International Telecommunication Union ITU activities related to IP-based networks Greg Jones ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) ITU Seminar on Standardization Accra, Ghana, 27-28 May 2004 ITU-T IP Related Studies 1. ITU-T IP Project 2. ITU-T SG11 Signalling & IP activities 3. IP Cable Communications 4. IP-QoS/Performance 5. IP-Optical Network & Performance Aspects 6. Numbering 7. IP and Security 8. Multimedia (MM) 27-28 May 2004 2 ITU-T’s IP Project o Covers IP related ITU-T work o IP Project Description version 8 • see ITU-T Study Group 13 website • 27-28 May 2004 3 IP project areas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 27-28 May 2004 Integrated architecture Impact to telecommunications access infrastructures of access to IP applications Interworking between IP based network and switchedcircuit networks, including wireless based networks Multimedia applications over IP Numbering and addressing Transport for IP-structured signals Signalling support, IN and routing for services on IPbased networks Performance Integrated management of telecom and IP-based networks Security aspects Network capabilities including requirements for resource management Operations and Maintenance (OAM) for IP Utilization of IPv6 in telecommunication networks 4 Scope of the IP Project 4 IP Applications Including Multi media - Q 3/13 and SG 10 and SG16 Signalling Support - SG 11 Service Interworking Qs 2/13, 5/13 3 7 2 IP and non-IP Access Qs 12/13, 14/13, SGs 4, 15 and 16 Network Capabilities Qs 1, 2, and 3/13, SG 9 Interworking – Q5/13, SG16 and SSG 11 IP and non-IP Access Qs 12/13, 14/13, SGs 4, 15 and 16 3 IP Performance - Q 6/13, SGs 2, 4 and 12 8 IP Transport – Qs10/13, 16/13, SG 15 2 6 Management - SG 4, 6/SSG, 14/15, 3/16 9 Naming, Numbering, Addressing and Routing - SG 25 7 13 Overall Network Architecture and Framework - Qs 1, 11, 14 and16/13 1 Operational Issues - SGs 2, 3, 4 and 17 27-28 May 2004 = Work area 12 10 5 SG13 IP Work o Y.1231 - IP Access Network Architecture o Y.1310 - Transport of IP over ATM in public networks o Y.1401 - General requirements for interworking with IP-based Networks o Y.1241 - Support of IP-based services using IP transfer capabilities 27-28 May 2004 6 SG13 IP work o Y.1710 - Requirements for OAM functionality for MPLS networks o Y.1540 - IP packet transfer and availability performance parameters o Y.1541 - IP performance objectives and allocations o Y.1311 - IP VPN o Y.1311.1 - IP VPN over MPLS o Y.satIP - Satellite IP networking (arch, mcst, QoS) o Y.123.qos - IP access quality of service o Y.ipbypass - IP bypass in access networks 27-28 May 2004 SG13 Future o Study groups continue to build links with the IETF o Develop and manage the IP Project o Work programme see 27-28 May 2004 (2) ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling & IP activities o Defines Signalling requirements and protocols for: • enhancements to existing Recommendations on access (UNI) and (inter)-network (NNI) signalling protocols for PSTN, ISDN and Packet (ATM and IP)-based networks • Some Mobility & MM related functions • the support of voice, data and Multi-media communications and services • emerging NGN architectures, signalling requirements, and control Protocols including Internet Protocol (IP) related control functions o Lead Study Group for IN 27-28 May 2004 9 ITU-T SG11 work focus o Interactions between IN and IP-based networks o IP-related signalling protocols o Bearer (ATM, IP) Independent Call Control (i.e. BICC) o Signalling transport over IP 27-28 May 2004 10 SS7 Convergence towards Packet based Networks o Intelligent Network architecture and protocols enhance o For Call control signalling, Bearer Independent Call Control (BICC) protocols - over Packet based transport networks • BICC Recs approved (2000 & 2001). • BICC CS3 under development 27-28 May 2004 11 (3) IP Cable Communications IPCablecom (SG9) o Defines architecture and interface specs interactive services over cable television network using IP o Market