 September // Brussels, Belgium 6 October 2014 // Brussels, Belgium For this breakfast edition of the Cultural Happy Hours, guests were invited to a training session on "Twitter for Culture and the Arts". Guests of the 5th Cultural Happy Hours organised in 2014 were invited to attend the opening of the second edition of Europe Refresh. This was a unique opportunity in Brussels to discover 40 selected cultural projects from Europe and Canada having not only an artistic aspect but that also address the social and solidarity economy. This training session was an excellent first introduction to Twitter for participants working in arts and culture to learn from his experience, how to reach a wider Twitter audience, an ultimately how to enlarge their own personal and professional networks. This edition of the Cultural Happy Hours was organised jointly by ENCATC with: The interest of Europe Refresh is to create synergy, leverage and cohesion between all these projects with their varied backgrounds. Cultural Happy Hour participants enjoyed discovering new projects and networking with many entrepreneurs in arts and culture. Europe Refresh is the European crowdfunding fair organised by Les Halles de Schaerbeek in partnership with KissKissBankBank, the European leader of crowdfunding. Networking Creative industries and media expert Ignasi Guardans has near 15,000 followers in his personal account, and is responsible for two other accounts in the field of creative industries, placing him among the strongest social media influencers in the cultural field. Networking “Twitter for Culture and the Arts” Networking Cultural Happy Hours This edition of the Cultural Happy Hours was hosted by: The Cultural Happy Hours are an initiative of In partnership with Creative Europe Desk Belgique Wallonie-Bruxelles 9 WWW.ENCATC.ORG With the support of Networking Launched in 2013, the Cultural Happy Hours aim to catalyse international partnerships, cross sectorial exchanges, collaborations and knowledge transfers among networks and organisations acting in the field of arts and culture based in Brussels, strengthen the Belgian artistic and cultural scene and its European projects by enlarging their audience, connect with a variety of stakeholders based in Brussels through culture, and create innovative partnerships among cultural, business and education sectors. Join us for upcoming ENCATC events this fall! Providing you with opportunities to expand your knowledge, grow your professional network, and internationalise your institution and career. ENCATC ADVANCED SEMINAR: “Rethinking Cultural Evaluation: Going Beyond GDP” DATE: 22 October 2014 TIME: 09:15 - 16:45 CITY: Paris, France VENUE: Vivendi 42 avenue de Friedland 75380 Paris Cedex/France FEES: 40€ for ENCATC members and 50€ for non ENCATC members Renowned academics, researchers, and practitioners from UNESCO, the European Commission's Joint Research Center, the Forum d'Avignon, European universities among others will share their expertise and developments about about emerging territories of creativity in the global and digital world, with special attention to the role that CCI’s and ICTs undertake. Furthermore, participants are encouraged to join the discussions on rethinking how to measure spill‐over effects from cultural and creative industries and how to evaluate cultural approaches. This event is designed for researchers, academics, economists, cultural operators, artists, policy makers, students and the general public interested in this topic. ENCATC MASTERCLASS: “European Cultural and Creative Luxury Industries: Key drivers for European Jobs and Growth" On 23 October in Paris, ENCATC is organising a Masterclass on "European Cultural and Creative Luxury Industries: Key drivers for European Jobs and Growth" in partnership with ENCATC member GroupEAC. DATE: 23 October 2014 TIME: 09:00 - 16:30 VENUE: EAC Business School of Arts, Culture and Luxury 33-35 Rue La Boétie 75008 Paris FEES: Access is free 10 WWW.ENCATC.ORG Participants are encouraged to contribute to dynamic discussions on cooperation between industry, education and vocational training and raising young people's awareness about career opportunities in these exciting industries. For more information: http://encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=379 Building Capacity CITY: Paris, France This one-day event will be an excellent opportunity to meet with policy makers, academics, researchers and business representatives for an exchange and discussion on the skills and competencies needed in the fashion and high-end industries and thus to re-think existing educational programmes in this specific field. Building Capacity For more information: http://encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=372 Building Capacity On 22 October in Paris, France, ENCATC will be holding an Advanced Seminar on the topic of "Rethinking Cultural Evaluation: Going Beyond GDP". Organised in partnership with ENCATC member, the University of Deusto, this seminar offer participants the opportunity to understand the most recent advancements in the debate on culture as an indicator of well‐being and development. Building Capacity Issue: N°4 / 2014 4th ENCATC Academy on Culture in External Relations and Cultural Diplomacy will focus on the Americas Providing you with the building blocks for better understanding and fostering future collaborations between Europe and the Americas 8-9 December 2014 // Brussels, Belgium UPCOMING EVENT! From 8-9 December in Brussels, ENCATC will hold its 4th ENCATC Academy on Culture in External Relations and Diplomacy to focus on the Americas. 