Student Organizations Weill Cornell Community Service Program Most student organizations at Weill have a community service component in addition to their social activities. Since 1989, when Cornell University Medical College received the only graduate level federal grant for community service from the Fund for Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), student initiated volunteer projects in New York City have been a major feature of extra-curricular life at the Medical College. The Weill Cornell Community Service Program (WCCSP) exists to help students best serve the community. • Association of Native American Medical Students (ANAMS) • Center for Discourse on U.S. Healthcare Policy • Jewish Students Organization of Cornell (JSOC) • Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) • Minority Association of Pre-Health Students (MAPS) • Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) • Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) • Q! Queer Health Alliance • Student National Medical Association (SNMA) • Students for Equal Opportunity in Medicine (SEOM) • Women in Medicine The mission of the program is two-fold: one, to channel the talents and creativity of the medical students into existing public and private non-profit organizations and, two, to help student groups develop innovative approaches to education and health care. The Office of Community Service aims to provide a wide range of service opportunities for the medical students with the hope of making their time at Cornell as rich and meaningful as possible. Over seventy-five percent of the members of the first and second year classes are involved in one or more community service projects. Even MD/PhD, third, and fourth year medical students find some time to participate in community service activities and/or to teach clinical skills to the first and second year students. We believe that students who are exposed to the needs of their community during medical school will ultimately become more compassionate and aware physicians. Office of Community Service Weill Cornell Medical College Ms. Sahira Torres Coordinator Office of Community Service 445 East 69th Street Room #208 New York, NY 10021 (212) 746-3390 For detailed program descriptions please visit our website: _ser_pro.html _serv.html "In every community, there is work to be done. comm_servc.html every heart, there is power to do it." In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In -Marianne Williamson One-Day Volunteer Events One of the goals of the Weill Cornell Community Service Program is to provide the students with a broad spectrum of volunteer opportunities. Events vary greatly in population served, time commitment needed, and student planning involved. But most importantly, these events represent the incredible degree of student commitment to community service for each project is created, organized, and implemented by students. Child and Adolescent Outreach & Education Projects Many of the Weill Cornell community service projects work to serve a very special population-the children and adolescents growing up in New York City. Today's youth face many challenges and have many different needs; the medical students' strive to address these challenges. The student commitments are evident from the depth and breath of the services provided. The projects are all ambitious, scopes varying within the population served, length of intervention, clinical/non-medical nature of the project, etc. Some volunteers spend their time educating area students about childhood obesity; others act as mentors, while yet others aim to connect our youth with both information about and access to health care. While the specific goals of these projects may differ, Weill medical students bring meaningful elements to all of the projects -inspiration, guidance, encouragement, support, empowerment and education. Adult Outreach Projects & Interest Groups For over a decade, Weill Cornell medical students have served the transient community of New York City. Medical students strive to provide basic first aid, health education, referral services - and most importantly, the precious gift of time and caring in overpopulated and understaffed homeless shelters. The Weill Cornell Community Clinic is another successful endeavor in addressing the problem of lacking medical resources in New York City. It is a student-run clinic that offers primary medical care to uninsured patients at little or not cost. This clinic has been a tremendous contribution to the community around the city and we welcome you to visit the website for more information. • Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) • Geriatric Interest Group • Camp Phoenix • Heart to Heart • Chemistry for Kids • Internal Medicine Interest Group • Cornell Kids • Medical Students for Choice/ Reproductive Health Initiative • FNC Health Professions Mentorship Program • Ophthalmology Interest Group • High School Health Professions Recruitment/Exposure Program (HPREP) • Pediatric Interest Group (PedIG) Kids in Chronic Support (KICS) • Sports Medicine Interest Group • Motivating Action through Community Health Outreach (MAChO) • • Weill Cornell Center for Human Rights (WCCHR) Science and Medicine Enhancement Program (SMEP) • Weill Cornell Community Clinic (WCCC) • • Weill Cornell Youth Scholars Program (WCYSP) • Food Drive • Clothing Drive • Regional Pre-Medical Conference