St Ninian’s High School Kirkintilloch East Dunbartonshire Council 4 March 2008 Contents Page 1. Background 1 2. Key strengths 2 3. How well does the school raise achievement for all? 2 4. How good is the environment for learning? 8 5. Leading and improving the school 10 Appendix 1 Indicators of quality 13 Appendix 2 Summary of questionnaire responses 14 Appendix 3 Attainment in Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) National Qualifications 16 How can you contact us? 18 1. Background St Ninian’s High School, Kirkintilloch was inspected in November 2007 as part of a national sample of secondary education. The inspection covered key aspects of the school’s work at all stages. HM Inspectors evaluated how well the school was raising achievement for all pupils, taking into account the extent to which pupils’ learning needs were met by the curriculum and teaching. They also analysed pupils’ attainment in national examinations (see Appendix 3), the school’s processes for self-evaluation and innovation, and its overall effectiveness and capacity for improvement. Inspectors focused particularly on English, mathematics, modern foreign languages and history. The inspection team also evaluated aspects of the school’s progress in implementing national recommendations related to improving aspects of school meals provision. HM Inspectors observed teaching, learning and achievement in lessons and other contexts and examined pupils’ work. They analysed responses to questionnaires 1 issued to a sample of parents 2 and pupils and to all staff. They interviewed groups of pupils, including representatives of pupil councils, and staff. Members of the inspection team also met the chairperson of the Parent Council, a group of parents and the school chaplain. St Ninian’s High School is a denominational school serving Kirkintilloch, Lenzie, Lennoxtown and the surrounding area. At the time of the inspection, the roll was 758. The percentage of pupils entitled to free school meals was above the national average. Pupils’ attendance was above the national average. The school included a language and communication resource, serving pupils from across East Dunbartonshire. Eleven months before the inspection, the school had been decanted to a school building in Bishopbriggs for a period of two and a half years, pending construction of a new school in Kirkintilloch under the council’s Public Private Partnership initiative. 1 See Appendix 2 Throughout this report, the term ‘parents’ should be taken to include foster carers, residential care staff and carers who are relatives or friends. 2 1 2. Key strengths HM Inspectors identified the following key strengths. • The exceptionally positive climate and relationships within the school. • Improving patterns of attainment. • The effective implementation of the School of Ambition initiative, and the consequent effects on staff and pupils’ motivation. • Strong links with parents and the wider community. • The quality of pastoral care within the school. • Effective leadership at all levels within the school. 3. How well does the school raise achievement for all? To evaluate how well the school was raising achievement for all, HM Inspectors considered the extent to which the learning needs of all pupils were met through the curriculum and teaching. They evaluated the effectiveness of the school in promoting the learning and personal development of all pupils in lessons and in other, broader contexts. They also considered the standards attained in specific aspects of learning. Curriculum The quality of the curriculum was very good. The school had adopted a well judged and measured approach to curriculum innovation within the context of the national initiative Curriculum for Excellence. Particular features of the curriculum included the following. • At all stages, pupils followed a broad and balanced curriculum. The proportion of pupils following courses in modern foreign languages from S3 to S6 was exceptionally high. • There was a good range of Standard Grade and National Qualification (NQ) courses available from S3 to S6, with effective steps taken to meet as many individual needs and aspirations as possible. • There were strong links with associated primaries to ensure pupils built fully on prior learning. • Pupils’ learning was enhanced by productive links between the language and communication resource and most subject departments, including art and design, history and science. 2 • There were well planned approaches to religious and moral education, physical education and personal and social education, including curricular and vocational guidance. • A clear dimension of vocational education was offered in partnership with local colleges, with scope to extend this dimension of the curriculum further. • There was proactive discussion among departments and teachers to improve the curriculum and to introduce well planned innovation. Initiatives included well designed inter-disciplinary and thematic activities, such as the encouragement of applied thinking skills across the curriculum and an enterprising and powerful approach to promoting anti-sectarianism. • There were successful approaches to enterprise education, international education for global citizenship, health education and sustainable development education across the curriculum. • The very good opportunities for learning outwith the classroom, including leadership training, provided valuable enhancements to the curriculum. Teaching and meeting pupils’ needs The overall quality of teaching was good. Lessons were consistently well prepared and structured. Time was used productively, with a good range of teaching approaches including whole class and group teaching. Most teachers were systematic in ensuring that pupils were fully aware of the content and aims of lessons and in reviewing what had been learned. Most used questioning well to probe pupils’ understanding, although