11 Download the 4th ENCATC Academy programme and register today! International Cultural Relations: Overview of the Americas International cultural relations between Europe and the Americas in practice Understanding the current context and challenges in North and South America Financing cultural exchanges with North and Latin America In the framework of A mobility initiative of ENCATC. WWW.ENCATC.ORG The 4th ENCATC Academy is a joint initiative of ENCATC and Goldsmiths, University of London and organised in the framework of the Cross Atlantic Education Exchange - a mobility initiative launched in 2012 by ENCATC that aims to foster dialogue and mobility between academics, researchers, students, artists and cultural managers based in North and South America and Europe. In partnership with With the support of Building Capacity Organised by “The ENCATC Academy I attended was very well organised and there were a lot of interesting speakers present. The activities alongside the actual presentations (dinner, drinks, exhibition visit, etc.) were also very interesting and useful. Another big plus was the intended small group size, which made it a lot easier and more direct to talk and discuss with one other,” said one ENCATC Academy participant from the 3rd edition organised in May 2014. Building Capacity To date, confirmed Academy speakers include: Rod Fisher, Director of International Intelligence on Culture; Yolanda Smits, Director of international business at KEA; Gerald Lidstone, Professor at Goldsmiths, University of London; Carla Figueira, Lecturer at Goldsmiths, University of London; Philippe Heylen, Vice Mayor for Culture, Economy at the city of Antwerp; Annick Schramme, President of ENCATC and Professor at the University of Antwerp; Kristine de Mulder, General Director of Europalia BRAZIL, International Arts Festival; Erica Lutes, Executive Director, Commission for Educational Exchange, Fulbright; Marie Le Sourd, On the Move Secretary General; and more still to come! To make it easy to understand the context and challenges of these international relationships and ties, the ENCATC Academy is organised into blocks that provide useful and important examples to accompany theory and concepts. Building Capacity Countries in the Americas are important players in international cultural relations, from the United States, the world’s superpower, to some of the most important emerging markets, such as Brazil and Mexico. They offer a wide range of engagement examples such as sports diplomacy (Usain Bolt, 2014 Brazil FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Rio Olympic Games) to the power of the media (Hollywood, Brazilian telenovelas) or nation branding (Jamaica). Europe and the Americas are linked by strong historical, cultural and economic ties, but in the 21st century context both continents and their relationship are in an accelerated process of change. The ENCATC Academy is designed for academics, researchers, cultural operators and professionals, artists, diplomats, EU officials, representatives from international organisations and Institutes of Culture, and civil servants (national, regional and local levels) who wish to gain better insight into cultural relations and diplomacy between Europe and the Americas. Building Capacity Issue: N°4 / 2014 Which competencies are needed for audience development education and training in Europe? Audience development practitioners and experts meet in Lecce 25-26 September 2014 // Lecce, Italy The objective of the meeting was to share an update on the project’s ongoing phase to define the professional profile of the audience developer, and prepare for the project’s next phase to design and test a training model for audience development professionals. 12 For the project’s task to define the professional profile of the audience developer, led by the University of Deusto in Spain, the report’s list of competencies needed has already been particularly useful. Elaborated from qualitative data, this list served as a starting point for discussions in national focus groups which began in late June whose aim was to explore how audience development is interpreted and practiced in different national contexts. With the European audience developer profile almost complete, the project partners have started to use this along with the results from the research phase to design and test a training model to support cultural organisations and practitioners in having a greater impact on access to culture and cultural participation in Europe. The Audience Agency from the UK is the ADESTE partner to lead this key-phase of innovative training development. ADESTE project partners are scheduled to meet next in early 2015 to complete the design of the training programme that will be tested. Learn more about the ADESTE project here: http://www.adesteproject.eu/ *The ADESTE consortium is made up of 10 project partners: Fitzcarraldo Foundation, Italy (Project Leader); ENCATC, Belgium; Danish Center for Arts & Interculture, Denmark; Melting Pro, Italy; Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava (VSMU), Slovakia; University of Deusto, Spain; The Audience Agency, United Kingdom; Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom and five Associate Partners: The Indian Foundation for the Arts, India; Associazione Piuconzero, Italy; Arts Marketing Association, United Kingdom; CCskills, United Kingdom; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, United States. WWW.ENCATC.ORG Building Capacity For the project’s outputs of the initial research phases, these were officially presented and discussed in Lecce. From February to June, project partners in seven European countries mapped training paths and practices related to audience development. The research, coordinated by Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, combined the mapping results with more than 30 interviews conducted with audience development researchers, academics, practitioners and policy makers representing more than nine countries in Europe and beyond, as well as collected input from the project’s third country The culmination of this work, resulted in a strong understanding and new insight into the way audience development is taught and answering three key questions: which competencies for audience development do education and training providers take into consideration? What