ISSUE N°3 / 2014
ENCATC is an official UNESCO partner NGO.
ENCATC NEWS is an information service for
ENCATC Members produced by the ENCATC
Secretariat in Brussels. ENCATC NEWS is an
electronic magazine for all those interested in
policy developments, news, happenings and
research in the field of culture and education.
A shorter digest version is made for non
Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens
Elizabeth Darley
ENCATC is the leading European network on
Cultural Management and Cultural Policy
Education. It is an independent membership
organisation gathering over 100 higher
education institutions and cultural
organisations in over 40 countries. ENCATC
was founded in 1992 to represent, advocate
and promote cultural management and cultural
policy education, professionalise the cultural
sector and make it sustainable, and to create a
platform of discussion and exchange at the
European and international level.
You address in our mailing list is kept
confidential. Should you wish to discontinue
receiving our information, please send an
e-mail to comm-department@encatc.org
ENCATC welcomes your contributions which
may be sent to comm-department@encatc.org
International Festival in Brno, Czech Republic.
Avenue Maurice, 1
B-1050 Brussels
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News from the ENCATC
Secretariat in Brussels
ENCATC in Contact
ENCATC Developing Policy
ENCATC Networking
ENCATC Building Capacity
ENCATC Research
News from ENCATC members
News from our partners
News from other
Looking4poetry CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
4th Annual ENCATC Policy Debate
Under the patronage of the European Culltural Parliament and
in partnership with The Centre – Edelman Brussels’ platform for public engagement
Financing the Arts in Challenging Times:
Policies, Business Models and Good Practice from Europe and the USA
4 July 2014 // Brussels, Belgium
Dear Members,
Dear Colleagues,
On 4 July in Brussels, under the patronage of the
European Cultural Parliament, ENCATC will hold
its 4th Annual ENCATC Policy Debate at The
Centre - Edelman Brussels. To carry over previous
discussions on the Arts in Times of Crisis that
began in 2011, this year’s debate will focus on
“Financing the Arts in Challenging Times:
Policies, Business Models and Good Practice
from Europe and the USA”.
Public expenditure for the arts has decreased
dramatically in the last years both in Europe and
the United States. Arts organisations and artists
are at a turning point where new ways of
managing and funding culture need to be
ENCATC has invited academics, researchers,
cultural operators, policy makers, students, and
artists to listen to and engage with a panel of
experts who will present innovative examples from
Europe and the United States on how to finance
arts and culture during these challenging times.
They will tackle issues such as: crowdfunding,
philanthropy, patronage as well as the new role of
artists who are now more than ever becoming
entrepreneurs. Participants will have the chance to
interact and learn from cutting edge research and
practical experience.
Confimed speakers include: Mattia Agnetti,
Executive Secretary of the Fondazione Musei
Civici di Venezi; Luc Colebunders, CEO of
Crofun (Crowdfunding platform); Ignasi
Guardans, CUMEDIAE; Elisabetta Lazzaro,
Chair and Professor of Cultural Management at
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB); Catherine
Magnant, Deputy Head of Unit Cultural Policy and
Intercultural Dialogue, European Commission;
Schramme, ENCATC President,
Professor, University of Antwerp; and Johanna
Suo, Partner, TAG Gallery. The panel discussions
will be moderated by Jill Craig, Deputy General
Manager, Edelman Brussels. European artists,
Emmaneul Beyens (France/Belgium) and
Savinia Tarsitano (Italy) will be joined by the
American composer Morris Rosenzweig and the
American artist, Mia Pearlman. Finally, policy
debate participants are invited to discover the work
of these four artists in an exhibition to open
following the debate. Accompanied by a cocktail
reception offered by Gal Kroton, this will also be
an excellent informal moment to expand
professional networks.
In addition to the lively discussions, ENCATC is
compiling a bibliography of articles, essays,
videos and reports on the topic.
The organisation of this policy debate is an
example of ENCATC’s commitment to developing
new partnerships which is reflected in the strong
partnership established for this event.
The 4th Annual ENCATC Policy Debate is free to
attend however, online registration is required.
Download the programme and register here:
Yours truly,
Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens
ENCATC Secretary General
ENCATC welcomes a new
member for the first time from
Historian Office (Officina
des Historiador de la
Ciudad) in Cuba is the
newest member to join
ENCATC. Established in
1938, the Havana City
Historian Office aims to
protect and promote
national heritage. In 1994
it set up a cultural programme that specialises in
cultural heritage, cultural development and
community projects. Such projects promoted by the
Office are designed for different age groups:
children, adolescents, young and older adults. The
Office also provides information about cultural
happenings in Havana. This includes a virtual
catalog of artists, a cultural map and directory with
information on museums, cultural centres and
information sites, the developments in the historic
center of Havana, and more.
“The Havana City Historian Office joined the
ENCATC network because it wants to be in contact
with professionals in communication and cultural
management and to receive training in several
areas. It is also important and beneficial for the
Office to present its cultural projects to a larger
European and international audience and to set up
possible partnerships and projects with other
ENCATC members,” said Katia Cárdenas Jiménez
on the occasion of her application to the network.
ENCATC Contact:
Katia Cárdenas Jiménez
Learn more about our newest member here:
Join us in
Click here to learn
more about
joining Europe’s
leading network
on cultural
management and
cultural policy
ENCATC Board meets in Brussels
for its 2nd meeting in 2014
On 13 June in Brussels, the ENCATC Board
gathered for its second meeting in 2014. Joining
the discussion by Skype from Boston, USA was
ENCATC’s International Board Correspondent,
Richard G. Maloney.
ENCATC Secretary General, Giannalia Cogliandro
Beyens, and the Board reviewed the many events
and activities that have already been accomplished
since January as well as the many other planned
events and initiatives still to come from July to
ENCATC Board member, Blanka Chládková, and
her colleague, Tereza Koudelová, from Janáček
Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno
arrived in Brussels a day early to work with the
Brussels Secretariat on preparations for the 22nd
ENCATC Annual Conference to be held in Brno,
Czech Republic from 17-19 September 2014.
Board members will meet again in Brno, Czech
Republic this September for their 3rd meeting of the
ENCATC promoting job
opportunities in arts and culture
Are you or someone you know looking for a job in
arts and culture?
ENCATC now updates its Facebook page and
Twitter feed with weekly job postings in the arts and
culture. “We hear all the time about high
unemployment numbers in Europe. ENCATC
wanted to do something positive and contribute to
job placement by informing the cultural operators,
researchers and trainers about the professional
opportunities that are available, but not necessarily
always easy to find,” said ENCATC Secretary
General, Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens.
Furthermore, ENCATC ensures a wide selection of
jobs in the sector from performing arts, museums,
cultural diplomacy, urban management, and
creative and cultural industries among others.
ENCATC also strives for a variety of locations in its
job postings which have included to date: Belgium,
Canada, China, Finland, France, Ireland, the
Netherlands, Singapore, the United Kingdom and
the United States.
Join us on Facebook and Twitter and don’t miss
another job posting!
News from Brussels News from Brussels News from Brussels News from Brussels
N°3 / 2014
CileSuns92 CC BY-ND 2.0
ENCATC Agenda:
6 May - 26 June 2014
6 May // Amsterdam, The Netherlands
ENCATC President, Annick Schramme,
and ENCATC Secretary General, Giannalia
representatives of the European Cultural
Foundation to discuss the future of the
Cultural Policy Research Award as well as
collaborations and synergies between the
two organisations.
26 May // Singapore
ENCATC organised its 2nd Cultural Happy
Hour of 2014. This edition included a
guided visit of the exhibition of “As sweet
as it gets” by contemporary artists Michaël
Borremans. The visit and cocktail reception
that followed were offered by ENCATC
member, BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts. To
learn more about the Cultural Happy Hours
initiative, see page 11.
ENCATC member, Gerald Lidstone, from
Goldsmiths, University of London, met with
representatives of the Asia Pacific Network
for Cultural Education Research (ANCER)
at LASALLE College of the Arts to discuss
the programme for the ANCER/ENCATC
workshop “Asia-Europe Cooperation”. This
workshop will be organised within the
framework of the 2nd ANCER Conference
entitled “Arts Management, Policy and
Development in Asia” (13-15 November
2014 in Singapore). Moreover, this
workshop is supported by the programme
ASEF Creative Networks of the AsiaEurope Foundation (ASEF).
8-9 May // Brussels, Belgium
26 May // Brussels, Belgium
ENCATC held its 3rd Academy on Culture in
External Relations. The focus of this edition
of the ENCATC Academy was on Asia
bringing experts from Hong Kong,
Singapore, Thailand and Europe for an
intensive two-day learning programme.
