Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Parametric estimation problem for a time-periodic signal with additive periodic noise Khalil EL WALED University of Rennes 2 Dynstoch 2014, 10-12 September, Coventry Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Outline 1 Introduction 2 Maximum likelihood estimation Likelihood and convergence in probability Convergence in the case f (t, θ) = θf (t) 3 Maximum contrast estimation Definition of the contrast Study of the case f (t, θ) = θf (t), σ(t) = 1 4 Simulation Simulation Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Introduction Simulation Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Model of periodic signal disturbed by noise whose variance is periodic dζt = f (t, θ)dt + σ(t)dWt , t ≥ 0, Simulation (1) where 1 f (·, ·) : R × R 7→ R is continuous, periodic in the first variable with period P; 2 σ(·) : R 7→ R is continuous periodic with the same period P; 3 W = {Wt , t ≥ 0} is a standard Brownian motion; 4 θ ∈ Θ is an unknown parameter, Θ is a compact of R. Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Our target is 1 Estimation of the unknown parameter θ when we observe a continuous observation along the interval [0, T ] 2 Estimation of the unknown parameter θ when we observe a discrete observation along the interval [0, T ]. We are going to use the maximum of likelihood method for the first estimation and the maximum of contrast for the second. Then we show the consistency of these estimators. Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Application, ξt such that dζt = Maximum contrast estimation dξt ξt , Simulation however ζt − ζ0 6= ln(ξt ) − ln(ξ0 ). So ξt is the solution of the geometric linear SDE dξt = f (t, θ)ξt dt + σ(t)ξt dWt , and the estimation of the drift component in the model (1) is identical to this estimation in the model (2 ). The equations of this type appear in several areas : 1 Finance (Karatzas and Shreve, 1991; Klebaner, 2006) (Black-Scholes-Merton model); 2 Mechanic (Has’minskii, 1980 ; Jankunas and Khas’minskii, 1997) (2) Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation In the continuous case, for the parametric estimation several works are available (See for instance, Ibragimov and Has’minskii, 1981; Kutoyants, 1984...) However it’s difficult to obtain a complete observation of the sample path. So problem of discretization are considered. On the drift estimation for a diffusion process, Le Breton (1976) has shown that maximum likelihood estimators based on the discrete schemas has asymptotically the same behaviour as the maximum likelihood estimators based on the continuous observation. Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Kasonga (1988) has used the least square method to show the consistency of a estimators based on the discrete schemas. The case of ergodic diffusion models is studied in Dacunha-Castelle and Florens-Zmirou (1986), Florens-Zmirou (1989). Using maximum contrast and for small variance diffusion models, Genon-Catalot (1990) has shown, under some classical assumptions, asymptotic results. Harison (1996) has used this method to estimate the drift parameter for one-dimentional nonstationary Gaussian diffusion models. In these works σ(t) is assumed to be positive. Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Maximum likelihood estimation Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Likelihood and convergence in probability Likelihood and convergence in probability Recall that ζt is given by dζt = f (t, θ)dt + σ(t)dWt , t ≥ 0. To define the likelihood function we can use Theorem 7.18 of Liptser and Shiryaev (2001). We apply this theorem to the next two processes dζtθ = f (t, θ)dt + σ(t)dWt , (3) dηt = σ(t)dWt . (4) Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Likelihood and convergence in probability Under the condition f (t, θ) 1{σ(t) sup t∈[0,P] σ(t) 6=0} < ∞, these two processes fulfil the conditions of this Theorem 7.18. So T µT θ ∼ ν , where θ T µT θ := L(ζt , 0 ≤ t ≤ T ), ν := L(ηt , 0 ≤ t ≤ T ). In addition, the conditions of the Corollary which follows this Theorem 7.18 are satisfied and we have P-a.s. dµθ θ (ζ ) = exp dν where ρ(s, θ) := Z 0 T f (s, θ) 1 σ 2 (s) {σ(s) f (s,θ) σ(s) 1{σ(s) 6=0} . θ 6 0} dζs = 1 − 2 Z T 2 ρ (s, θ)ds 0 Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Likelihood and convergence in probability Denote the likelihood function Z T f (s, θ) LT (θ) := exp 1 σ 2 (s) {σ(s) 0 θ 6 0} dζs = 1 − 2 Z T ρ (s, θ)ds (5) . 