Acta Neuropathol (2010) 120:85–96 DOI 10.1007/s00401-010-0677-y ORIGINAL PAPER Balloon cells in human cortical dysplasia and tuberous sclerosis: isolation of a pathological progenitor-like cell Shireena A. Yasin • Kate Latak • Francesca Becherini • Anita Ganapathi • Khadijah Miller • Oliver Campos • Simon R. Picker • Nelly Bier • Martin Smith • Maria Thom • Glenn Anderson J. Helen Cross • William Harkness • Brian Harding • Thomas S. Jacques • Received: 9 January 2010 / Revised: 19 March 2010 / Accepted: 19 March 2010 / Published online: 30 March 2010 Ó Springer-Verlag 2010 Abstract Neural stem cells are present in the human post-natal brain and are important in the development of brain tumours. However, their contribution to non-neoplastic human disease is less clear. We have tested the hypothesis that malformations of cortical development contain abnormal (pathological) stem cells. Such malformations are a major cause of epilepsy. Two of the most common malformations [focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00401-010-0677-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. S. A. Yasin K. Latak F. Becherini A. Ganapathi K. Miller O. Campos S. R. Picker N. Bier G. Anderson B. Harding T. S. Jacques Department of Histopathology, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JH, UK M. Smith J. Helen Cross Department of Neurology, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JH, UK W. Harkness Department of Neurosurgery, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JH, UK S. A. Yasin K. Latak A. Ganapathi K. Miller O. Campos S. R. Picker T. S. Jacques (&) Neural Development Unit, UCL-Institute of Child Health, 30 Guilford Street, London WC1N 1EH, UK e-mail: J. Helen Cross B. Harding The Neuroscience Unit, UCL-Institute of Child Health, 30 Guilford Street, London WC1N 1EH, UK M. Thom UCL-Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK and cortical tubers] are characterised by the presence of a population of abnormal cells known as balloon cells. The identity of these cells is unknown but one hypothesis is that they are an abnormal stem cell that contributes to the pathogenesis of the malformation. We have characterised in tissue, and isolated in culture, an undifferentiated population of balloon cells from surgical resections of FCD and cortical tubers. We show that b1-integrin labels a subpopulation of balloon cells with a stem cell phenotype and show for the first time that these cells can be isolated in vitro. We have characterised the immunohistochemical, morphological and ultrastructural features of these cells. This is the first isolation of an abnormal cell with features of a progenitor/stem cell from a non-neoplastic disease of the brain. Keywords Cortical dysplasia Tuberous sclerosis Stem cell Progenitor cell Epilepsy Introduction Neural stem cells are present in the human brain throughout life and abnormal (pathological) stem cells are present within tumours and drive tumour formation (e.g. [7, 14, 20]). Normal endogenous neural stem cells respond to a wide variety of insults in the brain [14]. However, an abnormal stem or progenitor cell has not been isolated from a non-neoplastic disease in humans. Malformations of cortical development are an important cause of drug-resistant epilepsy and are the most common structural cause of epilepsy in young children [4]. The most frequent type is focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) [4], which is characterised by focal abnormalities of cortical cytology and architecture. Children with this disease 123 86 develop frequent seizures often during infancy. Treatment with anti-epileptic drugs is usually ineffective and the children may require surgical removal of the affected part of the brain. FCD also represents a unique opportunity to study the mechanisms of cortical development in humans. However, the pathogenesis of FCD is not understood. The commonest form of FCD in children is FCD Type IIb [15], a form that contains a unique population of abnormal cells known as balloon cells. Balloon cells are so named because of their characteristic ‘‘balloon-like’’ enlarged cytoplasm. They are morphologically indistinguishable from the giant cells seen in the cortical pathology (cortical tubers) of tuberous sclerosis (TSC). For clarity the term ‘balloon cell’ is used here for both cell populations [24]. The identity and origin of these cells in FCD and TSC is unknown. A common view is that these cells are glia or neurones and this has been supported by a large number of studies indicating that subsets of these cells express markers of differentiated cells in vivo including Neurofilament, NeuN, TuJ1, glutamate receptors and GFAP [23]. However, some balloon cells express stem cell/progenitorrelated markers (CD133, CD34 and Nestin) in paraffin tissue sections [22, 23, 26]. However, the results of these studies have been varied in the number of positive cells that are present with several reports identifying a very small population of positive cells. These discrepancies may represent heterogeneity of the cells. We hypothesised that there