Knox Academy Haddington East Lothian Council 12 June 2007

Knox Academy
East Lothian Council
12 June 2007
1. Background
2. Key strengths
3. How well does the school raise achievement for
4. How good is the environment for learning?
5. Leading and improving the school
Appendix 1
Indicators of quality
Appendix 2
Summary of questionnaire responses
Appendix 3
Attainment in Scottish Qualifications
Authority (SQA) National Qualifications
How can you contact us?
1. Background
Knox Academy was inspected in February 2007 as part of a national sample of secondary
education. The inspection covered key aspects of the school’s work at all stages. Inspectors
evaluated how well the school was raising achievement for all pupils, taking into account the
extent to which pupils’ learning needs were met by the curriculum and teaching. They also
analysed pupils’ attainment in national examinations (see Appendix 3), the school’s
processes for self-evaluation and innovation, and its overall effectiveness and capacity for
improvement. HM Inspectors focused particularly on English, mathematics, technical
education, and physical education.
The inspection team also evaluated aspects of the school’s progress in implementing national
recommendations related to improving aspects of school meals provision.
HM Inspectors observed teaching, learning and achievement in lessons and other contexts
and examined pupils’ work. They analysed responses to questionnaires 1 issued to a sample
of parents 2 and pupils and to all staff. They interviewed groups of pupils, including
representatives of the School Council and staff. Members of the inspection team also met the
chairperson of the School Board, representatives of the Knox Academy Support Group, a
group of parents and local ministers.
Knox Academy is a non-denominational school serving the town of Haddington and the
surrounding villages of East Linton, Gifford and Garvald. At the time of the inspection, the
roll was 865. The percentage of pupils entitled to free school meals was in line with the
national average. Pupils’ attendance was above the national average.
2. Key strengths
HM Inspectors identified the following key strengths.
Pupils’ attainment in national examinations.
The effective engagement of staff in leading and contributing to working groups.
The high quality of teaching in science education and pupils’ achievements in music.
The wide range of courses at S5/S6 and the extensive range of out-of-school activities,
many of which were supported by staff.
The welcoming ethos of the school and the relationships between staff and pupils.
Effective partnerships with the School Board, the Knox Academy Support Group and the
wider community.
See Appendix 2
Throughout this report, the term ‘parents’ should be taken to include foster carers, residential care staff and
carers who are relatives or friends.
3. How well does the school raise achievement for all?
To evaluate how well the school was raising achievement for all, HM Inspectors considered
the extent to which the learning needs of all pupils were met through the curriculum and
teaching. They evaluated the effectiveness of the school in promoting the learning and
personal development of all pupils in lessons and in other, broader contexts. They also
considered the standards attained in specific aspects of learning.
The overall quality of the curriculum was very good. The school had made a number of
appropriate changes to the curriculum for the current session, including alternative provision
at S1/S2 and a revised structure of the school day. An innovative S1 “challenge course” had
also been introduced. These changes had involved appropriate consultation with parents,
staff and some pupils. Particular features of the curriculum included the following.
Curriculum links with the associated primary schools required further development, to
ensure that pupils had well-planned continuity in their learning.
The school made provision for religious education in the core curriculum from S1 to S5
and as an option in S6.
At S1/S2, the school had improved access for pupils to information and communications
technology (ICT) and made effective use of curriculum flexibility to improve attainment
in English and mathematics. A well organised S1 “challenge” course was helping pupils
to work in teams and across subject boundaries.
At S3/S4, a small number of pupils experienced an alternative curriculum including
vocational aspects which helped to develop their practical skills and prepare for further
education on leaving school. College links needed further development. National
Qualification (NQ) courses, particularly in biology, geography and home economics,
were being used at S3/S4 to meet the needs of all pupils and provide better progression
routes for some subjects to S5.
At S5/S6, pupils could choose from a wide range of Intermediate, Higher and Advanced
Higher courses which allowed them to progress effectively from their S4 subjects. Work
experience in S4, certificated Working with Others at S5 and a citizenship experience at
S6 helped develop pupils’ self-confidence and their skills for employment.
The school was making progress towards meeting national expectations for physical
education. However, there was no core physical education at S5.
The school provided a considerable range of events and activities in the extended
curriculum to broaden achievements in citizenship, enterprise, international education
and health.