This event was supported by the
programme ASEF Creative Networks of the
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF).
ENCATC organised a 3rd Cultural Happy
Hour in Brussels, this time at the Banca
Monte Paschi Belgio for a visit of the
exhibition “Influences plurielles” with works
by contemporary artist, Emmanuel Beyens.
To learn more about the Cultural Happy
Hours initiative, see page 11.
8 May // Brussels, Belgium
19 May // Leuven, Belgium
ENCATC Director of Communications,
Elizabeth Darley, who is involved in the
communication of the project “Cultural
Heritage Counts for Europe: Towards a
European Index for Cultural Heritage”
attended the project’s third Steering
Committee meeting. To learn more about
this project, see page 9.
20 May // Brussels, Belgium
ENCATC Secretary General, Giannalia
Cogliandro Beyens, attended the European
Heritage Alliance 3.3 meeting. The
meeting’s agenda included a progress
report on the “Cultural Heritage Counts for
Europe” project and a discussion on the
2014-2015 policy and action plans for each
member of the Alliance.
27 May // Brussels, Belgium
ENCATC provided expertise to the Future
for Religious Heritage network and
discussed future collaborations and
synergies between the two organisations.
3 June // Brussels, Belgium
ENCATC attended the “EU-Canada
Relations: Opportunities for European
Companies” organised by the BelgianItalian Chamber of Commerce. As the 4th
ENCATC Academy on Culture in External
Relations will focus on the Americas, it was
interesting for ENCATC to meet with
colleagues engaged in EU-Canada
relations. To learn more about the 4th
ENCATC Academy, see page 13.
News from Brussels News from Brussels News from Brussels News from Brussels
N°3 / 2014
4 June // Brussels, Belgium
ENCATC attended a debate about
fundraising in the arts organised by Cité
Culture. The aim of this event was to build
bridges between the private sector and
cultural and artistic organisations.
13 June // Brussels, Belgium
ENCATC Secretary General, Giannalia
Cogliandro Beyens, met with ENCATC
Board member and local organiser of the
22nd ENCATC Annual Conference, Blanka
Chládková, to go over the next steps in the
implementation of this major international
14 June // Brussels, Belgium
ENCATC Board members gathered in
Brussels at the ENCATC Secretariat for the
2nd Board meeting of 2014.
18 June // Brussels, Belgium
ENCATC Secretary General, Giannalia
Cogliandro Beyens, attended the European
House for Culture meeting in Brussels to
prepare the Brussels Conversations 2014
ENCATC Thematic Area Google
Groups keep growing
Have you joined ENCATC’s eight Thematic Areas
on Google Groups? More than 850 members and
followers have already joined to receive and
exchange information with colleagues from around
the world who are academics, researchers, cultural
operators, policy makers, artists and students. They
share information and also receive weekly
updates from ENCATC.
The ENCATC Thematic Areas were set up in 2007
as a space for specialised knowledge in specific
fields of:
Arts & Health
Cultural Indicators
Urban Management
Cultural & Creative Industries
Performing Arts Management
Museums and Audience Policies
Culture External Relations & Diplomacy
These ENCATC Thematic Areas are intended to
Share experiences - Enhance collaboration - Keep
in touch with peers - Aid research - Make new
contacts - Keep up to date with advancements in
the field - Announce events. Each ENCATC
Thematic Area is chaired by an ENCATC member.
Learn more and join your favorite Thematic
Areas today!
19-20 June // Brussels, Belgium
ENCATC was invited by the European
Commission to attend a two-day thematic
seminar on artists' mobility and social
security/taxation. ENCATC member
SMartBe was also invited along with other
representatives from the cultural sector to
dialogue with representatives of Member
States of the Cultural Affairs Committee
and the European Commission.
We want a future with culture!
And you?
25 - 26 June // Brussels, Belgium
ENCATC attended the “AWARD: Culture
and Development” Final Conference in
Brussels, co-funded by EuropeAid. Bringing
together several European partners, mainly
local authorities, the AWARD project
stressed the need to support and
encourage the latter in promoting their
activities in international cooperation by
integrating culture as a key element.
ENCATC cannot imagine a future without the arts
and culture. Therefore, ENCATC invites its
members and followers to support the
#culture2015goal and join the global campaign for
culture to be included in the post-2015 Sustainable
Development Goals. Global expenditure on
development over the next 15 years will be defined
by the final goal document to be agreed by UN
Member States in coming months. If culture is not
mentioned, it will be extremely difficult for countries
to elaborate policies and provide funds for projects
that rely on culture's role as a driver and an enabler
of sustainable development. We've signed. Have
News from Brussels News from Brussels News from Brussels News from Brussels
N°3 / 2014
N°3 / 2014
INTERVIEW with Edwin Juno-Delgado
For this month’s ENCATC in Contact we interviewed Edwin Juno-Delgado, a
Peruvian and French jurist specialist in Arts and Cultural Law and Regulations.
He is a graduate from Burgundy University and holds a PhD in International
Public Law. He joined the Burgundy School of Business as Professor of Law.
Today he's in charge of the concentration track in Cultural Management of the
Grande École Master and a member of the CEREN-MECIC research team. His
research interests are dedicated to the "Legal framework of cultural
organisations", "Culture and territory", "Cultural economics" and "Copyright and
cultural consumption". ENCATC Contact: Edwin Juno-Delgado, Burgundy
School of Business, France edwin.juno-delgado@escdijon.eu
In Contact
ENCATC Member from the Burgundy School of Business , France
ENCATC: Why did you join the ENCATC network?
ENCATC: What are your personal expectations concerning the ENCATC network?
I'm the Coordinator of concentration track in Cultural Management at the Burgundy School of Business
(Master 2). Our program is focused on the management of arts and cultural entities. I'm deeply convinced
that our pedagogical programme must contribute to the development of tomorrow’s arts and cultural
managers. In a post-industrial society, cultural managers must be able to innovate, propose solutions, and
support the development of arts and cultural projects worldwide. From my point of view, ENCATC is an
important platform of our programme because it guaranties that our teaching is regularly updated and we
can engage with colleagues and researchers who contribute to the production of new ideas, debates, new
forms of managing, etc. All this expertise provides us with a real intellectual and practical source to update
our programme and reconsider if our current teaching pedagogy is always appropriate for the everchanging arts and cultural sector.
We live our lives through our laptops, smartphones and tablets, thus in my opinion, cultural networks like
ENCATC should continue its efforts to integrate ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) both
in their communication and research exchange. ENCATC members must be trained in how to plan, create,
and exchange points of view, debates, projects, papers, information, etc., through ICT. Open online
discussions, online conferences, etc., that's a way how ENCATC can continue to improve its network. On
the other hand, it should absolutely continue its close ties with public cultural institutions and its
partnerships with the economic world, private enterprises and businesses. More than ever, ENCATC’s
efforts to work closely with the private companies can help these partners to improve their mode of
operation, tools and their understanding of the art and cultural market. Intellectual production in ENCATC
can be more useful for the private and public institutions to pursue their interests, to learn something new,
to hone their problem-solving skills, and to challenge themselves in new ways.
In Contact
ENCATC: How you would like to see ENCATC further develop in future?
In Contact
In September 2012, our research team CEREN / MECIC (Management of Cultural and Creative Industries)
was created within the Burgundy School of Business (Dijon, France). Our team was founded on a cross
cultural approach working with several theoretical approaches in the field of management of cultural
companies and creative businesses. For us, ENCATC is a unique network in Europe to allow us to share
experiences, projects and results with other colleagues and researchers working in the arts and cultural
sector. The arts and cultural sector has its own research problems and methods, therefore ENCATC offers
the possibility to dialogue about it, with different partners, both public and private.
ENCATC: The 3rd International Research Conference on the Creative and Culture Industries was
organised by ENCATC members the University of Antwerp and HKU in partnership with ENCATC. A
paper you wrote was presented there. Which case study was given as an example of CCI in an
urban context?
