Intellectual Property issues in the Local Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry Karin Pramberger 15 February 2011 Malta Pharmaceutical business in Malta About 15 foreign companies operating in Malta mainly generics companies Over 1.000 people employed Exports by Pharma Industry: 2008 €169.6 million 2009 €157.3 million 2010 (Jan – Sep) ho €176.1 million l Corporación Medichem in Malta Medichem & Combino Pharm both started in 2005/2006 2009: 8% of Medichem´s sales 2011: ~ 35% of Medichem´s sales cGMP and FDA approved ho l Why is Malta so attractive? 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 years 1986-2006 Number of pharmaceutical patent filings in Malta: 1986: 1 1999: 48 2003: ~ 200 2005: ~ 800 ho l History of Patent Law in Malta Industrial Property (Protection) Ordinance: 1899 Patents and Designs Act: 2002 Malta becomes a member state of the PCT and EPO: 1 March 2007 ho l PCT: 142 member states Malta is covered for 2,5 years after the first priority filing howith the PCT filing l EP: 38 member states and 2 extension states ho l Consequences ho l Some examples Drug Exp. of constraining patent in US Sales in US in 2010 ($) % of market share of innvovator in US Prilosec (omeprazole) 1999 > 1 bio ´03: 37% ´06: 10% ´10: 0.7% Prosac (fluoxetin) 1999 300 mio ´02: 15% ´09: 2% Protonix (pantoprazole) 2010 1,7 bio ´09: 85 Paxil (paroxetine) 1992/2007 1,7 bio ´02: 90% ´04: 7% ´08: 0.6% Plavix (clopidogrel) 2011 > 5 bio ´09: 100% …….. ho l All perfect in Malta? Priorities (Atorvastatin): US sales in 2010: 7.5 bio US Patent expiries: ´10, ´11, ´17 Litigation outcome: settlement to launch in 2011 3 equivalent patents in Malta but: Appl. Dates in 1999 without priority US/EP equivalents published in ´87, ´93, ´99 ho l Patents under the Ordinance Grounds for invalidity do NOT include inventive step! Suddenly the situation is reversed! The MT patent contains broader claims than its EP or US counterparts! Medichem can produce in Spain but NOT in Malta! Is this the advantageous situation Malta had foreseen??? ho l Patents granted under the Patents Act 2002 Only formal examination carried out Many MT patent granted with broader claims than the EP or US equivalents Nullity Action is filed with the “Civil Court” – a non specialised court with little or no experience in patent issues! Again: Medichem experiences situations where it could produce in Spain but NOT in Malta!!! Is this the advantageous situation Malta had foreseen??? ho l Improvements patent applications Big improvement with MT becoming a member state of the EPO: National path after PCT is closed Every MT patent filed through PCT will have been examined by EPO Examination carried out, open to third party observations and oppositions Situation in MT and rest of Europe is harmonised ho l Improvements - granted patents: still necessary Deal with patents with clearly invalid or no priority claims in a quick proceeding Establish a specialised court to limit/invalidate Maltese patents Provide possibility of limiting/invalidating patents also on grounds of inventive step to bring in line with equivalent EP patents. ho l Thank you! ho l