Arbroath High School Angus Council 9 March 2010 HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) inspects schools in order to let parents1, young people and the local community know whether their school provides a good education. Inspectors also discuss with school staff how they can improve the quality of education. At the beginning of the inspection, we ask the headteacher and staff about the strengths of the school, what needs to improve, and how they know. We use the information they give us to help us plan what we are going to look at. During the inspection, we go into classes and join other activities which young people are involved in. We also gather the views of young people, parents, staff and members of the local community. We find their views very helpful and use them together with the other information we have collected to arrive at our view of the quality of education. This report tells you what we found during the inspection and the quality of education in the school. We describe how well young people are doing, how good the school is at helping them to learn and how well it cares for them. We comment on how well staff, parents and young people work together and how they go about improving the school. We also comment on how well the school works with other groups in the community, including services which support young people. Finally, we focus on how well the school is led and how staff help the school achieve its aims. If you would like to learn more about our inspection of the school, please visit Here you can find analyses of questionnaire returns from young people, parents and staff, and details about young people’s examination performance. We will not provide questionnaire analyses where the numbers of returns are so small that they could identify individuals. Where applicable there will also be a report on the learning community surrounding the school. 1 Throughout this report, the term ‘parents’ should be taken to include foster carers, residential care staff and carers who are relatives or friends. Contents 1. The school 2. Particular strengths of the school 3. How well do young people learn and achieve? 4. How well do staff work with others to support young people’s learning? 5. Are staff and young people actively involved in improving their school community? 6. Does the school have high expectations of all young people? 7. Does the school have a clear sense of direction? 8. What happens next? 1. The school Arbroath High School is a non-denominational secondary school which serves the west side of the town of Arbroath and the rural area to the west and north-west of the town. The roll was 957 when the inspection was carried out in January 2010. Young people’s attendance was in line with the national average in 2007/2008. 1 2. Particular strengths of the school • The impact of a wide range of activities, in and beyond the school, on young people’s personal development and achievements. • The participation of staff and partners in enhancing young people’s experiences. • The high level of commitment shown by staff to developing their own practice in order to improve young people’s learning experiences. 3. How well do young people learn and achieve? Learning and achievement Most young people, including those at risk of missing out, are making good progress in their learning. Most are keen to learn and work conscientiously on tasks. Almost all young people feel safe and well looked after in school. They benefit from well-structured activities which require them to show responsibility and share their findings and views with others. In some lessons, teachers’ high expectations led to high-quality discussions and independent thinking. However, young people’s experiences do not always help them to be independent in their learning and to think for themselves. Teachers’ feedback does not always help young people to confirm their strengths and plan their next steps in learning. Young people work well together and grow in confidence through successfully undertaking a range of challenging activities and volunteering in the local community. Activities such as supporting disadvantaged groups, both locally and abroad, help them to become responsible citizens. They develop new skills and interests through The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. Most young 2 people are actively involved in a range of sports and activities provided by the school. All these achievements contribute to young people’s self respect and sense of wellbeing. A large number of them have been successful in regional and national competitions, both as individuals and in teams. This success helps them to become more confident and aim high. Young people develop further skills through a range of out-of-class activities, including international science conferences, skiing, field work and residential trips. Young people would benefit from more formal recognition of their broader achievements. By the end of S2, the majority of young people achieve appropriate levels in reading, writing and mathematics. At S4, in recent years results in examinations show no improvement. By this stage young people perform notably less well than those in other schools which serve young people with similar needs and backgrounds. By the end of S6, examination results are broadly in line with national averages. By this stage the proportion of young people gaining three Higher awards, or at least one Advanced Higher, is in line with that in similar schools. Young people who require additional support are making good progress towards achieving targets in their individualised educational programmes. When young people leave school, most go on to university or college, or are successful in gaining a training opportunity or employment. Curriculum and meeting learning needs The curriculum reflects the school’s vision to enable all learners to achieve as well as they can. It provides them with a broad education and helps them to make progress in their learning. The school has improved the curriculum in line with Curriculum for Excellence. For example, studies linking learning in different areas of the curriculum are progressing well. Various areas of the curriculum are used to promote health and wellbeing. Young people have a very good range of opportunities for broader achievement, including activities which focus on sport, culture, learning outdoors and charity work. Young people at all stages 3 benefit from two hours of good quality physical education each week. At S5/S6, a wide range of Advanced Higher courses meet the needs of learners, including the Science Baccalaureate. At this stage, the Active Health programme helps promote healthy lifestyles and offers young people a range of activities, including budgeting and food preparation, to prepare them for life after school. The school does not meet the requirement for continuing learning in religious and moral education in S5/S6. The school has a range of links with associated primary schools, including enterprise challenge and joint P7 and S1 activities. Effective links with partners, including Angus College, help learners develop