Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion References 2011-11-30 Introduction 2011-WCAS Quad-trees, efficient networks, inferred fibres 2011 W-CAS Afternoon Wilfrid S. Kendall w.s.kendall@warwick.ac.uk Department of Statistics, University of Warwick 30th November 2011 Quad-trees, efficient networks, inferred fibres 2011 W-CAS Afternoon Wilfrid S. Kendall w.s.kendall@warwick.ac.uk Department of Statistics, University of Warwick 30th November 2011 1 Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion References Introduction This talk gives brief sketches of three snippets of research. 1. Quad-trees: image analysis in depth; 2. Efficient networks: how to build fast networks that connect efficiently; 3. Inferred fibres: guessing curves given an associated point pattern. Common theme: Using probability to build useful models. 2 2011-11-30 Introduction 2011-WCAS Introduction Introduction This talk gives brief sketches of three snippets of research. 1. Quad-trees: image analysis in depth; Introduction 2. Efficient networks: how to build fast networks that connect efficiently; 3. Inferred fibres: guessing curves given an associated point pattern. Common theme: Using probability to build useful models. Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion References Ising images Consider modelling a binary image using an Ising model. 1. Do this by envisioning an ideal image as a finite cartesian lattice, with bond strengths J1 expressing the thought that neighbouring pixels are likely to be similar (a “local Bayesian prior”). The actual observed image is a duplicate lattice in which neighbouring pixels are un-related to each other, but relate to corresponding ideal pixels by bonds of strength K . 2011-11-30 Introduction 2011-WCAS Quad-trees Ising images Ising images Consider modelling a binary image using an Ising model. 1. Do this by envisioning an ideal image as a finite cartesian lattice, with bond strengths J1 expressing the thought that neighbouring pixels are likely to be similar (a “local Bayesian prior”). The actual observed image is a duplicate lattice in which neighbouring pixels are un-related to each other, but relate to corresponding ideal pixels by bonds of strength K . 2. We can simulate this using the heat bath algorithm described above. However we wish to simulate from the Ising model conditioned on the observed noisy image. Because the heat bath algorithm is reversible, we simply fix observed pixels! 3. The heat-bath algorithm can be viewed as a collection of correlated but very simple reflected random walks. ANIMATION 1. This is of course a very simple model. To make it slightly more realistic, one might introduce diagonal bonds of different strengths J2 . 2. Super-critical parameters are best, so the algorithm could be quite slow. 3. We can even implement CFTP! 2. We can simulate this using the heat bath algorithm described above. However we wish to simulate from the Ising model conditioned on the observed noisy image. Because the heat bath algorithm is reversible, we simply fix observed pixels! 3. The heat-bath algorithm can be viewed as a collection of correlated but very simple reflected random walks. ANIMATION 3 Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion Multiresolution (I) References 2011-11-30 Introduction 2011-WCAS Quad-trees Multiresolution (I) Multiresolution (I) Kendall and Wilson (2003): Ising model built on a quadtree; different parent-child and horizontal neighbour connection strengths (Jτ , Jλ ). Question: in which range of parameters is the model suitable for image analysis? The motivation arises from image recognition algorithms in computer science, which use hierarchical networks to model the scenes to be analyzed. Tricks and problems: 1. 2. 3. 4. Kendall and Wilson (2003): Ising model built on a quadtree; different parent-child and horizontal neighbour connection strengths (Jτ , Jλ ). Question: in which range of parameters is the model suitable for image analysis? 4 Failure of symmetry! Hierarchical structure lends itself to structured images. Connections across sub-trees mitigate “blocky” structures. FKG inequalities allow one to relate Ising model (tricky) to percolation (slightly less tricky). 5. One looks for phenomena occurring (a) for small parent-child interactions (layers of 2-d Ising models), and (b) for small neighbour interactions (nearly like tree models – but some very significant differences). 6. Tree-like structure is rather crucial to a significant part of the analysis. Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion References 2011-11-30 Introduction Multiresolution (II) http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/˜rgw/sira/sim.html (a) Jλ = 1, Jτ = 0.5 (b) Jλ = 1, Jτ = 1 (c) Jλ = 1, Jτ = 2 (d) Jλ = 0.5, Jτ = 0.5 (e) Jλ = 0.5, Jτ = 1 (f) Jλ = 0.5, Jτ = 2 (g) Jλ = 0.25, Jτ = 0.5 (h) Jλ = 0.25, Jτ = 1 (i) Jλ = 0.25, Jτ = 2 2011-WCAS Quad-trees Multiresolution (II) Multiresolution (II) http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/˜rgw/sira/sim.html (a) Jλ = 1, Jτ = 0.5 (b) Jλ = 1, Jτ = 1 (c) Jλ = 1, Jτ = 2 (d) Jλ = 0.5, Jτ = 0.5 (e) Jλ = 0.5, Jτ = 1 (f) Jλ = 0.5, Jτ = 2 (g) Jλ = 0.25, Jτ = 0.5 (h) Jλ = 0.25, Jτ = 1 (i) Jλ = 0.25, Jτ = 2 1. Only 200 resolution levels; 2. At each level, 1000 sweeps in scan order; 3. At each level, simulate square sub-region of 128 × 128 pixels conditioned by mother 64 × 64 pixel region; 4. Impose periodic boundary conditions on 128 × 128 square region; 5. At the coarsest resolution, all pixels set white. At subsequent resolutions, ‘all black’ initial state. 