is a population of balloon cells that are abnormal progenitor cells. In the first part of this paper we demonstrate that this population can be identified by the expression of b1 integrin and in the second part, we describe the isolation and characterisation of this population in vitro. Materials and methods Acta Neuropathol (2010) 120:85–96 clinical features of cases used for balloon cell culture are given in Supplementary material 1. Immunohistochemical staining of paraffin sections Paraffin-embedded sections were cut at 4–7 lm, dewaxed in xylene (10 min), rehydrated through a graded alcohol series, blocked in hydrogen peroxide (10% hydrogen peroxide in PBS) and then rinsed in distilled water. Antigen retrieval was performed either by proteinase digestion (0.02% bacterial proteinase type XXIV at 37°C) [b1 integrin (1:50, SC-9970, Santa Cruz)-10 min, and GFAP (1:1,000, DAKO)-5 min] or by pressure cooking in either EDTA-citrate buffer pH 6.2 [ILK (1:500, Chemicon), pAKT (1:50), p4E-BP1 (1:400) pS6 (1:100) (all from Cell Signalling Technology), MCM2 (1:900 BM28, BD Biosciences), Neurofilament (1:120, ICN Pharmaceuticals), RT97 (1:50, Novocastra), CD34 (1:500, DAKO), Ki67 (1:100, DAKO), aV integrin (1:50, SC9969, Santa Cruz), SOX2 (1:1000, Chemicon), Nestin (1:100, Chemicon), Vimentin (1:200, DAKO) and Musashi-1 (1:250, a kind gift from Professor Hideyuki Okano, Keio University School of Medicine, Japan)] or pH 9.6 (CD133, 1:25, Miltenyi Biotec AC133). Sections were first pre-blocked with 3% BSA for 1 h. Primary antibodies were incubated at room temperature for 60 min. Detection was performed with DAKO Chemmate Envision kit (b1 integrin, ILK, pAKT, RT97, CD34, Ki67, aV integrin), DAKO REAL Envision kit (SOX2, CD133, Vimentin, MCM2, p4E-BP1 and pS6), Vectorstain ABC kit and 0.5% diaminobenzidine for 5 min (Musashi-1) or by extravidin biotin-peroxidase (Nestin, GFAP and Neurofilament). The sections were counterstained with Mayer’s haematoxylin. For immunofluorescence, detection was performed using TSA (Tyramide Signal Amplification) plus Fluorescence system [PerkinElmer LAS Ltd Buckinghamshire (UK)]. Subjects Enzyme histochemistry All subjects had been referred to the supra-regional service for complex epilepsy. Minimum investigations included prolonged video-EEG recordings, epilepsy protocol brain MRI, and psychometric and psychiatric assessments. Many subjects were also investigated using SPECT, PET and invasive EEG monitoring. All cases were evaluated by a multi-disciplinary team including paediatric specialists in epilepsy, neurosurgery, neuroradiology, neurophysiology, psychiatry and psychology to thoroughly evaluate the likelihood of success in achieving seizure control, risk of possible adverse events including new neurological morbidity, and also to understand the child’s and family’s perspective on the aims of surgery. Summaries of the 123 Cytochrome oxidase (COX) 10 lm thick cryostat sections of fresh frozen tissue were incubated in the following solution: 3,30 -diaminobenzidine, tetrahydrochloride (DAB) (BDH, 0.5 mg/ml), Catalase (BDH, 20 lg/ml), Cytochrome C (type III Sigma, 1 mg/ ml), 0.05 M phosphate buffer pH 7.4, for 1 h at 37°C. Sections were then rinsed with tap water then incubated in 1% osmium tetroxide (Johnson Mathey) for 10 min. Sections were then counterstained lightly with Carazzi haematoxylin then dehydrated, cleared and mounted in DPX (BDH). Acta Neuropathol (2010) 120:85–96 NADH-TR 10 lm thick sections were incubated in analar acetone (BDH) for 5 min at 4°C to de-fat sections, then rapidly dried using compressed air. Sections were then incubated in the following solution for 2 h at 37°C: MTT 1 mg/ml (Sigma), Tris–HCL 0.05 M pH 7.4 (BDH), cobalt chloride 0.5 M (BDH), NADH 2 mg/ml (BDH), in distilled water pH 7.8. Sections were rinsed with tap water then mounted in Aquatex (BDH). Morphometry and statistics A systematic random sampling technique was used to identify fields of view as we and others have previously described [6]. In brief, the first field of view is sampled on a grid at random position and subsequent fields of view are sampled at a fixed distance from the first field (the distance determined for the total surface area and the total number of fields to be sampled). The number of fields of view required to obtain a stable running mean was used to determine the number of fields sampled. Balloon cells were identified using standard morphological criteria and counting was performed using the forbidden line rule. Adjacent sections were stained for b1 integrin and for GFAP, Nestin, Neurofilament, RT97, CD34 or Ki67. The fields of view were aligned using medium-sized vessels and the same balloon cells were identified on adjacent sections. Less than 5% of cells were uninformative due to not being identifiable on both sections. Cell culture Fresh surgical resections were sampled for areas of macroscopic abnormality or from regions of the grey–white matter junction and collected in Minimal Essential Medium (Sigma). Tissue was dissociated using the Papain Dissociation System (Worthington Biochemical