Monday, 27 June Room 1 Room 2 Registration and Coffee 8:00 ‐ 8:30 Welcome Session Opening Remarks 8:30 ‐ 9:00 Mintel ARCOTEL ITU OEA TECHNICAL TALKS HIGH LEVEL TALKS Session 1A: OAS ‐ Diego Subero 9:00 ‐ 09:45 Session 1B and 2B: ITC ‐ Eduardo James Carozo Blumsztein Information Security and Internet of Things Scenario on taking decision under cybersecurity national attack Session 2A: OAS ‐ Diego Subero 09:45 ‐ 10:30 ¿Is effective the risk mitigation on financial services? Coffee Break 10:30 ‐ 11:00 11:00 ‐ 11:45 11:45 ‐ 12:30 Session 3A: SILENSEC Session 3B: OAS ‐ Belisario Contreras / Gonzalo Garcia‐Belenguer The current way of distribution of Remote Access Trojans (RATs) ‐ Compiling and preserving the Digital Evidence to ensure the chain of custody Tendencies on Cybersecurity in Latin America and the Caribbean and the answer from the governments Session 4A: ISOC ‐ Shernon Oserpa Session 4B: ITU ‐ INTELLIUM When doing a internet transaction, Is SSL secure? ‐ The cost to have our information on the cloud. Does it include the necessary security? National Cybersecurity Strategy ‐ Toolkit Lunch Break 12:30 ‐ 14:00 Session 5A: Session 5B: EcuCERT Introduction to digital forensic analysis for CIRT/CERT ¿When my company needs Ethical Hacking? Techniques of intrusion Session 6A: LACNIC ‐ Graciela Martinez Session 6B: Cybersecurity and directed attacks, the new hazards APT (advance persistent threats) ‐‐‐‐‐ (Warning Advice and Reporting Point (WARP)) Smart Cities and Cybersecurity at the hotspots 14:00 ‐ 14:40 14:40 ‐ 15:20 Coffee Break 15:20 ‐ 15:40 Session 7A: ICANN ‐ Dave Piscitello Session 7B: Attacks against the DNS and DNS monitoring and countermeasures Business Recovery and Continuity facing the risk of system interruption Session 8A: ITC ‐ Eduardo James Carozo Blumsztein Session 8B: LACNIC ‐ Graciela Martinez Internal structure of a CSIRT ‐ Cooperation between CSIRT’s towards reverse engineering malware (REM) IPV6 deployment and the cybersecurity aspects to be considered Session 9A: ITC Session 9B: ICANN ‐ Dave Piscitello Inident managing with Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) Evolving threat landscape, how we deal with this today in private/public sector partnerships 15:40 ‐ 16:20 16:20 ‐ 17:00 17:00 ‐ 17:30 18:00 ‐20:00 * To be confirmed Social Activity Tuesday 28 June Room 1 Room 2 Registration and Coffee 8:00 ‐ 8:30 Session 10A: Chryptos ‐ Jon Penney Panel: The role of ISPs on the Cybersecurity Moderator: ARCOTEL 9:00 ‐ 10:30 Criptografía ‐ Non detected hazards in the encripted traffic CNT / Level 3 / Telefonica / Claro / Telconet / Satnet / AEPROVI Coffee Break 10:30 ‐ 11:00 Session 11A: Panel: The role of Academia on Cybersecurity Tendencies on electronic fraud, challenges to protect the mobile devices Moderador: CEDIA 11:00 ‐ 11:45 Session 12A: LACNIC ‐ Graciela Martinez EPN / UTPL / Uni de la Plata / INICTEL UNI 11:45 ‐ 12:30 Resource Public Key Infrastructure Lunch Break 12:30 ‐ 14:00 Session 13A: ICANN ‐ Dave Piscitello Panel: The role of the national defense on Cybersecurity Taxonomy of DNS attacks Moderator: Army Session 14A: ITU National Army, Police, ARCOTEL, Ministry coordinator of Security, Ministry of International Relations 14:00 ‐ 14:45 14:45 ‐ 15:30 Sistemas de pago a través de smartphones ‐ Análisis forense de dispositivos móviles Coffee Break 15:30 ‐ 16:00 Session 15A: Panel: Cybersecurity at the Financial Sector * Seguridad de la información desde la perspectiva de la internet de las cosas Moderator: 16:00 ‐ 16:45 Session 16A: Codenomicon ‐ Juha Haaga 16:45 ‐ 17:30 How national CERT teams can motivate ISPs to ensure that the victim notifications actually end up reaching all the way to the end users Session 17A: ITU ‐ OAS 17:30 ‐ 18:00 Cybersecurity Index and OAS‐IDB Report * To be confirmed Wednesday 29 June Room 2 Room 1 Coffee 8:30 ‐ 9:00 Panel: Regional Projects on Cybersecurity 09:00 ‐ 10:30 Moderator: MinTel 09:00 ‐ 10:30 UIT / PANI Costa Rica / EcuCERT / FNJ UIT / OEA / LACNIC / ISOC 10:30 ‐ 11:00 Coffee Break Panel: Cybersecurity at strategic sectors 11:00 ‐ 12:00 Moderador: MICSE (Ministry coordinator of strategic sectors) 12:00 ‐ 12:30 ITU: Cyberdrill storyline explanation Round Table: ITU / OAS / ARCOTEL 12:30 ‐ 13:00 Cybersecurity, conclusions, proposals towards joint work and further steps 13:00 ‐ 14:00 Lunch Break Room Lab 14:00 ‐ 15:30 Cyberdrill 1 15:30 ‐ 16:00 Coffee Break 16:00 ‐ 17:30 Cyberdrill 2 18:00 ‐20:00 Social Activity * * To be confirmed Awarness on Child Online Protection Thrusday, 30 June ‐ Cyberdrill Room Lab 8:30 ‐ 9:00 9:00 ‐ 10:30 Coffee Cybberdrill 3 Hands On Exercise 3 10:30 ‐ 11:00 11:00 ‐ 12:30 Coffee Break Cyberdrill 4 Hands On Exercise 4 12:30 ‐ 14:00 14:00 ‐ 15:30 Lunch Break Cyberdrill 5 Hands On Exercise 5 15:30 ‐ 16:00 16:00 ‐ 17:30 Coffee Break Cyberdrill 6 Hands On Exercise 6 18:00 ‐21:00 * To be confirmed Social Activity * Friday, 1 July ‐ Cyberdrill Room Lab 8:30 ‐ 9:00 9:00 ‐ 10:30 Café Cyberdrill 7 Hands On Exercise 7 10:30 ‐ 11:00 11:00 ‐ 12:30 Coffee Break Cyberdrill 8 Hands On Exercise 8 12:30 ‐ 14:00 14:00 ‐ 15:30 Lunch Break Cyberdrill 9 Hands On Exercise 9 15:30 ‐ 16:00 16:00 ‐ 17:30 Coffee Break Cyberdrill 10 Hands On Exercise 10 Clossing Session 17:30 ‐ 18:00 Local Autorities: Mintel, ARCOTEL ‐ EcuCERT ITU ‐ Luc Dandurand, Head, ICT Applications and Cybersecurity Division OAS: Belisario Contreras