CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY IRVINE APPROVED SUBSTITUTION LIST CONCORDIA COURSE # CONCORDIA COURSE TITLE UCD COURSE # Westfield House Cambridge COURSE TITLE THEOLOGY CCI 303 Teaching the Faith GRE 101 GRE 102 GRE 211 GRE 225 GRE 341 GRE 341 Greek 1 Greek 2 Reading in Luke and Acts Reading from the Pericopes Johannine Literature Johannine Literature 201.a 201.b 505 501 402 625 HEB 101 HEB 102 HEB 225 Hebrew Hebrew Reading from the Pericopes 301.a Foundations in Biblical Hebrew - Fall 301.b Foundations of Biblical Hebrew - Spring 501 Pericope Seminar PHI 433 PHI 433 PHI 433 Philosophy of Religion Philosophy of Religion Philosophy of Religion 104 Philosophy of Religion 618 Philosophy of Religion and Ethics 6210 Philosophy of Religion: God, Freedom & Soul THL 304 THL 304 THL 304 THL 304 THL 311 THL 311 THL 311 THL 312 THL 312 THL 312 THL 312 THL 312 THL 317 THL 321 THL 355 THL 355 THL 355 THL 355 THL 372 THL 382 THL 382 THL 465 THL 465 History of the Christian Church History of the Christian Church History of the Christian Church History of the Christian Church Old Testament Book of the Bible Old Testament Book of the Bible Old Testament Book of the Bible New Testament Book of the Bible New Testament Book of the Bible New Testament Book of the Bible New Testament Book of the Bible New Testament Book of the Bible Christian Doctrine 1 Wold Religions Reformation Reformation Reformation Reformation Christian Doctrine II Corporate Worship Corporate Worship Christians and Ethics Christians and Ethics 202 614 627 626 401.a 401.b 622 302 402 613 625 621 401.a 617 202 614 627 626 410.b 203.a 211 303 6211 LITERATURE ENG 385 ENG 461 Modern Novel Major English Writers Updated 311 Christian Education - Spring New Teestament Greek - Fall New Testament Greek - Spring Greek Readings Pericope Seminar Johannine Writings in Greek The Johannine Tradition Reformation and Society Christianity and the Transformation of Culture Reform and Renuewal in Christian History Christianity in Late Antiquity Advanced Biblical Hebrew 1:Set Text - Ex 1-15 - Fall Advanced Biblical Hebrew II: Set Text - Prov 1-9 Spring Literature, History, and Theology of the Exilic Age Romans in Greek - Fall Johannine Writings in Greek Jesus and the Orgins of the Gospel The Johannine Tradition The Gospel of Mark Lutheran Dogmatics 1 World Religions in Comparative Perspective Reformation and Society Christianity and the Transformation of Culture Reform and Renuewal in Christian History Christianity in Late Antiquity Lutheran Dogmatics II Liturgical Studies: History of Christian Liturgy - Fall Lutheran Liturgy - Spring Christian Ethics Ethics and Faith 511 Exploration in English Literature 512 Vistorian Literature 3-Nov-14