In Contact
My paper "The Emergence of a Cultural Area in the Dijon Capital of Mustard. Lessons learned and applied
to a nascent cultural area in Dijon" is an example of CCI in an urban context. This paper discusses the
emergence of the "Port du Canal quarter" as a new area that contains a high proportion of cultural activities
in Dijon (France). We will make a critical analysis and advancement of existing theories concerning the role
of culture in urban development and the development of a more detailed comparative perspective of urban
cultural policy projects. An exploratory case study method was developed by drawing on interviews with
local cultural authorities and organisers of small and midsized art spaces. The study explores a set of
necessary conditions and success factors in establishing cultural quarters, emphasises ways in which the
"Port du Canal cultural quarter" contributes to both community revitalisation and cultural development in
EU recognises ENCATC’s key role in Culture in EU External Relations
A new report highlights the importance of international cooperation
The report has uncovered a very considerable
potential for culture in the EU's international
relations and has also explored the ways in which
culture and cultural expression have been deployed
already by European actors in multiple relationships
with their counterparts elsewhere. At the same time,
the inquiry has analysed how stakeholders from
countries outside of the EU have partnered with
European cultural actors and how they view their
relationships with Europe.
Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens, ENCATC Secretary
General, said: “We are very proud ENCATC has
been recognised by the EU for its key role in
contributing to the field of Culture in EU External
Relations. The network has been active in this
field since 2008 when it established its Europe
International Thematic Area, chaired by Professor
Gerald Lidstone from ENCATC member institution,
Goldsmiths, University of London. Furthermore, two
ENCATC researchers from the Institute of Creative
and Cultural Entrepreneurship at Goldsmiths,
University of London were solicited for their
expertise to be part of part of a group of
independent experts and cultural organisations
helping the EU develop a strategic approach to
the use of culture in external relations: Rod Fisher
and ENCATC Board Member, Dr Carla Figueira.”
What are some upcoming ENCATC events focusing on and contributing to international
relations and international cooperation?
4th Annual Policy Debate on 4 July 2014
“Financing the Arts in Challenging Times:
Policies, Business Models and Good Practice from Europe and the USA”
4th ENCATC Academy on 8-9 December 2014
"Culture in External Relations with a focus on the Americas”
Developing Policy
In the report, ENCATC, the leading European
network of higher educational institutions and
training organisations dealing with cultural
management and cultural policy education, is given
as an example of successfully initiating and
establishing long-term international cooperation, as
evidenced by its partnerships with the Association
of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE in the USA)
and the Asia-Pacific Network for Cultural Education
and Research (ANCER in Singapore).
Developing Policy
On 10 June in Brussels, Androulla Vassiliou,
European Commissioner for Education, Culture,
Multilingualism and Youth launched the final report
‘Engaging the World: Towards Global Cultural
Citizenship’. This report is the outcome of a sixteenmonth inquiry of the Preparatory Action ‘Culture in
EU External Relations’ led by the Goethe Institut,
Brussels, covering 54 countries – the 28 EU
Member States, 16 countries included under the
European Neighbourhood Policy and 10 Strategic
Partnership countries (including the USA, China,
Brazil, South Africa, Russia).
Developing Policy
Since 2008 ENCATC has been actively involved in the field of culture in external relations. In this photo, members of ENCATC
and sister organisations in the United States and Asia meet at the 2012 ENCATC Annual Conference in London.
Developing Policy
N°3 / 2014
Call for Existing Data and Studies on the Impacts of Cultural Heritage
Join the growing number of academics, researchers, cultural operators and public
authorities who have contributed existing research and studies
on the impacts of cultural heritage!
Deadline to contribute: 10 July 2014
Project partners will gather, analyse, consolidate
and widely disseminate the existing data on the
impact of cultural heritage – i.e. the social,
economic, cultural and environmental impact. The
result will be a European mapping of both
qualitative and quantitative evidence-based
research carried out at the European, national,
regional, local and/or sectorial levels.
WHAT can I contribute?
This research considers the impact of the historic
environment. It takes the immovable or built
heritage as a starting point, whilst taking into
account that cultural heritage is currently
considered as a broad concept including the
tangible as well as the intangible.
More in particular, project partners ask for:
Studies indicating that immovable cultural
heritage (or heritage in general) has a social,
cultural, environmental and/or economic impact
(studies can thus prove impact on one or more
of these areas);
Impact assessments of cultural heritage on
European, national, regional or local level;
Impact assessments published as a report, in
HOW can I contribute?
If you have knowledge of impact studies, you are
asked to complete this simple online tool,
especially where it concerns a study in a language
other than English, French, German, Spanish,
Dutch or Polish. Studies can also be sent by e-mail
(via sigrid.vanderauwera@bwk.kuleuven.be for
pdfs, word docs, links to webpages, etc.) or by
ordinary mail (hard copies) to:
KULeuven Faculty of Engineering
Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation
Sigrid Van der Auwera
Kasteelpark Arenberg 1 - bus 02431
B-3001 Leuven (Heverlee)
WHY should I contribute?
Help raise greater awareness on the multiple
benefits of cultural heritage! Your contributions will
help project partners to analyse the research
already undertaken in Europe on the impact of
cultural heritage. This mapping will be presented in
a spreadsheet which will allow researchers to
include and analyse relevant data (reference,
impact domain, sub-domain, indicators used,
summary of main arguments to prove impact, etc.)
of these studies. This data will enable project
partners to present an overview of social, cultural,
economic and environmental impacts of immovable
recommendations, define shortcomings in existing
research in Europe, and recommend a future
research agenda on the topic for Europe.
The project consortium is composed of six partners: ENCATC, Europa Nostra (project leader), Heritage
Europe-EAHTR (European Association of Historic Towns and Regions, UK), ENCATC member, The
International Cultural Centre (Krakow, Poland), The Raymond Lemaire International Centre for
Conservation (RLICC, KU Leuven, Belgium), and The Heritage Alliance (as associate partner from
England, UK).
Developing Policy
Developing Policy
Having started the collection of data in early 2014,
the project partners would be grateful for data and
studies, in particular from the following
countries which are underrepresented at this
time: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, Greece,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, and Malta. Nevertheless,
additional studies from other countries are still very
books, or as an article in international peer
reviewed journal, etc.
Contact details for key persons in regard to this
Developing Policy
Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe is a two-year
project funded by the EU Culture Programme (2007
-2013) that aims to raise greater awareness on the
multiple benefits of cultural heritage and present
policy recommendations for tapping into heritage’s
full potential.
Developing Policy
N°3 / 2014
N°3 / 2014
Renowned keynote speakers from Europe, Asia and North America announced
17-19 September 2014 // Brno, Czech Republic
ENCATC is delighted to announce the three
keynote speakers for the 22nd ENCATC Annual
Conference "New Challenges for the Arts and
Culture: Is it just about money" to be held next
17-19 September 2014 at the Divadlo na Orli
theatre in Brno, Czech Republic.
The expertise, innovative cases and new
perspectives brought by the conference's keynote
speakers will be followed by moderated panel
discussions and questions from the audience.
These plenary session will be just several of the
many opportunities to learn about the latest trends
and developments in the field of cultural
management and policy, exchange best practice,
and enlarge
professional networks.
Register here: www.encatc.org/register
Organised by ENCATC, this Annual Conference is
supported by the programme ASEF Creative
Networks an initiative of the Asia Europe
Foundation (ASEF) that encourages collaborations
which can reinforce bi-regional networking in the
cultural field. The “Networks as learning
experience” project was selected for support from
over 50 proposals submitted through a competitive
call in 2013.
In partnership with and hosted by
With the support of
Comedy Nose CC BY 2.0
The conference's 3-day programme also includes
the 5th Annual ENCATC Research Session, the
7th Annual ENCATC Thematic Area cultural
seminars, study visits to flagship cultural
institutions in Brno, the 11th Cultural Policy
Research Award Ceremony, and an open session
for knowledge-transfer on information and
methodology. The event will also be accompanied
Organised by
During three plenary sessions, the keynotes will
share their expertise and reveal three interesting
perspectives from Europe, North America and Asia
on the challenges for the arts and culture. ENCATC
is delighted to announce their names: David
Mareček, Executive Director of the Czech
Philharmonic in Prague; Alan Salzenstein,
President, Association of Arts Administration and
Professor, DePaul University in Chicago, USA; and
Jerry C Y Liu, Associate Professor, Graduate
School of Arts Management and Cultural Policy at
the National Taiwan University of Arts. ENCATC
invites readers to learn more about each keynote
speaker in its online Annual Conference
brochure that can be found here.
Learn more and download our brochure:
This major international event will bring together
academics, researchers, cultural managers, policy
makers, students, and artists to discuss and explore
new challenges facing the arts and culture. The
themes of the conference will focus on the social,
aesthetic and economic aspects of arts
management in the public and private sectors to
question “Is it all just about money?”
by an artistic programme to showcase local talent
and increase visibility of Czech artists.
22nd ENCATC Annual Conference
“New Challenges for the Arts and Culture: Is it just about money?”
