Preparing for surgery and other procedures

Preparing for surgery and other procedures
It is common for patients to undergo many tests, procedures and sometimes surgery. These serious
events can be stressful for the patient and the family, especially if it is the first time.
Many patients and their siblings have unspoken fears, questions and false ideas about what will happen
during these events. They may hear doctors, nurses and other staff members using words they have
never heard. If children and teens are not given information in words that they can understand, they are
left to imagine what is going to happen. These thoughts can often be scarier than the actual event.
Preparing your child ahead of time for surgery or procedures will help:
Reduce anxiety;
Develop his or her trust in you and the hospital staff;
Identify what may be hard for the patient and develop ways to cope; and
Give him or her a sense of control over what is going to happen.
How to help your child through a stressful event
Talk in a calm, quiet voice.
Be honest. Explain the steps of the upcoming event in simple terms that the patient can understand.
Give reasons for the event. Let your child know it is not because he or she did or said anything
Tell your child what he or she did that was helpful (such as “You did a good job holding still” or
“You’re doing a good job focusing on your breathing”).
Offer choices when you can (such as watching or not watching or a choice of play items).
Involve your child in the event if he or she wishes (such as taking off items or putting on monitors).
Offer activities that help distract and relax your child.
Provide chances for medical play to help your child become familiar with medical supplies.
Helpful activities to use during a stressful event
Providing activities for your child can help him or her cope with a stressful event. Some patients cope
better by watching and others cope better by looking away. Using some of the following activities with
your child can help make the environment more normal and less scary.
Holding, rocking, patting
Speaking in a soft voice
Music and singing
Comfort items (blanket, rattle)
Allow the child to suck thumb/pacifier
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Same as activities for infants
Bubbles and pinwheels
Pop-up books and sound books
Interactive toys that make sounds
Bubbles and pinwheels
Pop-up books and sound books
Music and singing
Counting (up, down)
View-Master® reels and I Spy books
Talking about favorite things
Playing with favorite toy
• Talking about a favorite place or thing to do
• Music
• Playing with favorite toy
• Squeezing a ball
• I Spy books and Game Boy®
• Taking slow, deep breaths
• Talking about or imagining a favorite place or event
• Music or relaxation tapes
• Hand-held games, Game Boy®
• Taking slow, deep breaths
• Squeezing a ball
• Looking at different illusions
Brothers and sisters want to know: How to help siblings
Siblings often wonder what is happening to their brother or sister. Giving them the facts can help them
understand and clarify any false ideas they might have. It gives them a chance to express their thoughts
and feelings, have questions answered and feel included. You may see siblings fighting for attention or
becoming more aggressive or withdrawn. These are common responses. The following are ways you can
Include siblings if they are present (such as involving them in talks, giving them a job, providing
something for them to focus on like a book, a favorite toy or a game).
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If possible, allow siblings to leave the room if they want. They may not want to be present for
procedures, and this is OK.
Provide chances for medical play. This can help siblings know what to expect when they see their
brother or sister after surgery (such as body changes, lack of energy and changes in mood).
Make sure the siblings understand that none of this is their fault.
After the surgery and early recovery are over, make time just for siblings.
If siblings cannot come to the hospital, you can ask your child life specialist to send resources
home (a letter, activity books, or a medical play doll with a line, a port, a G-tube, etc.).
Helpful hints for parents
Helping your child through a painful procedure, through anesthesia and through surgery is often very
stressful. It can sometimes be overwhelming. It is important to know that the staff is there to support
you, too.
Ask questions (no question is stupid; it is normal to forget things if you are feeling overwhelmed).
Keep a notebook so you can write questions down as they come up.
Take slow, deep breaths.
Patients’ reactions often are based on how parents respond. It is helpful to remain calm and reassure your child during stressful events.
Helping your child focus on an activity also helps you to focus on something.
When your child is having anesthesia, it is normal for the body to go limp and for the eyes to roll
back. Patients may also appear restless. Staff members will be there to support you through this.
A staff member will escort you out of the room after your child is asleep and may ask you to leave
before if needed.
Staff will meet with you before hand to discuss what will happen and have you sign consent forms.
In surgery a staff member will need to mark the surgery site with a marker.
For surgery, one (1) parent can go back to the operating room (OR) with the patient until the patient is asleep. However, the staff may request that the parent stay in the waiting area.
Each patient wakes up from anesthesia in his or her own way. You will be called back to the Post
Anesthesia Care Unit (recovery room) as soon as the nurse has had time to assess your child.
A child life specialist can help prepare your family for procedures or surgery. This staff member can use
medical play, pre-op tours and other preparations to show patients and families what to expect (before,
during and after the event). This gives the family a chance to see actual medical supplies and know
how they are used; to ask questions; to express feelings; and to develop coping plans. Information is
presented at the child’s level of understanding. It is based on how much information the child or teen
wants to have.
Adapted with permission from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Revised 9/05
UC Davis Cancer Center 12/06
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