6. Careful analytical work using percolation and FKG comparison inequalities isolates a regime in which (in the infinite variant) there is a single infinite cluster. That captures the regime within which one might expect good image modelling. There is still much to be done here! 5 Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion References An ancient optimization problem A Roman Emperor’s dilemma: 2011-11-30 Introduction 2011-WCAS Efficient networks An ancient optimization problem An ancient optimization problem CON: Roads are expensive to build and maintain; Pro optimo quod faciendum est? 6 PRO: Roads are needed to move legions quickly around the country; CON: Roads are expensive to build and maintain; Pro optimo quod faciendum est? We begin by reviewing the work of Aldous and WSK (2008). An early illustration of this trade-off: Roman emperors must have had to face the optimization problem, how many Roman roads to build? I owe the Latin comment to my erudite colleague Saul Jacka and my learned friend Diana Barclay. PRO: Roads are needed to move legions quickly around the country; A Roman Emperor’s dilemma: Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion References 2011-11-30 Introduction A problem in frustrated optimization √ Consider N cities x (N) = {x1 , . . . , xN } in square side N. Assess road network G = G(x (N) ) connecting cities by: network total road length len(G) (minimized by Steiner minimum tree ST(x (N) )); versus average network distance between two random cities, �� 1 average(G) = distG (xi , xj ) , N(N − 1) A problem in frustrated optimization i�=j (minimized by laying tarmac for complete graph). Perhaps the average ratio would be a good measure of performance? � � distG (xi , xj ) 1 i�=j �xi − xj � One might reasonably suppose, in order to get average(G(x (N) )) close to the Euclidean distance (“as the crow flies”), one needs substantially more than the minimum possible distance (len(ST(x (N) )) = O(N) where ST(x (N) ) is the Steiner minimum tree for the configuration x (N) ). We note in passing that computing the Steiner minimum tree is typically difficult (NP-complete!), though approximation (in planar case) is feasible using randomized algorithms. √ Notice: generally we expect average(G(x (N) )) ≥ O( N) while it will be minimized for the complete planar graph, for which len(G(x (N) )) = O(N 5/2 ). (minimized by laying tarmac for complete graph). Perhaps the average ratio would be a good measure of performance? � � distG (xi , xj ) 1 i�=j A problem in frustrated optimization √ Consider N cities x (N) = {x1 , . . . , xN } in square side N. Assess road network G = G(x (N) ) connecting cities by: network total road length len(G) (minimized by Steiner minimum tree ST(x (N) )); versus average network distance between two random cities, �� 1 average(G) = distG (xi , xj ) , N(N − 1) N(N − 1) i�=j N(N − 1) 2011-WCAS Efficient networks �xi − xj � 7 Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion References Asymptotics Theorem Careful asymptotics for n → ∞ show that E �1 � = 2 len ∂Cx,y �� � � n + 14 (α − sin α) exp − 12 (η − n) d z ≈ R2 � � 4 5 n+ log n + γ + 3 3 where γ = 0.57721 . . . is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. Thus a unit-intensity invariant Poisson line process is within O(log n) of providing connections which are as efficient as Euclidean connections. 8 2011-11-30 Introduction 2011-WCAS Efficient networks Asymptotics Theorem Careful asymptotics for n → ∞ show that E Asymptotics �1 2 � len ∂Cx,y = �� � � n + 14 (α − sin α) exp − 12 (η − n) d z ≈ R2 � � 4 5 n+ log n + γ + 3 3 where γ = 0.57721 . . . is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. Thus a unit-intensity invariant Poisson line process is within O(log n) of providing connections which are as efficient as Euclidean connections. Considerable analytical work required here. The error incurred by the asymptotic can 1 be bounded by constant × 1/3 . n Euler-Mascheroni constant γ: n � 1 − log n m 1 → γ as n → ∞ . It is amusing that it is not yet known whether γ is irrational. Computed to about 2 billion digits of accuracy (information from Wikipedia . . . if you believe that sort of source). Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion References 2011-11-30 Introduction Three typical application contexts: 2011-WCAS Inferred fibres Three typical application contexts: Three typical application contexts: 1. Fingerprint sweat pores Extracted from fingerprint a002-5 from NIST Special database 30 (Watson 2001). 2. Earthquake epicentres Epicentres in New Madrid region, taken from CERI (Center for Earthquake Research and Information). 3. Universe within 500 Mly Image: Richard Powell (atlasoftheuniverse.com/nearsc.html: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License). Great variation in length scales between different datasets! Another interesting application: minefields – mines tend to be laid along (curved) paths. 