N°3 / 2014
Cultural Happy Hours at
Cultural Happy Hours at
Banca Monte Paschi Belgio
“As sweet as it gets”
“Influences plurielles”
The second 2014 Cultural Happy Hour event was
held on 8 May in Brussels and welcomed 29
guests to discover the artistic production of Michaël
Borremans with a guided visit of the exhibition "As
sweet as it gets" and cocktail reception offered by
ENCATC member, the Centre for Fine Arts,
On 26 May, 27 guests attended the third Cultural
Happy Hour organised in 2014. Held at the Banca
Monte Paschi Belgio in Brussels, guests were
welcomed to visit the exhibition “Influences
plurielles” with works by the artist, Emmaneul
Beyens, followed by a cocktail reception.
The paintings of the artist are strongly influenced by
memories of his childhood spent around the world:
"In Brazil, I gained a fascination for bright colours
and semi-precious stones in the rough. Italy has
given me a taste for beautiful fabrics and
classicism. In Japan, I experienced the endless
search for perfection in the execution of a work,"
said the artist, describing his style. As a Belgian
artist, his splash of surrealism also gives his
paintings a touch of originality.
His efforts have been awarded the 1st prize of the
International Exhibition of Painting Portrait in Blois
(Château de Beauregard) in 2010. His portraits are
already part of many private art collections in
Belgium and abroad.
In partnership with
Creative Europe
Desk Belgique
Hosted by
Launched in 2013, the Cultural Happy Hours aim to catalyse international partnerships, cross sectorial exchanges,
collaborations and knowledge transfers among networks and organisations acting in the field of arts and culture based
in Brussels, strengthen the Belgian artistic and cultural scene and its European projects by enlarging their audience,
connect with a variety of stakeholders based in Brussels through culture, and create innovative partnerships among
cultural, business and education sectors.
The Cultural Happy Hours
are an initiative of
Michaël Borremans made his international
breakthrough in the late 1990s with a varied body
of work (including drawings, paintings, and films)
that laid bare the deceptive nature of
representation and the absurdity of existence in a
suggestive, ironic way. Borremans has been
known to make personal references to historic
paintings by, among others, Velázquez, Goya, and
Manet and also frequently alludes to literature,
photography, and film. His focus on the power of
the imagination makes his subversive visual idiom
especially engaging. This exhibition, containing a
hundred works from the last 20 years, offers an
overview of his work. It will move later to the Tel
Aviv Museum of Art and the Dallas Museum of Art.
© Emmanuel Beyens
ENCATC promotes the Belgian artistic and cultural scene in continued partnership
with Creative Europe Desks Vlaanderen and Wallonie-Bruxelles
Cultural Happy Hours
N°3 / 2014
ENCATC and AAAE joined forces to investigate opportunities and challenges to
cooperate between world regions
What took
ENCATC co-organised a plenary session in
partnership with the US-based Association of Arts
Administration Educators (AAAE) and ENCATC
member, HEC Montréal. The plenary session “Arts
Administration Education Around the World: A
Global Comparison” was held in the framework of
the AAAE Annual Conference “Being Bold,
Embracing Change” (29-31 May 2014 in Montreal,
This plenary session was presented by
In partnership with
This plenary session is another example of
internationalisation of the programmes and careers
of academics and professionals in the cultural field.
Moreover, this event fostered informal networking
opportunities for academics, researchers and
cultural managers to further enhance possibilities
for exchange and collaboration in Europe, North
American and Asia.
Hosted by:
Panelist and AAAE President, Alan Salzenstein,
reflected: "This presentation was truly one of the
Conference. Participants were provided with
varying geographic and cultural perspectives from
four continents, discovering unique challenges that
we each face, as well as dynamic commonalities
ENCATC member from Austria, Leonie Hodkevitch,
remarked: “The plenary session fit in well with the
AAAE Conference discussions around the current
changes in culture management, the tools used in
the classroom, and how to push diversity and
integrate social inclusion skills and intercultural
communication into the portfolio of culture
managers. The encounter of so many interesting
professionals flowed into the international panel
who in the end agreed on what is key - to connect
and exchange even more throughout our
On 31 May, this plenary session chaired by
ENCATC member, Francois Colbert, welcomed
four panelists: Steven Boyle (University South
Australia), Leonie Hodkevitch (Austrian author,
cultural producer, cultural management educator
and member of ENCATC), Alan Salzenstein
(DePaul University, USA and President of AAAE)
and Sun-man Tseng (Hong Kong Institute of
Education in China). The panel explored the
differences and defining characteristics of arts
administration programmes around the globe. As
the profession evolves and new educational models
are enacted, the panel discussion examined
student engagement, pedagogy, curricula, and
programme components of the institutions
that unite us." With regards to the successful
ENCATC/AAAE collaborations he added: "Our
partnership allows for ongoing global conversations,
which in turn strengthen arts citizenry and advocacy
worldwide. I am grateful for this association
between ENCATC and AAAE as we continue to
strive for elevating our industry and creating a
platform for our collective membership."
MediaGeek CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
31 May 2014 // Montréal, Canada
“Arts Administration Education Around the World:
A Global Comparison” Plenary Session
4th ENCATC Academy on Culture in External Relations
and Cultural Diplomacy will focus on the Americas
Providing you with the building blocks for better understanding and fostering
future collaborations between Europe and the Americas
8-9 December 2014 // Brussels, Belgium
From 8-9 December in Brussels, ENCATC will
hold its 4th ENCATC Academy on Culture in
External Relations and Diplomacy to focus on
the Americas.
The ENCATC Academy is designed for
academics, researchers, cultural operators and
professionals, artists, diplomats, EU officials,
representatives from international organisations and
Institutes of Culture, and civil servants (national,
regional and local levels) who wish to gain better
insight into cultural relations and diplomacy
between Europe and the Americas.
Organised by
In the framework of
A mobility initiative of ENCATC.
International Cultural Relations:
Introduction to theories and concepts
International Cultural Relations:
Overview of the Americas
Understanding the
current context
and challenges in
North America
Understanding the
current context
and challenges in
South America
International cultural relations between
Europe and the Americas in practice
Financing cultural exchanges with North
and Latin America
In partnership with
Building Capacity
To make it easy to understand the context and
challenges of these international relationships and
ties, the ENCATC Academy is organised into blocks
that provide useful and important examples to
accompany theory and concepts.
Download the 4th ENCATC Academy programme
and register today!
Building Capacity
To date, confirmed Academy speakers include:
Rod Fisher, Director of International Intelligence on
Culture; Yolanda Smits, Director of international
business at KEA; Gerald Lidstone, Professor at
Goldsmiths, University of London; Carla Figueira,
Lecturer at Goldsmiths, University of London;
Philippe Heylen, Vice Mayor for Culture, Economy
at the city of Antwerp; Annick Schramme,
President of ENCATC and Professor at the
University of Antwerp; Kristine de Mulder, General
Director of Europalia BRAZIL, International Arts
Festival; Erica Lutes, Executive Director,
Commission for Educational Exchange, Fulbright;
Marie Le Sourd, On the Move Secretary General;
and more still to come!
The 4th ENCATC Academy is a joint initiative of
ENCATC and Goldsmiths, University of London and
organised in the framework of the Cross Atlantic
Education Exchange - a mobility initiative launched
in 2012 by ENCATC that aims to foster dialogue
and mobility between academics, researchers,
students, artists and cultural managers based in
North and South America and Europe.
Building Capacity
Countries in the Americas are important players
in international cultural relations, from the United
States, the world’s superpower, to some of the most
important emerging markets, such as Brazil and
Mexico. They offer a wide range of engagement
examples such as sports diplomacy (Usain Bolt,
2014 Brazil FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Rio
Olympic Games) to the power of the media
(Hollywood, Brazilian telenovelas) or nation
branding (Jamaica). Europe and the Americas are
linked by strong historical, cultural and economic
ties, but in the 21st century context both continents
and their relationship are in an accelerated process
of change.
“The ENCATC Academy I attended was very well
organised and there were a lot of interesting
speakers present. The activities alongside the
actual presentations (dinner, drinks, exhibition visit,
etc.) were also very interesting and useful. Another
big plus was the intended small group size, which
made it a lot easier and more direct to talk and
discuss with one other,” said one ENCATC
Academy participant from the 3rd edition organised
in May 2014.
Building Capacity
N°3 / 2014
3rd ENCATC-UA Summer School in Fashion Management
Behind the glamour, fantasy and beauty, the fashion industry demands highly
rigorous and developed management skills to master the specific needs and
dynamics of the fashion business
ENCATC, in partnership with its member, the
University of Antwerp and its partners Antwerp
Management School and the Institut Français de la
Mode, is organising the 3rd international Summer
School in Fashion Management from 25 August
- 3 September 2014 in Antwerp and Paris.