some were less effective in providing opportunities for pupils to express their views and in responding constructively to pupils’ answers. Some lessons were exceptionally successful in engaging pupils with their learning, through stimulating teaching and imaginative pupil activities. There was effective use of information and communications technology (ICT) in many subjects to enhance teaching and learning. Homework was provided regularly in many subjects and well planned to extend pupils’ learning. The school recognised the need to increase the pace of lessons in some subjects and to share and extend the best practice to raise the quality of teaching overall. There were major strengths in the way the school met pupils’ needs. Teaching materials were well matched to pupils’ different needs, including those of high attaining pupils. The “Intervention Days”, led by the English department, were an excellent example of encouraging independent and creative thinking skills for all pupils across a wide range of subject areas. Courses at Access Levels 1 and 2 and Intermediate 2 had been developed for pupils with additional support needs in the language and communication resource and other departments. Individual pupils’ needs were well met by the joint efforts of learning support staff and mainstream teachers. Pupils were encouraged to review their on-going progress and were involved in setting their own learning targets. The deployment of subject teachers to teach pupils from the language and communication resource was very effective. Support for learning assistants provided very good support in class for individual pupils and worked collaboratively with class teachers. All staff were involved in the identification of pupils’ needs. Staff knew pupils very well and monitored progress consistently well through individual assessments and subject teachers’ reports. The provision of individualised 3 educational programmes (IEPs) needed to be extended to provide a better focus for tracking and encouraging pupils’ progress in learning. Learning and personal development Pupils’ motivation and enthusiasm for learning was exceptionally high. Virtually all pupils were fully engaged with tasks and activities across the curriculum. They responded very well to the opportunities for collaborative learning, discussion and creative thinking which were prevalent in many subjects. The pace of learning was brisk overall, although in some cases pupils were too passive and needed to be more actively involved in lessons. Overall, pupils were given appropriate responsibility for their learning and were capable of productive investigative learning, peer assessment and teamwork. Pupils were confident in their use of ICT and demonstrated a high level of skills at all stages. Staff had worked very hard to create a stimulating environment for learning. The school was well placed to help pupils develop the capacities identified in the Curriculum for Excellence national initiative. The quality of pupils’ personal and social development was very good. The school’s personal and social education programme was well structured to provide a clear and progressive focus on relationships, health education including drug and alcohol education, citizenship and careers. Pupils enjoyed the opportunity to discuss issues and demonstrated increasing ability to debate important topics. The positive inclusion of pupils with significant language and communication difficulties was actively supported by pupils’ desire to support their peers. Staff had been successful in maintaining extra-curricular activities and study support, by bussing pupils from the original catchment area. The forensic science lunch club run by S6 pupils for S1 and S2 pupils provided opportunities for all year groups to benefit from challenging activities in meaningful and motivational contexts. The school offered a wide range of additional learning experiences such as theatre visits, retreats, skiing trips and voluntary activities. These allowed pupils to develop their talents and personal capacities. “Reach for the Stars” and “Columba 1400” were used successfully to promote and recognise pupils’ achievements. Senior pupils were positive role models and carried out a range of responsibilities in the school, often engaging with younger year groups. Pupils’ citizenship skills were enhanced in a variety of ways such as through working in the community. English Teachers used a wide variety of teaching approaches, including ICT, to motivate pupils and encourage independent thinking. There were regular opportunities for pupils to present their work to their peers. Tasks and activities were very well matched to pupils’ learning styles, particularly in developing understanding of how writers achieve their effects. Pupils studied a range of appropriately demanding texts, including both classic and modern writers. Overall, the quality of teaching and meeting pupils’ needs was very good. The quality of pupils’ learning experiences was excellent. The quality of pupils’ attainment was good overall. Particular features were as follows. • 4 The majority of pupils were attaining appropriate national levels of attainment in listening, talking, reading and writing by the end of S2. • At S3/S4, the proportions of pupils gaining awards at Credit and General levels in Standard Grade were above the national average. In 2007 almost all candidates presented for Intermediate 2, and most at Intermediate 1, gained an award at A-C. • At S5/S6, the proportions of pupils gaining A-C awards at Intermediate 2 and Higher were in line with the national average. The proportion gaining an A award at Higher was above the national average. At Intermediate 2, the proportion gaining awards at A-C was in line with the national average. The majority of candidates at Advanced Higher gained A-C awards. Mathematics Teachers gave clear explanations, often employed ICT very effectively to enhance lessons and made regular and systematic use of homework. Pupils demonstrated very positive attitudes to the subject and worked purposefully in class. Teachers were gradually extending the range of pupils’ learning experiences by engaging them in problem solving and collaborative work. They had begun to improve arrangements to accelerate the learning of higher attaining pupils and gave a high level of support to pupils experiencing learning difficulties. Overall, the quality of teaching, learning and meeting needs was good. The overall quality of attainment was adequate. Particular features included the following. • The majority of S2 pupils attained the appropriate national level, with an increasing proportion attaining beyond this level. • The proportion of S4 pupils attaining awards at Credit level at Standard Grade was in line with the national average. However, the proportion attaining at General level or equivalent was below the national average. • At Higher, the majority of S5/S6 pupils attained an A-C award, although in 2007 overall performance had declined to well below the national average and too many did not attain any award. At Intermediate 1 and Intermediate 2, performance had also been below national averages in 2007. At Advanced Higher, most pupils attained an A-C award, with a greater proportion gaining an A or B award than the national average. Modern languages The outstanding quality of the provision was underpinned by the energy and creativity of the teaching staff. Teachers planned their lessons carefully to provide varied and stimulating activities for pupils. Innovative methods ensured pupils were fully engaged in their learning. Pupils worked diligently and enthusiastically in lessons, often collaborating in pairs and in groups to develop their language skills. Pupils’ learning needs were very well met through a range of challenging and motivating activities, including very effective use of ICT and cooperative teaching in S1/S2. Innovative language learning activities, including regular opportunities to participate in trips to France and Spain, were organised through the school’s involvement in the School of Ambition initiative. 5 The quality of teaching and pupils’ learning experiences was excellent. Approaches to meeting pupils’ needs were very good. The overall quality of attainment was excellent. Particular features included the following. • At S1/S2, pupils built effectively on their learning in primary school. They were able to use the language they had learned flexibly and creatively, particularly in extended speaking and writing. • In S3/S4, the proportion of pupils attaining an award at Credit level in Standard Grade French was above the national average. Pupils’ performance in French was notably better than in their other subjects. Commendable numbers studied Spanish in addition to French and their performance was very strong. • In S5/S6, a very high proportion of pupils had opted to continue their modern language studies. Most pupils presented for Higher or Advanced Higher French or Spanish, or Intermediate 2 Italian, had gained A-C awards. • Advanced Higher French pupils demonstrated outstanding levels of proficiency in a DVD they had produced of a debate relating to membership of the European Union. History Lessons were well structured overall. They included some lively and interesting teaching which engaged pupils fully. The new staff team was working well to extend the range of teaching approaches and learning opportunities for pupils. There was consistent and effective use of ICT. In most classes, the pace of learning was brisk. Pupils were highly motivated and responded well to the good range of opportunities for collaborative learning, discussion and investigative work. Tasks and activities were appropriate overall in meeting the range of needs. Pupils with additional support needs were very well supported. Overall, the quality of teaching and pupils’ learning experiences was good. Approaches to meeting pupils’ needs were good. Attainment was adequate. Particular features included the following. • At S1/S2, most pupils were performing well in classwork. They needed more chances to express their views on historical issues. • At S3/S4, the proportion of S4 pupils gaining a Credit award at Standard Grade was improving and was now just above the national average. The proportion gaining awards at General or better was consistently in line with national averages. • At S5/S6, the proportions of pupils presented for Higher and gaining an award at A-C were below national averages. Performance at Intermediate 2 had been weak in 2006 and 2007, with the majority of pupils failing to gain an A-C award. Attainment Information about the subjects inspected has been given earlier in the report. Across the school, particular features of pupils’ progress, results in examinations and other 6 qualifications, including those awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) within the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) 3 for the three year period 2005-2007, are included below. By the end of S2 attainment was good. Particular features included the following. • The percentages of pupils attaining or exceeding appropriate national levels in mathematics, reading and writing had improved overall from 2005 to 2007. • Most pupils were performing well in classwork at S1/S2. By the end of S4 attainment was very good and standards were improving in a number of areas. Particular features included the following. • The proportions of pupils attaining five or more SCQF awards at level 3 or better were improving and were above national averages. The school performed better than schools with similar characteristics. • The proportions of pupils attaining five or more SCQF level 4 and level 5 awards were above the national averages and improving. • The percentages of pupils attaining Credit awards at Standard Grade were above national averages in biology, computing studies, graphic communication, modern studies and physics, but below national averages in art and design, business management and physical education. By the end of S6 attainment was good. Particular features included the following. • The proportions of pupils attaining three or five awards at SCQF level 6 were above national averages. The school was performing better than schools with similar characteristics. • Over the past three years, there had been a decline in the proportion of male candidates attaining three and more and five and more Higher awards at A-C. • The percentages of S5 pupils attaining A-C awards at Higher Grade were well above the national averages in graphic communication and music, and above average in chemistry and geography. The percentages of pupils attaining those awards were well below national averages in art and design and physical education and below the national average in physics. 3 Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) levels: 7: Advanced Higher at A-C/CSYS at A-C 6: Higher at A-C 5: Intermediate 2 at A-C; Standard Grade at 1-2 4: Intermediate 1 at A-C; Standard Grade at 3-4 3: Access 3 cluster; Standard Grade at 5-6 7 • At Advanced Higher, the proportions of pupils gaining one or more passes were in line with national averages and with schools of similar characteristics. Presentations for Advanced Higher physics were consistently well above the national average and in 2007 all candidates attained an A grade. 4. How good is the environment for learning? Aspect Comment Pastoral care Staff at all levels placed a high priority on pastoral care and ensuring pupils’ welfare. Clear guidelines were in place to deal with child protection, bullying, racial incidents and drugs misuse. These topics were reinforced through the curriculum and were actively promoted through the ethos and culture of the school. Pupils benefited from a very effective transition programme from primary school. Pastoral care staff were committed to their pupils, were responsive to individual needs as they arose and maintained purposeful contact with parents and outside agencies. They knew their pupils well and monitored their progress very effectively. The high quality of provision was having a significant positive impact on pupils’ attendance and behaviour. The school chaplain and the whole school pastoral team played central roles in maintaining a strong community of faith, within and outside school, and in promoting a positive ethos throughout the school. The appointment of a principal teacher with responsibility for the school’s ethos underlined the commitment of the whole school to ensuring the best possible outcomes for the care and welfare of all pupils. Links with external support agencies were maintained well for the benefit of vulnerable groups of pupils. 8 Aspect Comment Quality of accommodation and facilities Accommodation was adequate overall. Particular features included the following. • The decant to temporary accommodation had been well managed. The school and education authority had worked hard to establish an appropriate learning environment. • Whole-school facilities and classrooms were, overall, appropriate. • There was an attractive learning environment, achieved through displays of pupils’ work, school activities and re-inforcement of the school identity. A number of aspects were less positive. The school entrance security required improvement, the quality of lighting and ventilation was poor in some areas, corridors and stairs were narrow and outdoor facilities for physical education were limited. Climate and relationships, expectations and promoting achievement and equality The school had a very welcoming and positive atmosphere. Relationships were very strong at all levels. Staff and pupils were proud of the school and morale was very high. The high commitment to the Roman Catholic faith influenced many aspects of the school’s work. Religious observance and worship were effectively structured. Behaviour in classes and in other areas was very good. Pupils displayed high levels of responsibility and concern for one another. Unacceptable behaviour was addressed promptly and consistently. Teachers and pupils had high expectations, although there was scope for greater challenge in some areas, particularly in S1/S2. Pupils’ opinions were surveyed regularly and they were consulted through representative councils and membership of other committees. Academic and other achievement was strongly promoted, recognised and rewarded. Appropriate policies clearly set out the school’s procedures for encouraging equality and fairness and dealing with discrimination. However there was scope within the curriculum to provide pupils with more opportunity to consider issues related to equality and cultural diversity. Professional development programmes for staff should include more systematic training on equality and fairness. Staff were strongly committed to inclusion and provided strong support for pupils from the language and communication resource. 9 Aspect Comment Partnership with parents and the community The quality of partnership with parents and the community was very good. Particular features included the following. • There were good links with the Parent Council, which was very supportive of the school. • The school communicated well about school activities through well judged newsletters and its web site. • Progress reports were clear and helpful. • The school had worked very hard to establish good relationships with its temporary local community in Bishopbriggs, including local schools, churches, the community council and residents’ associations. • The school was very effective in maintaining its links with its original communities through concerts and community activities. • There were very good links with local businesses. • The strong links with the wider faith community were a key feature of the school’s success. 5. Leading and improving the school St Ninian’s High School provided for its pupils a very high quality of education, which was successfully raising achievement for all. The school ethos was exceptionally strong. Pupil and staff morale was high. Standards of attainment were improving, as was the quality of learning and teaching. Pupils responded very well to the school’s efforts to establish positive values and a sense of responsible citizenship. Those with additional support needs, including those in the language and communication resource, were included very well in the wider life of the school. There were very strong links with the wider community including the faith community. The headteacher provided the school with very effective leadership. He had gained the respect of staff, parents and the wider community with his visible and accessible management style and his commitment to the school. He had established a very productive working atmosphere within the school and a sustained and collective commitment to school improvement. As a result, levels of attainment, and the quality of teaching were improving. The headteacher had been successful in promoting leadership at all levels throughout the school. Staff at all levels felt empowered and committed to improving the curriculum and teaching, and to encouraging pupils’ wider achievements. The headteacher was very well supported by the senior management team and principal teachers, who worked well individually and collectively. Teamwork, communication and consultation were particular strengths. The senior management team was seen as accessible and supportive. They all 10 fulfilled their roles well and applied their breadth of experience and expertise for the wider benefit of the school. Principal teachers led their departments well and were responsible for a number of well judged innovations. In many departments, staff engaged in high quality debate about the curriculum and approaches to learning and teaching, arising partly from the school’s involvement in the School of Ambition initiative. Many were prepared to take initiatives for the benefit of pupils’ learning. Pupil leadership was an integral part of the school, encouraged progressively from S1 onwards through a range of opportunities and experiences. Self evaluation was very good and contributed strongly to improvements in teaching and pupils’ learning experiences, attainment and broader achievement. Senior managers linked well with subject departments, focusing on learning, teaching and pupil attainment. Attainment information and other data were collected, recorded and analysed systematically and used to plan future improvement. A well structured annual calendar of evaluation activities assisted staff to review the work of the school continuously and to plan support for pupils’ learning systematically. Senior managers and principal teachers formally observed teaching in departments. The effectiveness of self-evaluation could be strengthened still further through involving more staff in lesson observation and through sharing good practice more systematically. The opinions of pupils, staff and parents were gathered regularly and used to inform future plans. Arrangements for continuous professional development were well planned and effective. As well as building on the strengths and addressing the issues raised throughout this report, the school and the education authority should address the following main points for action. Main points for action The school and education authority should continue to provide high quality and improving education. In doing so, they should take account of the need to: • continue to implement well-considered curriculum innovation, particularly in relation to extending the range of vocational education opportunities; • further improve standards of attainment and the quality of teaching, including by sharing good practice; and • continue to evaluate pupils’ progress in relation to Curriculum for Excellence, through extending systems for monitoring pupils’ learning, and tracking their progress. 11 What happens next? As a result of the high performance, the strong record of improvement and the very effective leadership of this school, HM Inspectors will make no further reports in connection with this inspection. The school and the education authority have been asked to prepare an action plan indicating how they will address the main findings of the report, and to share that plan with parents and carers. Within two years of the publication of this report the education authority, working with the school, will provide a progress report to parents and carers. Lachlan MacCallum HM Inspector 4 March 2008 12 Appendix 1 Indicators of quality The following quality indicators have been used in the inspection process to contribute to the evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the school in promoting learning and achievement for all pupils. Section 3. How well does the school raise achievement for all? Structure of the curriculum very good The teaching process good Meeting pupils’ needs very good Pupils’ learning experiences very good Personal and social development excellent Overall quality of attainment: S1/S2 good Overall quality of attainment: S3/S4 very good Overall quality of attainment: S5/S6 good Section 4. How good is the environment for learning? Pastoral care excellent Accommodation and facilities adequate Climate and relationships excellent Expectations and promoting achievement very good Equality and fairness very good Partnership with parents, the Parent Council and the community very good Section 5. Leading and improving the school Leadership of the headteacher very good Leadership across the school very good Self-evaluation very good This report uses the following word scale to make clear the judgements made by inspectors: excellent very good good adequate weak unsatisfactory outstanding, sector leading major strengths important strengths with areas for improvement strengths just outweigh weaknesses important weaknesses major weaknesses 13 Appendix 2 Summary of questionnaire responses The following provides a summary of questionnaire responses. Key issues from the questionnaires have been considered in the inspection and comments are included as appropriate throughout the report. What parents thought the school did well What parents think the school could do better • Their children enjoyed the school. • • Teachers set high standards and encouraged pupils to work hard. • The school communicated well with parents, particularly about progress in learning. • Staff showed concern for the care and welfare of pupils. • The school had a good reputation in the community. • The school was well led. Some parents expressed concerns about the quality of accommodation and facilities. What pupils thought the school did well What pupils think the school could do better • They enjoyed being at school. • • Teachers helped them and encouraged them. • Teachers knew them well and listened to them. • The school responded effectively to worries or concerns. • The school helped them to keep safe and healthy. • Pupils were treated fairly. 14 Some pupils expressed concerns about the quality of accommodation and facilities. What staff thought the school did well What staff think the school could do better • The school was well led. • There were no significant issues. • There was good communication between senior managers and staff. • Senior managers worked well as a team. • There was effective communication among staff. • Continuous professional development was stimulating and productive. • There was mutual respect between staff and pupils. • They liked working in the school. 15 Appendix 3 Attainment in Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) National Qualifications Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) levels: 7: Advanced Higher at A-C/CSYS at A-C 6: Higher at A-C 5: Intermediate 2 at A-C; Standard Grade at 1-2 4: Intermediate 1 at A-C; Standard Grade at 3-4 3: Access 3 Cluster; Standard Grade at 5-6 Percentage of relevant S4 roll attaining by end of S4 2006 95 94 91 20074 93 93 91 English and Mathematics @ Level 3 St Ninian's High School Comparator schools5 National 2005 95 94 90 5+ @ Level 3 or better St Ninian's High School Comparator schools National 93 93 90 96 92 91 98 93 91 5+ @ Level 4 or better St Ninian's High School Comparator schools National 79 81 76 86 82 77 84 79 75 5+ @ Level 5 or better St Ninian's High School Comparator schools National 36 38 34 41 37 35 38 35 32 2006 80 82 78 20074 88 83 79 Percentage of relevant S4 roll attaining by end of S5 5+ @ Level 4 or better St Ninian's High School Comparator schools5 National 2005 85 82 78 5+ @ Level 5 or better St Ninian's High School Comparator schools National 58 50 45 45 48 45 49 49 46 1+ @ Level 6 or better St Ninian's High School Comparator schools National 44 43 39 36 41 38 39 41 38 3+ @ Level 6 or better St Ninian's High School Comparator schools National 29 25 23 25 24 22 25 24 22 5+ @ Level 6 or better St Ninian's High School Comparator schools National 15 12 10 11 11 10 12 9 9 16 Percentage of relevant S4 roll attaining by end of S6 2006 60 52 48 2007 4 46 51 47 5+ @ Level 5 or better St Ninian's High School Comparator schools 5 National 2005 56 48 47 1+ @ Level 6 or better St Ninian's High School Comparator schools National 53 46 43 50 47 43 41 45 42 3+ @ Level 6 or better St Ninian's High School Comparator schools National 36 30 30 36 35 30 33 32 29 5+ @ Level 6 or better St Ninian's High School Comparator schools National 24 20 19 27 22 20 22 22 19 1+ @ Level 7 or better St Ninian's High School Comparator schools National 16 15 12 14 14 13 14 14 12 4 Pre Appeal Comparator schools are the 20 schools statistically closest to the school being inspected in terms of the key characteristics of the school population. 5 17 How can you contact us? If you would like an additional copy of this report Copies of this report have been sent to the headteacher and school staff, the Corporate Director – Community, local councillors and appropriate Members of the Scottish Parliament. Subject to availability, further copies may be obtained free of charge from HM Inspectorate of Education, 1st Floor, Endeavour House, 1 Greenmarket, Dundee DD1 4QB or by telephoning 01382 576700. Copies are also available on our website at HMIE Feedback and Complaints Procedure Should you wish to comment on any aspect of secondary inspections, you should write in the first instance to Frank Crawford, HMCI, at HM Inspectorate of Education, Europa Building, 450 Argyle Street, Glasgow G2 8LG. If you have a concern about this report, you should write in the first instance to our Complaints Manager, HMIE Business Management and Communications Team, Second Floor, Denholm House, Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA. You can also email A copy of our complaints procedure is available from this office, by telephoning 01506 600200 or from our website at If you are not satisfied with the action we have taken at the end of our complaints procedure, you can raise your complaint with the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO). The SPSO is fully independent and has powers to investigate complaints about Government departments and agencies. You should write to The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, Freepost EH641, Edinburgh EH3 0BR. You can also telephone 0800 377 7330 (fax 0800 377 7331) or e-mail: More information about the Ombudsman’s office can be obtained from the website: Crown Copyright 2008 HM Inspectorate of Education This report may be reproduced in whole or in part, except for commercial purposes or in connection with a prospectus or advertisement, provided that the source and date thereof are stated. 18