driver: IP telephony 27-28 May 2004 12 IPCablecom Service Possibilities o Residential/ Business IP Telephony o Video IP telephony o Voice/data/video unified messaging o Enhanced conferencing and media services o Entertainment Services • 27-28 May 2004 Real-time multiplayer interactive gaming 13 IPCablecom Components AN CMS CM HFC PSTN Gateway Managed IP Network PSTN MTA CM Embedded MTA AN Access Node CM Cable Modem CMS Call Management Servers HFC Hybrid Fiber Coax network MTA Multimedia Terminal Adapter PSTN Public Switched Tel. Network 27-28 May 2004 Back Office Servers 14 IPCablecom Recs. for interoperability intra-zone and with PSTN A set of recommendations in 2001/2002 27-28 May 2004 Architecture J.160 Architecture Signalling J.162 Network Call Signalling J.165 IPCablecom Signalling Transport Protocol J.171 Trunk Gateway Control Protocol Quality of Service J.163 Dynamic QoS Media/Codecs J.161 Audio Codec Requirements. OSS J.164 Event Messaging J.166 MIB Framework J.167 MTA Provisioning J.168 MTA MIB J.169 NCS MIB Security J.170 (02/02) Security 15 IPCablecom Recs. for interoperability inter-zone and inter-domain directly over managed IP backbones Quality of Service J.174 Inter-domain QoS Security J.170 Security Signalling For further study OSS J.164 Event Messaging Architecture For further study 27-28 May 2004 16 (4) IP-QoS/Performance o QoS Classes • Basis for IP Network QoS Control o IP QoS control • IP/PSTN network convergence o Y.1541 • Network performance objectives for IPbased services o Y.1540=I.380 • Internet protocol data communication service - IP packet transfer and availability performance parameters o QoS signalling protocols Y.1541 27-28 May 2004 17 QoS Parameters ITU-T SG12/16 User Perceived QoS SERVICE ITU-T SG16/11 Codec Performance, VAD, Frames per Packet, APPLICATION Jitter Buffer Size, Codec Delay, FEC (Redundancy) ITU-T SG13/IETF Max Packet Loss, Max Mean Delay, Max Delay Variation 27-28 May 2004 TRANSPORT 18 Some Discussion topics on IP Network QoS Control o Harmonized IP QoS signalling o Interworking IP QoS mechanisms 27-28 May 2004 19 (5) IP-Optical Network & Performance Aspects o IP-Optical Networks: Motivation • Infrastructure Attributes • Capabilities • Operational Benefits 27-28 May 2004 20 IP/Optical - Performance Benefits & Challenges o Performance Benefits • Increased transmission capacity • Reduced packet transfer delay, delay variation, loss, error • Lower call set up delays and blocking probabilities • Improved service availability o Some Challenges • Specify interoperable performance signalling protocols • Relate IP user/client requirements with control mechanisms • Define compatible network management strategies 27-28 May 2004 21 IPPM and Question 6/13 o New RFCs • Loss Patterns • Bulk Transfer Capacity o Current (IETF) Drafts • Packet Reordering • Active Meas. Protocol Req. • IPPM MIB o New Work • Link Bandwidth Capacity 27-28 May 2004 o Performance Objectives • Y.1541 (May 2002), six QoS Classes o Suggest QoS Signaling Support/Methods o Parameter Revisions • Y.1540 (Nov 2002) o “other” Packet Transfer • MPLS? 22 (6) Numbering o ENUM Significance: - Mapping telephone numbers onto Internet. - Could allow conventional telephones to call IP terminals (PCs). - ITU Responsibility: Define and implement administrative procedures that coordinate delegations of E.164 numbering resources into the agreed DNS name servers - Draft Recommendation E.A-ENUM is being prepared by Study Group 2 27-28 May 2004 23 (7)IP and Security Directory Access Control with X.509 Attribute Certificates: o The user given Attribute Certificate (AC) which strongly binds his/her name to the privileges being given to him/her o The AC is signed by the Attribute Authority (Resource Owner or his delegate) o Similar to X.509v3 certificate, only holds a sequence of attributes rather than a public key o An attribute certificate can be stored anywhere since it is secure and self contained 27-28 May 2004 24 Standardisation Work of Q. 9/17 o Friends attributes in