Regional Development Forum 2008 “Bridging the Standardization Gap in Developing Countries” for the Asia-Pacific Region Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 How to participate in ITU-T standardization work Gary Fishman ITU-T TSAG Chairman Alcatel-Lucent (USA) Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 International Telecommunication Union This Presentation Overview of global standardization activities in ITU-T Bridging the standardization gap How to participate in ITU standardization work Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 International Telecommunication Union 2 Overview of ITU-T work: A high-level overview Network infrastructure Applications/Services Cross-cutting topics New work areas Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 International Telecommunication Union 3 Network Infrastructure Some legacy network work but less and less Access (e.g., xDSL, fiber, FMC) Optical Transport Networks Next Generation, IP-based Networks Some consolidation may take place (e.g., SG6 and SG15?; SG13 and SG19?) Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 International Telecommunication Union 4 Applications/Services IPTV Home Networking Broadcast via cable and other access networks Network aspects of identification systems (including RFID) From/In/To Cars Communication Multi-media Etc. Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 International Telecommunication Union 5 Cross-cutting subjects Quality of Service Security Numbering, naming, addressing Network management OAM Etc. Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 International Telecommunication Union 6 New Areas of Work & Process New areas of work in ITU-T include: ICT and Climate Change Broadband anytime/anywhere/any service Technology-oriented SG structure vs application-oriented SG structure, or a mixture of both Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 International Telecommunication Union 7 Recap: Bridging The Standardization Gap It might be defined as disparities in the ability of developing countries, relative to developed ones, to access, implement, contribute to and influence international ICT standards, specifically ITU Recommendations. (Source: TSB, June 2008) An observation: bridges are usually build from both sides and meet in the middle. Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 International Telecommunication Union 8 Access Recommendations ITU-T You Strong encouragement of Electronic Document Handling (EDH) and Electronic Working Methods (EWM) in ITU-T TSAG has always had an EDH/EWM Working Party FREE downloading of ITU-T Recs Use ITU-T website to see all approved Recs and all Recs undergoing approval procedures See draft Recs in the work program database of each SG Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 Request a TIES account – free to members. This gives access to documentation from the earliest contributions thru approved Recs Examine summaries of Recs to find those of interest Use FREE electronic downloading to access Recs Inform your industry and universities about free online access to ITU-T Recs International Telecommunication Union 9 Implement Recommendations You ITU-T Summaries provided for all Recs Approved Recs are posted within days as “pre-published” Recs Improved announcement and reporting practice for Workshops and Seminars Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 Local decision – use ITU-T Recs or other documents? Some others might not be approved global standards Enquire if your suppliers follow ITU-T Recommendations International Telecommunication 10 Union Contribute to Recommendations You ITU-T Clear rules for submission of contributions and progressing of work All documentation is archived and is remotely accessible Electronic collaborative tools are being trialed and routinely used Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 Download and read contributions, draft Recs and liaisons Provide representatives to meetings Submit contributions to the relevant meetings Volunteer to be a Rapporteur or Editor Offer to host a meeting Establish a company/administration standards process International Telecommunication 11 Union Influence Recommendations You ITU-T ITU-T principles of openness, transparency and due process Consensus-based procedures ensure all points of view are heard Many meetings are electronic Rec development and approval procedures provide equal opportunity for all to contribute to Rec content and approval Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 Build alliances with likeminded members and build relationships with all parties Participate on a regular basis – Be There! Submit additional contributions to the relevant meetings Get standardization training, ITU-T training, language training International Telecommunication 12 Union Recap: The Standardization Development Ladder Bridging the standardization development gap requires a sequence of steps, depending on the level of: economic development local manufacturing capability local R&D capability previous engagement with ITU These steps can be conceptualised in terms of a “Ladder of Standardization Development” Entering proposals at WTSA on future study questions and work programmes Nominating representatives as study group chairs, vice chairs. rapporteurs, focus group chairs etc Giving contributions at Study Groups and related meetings Attracting ITU meetings and/or regional groups (Res 54) Going to Study Groups and related meetings ITU Sector and Associate Membership National training and capacity-building in use of ITU Recommendations Growing usage of ITU Recommendations International Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 Telecommunication 13 Union Steps on the ladder 8 - Entering proposals at WTSA on future study questions and work programmes 7 - Nominating representatives as SG chairs, vicechairs, Rapporteurs, focus group chairs, etc 6 - Giving contributions at SGs and related meetings 5 - Attracting ITU meetings and/or regional groups 4 - Going to SGs and related meetings 3 - ITU Sector Membership and Associate status 2 - National training and capacity-building in use of ITU Recommendations 1 - Growing usage of ITU-T Recommendations Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 International Telecommunication 14 Union Points to consider (1) Where in Global Standardization would you like to be in 5 - 10 years? E.G., Active in all areas Active in some areas Technical leaders, middlemanagement and/or top-level standards management User of International Standards Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 International Telecommunication 15 Union Points to consider (2) Where in Global Standardization would you like to be in 5 - 10 years and why are you not there now? Lack of technical know-how Lack of standards know-how Language issues Financial aspects Lack of interest Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 International Telecommunication 16 Union Points to take-away To Bridge the Standardization Gap, what are the 3 things you should do first? What will you need in your toolkit to move up 2 rungs of the Standardization Development Ladder? Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 International Telecommunication 17 Union Thank you Gary Fishman +1 908 582 4738 Tel +1 732 583 3051 Fax Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 International Telecommunication 18 Union Background material Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 International Telecommunication 19 Union ITU-T Study Groups SG2 Operational aspects of service provision, networks and performance SG3 Tariff and accounting principles including related telecommunication economic and policy issues SG4 Telecommunication management SG5 Protection against electromagnetic environment effects SG6 Outside plant and related indoor installations SG9 Integrated broadband cable networks and television and sound transmission SG11 Signalling requirements and protocols SG12 Performance and quality of service SG13 Next generation networks SG15 Optical & other transport network infrastructures SG16 Multimedia terminals, systems and applications SG17 Security, languages & telecommunic’n software SG19 Mobile telecommunication networks International Hanoi, Vietnam, 15-17(am) September 2008 Telecommunication 20 Union