VOL. 4 • NO. 4 • FA L L 2007 • N E W S O F FA C I L I T Y P R O J E C T S A N D I M P R O V E M E N T S • WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE A Reflection of Growth Rooftop addition on E-Building now enclosed with glass “skin” W ith only a few months to go until the proposed February 2008 completion date, the three new floors being added to the top of the E-Building are taking shape. Workers are currently hoisting glass panels for the outside façade of the new addition, and drywall is being installed on the 7th and 8th floors. The 7th floor will house the administrative offices of the Research Animal Resource Center, while the 8th floor will contain laboratories for pharmacology, neurology and pediatrics. The 9th floor—which will be dedicated to dermatology—is still exposed, but should be fully encased in about a week. The offices of the Neurology Department, which were displaced due to the construction, will return to the 6th floor once the project is completed. The mechanical systems for the three new floors, including the air conditioner, have already been put in place and should be at operating status within three weeks. Meanwhile, the laboratory casework, the actual tables, desks and work stations where the lab work is carried out, should be arriving next month. “As far as people gauging the progress, when they start seeing casework going in, they know it’s close to being done,” said Louis Kennedy in Weill Cornell Medical College’s capital planning office. Kennedy says that he hopes to be installing office furniture—the final phase of the project—by February, with an eye toward moving the new tenants in by late February or early March. • Weill Cornell Medical College is located in Manhattan on the Upper East Side at York Avenue and 69th Street. The Light at the End of the Corridor A s a top-ranked clinical and medical research center, Weill Cornell Medical College’s facilities are expected to be the best and brightest, just like the faculty, staff and students who use them. But that doesn’t mean just new labs and libraries. A renovation and update of the corridors of 1300 York Avenue that began in June is nearing completion. Existing walls and floors were cleaned and refinished while new lighting, ceilings and sprinklers were added to the existing infrastructure. Project manager Jennifer McCartt says the project is about 90 percent completed. The area north of the Griffis Faculty Club—which will be receiving a new Energy Conservation at Weill Cornell I n 1998, Weill Cornell Medical College spent over $3.5 million for electricity. Because of expansion and the demands of new technology, in 2006 Weill Cornell Medical College paid nearly $6 million for electricity. We have the potential to save over $300,000 this year in electricity costs if you do your part! Here are some tips for saving electricity starting today: kitchen, expanded dining room and fullservice bar with a 12-seat lounge very soon—should be finished shortly, with the corridor portion in front of the club slated for completion by early November. “We’ve upgraded the finishes throughout so we have a continuous and cohesive hall that matches the rest of the building,” McCartt said. • Save a watt, save a lot. Turn OFF your office copier at night (rather than putting it in sleep mode). This can save $128 in annual electricity costs for that copier alone! Turn OFF your flat screen computer monitor (rather than putting it in sleep mode). This can save $36 a year. If 1,000 employees take this step, we can save $36,000 in one year! Turn OFF a typical two-bulb ceiling light fixture when your office is not in use. This small effort saves $69 a year! Clean filters regularly on lab refrigerators and freezers. Dust-free filters allow the units to operate much more efficiently and can save $72 per unit in a year! Project Schedule PROJECT CONSTRUCTION OCTOBER 2007 TO JANUARY 2008 LOCATION LASDON HOUSE UPGRADE Lasdon House SURGERY A-8 STEM CELL A-8 LECTURE ROOM A-950 E-BUILDING ADDITION E-7, 8, 9 RARC RENOVATION ACD-7 HEM/ONC/PATHOLOGY/LEHMAN ACD-6 REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE S-5 UROLOGY RENOVATION A-9 F-CORRIDOR RENOVATIONS F-1 GRIFFIS FACULTY CLUB RENOVATIONS GRIFFIS OPHTHALMOLOGY Y-12 OCT-07 A PUBLICATION OF WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE’S OFFICES OF FACILITY DEVELOPMENT AND STRATEGIC INITIATIVES NOV–07 DEC–07 JAN–08 • PRODUCED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS, (212) 821-0560.