1. Fingerprints: typical scale 2.0 × 10−5 km 2. Earthquakes: typical scale 100 km 3. Universe: typical scale 4.7 × 1021 km 1. Fingerprint sweat pores Extracted from fingerprint a002-5 from NIST Special database 30 (Watson 2001). 2. Earthquake epicentres Epicentres in New Madrid region, taken from CERI (Center for Earthquake Research and Information). 3. Universe within 500 Mly Image: Richard Powell (atlasoftheuniverse.com/nearsc.html: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License). 9 Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion Our statistical model (I) Formulation using points clustered around curvilinear fibres References 2011-11-30 Introduction 2011-WCAS Inferred fibres Our statistical model (I) Formulation using points clustered around curvilinear fibres Our statistical model (I) We aspire to a “statistically principled” approach! Observed points are attached to “anchor points” distributed along fragments of integral curves of the underlying orientation field. 10 Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion References 2011-11-30 Introduction Our statistical model (II) Construction of fibres as integral curves of orientation field 2011-WCAS Inferred fibres Our statistical model (II) Construction of fibres as integral curves of orientation field Our statistical model (II) Form a Poisson process of finite-length fibres. One could view this as a finite sample of the spacings achieved by cutting a “long line” according to a Poisson process – though this presents undesirable measure-theoretic complications! Calculation can be done to ensure constant length intensity per unit area, at price of inhomogeneous process of seeds marked by lengths. We ignore issues to do with (a) re-entrant fibres, (b) window censoring. 11 Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Our statistical model (III) Building up a (simplified) DAG Conclusion References 2011-11-30 Introduction 2011-WCAS Inferred fibres Our statistical model (III) Building up a (simplified) DAG Our statistical model (III) Mark points are placed on fibres (a) according to a Poisson process (in simplest case); or (b) using a continuous-time renewal process with Gamma-distributed spacings, to allow for clustering or order. In both cases stationarity is imposed. Note the extra complexity in the model: points are not classified as signal or noise, but are given parameters specifying probability of their being signal or noise (a latent or “hidden variable” approach). 12 Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion References 2011-11-30 Introduction Our statistical model (IV) DAG of full model 2011-WCAS Inferred fibres Our statistical model (IV) DAG of full model Our statistical model (IV) The full picture is quite involved. 13 Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion References Orientation Field Calculating an appropriate orientation field is key. Possible approaches include using random field theory, eg extending a Gaussian field . . . . . . but the configuration space of orientation fields is huge. Use Empirical Bayes to evade resulting problems. 14 2011-11-30 Introduction 2011-WCAS Inferred fibres Orientation Field Calculating an appropriate orientation field is key. Possible approaches include using random field theory, eg extending a Gaussian field . . . Orientation Field . . . but the configuration space of orientation fields is huge. Use Empirical Bayes to evade resulting problems. The space of possible configurations of random fields has dimension which is very high (even infinite), and we may expect strict Bayesian inference to perform poorly here for all sorts of reasons. Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion References 2011-11-30 Introduction Fingerprints Estimate of clustering of signal points 2011-WCAS Inferred fibres Fingerprints Estimate of clustering of signal points Fingerprints Note the clear classification obtained here. Posterior Probabilities for Number of Fibres Number of Fibres 15 16 17 Posterior Probability 0.17 0.17 0.25 Other Properties Conditioned on the Number of Fibres Number of Posterior 50% HPD Fibres Mean Interval 16 15.00 [12,17] Number of Noise Points 17 18.86 [16,19] 95th Percentile of the 16 3.00 [2.67,2.95] Distances from Signal 17 3.10 [2.86,3.16] Points to Fibres 16 864.75 [836,886] Total Length of Fibres 17 814.43 [788,804] 18 0.11 95% HPD Interval [8,21] [16,23] [2.50,3.43] [2.78,3.49] [784,927] [788,878] 15 Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion Conclusion Bespoke probability models for interesting situations. 16 References 2011-11-30 Introduction 2011-WCAS Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Bespoke probability models for interesting situations. Introduction Quad-trees Efficient networks Inferred fibres Conclusion Aldous, D. J. and WSK (2008, March). Short-length routes in low-cost networks via Poisson line patterns. Advances in Applied Probability 40(1), 1–21. Kendall, W. S. and R. G. Wilson (2003, March). Ising models and multiresolution quad-trees. Advances in Applied Probability 35(1), 96–122. Watson, C. (2001). Dual Resolution Images from Paired Fingerprint Cards. 17 References