Implementation of decisions of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly-08 (WTSA-08) Quito, Ecuador 7 July 2009 ITU-T activities in the region in the light of WTSA-08 Resolutions Paolo Rosa Head, Workshops and Promotion Division Telecommunication Standardization Bureau Forum Quito 7 July 2009 Committed to connecting the world International Telecommunication Union 1 Digital divide standardization gap & participation Digital Divide Standardization Gap & Poor Access to Technologies _______________________ Participation & Capacity Building Forum Quito 7 July 2009 Committed to connecting the world 2 RESOLUTION 17 (1) Telecommunication standardization in relation to the interests of developing countries • TSB to cooperate with the ITU regional offices, and consider to holding ITU-T meetings in the regions; • TSB to strengthen cooperation and coordination with regional organizations • Provide administrations of DCs with electronics copies of available documents, such as: - handbooks, directives, texts on operation and maintenance of networks - basic ITU-T texts able to increase awareness and participation in the studies of the T- sector Forum Quito 7 July 2009 Committed to connecting the world 3 RESOLUTION 17 (2) Telecommunication standardization in relation to the interests of developing countries • • • • • TSB to increase SGs meetings in the regions Promote the creation of flagship groups Take into account the technological priorities of developing countries e.g. for IPv6, IPTV, security, NGN Facilitate the participation of Developing Countries in the creation of Questions Study Groups to consider standardization issues addressing specific issues of their interest. Forum Quito 7 July 2009 Committed to connecting the world 4 Resolution 44 Bridging the standardization gap between developing and developed countries Programme 4: Flagship groups for bridging the standardization gap: assistance to help on specifiic issues, expertise, Forum Quito 7 July 2009 Committed to connecting the world 5 RESOLUTION 54 Creation of regional groups Open without the exclusion to the participation of all members that belongs to the specific region where that regional group had been created draft terms of reference and working methods to be approved by the parent study group dissemination of knowledge of standardization and encouraging submissions of written contributions to the parent study group reflecting the priorities of the region Cooperation with the relevant regional organizations and reporing to the work in the region Forum Quito 7 July 2009 Committed to connecting the world 6 Resolution 54 : Creation of regional groups resolves invites the regions 1 to develop draft terms of reference and working methods for regional groups that are to be approved by the parent study group; 2 to pursue the creation of regional groups with a view to disseminating knowledge of standardization and encouraging submissions of written contributions to the parent study group reflecting the priorities of the relevant region, invites the regional groups thus created 1 to disseminate information about telecommunication standardization and to submit written contributions to the parent study group reflecting the priorities of the relevant region; 2 to cooperate closely with the relevant respective regional organizations, instructs the Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, in collaboration with the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau 1 to provide, within available resources, all necessary support for creating and ensuring the smooth functioning of the regional groups; 2 to take all necessary measures to facilitate the organization of the meetings and workshops of those groups, 3 to report upon the effectiveness of regional groups to Council. invites the regional groups thus created to cooperate closely with the relevant regional respective organizations and to report on their work in their regions. to support, within available or otherwise contributed resources and on a case-by-case basis the creation of regional groups, Note: The regional groups are open without the exclusion to the participation of all members that belongs to the specific region where that regional group had been created Forum Quito 7 July 2009 Committed to connecting the world 7 The BK,J matrix concept: any Question from any SG Q SG A N+1 B C D E F G N 1 2 BE,3 3 4 5 6 7 n n+1 Forum Quito 7 July 2009 Committed to connecting the world 8 “Block” Meetings: Pros and Cos PROS: More participation of experts from the region: study, progress, approval process - “have a voice in global standards” Increase of contributions from the region Lower costs associated (travel/accomodation Region/Geneva) for regional experts Same TSB facilities available on site: regional presence Possibility to co-locate S-RBMs with ITU Forums or other events Potential increase of membership: sector’s promotion Reduce standardization gap and digital divide increase capacity building Possibility to reduce Study group meetings duration TSB staff to move for one-two weeks Funding / associated organizational costs Risk to work on too much regional-oriented standards Need to look for co-location with ITU Forums or other events COS: Forum Quito 7 July 2009 Committed to connecting the world 9 Actions Increased number of study group meetings in the regions planned New regional group meetings planned. Next days African Regional Group for SG12 will be established Workshops in regions on implementation of WTSA-08 actions and application of ITU-T Recommendations in regions Participation in events organized by other institutions Fellowships now available for all ITU-T study group meetings New ITU-T Flagship Group Forum Quito 7 July 2009 Committed to connecting the world 10 ITU Centre of Excellence 5 Prog/ 5 Partners Worldwide Networks 4 Prog./5 partners OAS/CITEL Telecom Policies 3 PROGRAMS IDB New Telecom Techniques BELL SOUTH Regulatory Issues IIT ICT based Business CTU CoE AMS R.O.Korea Pakistan Thailand Malaysia Iran Technical Awareness Regulatory Issues Business Management Rural connectivity Spectrum management 5 Prog./ ? Partners To be defined CoE ASP The ITU Centre of Excellence Network Tech.Awareness Strategic Management Policies & Reg. Issues Technology Trends Corporate Management Regulatory Issues Internet Technologies Spectrum management Spect Man & Sup. Information Techn. CIS CEE Branch Branch CoE EUR+CIS 5 Prog./2 partners 6 Prog./2 partners Telecom Policies Regulatory Issues Business management New Technologies IP Awareness Rural Connectivity CoE ARB ALCATEL IIT 5 Prog./3 partners Regulatory Issues Business management New Technologies Spectrum Management Rural Connectivity Regulatory Issues Business management New Technologies Spectrum Management Rural Connectivity CTO Airtel SFM IIT CoE AFR-F IIT CoE AFR-E Forum Quito 7 July 2009 Committed to connecting the world 11 Workshops trend N. Of Days in Gva in Gva out out 50 % Days 100 90 40 80 70 30 60 50 20 40 30 Gva 10 20 10 2002 Forum Quito 7 July 2009 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Committed to connecting the world 2008 12 Some recent and upcoming workshops Forum on Next Generation Network Standardization, Colombo, April 2009 Sri Lanka, 7-10 ITU Forum on “Conformity Assessment and Interoperability”, Geneva,16-17 July 2009 ITU Symposium on ICTs and Climate Change, Quito, Ecuador, 8-10 July 2009 Kaleidoscope event: Innovations for Digital Inclusion, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 31 August – 1 September 2009 Workshop on Accessibility: Planned in Bamako, Mali, 13-15 Oct 2009 (TBC) Forum Quito 7 July 2009 Committed to connecting the world 13 ITUing… c o n c l u s i o n Increasing the use of ITU Recommendations and membership Capacity building, training Increasing participation in SGs, management, workshops, meetings and number of contributions Contributing to ITU work plans Forum Quito 7 July 2009 Committed to connecting the world 14 Thank you Questions? Paolo Rosa Forum Quito 7 July 2009 Committed to connecting the world 15