Corporation, NJ). At the end of dissociation, the cells were either re-suspended and frozen in 10% DMSO in fetal bovine serum, or were cultured in a defined medium [DMEM/F12 (Sigma) containing B27 supplement (Invitrogen), 100 units/ml penicillin and 0.1 mg/ml streptomycin (Sigma), 20 ng/ml FGF2 and 20 ng/ml EGF (Peprotech) in uncoated tissue culture flasks (TPP)] at 37°C in 5% CO2. In each case, a small piece of tissue was sampled from the region immediately adjacent to that sampled for culture, and this piece was formalin fixed and paraffin embedded. Live cell staining Following thawing, the viability of cultured cells was assessed by their ability to exclude propidium iodide (PI, Sigma 5 lg/ml in media) and by staining of the nuclei for 87 Hoechst 33342 (Cambrex Bioscience, 10 lg/ml in media). The mitochondria of balloon cells were labelled by incubating them in MitoTracker dye (200 nM in media, Molecular Probes) for 15 min at 37°C. Cells were then washed and re-suspended in fresh culture media. BrdU incorporation Thawed cells were allowed to settle overnight at 37°C. They were either plated the day after thawing onto 5 lg/ml poly-D-lysine-coated 1 N HCL-treated 13 mm coverslips or kept in suspension. The plated cells were then pulsed every 2 days for 9 days with 10 lL BrdU (Roche) and either 0.5 lg/ml rapamycin (Autogen Bioclear) or 1% FBS. The cells in suspension were kept in defined media (see above) and were pulsed every 2 days with BrdU and then plated onto coverslips following 10 days. The coverslips were washed with PBS and incubated with 400 ll cold methanol at -20°C for 1 min then washed again with PBS. Cells were then incubated in blocking solution containing 10% sheep serum, 0.1% Triton X-100 and 10 lg/ml DNaseI (Roche) for 1 h at room temperature. They were then incubated with anti-BrdU antibody (1:500, Abcam) diluted in 1% sheep serum/PBS overnight at 4°C. Immunocytochemistry on cultured cells Cultured cells were plated following 1 or 7 days in vitro (DIV) onto 5 lg/ml poly-D-lysine-coated 1 N HCL-treated 13 mm coverslips for 3 h and then fixed (4% paraformaldehyde for 15 min at room temperature). Coverslips were washed with PBS and incubated in 10% sheep serum in PBS containing 0.1% Triton X-100 for 1 h. They were then incubated with primary antibodies diluted in 1% sheep serum/PBS overnight at 4°C. Primary antibodies used were: Nestin (1:2,000, Chemicon), Musashi-1 (1:250, a kind gift from Professor Hideyuki Okano, Keio University School of Medicine, Japan), SOX2 (1:200 Chemicon), CD133 (1:200, Abcam), Vimentin (1:200, DAKO), b1 integrin (1:100, Santa Cruz SC-9970), Neurofilament (1:200, ICN Pharmaceuticals) and GFAP (1:600, DAKO). The following day, coverslips were incubated with either, anti-mouse, rabbit or rat Alexa secondary antibodies (1:400, Molecular Probes) for 1.5 h at room temperature. They were washed with PBS and mounted in Prolong Gold Anti-Fade reagent containing DAPI (Molecular Probes). Cells for MCM2 staining were fixed with 50/50 cold methanol/ethanol at -20°C for 10 min. Coverslips were then washed with PBS and incubated in 10% sheep serum in PBS containing 0.1% Triton X-100 for 1 h. Cells were then incubated with anti-MCM2 antibody (1:100, BM28, BD Biosciences) diluted in 1% sheep serum/PBS overnight at 4°C. Secondary antibodies were as above. 123 88 Transmission electron microscopy Cultured balloon cells were plated onto 5 lg/ml poly-Dlysine-coated eight-well glass chamber slides (Lab TekII, Nalgene Nunc) in a 100 ll drop of media and incubated at 37°C for 1 h. The culture media was topped up to 400 ll per well and cells incubated for another hour at 37°C. Cells were fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde, 0.1 M sodium cacodylate, 5 mM calcium chloride pH 7.4 and processed for resin embedding. Results An undifferentiated balloon cell can be identified in vivo by expression of b1 integrin In common with previous reports, we found that balloon cells express neural stem cell markers, e.g. Nestin and Fig. 1 Balloon cells express the neural stem/progenitor cell markers, SOX2 (a), CD133 (b), Musashi (Msi-1) (c) and b1-integrin (d, e). b1 integrin was not detectable in normally formed neocortex (NCx, f), cortex with polymicrogyria (PMG, g) or FCD lacking balloon cells 123 Acta Neuropathol (2010) 120:85–96 CD133 [6, 8]. In addition, we found expression of the progenitor/stem cell markers, SOX2, Musashi-1 and b1 integrin (Fig. 1a–e; Supplementary material 2). We focused on the b1 integrin subunit because it is expressed at higher levels on normal neural stem cells compared to more committed cells, it has an important role in regulating normal neural stem cell behaviour and it is essential for normal cortical development [4, 9, 10, 12, 16]. We found positive staining for b1 integrin in FCD with balloon cells (FCDIIb; n = 10 cases) and tuberous sclerosis (TSC n = 8 cases). Immunoreactivity was limited to balloon cells and the surrounding neuropil, and was expressed on 87.43% of balloon cells in FCD (±1.15%, 95% confidence interval, 3 cases). b1 integrin did not stain normal neurones, glial