International Telecommunication Union Evolution to NGN Ghassem Koleyni Nortel Networks ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 Evolution & Revolution ITU-T Evolution (Migration) A gradual process of change and development Abrupt (Revolution) A rapid process of change and development dates ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 2 What is Expected of the Evolution to NGN -I ITU-T o Scalability o Higher reliability and trustworthiness o Higher resiliency o Security o Robustness o Performance o Ubiquity o Simplified authentication and billing dates ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 3 What is Expected of the Evolution to NGN -II ITU-T o Richness in content and application o Common services infrastructure o Simplified service deployment o Higher capacity o Interoperable o Operable between Fixed, Mobile, Copper, Fibre, Wireless……. o Multimedia dates ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 4 What is Expected of the Evolution to NGN -III ITU-T o Mix of traditional circuit switched communication services and IP services o End-to-end interactivity o User control o Affordable To achieve these expectations there is a need for: Compliance of Networks to Sets of Globally Recognized Open Standards dates ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 5 FGNGN Evolution Working Group (WG6) ITU-T Where, at present, sets of drafts on the evolution of PSTN/ISDN to NGN are being produced Our mandate: To prepare a set of standards to drive the evolution of existing networks towards NGN, taking into consideration that there are potentially different approaches. This work is undertaken based on aspect of network evolution and interworking principles. dates ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 6 WG6 Activities ITU-T Evolution of networks to NGN PSTN/ISDN emulation PSTN/ISDN simulation Mixture of emulation and simulation Interworking between PSTN/ISDN and Simulated PSTN/ISDN o Emulation and Simulation when PBXs are involved o o o o o dates ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 7 Evolution of Networks to NGN ITU-T dates Major investment has been made in existing networks. Today’s mix of technologies has produced different life span and thus amortization times for different parts of the networks. Thus, complete replacement of the legacy networks to NGN is neither advisable nor possible. So, a phased approach needs to be considered. ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 8 Note on the following configurations ITU-T o The following are a subset of scenarios presently under discussion in FGNGN. The relationship between the entities identified in the scenarios and those defined in the NGN framework architecture is work in progress o The intent is to use existing protocols to advantage. Protocol extensions or evolution would continue to be handled as they are today. dates ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 9 A Step-by-Step Evolution Scenario I ITU-T UAM UAM AN LE LE PSTN network PBX AN PBX TE TE TE UAM UAM AN LE LE AN PBX UAM UAM AN LE LE PSTN network PBX AN PBX TE TE TE RUAM RUAM AN AN PBX PBX CS AN PBX AN Packet Based Network AG UAM RUAM AG PBX UAM RUAM TG SG voice signaling VoIP BEARER AND SIGNALING TRAFFIC FROM OTHER OPERATOR’S PSTN/ISDN dates ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 10 A Step-by-Step Evolution Scenario II UAM ITU-T UAM AN LE LE PSTN network PBX TE TE AN PBX TE UAM UAM AN LE LE AN PBX PBX UAM UAM PSTN network AN LE TE TE LE AN PBX PBX AN AG SG CS TG Packet Based Network PBX TG AN AG PBX AG CS AN AN AG AG PBX Packet Based Network AN AG PBX AN AG PBX PBX TG SG voice signaling VoIP BEARER AND SIGNALING TRAFFIC FROM OTHER OPERATOR’S PSTN/ISDN dates ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 11 PSTN/ISDN Emulation & Simulation ITU-T Emulation o Provision of PSTN/ISDN service capabilities and interfaces using adaptation to an IP infrastructure. Simulation o Provision of PSTN/ISDN-like service capabilities using session control over IP interfaces and infrastructure dates ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 12 PSTN/ISDN Emulation ITU-T IF IF NGN Originating legacy terminal dates ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 Terminating legacy terminal 13 PSTN/ISDN Simulation ITU-T IF1 IF2 NGN End system dates Originating network IF3 NGN IF4 NGN Originating Originating Transit Subscriber’s network home network IF4 NGN Core Transit network IF3 NGN IF2 NGN IF1 NGN Terminating Terminating Terminating Subscriber’s Transit network home network network ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 End system 14 Combination of PSTN/ISDN Emulation & Simulation ITU-T IFx IFy NGN dates ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 15 Interworking Between PSTN/ISDN and Simulated PSTN/ISDN ITU-T IFx IFy ISDN/PSTN End System dates IF4 NGN Core Transit network IF3 NGN IF2 NGN Terminating Terminating Subscriber’s Transit home network network ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 IF1 NGN Terminating network End System 16 PSTN/ISDN Simulation Involving PBXs ITU-T IF4 NGN PBX dates IF2 IF3 IF2 IF1 NGN NGN NGN NGN Originating network Originating subscriber’ s home network Terminating subscriber’s home network Terminating network ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 17 So, NGN Would Be! ITU-T Multimedia Integrated voice, video and data Ubiquitous Anywhere, Anytime Evolved Network Secure Trustworthy Network Interactive end-to-end dates ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 18 And Finally…. ITU-T The future is an access- and locationindependent, secure, packet-based telecommunications infrastructure that synergistically delivers on maximizing the strengths of both the Internet and the Legacy Infrastructures dates ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 19 List of Acronyms ITU-T dates AG AN CS ISDN LE PBX PSTN QoS RUAM SG TE TG UAM Access Gateway Access Network Call Server Integrated Services Digital Network Local Exchange Private Branch Exchange Public Switched Telephone Network Quality of Service Remote User Access Module Signalling Gateway Transit Exchange Transit Gateway User Access Module ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 20 ITU-T Thank you for your attention dates ITU-T Workshop on NGN (jointly organized with IETF) Geneva, 1-2 May 2005 21