skills for employment. The On2Feet programme supports some young people in making sensible choices when preparing to leave school. Overall, the school meets the learning needs of young people well. Most teachers use a range of approaches effectively to engage young people in their learning. In most lessons, learning is brisk and the level of difficulty appropriate. However, in a few lessons, too little account is taken of individual learning needs. In the support for learning base, teachers set tasks that are imaginative and effective. Young people gain from positive relationships and regular contact with pupil care and support staff. Support for learning staff deal sensitively with young people’s needs and concerns. Staff have received training and support to develop their role as tutors and mentors. The mixed-age groupings in tutor group classes allow younger people to benefit from the support of older pupils who, in turn, develop leadership and interpersonal skills. The school has recognised the need for earlier intervention to identify and support behavioural needs more consistently. 4. How well do staff work with others to support young people’s learning? Staff work well with a wide range of partners to support young people and extend their learning experiences. Young people benefit from strong links with a number of community organisations 4 including the police, the fire brigade, the Royal National Lifeboat Institute and Angus College. Staff work with the family support team, the school nurse and the local multi-agency resource team to meet the needs of vulnerable young people. The Parent Council and parent-teacher association support the school by raising funds and arranging events such as a recent drugs awareness evening. Parents receive helpful information on sensitive health education issues. The school deals effectively with any complaints. 5. Are staff and young people actively involved in improving their school community? Young people and staff are involved in a number of groups such as the eco-group and Fair Trade group that help build the ethos of the school. Groups of senior pupils act effectively as buddies and reading partners for younger pupils. In some classes, teachers ask young people for their views on learning and teaching and use these to plan improvements. Overall, however, young people do not have an important enough role in influencing school decisions, especially on how to improve their learning experiences. The school has effective arrangements for reviewing the quality of its work, such as analysing examination results and surveying the views of young people, parents and staff. Many staff at different levels are involved in developing and leading approaches which will help the school continue to improve. They are highly committed to developing their own practice. They are also ready to increase the range of out-of-class activities in response to young people’s needs and interests. 6. Does the school have high expectations of all young people? The school has a positive ethos, which is evident in the good relationships between staff and young people. The wide range of activities outwith the classroom develop a culture of achievement. 5 Most young people are well behaved in class and around the school. They are supported to achieve personal goals for health and wellbeing. The school is now ready to build on the work of the Health Improvement group in encouraging young people to take active roles in leading developments. The school has appropriate arrangements for religious observance. All staff are trained in child protection and aware of their responsibilities. Young people have appropriate opportunities across the curriculum to increase their understanding of equalities. 7. Does the school have a clear sense of direction? The headteacher is well respected and has a clear sense of direction. The senior management team supports the headteacher well and is effective in taking forward their individual areas of responsibility. The emerging leadership role of Curriculum Group Heads is enhancing the school’s focus on improving learning and teaching. Task groups involve a wide range of teachers who are encouraged to follow their own ideas and lead initiatives. The school needs to communicate its vision more widely and ensure it is understood. In doing this, it should involve all young people more fully in planning and implementing improvements. 8. What happens next? We are confident that the school will be able to make the necessary improvements in light of the inspection findings. As a result, we will make no more visits in connection with this inspection. The school and the education authority will inform parents about the school's progress in improving the quality of education. 6 We have agreed the following areas for improvement with the school and education authority. • Continue to develop approaches to monitor young people’s progress, to help raise their attainment. • Improve the consistency and quality of young people’s learning experiences by carefully identifying strengths and areas for development. • Increase the involvement of all young people in reviewing and influencing decisions about their learning. Quality indicators help schools, education authorities and inspectors to judge what is good and what needs to be improved in the work of the school. You can find these quality indicators in the HMIE publication How good is our school?. Following the inspection of each school, the Scottish Government gathers evaluations of three important quality indicators to keep track of how well all Scottish schools are doing. Here are the evaluations for Arbroath High School. Improvements in performance Learners’ experiences Meeting learning needs good good good We also evaluated the following aspects of the work of the school. The curriculum Improvement through self-evaluation HM Inspector: Carol McDonald 9 March 2010 7 very good good When we write reports, we use the following word scale so that our readers can see clearly what our judgments mean. excellent very good good means means means satisfactory weak unsatisfactory means means means outstanding, sector leading major strengths important strengths with some areas for improvement strengths just outweigh weaknesses important weaknesses major weaknesses If you would like to find out more about our inspections or get an electronic copy of this report, please go to Please contact us if you want to know how to get the report in a different format, for example, in a translation, or if you wish to comment about any aspect of our inspections. You can contact us at or write to us at BMCT, HM Inspectorate of Education, Denholm House, Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston EH54 6GA. Text phone users can contact us on 01506 600 236. This is a service for deaf users. Please do not use this number for voice calls as the line will not connect you to a member of staff. You can find our complaints procedure on our website or alternatively you can contact our Complaints Manager, at the address above or by telephoning 01506 600259. Crown Copyright 2010 HM Inspectorate of Education