are the backgrounds of professionals working in this field? What could be the most effective training programme for professionals in this field? Building Capacity Organised alongside the ArtLab14 conference, this project meeting was also an opportunity to invite and engage with experts and cultural practitioners on the topic of audience development. The ADESTE partners involved ten external experts during a 2-day focus group to share and debate the main findings outlined by the consortium. Coming from Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom, this group of highly respected professionals were also asked to explain how audience development is interpreted within the context of their country. Moreover, they provided successful audience development projects and practice in museums, urban landscapes, music events, theatre and more. partners in India and the United States: The Indian Foundation for the Arts and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Building Capacity The ADESTE consortium met in Lecce, Italy on 24 and 25 September for the project’s third partner meeting and for a European focus group with external experts on audience development. Building Capacity Issue: N°4 / 2014 Summer School in Fashion Management European Cultural Leadership project kicks off! A behind the scenes look into this exciting industry Providing emerging cultural leaders to build sustainable cultural organisations 25 August - 3 September 2014 // Antwerp and Paris 2-3 October 2014 // Gothenburg, Sweden Antwerp is well known for its creative high-fashion designers. Since the emergence of ‘the Antwerp six’ (Dries van Noten, Ann Demeuleester, Walter Van Beirendonck, Marina Yee, Dirk Van Saene and Dirk Bikkembergs) at the end of the 1980s, the city has taken on the status of a real ‘fashion city’. Here participants visited the fashion company Terre Bleue, the Flanders Fashion Institute and MoMu (Antwerp fashion museum). With its growing international reputation, the Summer School was also a prime opportunity for participants to build their international networks among distinguished academics, fashion leaders and entrepreneurs, young professionals and students from countries: Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Colombia, Honduras, China and Russia. 13 WWW.ENCATC.ORG A kick-off meeting was held in held in Gothenburg, Sweden on 2-3 October 2014. Eight representatives from the project’s consortium attended the two-day meeting to discuss the project’s aim, purpose, working process, timeframe, budget, and expected results. The European partnership is made up of five partners led by Nätverkstan Kulture in Sweden. Other project partners include: ENCATC, the leading European network on cultural management and cultural policy education; Trans Europe Halles (TEH), Oliverate Culture Agency, and consultant and trainer Sue Kay from the United Kingdom. This strategic partnership brings together unique experiences of three fields of expertise: cultural organisations; innovative pedagogy/training; and research. More details about this project will be included in another issue of ENCATC News. Stay tuned! Building Capacity Taking the Summer School to Paris was a new component introduced into the 2014 programme allowing participants to interact with fashion designers for high fashion and luxury brands. Often cloaked in mystery and glamour, study visits in the French capital revealed the inner workings of some of fashion’s most iconic brands: such as Chanel, Dior, Bulgari, Burberry, and Prada. This project comes at a time when there is an acute need to develop leadership characterised by the ability to adapt to transformative changes in society, able to work in an international setting, lead and inspire intercultural teams and organisations, and initiate sustainable processes. Building Capacity Specifically designed for professionals and recently graduated Master’s students highly interested or motivated to work in the fashion industry, this unique Summer School aimed at nurturing managerial talents tailored to the fashion industry. 46 participants from eight countries attended lectures covering topics from fashion marketing and PR, to finance, distribution and leadership in fashion. The intensive programme was also complimented with on-site study visits in two global fashion capitals of Antwerp and Paris. The “European Cultural Leadership” project has the ambition to develop an Education Programme which will improve the competence, knowledge and skills of emerging leaders in the cultural sector in Europe. Funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme, it will run for 24 months from September 2014 thru August 2016. Building Capacity ENCATC, in partnership with its member, the University of Antwerp and its partners Antwerp Management School and the Institut Français de la Mode, held its 3rd international Summer School in Fashion Management from 25 August - 3 September 2014 in Antwerp and Paris. Building Capacity Issue: N°4 / 2014 Issue: N°4 / 2014 Fostering excellence in cultural policy and cultural management research. Research Vaclav Mach CC BY 2.0 18 September 2014 // Brno, Czech Republic Research 2014 ENCATC Award on Cultural Policy and Cultural Management Research awarded to Elodie Bordat The 2014 Award winner with the Award’s international jury mmbers in Brno, Czech Republic on the evening of 18 September. Organised by 14 WWW.ENCATC.ORG The Award was given by, Mgr. Miroslav Rovenský, vice-minister, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and Ing. Michaela Šojdrová, vice-chair Committee on Culture and Education of the European Parliament, both extremely committed to supporting excellence in cultural policy and cultural management research. The winner was extremely honoured and appreciative of the jury’s recognition: “It is an honour for me to receive the ENCATC Cultural Policy and Cultural Management Research Award. I would like to sincerely thank ENCATC and members of the Award’s international