cells, dysplastic/dysmorphic neurones or giant neurones in the surrounding tissue. Positive staining of non-parenchymal tissues (endothelium, vascular smooth muscle and meningothelial cells) was seen in most cases. (FCDIIa, h). Balloon cells in both FCD (i, j) and TSC (k, l) express the integrin-linked kinase (ILK, i, k) and the phosphorylated form of one of its downstream targets (AKT) (pAKT j, l). Scale bar 25 lm Acta Neuropathol (2010) 120:85–96 In contrast, cerebral cortex from patients with histologically confirmed hippocampal sclerosis but no cortical dysplasia (n = 5) (Fig. 1f), polymicrogyria (n = 5) (Fig. 1g) and patients with cortical dysplasia without balloon cells (FCDIIa: n = 9, FCDIa: n = 2, MCD: n = 2) (Fig. 1h) were negative for parenchymal b1 integrin staining. Interestingly, a variable degree of weaker fibrillary staining was seen in a subpial pattern in all cases (irrespective of diagnosis) and which appeared to correspond with the subpial (Chaslin’s) gliosis, commonly seen in patients with longstanding epilepsy. We conclude that b1 integrin expression is a useful and specific marker of balloon cells. High levels of b1 expression are associated with undifferentiated stem cells [4, 10] and therefore we hypothesised that b1-expressing balloon cells may represent an undifferentiated subset of balloon cells. In order to test this hypothesis, we stained adjacent sections for b1integrin and for various differentiation markers. We found that none of the b1-positive balloon cells expressed the neuronal marker, Neurofilament and only a very small proportion of b1-positive cells stained for the glial marker GFAP (3.1%) (Fig. 2; Supplementary material 3). In contrast, nearly half of b1-negative balloon cells expressed GFAP (45.5%) (Supplementary material 3, P \ 0.05, v2 interactions between b1 expression and all differentiation markers, 3 independent cases of FCD). These data confirm that b1 integrin is a marker of a balloon cell and does not identify reactive glia or neurones in paraffin sections. It also supports the hypothesis that the b1positive cells are an undifferentiated subset of balloon cells. If integrin expression is of functional significance in balloon cells, we would predict that additional components of integrin signalling pathways would be present in balloon cells. Indeed, we found that balloon cells expressed the integrin-related signalling molecule, integrin-linked kinase (ILK) (Fig. 1i, k). One of the downstream targets of ILK is the Serine473 residue of AKT [16], a serine/threonine kinase that is part of the mTOR pathway [1, 8, 12, 19]. Indeed, balloon cells in FCD and giant cells in TSC showed immunoreactivity for the phosphorylated (Ser473) form of AKT (Fig. 1j, l) in keeping with previous reports [19]. AKT is a part of pathway that connects the insulin growth factor receptor, AKT, the TSC gene products (tuberin and hamartin) and mTOR. This pathway has been implicated in FCD and TSC by a number of studies [1, 8, 12, 19] (see also below). Our data indicate that balloon cells contain the necessary components to link integrin signalling to this established aberrant pathway. While this does not reveal the function of the integrin signalling pathway, it does indicate that integrins are good candidate molecules for regulating balloon cells. 89 Fig. 2 b1-integrin positive balloon cells lack markers of mature neurones or glial cells. The left-hand panel (a, c, e, g) shows immunohistochemistry for b1-integrin. The right-hand panel shows an adjacent section from the same region stained for lineage markers; Nestin (b), GFAP (d), Neurofilament (f cocktail, h RT97). Arrows in a, c, e and g indicate b1 integrin positive balloon cells, the corresponding balloon cell expressing Nestin (b), or negative for GFAP, NF or RT-97 (d, f, h, respectively). Scale bar 25 lm Patterns of integrin expression distinguish subsets of balloon cells in FCD from those in tuberous sclerosis The b1 integrin subunit forms the greatest number of different integrin dimers [9]. In order to determine the specificity of this expression pattern in balloon cells, we also examined the aV integrin subunit, which forms the second largest family of integrin dimers. In contrast to b1 integrin expression, the aV integrin subunit was expressed only in cases of cortical tuber (5 out of 8 cases) and in no cases of FCDIIb (n = 10, P \ 0.01 Fisher’s exact test) (Fig. 3). The aV integrin subunit was expressed only on a small subpopulation of balloon cells in TSC and staining of adjacent sections showed that [80% of aV-positive balloon cells were positive for b1 integrin. These results suggest that the pattern of integrin subunit expression 123 90 Acta Neuropathol (2010) 120:85–96 Fig. 3 Expression of aV integrin differentiates FCD (b) from cortical tubers (d). a, c The adjacent section stained for b1 integrin. A small proportion of balloon cells in cortical tubers express aV integrin (5 out of 8 cases) but no balloon cells express aV integrin in FCD (0 out of 10 cases) (P \ 0.001 Fisher’s exact test). Scale bar 50 lm identifies different subtypes of