A team of internationally accomplished faculty
selected for both academic credentials and
professional experience will provide participants
with high-quality, competence-driven teaching.
Previous editions of the Summer School have
welcomed lecturers such as Ann Berten (CFO for
Raf Simons), Tony Kent (London School of
Fashion), Tina Debo (Advice President for Kipling),
Karinna Knobbs (The Graduate School at London
College of Fashion), Walter Van Beirendonk
(fashion designer), Tim Van Steenbergen (fashion
designer) among other renowned experts,
managers and designers.
The Summer School in Fashion Management is supported by:
Previous editions of the Summer School have
attracted participants from many different counties
across the world such as: Australia, Belgium,
Canada, China, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Germany,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Taiwan,
The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the
United States. This diversity is an excellent
opportunity for networking and expanding one’s
international contacts.
ENCATC’s involvement in this successful ongoing
project proves once more its strong commitment to
join forces with members to efficiently contribute to
the professionalisation of the creative and cultural
Learn more about the 2014 Summer School in
Fashion Management, download the brochure,
and register here.
Building Capacity
The programme is structured around a mixture of in
-class and on-site learning methods in two global
fashion capitals: Antwerp and Paris. The
In addition to gaining a solid framework of
management knowledge and skills to master the
specific needs and dynamics of the fashion
business, participants will build their international
networks and exchange insights with different
fashion communities, research and businesses with
fellow participants from all over the world.
Building Capacity
This Summer School is specifically for
professionals and recently graduated Master’s
students who are highly interested or motivated to
work in the fashion industry, with or without
experience in the sector. This unique programme
aims at growing managerial talents for the fashion
industry, covering topics from fashion marketing
and PR, to finance, distribution and leadership in
programme will include group discussions, practical
knowledge, visits to fashion companies, fashion
districts and flagship stores.
Building Capacity
Mischelle CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
25 August - 3 September 2014 // Antwerp, Belgium & Paris, France
Building Capacity
N°3 / 2014
Euro-Asia Cultural Collaborations Workshop
ENCATC and ANCER team up to increase synergies in Europe and Asia
13-15 November 2014 // Singapore
This conference, to be held
from 13-15 November
2014 at LASALLE College of the Arts in Singapore,
is entitled “New Voices, Current Perspectives: Arts
Management, Policy and Development in Asia”.
The organisers wish to foster dialogue amongst
researchers and scholars, arts and cultural
managers, artists, policy makers and students who
are interested in furthering inquiry in this field and
contributing a regional focus. Moreover, the
intention of this conference is to discuss current
cultural issues relevant to the Asian region.
Participants from outside
the Asia Pacific
120 EUR
200 SGD
For email enquiries or to register please write
to: ancer@lasalle.edu.sg.
Participants from the Asia
90 EUR
150 SGD
Students / Young
researchers from outside
the Asia Pacific
50 EUR
90 SGD
Students / Young
researchers from the Asia
30 EUR
50 SGD
This workshop is supported by the programme ASEF
Creative Networks of the Asia Europe Foundation
(ASEF). The project was selected for support from over
50 proposals submitted through a competitive call in
Organised by
In partnership with
Types of participants
Price by accepted
*Conference fees include attendance of all keynotes
and panel sessions, refreshments, and opening
reception. There are no separate fees to attend the
ANCER/ENCATC Workshop as it is fully integrated into
the 2nd ANCER Conference.
With the support of
Building Capacity
ANCER is an initiative of LASALLE College of the Arts,
Singapore. It is the Asia Pacific region’s first research
network for the arts and cultural sector. ANCER was
created in an effort to stimulate international inquiry and
research in order to enhance scholarship in arts
management and cultural policy across the region. It is a
loose formation of universities, colleges and researchers.
It is committed to nurturing graduates to take their place
in the scholarly community.
Conference Fees*
Building Capacity
workshop has the specific goal to build on
discussions during the ANCER conference and
explore the frameworks of successful and
innovative exchanges and collaborations in the field
of culture/arts/creative industries between Europe
and Asia. It will ask how one might shape the goals,
needs and criteria of such collaborations, inquire
into the roles of networks in these processes,
examine the kinds of inquiry which should be
developed, and ask how to contribute to better
cross-cultural awareness as well and inform the
research community.
Building Capacity
Japan Dave CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
In the framework of the 2nd
Conference of the Asia
Cultural Education and
teaming up to organise a
workshop on “Euro-Asia
Cultural Collaborations”.
Building Capacity
N°3 / 2014
ADESTE asks how audience development is interpreted
in different countries and contexts
In June 2014, ADESTE partners in Italy, the
Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain and the United
Kingdom ran national focus groups with cultural
managers, junior and senior professionals, VET
providers, policy makers. During these gatherings,
focus group participants debated on audience
development challenges and shared audience
development strategies, training methods, and
The overall aim of these focus groups at the
national, consortium, and European level is to
define the professional profile of the Audience
Developer and the challenges he or she faces:
building wider audiences, engagement, accessibility
to arts and culture, etc.
This phase of the ADESTE project will result in a
report on new training needs and the European
occupational standard profile for the Audience
ADESTE is a Leonardo Da Vinci project Development of Innovation, co-financed by the
European Commission. Pooling the resources and
expertise of 10 partner organisations in 8 countries,
ADESTE will develop and train a new
European occupational profile in the fields of arts
and culture: the “Audience Developer”.
Want to learn more about ADESTE or need a little inspiration on
Audience Development?
*The ADESTE consortium is made up of 10 project partners: Fitzcarraldo Foundation, Italy (Project Leader); ENCATC,
Belgium; Danish Center for Arts & Interculture, Denmark; Melting Pro, Italy; Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava
(VSMU), Slovakia; University of Deusto, Spain; The Audience Agency, United Kingdom; Goldsmiths, University of
London, United Kingdom and five Associate Partners: The Indian Foundation for the Arts, India; Associazione
Piuconzero, Italy; Arts Marketing Association, United Kingdom; CCskills, United Kingdom; Los Angeles County Museum
of Art, United States.
Building Capacity
Building Capacity
From 1-2 July 2014 in Rome, partners from the
ADESTE project (Audience Developer: Skills and
Training in Europe) will gather for a consortium
focus group. The outcomes of the national focus
groups will feed into discussions with the European
ADESTE partners who will be joined by the
project’s two international partners: the Los Angeles
County Museum of Art (LACMA) in the United
States and the Indian Foundation for the Arts in
India. This will be an opportunity for project partners
to compare the results of the national focus groups
as there are different views on the basis of the
country in which the audience development concept
is applied, the public or private sector in
which culture is managed, and the specific cultural
area (performing arts, museums, heritage, etc.).
The meeting in Rome aims to also help ADESTE
project partners prepare materials for the European
focus group to be held in the framework of
“Artlab14. Territori, cultura, innovazione” in Lecce,
Italy in September 2014.
Building Capacity
CA2M License: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
National focus groups conducted in five European countries
Building Capacity
N°3 / 2014
Research Package
N°3 / 2014
5th Annual ENCATC Research Session
Call for papers is now open!
DEADLINE: 7 July 2014
mamnaimie CC BY 3.0
7 July 2014
Selected papers will be presented to an
international audience of academics, researchers,
arts and cultural operators, students, policy makers,
and artists who wish to learn about the latest
research developments, gain new insights and
perspectives in the field of cultural management
and cultural policy, and dialogue with leading
experts in their field.
Papers are welcome on all cultural management
and cultural policy areas including:
The 5th Annual ENCATC Research Session in Brno
will build on the success of the previous Research
Sessions organised in Antwerp, (2013), London
(2012), Helsinki (2011), and Brussels (2010). Since
its creation in 2010, over 95 authors have
presented their work, coming from across Europe,
but also Australia, Brazil, Japan, Singapore, Turkey
and the United States. ENCATC’s dedication to
sharing, exchanging and reflecting on these topics
proves once more the network’s aim to strengthen
the European research area and to build knowledge
Arts and culture education
Cultural policy and cultural management
Culture and local, regional and national
Cultural heritage management
Cultural and Creative Industries
Culture in external relations and cultural
Cultural networking
Research in the following subject areas is
particularly welcome:
Organised by
07 July 2014
Deadline to apply to the call for
21 July 2014
Authors are notified of their status
11 Sept. 2014
Final papers are due
In partnership with and hosted by
With the support of
Research Package
Methodologies for education and training in
the field of cultural management and cultural
Culture, well-being, and human development
Measuring values and performance in the
arts and culture sector
Leadership in the arts and culture sector
Financial sustainability in the arts and culture
Read the call for papers and learn more about
how to apply:
Research Package
ENCATC invites academics, researchers, cultural
professionals and policy makers from Europe and
beyond to apply for the 5th Annual ENCATC
Research Session to be organised on 18
September during the 22nd ENCATC Annual
Conference, “New Challenges for the Arts and
Culture: Is it just about money?” to be held in
Brno, Czech Republic, (17-19 September 2014).