jury for this incredible recognition and opportunity to have my PhD Thesis published by Peter Lang for an international audience. I would also like to express With the support of Research The ceremony to bestow the ENCATC Award for the best recent PhD Thesis on comparative cultural policies or management topics presented by a young researcher was held in Brno, Czech Republic and organised in the framework of the 22nd ENCATC Annual Conference “New Challenges for Arts and Culture: Is it just about money?” (17-19 September 2014). In attendance were the Award’s international jury and two members of the Award’s Steering Committee: Anupama Sekhar, Acting/Deputy Director of the Culture Department at the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), and Alan Salzenstein, President of the Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE). Also in the audience were researchers, academics, arts and culture professionals, policy makers, artists and students from Europe, North and South America, and Asia. On behalf of the Award’s international jury Annick Schramme, President of ENCATC and President of the ENCATC Award jury said: “The jury selected the winning PhD Thesis for its solid theoretical approach and methodological awareness, strong comparative perspective, and original topic. Furthermore, the jury believes Elodie Bordat’s unique and interesting research will contribute to new cultural policy orientations and be applicable for both practitioners and scholars.” Research On the evening of 18 September 2014, Elodie Bordat from Sciences Po Aix-en-Provence in France was announced as the winner of the 2014 ENCATC Cultural Policy and Cultural Management Research Award for her outstanding PhD Thesis “The Dynamics of Changes in Public Policy. A Comparative Historical Analysis of Mexican and Argentine Cultural Policies.” Issue: N°4 / 2014 The winning PhD thesis will be translated into English and published in the 2015 ENCATC Book Series produced by the international publishing house Peter Lang. “The relevance of the Elodie Bordat’s PhD thesis encompasses policy, practical and political aspects. This work is extremely important for advancing the debate in the field of heritage cultural policy in Latin America and it offers future researchers and academics an impressive bibliography on cultural policy and beyond,” said ENCATC Secretary General, GiannaLia Cogliandro Beyens. To learn more about the ENCATC Cultural Policy and Cultural Management Research Award: http://encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=373 The ENCATC Award exists to stimulate academic research in the field of cultural policy and management to explore, through comparative and cross-cultural research, issues at stake in contemporary Europe, Asia and the Americas, and possibly anticipate new cultural policy orientations. Moreover, it will to contribute to the process of creating an "infrastructure", a network of scholars who are competent in doing comparative research projects in cultural policy and management issues. For Award ceremony photos: http://encatc.org/ pages/index.php?id=378 The ENCATC Award jury members are: Annick Schramme, Jury President, University of Antwerp, Belgium Franco Bianchini, Jury Member, Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom Lluís Bonet, Jury Member, University of Barcelona, Spain Jacques Bonniel, Jury Member, University of Lyon II, France Anita Kangas, Jury Member, University of Jyväskylä, Finland Jerry C Y Liu, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan Richard Maloney, Boston University, United States Jaime Alberto Ruiz Gutierrez, University of Los Andes, Colombia Research Alongside the 2014 ENCATC Award winner were two shortlisted finalists: Emma Blomkamp representing Australia and New Zealand for her PhD thesis “Meaning and Measures of Urban Cultural Policy: Art, Local Government and Community Wellbeing” and Luisa Fernanda Gutierrez-Navratil from Spain for her PhD thesis “Competition in the Movie Industry: Releasing Dates and Theatre Allocations as Strategic Variables”. Research my gratitude to everyone who contributed to my research, especially all the cultural professionals and other stakeholders who so kindly accepted to answer my questions,” said Elodie Bordat. Research Research 15 WWW.ENCATC.ORG Issue: N°4 / 2014 On 10 September in Hildesheim, Germany, ENCATC held a thematic session entitled: “Cultural Policy Research and Professionalization of Cultural Sector (or Intersectoral cooperation in Cultural Policy Research and Teaching)” and organised in the framework of the 8th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR). Attended by more than more than 400 researchers, academics, scholars, and cultural professionals, this thematic session aimed to discuss where and how academic research findings and practice from the cultural intersect. More specifically, this was an opportunity to question: How does research help cultural operators improve their performance in the work place and in practice? How does cultural policy research influence teaching, training, consultancy, and decision making processes? What about its influence on quality of staff involvement in institutions, organisations, city halls, governance bodies, and enterprises? How is this translated when looking at a wide range of cultural professions from different geographic origins? On 18 September, 21 academics, researchers, trainers and cultural professionals from 11 countries in Europe and beyond presented papers at the 5th Annual ENCATC Research Session held in Brno and organised in the framework of the 22 nd ENCATC Annual Conference “New Challenges for the Arts and Culture: Is it just about money?” (1719 September 2014). The panel, chaired by ENCATC President, Annick Schramme, professor at the University of Antwerp in Belgium gathered insight and expertise from leading academics and researchers from Europe: Milena Dragićević Šešić, professor, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia; Carla