The personal, social and health education (PSHE) programme covered S1 to S6 and
benefited from a range of outside speakers. Pupils received effective curricular and
vocational guidance which helped them make appropriate course choices.
Teaching and meeting pupils’ needs
The overall quality of teaching was good. Teachers had high expectations of their pupils and
relationships were positive. Some teachers shared learning outcomes effectively at the start
of lessons and reviewed these with pupils at the end but this was not consistent practice.
There was some very effective whole-class teaching across the school. In some subjects,
most notably the sciences, lessons were characterised by high quality interactions between
teachers and pupils, and regular opportunities for pupils to think for themselves. The use of
ICT for teaching was still developing, and a majority of departments were making very
effective use of video technology and electronic whiteboards. Teachers used an effective
electronic system to record pupils’ progress, although it could be used more effectively to
inform discussions with pupils. They used homework regularly to reinforce classroom
learning and prepare effectively for examinations.
Pupils’ learning needs were well met overall. Teachers knew their pupils very well and
worked hard to provide approaches that addressed their needs. Across the school, teachers
needed to make better use of information about the standards being achieved at the end of P7
in order to build effectively on pupils’ prior learning. Pupils valued the high quality of
services from staff in Careers Scotland. Staff in the pupil support base offered special
programmes to ensure that a number of pupils achieved their potential. Support base staff, in
collaboration with senior managers, showed great skill and sensitivity in addressing the
needs of pupils who were experiencing the most severe difficulties. Support for learning
(SfL) teachers ensured well-judged support for individuals and groups and provided helpful
advice to departments. SfL assistants made important contributions to pupils’ learning.
Individualised educational programmes for pupils with more specific needs were well
designed and effective. Pupils with English as an additional language received helpful input
from education authority staff, but at times were finding it difficult to cope with the specialist
language in some subjects. The integrated support team coordinated support programmes for
pupils well and helped identify appropriate resources and approaches. However, there were
too many staff involved in supporting these individual pupils. This created confusion for
parents and outside agencies and was leading to inefficiencies.
Learning and personal development
The overall quality of pupils’ learning was good. In most classes, pupils worked
purposefully and remained on task. They demonstrated a strong motivation to improve their
learning and behaved very well both in and outwith class. At times, the behaviour of a few
pupils disturbed the learning of others. Teachers generally set tasks which were relevant to
pupils’ interests and prior learning. In too many instances, questions did not challenge
pupils to think for themselves and higher attaining pupils required more challenge and
stimulation. In some subjects, particularly those which were practically-based, pupils
responded very well to collaborative learning opportunities and a brisk pace of learning. The
school should build on these and other examples of good practice to ensure that pupils have
appropriate opportunities for independent learning and collaborative working. Learning was
enhanced by a strong contribution from the library resource centre.
The school made very good provision for pupils’ personal and social development and their
wider achievement. Pupils had a wide range of opportunities to develop effective social
skills and to pursue their interests and talents. The school’s PSHE programme included an
appropriate range of topics but at times there was too little opportunity for pupil choice.
Extra-curricular activities played a very important role in the life of the school and enhanced
pupils’ education and wider achievements. An increasing number of pupils were developing
their confidence, self-esteem and individual and collective talents through lunchtime and
after-school clubs. These included the science, scripture union and animation clubs,
debating and sporting activities, outdoor education opportunities and an impressive range of
musical groups. Many pupils performed to a high standard in music, and others were having
individual and team success in sport. The vast majority of sporting fixtures, competitions
and activities were organised by the full-time Sport and Physical Activities Co-ordinator.
Senior pupils had recently won debating awards at the Scottish Parliament debate. Others
regularly performed well in national mathematics competitions. The Combined Cadet Force
which had a regular membership of 30 to 40 pupils was helping to develop their leadership
skills, self-confidence and teamwork. The school also organised an impressive range of trips
abroad during the May activities week which was helping pupils in S1 to S3 become
confident young citizens. Knox Academy was one of the few schools in Scotland to win a
British Council award for its work in international education. It was seeking to involve more
pupils by developing a potentially valuable international exchange link with Rwanda. The
school council provided an opportunity for pupils to express their views. The contribution of
senior pupils could be increased further through wider opportunities to develop their
leadership skills and provide support for junior pupils.
Teachers explained new work well and varied their approaches effectively to engage pupils
in their learning. They interacted very well with pupils, praising their efforts. They
questioned pupils very skilfully to check and enhance their understanding. Homework was
appropriate. Teachers met pupils’ needs very well and provided appropriate support and
challenge to pupils of differing abilities. The pace of learning was brisk and pupils
responded positively when given opportunities to take responsibility for their learning.