X.501, X.511 o Distributed page results service in X.518 o Related Entries in X.501, X.511, X.518 o Alignment with IETF standards o Defect reports for entire X.500-series 27-28 May 2004 25 ITU-T Special Study Group IMT-2000 and Beyond o Q.3/SSG Identification of existing and evolving IMT-2000 Systems • Q.1741 3GPP security specifications o Q.1/SSG Service and network capability requirements and network architecture o & Q.7/SSG Convergence of fixed and existing IMT-2000 systems 27-28 May 2004 26 Study Group 16 Security-related Questions in the MediaCom2004 project Q.C/16 - MM Applications & Services F.706 Q.D/16 - Interoperability of MM Systems & Services Q.G/16 - Security of MM Systems & Services H.233, H.234, H.235 Q.F/16 - MM Quality of Service & E-2-E Performance in MM Systems Q.1/16 Q.2/16 Q.3/16 Q.4/16 MM Systems, Terminals & Data Conferencing MM over Packet Networks using H.323 systems Infrastructure & Interoperability for MM over Packet Network Systems Video and Data conferencing using Internet supported Services H.320 H.324 T.120 H.225.0 H.323 H.450 H.460 27-28 May 2004 H.245 H.246 H.248 Q.5/16 Mobility for MM Systems & Services H.501 H.510 H.530 27 Q.G/16 Work and Study Items Highlights o Investigate confidentiality and privacy of all o o o o o o 27-28 May 2004 signaling Address centralized key management for MM systems Security for MM Mobility Optimize voice encryption, develop video encryption MM security support for emergency services Consolidate or develop new security profiles Security interworking H.323-SIP 28 Emergency Telecommunication Services (ETS) Security for MM Applications and Systems o Security objectives: • prevent theft of service and denial of service by unauthorized user • support access control and authorization of ETS users • confidentiality and integrity of calls • provide rapid and user-friendly authentication of ETS users o H.SETS : provisional title for a new work item under study in Q.G/16 - focus on the multimedia security aspects of ETS 27-28 May 2004 29 (8)Multimedia (MM) ITU-T Study Group 16 MediaCom 2004 objective o to create a framework for the harmonized and coordinated development of multimedia communication standardization for use across all ITU-T and ITU-R Study Groups, and in close cooperation with other regional and international SDOs and industry forums 27-28 May 2004 30 MEDIACOM 2004 Framework in SG16 FSA Framework Study Areas MEDIACOM 2004 (Q A/16) Generic Questions B/16 to H/16 Framework Standardisation Areas (FSA) Equipment and system questions 1/16 to 15/16 27-28 May 2004 31 Framework Study Areas (FSA) o o o o o o o o 27-28 May 2004 Project MediaCom 2004 (A/16) MM Architecture (B/16) MM Applications and Services (C/16) Interoperability of MM Systems and Services (D/16) Media Coding (E/16) QoS & E-E performance in MM Systems (F/16) Security of MM Systems and Services (G/16) Accessibility (H/16) 32 MM Element Interdependence Equipment/protocol perspective Network Specific Recommendations ISDN B-ISDN PSTN Mobiles Packets F.MDS F.700 Service Description Process F.MRS F.MCVS F.MCS = F.702 Communication Capabilities : MSEs Comm. Tasks Generic Multimedia Services Media Comp. F.MDS.1 F.MRS.1 F.MCV.1 F.MDS.2 F.MRS.2 F.MCV.2 F.MDS.3 F.MRS.3 F.MCV.3 F.MDS.4 F.MRS.4 F.MCV.4 F.MDS.5 F.MRS.5 F.MCV.5 F.MCS.3 F.MCS.4 F.MCS.5 H.310 H.324 H.324 H.323 Terminals or End-points H.247 N. A. N. A. H.332 Multipoint H.245 H.245 H.245 In-band Signalling H.223 H.223 F.MCS.1 = F.731 F.MCS.2 = F.732 H.320 H.321 Technical Descriptions 27-28 May 2004 Service Descriptions User perspective Network Independent Recommendations G.729 G.728 G.723 G.722 H.263 H.262 H.261 H.243 H.231 G.711 H.242 T.120 H.230 H.245 T.130 H.221 H.222.0 H.222.1 Multiplex H.225.0 H.248 Protocols Audio Coding MSEs = middleware service elements Video Coding Q.931 Q.2931 Q.23 Q.--- ISDN B-ISDN PSTN Mobiles Call Control Packets 33 Other IP related resources o IP Policy Manual see o PP-02 Resolution 102 o ITU-T Workshops see o ITU-T and ICANN reform see 27-28 May 2004 34