Figueira, ENCATC board member and lecturer, Goldsmiths University of London, United Kingdom; and Marcin Poprawski, ENCATC vice-president and researcher, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. Next, authors of the papers presented in Brno will be invited to submit their final work to the ENCATC Journal of Cultural Management and Policy. Vaclav Mach CC BY 2.0 18 September 2014 // Brno, Czech Republic 16 WWW.ENCATC.ORG Previous editions of the Annual ENCATC Research Session have been organised in Antwerp (2013), London (2012), Helsinki (2011), and Brussels (2010). Since its launch in 2010, more than 100 researchers, academics, and cultural professionals have presented their work. While attracting researchers and academics from institutions from across Europe, the Research Session has also brought experts from Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore and the United States. ENCATC’s dedication to sharing, exchanging and reflecting on these topics proves once more the network’s aim to strengthen the European research area and build knowledge societies. Research The points for discussion on the agenda included: The relationship between the research and the cultural sector (needs, professionalisation, transfer of knowledge); The relationship between the research and the policy makers (policy based research, influencing or not the decision making process, spread of knowledge by policymakers and academics (valorization); and The relationship between research and education, required competences. Organised into four parallel sessions, topics of this year’s research session included: audience development, cultural policy, marketing and tourism management, heritage, museums, libraries and institutional memory. This was an excellent opportunity for other academics, researchers, arts and cultural operators, students, policy makers, and artists to get the latest research developments and gain new perspectives and insights into the field of cultural management and policy. Questions and discussions were led by chairs who are academics and experts in their respective culture and art related field. Research 10 September 2014 // Hildesheim, Germany Research Intersectorial cooperation for cultural policy research and teaching Promoting access to cutting-edge research to anticipate the future and better understand the past Research 5th Annual ENCATC Research Session “Cultural Policy Research and Professionalisation of the Cultural Sector” News from ENCATC members BELGIUM Marcel Hicter Foundation FINLAND University of Jyväskylä Culture at the Edges Celebrating 25 years of Trans-European Training from Barcelona to Delphi Call for contributions “Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures” The "Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures" Conference will be held in Helsinki from 6-8 May 2015 to explore the roles and meanings of culture in sustainable development using a transdisciplinary approach. Is culture the fourth pillar of sustainability, alongside the ecological, economic and social aspects? How does culture act as a catalyst for ecological sustainability, human well-being and economic viability? What would our futures look like if sustainability was embedded in the multiple dimensions of culture, including different worldviews and values, ways of life, and other forms of cultural expression? This book celebrates 25 years of the European Diploma of Cultural Project Management run by the Association Marcel Hicter. It also coincides with 20 years of Oracle, with both anniversaries being marked in Delphi, Greece in June 2014, where this book is launched. It combines chapters by people closely associated with the Diploma comprising the Pedagogic Team and Orientation Board as well as reflections from previous Diploma participants and Oracle members. Two exemplary projects are presented, as well as illustrations from throughout the Diploma’s history and a full list of everyone who has completed it. These historical reflections notwithstanding, it is intended to be as much a book about the present and future as the past, with the Diploma being used as a ‘stepping off point’ for further thought and creative developments. The editorial team consisted of Jean Pierre Deru, Jonathan Goodacre, Milena Dragicevic-Sesic, Robert Alagjozovski and Christopher Gordon. The authors are: Jean Pierre Deru, Raymond Weber, Christopher Gordon, Milena Dragicevic Sesic, Jonathan Goodacre, Dragan Klaic, Ljiljana Simic, Robert Alagjozovski, Pau Rausell Koster, Ruthe Zuntz, Darka Radosavljevic, Miroslav Karic and Zana Poliakov. Pages: 232 Published by: Association Marcel Hicter (2014) ISBN: 978-2-9601548-0-1 ENCATC Contact: Jean-Pierre Deru jeanpierre.deru@fondation-hicter.org 17 WWW.ENCATC.ORG A cultural transition that embeds sustainability in the cultural understandings and daily practices of society has the power to shift humanity’s currently unsustainable trajectory. Culture already plays many roles in (un)sustainability but the scientific, policy-making and societal spheres lack understanding of the essence of culture and how it influences sustainability. The conference organiser welcomes proposals for panel sessions provide a moderated dialogue between the contributors. In particular, the organiser encourages transdisciplinary debate on a specific theme between scientists, policymakers, and different practitioners for instance from the fields of art, culture and administration. To organise a panel you should invite 3-4 presenters and a discussant. The proposals for panels including the confirmed contributions and abstracts (the abstract of the panel: 250-300 words, abstracts of the presentations: 150-200 words). The panel proposals will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Deadline: 5 December 2014 For more information: http://www.culturalsustainability.eu/helsinki2015/ Call-for-contributions ENCATC Contact: Anita Kangas akangas@yfi.jyu.fi News from members News from members News from members News from members Issue: N°4 / 2014 FRANCE Aix Marseille University FRANCE Nord Pas de Calais AIMAC 2015 Call for papers deadline extended until Can culture and local and regional authorities lead Europe out of the crisis? 