The overall quality of teaching and meeting needs was very good and learning was good.
Attainment was very good. Particular features included the following.
• At S1/S2, most pupils were reaching appropriate national levels of attainment in reading
and the majority did so in listening, talking and writing. Many were exceeding these
levels in reading.
• At Standard Grade, the proportion of pupils attaining grades 1 or 2 was well above the
national average.
• At S5/S6, the proportions of pupils attaining A to C grades at Higher, Intermediate 2 and
Intermediate 1 were well above the national averages. Most pupils presented recently for
Advanced Higher gained A-C grades.
Teachers explained ideas and concepts very well, making good use of ICT and interactive
approaches. They had developed very positive relationships with pupils. Pupils responded
by behaving very well and working hard. They engaged positively with the learning
experiences provided. However, they had too few opportunities to take responsibility for
their own learning or to work together on tasks. Teachers matched tasks effectively to
pupils’ prior attainment and their learning needs, including the needs of vulnerable pupils.
Overall, the quality of teaching and learning was good, and meeting needs was very good.
Attainment was very good. Particular features included the following.
At S1/S2, most pupils reached expected national levels of attainment, with a quarter
exceeding these levels. Almost all pupils improved their levels of attainment between
P7 and S2.
At S3/S4, pupils’ performance in mathematics was notably better than in their other
subjects. Attainment in mathematics was consistently well above national averages.
At S5/S6, pupils’ performance in mathematics was generally well above national
averages at Advanced Higher, Higher and Intermediate 2.
Technical education
Teachers gave clear explanations and instructions. Aspects of their practical demonstrations
were effective, including approaches used in graphic communication. Pupils enjoyed
craftwork, but were often too passive in theory-based lessons. Homework was not
consistently used to reinforce learning. Teachers and SfL assistants provided effective
support for pupils’ learning, including those with additional support needs. The technician
provided very effective support. The pace of learning was often too slow and higher
attaining pupils were not sufficiently challenged.
Overall, the quality of teaching, learning and meeting needs was adequate. The quality of
pupils’ attainment was good. Particular features included the following.
Most pupils at S1/S2 showed good skills in craftwork and graphics, including the use of
ICT. They were developing some basic skills in design. Their knowledge of
engineering aspects of technology was limited.
At S3/S4, pupils’ performance in Standard Grade craft and design and graphic
communication was good. Pupils generally performed better in craft and design, and
much better in graphic communication, than national averages.
At S5/S6, the very small numbers of pupils presented generally performed well in
NQ courses in graphic communication and practical craft skills. The proportion
attaining a Higher at grade A-C in graphic communication was well above national
averages. All pupils who had been presented for practical craft skills had attained A-C
Physical education
Teachers used an appropriate range of approaches including small group work, partner work
and individual practice. They set high expectations for learning, behaviour and achievement
and used homework well to reinforce learning. ICT was used appropriately. Almost all
pupils worked purposefully and responded very well to their teachers. They needed more
opportunities to think for themselves and reflect on their performance. Learning activities
met the needs of most pupils. At times, the level of work in lessons could have been more
challenging and the pace improved.
The overall quality of learning, teaching and meeting pupils’ needs was good. The overall
quality of attainment was very good. Particular features included the following.
At S1/S2, the majority of pupils were making good progress in their classwork.
At S3/S4, the proportion of pupils attaining grades 1 or 2 was consistently well above the
national average. Pupils performed notably better in physical education than in their
other Standard Grade subjects.
At S5/S6, the proportion of pupils who attained A-C grades at Higher was in line with
the national average and performance had improved in 2006. Almost all pupils presented
at Intermediate 2 gained an award.
Information about the subjects inspected has been given earlier in the report. Across the
school, particular features of pupils’ progress, results in examinations and other
qualifications, including those awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
within the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) 3 for the three year period
2004-2006, are included below.
By the end of S2, attainment was good. Particular features included the following.
Most pupils reached or exceeded appropriate national levels of attainment in reading and
mathematics, while the majority did so in listening, talking and writing.
Pupils’ progress and attainment varied across other departments.
By the end of S4, attainment was very good. Particular features included the following.