Research Package
Deadline to
11th Cultural Policy Research Award Ceremony
Fostering excellence in cultural policy and cultural management research.
18 September 2014 // Brno, Czech Republic
On the evening of 18 September 2014 in Brno,
Czech Republic, the 11th Cultural Policy
Research Award Ceremony will be bestowed
upon the best recent PhD Thesis on comparative
cultural policies or management topics presented
by a young researcher.
The Cultural Policy Research Award was initiated in 2003 by the
European Cultural Foundation (ECF) and the Riksbankens
Jubileumsfond. ENCATC joined in 2008 to develop and manage
the Award which as of 2014 has been fully integrated into the
ENCATC Research Package. The 11th Cultural Policy Research
Award is done in partnership with the European Cultural
Research Package
commented on these changes by saying: “Opening
the Award to different parts of the globe and
expanding its framework to include cultural
management in addition to policy, ENCATC aims to
contribute to the creation of an international network
of talented scholars who are competent in doing
comparative research projects in cultural policy and
cultural management issues.”
Organised by
In partnership with
Research Package
The CPRA consists of two award levels overseen
by the Award’s international jury of experts. First,
three Award finalists will receive a grant to cover
his/her travel and accommodation costs to attend
the 5th Annual ENCATC Research Session to be
organised on 18 September 2014 in Brno, Czech
Amit Gupta CC BY-NC 2.0
“ENCATC is proud to have moved into this new
phase where the Award will recognise the best PhD
Thesis in the cultural research field. It will foster
excellence in the cultural sector and serve as a
strong base to launch the successful long-term
research career of the young winner,” added
ENCATC Secretary General, Giannalia Cogliandro
At the time of closing this edition of ENCATC News
on 29 June, seven applicants from seven countries
had applied for the Award.
Research Package
Initiated in 2003 and now in its 11th edition, the
Award has entered a new phase incorporating three
major changes. First, the Award will be bestowed
up a young researcher who has successfully
defended his or her PhD Thesis and whose work is
of the greatest excellence. Second, the 11th CPRA
will also be the first time research on issues of
cultural management has been welcomed in the call
for applications. Finally, to go beyond its initial
European focus, the call for applications now
closed) was opened to young PhD researchers
from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.
Republic. On this occasion, they will present their
PhD theses to an international audience of
established and young researchers coming from
Europe and beyond. Next, the single winner of the
11th Cultural Policy Research Award will be
publically announced during the Award’s Ceremony
to be held during the 22nd ENCATC Annual
Conference “New Challenges for the Arts and
Culture: Is it just about money” (17-19
September 2014 in Brno, Czech Republic). Finally,
his or her winning PhD thesis will be published in
the December 2014 in the ENCATC Journal of
Cultural Management and Policy.
Research Package
N°3 / 2014
News from ENCATC members
ENCATC members joined forces to organise the 3rd International
Research Conference on the Cultural and Creative Industries
Changing dynamics between creative industries,
knowledge institutions and urban policy
22-23 May 2014 // Antwerp, Belgium
What took
With the
support of
The 3 rd International
Research Conference on
the Cultural and Creative
Industries was organised
from 22-23 May in
Antwerp, Belgium.
55 participants attended
this 2-day conference that
tapped into three trends
within the Cultural and
Creative Industries (CCIs):
entrepreneurship, the
urban environment, and
the role of creative,
innovative and educational
knowledge institutions.
Opening the conference
was invited keynote
speaker, Ms. Edna Dos
Santos, former Head of
Creative Economy at the
United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD), one of the very first
organisational structures devoted to creative
industry and economy. Dos Santos spoke to the
audience about “The Rise of the Creative Economy”
and provided an overview of developments in the
past decade that have increased the importance of
the creative industries. Nowadays, creative policies
have a very strong place within governments and
the creative economy serves as a strategic policy to
foster economic growth, jobs, trade and innovation,
while contributing to cultural diversity and a more
inclusive and sustainable society.
Professor Robert Kloosterman, professor of
Economic Geography and Planning at the
University of Amsterdam, was also invited to speak
at the conference. From his point of view, there is
no longer a difference between high and low
culture, but he argues that there remains a division
between niche oriented culture and mainstream
culture. The larger-scale, niche oriented cultural
amenities (like Tate Modern) need government
support he says because of market failure.
Furthermore, he stated that the authenticity of these
organisations is threatened by further
commercialisation and commodification and
therefore need support.
The conference programme also include a paper
session where academics shared their latest
insights. The session was divided into two parts,
one on Urban Regeneration and the second on
Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Creative in a Network.
Learn more and download presentations and
conference material here:
This conference demonstrates a successful
collaboration between ENCATC members, Antwerp
Management School, the University of Antwerp and
HKU University of the Arts (Utrecht) with the
support of ENCATC, the leading European network
on cultural management and cultural policy
News from members News from members News from members News from members
N°3 / 2014
Laboratorio per la Cultura
L'AGECIF recrute
un(e) assistant(e) de formation
MeltingPro announces two inspiring
upcoming events in the autumn!
L’AGECIF qui fête ses 30 ans cette année, est un
des principaux, voire le principal organisme de
formation continue dans le domaine de la gestion
culturelle en France. Il intervient dans de
nombreuses régions et pour des publics et
secteurs de plus en plus larges… artistes-auteurs,
patrimoine, musée, tourisme culturel et spectacle
After two years of fruitful exchanges, training and
evaluating, two European Grundtvig funded
projects are coming to an end.
Chaque année, l’AGECIF organise plus de 2 000
journées de formation pour plus de 1 900
The closing conference of DIAMOND - Dialoguing
museum for a new cultural democracy - will take
place on the 3 October in Valencia at the Museum
of Natural Sciences. DIAMOND aimed at using the
potential of digital storytelling to engage adults in
disadvantaged conditions in science museum
activities and evaluated its the social impact. The
surprising and interesting end-results, the stories
produced, and the handbook will be available on
the website soon www.diamondmuseums.eu.
Profil de la personne
 Connaissance du secteur culturel
 Master en gestion ou médiation culturelle
 Très bonne aisance relationnelle
 Sens de l’accueil à distance et en face à
 Très grandes qualités d'organisation
 Aptitudes commerciales.
En collaboration avec la responsable de formation,
elle ou il prendra en charge :
 la réponse aux demandes d’information par
 l’orientation pédagogique des stagiaires
 l’administration et suivi des devis de stage
 l’accueil des participants et des formateurs
 la logistique quotidienne des stages et
l’organisation informatique des salles
 la rédaction des comptes-rendus d’activités
CDI à plein temps à partir du
1er septembre 2014
Entretiens en juillet
Adresser C.V. et lettre de motivation :
Denis Thévenin, directeur de l’AGECIF
22 rue de Picardie – 75003 Paris
Likewise, the KVALUES consortium is glad to
announce that their final conference will take place
in Brussels on the 7 October. The project aimed
at guiding adults and young adults in
disadvantaged conditions to self-evaluate and
recognise skills and key competences acquired
through informal learning contexts such as work,
volunteering, and family and community related
activities (www.kvalues.eu). So far, the evidence
collected showed digital storytelling to be an
effective tool to tell a professional career in a
different and innovative way. To validate the
method, the consortium is also interviewing human
resources responsible from the cultural and the
business sector alike. However, this is not the
end... Meltingpro’s journey to explore and
investigate the potential of the digital storytelling
methodology through innovative based projects
continues! Thank you for being part of it and to
those who are interested please get in touch!
To know more about these events visit
www.meltingpro.org, like us on Facebook or follow
us on Twitter @meltingpro.org.
ENCATC Contact:
Antonia Silvaggi
News from members News from members News from members News from members
N°3 / 2014
International cultural Centre
University of Arts in Belgrade
Herito no. 15:
Nations and Stereotypes
Announcing the First Winner of the
Dragan Klaić Lecturer Award
The Dragan Klaić Foundation
and UNESCO Chair in
Management proudly present
the first winner of the Dragan
K l a i ć L e c t u r e r A wa r d
bestowed upon Prof. Dr.
Silvija Jestrović.