20 November 2014 The Institute of Public Management and Territorial Governance, IMPGT - Aix Marseille University is organizing and hosting in partnership with Kedge Business School (Creative Industries Research Cluster) the 13th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, AIMAC 2015. The International Association of Arts and Culture, AIMAC is an international network for researchers and practitioners in this field. From 26 June to 1 July 2015, more than 200 international researchers and practitioners will meet in Aix-en-Provence to participate in various conferences and roundtables. Researchers are invited to submit proposals for paper presentations. Proposals from any relevant discipline will be considered, provided they make an original academic contribution to the study of arts and cultural management. This scientific conference will address various sectors of the arts and cultural industries (performing arts and festivals, heritage, museums and visual arts, film production and distribution, book publishing, recording, broadcasting, audio-visual media and multimedia, design). Papers on all management approaches are welcome: marketing, strategic planning, production, organizational behaviour, accounting and finance, information systems, cultural public policies. Contributions from social scientists are also welcome if they focus on management issues. Deadline: 20 November 2014 For more information: http://aimac2015-aix-marseille.univ-amu.fr/ ENCATC Contact: Edina Soldo Edina.soldo@univ-amu.fr 18 WWW.ENCATC.ORG 5-8 November 2014 // Lille, France The 3rd European Campus of local and regional authorities for culture will take place in the Nord-Pas de Calais Region, France, from 5 to 8 November 2014. Prepared in collaboration with the Nord-Pas de Calais Region, this edition will take place in Lille and at the Louvre-Lens Museum. The main theme will be: “Can Culture and Local and Regional Authorities Lead Europe Out of the Crisis? The Example of the Nord-Pas de Calais Region.” Gathering elected leaders and professionals from local and regional authorities, artists, intellectuals, researchers and civil society representatives, the European Campus' purpose is to think together and deepen our understanding of current and future topics in the fields of local and regional cultural policies, cultural cooperation and artistic creation in Europe and beyond. More than three decades ago, Pierre Mauroy (1928 -2013), Former Prime Minister of France and Mayor of Lille, a visionary man with a strong political will, bet on Culture and obtained significant results. In times of financial difficulties for local and regional authorities all over Europe, the Campus appears as an occasion to draw concrete answers to current issues; to bring leads for initiating and consolidating projects; and to discover the strategies of the NordPas de Calais Region. The European Campus will include talks, debates and training, underlining the interaction between all the participants, in lectures and workshops. For more information http://www.lesrencontres.eu/formulaires/inscriptioncampus-2014-en.php Registration: http://www.lesrencontres.eu/formulaires/inscriptioncampus-2014-en.php News from members News from members News from members News from members Issue: N°4 / 2014 UNITED KINGDOM Goldsmiths University of London UNITED STATES University at Buffalo, The State University of New York ICCE OPEN LECTURES on Tourism Associate/ Full Professor (Program Director) at the University at Buffalo The Chinese Female Tourist Gaze: Implications of a Macau Based Study Deadline to apply: 12 November 2014 26 November 2014 // London, UK Hitchcock and Zhang have used netnography to try and understand the perspectives of young Chinese female tourists visiting Macau, a major destination for Mainland Chinese visitors. What are the implications of this study given that Macau is trying to re-position its tourism image in terms of its cultural heritage? Given that Chinese outbound tourism is experiencing enormous growth, does this study have any wider implications, especially with regard to the way Chinese perceive the cultures of the destinations that they visit? In October 2014 Michael Hitchcock joined ICCE as Professor in Cultural Policy and Tourism from the Macau University of Science and Technology where he was Dean of the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management. He took his Doctorate at the Pitt Rivers Museum at the University of Oxford in 1983, which was based on his fieldwork in eastern Indonesia. He worked at the Horniman Museum, Hull University and London Metropolitan University where he was appointed Professor of Tourism in 1995. He was a Deputy Dean at the University of Chichester and a Dean at IMI Switzerland. He has written an edited 14 books and has published numerous papers, including over 40 refereed journals. Location: 326, New Academic Building Department: Institute of Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship Time: 26 November 2014, 17:00 - 18:00 If you are attending an event and need the College to help with any mobility requirements you may have, please contact the event organiser in advance to ensure we can accommodate your needs. For more information: http://www.gold.ac.uk/icce/calendar/?id=7982 ENCATC Contact: Carla Figueria http://www.gold.ac.uk/contact/form/? to=c.figueira&name=Carla+Figueira&subject=Even t%3A+The+Chinese+Female+Tourist+Gaze% 3A+Implications+of+a+Macau+Based+Study.