The proportions of pupils gaining five or more SCQF awards at levels 3, 4 and 5 were
consistently above or well above the national average and above those in schools with
similar characteristics.
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) levels:
7: Advanced Higher at A-C/CSYS at A-C
6: Higher at A-C
5: Intermediate 2 at A-C; Standard Grade at 1-2
4: Intermediate 1 at A-C; Standard Grade at 3-4
3: Access 3 cluster; Standard Grade at 5-6
The proportion of pupils attaining English and mathematics at SCQF level 3 was well
above the national average and generally in line with that in schools with similar
The proportion of pupils gaining Credit awards was well above the national average in
administration, chemistry, geography and physics. It was below the national average in
computing studies and Italian.
At Standard Grade, pupils performed notably better in administration and physics than in
their other subjects. They performed notably less well in computing studies than in their
other subjects.
By the end of S6 attainment was very good. Particular features included the following.
The proportions of pupils attaining three, or five or more awards at SCQF level 6 were
consistently well above the national average and well above those in schools with similar
The proportion of pupils who gained an A-C grade at SCQF level 6 was well above the
national average in art and design, chemistry and music. Pupils performed consistently
better in geography and chemistry than in their other subjects.
At Advanced Higher, the proportion of pupils gaining one or more award at grades A-C
was consistently well above the national average. The performance at this level was
better than in similar schools.
At S5/S6, the proportion of pupils attaining Intermediate 2 awards in music and physics
was well above the national average. It was below the national average in biology. Most
of the S5 pupils presented at Intermediate 2 for Working with Others gained an award.
4. How good is the environment for learning?
Pastoral care
The school had very good arrangements for pupils’ pastoral care.
Staff knew their pupils very well and demonstrated a strong
commitment to meeting their physical, personal and emotional needs.
The school had clear guidelines in place to address issues of child
protection, bullying, racial incidents, safe use of the internet and
drugs abuse. Contract support staff were not managed by the
headteacher but had regular updates from the school on child
protection. Training was being arranged by the education authority.
Guidance staff knew the pupils in their care and worked hard to
ensure that those with additional support needs were discussed
regularly with relevant agencies, and appropriate support provided.
Pupils were confident that staff would deal effectively with any
issues they raised although they did not always find guidance staff to
be approachable. The school had an effective liaison programme to
support the transition from primary schools, including appropriate
arrangements for vulnerable pupils. Catering staff played a key role
in promoting healthy eating. Working in partnership with school
staff, they now needed to ensure that all pupils were aware of
promotional events in the food court.
Quality of
accommodation and
The quality of accommodation was very good. The school campus
had been completely refurbished as part of a public private
partnership (PPP) programme.
Particular features included the following.
There was very good access for those with mobility difficulties,
including lifts to all floors.
The library was attractive, well stocked and popular with pupils,
although provision of ICT was limited.
Physical education facilities included a modern games hall, small
gymnasium and changing rooms. However, valuable teaching
time was lost when classes had to walk to offsite provision at the
Aubigny Sports Centre.
A number of storage issues in the technical education and home
economics departments and aspects of security were discussed
and being taken forward by the education authority.
Climate and
expectations and
achievement and
Climate and relationships were very good. Pupils were proud of
their school and staff liked working there. The reception of pupils
and visitors by office staff was warm and welcoming. Staff worked
hard to create a positive and supportive atmosphere in classes. Pupil
and staff morale was generally high, although some staff felt they
were not sufficiently involved in decision making. Staff and most
pupils had high expectations of pupils’ behaviour, attendance and
attainment. Behaviour in lessons and other areas was generally very
good and was reinforced by a system of positive referrals that was
valued by pupils. A minority of pupils did not think that the
behaviour of pupils was good but this reflected their own high
expectations. Staff treated pupils fairly and gave additional support
to those who needed it. Pupils showed courtesy and empathy
towards those with additional support needs. A number of initiatives
promoted equality and fairness such as a Fair Trade venture run by
pupils and staff, the work of the Amnesty International group and
various citizenship events. Plans were in place to develop racial
equality further across the curriculum. The school provided
appropriate opportunities for religious observance.
Partnership with
parents and the
The quality of partnerships with parents and the community was very
good. Particular features included the following.
The School Board was very involved in the life of the school and
the Knox Academy Support Group had been very active in
raising funds.
Parents received helpful updates on pupils’ progress through
annual reports, progress reports for pupils in S3 to S6 and
parents’ evenings.