Prof. Dr. Silvija
Stereotypes shape our representation of other
nations and the way Poles, see themselves. Their
roots are to be found in history, culture, and
collective memory of Europeans, sometimes
leading to intolerance and prejudice.
In the new issue of “Herito”, Ziemowit Szczerek,
Shlomo Avineri, and Mirosław Bałka, as well as
many other remarkable authors, take stances in
the debate on the power of stereotypes and their
impact on nations.
The bilingual, Polish-English “Herito” quarterly, has
been published since 2010 by the International
Cultural Centre in Krakow. The magazine focuses
on culture, arts, social sciences, and cultural
heritage. It creates a unique space for discussion
on the topic of Central-Eastern Europe, having a
decisive role in debating issues of identity,
contemporaneity, and the future of Central
European countries.
“Herito” is available in the on-line bookshop:
“Herito” is also available in digital version for iOS
and Android to download from App Store https://
and Google
id=pl.krakow.mck.herito.a&hl=pl in one of the two
language versions – Polish or English.
ENCATC Contact:
Agata Wasowska-Pawlik
Silvija Jestrović is an
associate professor at the
University of Warwick. She has graduated from
playwriting and dramaturgy at the University of Arts
in Belgrade (1989-1992) and completed her
postgraduate studies at the University of Toronto in
2002. From 1990 to 1996 she was a freelance
playwright, dramaturge and journalist. Before
coming to Warwick in 2005, she was SSHRC
Postdoctoral Fellow and lecturer at York University
in Toronto. Her research interests include:
Exilic theatre and performance
Contemporary urban and political
Avant-garde theatre and performance
Performance, theatre, and culture of the
Performance analysis
Language and intertextuality in drama and
Writing for performance
Initiated by the UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy
and Management at the University of Arts in
Belgrade, the Dragan Klaić Fellowship Program is
presented in memory of Prof. Dragan Klaić, PhD,
theater scholar, and cultural analyst. Supported by
the Open Society Foundations and the European
Cultural Foundation, it consists of 2 initiatives –
Dragan Klaić Fellowship (student scholarship) and
Dragan Klaić Lecturer (professor award), both
given annually in order to contribute to the creation
of a centre of excellence and attract the best
students and professors to the UNESCO Chair in
Cultural Policy and Management. This
interdisciplinary master study program is organised
in cooperation with the Université Lumière Lyon 2
(France) and taught in English and French. For
promoting international cultural cooperation,
intercultural dialogue and mediation in the Balkans,
the program received the UNESCO Chair title in
ENCATC Contact:
Milena Dragicevic Sesic
News from members News from members News from members News from members
N°3 / 2014
Carnegie Mellon University
How long is a piece of string?
Q&A about Cultural and Creative
Carnegie Mellon to become the first,
Exclusive Higher Education Partner of
the Tony Awards®
Carnegie Mellon University has been named by the
Tony Awards® as its first, exclusive higher
education partner.
As part of the collaboration, the two organisations
will jointly create and launch the first, national
recognition programme to honour kindergarten
through high-school (K-12) theatre educators.
"Throughout its history, Carnegie Mellon has been
home to many talented and inspirational faculty, so
we understand the important role teachers play in
transforming lives," said CMU President Subra
Suresh. "Behind every Tony winner is a teacher
who inspired and nurtured a young talent to grow,
to pursue big dreams and accomplish great things.
We are excited to bring those heroes into the Tony
Discussions on art, culture and business are often
complex, sometimes controversial and quite often
confusing. The concepts used are often unclear
and disputed. All too often, the discussions are
held simultaneously at different levels and are
consequently mixed together.
These pages are designed as a quick guide with a
focus on cultural businesses, a “Cultural
entrepreneurship for dummies” in Q&A form. They
range from general issues and questions of
priniciple to concrete questions that cultural
entrepreneurs and local and regional politicians
responsible for the development of culture and
business face every day. The aim is to relate these
to relevant and up-to-date research in this field,
where this exists, and to important policy
The lessons learned from this work have been
important in producing this guide. It can also be
regarded as an independent sequel to the
knowledge review Nätverkstan wrote in 2011 at the
request of the Region Västra Götaland: “Eagles
and anthills: What do we know about cultural
Author: David Karlsson, Chairperson, Nätverkstan
Kultur i Väst
26 pages
Download your copy here:
Nominations will be open to the public and
accepted starting in September 2014 at
tonyawards.com and cmu.edu. A panel of judges
comprised of the American Theatre Wing, The
Broadway League, CMU and other leaders from the
theatre industry will select the finalists and winner
based on criteria set forth by the committee.
Demonstrating a positive impact on the lives of
students, advancing the theatre profession and a
commitment to excellence will be among the
The winning teacher will receive the "Tony Honor
for Excellence in Theatre Education presented by
Carnegie Mellon University" on stage at the 2015
Tony Awards. The trip to New York City will be
included, plus a financial contribution will be made
to the theatre arts programme at the winner's
CMU's School of Drama is the oldest drama degree
-granting program in the United States and
celebrates its Centennial in 2014. In the past
century, CMU has produced hundreds of Tony
nominees and 31 Tony winners - eight winners in
2013 alone.
Learn more here:
ENCATC Contact:
Kathryn Heidemann
News from members News from members News from members News from members
N°3 / 2014
News from our partners
Asia-Europe Foundation
European Festivals Association
ASEF Creative Networks 2nd Edition
Apply now for the
Atelier for Young Festival Managers
Submission deadline: 15 July 2014
21-27 March 2015 // Beirut, Lebanon
Deadline: 12 September 2014
ASEF intends to develop ASEF Creative Networks
as a long-term programme to promote sustainable
connections among the cultural communities of
Asia and Europe, and by notably by supporting
collaborative projects and activities.
Learn more and download the guidelines for
the Creative Networks:
45 young festival managers from all over the
world will be selected to participate in the Atelier.
Around 10 distinguished festival directors,
renowned festival pioneers, will each attend for at
least two full days and guide participants
throughout the 7 days. In lectures, one-on-one
talks, group discussions as well as intense
workshops on case studies, issues such as artistic
vision, public responsibility, creation and
coproduction, internationalisation, networking,
renewal and sustainability will be explored. First
presenters will be announced soon. Have a look at
the list of presenters of the previous Ateliers.
All information on the Atelier, selection criteria,
application procedure and application form can be
found on the Atelier website.
News from our
This call supports artistic and cultural networks. If
you are not a network and are interested in
developing artistic collaborations, please refer to
the call of Creative Encounters.
The Atelier for Young Festival Managers is an
intense and rigorous 7-day training platform
addressed at emerging artistic festival directors or
those who have ambitions to become involved in
programming or in programming-related
departments within a festival. It is all about sharing
experiences and passing on knowledge to the next
generation of festival makers: knowledge about
programming a festival, while focusing on the very
essence of art festivals – the arts and the artist.
News from our
Eligible candidates for this programme include
representatives of existing and/or emerging
cultural/artistic networks, at national, regional, subregional or bi-regional levels. Proposals will be
selected according to their relevance in the
framework of ASEF’s mission, the financial
commitment of involved partners, and ability to
raise ASEF’s visibility within the cultural sector.
The implementation of new bi-regional networks
and the expansion of Asian/European networks to
the other region will be particularly encouraged.
Selected partners will receive partial financial
contributions from ASEF.
The Festival Academy’s 2015 Atelier for Young
Festival Managers, initiated by the European
Festivals Association (EFA), will take place from 21
to 27 March 2015 in Beirut, Lebanon, in
collaboration with the Beiteddine Art Festival.
Young festival managers from all over the world are
invited to apply until 12 September 2014.
News from our
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) invites cultural
networks to submit joint proposals for multilateral
activities that engage as many partners and
participants from the 49 member countries of the
Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). They encourage
initiatives such as capacity building workshops,
mapping of good practice7s and expansion of
networks to the other region. The proposed
projects should take place between 1 April and 30
November 2015.
Are you part of the next
generation of artistic festival
directors? Do you want to
broaden your programming
skills and be inspired by
colleagues and experienced
leaders in the field? Do you
want to join a new network of future festival leaders
News from our
N°3 / 2014
Association of Arts
Administration Educators
European Cultural Foundation
2014 Conference Reflections
“Being Bold, Embracing Change”
New Researchers' Lab is now online
AAAE was privileged to have Alain Dancyger,
Executive Director of Les Grands Ballets
Canadiens as its keynote speaker. Alain charmed
and challenged participants in equal measure. He
spoke eloquently on integrating the arts with other
disciplines and models, and on his personal
philosophies in managing a multi-faceted arts
Keep reading and
presentation library!
