P F I F orum P F I Medic al T ec hnology C ommerc ialization C linic Julio Palmaz, M.D. Wednes day, Nov. 30, 2011 5: 00 - 7: 30 p.m. E duc ation B ldg, R m 1222 4610 X S t., S ac ramento 5: 00 pm – Networking 5: 30 pm – Opening R emarks : C laire P omeroy, V ic e C hanc ellor, Human Health S c ienc es ; Dean, UC Davis S c hool of Medic ine J oin us for an evening of pres entations and dis c us s ions on unmet medic al needs and medic al tec hnology c ommerc ialization. Network with like-minded fac ulty, s tudents (law, bus ines s , etc ), healthc are profes s ionals , entrepreneurs , engineers , other bus ines s exec utives . T he Medic al T ec hnology C ommerc ialization C linic is funded by the NS F P artners hips for Innovation program, and adminis tered by the C enter for B iophotonic s S c ienc e and T ec hnology at UC Davis . John Laird, M.D. J ulio P almaz, M.D., C hairman and C hief S c ientis t, P almaz S c ientific ; A s hbel S mith P rofes s or, UT HS S A J ohn L aird, M.D., Medic al Direc tor, UC Davis V as c ular C enter Intellec tual P roperty P anel: “ A meric a Invents A c t” and Impac t on Inventors • P eter L ee, J .D., UC D S c hool of L aw • S c ott P ink, J .D., DL A P iper • Nanc y R as hid, P h.D., UC D InnovationA c c es s • Mic hael S tallman, J .D., Morris on & F oers ter • Moderator: P aul Henders on, P h.D., A c c elerated Medic al Diagnos tic s & UC DHS R S V P : www.s urveygizmo.c om/s /689250/pfi-forumnov-30-2011 or 916-734-8600 (T ania Miller).