balloon cell in the two diseases. aV integrin expression varied within cases and between cases but there was no clear anatomical distribution either within the resections or by cerebral lobe. In the aV-rich areas, the proportion of balloon cells that were aV-positive varied from 7.2 to 54.2% of the balloon cells (n = 3 cases, mean = 26.7%, mean ratio of aV-positive to b1-positive cells = 0.35). Therefore, it is likely that there is a wide distribution of aV expression rather distinct subtypes of TSC. Balloon cells can be isolated in culture We hypothesised that if there is an undifferentiated balloon cell population then it may be possible to isolate them in culture in a manner analogous to normal neural progenitor or stem cells. To test this hypothesis, we grew cells from a range of epilepsy-associated lesions in culture conditions that promote the survival of progenitor or stem cells. A population of large (typically in excess of 25 lm) freefloating cells could be isolated from cases of FCD with balloon cells (FCDIIb) and from cortical tubers (TSC) but not from normally formed cortex, polymicrogyria or cortical dysplasia lacking balloon cells (Fig. 4; Supplementary materials 4, 5). Although occasional populations of small adherent cells were present in some FCD cultures, these were not a substantial or reproducible feature and when 123 they were present they could be separated from the large cells, as the latter were free floating in the media. These large cells survived in culture for up to 4 weeks. By timelapse microscopy, the cells appeared to be highly motile and dynamic—undergoing cycles of attachment and detachment from each other and occasionally extending processes onto the underlying substrate (Supplementary material 5). Such large cells were only grown from cases with a confirmed histological diagnosis of FCDIIb or TSC (n = 10 out of 12 cases) but were never grown from cortex or white matter with other diagnoses (n = 43) or from forms of cortical dysplasia lacking balloon cells (n = 10). We have not noted a difference in the cultures between balloon cells derived from FCD and from TSC. When the tissue was sampled for culture, a small portion of the adjacent tissue was processed for paraffin histology. There was a very close correlation between the presence of balloon cells in the adjacent paraffin histology and the presence of the large cells in the cultures (Fisher’s exact test P \ 0.001) (Supplementary material 6). For this technique to be a useful experimental protocol, we needed to be able to store cultured cells for future experiments. Therefore, isolated cells were frozen at the time of dissociation. Notably, these cells were viable following thawing and could be maintained in culture for at least 1 week (Fig. 4b). The viability of thawed cells after a week in culture ranged from 43 to 61% (Fig. 4c), and was Acta Neuropathol (2010) 120:85–96 91 that the mean number of balloon cells obtained per case was 527 [mean ± 246 (95% confidence interval) at 1 day]. The cultured balloon cells are the b1-positive undifferentiated cell population In order to confirm the identity of the isolated cells, we investigated the immunophenotype of the thawed isolated cells using a panel of markers. We found that following 1 day in culture, all isolated balloon cells expressed b1 integrin, Nestin, SOX2, Vimentin and Musashi-1, while the majority of cells expressed CD133 (88%) (total number of cells stained: 125 cells from 4 cases; Fig. 5; Supplementary material 7). Very few cells, however, stained for GFAP (15%) and none stained for markers of mature neurones (Neurofilament). A similar progenitor cell phenotype was retained following a week in culture; all cells expressed Nestin, Vimentin and CD133, 80% of cells expressed SOX2 and 71% of cells expressed Musashi-1. Interestingly, the number of balloon cells expressing b1 integrin was reduced at this stage to just 27% (total number of stained cells: 94 from 3 cases; Supplementary materials 7, 8). In preliminary experiments, the cells remain undifferentiated under a range of culture conditions (including serum and rapamycin) (data not shown). These data confirm that the large cultured cells have the same phenotype as a balloon cell and suggest that the cultured cells are enriched for the undifferentiated b1-positive balloon cells identified in vivo. Cultured balloon cells express cell cycle markers Fig. 4 Balloon cells can be isolated in culture. a Phase image of cultured balloon cell from a primary culture. b Cultured balloon cells after 7 days in vitro after thawing. The cell is stained with Hoechst (blue) but excludes propidium iodide (red). There is no other significant cellular component to the culture. The debris between the cells is acellular as demonstrated by the lack of staining for either nuclear stain and in electron microscopy has the features of myelin fragments. Scale bar 50 lm. c Quantification of the number of viable balloon cells from three separate cases 1 and 7 days in vitro (DIV) after thawing. The y-axis represents the number of cells/well (2 ml) demonstrated by