Journal Articles Sciolla AF

Andrés Felipe Sciolla, M.D.
Journal Articles
2015 MacDonald K, Sciolla AF, Folsom D, Bazzo D, Searles C, Moutier C, Thomas ML,
Borton K, Norcross B. Individual risk factors for physician boundary violations: the role
of attachment style, childhood trauma and maladaptive beliefs. Gen Hosp Psychiatry.
2015 Haskins J, Carson JG, Chang CH, Kirshnit C, Link DP, Navarra L, Scher LM, Sciolla
AF, Uppington J, Yellowlees P. The Suicide Prevention, Depression Awareness, and
Clinical Engagement Program for Faculty and Residents at the University of
California, Davis Health System. Acad Psychiatry. Jun 11. [Epub ahead of print].
Book Chapters
2014 Eckstrand KL, Sciolla AF. History of Health Disparities Among People Who Are or
May Be LGBT, Gender Nonconforming, and/or Born with DSD, Chapter 1: Laying the
Foundation for Inclusion and Equality. In: Implementing Curricular and Institutional
Climate Changes to Improve Health Care for Individuals Who Are LGBT, Gender
Nonconforming, or Born with DSD. A Resource for Medical Educators. Association of
American Medical Colleges Advisory Committee on Sexual Orientation, Gender
Identity, and Sex Development, First Edition.
2014 Eckstrand KL, Sciolla AF. Using Medical Education to Address Disparities, Chapter 2:
The Role of Medical Education and Health Care Professionals in Eliminating Health
Disparities. In: Implementing Curricular and Institutional Climate Changes to Improve
Health Care for Individuals Who Are LGBT, Gender Nonconforming, or Born with
DSD. A Resource for Medical Educators. Association of American Medical Colleges
Advisory Committee on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Sex Development,
First Edition.
2014 Eckstrand KL, Sciolla AF, Potter J. Trauma and Resilience in the Lives of People
Who Are or May Be LGBT, Gender Nonconforming, and/or Born with DSD:
Implications for Clinical Care and Health Outcomes, Chapter 2: The Role of Medical
Education and Health Care Professionals in Eliminating Health Disparities. In:
Implementing Curricular and Institutional Climate Changes to Improve Health Care for
Individuals Who Are LGBT, Gender Nonconforming, or Born with DSD. A Resource
for Medical Educators. Association of American Medical Colleges Advisory Committee
on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Sex Development, First Edition.
2014 Sciolla AF. Competency-Based Medical Education: A Framework for Overcoming
Health Disparities, Chapter 2: The Role of Medical Education and Health Care
Professionals in Eliminating Health Disparities. In: Implementing Curricular and
Institutional Climate Changes to Improve Health Care for Individuals Who Are LGBT,
Gender Nonconforming, or Born with DSD. A Resource for Medical Educators.
Association of American Medical Colleges Advisory Committee on Sexual Orientation,
Gender Identity, and Sex Development, First Edition.
Abstracts and Presentations
2014 Sciolla AF. Are adverse childhood experiences the cause of LGBT (lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender) mental health disparities? In Symposium Developmental
Issues for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) People Across the
Lifespan: Challenges and Achievements (Chair: Gene Nakajima, MD; Co-Chair:
Dinesh Bhugra), XVI World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain, September 14-18.
2014 Sciolla AF. Formative Feedback on Communication Skills Milestones Using a
Learning Encounter with a Standardized Patient (SP) during the Psychiatry Clerkship.
Poster presentation, Annual Meeting, Association for Academic Psychiatry, Portland,
OR, September 17-20.
2014 Sciolla AF. Biological Embedding of Toxic Stress and Health Disparities in LGBT
Individuals. Presentation during the symposium Mistaken Identity: Improving Care for
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Patients from Education to
Execution, (symposium chair: co-presenters: Petrus, Robert Cabaj), Institute of
Psychiatric Services, San Francisco, CA, October 31.
2014 Kristen L. Eckstrand KL, Englander R, Bayer CR, Potter J, Hollenbach AD, Leibowitz
SF, Sciolla AF. Adopting the General Reference List of Physician Competencies to
Advance LGBT and DSD-Affected Health. Learn Serve Lead 2014: The AAMC Annual
Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 7-11.
2014 Sciolla AF. Tratamiento informado por trauma de la depresión en atención primaria
[Trauma-informed treatment for depression in primary care]. First International
Congress on Psychological Trauma, University of Talca, Talca, Chile, December 1112.
2015 Leibowitz SL, Eckstrand KL, Hurley B, St Cloud T, Sciolla AF. LGBT and Differences
of Sex Development Patient Care Competencies: Taking Psychiatry into the Next Era
of Sex, Sexuality, and Gender Sensitive Care. American Psychiatry Association 168th
Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 16-20.
2015 MacDonald KS, Finlayson JR, Neufeld RE, Swiggart WH, Sciolla AF. Early Life
Adversities and Physicians’ Resilience and Risk for Negative Professional Outcomes.
American Psychiatry Association 168th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 16-20.
2015 Shapiro D, Alarcon RD, Koh S, Zisook S, Sciolla AF. A Complex Case of a Hispanic
Male Patient With Depression and History of Sexual Trauma. American Psychiatry
Association 168th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 16-20.
Research Funding
1R34 1R-34MH099296, A Family-based Primary Care Intervention to Enhance Older Men's
Depression Care. NIMH, Hinton L (PI), Sciolla AF (Co-Investigator), 2013-2016.
1R01HS021477-01A1, UC Davis Project # 201302260, A controlled trial of patient centered
telepsychiatry interventions. $2.5m, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Yellowlees
P (PI), Sciolla AF (C-Investigator), 2013 – 2017.
Community Service
Member, Admission Committee, UC Davis School of Medicine
Member, Dean’s LGBTQI Advisory Council, UC Davis Medical Center
Member, Doctoral Dissertation Committee, Ellen Goldstein, The Betty Irene Moore School of
Nursing, UC Davis
Member, Executive Committee, Sacramento ACEsConnection
Member, Physician Well-Being Committee, UC Davis Medical Center
Member, Steering Committee for Doctoring, UC Davis School of Medicine
Peer Reviewer, Academic Psychiatry