The school regularly sought parents’ opinions on its work
through surveys, meetings and information evenings. The level
of response to surveys, and parents’ turn-out at information
evenings were often low.
An informative prospectus and the school website provided
helpful information for parents, including advice on homework.
The Knox News contained a wide range of information for
parents including the school’s priorities for improvement.
The school had strong links with local businesses for enterprise
activities and work experience. It was seeking to strengthen links
with Jewel and Esk Valley College.
Other links included a wide range of partnerships with external
agencies, voluntary groups such as the East Lothian Parent
Support Group and the Outdoor Education Service. Further
developments were needed to improve community access to the
school and co-ordinated provision for competitive sport between
the school and community clubs.
5. Leading and improving the school
Knox Academy offered pupils an effective education which resulted in many leaving school
with high attainment and a range of personal achievements. Pupils and staff were proud of
the school and parents felt that it had a strong reputation in the community. The school was
at an important stage in its development. Staff were adjusting to the new campus and a
number of departments were having to cope with instability in staffing. The quality of the
curriculum was very good, reflecting recent improvements to cater more effectively for the
needs of all pupils. Learning, teaching and meeting needs were good overall. Attainment
was very good at S3 to S6 and good at S1/S2. The school now needed to share the good
practice in collaborative working that existed across some departments and ensure that pupils
were more actively engaged in their own learning.
The headteacher led the school well. She had moved the school forward considerably since
the time of the last inspection and had managed a very difficult school building programme
well. She had been successful in raising attainment in many parts of the school and took
responsibility for major areas of work including improvement planning, the curriculum,
learning and teaching and quality assurance. She had been less successful in developing a
strong culture of self-evaluation with a clear focus on learning and teaching. She now
needed to delegate more effectively and ensure that her senior management team shared
accountability for the core business of the school.
Leadership arrangements across the school were at a transitional stage. The remits of the
three depute headteachers had been recently reviewed. Each of the deputes was normally
non-teaching, but one depute was teaching mathematics during the current session. As a
group, they supported the headteacher very well. They made effective individual
contributions and collectively, they made a strong contribution to the stable climate for
learning across the school. They now needed to develop their work at a more strategic level
to achieve a stronger impact on the quality of learning and teaching. The business manager
played an important role in the effective administration of the school. The principal teachers
(curriculum) had responsibilities for quality assurance across a number of departments and
were beginning to make strong contributions at whole-school level. Heads of departments
provided effective and in some cases very effective leadership to their departments. The
relationship between the respective roles of depute headteachers, principal teachers
(curriculum) and heads of department needed to be further clarified in order to avoid
confusion. Principal teachers made strong contributions to aspects of cross-curricular work.
The librarian was making a significant contribution to the school. Further steps needed to be
taken to ensure that greater numbers of pupils were supported to develop their leadership
The school’s arrangements for self-evaluation were adequate. Senior staff had recently
reviewed the policy on quality assurance which was beginning to be taken forward at
departmental level. As yet, there was too much variability in quality assurance across the
school. All staff had worked in groups to review progress against the priorities in
improvement plans. This process needed to be refined further to reduce the number of
priorities being taken forward both at school and departmental level. The headteacher and
principal teachers (curriculum) met with subject principal teachers annually to discuss
examination performance and agree action points. The work of newly-qualified teachers was
monitored well by the headteacher. Depute headteacher and principal teachers (curriculum)
joined departmental meetings. Principal teachers (curriculum) and heads of department also
played a key role in monitoring the work of their departments. Depute headteachers needed
to have a stronger quality assurance role to allow them to identify and share good practice
and address weaknesses in learning and teaching.
As well as building on the strengths and addressing the issues raised throughout this report,
the school and the education authority should address the following main points for action.
Main points for action
Continue to develop strategies to help pupils become more independent in their learning
and to develop leadership skills.
Strengthen the strategic role of senior managers, to improve their leadership for learning
and the coordination of integrated support for pupils.
Clarify the quality assurance roles of all staff with additional responsibilities, and
continue to develop and implement more effective approaches to self-evaluation.
What happens next?
The school and the education authority have been asked to prepare an action plan indicating
how they will address the main findings of the report, and to share that plan with parents and
carers. Within two years of the publication of this report parents and carers will be informed
about the progress made by the school.