their ability to exclude the dye, propidium iodide (PI) and by their nuclear staining for Hoechst 33342. In addition, using these assays, we were able to estimate The phenotype of balloon cells in culture is that of a progenitor or stem cell and this raises the possibility that they undergo cell proliferation. Several previous studies have indicated that balloon cells in tissue sections express a large range of markers of cell proliferation [21, 22]. In keeping with these previous reports, we found that many balloon cells in vivo express the cell cycle marker, MCM2 (n = 5 cases; Fig. 6d). We also found that a proportion of balloon cells in vitro express MCM2 (28%) (Fig. 6a–c). MCM2 is necessary to initiate DNA replication at the beginning of S-phase and has been suggested to be a sensitive marker of the cell cycle in balloon cells [22]. However, notably the cultures did not expand significantly over time. In principle, this may either indicate a very slow rate of cell cycle progression (as has been described in normal and tumour stem cells [13]) or may indicate that there is an abnormality of cell cycle progression. Based on the pattern of cell cycle markers expressed in vivo, Thom et al. [21] have hypothesised that balloon cells may be arrested in G1. In our cell culture model, we tested this possibility by investigating whether the cells can progress 123 92 Acta Neuropathol (2010) 120:85–96 Fig. 5 a Cultured balloon cells express markers of stem cells or progenitor cells. Each row represents a single balloon cell stained by immunofluorescence (IF) with a single marker. All images are confocal images except for vimentin, which is a projected z-stack. b Quantification of the percentage of balloon cells positive for a range of markers (data represent three separate cases). Scale bar 25 lm through S-phase. We pulsed cultured balloon cells with BrdU every 2 days for 9–10 days in the presence of EGF and bFGF (known stem cell mitogens) and also in the presence of serum or the mTOR inhibitor, rapamycin. No balloon cells (0/60) were labelled with BrdU under these 123 circumstances suggesting that although the cells retain immunophenotypic evidence of being in the cell cycle, they do not undergo significant DNA synthesis. This is in keeping with the hypothesis that they do not pass from G1 into S-phase. While we cannot exclude the possibility that Acta Neuropathol (2010) 120:85–96 93 Fig. 6 a–c Balloon cells in culture express the cell cycle maker MCM2. The image shows a single balloon cell in culture stained with MCM2 and DAPI. Scale bar 10 lm. d Expression of MCM2 in balloon cells in vivo. Scale bar 20 lm Fig. 7 Balloon cells show activation of mTOR. Immunohistochemistry for phospho-specific epitopes of S6 (a, b) and 4E-BP-1 (c, d) shows reactivity in balloon cells in both FCDIIb (a, c) and TSC (b, d). In FCDIIb, p4E-BP1 expression is more focal and more variable than TSC. Scale bar 50 lm an unidentified additional growth factor is required to drive proliferation, this seems less likely given the range of conditions tested and the in vivo data that support a cell cycle arrest. Cultured balloon cells are characterised by accumulation of intermediate filaments and mitochondria While all the cells were positive for progenitor cell markers, some of the cytoplasmic markers (e.g. Nestin) were more concentrated at the periphery of the cells suggesting that other structures are present within the cells. Given that several studies have indicated that FCD is associated with activation of mTOR, a key regulator of mitochondrial synthesis and inhibitor of mitophagy, we considered the possibility that the cells had accumulated mitochondria. To confirm that mTOR is active in balloon cells, we stained for two downstream markers of mTOR activity phosphorylated S6 (pS6) and 4E-BP1 (p4E-BP1). In keeping with previous studies, we found that balloon cells in FCD and tuberous sclerosis showed extensive staining for pS6 (n = 5 cases of FCDIIb and 5 cases of TSC) [1, 8, 12, 18]. We found that p4E-BP1 was present in balloon cells in both diseases but that was more focal and less intense in FCDIIb than TSC (Fig. 7). This is in keeping with previous studies showing different patterns of mTOR activity in FCDIIb and TSC including one study that failed to demonstrate 4E-BP1 in FCDIIb [1]. Taken together with the published literature, our data support a role for mTOR activity in FCDIIb and TSC. 123 94 Acta Neuropathol (2010) 120:85–96 mitochondria (e.g. do they have features of mitochondrial cytopathy, e.g. enlarged, disorganised cristae or inclusions) and to confirm the undifferentiated phenotype of the cells. The cells contained abundant intermediate filaments (in keeping with the results of the immunohistochemistry) and frequent mitochondria. In addition, there were scattered vacuoles. The mitochondria lacked features of pathological mitochondria (i.e. no inclusions or abnormal architecture). Importantly, the cultured cells lacked the ultrastructure features of differentiated cells, e.g. neuro-secretory granules (or other evidence of synaptic differentiation). Discussion