++Pr ofessor+Michael+Hitchcock 19 WWW.ENCATC.ORG Arts Management is a dynamic and interdisciplinary program with an international perspective and a strong interest in energizing academic inquiry in the field. The Graduate Program is housed in the College of Arts and Sciences and is partnered by the UB Schools of Law and Management. The program aims to create effective arts managers and researchers who can draw from a thorough and critical understanding of the subject. The two-year program is designed to increase students’ ability to identify and solve complex, interdisciplinary problems and investigate tensions inherent in arts management and cultural policy making. The program serves a diverse and international student body. The University at Buffalo is a member of AAU and a Research 1 institution. The candidate should hold a PhD or terminal degree in arts management or related fields (e.g. sociology, sociology of culture, political sciences, cultural studies, critical theory, performing arts, visual culture, music). The specific discipline is not important. What is important is that the candidate possess a critical understanding of different cultural policy models and different arts management practices on an international scale and demonstrates her/his understanding of how they are related to larger social, economic and political issues. The candidate should have a proven record in cultural policy research/publication justifying appointment as a tenured faculty member. Faculty at the University are expected to teach four courses per year, maintain a robust research agenda, and provide service to the Program, College, University, and community. As Program Director, additional duties include student advisement, faculty mentorship, and general administration and leadership of the UB Arts Management Program. For more information: bit.ly/1rkGJYE ENCATC Contact: Kevin Leary ub-artsmanagement@buffalo.edu News from members News from members News from members News from members Issue: N°4 / 2014 News from our partners Association of Arts Administration Educators European Festivals Association Call for Proposals Call for Applications Deadline: 24 October 2014 Deadline: 31 October 2014 Practitioners and researchers from all arts and cultural disciplines are welcome to submit a presentation proposal for this conference. Individuals need not be members to present. While presentations that explore this year’s theme will be most fully considered, the committee is open to other topics that may not directly relate to the main theme. Areas of focus for presentation proposals may include: Learn more and how to apply here: http://www.artsadministration.org/2015-callproposals/ 20 WWW.ENCATC.ORG The Atelier for Young Festival Managers is an intensive 7-day training programme bringing together different generations of festival makers, some 45 participants and ten renowned festival leaders. It allows its participants to gain knowledge and skills in the field of artistic festival management. Deadline to apply: 31 October 2014 Learn more here: http://www.efa-aef.eu/en/activities/atelier/ News from our partners Arts and Cultural Policy Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Methods and Application Bridging the Gap Between Education and Professional Practice Professional Development National or World Trends in the Arts Diversity and Social Justice in the Arts “After the Atelier for Young Festival Managers planned for 2013 had to be postponed, I am happy to reiterate my invitation to host the first Atelier in the Arab world in Beirut, Lebanon in March 2015. I am looking forward to welcoming all the young festival managers in this artistically vibrant city that is Beirut,” said Nora Joumblatt, President of the Beiteddine Art Festival. News from our partners The theme for this year’s event is Educator Impact: Framing Arts Administration Education in a Dynamic Field. This conference will create an informative, reflective, and transformational space to explore the influence, power, and potential of educators in arts administration–both as part of educational settings and in the field at large. Are you part of the next generation of artistic festival directors? Do you want to broaden your programming skills and be inspired by colleagues and experienced leaders in the field? Do you want to join a new network of future festival leaders worldwide? The Festival Academy, an initiative of the European Festivals Association (EFA), and the Beiteddine Art Festival are delighted to confirm the final dates of the Atelier for Young Festival Managers in Beirut, Lebanon: it will take place from 21-27 March 2015. News from our partners The Association of Arts Administration Educators is accepting proposals for its 2015 Annual Conference taking place from 16-18 April 2015 at University of Oregon’s Portland site, located at the historic White Stag building. News from our partners Issue: N°4 / 2014 News from other organisations More Europe Culture AGORA Connect with the Arts The Power of Culture in Reconciliation in the Ukraine Crisis Agenda 21 for Culture, promoted by the Culture Committee of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), celebrates its tenth anniversary. With the aim to capitalise on the knowledge accumulated on the issue of culture and sustainable local development, it has recently launched a "good practice" database available online. The projects presented have been selected on the basis of criteria such as innovation, participation, sustainability, efficiency, transversality and reproducibility. "More Europe-Cultural external relations" is a civil society initiative that advocates to position culture, one of the strongest assets for Europe, and cultural relations at the heart of the European Union's (EU) external affairs. The World music center of Aarhus (Denmark), the World city forum of Milano (Italy), the Ha long ecomuseum (Vietnam) and the Emilio Balcarce tango orchestra school in Buenos Aires (Argentina) are some of the good practices included in the database. It recently commissioned a study on the power of culture as a tool for reconciliation in the context of the crisis in Ukraine. The coordinator of the document is Dr. Olga Burlyuk, an Assistant Professor at the Centre for EU Studies at Ghent University, Belgium. The