Fiona Carlisle
HM Inspector
12 June 2007
Appendix 1 Indicators of quality
The following quality indicators have been used in the inspection process to contribute to the
evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the school in promoting learning and achievement
for all pupils.
Section 3. How well does the school raise achievement for all?
Structure of the curriculum
very good
The teaching process
Meeting pupils’ needs
Pupils’ learning experiences
Personal and social development
very good
Overall quality of attainment: S1/S2
Overall quality of attainment: S3/S4
very good
Overall quality of attainment: S5/S6
very good
Section 4. How good is the environment for learning?
Pastoral care
very good
Accommodation and facilities
very good
Climate and relationships
very good
Expectations and promoting achievement
very good
Equality and fairness
Partnership with parents, the School Board and
the community
very good
Section 5. Leading and improving the school
Leadership of the headteacher
Leadership across the school
This report uses the following word scale to make clear the judgements made by inspectors:
very good
outstanding, sector leading
major strengths
important strengths with areas for improvement
strengths just outweigh weaknesses
important weaknesses
major weaknesses
Appendix 2 Summary of questionnaire responses
The following provides a summary of questionnaire responses. Key issues from the
questionnaires have been considered in the inspection and comments are included as
appropriate throughout the report.
What parents thought the school did well
What parents think the school could do
Almost all parents thought that:
• the school had a good reputation in the
More than a third of parents felt that they
were not clear on the school’s priorities
for improving the education of their
• their children found work stimulating and
challenging and were treated fairly; and
• the school showed care and concern for
their children.
What pupils thought the school did well
What pupils think the school could do
All or almost all pupils thought that:
About a third of pupils did not think that
all pupils were treated fairly.
Some did not think that pupils’ behaviour
in school was good or that staff were
good at dealing with bullies.
teachers expected them to work to the
best of their ability;
teachers checked their homework and
helped them when they had difficulties;
the school helped them stay safe and
What staff thought the school did well
What staff think the school could do
All or almost all of the staff thought that:
Over a third of staff felt that:
teachers gave constructive feedback to
pupils on their work;
communication amongst staff was not
they set high standards for pupils’
they were not effectively involved in
making decisions about the school; and
staff showed care and concern for the
welfare of pupils;
standards set for pupils’ behaviour were
not consistently upheld in the school.
they were aware of the school’s
procedures for child protection; and
staff worked hard to promote and
maintain good relations with the local
Appendix 3
Attainment in Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
National Qualifications
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) levels:
7: Advanced Higher at A-C/CSYS at A-C
6: Higher at A-C
5: Intermediate 2 at A-C; Standard Grade at 1-2
4: Intermediate 1 at A-C; Standard Grade at 3-4
3: Access 3 Cluster; Standard Grade at 5-6
Percentage of relevant S4 roll attaining by end of S4
English and Mathematics
@ Level 3
Knox Academy
Comparator schools4
5+ @ Level 3 or better
Knox Academy
Comparator schools
5+ @ Level 4 or better
Knox Academy
Comparator schools
5+ @ Level 5 or better
Knox Academy
Comparator schools
Percentage of relevant S4 roll attaining by end of S5
5+ @ Level 4 or better
Knox Academy
Comparator schools4
5+ @ Level 5 or better
Knox Academy
Comparator schools
1+ @ Level 6 or better
Knox Academy
Comparator schools
3+ @ Level 6 or better
Knox Academy
Comparator schools
5+ @ Level 6 or better
Knox Academy
Comparator schools
Percentage of relevant S4 roll attaining by end of S6
5+ @ Level 5 or better
Knox Academy
Comparator schools 4
1+ @ Level 6 or better
Knox Academy
Comparator schools
3+ @ Level 6 or better
Knox Academy
Comparator schools
5+ @ Level 6 or better
Knox Academy
Comparator schools
1+ @ Level 7 or better
Knox Academy
Comparator schools
Comparator schools are the 20 schools statistically closest to the school being inspected in terms of the key
characteristics of the school population.
How can you contact us?
If you would like an additional copy of this report
Copies of this report have been sent to the headteacher and school staff, the Director of
Education and Children’s Services, local councillors and appropriate Members of the
Scottish Parliament. Subject to availability, further copies may be obtained free of
charge from HM Inspectorate of Education, 1st Floor, Endeavour House, 1 Greenmarket,
Dundee DD1 4QB or by telephoning 01382 576700. Copies are also available on our
website at
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HM Inspectorate of Education
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