Fig. 8 Balloon cells contain numerous mitochondria and intermediate filaments. a, b Cultured balloon cell labelled with mitotracker (a phase image, b mitotracker). c, d Tissue sections of balloon cells following histochemistry for mitochondrial enzymes, cytochrome oxidase (c) or NADH-TR (d). In the tissue sections, the balloon cells showed intense staining above the background glial tissue and neuropil. e, f Transmission electron microscopy of cultured balloon cells confirms the presence of normally formed mitochondria (e) and abundant intermediate filaments (f). Scale bar 25 lm To test the hypothesis that balloon cells accumulate mitochondria, we undertook live labelling of cultured cells with the mitochondrial marker MitoTracker. We found intense central staining in the majority of cultured cells with the typical morphological features of balloon cells (including enlarged cytoplasm and occasional binucleation; Fig. 8a, b; Supplementary material 9). To confirm that balloon cells in vivo showed a similar accumulation, we undertook histochemistry for the mitochondrial enzymes NADH-TR reductase and cytochrome oxidase on histological sections of intact tissue. We found intense staining of balloon cells in vivo in contrast to the surrounding glial cells or neuropil, confirming the balloon cells contain abundant mitochondria (Fig. 8c, d). Finally, we undertook electron microscopy on cultured cells (Fig. 8e, f). The purpose of the electron microscopy was to confirm the accumulation of mitochondria, to test whether these were normal 123 We have described the identification, isolation and characterisation of a pathological cell with the phenotype of a progenitor cell/stem cell from a common malformation of cortical development in children. This extends the observation of normal stem cells isolated from post-natal brains and the isolation of tumour stem cells from a wide range of central nervous system tumours [14, 20]. While a number of previous studies have suggested that there may be pathological progenitor cells in the malformed brain [22, 23], one limit to progress in this field has been the absence of a way to isolate these cells in culture. Furthermore, no animal models have been described that recapitulate balloon cells [25]. Therefore, there have been no models in which the biology of these cells can be dissected in a mechanistic way. Our protocol indicates that this balloon cell can be isolated and maintained in an undifferentiated state in culture and can be stored (frozen) and recovered. This provides an opportunity to study the biology of these cells and their contribution to the phenotype of the disease using a reductive experimental model. We believe that the cells that we have isolated are a subpopulation of balloon cells. The cells could only be isolated from cases containing balloon cells and there was a close relationship between the presence of balloon cells in the adjacent tissue and balloon cells seen in culture. The morphology of the cultured cells is characterised by large amounts of cytoplasm and eccentrically placed often multiple nuclei, features identical to those of balloon cells in vivo. The immunophenotype, particularly taken in conjunction with the ultrastructural findings, argues very strongly against a more differentiated cell. These features taken together argue that the cells isolated in culture are a population of balloon cells and effectively exclude the possibility that they are one of the other populations of large cells that might be seen in such cases (e.g. hyperplastic astrocytes or neurones). Several lines of evidence indicate that these cultured cells are closely related to progenitor cells or stem cells. Acta Neuropathol (2010) 120:85–96 First, the cells express five different markers of progenitor cells and stem cells including a number (e.g. CD133) considered of high specificity for stem cells. Second, we have excluded the possibility that these cells are related to an alternative (differentiated) cell by both immunophenotyping and ultrastructural examination. Finally, as predicted by previous studies, these cells remain in the cell cycle as indicated by the expression of MCM2 in our study and a much larger range of markers in previous histological studies [21, 22]. Our data indicate that b1 integrin is a marker of a relatively homogeneous population of balloon cells with an undifferentiated (progenitor-like) phenotype that can be isolated in culture. Many previous studies have emphasised that balloon cells may show a differentiated phenotype characterised by mature markers such as Neurofilament, NeuN and TuJ1 and many others have regarded them as aberrant glial cells [22, 26]. In contrast, there are a number of expression studies that have found the expression of progenitor cell/stem cell markers in a population of balloon cells [22, 23, 26]. Much of this variability in the published literature is likely to arise due to an intrinsic heterogeneity in the balloon cell population and better markers of subtypes of balloon cells are required to explore this possibility. The selectivity