report contains numerous comments and suggestions from experts from both countries involved, Russia and Ukraine, as well as from other European countries: United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands. Read the document here: http://moreeurope.org/sites/default/files/ ukraine_policy_paper_10.07.2014.pdf “Living Together in a Sustainable Europe - Museums Working for Social Cohesion" 6-8 November 2014 // Bologna, Italy Invitation to other cities to share their experiences through the database Contact: Info [at] agenda21culture.net This event will be an opportunity to explore with other art and culture professionals how museums can play a central role in society, what they can do in times of economic and social stress, areas where politics have failed to develop and respond with appropriate instruments, where civil society organisations and culture in particular, might have a better position to act on. More information here: http://www.agenda21culture.net/index.php/ goodpractices-eng/good-practices-eng For more information: http://www.ne-mo.org/about-us/annualconference.html 21 WWW.ENCATC.ORG News from other organistions Has your city implemented Agenda 21 for Culture? Has your city developed a noteworthy cultural policy? Has your city established an exemplary project linking culture and local sustainable development? Would you like to share this experience with other cities of the whole world? From 6-8 November in Bologna, Italy, the Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) will hold its Annual Conference "Living Together in a Sustainable Europe - Museums Working for Social Cohesion". News from other organistions Network of European Museum Organisations News from other organistions Agenda 21 News from other organistions Issue: N°4/ 2014 Observatoire des Politiques Culturelles Culture Committee of United Cities and Local Governments Les metamorphoses de la culture contemporaine Info 100: UCLG Culture Summit 2-4 December 2014 // Villeurbanne, France 18-20 March 2015 // Bilbao, Spain Concordia University Re-Create: Theories, Methods and Practices of Research-Creation in the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology 5-8 November 2015 // Montreal, Canada For more information: http://www.mediaarthistory.org/recreate-2015 22 WWW.ENCATC.ORG For more information: http://www.bcncultura.com/agenda21cultura/ info100.html International Association of Venue Managers SAVE THE DATE 2015 Performing Arts Managers Conference 15-17 February 2015 // San Francisco, USA Whether it's new connections and a deeper network, or fresh ideas that take your expertise and skillset to new territory, the 2015 Performing Arts Managers Conference is an opportunity to join colleagues, experts, industry leaders, and leading companies for three inspiring days in the city by the bay. Watch this space as updated become available: http://www.iavm.org/pamc/pamc-home News from other organistions Re-Create 2015 will mark the 10th Anniversary of the International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology. The conference will be hosted by two Hexagram sites at Concordia University and Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), core antennas of the largest network dedicated to research-based creative practice in media art, design and technology. ReCreate 2015 proposes the central question of what theories, methodologies and techniques can be used to understand past, present and indeed, future paradigms of creative material practice involving technologies within research contexts, from a historical and critical point of view. The Summit is designed to promote mutual and hands-on learning as well as long-term partnerships among cities and local and regional governments that recognize the important place of culture in sustainable development and are willing to implement the new Agenda 21 for culture. The UCLG Culture Summit is also an important opportunity and a timely moment to connect with other stakeholders: the organizations and networks that are advocating for the place of culture in the global campaign on the UN Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, that is, the #culture2015goal campaign. News from other organistions For more information: http://www.observatoire-culture.net/rep-rencontres/ r u b - r e n c o n t r e / i d o - 1 1 9 / les_metamorphoses_de_la_culture_contemporaine .html The UCLG Culture Summit will be hosted by the City of Bilbao (Basque Country Spain) on 18-20 March 2015, and will feature the presentation of a new document on culture and local sustainable development which (a) builds on the success of the Agenda 21 for culture, (b) updates its recommendations, with a clearer orientation towards the implementation of policies, and (c) aims to promote the sharing of knowledge and networking, with a selection of good practices and the promotion of exchanges, peer-reviews and expertise. News from other organistions À l'occasion de son 25e anniversaire, l'Observatoire des politiques culturelles organise un grand rendez-vous international pour débattre des métamorphoses de la culture contemporaine. La rencontre a vocation à nourrir un dialogue ouvert entre chercheurs, artistes, acteurs et décideurs à l’échelle européenne et internationale. Elle mobilisera un public éclectique composé notamment de chercheurs et de penseurs de divers horizons d’Europe et d’au-delà, d'étudiants, d’acteurs artistiques et culturels, d’élus au plan national et international, et plus largement de toute personne intéressée par ces questions. Quatre grands thèmes seront abordés : Cultures numériques d’aujourd’hui et de demain; Cultures de la participation et dynamiques d'expressivité ; La ville comme espace de production artistique et culturelle; Devant les métamorphoses de la culture contemporaine : quels nouveaux modèles d’action et d’économie de la culture ? News from other organistions Issue: N°4/ 2014 ENCATC Avenue Maurice, 1 B-1050 Brussels Belgium Tel/Fax: + www.encatc.org