Are you curious to see how it works? Just scroll
down the ECF Labs in Four Minutes to see all the
features. Registering is quickly done (see Join us!)
and once you have your account set up, you can
share, comment and engage in any Lab that might
interest you.
ECF Labs is still a young platform. The number of
Labs and communities will keep growing over time.
Join the ECF Labs here:
News from our
All in all, the conference was rich with opportunities
for making connections, learning, and discussion.
Upon reflection, there were important fundamental
thematic “take-aways”. Among others, our field is
international. The location of this year’s
conference, along with some of the key
programming, left no room for speculation: arts
administration education is a discipline that by its
very nature is both local and international. Like
many industries, our marketplace has become
global — and it was eye-opening and exciting to
see it demonstrated so plainly at this year’s
conference. Cultural exchange and an awareness
of how our many models and traditions fit together
are critical areas of consideration for our
classrooms, our research, and our work.
"Why should I engage in this Lab if I am already on
Facebook?", you may ask. ECF understands your
question and here is the answer: ECF Labs is not
another Facebook. It is something quite different.
On ECF Labs, you share news, ideas and
resources in thematic spaces. What you share in a
Lab becomes part of a bigger context, a collective
conversation. We want to move the social media
focus from "me" to "us".
News from our
Many fortunate early attendees were presented
with a series of sightseeing and cultural
opportunities around Montréal. Some explored Old
Montréal on foot with private tour guides, while
others visited the Montréal Symphony Orchestra to
witness the splendor of its brand new
commissioned organ. A bus tour also traveled to
the Cité des arts du cirque, home of the National
Circus School, the Cirque du Soleil headquarters,
and ToHu, a state-of-the-art 360-degree theatre
designed especially for circus performances.
News from our
The 2014 Annual Conference in Montréal was one
for the record books–quite literally! AAAE had more
attendees this year than ever before, and 25% of
them were first-timers. It was refreshing to see so
many new faces, reconnect with others, and to
have the opportunity to share three days of
scholarship, learning, and fun.
It's now live, as part of the ECF Labs community
platform. The Researchers' Lab is especially made
to connect the cultural policy thinkers of tomorrow.
ECF Labs is a new collaborative conversation
space for people who want to talk about art, culture
and society. As a member, you can share content
and engage in any of the different Labs on the site,
depending on your interests. It's a place where you
can connect your ideas with the ideas of others.
News from our
N°3 / 2014
News from other organisations
European Capital of Culture 2018
Culture AGORA
Connect with the Arts
1st Annual International Conference on
Cultural Relations in Europe and the
More information here:
“Landscape as Heritage in Policy”
1-2 July // Ghent, Belgium
For more information:
Particular importance will be given to matters
related to the common histories and geo-political
realities of Europe and the Mediterranean within the
spheres of international relations and cultural
The First Annual Valletta 2018 International
Conference on Cultural Relations in Europe and the
Mediterranean aims to address aspects of
contemporary cultural relations in the
Mediterranean in the framework of Valletta as
European Capital of Culture (ECoC).
The variety of international speakers are invited to
reflect on how this project can contribute to a
dialogue and exchange of experiences in terms of
cultural experiences and expressions in the EuroMed area, also in light of the chequered history of
super-national initiatives such as the Union for the
Mediterranean and the Anna Lindh Foundation.
The conference will feature four panels each with
three speakers each. The speakers have been
asked to address aspects of Valletta related to its
European and Mediterranean vocation, and,
arguably, a road map. Their interventions will act as
a starting point for discussions to follow, and refer
participants to this particular point in time and
space when Valletta, and by extension Malta, may
have a particular role to play.
For more information:
http://www.valletta2018.org/about/v18 -newsover vie w/v1 8 - ne ws /Fir s t - Annua l- Euro- M edInternational-Conference
News from other
The first CHeriScape conference will set the scene
for the series by getting to the heart of the issue:
How can the idea of landscape as heritage begin to
‘make a difference’. Assisted by well-informed and
influential speakers from both landscape and
heritage fields, participants at this two-day
conference will be able to use the forum offered to
consider how landscape can be reflected in
heritage policy at European and national levels and
conversely, how can policy be made to reflect
landscape and heritage in mainstream areas of
social, economic and environmental policy.
The Valletta 2018 Foundation is launching a series
of annual international conferences addressing
different aspects related to cultural relations in
Europe and the Mediterranean, with the first
conference to be held on 4-5 September at the
University of Malta, Valletta Campus.
News from other
Cultural Heritage in Landscape
4-5 September 2014 // Valletta, Malta
News from other
Culture Agora is a loudspeaker for some, the best
compass for others. Serving those who work in any
field in the creative industry, in any of the arts, in
Europe and in the Mediterranean. How can visitors
use this platform? Facilitate identification of new
organisations, partners, initiatives, and projects
over a vast geographical area. Search on multiple
criteria: Dance, music, cinema, theatre, visual
arts? Trainings, job offers, events? Up-to-date
content: A screenshot of what is happening now.
Outdated information is automatically removed. A
multilingual tool: Reach an audience beyond your
linguistic borders. Upload content in your own
language and visitors will just have to click on the
embedded Google translate button to learn what
you are offering. And much more!
News from other
N°3 / 2014
International Council on Archives
Aalto University, School of Arts,
Design and Architecture
“Archives and Cultural Industries”
“The Art of Research”
11-15 October 2014 // Girona, Spain
26-27 November 2014 // Helsinki,
This conference is open to ICA members and the
archival community, but also researchers,
designers and creatives from a very wide range of
professional and recreational backgrounds.
Learn more here:
31 October 2014 // Melbourne, Australia
Learn more here:
For more information:
News from other
The challenge is on and getting harder. Right now.
To have your art seen, heard and valued. But
opportunities abound. You just need to know where
to look and how to adapt. This conference is an
opportunity to: Be Informed – Gain insight on
funding; social media; audience; and industry
trends. Be Inspired – Connect with industry leading
professionals and learn from their successes. Be
Innovative – Learn how to differentiate yourself;
progress your career; and overcome today’s key
challenges. Topics and immersive workshops will
include: How to leverage social media to grow your
audience? How to maximise your funding
opportunities? How and what resources can small
businesses utilise in the arts? How to plan and
prepare for future industry trends? How to plan a
career pathway in arts management?
The Conference aims at sharing an understanding
methodological issues of practice-led research, and
offers an academic framework for discussing
notions of experience, materiality and articulation.
To facilitate inquiries on the themes of the
Conference, the organisers invite original proposals
on various forms of art that significantly contribute
to practices and research in art and design.
News from other
ArtsHub 2014 Conference
“Inform. Inspire. Innovate.”
Over the past two decades, a continuous dialogue
and fruitful convergence between art and design
related practices and research has been explored
in the academic institutions. Involved in the
contemporary discourse of practice-led research,
the Art of Research Conference 2014 brings out the
interactive and dynamic relationship between
experience, materiality and articulation. How are
different fields and media shaping these in novel
ways through various methods, tools, and skills?
How do research and practices operate from these
relationships? Through these questions the main
aim of the event is to engage in a shared
exploration of bold and visionary thinking across
different entangling practices.
News from other
Under the general title of Archives and Cultural
Industries, this conference will offer an opportunity
to reflect, discuss and present practical
experiences on the following topics: Cultural and
Creative Industries and strategies for collaborating
with archives; Action and initiatives; Archives and
web portals; Access to information; Digital
repository and authenticity preservation in the
Cloud; Open Data projects; Business models for
digital preservation and custody, and much more!
News from other
N°3 / 2014
The full version of ENCATC News is available to
ENCATC members only.
This digest version does not include the sections dedicated to research and
publications, calls for papers, project and grants, and the latest policy developments on
arts, culture, research and education.
Professionalise your career and internationalise your organisation:
Europe’s leading network
on cultural management and cultural policy!
We are a cross-disciplinary network
covering 8 areas:
Arts & Health
Cultural Indicators
Urban Management
Cultural & Creative Industries
Performing Arts Management
Museums and Audience Policies
Culture External Relations & Diplomacy
Why join ENCATC?
Be part of a reputable network with
20+ years experience
Connect with 100+ members representing Higher Educational Institutions
and cultural organisations
Enlarge your professional network
in 40+ countries in Europe and around the globe
Reinforce your skills, competences
and know-how
Gain unparalleled opportunities to partner with major institutions:
UNESCO, Council of Europe, European Commission and the European
Cultural Foundation
Who do we serve?
Academics, researchers, arts and cultural professionals, students,
policy makers, and artists
Click here to learn more!
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