of our culture system for undifferentiated balloon cells may be a result of using culture conditions known to promote the survival of progenitor and stem cells [5]. b1 integrin is an intriguing marker of these undifferentiated balloon cells for a number of reasons. It has been shown to mark a population of stem cells in mice and in humans and is necessary for proliferation of stem cells in culture [4, 10, 12, 16]. It is also expressed in other progenitors such as glial progenitors [11]. Furthermore, deletion of b1 integrin in the developing mouse cortex produces a malformation of cortical development [9] raising the possibility that b1 integrin expression in FCD may be important in the pathogenesis of this malformation. Although previous reports and our data indicate that balloon cells remain in the cell cycle, we were unable to demonstrate significant DNA synthesis despite labelling for up to 10 days with BrdU. This could be explained in two ways. The first is that the cells do undergo proliferation but at an extremely low rate. This would be in keeping with normal stem cells and tumour stem cells, both populations of which are distinguished from more differentiated progenitor cells by a relatively slow rate of proliferation (see, e.g. [13]). The alternative explanation, which we favour, is that there is a specific defect in the cells that prevents passage from G1 to S-phase of the cell cycle. This possibility is supported both by our data that indicates that none of the cultured cells passed through S-phase after 9 days in culture and by the observations of Thom et al. [21] who 95 Fig. 9 Four possible/hypothesised models of how balloon cells (BC) contribute to the pathology of focal cortical dysplasia (FCD). The models in the upper part of the panel represent scenarios in which BCs are directly contributing or casual to the development of the dysplastic cortex of FCD lesions. In the top left, neuronal stem cells (NSC) or progenitor cells give rise to BC, which directly lead to the development of the dysplastic cortex of FCD. The top right differs in that BCs directly influence NSC or progenitor cells in a non-cell autonomous fashion leading to the development of dysplastic cortex. The models in the lower part of the figure represent scenarios in which BC are an independent associated feature of FCD. In the bottom left, the dysplastic cortex has arisen independently and prior to the advent of BCs but then directly induces NSC or progenitor cells to form BCs. In the bottom right, NSC or progenitor cells directly form both the dysplastic cortex and BCs but these two phenomena are independent of each other found that balloon cells in tissue sections frequently express markers of G1 but rarely express markers of later phases of the cell cycle (in particular G2). This is an intriguing hypothesis as it raises the possibility that the development of the disease is caused by a specific cell cycle defect arising in a progenitor cell population. It is notable that so far we have not been able to drive differentiation in these cells. However, this is not surprising as differentiation in stem cell populations is closely dependent on cell division [3]. It is notable that the phenotype of these balloon cells is characterised by the accumulation of large amounts of 123 96 Acta Neuropathol (2010) 120:85–96 intermediate filament and mitochondria. The best characterised signalling abnormality in cortical dysplasia is the over activation of mTOR [1, 8, 12, 19]. Amongst mTOR’s major functions is inhibition of autophagy, promoting protein translation and promoting mitochondrial biosynthesis [2, 10, 17]. A tempting hypothesis is that failure to inhibit mTOR activity in normal neural stem cells leads to accumulation of filaments and mitochondria and this may lead to the abnormalities of cell size, division and differentiation. It has not been possible previously to explore the contribution of balloon cells to the development of FCD due to the lack of an animal model containing balloon cells and no method to isolate the cells from humans. We put forward four possible models by which balloon cells are implicated in the pathologies of FCDIIb and TS (Fig. 9). In the upper part of the panel, balloon cells are directly causative in the development of a dysplastic cortex either by differentiation or in a non-cell autonomous manner. In the lower panel, balloon cells arise either directly as abnormalities in a normal stem cell or may be induced from a normal stem cell by factors in the dysplastic cortex. The in vitro isolation of balloon cells represents the first reductive model in which such a mechanism can be tested. In particular, we now have the potential to co-culture these cells with other key cells types (glial cells, normal progenitor cells or oragnotypic cultures of dysplastic or normal cortex) to determine their potential contribution to the disease. Acknowledgments The Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity and the Pathological Society of Great Britain have funded this research. 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