W. Ladson Hinton, M.D.

W. Ladson Hinton, M.D.
Clinical Interests
W. Ladson Hinton is studying the role of family and psychosocial factors in cognitive impairment
among Latino elders in Sacramento. He also has published several articles on Vietnamese refugee
mental health and written 14 articles and book chapters.
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Geriatric Psychiatry
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 2230 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95817
Phone: 916-734-3574
Additional Phone
Physician Referrals: 800-4-UCDAVIS (800-482-3284)
M.D., Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1985
B.A., UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California, 1981
University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, 1985-86
University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, 1986-89
Board Certifications
Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, 1991-93
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, 1992
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Geriatric Psychiatry, 2007
Professional Memberships
American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry
Gerontological Society of America
Select Recent Publications
Hinton L, Chambers D., Valásquez A. Making sense of behavioral distrubances in person with
dementia: Latino family caregiver attributions of Neuropsychiatric Inventory domains. Alzheimer’s
Disease and Associated Disorders, doi: 10.1097/WAD.0b013e3181a6bc21, 2009
Hinton L, Hagar Y, West N, Gonzalez H, Mungas D, Beckett LA, Haan MN. Influence of spousal
depression on cognitive functioning in Latino spousal pairs. Dementia Geriatric Cognitive
Disorders, 27 (6), 491-500, 2009
Seritan AL., McCloud MK, Hinton L. Geriatric Depression - Review for Primary Care Geriatric
W. Ladson Hinton, M.D.
Depression: Review for Primary Care. Current Psychiatry Reviews, 5 (2), 137-142, 2009
Hinton L, Tran J, Tran C, Hinton D. Religious and spiritual dimensions of the Vietnamese dementia
caregiving experience, Hallym International Journal of Aging, 10(2):139-160, 2008
Hinton L, Franz CE, Reddy G., Flores YG, Kravitz RL, Barker JC. Practice constraints, behavioral
problems, and dementia care: Primary care physicians’ perspectives. Journal of General Internal
Medicine, 22 (11):1487-1492, 2007
Hinton L, Zweifach M, Oishi S, Unützer J. Gender disparities in the treatment of late-life
depression: qualitative and quantitative findings from the IMPACT Trial. American Journal of
Geriatric Psychiatry. 14:884-922, 2006
Hinton L, Flores Y, Franz C, Hernandez I, Mitteness LS. The Borderlands of Primary Care: Family
and Primary Care Physician Perspectives on “Troublesome” Behaviors of People with Dementia. In
A Leibing and L Cohen (eds), Thinking about Dementia - Culture, Loss, and the Anthropology of
Senility. New Brunswick; Rutgers University Press, p. 43-63, 2006
González HM, Hinton L, Haan MN, Ortiz T. Antidepressant Class and Dosing Among Older
Mexican Americans: Application of Geropsychiatric Treatment Guidelines. American Journal of
Geriatric Psychiatry, 14(1):79-83, 2006
Hinton L, Franz C, Yeo G, Levkoff S. Conceptions of dementia in a multi-ethnic sample of family
caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 53:1405, 2005
Gallagher-Thompson D, Hargrave R, Hinton WL, Arean P, Iwamasa G, Zeiss LM: Interventions for
a Multicultural Society. In: Coon, D.W., Gallagher-Thompson, D., Thompson LW. Innovative
Interventions to Reduce Dementia Caregiver Distress: A Clinical Guide. 2003, Springer Publishing
Company: NY, pp. 50-73.
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