Thomas A. Yeager International Security Architecture The Department of International Relations

The Department of International Relations
in conjunction with the
Embassy of the United States of America, Malta
Thomas A. Yeager
Political, Economic & Commercial Officer
Embassy of the United States of America, Malta
in a Public Lecture on
International Security Architecture
Date: Monday 4th April 2011
Time: 13.00-14.00
Venue: Old Humanities 116
Look out for upcoming public lectures being hosted by
the Department of International Relations delivered by the following participants
Mr Thomas A. Yeager, Political Officer, Embassy of the United States of America
Dr Nicholas C. Vella, Department of Classics and Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Malta
H.E. Mr Douglas Kmiec, Ambassador of the United States of America to Malta
Dr Naveed Sheikh, Keele University; author of The New Politics of Islam: Pan-Islamic Foreign Policy in a
World of States (2007) and Saudi State, Wahabi World: The Globalization of Muslim Radicalism (2009)
For further information please contact
the Department of International Relations on 2340 3083 or
Thomas A. Yeager
Political-Economic-Commercial Chief
U.S. Embassy Valletta, Malta
Tom Yeager is the head of the Political-Economic and Commercial sections at the Embassy of the United
States of America in Valletta, Malta. He is a career diplomat who entered the Foreign Service in 2002. In
addition to Malta, he has served in Warsaw, Poland, and in Washington, D.C., where he worked on U.S.
policy related to Central and Eastern Europe. Prior to joining the State Department, Mr. Yeager served 30
years in the U.S. Navy, retiring as a Captain, and was most recently responsible for analyzing U.S. and NATO
operations in Kosovo and Afghanistan. He is also an attorney, and attended Washington State University
and Georgetown University Law Center.