January10,2011- Jttnusry23.20lI K a s e n e F a nP i en e s s lnformation and Communication technologyexpert team conducts public consultation in FSM for l{ational ICT Plan FSM I nformution Services January 6,2011 Pulikin Pohnpei - The Department of Transportation, Comrnunication and In_ fiastrucfure in p;rtnerships with the ITU ICII4PAC Projecr and the Secretariat of the Pacific Comrriunity (SpC), under its ICT Out Reach Program for the pacific Region, conductedyisits to all FSM states liom December 14-21, 2010, to consult with relevant stakeholderson the country's proposed Nnlional Inlbrmation and Com_ municationTechnology(ICT) policy plan. The primary purpose of this consultation with the statesis to solicit public view.sto ensure these views are taken into account in the development and finalization ol,this proposedNational ICT Policy plan. Technologiesthrough ICT and its applicatiorrshave changedthe way people all over the world live, work, learn, deliver healthcare and conduct business. Technologies not only provide valuable tools, but also bring accessthat could have negative impacts on our daily lives. lt is tbr these and many other reasons that the government must ensure the use of appropriate technologies providing benefits to the people rnder sound and practical ICT policies. New CNMI PalauPresident Rules'Scarv' R e f e r e n d u m B i l I For Foreign Toribiongwant the t fnvestors Dec.31,2010 ( \ BJ,Jose Sefiase Mqrianas Variety F e d e r aI p e r mi t g o o d o nl y u n t i l 2014 Murinnas Vanerya^ SAIPAN, CNMI Islands - palau's president, Johnson Toribiong signed into law last Wednesdaythe amendedcasino rcfer^ endurnbill. I c L tJ I] ll "ln a demosratic society; the people are si supreme and now they are called uporr to render the final decision nn this colttrovsr- T sial issue,"Toribiong said. Lel the people n l decide." el, fo According to the new larv, the referendum rvill be held fionr 120to 180 days after the T} eflbctive date of the Act. of SAIPAN, CNMI Islutd't - In rlre Northem Marianalslands,CommonweallhDevclopmurl Aullrorily (CDA) Executive Director Manuel Sablansaysdris is a "scarytinte" Ibr nury ftireigr investu:swho hold a Conrnronwealflrofflre Nurthenr Mmiana hlands ((NMI) klrg-term The election comrhission will announce Br permit because it is urcertairriftlrey car still cur the date of the referendum not later than w1 tinue to do businessin the cornrnonwealtlraitsr 90 days prior to rhe date on which it rvill 2014. be conducted. TI "The [fede,r:al] regulationthat cameout for the E-2 CNMI investor visal is up to ?014 only. After ttrat,they have to obtain a federalstafus. So afterthat rvhat happrens ttren'?Sablanasked. There is a big diffenxrcebchvcvn US$50.000 ard half'a million dollas," he adde4 rcfbrring to the Clommonwealthand fMeral invesftnent requircrnents. Sablansaidthe CNMI's sluggishtourism-based economywill suffermoreifsmall businessens are not allowedto staybeyond2014. "Do ycru think they would inve,stmore wheir tlrry know that they may lose their statusafte,r 2014?"hea.sked. aI Those who arc qualilied to votc but are not registercd may submit their application to vote in accordancewith applicablc laws. Any person who is currently regislered in Sr Chuukese Swimmer Excelsat 2010Hawaii StateChamps PresidentManny Mori definedvery clearly A signifimntnurnherof theseinve.stushave the ICT Policy Vision as rellectedin the leasehold irrtmeston lanclsin fre Comnonpolicy plan. FSM requiresnot only safb, wealth,wifrrsbucnmxlikebuildirrgs, headded. reliable and affordable telecommunicaBy_Jean and B1IISalmvich t tions,but also equitableaccess{br all the TheU.S.CitizershipandImmigralionServices ( peoplein the FSM regardless whetherone alreadyissuedtlre fmal nrle *rat ueatesthe Fifteenyearold Victor Alumbaugh, who at- l lives on a remoteouterislandor in the ur- nonimmigrant investorvisaclassification in tlre tendsKaiserHighSchoolon Oahu,cornpeted ( ban statecentersofPohnpei, Yap, Chuuk commonwealth lorownastheE-2CNMI krves- for the Kamehameha Swim Cllubon Oahu i or Kosrae. ICT is declaredby the United torVisa andfinaledin six individualeventsin his age Nationsasa basichumarrright. group,in additiontofint andsecondplaces on Thisvisaallowsforcigrrlong-tcrminvestors to lbur relays,af therecentlycompletedHawaii It is in thisconnection thattlreMinisters.in- rcmainin the Commonwslthof tre Norftrem StateAge GroupSr,r,imming Championships cludingSecretaryliancis Itirnai, attending Marianalslands *noughDicember2014.Ifthey heldDec.17-20,2011. the PacificRegionalICT MinisrerialMeet- wantto stay @ond ftratperjo4tlrcymtst tansiing heldin Tongain JuneZ}l},throughthe tiontotheappropriate fedrralvisaprogran. Vctor won the 200m Breastroke 2:30.71sc TongaDeclaration, unanimouslysupported and 200mBackstroke2:15.92sc fbr his first the initiative to seek assistance from re- CNMI long-temrpermitholdenmus petition StateTitles.and was 5th in the 1@mBack gionalandinternationalorganizations (like for theE-2Vsa sfirti'ngonJaruzny18,201t. I :02.51sc. ITU, SPC,etc...)to assistall thecountries in theregionto deyeloptheirNationalICT TheE-2visais validfor twoyers, isrenewablg He alsoplacedin the 100Breastl:08.85sc, ; PolicvPlan. andisvalidtnly intheCornnrorwealth. 200mIndividualMedley2:16.88sc,and400m Jolden Johnnyboy,Assistant Secretary for Communication,FSM Depat'mer,ftof Transportati on, Communication andInfrastructure,is undertakingthe project. He joined the ITU ICT Expert Teamfor the states'public consultations,which comprised of Mr:s. Gisa F'uataipurcell, the Pacific RegionalCoordinatorfor the ITU ICB4PACProjectthat fundedthe project, and Mrs. ChristinaHiga fronr the Universt!y_o{Haw-qlL.ry1qqo. a qar4pgq. Chinese twhiiiiansL:ru#T: i#n,ff1; wilt visitYapnext ilT$":i1J,i:li":Tff January2011for purposeofcon- wggk YapDepcrtmentof Youthand CfuicAffairc theMVHapfi':'tr1."'u"rof According to a communication received lrom the FSM Depat ment q{-FlteignAflbirs, the team