2 0 Using the assumptions under f (·, ·) and σ(·) there exist θ̂T such that LT (θ̂T ) = arg sup LT (θ). θ∈Θ To show the convergence in Pθ of this estimator : first we check that the log-likelihood is a contrast in the sense of Dacunha-Castelle and Duflo, 1983 (Definition 3.2.7) and then we apply a version of (Theorem 3.2.4, Dacunha-Castelle and Duflo, 1983, see also Theorem 5.7 of van der Vaart, 2005 ). Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Likelihood and convergence in probability For α ∈ Θ let ΛT (α) := log(LT (α)) 1 T Z ΛT (α) = Z = 1 T T 0 0 T Z T 2 ρ(s, α) 1 f (s, θ) θ 1 dζ − 1 ds {σ(s)6=0} s 2 σ (s) 2T 0 σ 2 (s) {σ(s)6=0} Z 1 2 1 T ρ(s, α)ρ(s, θ) − ρ (s, α) ds + ρ(s, α)dWs 2 T 0 Take T = nP, Λn (α) converges Pθ -p.s. to the contrast function 1 K (θ, α) := − P Z 0 P 1 2 ρ(s, α)ρ(s, θ) − ρ (s, θ) ds 2 Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Likelihood and convergence in probability Recall now Theorem 3.2.4 of Dacunha-Castelle and Duflo. Theorem 1 Let (Ω, F, (Fx )x>0 , (Pθ )θ∈Θ ) be a probability space, assume that the next two conditions are fulfilled 1 Θ is a compact of R, the functions α 7→ Λn (α), α 7→ K (θ, α) are continuous; 2 for all > 0, there exists η > 0 such that lim Pθ n→∞ sup |α−α0 |<η ! Λn (α) − Λn (α0 ) > = 0. Then the maximum contrast estimator θ̂n is consistent in θ. P θ̂n →θ θ. Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Likelihood and convergence in probability Λn (α) − Λn (α0 ) = Z T 1 ρ(s, α) − ρ(s, α0 ) 2ρ(s, θ) − ρ(s, α) − ρ(s, α0 ) ds 2T 0 Z 1 T (ρ(s, α) − ρ(s, α0 ))dWs + T 0 The absolute value of the first term of this equality is bounded by a multiple of η where |α − α0 | ≤ η. We show that the second term converges in mean to 0 when n → ∞. So P θ̂n →θ θ. Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Convergence in the case f (t, θ) = θf (t) Convergence in the case f (t, θ) = θf (t) Now consider the particular case f (t, θ) = θf (t) so ζt is given by this equation dζt = θf (t)dt + σ(t)dWt , t ∈ [0, T ]. For the function f (·) non-parametric estimators are provided in (Ibragimov and Has’minskii, 1981; Dehay and El Waled, 2013). For the parameter θ we are going to give the expression of its estimator and establish its convergence : convergence almost sure, mean square convergence, asymptotic normality and the asymptotic efficiency when T → ∞. Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Convergence in the case f (t, θ) = θf (t) Thanks to (5) the likelihood function in this case is Z T Z dµθ θ f (s) θ2 T 2 LT (θ) := (ζ ) = exp θ 1{σ(s) 6=0} dζs − ρ (s)ds . 2 dν 2 0 0 σ (s) So the MLE is RT θ̂T := 0 f (s) 1 dζ σ 2 (s) {σ(s)6=0} s . RT 2 (s)ds ρ 0 Remark When we observe a continuous trajectory of ξt defined in (2) on [0, T ] dξt = θf (t)ξt dt + σ(t)ξt dWt . Then the conditions of the Theorem 7.18 and the Corollary which follows it are satisfied and we deduce that the MLE θ̂T is defined as R T f (s) 0 σ 2 (s)ξs 1{σ(s)6=0} dξs . θ̂T := RT 2 (s)ds ρ 0 Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Convergence in the case f (t, θ) = θf (t) When ζs = ζsθ dζtθ = θf (t)dt + σ(t)dWt . Hence we can write θ̂T as : RT θ̂T = θ + R0 T 0 ρ(s)dWs ρ2 (s)ds =θ+ VT . JT Simulation Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Convergence in the case f (t, θ) = θf (t) Here we show that θ̂T is unbiased, moreover we get the almost sure convergence, mean square convergence, the asymptotic normality and the asymptotic efficiency. Almost sure convergence Theorem 2 θ̂T converges almost surely to θ. Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Convergence in the case f (t, θ) = θf (t) Proof. nP Z JT = P Z 2 ρ (s)ds = n 0 0 VT = VnP = n−1 Z X 1 JT = ρ (s)ds ⇒ lim T →∞ T P 2 (k+1)P ρ(s)dWs = k=0 kP (kP) where Wu P P ρ2 (s)ds. 0 (kP) ρ(s)dWs , k=0 0 := WkP+u − WkP . As n−1 Z P 1X n→∞ n n−1 Z X Z lim (kP) ρ(s)dWs k=0 0 we deduce the convergence Z =E P (kP) ρ(s)dWs 0 = 0 Pθ − p.s. Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Convergence in the case f (t, θ) = θf (t) As Z L T ρ(s)dWs Z = N 0, 0 T ρ2 (s)ds 0 RT and θ̂T −θ = R0 T 0 ρ(s)dWs ρ2 (s)ds we deduce that L θ̂T − θ = N 0, R T 0 ! 1 ρ2 (s)ds . So we get the mean square convergence as well as the asymptotic normality. Mean square convergence, asymptotic normality Theorem 3 θ̂T converges in mean square to θ, and θ̄T = asymptotically normal. √ T (θ̂T − θ) is , Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Convergence in the case f (t, θ) = θf (t) Asymptotic efficiency of θ̂T To justify the relevance of this estimator we see if it is asymptotically efficient. In order to show the asymptotic efficiency we use the Hájek-Le Cam inequality (see Kutoyants 1984, van der Vaart 1998 for further details). (T ) We show firstly that the family Pθ is locally asymptotically normal (see Definition 1.2.1 in Kutoyants 1984 ). Proposition 1 (T ) Pθ is locally asymptotically normal. Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Convergence in the case f (t, θ) = θf (t) Proof. After computation we get (T ) dPθ+ΦT u (T ) dPθ 1 (ζT ) = exp u∆T (ζT ) − u 2 2 where − 12 T Z 2 ΦT := ρ (s)1{σ(s)6=0} ds , 0 Z ∆T (ζT ) := T 2 − 12 Z 0 T ρ(s)dWs . ρ (s)ds 0 Theorem 4 The estimator θ̂T is asymptotically efficient for the square error (see Definition 1.2.2 in Kutoyants 1984). Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Maximum contrast estimation Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Definition of the contrast Definition of the contrast dζt = f (t, θ)dt + σ(t)dWt . First, we discretize the interval [0, T ] in the following way. Let ti := i∆n , i ∈ 0 · · · n − 1, where ∆n = Tn . Following Genon-Catalot (1990) we can approximate the likelihood of this process by the next function Ln (θ, ζ) := Ln (θ) = n−1 X i=0 n−1 f (ti , θ)(ζti+1 −ζti )− 1X 2 f (ti , θ)∆n . (6) 2 i=0 Assume that T = n∆n = Nn P, P = pn ∆n fixed, pn ∈ N, T = n∆n → ∞ , ∆n → 0 when n → ∞. Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Definition of the contrast To show the consistency of the maximum contrast estimator we n (α) firstly show that Un (α) := Ln∆ is a contrast where α ∈ Θ. n That is to show that Un (α) converges in Pθ to some real contrast function K (θ, α), where K (θ, α) := − 1 2P Z 0 P (f (s, θ) − f (s, α))2 ds + 1 2P Z 0 P f 2 (s, θ)ds. Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Definition of the contrast To prove this convergence we use the next two results Lemma 1 For a continuous periodic function f (·, ·) defined on [0, T ] × Θ where Θ is a compact of R we have Z n−1 1 X 2 1 P 2 f (ti , θ)∆n = f (t, θ)dt. n→∞ n∆n P 0 lim (7) i=0 Z Z ti+1 n−1 1 X 1 P lim f (ti , α) f (t, θ)dt = f (t, α)f (t, θ)dt. n→∞ n∆n P 0 ti i=0 (8) Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Definition of the contrast Theorem 5 Under the above conditions and for σ(s) 6= 0 if there exists an s such that f (s, θ) 6= f (s, α) then Un (α) is a contrast. To prove that Un (α) converges in Pθ to K (θ, α) we prove the convergence in mean square Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Definition of the contrast Proof. K (θ, α) is a contrast function which has a strict maximum for α=θ Z P 1 f 2 (s, θ)ds. K (θ, θ) = 2P 0 h i Eθ |Un (α) − K (θ, α)|2 = |Eθ [Un (α)] − K (θ, α)|2 + varθ (Un (α)) Using (7) and (8) one can show that lim Eθ [Un (α)] = K (θ, α), n→∞ lim varθ (Un (α)) = 0. n→∞ Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Definition of the contrast Now we apply again Theorem 3.2.4 of Dacunha-Castelle and Duflo Corollary 1 In our case the two conditions of this theorem are fulfilled. Proof. 1 The functions U (α), K (θ, α) are continuous . n 2 for all > 0, there exists η > 0 such that lim Pθ n→∞ sup |α−α0 |<η ! Ln (α) − Ln (α0 ) > = 0. n∆n Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Study of the case f (t, θ) = θf (t), σ(t) = 1 Study of the case f (t, θ) = θf (t), σ(t) = 1 Consider f (t, θ) = θf (t), σ(t) = 1. So we have the next model dζt = θf (t)dt + dWt . (9) In the discrete case, let’s make again the next discretization of the interval [0, T ]. {ζti } i = 0, · · · , n − 1, where ti = i∆n . Then we have the next contrast Ln (θ) = n−1 X i=0 θf (ti )(ζti+1 − ζti ) − n−1 X i=0 θ2 f 2 (ti )∆n . Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Study of the case f (t, θ) = θf (t), σ(t) = 1 The estimator of θ can be explicitly written as Pn−1 θ̂n = f (ti )(ζti+1 − ζti ) . Pn−1 2 i=0 f (ti )∆n i=0 Therefore θ̂n Pn−1 1 i=0 f (ti ) = θ + θRn + (Wti+1 − Wti ) Pn−1 ∆n i=0 f 2 (ti ) where Pn−1 Rn := i=0 Rt f (ti ) ti i+1 (f (t) − f (ti ))dt . Pn−1 2 i=0 f (ti )∆n Proposition 2 The estimator θ̂n is asymptotically unbiased. (10) Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Study of the case f (t, θ) = θf (t), σ(t) = 1 Mean square convergence Theorem 6 Assume that n∆n goes to ∞ when n goes to ∞, then the estimator θ̂n converges in mean square to θ. Moreover if f (·) is continuously derivable then we have h 2 lim n∆n E |θ̂n − θ| n→∞ i = 1 P Z P 2 f (t)dt 0 −1 . Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Study of the case f (t, θ) = θf (t), σ(t) = 1 Proof. h i 2 E |θ̂n − θ|2 = E[θ̂n − θ] + var(θ̂n ) = θ2 Rn2 + Pn−1 i=0 1 f 2 (ti )∆n . To finish the proof we use the next lemma Lemma 2 Under the above conditions on f (·) and T we have Z n−1 1 X 2 1 P 2 lim f (ti )∆n = f (t)dt. n∆n →∞ n∆n P 0 i=0 Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Study of the case f (t, θ) = θf (t), σ(t) = 1 Asymptotic normality Theorem 7 Assume that f (·) is continuously derivable and that n∆3n goes to 0 √ when n goes to ∞ then n∆n (θ̂n − θ) converges in law to N 0, σ 2 , where 2 σ = Therefore √ lim n→∞ 1 P Z P 2 f (t)dt −1 . O n∆n L (θ̂n − θ) ∼ N (0, 1). σ Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Simulation Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation ● ● ● ● −0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 T = nP = 1000 sample size , P = 1, f (t) = cos(2πt), σ(t) = 1, δ = 10−2 discretization step, θ = 0. ● ● Figure: Boxplot of the values of the estimator θ̂n from 100 repetitions Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation ● −0.10 −0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 Introduction ● Figure: Boxplot of the values of the estimator θ̂n from 1000 repetitions Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation For θ = 1, δ = 10−3 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 ● ● Figure: Boxplot of the values of the estimator θ̂n from 1000 repetitions Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation p p P θ̄n := n∆n (θ̂n −θ), lim n∆n (θ̂n −θ) ∼ N 0, R P n→∞ 2 0 ρ (s)ds 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.1 Density 0.4 0.5 Histogramme de theta bar −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 hat_theta_0 Figure: Histogram θ̄n , θ = 0 from 1000 repetitions Simulation ! in law . Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 Density 0.4 0.5 Histogramme de theta bar −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 hat_theta_1 Figure: Histogram of θ̄n , θ = 1 from 1000 repetitions 3 Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Dacunha-Castelle, D. Florens-Zmirou ,D., 1986. Estimation of the coefficient of a diffusion from discrete observations. Stochastics 19, 263-284. Dacunha-Castelle, D., Duflo, M., 1983. Probabilité et Statistique 2, Problèmes à Temps Continu, Masson, Paris. Dehay, D., El Waled, K., 2013. Nonparametric estimation problem for a time-periodic signal in a periodic noise. Statistics and Probability Letters 83 608–615. Genon-Catalot, V., 1990. Maximum contrast estimation for diffusion process from discrete observations. Statistics 21 99–116. Harison, V., 1996. Drift Estimation of a Certain Class of Diffusion Processes from Discrete Observations. Computers Math. Applic. 31 No. 6, 121–133. Introduction Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum contrast estimation Simulation Ibragimov, I.A., Has’minskii, R.Z., 1981. Statistical Estimation, Asymptotic Theory, Springer-Verlag, New York. Kasonga, R.D., 1988. The consistency of a non-linear least squares estimator from diffusion processes. Stoch. Processes and their Appl. 30, 263–275. Kutoyants, Yu., 1984. Parameter estimation for stochastic processes. In Research and Exposition in Math., 6, Heldermann, Verlg, Berlin. Le Breton, A., 1976. On continuous and discrete sampling for parameter estimation in diffusion type processes, Mathematical Programming Studies 5, 124-144 . van der Vaart, A.W. 2005. Asymptotic Statistics , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge .